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@ Prophet Muhammad in the eyes of the Emperor of Rome 114. Translator's Preface: PROPHET MUHAMMAD and HIS CONTEMPORAR HERAC!IUS" EMPEROR O# ROME @ UNIT ! ALLAH PRAISES HIS PR"PHET MUHAMMA# 1. UNIT: T$e %ra&s&n' of Alla$ for H&s Pro%$et" M($a))ad and H&s e*alted stat(s &n +ot$ sa,&n's and deeds For the author$s introdu%tion and &a%'(round p)ease see the end @ *HAPTER+ THE PR"PHET$S E,ALTE# STATUS -ITH ALLAH -. CHAPTER: T$e %ra&s&n' of Alla$ for H&s Pro%$et and t$e e*alted stat(s &n .$&c$ He +e$olds $&) @ The Prophet$s praise.orthiness and e/%e))ent 0ua)ities /. T$e Pro%$et's %ra&se.ort$&ness and t$e )(lt&%l&c&t, of $&s e*cellent 0(al&t&es @ The Prophet1 a .itness o2er a)) man'ind 4. Alla$ )ade H&s Pro%$et a .&tness o1er )an2&nd: so)e of $&s descr&%t&on &n t$e Tora$ and 3os%el of 4es(s @ A))ah$s 'indness and (ent)eness to the Prophet 5. T$e 2&ndness and 'entleness of Alla$ to.ards t$e Pro%$et @ A))ah s.ears to the immense 2a)ue of the Prophet 6. T$e s.ear&n' of Alla$ to t$e Pro%$et's &))ense 1al(e @ The oath of A))ah %onfirmin( the Prophet 7. T$e oat$ of Alla$ conf&r)&n' t$e %os&t&on of Pro%$et M($a))ad @ A))ah spea's of the Prophet$s disposition 8. 9$at Alla$ sa,s of t$e Pro%$et's co)%ass&onate and 'enero(s d&s%os&t&on @ Position of the Prophet in re)ation to other no&)e prophets :. 9$at Alla$ sa,s &n H&s ;oo2 a+o(t t$e Pro%$et's $onora+le %os&t&on o1er ot$er no+le %ro%$ets and t$e el&teness of $&s ran2

@ Man'ind %ommanded to praise the Prophet 1<. T$e co))and of Alla$ to H&s creat&on to %ra&se t$e Pro%$et. H&s %rotect&on of $&) and t$e re)o1al of %(n&s$)ent on acco(nt of $&) @ The Prophet$s honor mentioned in %hapter 3A)4Fath3 11. T$e $onor of t$e Pro%$et as e*%o(nded &n t$e c$a%ter Al=#at$ > ?T$e O%en&n'? @ The honorin( of the Prophet in the 5oran 1-. Ho. Alla$ e*%resses H&s $onor&n' of t$e Pro%$et &n t$e @oran and )a2es clear $&s %os&t&on and t$e estee) .&t$ .$&c$ He re'ards $&) to'et$er .&t$ ot$er +lessed )atters AA.. @ *HAPTER+ PERFE*TE# E,*ELLEN*E "F THE PR"PHET$S *HARA*TER1 PH6SI7UE 8 BLESSIN9S 1/. CHAPTER: AN I!!USTRATION O# THE 9A IN 9HICH A!!AH PER#ECTED THE EBCE!!ENCE O# THE PROPHET'S CHARACTER AND PH SICUE AND ESTA;!ISHMENT" AND ;!ESSIN3 HIM 9ITH A!! THE DIRTUES O# RE!I3ION AND THIS 9OR!D @ *hara%teristi%s of perfe%tion and &eauty of the Prophet 14. T$e c$aracter&st&c of %erfect&on and +ea(t, of Pro%$et M($a))ad @ #es%ription of the Prophet$s physi0ue 15. T$e descr&%t&on of t$e Pro%$et's %$,s&0(e @ The Prophet$s %)ean)iness 16. T$e Pro%$et's cleanl&ness @ The Prophet$s inte))e%t1 e)o0uen%e and astuteness 17. T$e Pro%$et's &ntellect" elo0(ence and ast(teness @ The perfe%tion of the Prophet$s spee%h 18. T$e %erfect&on of t$e Pro%$et's s%eec$ @ The no&i)ity of the Prophet$s )inea(e1 and up&rin(in( 1:. T$e no+&l&t, of t$e Pro%$et's l&nea'e" $&s $onored +&rt$%lace" and $&s (%+r&n'&n' @ The dai)y )ife of the Prophet -<. T$e da&l, l&fe of t$e Pro%$et @ Marria(e and fami)y )ife of the Prophet -1. Marr&a'e

