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BARYTES IN RAJASTHAN Introduction The name "baryte" (BaS04) is derived from the Greek term 'Barys', meaning heavy.

Barytes crysta s are trans!arent to o!a"#e, often occ#rs in stained bro$n, !ink and grey co o#r. Barytes theoretica y contains %&.'( Ba) and *4.*( S) *, has a s!ecific gravity of 4.& and hardness * on +oh's sca e. ,t is inso #b e in $ater and com!arative y #naffected by acids $hich gives it added advantage in the !re!aration of dri ing m#d. . ,t is the chief ore minera of bari#m, contains &-.-( bari#m and 4../( s# !hate. Barytes occ#rs in assorted co o#rs, a tho#gh shades of dark grey and b ack are common in commercia de!osits. Genera y it is fo#nd as irreg# ar masses, concretions, nod# es, rosette0 ike, aggregates and in massive form to aminated beds. ,t is most y associted $ith "#art1, chert, 2as!er, ca cite, do omite, siderite, ce estite, f #orite and vario#s s# !hide minera es (!yrite, cha co!yrite, ga ena, s!ha erite and their o3idation !rod#cts). Geo ogica y, barytes de!osits are fo#nd in rocks ranging from 4rchaean crysta ine to ate Tertiary sediments. There are fo#r ty!es of occ#rrences (i) 5ein de!osits (ii) 6esid#a de!osits, (iii) Bedded de!osits and (iv) 6e! acement de!osits. ,ndia occ#!ies a very !rominent !osition in the $or d ma! of barytes, ranking second in !rod#ction and third in reserves. ,n the co#ntry barytes is e3tensive y mined in 7#dd!ah and 8hamman districts of 4ndhra 9radesh. ,t is a so mined in 4 $ar and :dai!#r districts of 6a2asthan, Sirm#r district of ;imacha 9radesh and Gadehiro i district of +aharashtra. Occurrences in Rajasthan 6a2asthan is an im!ortant barytes !rod#cing state in ,ndia and Stands /nd after 4ndhra 9radesh. There are < mining eases for Barytes in the state and abo#t *'/' tonnes $as !rod#ced d#ring the year .<<-0<<. The descri!tion of the de!osits in 6a2asthan is given be o$. Alwar district The most im!ortant and economica y viab e area in state is 4 $ar district. ,n this district the barytes de!osits fa in t$o distinct 1ones, one !assing from Bhagat0ka0Bas and the other Sain!#ri to 4kbar!#r. These 1ones are common y kno$n as 6a2garh and 4 $ar be ts. ,n 6a2garh be t barytes de!osits are ocated at n#mber of ! aces in the "#art1ites at the contact of granite. The barytes occ#rrences in this area in genera are a ong the shear ! anes = fo d c os#res in the form of veins and vein ets. 4 brief descri!tion of the de!osits fa ing in these t$o be ts as $e as other occ#rrences is given be o$. (A) Rajgarh Belt

(i) hora!"a#rora $! ,n 8hora +akrora area itho #nits be ongs to the #!!er !art of 4 $ar Gro#!, com!rising grity>arkosic "#art1ite, "#art1ite interbedded $ith sha y !hy ites and massive "#art1ites. Genera y the barytes minera isation in the area is restricted to the arenaceo#s formations of ?e hi Gro#!. The host rock for barytes minera isation is "#art1ites $ith interca ation of !hy ites. The barytes minera isation occ#rs as fiss#re fi ing $ithin the 4 $ar "#art1ite. The barytes occ#rs as veins, vein ets and stringers of imited ength. The individ#a veins are se dom more than fe$ meters in ength, tho#gh c#mm# ative strike ength sometimes may e3ceed even &0m. The thickness of veins varies from &cm to /./m The barytes from these veins are recovered by #nder gro#nd mining. 7hemica ana ysis of the barytes sho$s fo o$ing res# t@ BaS0 4 0 <&.-%(, Ba) 0 %/.</(, Si)/0/.*4(, Ae/)* 0../(, Sr)00.0%(, 4 /0*00.4-(, 7a) 0 0.*<( +g)00.*/(, B), 0 0.4(, s!.gr. 4.&0. (ii) Bhagat!