IP11 1FullpaperSp13

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CVTC; Intro. Psych. K.

Mentink; Sp13


Specify coping strategies for stress-Competency 11

11.1 STRESS FULL Paper: Physical, Cogniti e, an! "eha ioral Responses to Stress
Includes extra credit online assessments

STRESS # E$%T&%N ' P((((((((((((((((((( )*iological+ aro,sal and C((((((((((((((((((( )an! emotional+ interpretations and "((((((((((((((((((( )action+ responses 'PCBs

a. -escri*e a stress.,l, emotional sit,ation yo, ha e e/perience!. Do NOT use CVTC or this class; use a si ni!icant "ork# personal# or li!e e$a%ple in&ol&in an 'NS response( !ear# an er# e$cite%ent# arousal# etc.# that you use !or this entire paper. )esponse( *. Ta0e the online 1olmes an! Rahe stress scale( http(**""".%in+tools.co%*pa es*article*ne"TCS,-..ht% O)//Stress Scale !or stu+ents( http(**""".clark.e+u*stu+ent,ser&ices*counselin *+ocu%ents*TheStu+entStressScale.p+! 0ist an+ e$plain your o&erall li!e stress score# relate to this stressor. 1Note( si%ply list score an+ e$plain*+escri2e*apply it to your stressor3 )esponse( c. &s this stressor a catastrophe# si ni!icant li!e chan e# or +aily hassle 1p s. 455/45136/e$plain )esponse(

Describe your PHYSIOLOGICAL Responses TO THIS STRESSOR; a. Concepts2processes .rom pgs. 345#363: Emotions7 e..ects on yo,r *o!y 7rite a para raph "ith 38 concepts# relate+ to any*all theories 2elo"( 9a%es/0an e Theory# Cannon/:ar+ theory# Schachter/Sin er ./!actor theory 'NS*sy%pathetic ner&ous syste% ( ;!i ht or !li ht< responses 1see ch. .# an+ !i ure 11..3 :rain acti&ity( Thala%us '%y +ala 1!ast route3# Corte$ 1conscious appraisal3 )i ht he%isphere# &s. 0e!t he%isphere 1= +opa%ine receptors3 :io!ee+2ack( poly raph test e$a%ple 1p . 3-5; %easures chan es in 4 2o+y responses3 )esponse( *. Concepts2processes .rom pgs. 386#9:; <Stress an! 1ealth= Ten+/an+/2e!rien+( o$ytocin in!luence# an+ Selye>s ?eneral '+aptation Syn+ro%e 13 phases3 )esponse( 're you a Type ' or Type : personality# an+ e!!ects on your physical health @ heart; see p s. 45.# an+ !or e$tra cre+it( take an+ e$plain online assess%ent results( http(**""".psych.uncc.e+u*pa oolka*Type':.ht%l

)esponse an+ e$a%ples(

c. Concepts2processes .rom pgs. 9:3#9:4 <stress an! illness= Stress an+ suscepti2ility to illness 1Ai%%une syste%; A ly%phocytes /= %ore illness# in!ection# etc.; also a!!ects BIV 'IDS rates# an+ pro ression o! cancers3 )esponse an+ e$a%ples(