@ The Prophet$s approa%h to money and assets --. T$e .a, &n .$&c$ t$e Pro%$et dealt .&t$ )one, and assets @ Praise.orthy 0ua)ities of the Prophet -/. Pro%$et&c %ra&se.ort$, 0(al&t&es @ Propheti% inte))e%t is the root of ea%h of Prophet Muhammad:s honora&)e ethi%s -4. Pro%$et&c &ntellect &s t$e root of eac$ of $&s $onora+le et$&cs @ The %)emen%y1 patien%e and pardonin( of the Prophet -5. T$e cle)enc," %at&ence and %ardon&n' of t$e Pro%$et @ The (enerosity and openhandedness of the Prophet -6. T$e 'eneros&t, and o%en$andedness of t$e Pro%$et @ The Prophet$s %oura(e and &ra2ery -7. T$e co(ra'e and +ra1er, of t$e Pro%$et @ The modesty of the Prophet -8. T$e )odest, of t$e Pro%$et and t$e' of $&s 'aEe @ The (oodness of the Prophet$s %ompanionship -:. T$e 'oodness of t$e Pro%$et's co)%an&ons$&%" )anners and nat(re @ The Prophet$s mer%y and %ompassion /<. T$e Pro%$et's )erc, and co)%ass&on @ The inte(rity of the Prophet in promises and fami)y ties /1. T$e &nte'r&t, of t$e Pro%$et" $&s o%en$andedness &n %ro)&ses and &n )a&nta&n&n' fa)&l, t&es @ The humi)ity of the Prophet /-. T$e $()&l&t, of t$e Pro%$et @ The ;usti%e of the Prophet //. T$e F(st&ce of t$e Pro%$et" $&s tr(st.ort$&ness" decenc, and tr(t$f(lness @ The di(nified refinement and disposition of the Prophet /4. T$e d&'n&f&ed co)%os(re of t$e Pro%$et" $&s s&lence" conte)%lat&on" nat(ral ref&ne)ent and e*cellent d&s%os&t&on @ The a&stinen%e of the Prophet /5. T$e refra&n&n' of t$e Pro%$et fro) .orldl, t$&n's @ The Prophet$s fear of A))ah1 and intensity of his .orship

/6. T$e Pro%$et's fear of Alla$" $&s o+ed&ence and t$e &ntens&t, of $&s .ors$&% @ The 0ua)ities of the no&)e prophets of A))ah /7. T$e 0(al&t&es of t$e no+le %ro%$ets AAAAAA @ The des%ription of the Prophet &y Tirmithi <=> The 0ua)ities of the Prophet as des%ri&ed &y Tirmithi AAAAA. THIS HAS ;EEN ATTACHED TO RED SECTION ENDIN3 9ITH /8 @ *HAPTER+ THE PR"PHET$S TREMEN#"US ?ALUE1 HERE AN# IN THE HEREAFTER /:. CHAPTER: THE AUTHENTIC AND 9E!! @NO9N NE9S NARRATIN3 THE ESTEEMED DA!UE A!!AH HAS P!ACED UPON HIS PROPHET" TO3ETHER 9ITH HIS EBA!TED POSITION AND NO;I!IT IN THIS !I#E AND THE EDER!ASTIN3 !I#E @ The Prophet in the Si(ht of his Lord 4<.T$e re%orts of t$e Pro%$et &n t$e S&'$t of $&s !ord" t$e M&'$t," t$e 3lor&f&ed" H&s c$o&ce" ra&s&n' $&s re)e)+rance" )ost fa1ored ran2" )aster, of t$e c$&ldren of Ada)" t$e s%ec&alt, of $&s ran2 &n t$&s l&fe and t$e +less&n' of $&s e*cellent na)e @ The mira%)e of the Ni(ht @ourney and the Hea2en)y As%ent A > The fa2orin( of the Prophet .ith the mira%)e of the Ni(ht @ourney from Me%%a to @erusa)em1 and the Hea2en)y As%ent> The %on2ersation .ith his Lord1 the seein(1 )eadin( the prophets in prayer1 the as%ent to the Lote Tree1 and .hat he sa. of the (rand si(ns of his Lord> @ The rea)ity of the Prophet$s Ni(ht @ourney AB> The rea)ity of the Prophet$s Ni(ht @ourney and hea2en)y as%ent in person1 meanin( &y &ody and sou)1 in .hi%h there is no status of s)eep @ Re&utta) to the Ni(ht @ourney &ein( a dream A<> The re&utta) to those .ho say the Ni(ht @ourney .as on)y a dream
See appendi/