#a!Bas $! Bhagat0ka0Bas area consists of t$o iso ated hi ocks s#rro#nded by f at gro#nd near Babe i and Bhagat0ka0Bas vi ages. The rock #nits e3!osed in the area are "#art10sericite0schist>!hy ite interbedded $ith "#art1ite. The host rock for barytes minera isation is "#art10sericite schist and the barytes veins fo o$ the bedding and fo iation ! ane. The barytes veins vary in thickness from 0.* to ..0 mt. Barytes recovered from these veins is massive and $hite, ight grey to !ink in co o#r. The veins are not e3c #sive y of barytes minera b#t "#art1 is a so very m#ch associated $ith it. The area is being mined intermitent y. The mining activity in Bhagat0ka0Bas area has !roved the !ersistence of barytes to a considerab e de!th (beyond '0mt. vertica de!th). (iii) Ja%erauli &e'osit$0 The de!osit is ocated abo#t 0.& km SC of Damera# i vi age. Barytes occ#rs as fiss#res, veins and vein ets a ong beddding ! anes, fract#res 2oints = fa# t 1ones. The minera isation is essentia y in "#art1ite a ong the north $estern s o!e of the hi . The thickness of the vein varies from .m to *mt. (i() )ero*'ur $! D#st north of +adhogarh vi age, barytes occ#rs in the form of veins>vein ets and stringers confined to * to & mt. $ide E0S trending fa# t breccia 1one $ithin fe s!athic "#art1ite. The brecciated 1one is traceab e for /00m b#t barytes minera isation in the form of veins and vein ets is confined on y for '&mt. The e3!osed average $idth of the barytes vein vary bet$een & cm to /0 cm. Barytes is crysta ine b#ff and $hite co o#red, ana ysis sho$s --0</( BaS04 contents. 4!art from above some more sma occ#rrences $ere noticed near vi age 8her, 6amsingh!#ra, Dhatra ?ho era, Goarah G#2or, +#ndia, Ba !#r, Saintha , Badia G#2ar, Bar i, 9a! #r. (B) Alwar +elt (i) Jhandoli $ Barytes de!osit is ocated /% km. EC of 4 $ar. The area com!rises 4 $ar "#art1ites = sericite schist. Barytes as veins and vein ets most y occ#r a ong 2oints. )ne im!ortant vein of abo#t a metre thick e3!osed over a distance of /&0 mt., !robab y fo o$s a shear 1ones. A oat>ta #s are on $estern foot of the hi has a so been $orked at & ! aces. Ta #s of barytes contains !ebb es ranging from ..& cm to 4.& cm in si1e and are

fo#nd over a ength of .0&0 mt. #!to average de!th of ..& mt. ,t is b#ff to $hite in co o#r, ana ysis res# ts sho$s BaS)4 content from </ to <%(. (ii) Ban#hera $ The de!osit is ocated at a distance of % km. from 4 $ar to$n on 4 $ar0 Dai!#r 6oad. Barytes minera isation is in sericite0"#art1 schist, $hich forms a !art of 4 $ar Gro#! of ?e hi S#!ergro#!. ,t consists of t$o ma2or veins of barytes, -& mt. = /'mt. ong res!ective y se!arated by *%mt. thick "#art1ite. Thickness of veins vary from 0.* to 0.< mt. The barytes is of !ink co o#r and massive in nat#re. (iii) Sain'uri &e'osit $ The de!osit is ocated abo#t . km. SC of this vi age. The main barytes vein is associted $ith "#art1 biotite0ch orite schist of 4 $ar Gro#!. The vein is &0mt. ong and % mt. $ide. The associated minera s are "#art1, cha cocite = c#!rite. Barytes is fine grained and co o#r varies from $hite to greyish $hite and crys a ine in nat#re. The chemica ana ysis of the barytes sho$ BaS)4 <'.&(, Si0 / 0 0..4(, ,ron o3ide 0.'4(, 4 /0* 0 0..0( 7a) 0./(, +g) 0 0..&(, a ka ies etc. 0..4(. 4 fe$ more sma barytes areas ocated d#e north and so#th of 4 $ar name y Bh#rasid, ?ho i?hoo!, 6avan ?era, :mran, 8aro i, Fehir08a08hera, Bh#rari 6ata, Ea#rangabad, Gatri etc. $here the rock ty!es e3!osed in the region are "#art1ite, sericite "#art1 schist, !hy ite hornb ende "#art1 schist, "#art1 ch orite biotite schist. The barytes occ#rs a ong $ith the fract#red and 2ointed ! anes of "#art1ite and sericite "#art1 schist. ,dai'ur &istrict (i) Rel'atali-a de'osit$ This de!osit is the biggest de!osit in state, ocated near vi age 6e !ata iya ' km. EG of Dagat in :dai!