3. COGNITIVE Responses
Describe your COGNITIVE Emotional responses TO THIS STRESSOR; write a paragraph, apply and underline any 3+ cognitive-emotional stress reaction concepts and processes from text; see the following list of concepts, and reading from ch. 11 -a. Concepts2process .rom pgs. 363#368 ## any2all .rom the list *elo>: Non/&er2al co%%unication cues( estures# !acial e$pressions 1!acial !ee+2ack3# tones o! &oice Spill/o&er e!!ects( = responses to other li!e issues ?en+er e!!ects on co niti&e appraisal 1!e%ales an+ e$tro&erts = reactions3 Culture e!!ects on co niti&e appraisal 1in+i&i+ual cultures &s. collecti&ist cultures3 )esponse an+ e$a%ples( *. Concepts2process .rom pgs. 368#384: emotional e/pressi eness any2all .rom the list *elo>: 'n er 1e!!ects o! out2ursts @ catharsis# &s. . reco%%en+e+ e!!ecti&e copin "ith an er %etho+s3 Bappiness 1!eel/ oo+# +o/ oo+ pheno%enon; a+aptation/le&el pheno%enon; relati&e +epri&ation3 'pply your Pre+ictors o! Bappiness 1see Ta2le 11.13; an+ ;Bo" to 2e Bappier< 1p . 3CD3 )esponse an+ e$a%ples( )item C *elo> is e/tra cre!it+ c. Concepts2process .rom online assessment %R yo,r 9#letter personality type: Eour Mental )esiliency or Bar+iness( take one online assess%ent F +iscuss score @ e$planation*application to your co niti&e response to your ST)GSSO) / http(**""".resiliencycenter.co%*resiliencyHuiI.sht%l 1shorter test3 5r // http(**testyoursel!.psychtests.co%*testi+*.1.1 1lon er test3 )esponse an+ e$a%ples( %R see yo,r <9#LETTER PERS%N?L&T@ T@PE< !ro% our Orientation packet F e$plain your personality traits that relate to this ST)GSSO)# "hy this is a stressor !or you 2ase+ on your type )esponse an+ e$a%ples(

4. BEHAVIORAL Responses
Describe your BEHAVIORAL action responses to this STRESSOR; write a paragraph, apply and underline any 3+ nhealthy behavioral concepts and processes, and 3+ !ealthy behavioral concepts; see the following list of concepts, and reading from ch. 11 "

?. UN1ealthy responses #select any 3; include in 1 paragraph; underline and give examples for 3 selected$ Jnhealthy physical care( poor sleepin # eatin # or e$ercise 2eha&iors; or +ru use 1s%okin # +rinkin # +ru s3 1see pre&ious chapters3 Jnhealthy, negati e emotions 1an er# a ression# !ear# +epression# pessi%is%# learne+ helplessness# criticiIin # ru%inatin # etc.3 Jnhealthy *eha ioral coping 1lo" social support# lo" rela$ation*spirituality# lo" +istraction# etc.3 )esponse an+ e$a%ples( ". 1E?LT1@ responses #select any 3; include in 1 paragraph; underline and give examples for 3 selected$ Bealthy sleepin # eatin # an+ positi&e care o! the 2o+y 1see pre&ious chapters3 Positi e emotions( Pro2le%/!ocuse+ copin # an+ G%otion/!ocuse+ copin ; Percei&e+ control; opti%is%# hope# coherence# etc. 1p s. 45-/C3 Social support 1!ro% !a%ily# !rien+s# co/"orkers# teachers# etc.3; co%!ort !ro% pets 'ero2ic e$ercise; sports# "alkin # physical acti&ity )ela$ation 1see ;The rela$ation response<; %e+itation# spirituality# prayer3 Distraction F +o so%ethin !un an+ +i!!erent to chan e your %oo+; re/!ocusK Co%ple%entary an+ 'lternati&e Me+icines 1p . 45L3 F her2al supple%ents# chiropractic# natural re%e+ies )esponse an+ e$a%ples(

5. CHANGES for Posi i!e Copin"

7hat Can an+ 7ill you C1?NAE .or more positi e, healthy coping to respon+ to this stress // '. Eour A%?LS an+ P0'NS !or %ore positi&e copin ; "hat can an+ "ill you chan e6 7hen6 :e speci!ic in outlinin your oals !or chan e. Inclu+e an+ un+erline concepts( )ein!orce%ents !ro% Operant Con+itionin 1ch. D3 O) // Moti&ation theories 1ch. 153. )esponse an+ e$a%ples(

:. 3 personal &Ntrinsic moti ators to achie&e these oals ---include in 1 paragraph; underline each; remember these are positive reinforcers that that are %&'()&*+ " in one,s emotions, drives, attitudes, thin-ing, etc. )esponse an+ e$a%ples(

C. 3 personal EBtrinsic moti ators to achie&e these oals; include in 1 paragraph; underline each; these are reinforcers that are (.'()&*+, outside oneself " given by social support, community, family and friends, etc. )esponse an+ e$a%ples(

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