Feed Our Children

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Feeding Program Proposal

Kapitan Eddie T. Reyes Memorial Elementary !"ool

F.#. HIC$%N Kat"y %rnaldo $ettina $ayani Pos" Famor!a Ko&'i F&(&da Katrina )amo

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UMM%R-................................................................................................................... , INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... . THE PRO$LEM............................................................................................................. / )O%L 0O$#ECTI1E ..................................................................................................... 2 IMPLEMENT%TION OF PRO)R%M.................................................................................3 TIMET%$LE.................................................................................................................. 3 4 $UD)ET.................................................................................................................... +5 NE6T TEP .............................................................................................................. ++ KE- PER ONNEL....................................................................................................... +7 CHOOL PER ONNEL................................................................................................ +7 +8 %CKNO9LED)EMENT .............................................................................................. +, 9E 9OULD LIKE TO E6PRE OUR )R%TITUDE TO THE )R%CIOU TE%CHER %ND T%FF OF K%PIT%N EDDIE T. RE-E MEMORI%L ELEMENT%R- CHOOL HE%DED $- MR. LEON%RDO %. E$O:%; FOR 9ELCOMIN) U TO THEIR CHOOL. PECI%L TH%NK TO M . RO EL-N %$RIO; HE%D OF NUTRITION; %ND M . M%RI% ROD% P%NCHO FOR -OUR UN9%1ERIN) DEDIC%TION %ND CONCERN FOR THE CHILDREN OF -OUR CHOOL. +,

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E<en =it" o&r soaring e!onomy; t"e P"ilippines; a!!ording to a re!ent s&r<ey !ond&!ted >y t"e Department o* Ed&!ation; "as some ./7;7/7 p&>li! s!"ool p&pils in (indergarten and elementary le<els t"at are !lassi*ied as ?se<erely =asted@ or &nderno&ris"ed. It is said t"at t"e !"ildren are t"e *&t&re; >&t =it" alarming statisti!s s&!" as t"ese; =e may *ind it di**i!&lt to pi!t&re a >rig"t *&t&re a"ead *or o&r !o&ntry. Ed&!ation is (ey to a !o&ntryAs gro=t" and de<elopment; >&t >e!a&se o* se<ere po<erty; parents ="o do not earn eno&g" money to pro<ide *or >asi! needs *or t"eir !"ildren s&!" as *ood; o*ten send t"em to s!"ool =it" t"eir stoma!"s empty. T"&s; in an e**ort to "elp =it" t"is dire sit&ation; o&r $&siness Comm&ni!ations pro*essor; Ms. Carmita Fran!is!o; &rged &s to =rite a proposal addressed to !ompanies or gro&ps s&!" as yo&rs; in "opes t"at; t"ro&g" yo&r organiBations >ene<olen!e; t"ese !"ildren !an >e gi<en t"e proper n&trition t"ey need in order to do =ell in s!"ool. T"e *ollo=ing are t"e (ey points !o<ered >y t"is proposalC % >rie* des!ription o* t"e program re!ipient; and ="y t"ey =ere !"osen.

T"e p&rpose and anti!ipated end res&lt o* t"is proposal. T"e type and amo&nt o* s&pport reD&ested T"e total anti!ipated >&dget Ot"er in*ormation yo& deem pertinent