@ #id the Prophet see his LordC AA> #id the Prophet see his LordC @ The Prophet$s %on2ersation .ith A))ah AD> The Prophet$s %on2ersation .ith A))ah1 the Most Hi(h @ The pro/imity of the Prophet and his nearness AE> The pro/imity of the Prophet and his nearness

AAAAAA. B""5 THE INTER*ESSI"N "F THE PR"PHET @ The fa2or of the Prophet on the #ay of Resurre%tion 47. T$e fa1or of t$e Pro%$et +efore t$e %eo%le on t$e Da, of Res(rrect&on @ The friendship and )o2e of A))ah to His Prophet 48. T$e fa1or&n' of Pro%$et M($a))ad" and $&s close fr&ends$&% for t$e rece&1ers$&% of t$e !o1e of Alla$ @ The fa2ored inter%ession of Prophet Muhammad 4:. T$e fa1or&n' of Pro%$et M($a))ad .&t$ t$e &ntercess&on and $&s %ra&se.ort$, stat&on @ Paradise 2ia the &)essed inter%ession of the Prophet 5<. T$e fa1or&n' of Pro%$et M($a))ad &n Parad&se .&t$ t$e &ntercess&on" $&'$ ran2" $&s e*cellence" and t$e R&1er of A+(ndance G@a.t$arH IN*LU#E# IN THIS B""5 ARE SE*TI"NS F<1 FA1 FD1 FE1 FG1 F=1 FH IIII @ Prohi&ition of fa2orin( the Prophet o2er other no&)e prophets 51. T$e Pro%$et&c sa,&n's relat&n' to t$e %ro$&+&t&on of fa1or&n' t$e Pro%$et o1er ot$er no+le %ro%$ets @ The e/%e))ent names of the Prophet 5-. T$e e*cellence of t$e na)es '&1en to t$e Pro%$et and t$e&r fa1ors @ A))ah honors the Prophet .ith some of His Names 5/. T$e Honor of Alla$ to t$e Pro%$et +, '&ft&n' $&) .&t$ so)e of H&s o.n ;ea(t&f(l Na)es and +, descr&+&n' $&) .&t$ so)e of H&s o.n s%lend&d 0(al&t&es @ Proof that A))ah is un)i'e %reation 54. Proof t$at Alla$" t$e H&'$ &s (nl&2e an, t$&n' a)on'st H&s creat&on AA. PR"PHET MUHAMMA#:S MIRA*LES @ *HAPTER+ MIRA*LES 9I?EN T" THE PR"PHET 55. CHAPTER: THE MIRAC!ES 3IDEN TO THE PROPHET TO3ETHER 9ITH HIS SPECIA! CHARACTERISTICS @ The meanin( of prophethood and messen(ership 56. T$e )ean&n' of %ro%$et$ood and )essen'ers$&% @ The meanin( of mira%)es 57. .T$e )ean&n' of )&racles @ The %ha))en(in( mira%)es of the 5oran 58. T$e c$allen'&n' )&racles of t$e GAra+&cH @oran

