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Industrial Resources, Inc.

Big Cajun Power Plant

Circulating Water System

This presentation is designed to provide you the information you need to understand and operate the Circulating Water System. You should view all slides and read and study the information presented. The presentation slides are advanced by clicking on the button. You can also advance to a selected section by using the topic buttons..
System Function Major Components Component Controls Process Control System Operation Exit Program

In this module we will:

Describe the function of the Circulating Water System.

Describe the flow paths and major components associated with the Circulating Water System.
Describe the Circulating Water System process control loops and associated methods of control. Describe the steps required to prepare for and startup the Circulating Water System. Describe the steps taken during normal operation of the Circulating Water System. Describe the steps required to shut down the Circulating Water System.

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Circulating Water System Function

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

The Circulating Water System Condenses Low Pressure Turbine Exhaust Steam.
Main Steam

Cold Reheat Steam Hot Reheat Steam

LP Turbine Exhaust

Circulating Water Inlet Circulating Water Outlet

Hotwell Condensate Pump

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Cooling Tower

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Flow Path
Cooling Tower

Basin Condenser

Circ Water Pump

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Circulating Water System Flow Path

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Cooling Tower

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Circulating Water System Data

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Review Questions
What is the function of the Circulating Water System? Click to Review What process is used to realease the heat from the Circulating water in the Cooling Tower? Click to Review

How is the Circulating Water cooled as it flows through the Cooling Tower?

Click to Review

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System Function

Button to continue
Major Components Component Controls Process Control System Operation Exit Program

Major Components


Circulating Water Pumps Cooling Tower

System Function Major Components Component Controls Process Control System Operation Exit Program

Circulating Water Pumps

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Circulating Water Pumps

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Circulating Water Pumps Valves

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Circulating Water Pumps Data

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Extraction Piping LP Heater Inlet Waterbox

Outlet Waterbox

Waterbox Vent


Circ Water Outlet

Circ Water Inlet Tube Sheet Hotwell

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Condenser Waterbox Valves

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Condenser Data
DP Indication Circ Water Inlet Temperatures

Circ Water Inlet Temperatures

Condenser Backpressure

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Cooling Tower


System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Cooling Tower

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Cooling Tower Fans

Cooling Tower Fans

Bypass Intake Screen

System Function Major Components Component Controls Process Control System Operation Exit Program

Cooling Tower Basin


System Function Major Components Component Controls

Process Control System Operation Exit Program

Cooling Tower Data

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Cooling Tower Fans Data

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Review Questions
What is the function of the Circulating Water Pumps?
Which Circulating Water System Valve, when open, allows a single Circulating Water Pump to supply both condenser sides? What component mounted in the channel between the stop gate and the intake structure prevents debris from entering the pump suction? Click to Review

Click to Review

Click to Review

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click the Button to continue

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Component Controls
Circulating Water Pump Controls Cooling Tower Bypass Valve Controls Cooling Tower Fans Automatic Controls

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Circulating Water Pump Suction Valve Controls



System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Circulating Water Pump Discharge Valve Controls

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Pump Cooling Water Supply

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Circulating Water Pump Start/Stop Controls

Start/Stop Soft Keys

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Pump Permits and Process Trips

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Pump Lockout/Tagout

Lockout Tagout

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Circulating Water Pump Discharge Valve Controls

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Cooling Tower Controls

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Cooling Tower Bypass Valve Control

Bypass Valve
System Function Major Components Component Controls Process Control System Operation Exit Program

Cooling Tower Bypass Valve Control

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Cooling Tower Fan Controls

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Fan Remote Start/Stop Controls

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

De-icing Control

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Review Questions
How is each Circulating Water Pump motor operated suction valve typically controlled? Click to Review

How is each Circulating Water Pump motor operated discharge valve typically controlled?
How is De-icing of the Cooling Tower performed?

Click to Review

Click to Review

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click the Button to continue

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Process Control

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Cooling Tower Makeup Valve Control

Make up Valve

Basin Level

Level Controller

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Cooling Tower Basin Level Controller

A in the grey background indicates that the level setpoint is not in automatic. L in a white background indicates that the operator has local control over the Basin Level setpoint. Brown arrows indicate basin level upper and lower limits.

Measured Flow Level Setpoint Valve Output percent

Process Control System Operation Exit Program

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Auto/Manual Control

A in the grey background indicates that the level setpoint is not in automatic. L in a white background indicates that the operator has local control over the Basin Level setpoint. Brown arrows indicate upper and lower Basin Level limits.