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Kapitan Eddie T.Reyes Memorial Elementary !"ool; a p&>li! s!"ool lo!ated in 9estern $i!&tan Tag&ig; is "ome to some /338 p&pils Eas o* .-. 75+8F75+,G ranging *rom (indergarten to t"e siHt" E/G grade. Un*ort&nately; among t"ese /555 st&dents; 43, (ids are !ategoriBed as I=asted@ or malno&ris"ed; =it" 8+7 o* t"em termed as ?se<erely =asted@ or se<erely malno&ris"ed. T"e (ids are =eig"ed in t"e >eginning o* t"e s!"ool year; and are !"e!(ed to assess t"eir $MI E$ody Mass indeHG per!entage. T"e a<erage normal $MI per!entage *or !"ildren in t"is parti!&lar s!"ool =as a reported 35J; ="ile t"e (ids deemed ?=asted@ !lo!(ed in; on a<erage; a >ody mass indeH o* only +5J. T"e ?se<erely =asted@ !"ildren posted an alarming ,.2J $MI. 9it" s&!" "eart>rea(ing statisti!s; it is D&ite di**i!&lt to imagine "o= t"ese !"ildren e<en *at"om t"e energy to get &p e<ery morning to go to t"eir respe!ti<e !lasses. ome *ol(s =it" a normal $MI per!entage gro= agitated and e<en daBed; =it" '&st t"e mere s(ipping o* a meal. Ho= m&!" more so; in t"e !ase o* t"ese poor *ragile (ids t"at =o&ld pro>a>ly re'oi!e at t"e t"o&g"t o* "a<ing '&st one !omplete meal in a dayK Ho=e<er; it is ne<er too late to gi<e t"ese !"ildren t"e gi*t o* a >rig"ter *&t&re. T"an(*&lly; many !orporations or !"arita>le instit&tions genero&sly o**er &p t"eir time and money to aid in s!"ool *eeding programs a!ross t"e !o&ntry. &!" programs do =onders in gi<ing o&r !"ildren "ope and a rene=ed *ait" in "&manity and t"e >ene*its o* s&!" a!ts are >esto=ed not only to t"e re!ipients >&t t"ose t"at so s&!" needs and did not "esitate to "elp. It is o&r "ope t"at yo& are s&!" an organiBation t"at =o&ld >e =illing to lend a "and to o&r !omm&nity in need.

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T"e Pro>lem
Kapitan Eddie T. Reyes Memorial Elementary !"ool is t"e se!ond largest s!"ool in Tag&ig City; and; '&st li(e most p&>li! s!"ools in t"e P"ilippines; s&**ers *rom t"e !onstant la!( o* *&nds t"at are needed to !o<er m&!" o* t"e entities daily eHpenses. T"e s!"ool; t"ro&g" t"e in!ome o* t"eir small !anteen; !ond&!ts its o=n *eeding program t"at addresses t"e n&tritional needs o* a small !are*&lly sele!ted gro&p o* (ids. adly; t"is program is not nearly eno&g" to !o<er t"e &rgent needs o* all t"e ?se<erely =asted@ (ids; and so it is t"e s!"ool *er<ent prayer t"at a more s&>stantial program !an >e p&t in pla!e. $e!a&se o* <ario&s *a!tors and iss&es; t"e lo!al go<ernment &nit o* Tag&ig is &na>le to allo!ate a >&dget *or s&!" an endea<or. &!" a predi!ament *or!es Ms. Roselyn %>rio; !"ool N&trition Coordinator; to ma(e do =it" a measly t=enty pesos a "ead >&dget so s"e !an at least *eed a meal to a *e= o* t"e ?se<erely =asted@ p&pils in "er s!"ool. In addition t"e s!"ool la!(s t"e manpo=er; and *a!ilities needed to implement a *&ll *eeding program; so part o* t"e need is to *ind pra!ti!al sol&tions to address s&!" !on!erns. !"ool Prin!ipal; Mr. Leonardo %. E>oLa; eHpressed "is !on!ern *or t"e (ids; and "oped t"at a *eeding program !an >e implemented in "is s!"ool =it" t"e aid o* a sponsor. Mr. E>oLa is optimisti! t"at a !"arita>le organiBation =ill see t"e &rgen!y in "is st&dentAs n&tritional state; and t"at s&!" =ill !ompel t"em to "elp organiBe a *eeding program *or t"ese (ids.

Main Pro>lems t"at t"e s!"ool *a!esC La!( o* *&nding to implement a *eeding program *or t"e ?=asted@ and ?se<erely =asted@ p&pils.

La!( o* man po=er to *a!ilitate t"e *eeding program

Limited spa!e to a!!ommodate and *a!ilitate t"e *eeding program =it"in t"e s!"ool gro&nds.

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T"e monetary donation t"at =ill >e gi<en to t"e s!"ool *or t"e *eeding o* nine "&ndred se<entyF*o&r E42,G &nder no&ris"ed (ids =ill "elp a!"ie<e t"e *ollo=ing goalsC

Goal 1

Monetary *&nding !an aid in t"e p&r!"ase o* *ood items t"at !an >e prepared into n&tritio&s meals.

Goal 2

Monetary *&nding =ill ena>le t"e s!"ool to p&r!"ase m&!" needed eD&ipment and &tensils to properly ser<e and *eed t"e !"ildren

Goal 3

Monetary *&nding !an aid in "elping t"e "iring o* (it!"en sta** needed to prepare t"e meals *or t"e program.

