Nursing Leadership Practice Questions

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Questi The first step in the Nursing Process is: on a. Assessment b. Planning c. Implementation d.

Synthesize Questi The goal of brainstorming is to: on a. E aluate problem solutions and possible scenarios b. !riti"ue the ideas of others in ol ed c. #enerate as many solutions as possible d. Identify only practical and realistic ideas Questi Problem sol ing is best defined as: on a. A higher$order thin%ing process b. Selecting the best option to reach a predefined goal c. Identifying a gap bet&een '&hat is' and '&hat should be' d. (etermining creati e approaches to resol e a problem or issue Questi The second step in the nursing process is: on a. Planning b. Assessment c. Inter ention

d. E aluation Questi (uring the e aluation session of a nurse the manager on should: a. )aintain a professional and distinct presence to establish authority b. In"uire about the employee*s personal life and ho& it might affect future performance c. Allo& the employee to e+press opinions orally and in &riting d. Plan to gi e specific e+amples only for poor performance Questi The most important approach that a nurse manager can on ta%e &ith an emotionally troubled employee is to: a. Act as a therapist for the employee b. Ad,ust the standards of care to assist the employee c. Assist the employee to obtain professional help d. Ad,ust the employee*s &or% schedule to decrease stress Questi (ocumentation of disciplinary problems shouldon a. Include a plan to correct and pre ent future occurrences b. State a detailed history of past problems related to the current one c. .e &ritten at the con enience of the manager d. Should accumulate until the e aluation period Questi !onflict arises from: on a. #roup decision$ma%ing options b.

Perceptions of incompatibility c. Increases in group cohesi eness d. (ebates/ negotiations/ and compromises Questi An e+ample of a team is: on a. The parishioners of the 0irst 1nited )ethodist !hurch in (en er/ !olorado b. The baccalaureate students at 2ush 1ni ersity !ollege of Nursing c. The police officers of the 3os Angeles Police (epartment d. The Indiana 1ni ersity bas%etball team Questi The %ey concept of a team include: on a. !onflict b. Tas% clarity c. )ission d. A designated leader Questi Identify one of the %ey "uestions each member of a team on as%s himself or herself on an ongoing basis: a. Am I in or out4 b. Am I li%ed by all members of the team c. 5hen &ill I be the team leader d. !an I con ince the team leader to eliminate the unproducti e members Questi 3eadership occurs: on a. 6nly at the highest le el of the organization

b. .ecause one is born to lead c. 5hen it is effecti ely taught d. As a result of the de elopment of specific characteristics The state of being emotionally impelled/ demonstrated by Questi a sense of passion and dedication to a pro,ect or e ent/ on describes: a. !ommitment b. !ontrol c. 5illingness to cooperate d. !ommunication Questi 5hich of the follo&ing best describes communication4 on a. !ommunication is a reflection of self analysis b. !ommunication is a result of thoughtful consideration c. !ommunication consists of thoughts/ ideas/ opinions/ emotions/ and feelings d. !ommunication focuses on the sender of the message

Questi Effecti e communication patterns include: on a. Al&ays .laming b. Al&ays !ontrolling c. Ne er ha ing 2ele ance d. !ongruence

Questi Serious pitfalls to communication include: on a. 5ho/ &hat/ &here/ and ho& "uestions b. Acti e listening c. 0raternization d. Ad ice gi ing all the time Questi #uidelines for acti e listening include &hich of the on follo&ing4 a. Speed up your internal processes so that you can process more data b. 2ealize that the first &ords from the sender are the most important c. .e prepared to ma%e an effecti e ,udgment of the communication sender d. .ased on a desire to learn about another person As a nurse manager you obser e a staff nurse &ho o er Questi the past fe& &ee%s has become &ithdra&n and has had on se eral absences due to minor ailments. 7our best action &ould be: a. As% the nurse if she is o%ay during report b. 2efer the nurse to the employee assistance program c. As% the nurse to meet &ith you for a fe& minutes before she lea es for the day d. 5rite a note to the nurse ad ising her that her &or% attendance must impro e 7ou ha e decided that you must institute some personal Questi time management steps in order to sur i e &or% and on home life. 7our first step should be to: a. (etermine &hat ta%es up so much of your time and

energy b. 6rganize your personal and &or% space c. (etermine your personal and professional goals d. Purchase a handheld personal digital assistant to help remind you of important meetings

