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Extensive Aquaculture

Fish farming in Veta la alma is !evelope! on an e"tensive an! semi-e"tensive basis over an area of #$%%% acres using semi-salt water. &he pro!uction area comprises '( pon!s$ each covering )*+ acres$ which are interconnecte! an! also lin,e! with the rivers Gua!al-uivir an! Gua!iamar b. a comple" networ, of irrigation an! !rainage channels measuring more than )#/ miles in length. &he s.stem is connecte! to a station with capacit. to pump up to )2$%%% l/s b. means of open$ semiopen or close! s.stems as re-uire! b. the environmental an! crop con!itions. &he pools are use! for the e"tensive bree!ing of sea bass 01icentrarchus labra"2$ sea bream 03parus aurata2$ meagre 04rg.rosomus regius2$ mugili!s 0stripe! mullet$ 5ugil cephalus2$ shrimp 0 alaemonetes varians2$ sole 03olea senegalensis$ 3. solea2 an! eels 04nguilla anguilla2. &here are also smaller pon!s at the hea! of each of the larger ones which are use! for the !ecantation$ confinement an! fattening of .oung fish an! the bree!ing of sea bass$ sea bream an! meagre on a semi-e"tensive basis. &he pon!s are h.!raulicall. controlle! together with the renovation water from the estuar. to achieve !ifferent !egrees of mi"ing an! recirculation as re-uire! b. the specific environmental an! crop c.cle con!itions. &he rich habitat of the marshlan!s together with the h.!raulic management of the !ifferent farming units generates a significant secon!ar. pro!uction of crustaceans an! other a-uatic invertebrates which ma,e up the trophic basis which supports both the reare! species an! large amount of bir!s which are present in the area at an. time of the .ear. &he combination of water$ light an! nutrients together with the careful manipulation of the water masses generates a comple" trophic networ,$ whereb. the farming pon!s act as treatment plants which transform nutrients 0nitrogen$ phosphorous$ etc.2 into biomass. &his biomass is regulate! an! e"tracte! from the s.stem through commercial fishing an! the strong pressure e"erte! b. bir!s. Fish farm pro!uction at Veta la alma involves the application of sustainable mo!ern technolog. throughout an innovative bree!ing process which generates benefits for the environment an! is aime! at guaranteeing ma"imum -ualit. at all times. 4s a result of natural fee!ing our fish is of e"ceptional -ualit. in terms of freshness$ te"ture an! flavour an! is consi!ere! a gourmet pro!uct which is much appreciate! b. e"ponents of haute cuisine. Fish are caught !ail. an! the pro!uce is sent$ alwa.s in optimum con!itions of freshness$ to restaurateurs an! clients from all over 6urope. &he -ualit. of Veta la alma has been recognise! with the 738 9%%):2%%# international -ualit. certification$ an! the process to obtain the environmental certification in accor!ance with the 738 )'%%) stan!ar! is currentl. being complete!.

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