#r district. The barytes occ#rs as a ong band in graniti1ed gneisses and schist, f anked by metabasites on both hangig and foot$a sides. The barytes bearing 1ones co# d be traced over a strike ength of abo#t /.& km. The main barytes band starts abo#t ..4 km. so#th of 6e !ata iya vi age and contin#es in north east for a strike ength of abo#t 0./ km. making a tota of ..% km. ength. Besides this main 1one, there are t$o more bands of barytes $hich a so fo o$ the genera trend of barytes minera isation. These veins have a strike ength varying from .&0 mt. to a ma3im#m of 4&0mt. The barytes veins occ#r in !rominent o$ ying ridges and can $e be identified $ith its !ec# iar !hysica o#t ook in contrast to other associated geo ogica formation. The barytes occ#r chief y in t$o modes. )ne is massive ty!e de!osit and the other ty!e is re!resented by sma veins and vein ets in the host rocks forming a mi3ed 1one of barytes 1one and co#ntry rocks. The $idth of barytes 1one in genera varies from ha f a mt. to abo#t & mt. e3ce!tiona y reaching to mt. 4t most of the ! aces the barytes is massive in nat#re and medi#m to coarse grained. Ghite, off $hite and !ink co o#r barytes has been fo#nd in the area. The ana ytica res# t revea that barytes contains Ba) @ &.0%.(, S0* @ /% to */(, Si0/ @ &0./(, s!.gr. @ *.-&0 4.&&(, BaS04 @ '-0<4(. (ii) Ba+ar%al $ Barytes minera isation is fo#nd over a strike ength of abo#t %.& km in the form of disconnected thin enses. ,t is associated $ith "#art1 veins intr#ded in the granite gneisses. The thickness of the barytes veins varies from .0 cm to 40 cm. Sma veins of baryte occ#r near Tikhi 7handa and 8har$a vi ages.

Rajsa%and district &elwara!Nathdwara +elt ,n this area the barytes occ#rs main y as fiss#re and breccia or re! acement in imestone. The minera isation is most y confined to the ch orite schist and occ#rs as eneche on veins a ong fo iation ! anes. The barytes de!osits > occ#rrences of this be t are fo#nd in G#r i, 8io i, D#nagarh, Ba3mi G#da, Bar$a ia, 9i!a $as, Eerach, 8hetra!a 0ka0G#dha, 8agmadar, Eagaria, 6ame a, Ghora Ghati and 8ero i oca ities. The descri!tion of some im!ortant areas is given be o$@ (i) .urli de'osit$ 4 thin vein of barytes abo#t /& mt. ong and & cm to *0 cm $ide occ#rs abo#t <00 mt. EC of G#r i. The co#ntry rocks are biotite0ch orite0schist grading into !hy ites and grey "#art1ite. The barytes is mi ky $hite to greyish $hite in co o#r, fine grained, massive and forms more than %0( of the veins. (ii) ioli &e'osit$ 4bo#t /&0 mt. EEC of 8io i, thin veins of barytes cro! o#t in the ! ain gro#nd $ithin the ch orite schist. The veins are intr#ded a ong the fo iation ! ane. These veins can be traced so#th0$est $ard a ong strike intermittent y for a distance of abo#t .00 mt. $ithin a 1one of abo#t & mt. The individ#a veins are abo#t ../0 mt., /0 cm. and *0 cm. in $idth res!ective y. (iii) Junagarh de'osit$ Thin streak, enses and !ockets of barytes occ#r $ithin the do omite marb e band near D#nagarh. The do omite band r#ns from . km. $est of 8io i to so#th0$est of Bambi, b#t the barytes is seen to occ#r im!ersistent y on y from near D#nagarh to %00 mt. east of ?# $atan08a0G#rha. Eear D#nagarh, it occ#rs as thin entic es $ithin the marb e, b#t east of ?