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Regner vs Logarta 537 SCRA 277 (2007) FACTS: Luis Regner (Luis) had three daughters with his

first wife Ani!ita C" Regner na#e$% C%nthia Logarta (C%nthia) and Teresa Tor#is (Teresa) the res&ondents herein and 'e$inda Regner()or*a ('e$inda)"+erein &etitioner ,i!toria Regner (,i!toria) is the se!ond wife of Luis" -uring the $ifeti#e of Luis he a!.uired severa$ &ro&erties a#ong whi!h is a share at Ce/u Countr% C$u/ 0n! Luis e1e!uted a -eed of -onation in favor of res&ondents C%nthia and Teresa !overing 2ro&rietar% 3wnershi& Certifi!ate 4o" 0272 of the Ce/u Countr% C$u/ 0n!" Luis &assed awa% on 55 Fe/ruar% 5666" 3n 55 7une 5666 ,i!toria fi$ed a Co#&$aint for -e!$aration of 4u$$it% of the -eed of -onation with 2ra%er for 0ssuan!e of a 8rit of 2re$i#inar% 0n*un!tion and Te#&orar% Restraining 3rder against C%nthia and Teresa with the RTC on 52 Se&te#/er 2002 Teresa fi$ed a #otion to dis#iss" 3n 6 4ove#/er 2000 the RTC issued an 3rder granting res&ondent Teresa9s #otion to dis#iss" Aggrieved &etitioner a&&ea$ed to the Court of A&&ea$s" 3n : 'a% 2005 the Court of A&&ea$s rendered a -e!ision den%ing the a&&ea$ and affir#ing in toto the order of dis#issa$ of the !o#&$aint /% the RTC and the denia$ of the #otion for re!onsideration thereof" +en!e this a&&ea$ via &etition for review on !ertiorari" 0SS;<: 8hether or not a !o(donee is an indis&ensa/$e &art% in an a!tion to de!$are the nu$$it% of the deed of donation" +<L-: 0t ta=es no great degree of $ega$ so&histi!ation to rea$i>e that C%nthia and Teresa are indis&ensa/$e &arties to Civi$ Case 4o" C<) 23627" C%nthia and Teresa a$$eged$% derived their rights to the su/*e!t &ro&ert% /% wa% of donation fro# their father Luis" /ased on the -eed of -onation Teresa and C%nthia are !o(owners of 2ro&rietar% 'e#/ershi& Certifi!ate 4o" 0272 of Ce/u Countr% C$u/ 0n!" The !ountr% !$u/ #e#/ershi& !ertifi!ate is undivided and it is i#&ossi/$e to &in&oint whi!h s&e!ifi! &ortion of the &ro&ert% /e$ongs to either Teresa or C%nthia" 0ndeed /oth Teresa and C%nthia are indis&ensa/$e &arties in Civi$ Case 4o" C<) 23627 An indis&ensa/$e &art% is a &art% who has su!h an interest in the !ontrovers% or su/*e!t #atter that a fina$ ad*udi!ation !annot /e #ade in his a/sen!e without in*uring or affe!ting that interest a &art% who has not on$% an interest in the su/*e!t #atter of the !ontrovers% /ut a$so has an interest of su!h nature that a fina$ de!ree !annot /e #ade without affe!ting his interest or $eaving the !ontrovers% in su!h a !ondition that its fina$ deter#ination #a% /e who$$% in!onsistent with e.uit% and good !ons!ien!e" 8+<R<F3R< &re#ises !onsidered the instant &etition is -<40<-

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