@ The mira%u)ous %omposition and sty)e of the 5oran 5:. T$e c$allen'&n' )&racle of t$e co)%os&t&on and st,le of t$e GAra+&cH @oran @ Unseen #i2ine affairs 6<. Ne.s of t$e Unseen affa&rs &n t$e @oran @ By(one (enerations and 2anished nations mentioned in the 5oran 61. T$e ne.s of +,'one 'enerat&ons and 1an&s$ed nat&ons )ent&oned &n t$e @oran @ The %ha))en(e of the 5oran to imitate it 6-. T$e c$allen'es fo(nd &n t$e @oran and t$e &nfor)&n' of t$e reader of t$e&r &nca%ac&t, to r&se to t$e c$allen'e @ The arousa) of fear and a.e .hen )istenin( the 5oran 6/. T$e fear and a.e t$at aro(ses $earts (%on l&sten&n' to t$e @oran @ The #i2ine prote%tion of the 5oran 64. T$e %rotect&on of t$e e*&stence of t$e @oran fore1er @ Additiona) %ha))en(es in the 5oran 65. Add&t&onal facets of t$e c$allen'e of t$e @oran @ The sp)ittin( of the moon 66. T$e )&rac(lo(s s%l&tt&n' of t$e )oon @ Propheti% .ater mira%)es 67. T$e )&racle of +ot$ t$e .ater t$at flo.ed fro) t$e f&n'ers of t$e Pro%$et and t$e +less&n' of t$e &ncreased s(%%l, of .ater and &ts o1erflo.&n' fro) +et.een $&s f&n'ers @ The &)essed .ater that (ushed forth from the Prophet 68. T$e )&racle of t$e .ater t$at '(s$ed +eca(se of t$e +less&n' of t$e Pro%$et @ The mira%)e of the in%rease in the amount of food 6:. T$e )&racle of t$e &ncrease &n t$e a)o(nt of food +, t$e +less&n' and s(%%l&cat&on of Pro%$et M($a))ad @ The trees that spo'e and responded to the Prophet 7<. T$e )&racle of trees t$at s%o2e. T$e&r res%onse to t$e Pro%$et's call and t$e&r .&tness&n' to $&s %ro%$et$ood @ The )on(in( of the Pa)m trun' to the Prophet 71. T$e stor, of t$e lon'&n' of t$e Pal) tr(n2

@ Propheti% mira%)es re)atin( to inanimate thin(s 7-. T$e Pro%$et's )&racles relat&n' to &nan&)ate t$&n's @ Propheti% mira%)es re)atin( to anima)s 7/. T$e Pro%$et's )&racles connected .&t$ an&)als @ The re2i2a) of the dead> Infants .ho &ore .itness to the prophethood 74. T$e )&rac(lo(s re1&1al t$e dead and t$e&r s%eec$. ;a+&es and s(c2l&n' &nfants t$at s%o2e and +ore .&tness to t$e Pro%$et's Pro%$et$ood @ The propheti% hea)in( of the si%' and in%ura&)e 75. T$e )&rac(lo(s $eal&n' of t$e s&c2 and t$e &nc(ra+le @ The a%%eptan%e of the Prophet$s supp)i%ation 76. T$e' of t$e Pro%$et's s(%%l&cat&on @ Thin(s transformed throu(h the tou%h of the Prophet 77. M&racles and +less&n's. T$&n's .$&c$ .ere transfor)ed t$ro('$ t$e Pro%$et's to(c$ or a%%roac$ @ The Prophet$s 'no.)ed(e of some of the Unseen and future 78. T$e Pro%$et's 2no.led'e of t$e Unseen and t$e f(t(re AAAAA.AA @ The prote%tion of the Prophet 7:. T$e %rotect&on of Alla$ for H&s Pro%$et fro) %eo%le" and H&s s(ff&c&n' of t$e Pro%$et a'a&nst t$ose .$o &nF(red $&) @ The Prophet$s 'no.)ed(e and s%ien%es 8<. T$e Pro%$et's 2no.led'e and sc&ences @ Propheti% profi)e .ith an(e)s and ;inn 81. T$e Pro%$et's %rof&le .&t$ an'els and F&nn @ The ne.s of the Prophet$s Messen(ership 'no.n to ra&&is1 mon's and )earned peop)e 8-. T$e Pro%$et's ne.s" descr&%t&on" s&'ns of $&s Messen'ers$&% 2no.n to ra++&s" )on2s and 2no.led'ea+le %eo%le of t$at era @ The &irth of the Prophet 8/. As%ects of t$e Pro%$et's +&rt$ @ Summation of propheti% mira%)es 84. S())at&on of t$e )&racles of t$e Pro%$et @ UNIT B ! THE RI9HTS "F PR"PHET MUHAMMA# "?ER MAN5IN#

