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Required by MST No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ". ). *. ,. 11. 11. Stop engines Sound general alarm Call Master to bridge Advise engine room E !ibit lig!ts/s!apes S#it$! on %&' ( C!annel 1" Cre# at station bills Close #atertig!t doors -a.e steps to eliminate possible outbrea. o/ /ire and e plosion Sound all tan.s and bilges and all ot!er $ompartments #!i$! !ave $onta$t #it! t!e sea C!e$. /or oil spillage
At nig!t a sti$. #it! #!ite $lot! 3or s!eet o/ sorbent4 around ma5 be lo#ered into #ater alongside t!e s!ip to $!e$. /or oil lea.ages.


OOW OOW OOW OOW OOW OOW C/O M.+. Master0 C/E 2osun0 3/E C/O

Radio ad ice

!ritten re"ort

Docu#ent/ e idence

12. 13. 14.

C!e$. /or internal damage 6/ s!ell plating damaged7 assess rate o/ #ater ingress Sound sea bed around t!e s!ip ( tr5 to establis! #!et!er t!e s!ip is aground over !er
total lengt! or #!et!er a part is still a/loat0 ( lo$ate greatest dept! o/ #ater0 ( $!e$. nature o/ t!e bottom 3mud7 ro$.s7 et$.4

C/O C/O 2/O

15. 1". 1). 1*. 1,. 21.

C!e$. sea su$tions 8osition /i ing/noti/i$ation C!e$. ma$!iner5 /or damage C!e$. tails!a/t /or oil lea.age C!e$. propeller /or damage Cargo and ballast disposition
in$l. lo$ation o/ empt5

1/E OOW 1/E 1/E 1/E C/O

M.+. ( duties alread5 given in Muster +ist0 to be /ollo#ed

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Required by MST No 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 2". 2). 2*. 2,. 31. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 3". 3). 3*. 3,. 41. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Action 'uel oil7 9uantit5 and distribution :ra/t #!en a/loat prior to grounding :ra/t #!en aground -ide7 range o/ tide7 /alling or rising Wind7 /or$e and dire$tion Sea and s#ell7 !eig!t and dire$tion Current7 speed and dire$tion Weat!er /ore$ast Air and sea temperature Consider additional ballast to prevent s!ip going /urt!er aground or to stop pounding ;se o/ an$!or
8ossibilit5 o/ s!ip sitting on an$!or

C/E C/O 2/O Master Master Master Master Master Master Master Master

Radio ad ice

!ritten re"ort

Docu#ent/ e idence

8ilot in attendan$e 6/ tugs in attendan$e7 note #!ere made /ast and dire$tion o/ pull/pus! C!e$. /or in<uries to $re# Assess damage to $argo Witnesses= statements/8!otograp!s &>M Surve5or attendan$e/report 8>6 attendan$e/report Assistan$e re9uired Enter /a$ts in +og 2oo. C!arts #it! position up to time o/ grounding Course re$order printout Engine room data logger printout -ime o/ re/loating ?oti/5 interested parties
Master 2/O C/O Master Master Master Master Master Master OOW EOW/ OOW Master Master

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