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Replace section 19-4 with: 19-4 ROCK EXCAVATION 19-4.01 ENERA! 19-4.

01A "#$$a%& Section 19-4 includes specifications for performing rock excavation and presplitting rock to form rock excavation slopes. You may use hydraulic splitters, pneumatic hammers, blasting, or other road ay excavation techni!ues authori"ed to fracture rock and construct stable final rock cut faces. You may use hydraulic splitters, pneumatic hammers, or other road ay excavation techni!ues approved by the #ngineer to fracture rock and construct stable final rock cut faces. $lasting is not allo ed. %omply ith section 1&'%onstruction (rea )raffic %ontrol *evices+. ,f you choose to use blasting, comply ith -ederal, State, and local blasting regulations. .egulations containing specific %al-/S0( re!uirements for blasting activities include 1 %( %ode of .egs, %h 4, Subchapter 2, 3roup 11, 4#xplosive 5aterials.4 You are liable for damages resulting from blasting activities. 19-4.01' (e)initions 6ot used p%esplittin*7 #stablishment of a free surface or shear plane in rock along the specified excavation slope by the controlled use of explosives and blasting accessories in appropriately aligned and spaced drill holes. 19-4.01C "#+$ittals Submit 8 copies of a blasting safety plan for revie . )he plan must include7 1. .eferences to applicable federal, State, and local codes and regulations &. %opies of permits re!uired for blasting activities 8. $usiness name, contractor license number, address, and telephone number of the blasting subcontractor 4. 9roof of current liability insurance and bonding :. 6ame, address, telephone number, copies of applicable licenses, and resume of7 :.1. $laster-in-charge :.&. 9ersonnel responsible for blast design, loading, and conducting blasting operations :.8. Safety officer for blasting subcontractor ;. 6ame, address, and telephone number of the local fire station and la enforcement agencies 2. *etailed description of7 2.1. <ocation here explosives ill be stored 2.&. Security measures to protect and limit access to the explosives 2.8. )ransportation means for explosives 2.4. <ist of personnel permitted to handle the explosives 1. #xclusion "one and limited entry "one for nonblast related operations and personnel surrounding loading and blasting operations 9. *etails of arning signals used to alert employees on the =ob site of an impending blast and to indicate the blast is completed and the area is safe to enter 1>. 0o blasting operations ill be conducted 11. 5easures to protect blasting operations and personnel from lightning 1&. #mergency evacuation procedures for areas here explosives may be present 18. 0o misfires ill be recogni"ed, handled, and resolved including7 18.1. ?ho ill be notified 18.&. 0o blast "one ill be secured until misfire is resolved 18.8. ,dentification of e!uipment that may be needed to resolve misfires

14. *etails of signs to be used around blasting "ones including7 14.1. )iming of hen signs ill be posted relative to a specific blast 14.&. 6ame and telephone number of person responsible for placing signs 14.8. .oad ay signs for compliance ith %hapter ;, )ypical (pplication &, of the %alifornia 5@)%*. 1:. )raffic control details for7 1:.1. <oading and blasting operations 1:.&. 5isfire event or other blast related phenomenon that causes a transportation corridor to remain closed to the public 1;. *escription of possible noxious gas generation and details of safeguards to be used to protect employees, ork "ones ad=acent to the shot, private property, and the public 12. 9rocedure to report and resolve complaints for blast related accidents 11. %opies of the 5aterial Safety *ata Sheets and manufacturer data sheets of explosives, caps, primers, initiators, and other compounds (fter the *epartment accepts the plan, submit 8 additional copies of the accepted plan. 19-4.0, -ATERIA!" 6ot @sed )he maximum diameter of explosives used in presplit holes must not be greater than :> percent of the diameter of the presplit hole. /nly standard cartridge explosives prepared and packaged by explosive manufacturing firms must be used in the presplit holes. )hese must consist of either one of the follo ing7 1. -ractional portions of standard cartridges to be affixed to the detonating cord in the field &. Solid column explosives =oined and affixed to the detonating cord in the field. Stemming materials must be dry free-running material meeting the grading re!uirements sho n in the follo ing table7 Sieve si"es 8A14 6o. 1 19-4.0. CON"TR/CTION 6ot @sed $efore drilling the presplitting holes, remove overburden soil and eathered rock along the top of the excavation for a distance of at least :> feet beyond the drilling limits, or to the end of the excavation. #nsure removal of overburden soil and eathered rock and expose fresh rock to an elevation e!ual to the bottom of the ad=acent lift of the presplitting holes being drilled. *rill slope holes for presplitting along the line of the planned slope ithin the tolerances specified. )he drill holes must be at least &-1A& inches, but not more than 8 inches in diameter. %ontrol the drilling operations by the use of proper e!uipment and techni!ues to ensure that no hole deviates from the plane of the planned slope by more than 1& inches or from being parallel to an ad=acent hole by more than ;2 percent of the planned hori"ontal spacing bet een holes. )he length of presplit holes for an individual lift must not exceed 8> feet, unless you can demonstrate to the #ngineer that you can stay ithin the tolerances and produce a uniform slope. )he length of holes may then be increased to a maximum of ;> feet if authori"ed. )he spacing of presplit holes must not exceed 8 feet on centers and must be ad=usted to produce a uniform shear face bet een holes. )he #ngineer may order you to drill auxiliary holes along the presplit line. )hese holes must not be loaded or stemmed. #xcept for spacing, auxiliary drill holes must comply ith the specifications for presplit holes. *rilling auxiliary drill holes along the presplit line is change order ork. 9ercentage passing 1>> 9>