Questi .efore delegating a tas% to an indi idual/ a registered on nurse needs to: a. Perform an admission assessment on the patient b. 2e ie& the employee*s performance assessment for the most recent period c. Assess the amount of guidance and support needed in a particular situation d. !reate a tas% analysis of critical beha iors for the indi idual Questi A %ey ad antage of delegating is that: on a. !lient*s recei e less attention because there are too many staff to coordinate care b. Nurses report less pressure to perform necessary tas%s themsel es c. Administration can predict o ertime more accurately d. Team s%ills can be used more effecti ely

Questi 2ules and regulations for delegation by registered nurses on are created by the: a. State nurses association b. 0ederal go ernment c. State boards of nursing d. National !ouncil of State .oards of Nursing uestio 7ou are assigning a component of care to an unlicensed n personnel 81AP9 employee. 7ou should remain: a. Accountable and responsible for &hat is delgated b. Accountable and liable c. Authoritati e and liable d. 2esponsible and tas% oriented Questi 0actors that nurses should consider before delegating on tas%s to others include: a. The comple+ity of tas% and age of the delegatee b. The potential for benefit and the comple+ity of the tas% c. The potential for benefit and the numbers of staff d. The comple+ity of the tas% and the potential for harm

7ou are &or%ing in a large metropolitan facility and ha e Questi been told that you &ill ha e t&o 1APs assigned to &or% on &ith you. delegation begins &ith: a. Ac%no&ledging the arri al of the second 1AP on your unit b. Pro iding clear directions to both 1APs c.

)atching the tas% &ith the "ualified person d. 2ecei ing report from the prior shift

Questi 5hen you as% another team member to complete a on component of care for a client/ you are: a. (elegating care b. Assigning care c. Sharing care d. Authorizing care A nurse manager notices that ital signs are fre"uently Questi not documented after clients return from surgery. on According to "uality management philosophy/ the manager should: a. Assemble a group to re ie& postoperati e care 8Assessment9 b. Present an inser ice on postoperati e care to the unit staff c. !all a meeting and firmly remind the staff about this responsibility d. #ather data about the errors using a fishbone diagram

A nurse is as%ed to participate in a chart audit. The nurse Questi %no&s that this process in ol es comparing specific chart on information to: a. The ANA standards of nursing care b. Similar chart data from other units

c. The nursing care plan d. !riteria based on standards of care :ospitalized clients consistently complain about the Questi "uality of the hospital*s food. )anagement forms a on "uality impro ement team to re ie& this problem. 5hich department representati es should be on the team4 a. (ietary b. (ietary and nursing ser ice c. (ietary/ administration/ and medical staff d. (ietary/ nursing ser ice/ and administration

A "uality impro ement team in a large/ urban trauma center notices an increase of bac% in,uries of staff in the critical care units. The team &ants to identify a Questi benchmar% to determine the 'best practices' against on &hich to compare their practice and processes. To determine the benchmar%/ the "uality impro ement team should identify the outcomes from agencies such as: a. Similar urban trauma centers across the country b. All Smaller tertiary hospitals in the region c. All e+tended care facilities in the same city d. All :ealth care centers from arious parts of the &orld

Points: In

Prioritizing care the first patient that needs to be seen is: a. Patient admitted for uncontrolled blood

glucose b. Patient admitted for S6. &ith no %no&n etiology c. Patient &ith Scalp laceration d. Patient &ith heart palpitations

1sing data about client outcomes post cardiac Questi catheterization for the last ; months to modify practice is on an e+ample of: a. Information b. !ost$effecti e care c. )eeting standards d. E idenced$based practice8Assessment9

Questi on )aslo&s :ierarchy of needs: a. 6nly helpful in sociology b. 6nly helpful in psychology c. !an be utilized &ith the A.!s in prioritizing care d. 6nly helpful in anthropology Questi The indi idual &ho is ie&ed as lazy/ unmoti ated and on irresponsible is based on &hich theory4 a. Theory < b. #reat )an Theory

c. Theory = d. Trait Theory The nurse manager &ho is permissi e and offers little or Questi no direction to her staff e+hibits &hich type of leadership on style4 a. Authoritarian b. (emocratic c. 3aissez$faire d. A contingency approach Questi Early leadership theory 8early to mid$>?th century9 on de elopment suggested that: a. 3eadership is a process of influencing others &ithin an organizational culture b. The interacti e relationship bet&een the leader and the follo&er is significant c. Some men are born to lead/ &hereas others are born to be led d. @ision and empo&erment are t&o of the most critical leadership s%ills Questi 5hich of the follo&ing leadership styles emphasizes team on decision ma%ing4 a. (emocratic b. 3aissez$faire c. (irecti e d. Authoritarian Questi A nurse &ho is organized can ma%e hisAher day smoother on by:

a. Prioritizing care b. Assisting e eryone in their nursing care c. Allo&ing all of your time to be occupied in your patients room d. Ne er delegating 5hich of the follo&ing actions during change increases Questi the li%ihood that a planned change &ill be maintained4 on The leader or change agent: a. Terminates employees &ho resist change b. )aintains strong control &ithout relin"uishing responsibility to others c. !ontinues to energize and guide but gradually relin"uishes responsibility and super ision to others d. !oerces members to accept change Questi The purpose for studying leadership and management on theories is to: a. E+plain client response8s9 to illness b. Predict en ironmental conditions c. E+plainAunderstand people*s beha ior at &or% d. 2ecruit high "uality employees Planned change is a nursing management inter ention Questi strategy. 5hich of the follo&ing is an e+ample of planned on change4 a. A nurse manager informs the staff of a change in lunch schedules that is effecti e immediately b.

A clinical nurse presents her ideas for changing the nursing uniforms on the unit and as% for olunteers to help her &ith the pro,ect c. A ice$president of nursing calls a staff meeting &ith a fe& selected staff to discuss union acti ity d. A clinical nurse in the emergency room triages clients and establishes priorities for care Questi (emocracy is: on a. Not a positi e &ay to empo&er &or%ers b. Al&ays a good &ay to empo&er &or%ers c. A good &ay to empo&er &or%ers d. Ne er a good &ay to empo&er &or%ers Questi The first step in time management is: on a. 0ocusing on the tas% at hand b. Setting goals c. (elegating d. )a%ing a to do list half&ay thru the shift Questi 5hich of the follo&ing strategies &ill enhance your on efficiency in time management4 a. )a%ing shift assignments b. (elagating all tas% first c. As%ing for help d. 6rganizing &or% space and %eeping it neat and clean Questi 5hen a co$&or%er &ho fre"uently goes on smo%e brea%s on throughout the &or%$day 8this is her ;th brea%9 as% if you could ta%e care of her patients for a little &hile/ &hat is

the appropriate response4 a. Sure/ I %no& you need to smo%e b. No/ I ha e to ta%e care of my patients c. 7ou need to as% .etty/ she is not doing anything d. (o you e er get tired of smo%ing4

7ou are the charge nurse on a nursing unit. A certified nursing assiatant 8!NA9 needs a ital sign machine Questi to obtain a blood pressure. The only machine is on a on patient recei ing blood. The !NA as% if you &ant her to get the blood pressure of the person recei ing blood. The best response is4 a. Than% you/ that &ill sa e me some time b. Sure. 7ou can get them again in B hour also c. No/ I &ill do them and after&ards I &ill gi e you the machine d. No/ but you can go and as% )issy/ the 3PN to get the ital signs A registered nurse is planning client assignments for the day and has a licensed practical nurse and a nursing Questi assistant on the nursing team. The nurse most on appropriately assigns &hich client to the licensed practical nurse4 a. An older client reco ering from pneumonia &ho re"uires ambulation e ery C hours b. A client &ith a tracheostomy &ho re"uires fre"uent suctioning c. An older client &ho re"uires turning and repositioning e ery > hours and 26) e+ercises e ery D hours

d. A client &ho re"uires the collection of urine for a >D$hour period Questi Some teams function synergistically because: on a. )embers do not olunteer un&anted information b. )embers acti ely listen to each other c. )embers listen to the person &ho belie es he or she is an e+pert d. )embers do not spea% unless they are absolutely sure they are correct in their ie&s A nurse is planning client assignments for the day and needs to assign four clients. There is a registered nurse/ a Questi licensed practical nurse/ and t&o nursing assistants on on the nursing team. 5hich client &ould the nurse most appropriately assign to the registered nurse4 a. A client &ith a right leg amputation &ho re"uires a dressing change b. A client re"uiring a bed bath c. A client re"uires fre"uent ambulation d. A client &ho &as admitted to the hospital during the night after e+periencing an acute asthma attac% Questi The third step in the nursing process is: on a. Assessment b. Planning c. Inter ention d. E aluation

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