# $aton 8a G#rha, it occ#rs at the contact of the "#art1 vein and the do omite. The barytes bearing 1one r#ns im!ersistent y for a distance of abo#t &0 mt. a ong strike and veins in $idth from /& cm. to one mt. The individ#a ens ho$ever does not e3ceed for more than & mt. a ong strike. The barytes is mi ky $hite to greyish $hite, hard, com!act, heavy and massive. ,t is fine to medi#m grained and occassiona y coarsed grained. ,t contains interca ation of do omite and vein "#art1. Bundi district The barytes occ#rs in the form of veins associated $ith "#art1 intr#ding the do omitic imestone or at the contact of imestone and !hy ites near :mar vi age in B#ndi district. Genera y it fo o$s the fiss#res and fract#re ! anes. ,n the 9agara area barytes veins are ocated 2#st so#th of vi age in the !rominent "#art1 veins r#nning a ong fa# t. There are t$o barytes veins one is abo#t ..& mt. $ide and - mt. ong. These barytes veins do not !ersist beyond .* mt. in de!th. The barytes is $hite and greyish and is fo#nd associated $ith ga ena, cer#site, ma achite and a1#rite. Barytes a!!eass to have formed by the re! acement of imestone at the contact $ith the schist.

Bharat'ur district ,n Bharat!#r district, barytes occ#rs, in rocks of ?e hi S#!ergro#!. ?e!osits are c ose y associated $ith !ost ?e hi basic intr#sives and occ#r at ;atori, Ghatri and 8ar$ar vi ages. Hatori &e'osit$ The e3!os#rs are noticed at a n#mber of ! aces in the $est and north of ;atori vi age. The barytes vein occ#r as entic# ar fiss#re fi ings in "#art1ites. The veins are irreg# ar and e3tend over a ength of near y .4 mt. Baryte is associated $ith cha co!yrite, !yrite and "#art1. . .hatri &e'osit$ Barytes occ#rs on the so#thern f ank of a sma hi abo#t ..'& km. GEG of Ghatri vi age. +inera isation is confined to EEC0SSG trending vertica to stee! y di!!ing . mt. to .& mt. $ide 1one and a fe$ cm to *0 cm. in thickness. /hittorgarh district ,n this district barytes is re!orted from Da#ra 8a an area near 6a$at Bhata in the #!!er 5indhyan sediment. ,t occ#rs as sma veins stringers, fi ings and amination in the sha es of #!!er 5indhyan age. Bhilwara district Eear vi age Bar iyas barytes is fo#nd associated $ith "#art1 and ca cite veins $hich are intr#ded in the decom!osed granite0gneisses of 9re04rava i age. Thickness of the vein varies from / cm. to / m. and e3tends abo#t .& m. in north0$est direction. Barytes is grey and b#ff in co o#r. +a achite and sma c#bes of ga ena a so occ#r in the "#art10barytes0 ca cite veins. The de!osit has been $orked to a de!th of .. mt. b#t d#e to o$ grade, mining $ork has been s#s!ended. 0ali district The veins of barytes have been $orked at n#mber of ! aces in 9#nagarh hi , abo#t < km. $est of 9a i. There are .% enses of brecciated "#art10barytes haematite rocks and these vary in si1e from *0 cm to &0 cms. in the $idth and #! to 4&0 mt. in ength. 5eins and vein ets of barytes varying in si1e from & cm. to . mt. in thickness occ#r in these enses or at the contact $ith s ates. The barytes is !ink, bright grey in co o#r and most y massive. The mining $ork is s#s!ended d#e to o$ grade of barytes. Si#ar district The de!osits are ocated abo#t / km. EC and SSG of the vi age 8haiagbing!#r and Earoda. Barytes is fo#nd as fiss#re fi ing in $eak 1ones trending in ES direction a ong bedding ! anes and is associated $ith ca c0schist of 42abgarh Gro#! of ?e hi S#!ergro#!. There are t$o veins of barytes $ith . to /.& mt. !artings and are traceab e for a strike ength of abo#t -0 mts. The area $as !revio#s y mined both by o!en cast and #ndergro#nd method, b#t d#e to the gro#nd $ater !rob em, the mines are c osed.