9lace the ad=acent line of production holes inside the presplit lines in such a manner that avoids damage to the presplit face. ,f necessary to reduce shatter and overbreak of the presplit surface, the first line of production holes must be drilled parallel to the slope line at the top of the cut and at each bench level thereafter. $lasting techni!ues that result in damage to the presplit surface must be immediately discontinued. 6o portion of the production holes must be drilled ithin 1 feet of a presplit plane unless authori"ed. )he bottom of the production holes must not be lo er than the bottom of the presplit holes. ( maximum offset of &4 inches ill be permitted for a construction orking bench at the bottom of each lift for use in drilling the next lo er presplitting pattern. (d=ust the drilling operations to compensate for drift of previous levels and for the offset at the start of ne levels to maintain the specified slope plane. ,f at times the methods of drilling and blasting do not produce a uniform slope and shear face ithout overbreak and ithin the tolerances specified, then drill, blast, and excavate in short sections, up to 1>> feet, until a techni!ue produces the desired results is achieved. ,f a fractional portion of a standard explosive cartridge is used, the cartridge must be firmly affixed to a length of detonating cord. )he cord must be e!ual to the depth of the drill hole so that the cartridge does not slip do n the detonating cord nor cock across the hole and bridge the flo of stemming material. Spacing of cartridges along the length of the detonating cord must not exceed 8> inches center to center and must be ad=usted to give the desired results. ,f a solid column type explosive is used, the column must be assembled and affixed to the detonating cord complying ith the explosive manufacturerBs instructions. Submit as an informational submittal a copy of the explosive manufacturerBs instruction before using the column type explosive. )he bottom charge of a presplit hole may be larger than the line charges but must not cause overbreak. )he top charge of the presplitting hole must be placed far enough belo the collar to avoid overbreaking the surface. $efore placing the charge, the hole must be free of obstructions for the holeBs entire depth. #nsure placing of the charge does not cause caving of material from the alls of the holes. )he #ngineer may order the use of stemming materials as necessary to achieve a satisfactory presplit face. Stemmed presplit holes must be completely filled to the collar. *etonate charges in each presplitting pattern simultaneously. )he tolerances in section 19-&.>83'Slopes+ do not apply to presplit surfaces of excavation slopes here presplitting is re!uired. )he presplit face must not deviate more than 1 foot from the plane passing through ad=acent drill holes, except here the character of the rock has irregularities that are unavoidable, as determined by the #ngineer. )he average plane of the completed slopes must not deviate more than 1 foot from the plan slopes measured perpendicular to the plane of the slope. 6o portion of the slope must encroach on the roadbed. ,f e!ually satisfactory presplit slopes are obtained, you may either presplit the slope face before drilling for production blasting or presplit the slope face and production blast at the same time, provided that the presplitting drill holes are fired ith "ero delay. )he production holes are delayedby at least :> milliseconds starting at the ro of holes farthest from the slope and progressing in steps to the ro of holes nearest the presplit line. )he presplitting holes must extend either to the end of the excavation or for a distance of not less than :> feet beyond the limits of the production holes to be detonated. 19-4.04 0A1-ENT .ock excavation is measured in the same manner specified for road ay excavation in section 19&.>4'9ayment+. )he *epartment does not pay for holes that7 1. -ail to meet the alignment specified controls

&. (re drilled

here the finish slope does not meet the slope tolerances specified a hole trace

)he *epartment pays only for holes that !ualify in alignment and slope finish and hich sho for approximately :> percent of the drilled length.

)he #ngineer determines hich presplit holes !ualify for payment after excavation but before slope trimming or cleanup ork. *rill hole CpresplittingD is measured by the theoretical slope length as computed from elevations, taken before detonating each lift, and a plane 8 feet belo finished grade. )he *epartment does not pay for drilling more than 8 feet belo finished grade unless additional drilling is ordered. -or holes that produce an acceptable slope and comply to the tolerances, except alignment ithin the plane of the slope, the length paid for is 2: percent of the theoretical slope length.

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