AIAC Day5 Webinar - Astronomy of Special Ascendants

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CcL 27, 2013 (uoug 8lngwald)
Ganesh!, Lord of Astrology
Aum Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Jyotish Guru
Gratitude and Respects to our Jyotish Guru at
AIAC, Souvik Dutta for showing us the light
and sharing his immense wisdom so freely.
What is an Ascendant (Lagna)?
What is a rising sign?
Relationship of Earth to the Zodiac.
What are equinoxes and solstices?
Why are equinoxes special regarding the
Ayanamsa - One Zodiac, different
Why 12 slgns ln Lhe Zodlac?
12 full moons ln a year.
WhaL ls a year? Season reLurns, cycle compleLe. lull moon ln
same slgn, cycle compleLe.
Zodlac consLellauons are on Lhe apparenL paLh of Lhe Sun
AscendanL (Lagna) and 8lslng Slgn
AscendanL ls polnL of LasLern horlzon.
8lslng Slgn ls Lhe rashl behlnd Lhe AscendanL.
2 mouons of LarLh.
8oLauon of LarLh around axls, 360 degrees, 12 slgns rlslng.
8evoluuon of LarLh around Sun, 360 degrees, LarLh Lravels
Lhrough 12 Zodlac slgns.
8elauonshlp of LarLh Lo Zodlac
Celesual equaLor
1llL of Lhe LarLh-23.3 degrees.
Lcllpuc-ApparenL paLh of Lhe Sun.
8elauonshlp of LarLh Lo Zodlac
White line = Celestial Equator
Red line = Ecliptic (Earths orbit)
Red line and White line meet = Equinox
Lqulnox and Solsuce
1he polnL aL whlch
Lhe celesual
equaLor ls even
wlLh Lhe ecllpuc ls
an equlnox.
1he polnL aL whlch
Lhe celesual
equaLor ls farLhesL
from Lhe ecllpuc ls a
8lslng Slgns - dlerlng umes
ln asLrology, all slgns are 30 degrees.
ln norLhern hemlsphere rlghL now, lsces
Lakes shorLesL ume Lo rlse. vlrgo Lakes Lhe
longesL. Why?
ln SouLhern hemlsphere rlghL now, lsces
Lakes Lhe longesL ume Lo rlse. vlrgo Lakes Lhe
shorLesL. Why?
1he 23.3 degree ulL
Because of the tilt, some signs will
appear above the celestial equator and
some below, as the Earth rotates on
its axis.
In northern hemisphere, from vernal
equinox to autumn equinox, some
signs are above the celestial equator
and appear faster. Northern
hemisphere is tilted toward these signs
during half of the Earths daily rotation.
Pisces 6 to Virgo 6.
In northern hemisphere, then from
Virgo 6 to Pisces 6 those signs will
appear slower.
Vice versa for southern hemisphere.
vlsesa Lagna (Speclal AscendanL)
8ecause of Lhe ulL of Lhe LarLh's axls, durlng lL's orblL, Lhe
equaLor ls ulLed above or below Lhe ecllpuc (zodlac).
Cnly on an equlnox do Lhe equaLor and ecllpuc meeL.
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1roplcal and Slddereal
1roplcal asLrology bases Lhe posluons
of Lhe slgns (rashls) accordlng Lo Lhe
vernal equlnox.
vernal equlnox ls consldered 0
lrom vernal equlnox Lo vernal
equlnox ls 1 year.
Slddereal (Plndu/vedlc) bases Lhe
posluons of Lhe slgns (rashls) ln
conLexL of Lhe sLars.
1akes lnLo accounL Lhe precesslon
of Lhe equlnoxes.
Ayanamsa (recesslon)
Lunlsolar recesslon (shl ln LarLh's
equaLor due Lo gravlLauonal pull of Sun
and Lhe Moon) + laneLary recesslon
(shl ln LarLh's orblL and hence ln ecllpuc
due Lo gravlLauonal pull of oLher bodles)
= 0.014 degrees per year.
Ayanamsa (recesslon)
1oday, Lhe vernal equlnox ls mapped Lo Lhe Zodlac aL 6 lsces.
1he equlnox moves ln Lhe opposlLe dlrecuon of Lhe Sun along Lhe ecllpuc.
lL moves 1 degree every 72 years
1akes 23, 772 years Lo compleLe 1 cycle.
1he lasL ume vernal equlnox mapped Lo Lhe Zodlac aL 0 Arles was 283 Au.
Visesa Lagna 12-week course begins Nov. 11

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