Goal 4

Program "as eno&g" *&nding to s&stain at least t"ree E8G mont"s o* !ontin&o&s *eeding o* t=o set meals to t"e !"ildren t"at are !ategoriBed as ?se<erely =asted@.

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Implementation o* Program
T"e program =ill >e "eaded and s&per<ised >y Ms. Roselyn O. %>rio; t"e s!"oolAs n&trition "ead. OnF ite Preparation T"e s!"ool "as a small (it!"en area; in!l&ding a preparation area t"at !an !oo( t"e needed meals *or t"e !"ildren. C&rrently; t"e (it!"en sta** !omprises o* only one !oo( and s"e do&>les as t"e prep !oo( as =ell as t"e dis"=as"er. O*ten s"e =o&ld soli!it t"e "elp o* older st&dents and some o* t"e tea!"ers to aid "er in t"e preparation o* t"e *ood items. Food o&r!e T"e s!"ool is sit&ated a >lo!( a=ay *rom t"e lo!al mar(ets Epaleng(eG; so *res" *ood so&r!ing is >ot" pra!ti!al and !on<enient. Time o* Feeding T"e *ollo=ing is t"e s!"ed&le *or t"e *eeding o* t"e ?=asted@ and ?se<erely =asted@ !"ildrenC MondayF9ednesdayFFriday 3amF+5am MondayFFriday EMeriendaG 7pmF,pm $rea(*ast Feeding %*ternoon na!(

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DATES NO1. 75+8F#%N 75+, NO1. 75+8FM%RCH 75+, NO1. 75+8FM%RCH 75+, N #UNE75+,AFDECEM$ER 75+,

Prep %rea0Dis"=as"ing %rea Utensils0Dis"es

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Dis"es09eig"t C"e!(er

Canteen0Coo(ing %rea


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NeHt teps
It is o&r "ope t"at at t"is point =e "a<e !learly presented t"e &rgent needs o* t"e malno&ris"ed !"ildren t"at attend t"e Kapitan Eddie T. Reyes Memorial Elementary !"ool. 9e "ope t"at >eing part o* an e**ort to ease some o* t"e "ards"ips t"at plag&e o&r yo&t" is somet"ing t"at yo&r !ompany or organiBation =o&ld >e interested in. enator )ra!e PoeFLlamanBares !ommented;
?1ario&s st&dies all say t"at t"e e**e!ts o* !"ild"ood maln&trition are irre<ersi>le and t"at !"ildren ="o gro= &p &nder=eig"t and st&nted are most li(ely to end &p as ad&lts =it" in*erior intelle!t&al and p"ysi!al !apa>ilities@.

I* yo& "a<e any D&estions or !on!erns regarding t"is parti!&lar *eeding program proposal please do not "esitate to !onta!t t"e s!"ool =it" t"e details pro<ided in t"e a!(no=ledgement se!tion o* t"is proposal. 9e t"an( yo& *or ta(ing t"e time to read o&r proposal and =e loo( *or=ard to "earing *rom yo& regarding t"is matter.

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Mr. Leonardo %. E>oLa


Ms. Roselyn %>rio

HE%D CHEF Ms. Maria Roda Pan!"o

Key Personnel
!"ool Personnel

Page 12 o* +,

Pro'e!t Proposal Team

LE%DER F# Hi!>an

RE E%RCHER Pos" Famor!a

9RITER Kat )amo

COORDIN%TOR Ko&'i F&(&da



$ettina $ayani

Kat"erine %rnaldo

Page 13 o* +,

9e =o&ld li(e to eHpress o&r gratit&de to t"e gra!io&s tea!"ers and sta** o* Kapitan Eddie T. Reyes Memorial Elementary !"ool "eaded >y Mr. Leonardo %. E>oLa; *or =el!oming &s to t"eir s!"ool. pe!ial t"an(s to Ms. Roselyn %>rio; Head o* N&trition; and Ms. Maria Roda Pan!"o *or yo&r &n=a<ering dedi!ation and !on!ern *or t"e !"ildren o* yo&r s!"ool.

Kapt. E.T. Reyes Elementary !"ool Main

Pinagsama 1illage; Tag&ig

E57G..8F 3,8/

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