85. CHAPTER: THE O;!I3ATION TO ;E!IEDE AND O;E THE PROPHET" AND #O!!O9 THE 9A O# THE PROPHET GSUNNAHH @ The o&)i(ation to o&ey the Prophet 86. T$e o+l&'at&on to o+e, t$e Pro%$et @ The o&)i(ation to fo))o. the (uidan%e of the Prophet 87. T$e o+l&'at&on to o+e," %ract&ce t$e .a," follo. t$e '(&dance of t$e Pro%$et @ The propheti% .ay and (uidan%e as adhered to &y the *ompanions1 and their fo))o.ers JTa&ien and the Ta&i Ta&ienK 88. T$e narrat&ons of t$e Co)%an&ons" Ta+&en and t$e Ta+& Ta+&en Gf&rst t$ree 'enerat&ons of M(sl&)sH and t$e estee)ed learned %ersons concern&n' t$e follo.&n' of t$e %ro%$et&c .a," and acce%t&n' t$e '(&dance of t$e Pro%$et @ The dan(er of diso&eyin( the Prophet 8:. T$e dan'er of d&so+e,&n' t$e order of t$e Pro%$et I>> @ *HAPTER+ THE NE*ESSIT6 T" L"?E THE PR"PHET1 A**EPT HIS A#?I*E AN# A#?ISE HIM -HEN APPR"PRIATE :<. CHAPTER: THE NECESSIT O# !ODIN3 THE PROPHET. ACCEPTANCE O# HIS ADDICE AND ADDISIN3 HIM 9HEN APPROPRIATE @ THE RE-AR# F"R L"?IN9 THE PR"PHET :1. T$e re.ard for lo1&n' t$e Pro%$et @ The *ompanions and their fo))o.ers )o2e of the Prophet :-. T$e narrat&ons of t$e Co)%an&ons and t$e&r follo.ers GTa+&en and Ta+& Ta+&enH and estee)ed learned %ersons re'ard&n' t$e&r lo1e for t$e Pro%$et and t$e&r lon'&n' for $&) @ The si(ns of )o2in( the Prophet :/. T$e s&'ns of lo1&n' t$e Pro%$et @ The rea)ity and meanin( of )o2in( the Prophet :4. T$e real&t, and )ean&n' of lo1&n' t$e Pro%$et @ The o&)i(ation to ad2ise the Prophet .hen re0uested :5. T$e o+l&'at&on of t$e del&1er, of ad1&ce to t$e Pro%$et (%on $&s re0(est