Jalor district The barytes minera isation is !resent in the so#th$estern and so#thern !arts of the area of f #orite minera isation. The barytes veins are occ#!ying the fract#res and are genera y !resent across the f #orite vein b#t at some ! aces ike Santoshi hi , Ba hi , +a inath hi and Tavidar hi barytes occ#rs in association $ith the f #orite veins. Reser(es The a ,ndia tota insit# reserves of barytes are -/,-0%'<44 tonnes o#t of $hich recoverab e reserves is '0,.4%,&&< tonnes. 4.9. is the ma2or !rod#cer of barytes having tota recoverab e reserves of %',0&*, &40tonnes (<&.&() fo o$ed by 6a2asthan /,*&','*' tonnes (*.*%(). ,n 4 $ar district the tota recoverab e reserves estimated in easeho d area are '&.,4&/ tonnes and <,0'& tonnes in free ho d areas. ,n Bharat!#r district, the tota recoverab e reserves are .,/%0 tonnes in free ho d area. ,n Bhi $ara district, the tota recoverab e reserves are .,/<4 tonnes in free ho d area. ,n B#ndi district the tota recoverab e reserves are .&,<&4 tonnes in free ho d area. ,n 9a i district the tota recoverab e reserves of /,.44 tonnes are in free ho d area. ,n Sikar district the tota recoverab e reserves of 40,'<* tonnes are estimated in ease ho d area. ,n :dai!#r district the tota recoverab e reserves of .,&/%,.%0 tonnes are estimated in ease ho d area and <,%00 tonnes in free ho d area. Industrial A''lication Barytes after s#itab e grinding and !# veri1ing, has many #ses. ,t is main y #sed in oi $e dri ing and it is estimated that <0 !ercent of the barytes !rod#ced in the $or d is #sed on y for dri ing !#r!oses. ,t is a so fo#nd #sef# in the man#fact#re of $hite !igment or e3tender in !igments and bari#m chemica s, in the g ass ind#stry and as fi er in r#bber, eather, te3ti e and !a!er goods. Oil well Aor the !re!aration of dri ing m#d, barytes of finer mesh (*/& BSS) is #s#a y re"#ired. Aine y !o$dered barytes is mi3ed in s#itab e !ro!ortions $ith co oida c ay, ike bentonite and $ater to make a dri ing m#d. ?ri ing m#d in genera serves severa !#r!oses@ it #bricates and coo s the bit, ! asters the $a s of the dri ho e to !revent caving, carries the c#ttings #! the $e to the s#rface and co#nter acts the high gas and oi !ress#res to their formations eve to !revent o#tb#rst. ,t is estimated that for every *00 metres of high !ress#res $e dri ed, abo#t & tonnes of barytes are re"#ired. This fig#re is variab e de!ending #!on the "#antity of co oida c ay #sed, !ress#re of the gas and the de!th of the $e . Th#s the re"#irements of barytes are ! aced as high as .0 tonnes !er *00 metres dri ing. 0aint Barytes is an im!ortant ra$ materia for the man#fact#re of itho!hone, a $hite !igment #sed in !aints. ,n ,ndia, barytes is entire y #sed in the !# veri1ed form (*00 mesh) as an e3tender in !aint man#fact#re. There are many #nits man#fact#ring ename !aints for ceramic g a1es. Aor ename !aints genera y, !reci!itated bari#m s# !hate is #sed. 9aint