Measured Flow Level Setpoint Valve Output percent

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Basin Level Setpoint

A in the grey background indicates that the level setpoint is not in automatic. L in a white background indicates that the operator has local control over the Basin Level setpoint. Brown arrows indicate upper and lower valve output limits.

Measured Flow Level Setpoint Valve Output percent

Review Questions
How is the Cooling Tower Makeup Valve actuated and controlled? What does the Cooling Tower Makeup Valve Controller Output Control? Where does the Cooling Tower Basin Level setpoint come from? Click to Review Click to Review

Click to Review

When you are sure you can correctly answer these question
click the Button to continue

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Circulating Water System Operation

Startup Prerequisites System Startup Normal Operation System Shutdown

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Startup Prerequisites

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program


Ensure Basin Level is established and maintained Ensure Circulating Water Pumps are ready for Startup Ensure system valves are properly aligned Ensure support systems are available for service.
System Function Major Components Component Controls Process Control System Operation Exit Program

Prepare the Cooling Tower

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Establish Basin Level

Make up Valve

Basin Level

Level Controller

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Circulating Water Pump

Rack in pump and valve breakers OPEN each pumps suction valve Verify motor bearing oil levels are ok. Valve in instrument air and cooling water. CLOSE the circulating water cross-tie
System Function Major Components Component Controls

Circulating Water Pumps

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Cooling Tower Fans

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Align System Valves

Waterbox Outlet Valves Waterbox Inlet Valves

Discharge Cross-tie Valve Suction Valves

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Open the Cooling Tower Bypass

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

START the A circulating water pump

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Check Pump Data

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Close the Cooling Tower Bypass

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Start Cooling Tower Fans

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

At 50 Percent Load, prepare for and start the 2nd Circ Water Pump
Cross-tie Valve M M A M M B

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Re-open the Discharge Cross-tie

Cross-tie Valve


System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program


System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Monitor Circulating Water System process variables from DCS displays.

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Check Cooling Tower Fans

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

De-ice Cooling Tower If Required

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Circulating Water Pumps

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program


System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Shut Down One Circ. Pump

Cross-tie Valve


System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Select the Cooling Tower Fan Stop Auto Sequence

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

OPEN the Cooling Tower Bypass Valve

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

STOP the Operating Circulating Water Pump

Cross-tie Valve


System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Secure Cooling Tower Make-up

Make up Valve

Level Controller

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

Review Questions
During preparation for Circulating Water System Startup, what are the four major steps involved? What position must the Circ. Water Discharge Cross-tie valve be in prior to starting the 2nd Circulating Water Pump? During Normal Operation, how is ice removed from the Cooling Tower?
Click to Review

Click to Review

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When you are sure you can correctly answer these question click the Button to continue

System Function

Major Components

Component Controls

Process Control

System Operation

Exit Program

The Circulating Water System Condenses Low Pressure Turbine Exhaust Steam.
Main Steam

Cold Reheat Steam Hot Reheat Steam

LP Turbine Exhaust

Circulating Water Inlet Circulating Water Outlet

Hotwell Condensate Pump

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Cooling Tower

Return to Review Questions

Cooling Tower

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Circulating Water Pumps

Return to Review Questions

Circulating Water Pumps Valves

Return to Review Questions

Cooling Tower Basin




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Circulating Water Pump Suction Valve Controls



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Circulating Water Pump Discharge Valve Controls

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De-icing Control

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Cooling Tower Makeup Valve Control

Make up Valve

Basin Level

Level Controller

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Cooling Tower Makeup Valve Control

Make up Valve

Basin Level

Level Controller

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Basin Level Setpoint

A in the grey background indicates that the level setpoint is not in automatic. L in a white background indicates that the operator has local control over the Basin Level setpoint. Brown arrows indicate upper and lower valve output limits.

Measured Flow Level Setpoint Valve Output percent

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Ensure Basin Level is established and maintained Ensure Circulating Water Pumps are ready for Startup Ensure system valves are properly aligned Ensure support systems are available for service.
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Circulating Water Pump

Rack in pump and valve breakers OPEN each pumps suction valve Verify motor bearing oil levels are ok. Valve in instrument air and cooling water. CLOSE the circulating water cross-tie

Circulating Water Pumps

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De-ice Cooling Tower If Required

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