@ *HAPTER+ THE 5"RAN E,PRESSES THE NE*ESSIT6 T" PRAISE1 RESPE*T 8 H"N"R THE PR"PHET :6. CHAPTER: THE NECESSIT TO PRAISE" RESPECT AND HONOR THE PROPHET PORTRA IN3 THE O;!I3ATOR DERSES IN THE @ORAN TO DO SO @ The *ompanion$s (reat respe%t and their honorin( of the Prophet :7. T$e Co)%an&ons .a, &n .$&c$ t$e, 'reatl, res%ected t$e Pro%$et" and $onored $&) @ The respe%t and esteem due to the Prophet after his death :8. T$e cont&n(&n' res%ect and $&'$ re'ard for t$e Pro%$et after $&s deat$ @ The transmission of hadith &y the *ompanions and their fo))o.ers JTa&ien and Ta&i Ta&ienK ::. T$e $&'$ re'ard of t$e Co)%an&ons and t$e&r follo.ers GTa+&en and Ta+& Ta+&enH for t$e trans)&ss&on of t$e Pro%$et&c 0(otat&ons and $&s .a, of l&fe @ The Prophet$s de2otion to his fami)y1 .i2es and des%endants 1<<. T$e Pro%$et's de1ot&on to $&s fa)&l," .&1es and descendants @ The respe%t1 'indness due to the *ompanions and their ri(hts 1<1. T$e res%ect for t$e Co)%an&ons of t$e Pro%$et" 2&ndness to t$e) and 2no.&n' t$e&r r&'$ts @ Thin(s and p)a%es asso%iated .ith the Prophet to &e respe%ted 1<-. T$&n's and %laces assoc&ated .&t$ t$e Pro%$et to +e res%ected IIIII>> @ *HAPTER+ THE "BLI9ATI"N T" UPH"L# THE SUPPLI*ATI"N "N THE PR"PHET 1</. CHAPTER: UPHO!DIN3 THE SUPP!ICATION ON THE PROPHET AND THE DE!IDER O# PEACE" ITS DERDICT" O;!I3ATION AND DIRTUE @ The ru)in( of the supp)i%ation on the Prophet 1<4. T$e r(l&n' of s(%%l&cat&on on t$e Pro%$et @ Times to offer the Supp)i%ations on the Prophet 1<5. Reco))ended t&)es to offer t$e S(%%l&cat&ons on t$e Pro%$et" and t$e del&1er, of %eace @ Ho. the Supp)i%ation is to &e said 1<6. T$e )anner &n .$&c$ t$e S(%%l&cat&on on t$e Pro%$et &s to +e sa&d and $o. to as2 for %eace (%on $&)

@ The e/%e))en%e of the supp)i%ation and further supp)i%ations 1<7. T$e e*cellence of t$e S(%%l&cat&on on t$e Pro%$et" as2&n' for %eace (%on $&) and f(rt$er s(%%l&cat&ons for $&) @ The &)amin( and sinfu)ness of .hosoe2er does not praise the Prophet 1<8. Re%roac$&n' t$ose .$o do not (%$old t$e S(%%l&cat&on (%on t$e Pro%$et and t$e&r d&so+ed&ence @ The informin( of the Prophet a&out peop)e .ho supp)i%ate for praise and pea%e upon him 1<:. T$e d&st&n'(&s$&n' of t$e Pro%$et t$ro('$ &nfor)&n' $&) of t$e s(%%l&cat&ons for %ra&se and %eace (%on $&) of %eo%le Supp)i%ation of praise and pea%e upon other than the Prophet and other no&)e prophets 11<. T$e s(%%l&cat&on of %ra&se and %eace (%on ot$er t$an t$e Pro%$et" and (%on ot$er no+le %ro%$ets @ ?isitin( the tom& of the Prophet1 its ru)es and eti0uette 111. T$e 1erd&ct of 1&s&t&n' t$e to)+ of t$e Pro%$et" $o. $e s$o(ld +e 'reeted and t$e 1&rt(e of one's 1&s&t and t$e )anner &n .$&c$ one s$o(ld s(%%l&cate @ The 2irtue of Medina1 Me%%a1 the pu)pit and the tom&> The 2irtue of prayin( in the t.o Ho)y Mos0ues JMe%%a and MedinaK 11-. T$e 1&rt(e of Med&na" Mecca" t$e %(l%&t and t$e to)+. T$e 1&rt(e of %ra,&n' &n t$e t.o Hol, Mos0(es GMecca and Med&naH @ -ho is 7adi Eyad1 the author and the %omp)ier of ShefaC Cad& E,ad" t$e a(t$or and t$e co)%l&er of S$efa .as t$e cele+rated .11/ .S(%re)e Co(rt 4(st&ce of S%a&n and Morocco. H&s na)e &s A+(lfadl E,ad @ Author$s Introdu%tion 114. Introd(ct&on +, t$e a(t$or" t$e S(%re)e 4(st&ce A+(lfadl E,ad


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