man#fact#rers !refer sno$0$hite or $hite barytes. )ff0co o#r barytes is #sed as an e3tender in dark !aints. Bitho!hone is an intimate mi3t#re of t$o !reci!itated sa ts, FnS and BaS0 4. ,n the man#fact#re of itho!hone, the co o#r of the barytes is not regarded as de eterio#s !rovided the staining is s#!erficia . S#ch co o#ration of barytes is eached o#t by di #te hydro0ch oric or s# !h#ric acids. 6emova of the co o#r becomes diffic# t in the case of min#te crysta ine barytes. Ghere the barytes has become stained d#e to manganese and iron o3ide, co o#ration is removed by reasting the minera $ith nitre and sa t and then eaching $ith s# !h#ric acid. Ru++er The r#bber ind#stry is an im!ortgnt cons#mer. 9# veri1ed barytes of /&0 to *00 mesh is added to the r#bber com!o#ned for reinforcement and as fi er. 4 the im!ortant !rod#cers of r#bber goods in the co#ntry cons#me barytes in sma "#antities for reinforcement !#r!oses. /he%icals ,n the man#fact#re of vario#s bari#m chemica s, the com!o#nd bari#m s# !hide (BaS) is taken as a starting !oint. Bari#m s# !hide is obtained by red#cing barytes in a reverberatory f#rnace. BaS is readi y so #b e in hot $ater and disso ves to form bari#m hydro3ide, HBa();)/I and bari#m dis# !hide Ba;S/. B anc0fi3e (!reci!itated bari#m s# !hate) is #sed as a fine $hite !igment fi er in !aints, r#bber, goods, ino e#m, oi c oth and some grades of !a!er, s!ecia y !hotogra!hic. 9reci!itated bari#m carbonate is #sed in the ceramic ind#stry to !revent the deve o!ment of sc#m on $ares. ,t red#ces !orosity, !revents deco o#ration in bricks and is a so #sed in making cro$n and f int ess g asses.

&rilling "ud ,n the !re!aration of dri ing m#d, barytes containing a minim#m of <4 !ercent BaS04 of a s!ecific gravity of 4..& is !referred. ,t m#st be of fine sieve over *00 mesh and its so #bi ity in $ater sho# d be abso #te y minim#m. The co o#r of the barytes and a sma !ercentage of si ica or iron o3ide are not regarded ob2ectionab e. ,t sho# d ho$ever be free from c ayey materia as it o$ers the s!ecific gravity. ,ndian Standard S!ecitications (,S@ /--.0.<%4) ays do$n the fo o$ing !ro!erties in barytes for the !re!aration of dri ing m#d. BaS)4 <4 !ercent min. Aines S!ecific Gravity So #bi ity 7o o#r +ateria retained on &*0micron ,S. Sieve m#st not be more than / !ercent 4..& min. So #bi ity in $ater at /0 degree not more than 0.0/ !ercent Grey $hite

Aoreign im!orters, es!ecia y those from the +idd e Cast co#ntries, !refer barytes !o$der having a minim#m s!. gr. of 4./ bagged in hessian c oth. 2itho'hone and 'aint Aor the man#fact#re of !igment, man#fact#res !refer sno$ $hite barytes containing a minim#m of <& !ercent BaS04. ,t sho# d be free from m#d, c ay or si iceo#s minera s. Si icates are on the $ho e ess de eterio#s than free si ica as it tends to form bari#m si icate, $hich may occ #de barytes. The !resence of iron o3ide is #ndesirab e. 4 ma3im#m of . !ercent of Ae/0* is a o$ed. The !resence of iron o3ide, c ay, si ica, etc. often f #3 at tem!erat#res be o$ .*00o7, the f#rnace tem!erat#re #s#a y em! oyed for red#cing barytes to the s# !hide $ith coa or coke. ,t is estimated that . !ercent of iron o3ide may render 4 !ercent of bari#m s# !hide inactive. Some com!o#nds of iron or manganese are regarded harmf# . The !resence of ga ena #!to * !ercent does not affect the red#ction of BaS)4 to BaS in the f#rnace b#t f #ors!ar is ob2ectionab e as it corrodes f#rnace ining. ,ndian cons#mers !refer to acce!t barytes in a !# veri1ed form of *00 mesh for #se as an e3tender in !aint man#fact#re. )ne of im!ortant cons#mer !rescribes that sno$0$hite barytes sho# d be abso #te y free from carbonates. +oist#re m#st not e3ceed 0.. !ercent and coarse !artic es on /40 mesh are not to e3ceed 0.0/ !ercent. The ,ndian Standard S!ecifications for barytes for !aints (,S@ %40.<&0) s!ecifies that the materia sho# d contain not ess than <& !ercent BaS) 4 carbonates not e3ceeding 0.& !ercent e3!ressed as 7)/ and that the materia sho# d be s#!! ied as a dry !o$der. Ghen ead0free materia is re"#ired, it sho# d contain not more than 0.0& !ercent of ead or com!o#nds of ead. The vo ati e matter sho# d not e3ceed 0.0& !ercent@ resid#e on sieve (BSS /40 mesh) not more than 0./& !ercentJ oi absor!tion not ess than % !ercent and not more than ./ !ercent and co o#r not inferior to the a!!roved sam! e. Gater so #b e matter sho# d not be more than 0.& !ercent. /he%ical %anu1acture The s!ecification of barytes re"#ired for man#fact#re of chemica s and vario#s com!o#nds, is the same as that of itho!hone. 4s mentioned ear ier BaS is the starting !oint for the !rod#ction of vario#s chemica s. 4s s#ch, a the im!#rities !resent in barytes $hich are regarded #ndesirab e and de eterio#s for chemica man#fact#re are the same as indicated #nder itho!hone. .lass G ass man#fact#rers #s#a y re"#ired barytes containing minim#m of <- !ercent BaS0 4 and a ma3im#m of ..& !ercent Si0 /, 0..%& !ercent 4 /0* and 0..& !ercent Ae/0* ,n mesh si1e a mi3t#re ranging from *0 mesh do$n thro#gh .40 is !referred. ,ron is the most #ndesirab e im!#rity. Ru++er and 'a'er S!ecifications for barytes #sed as a fi er or in aggregate are not so strict as those for chemica sJ in most cases mesh si1e is considered im!ortant. ,n recent times, !a!er and r#bber man#fact#rers have been insisting #!on barytes containing a minim#m of <<.&

!ercent BaS04. Barytes of s#ch !#rity is genera y not fo#nd in nat#reJ hence, b eached barytes or b anc0fi3e (!!t. BaS)4) is !referred. Other uses $ ,t is #sed as the chief constit#ent of ! aster in K0ray aboratories to !rotect the o!erators from harmf# radiations. +eta ic bari#m is #sed in certain ty!es of e ectronic t#bes. Statistical In1or%ation 1or Bar-tes in Rajasthan Year .<<40<& .<<&0<% .<<%0<' .<<'0<.<<-0<< 0roduction (thos3 Rs3) 4.<&0 *./&0 /.'%< %.4%. *.'/' Sale 4alue (thos3 Rs3) .&&*.00 /.0%.00 .%.&.00 %&*/.<0 *'0%.00 Re(enue (thos3 Rs3) /-4.00 .'0.00 .*../' *<*..* /&-.<4 No3 o1 leases .0 .. .. .. <

&istrict wise 'roduction o1 Bar-tes (Year$ 5667!66) S3No3 (.) (/) (*) (4) &istrict :dai!#r 4 $ar 6a2samand Sikar 0roduction (thos3 tons) *.*%& 0.*4. 0.0/. 0 2eases . 4 * .

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