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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects





ADVISOR: $ela' (ita'ew #Ato%& PREPARED BY: )% echasa Haile *% !ebrehiwot Hintsa' +% Saron Anteneh Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 1

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Febr ary !"#"

APPROVED BY BOARD OF EXAMINERS ADVISOR: ______________________________ SIGNITURE: _____________________________ DATE: ______________________________

EXTERNAL EXAMINER: __________________ SIGNITURE: ______________________________ DATE: ______________________________

INTERNAL EXAMINER: ___________________ SIGNITURE: ______________________________ DATE: _______________________________

Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 2

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects


This research would ha-e been i.possible to reali/e without the tre.endous assistance and cooperation o0 -arious indi-iduals and construction co.panies% It is there0ore our great pleasure to ac1nowledge and than1 the. 0or their collaboration and help0ul support% 2e sincerel' than1 and e3press deep gratitude to our ad-isor Ato $ela' (ita'ew 0or pro-iding -aluable ad-ice, continuous support and guidance and 0or his co..ents and suggestions during the progress o0 the research in a .ore realistic wa'% Our special credit also goes to those contractors, consultants and e.plo'er 0or gi-ing their precious ti.e to respond our sur-e' 4uestioners and inter-iews% The Ministr' o0 2or1s and Urban e-elop.ent, the Ethiopian Association o0

5i-il Engineers also deser-es our ac1nowledge.ent 0or the ease access o0 the i.portant in0or.ation 0or this stud'% And 0inall' we are highl' indebted to all site engineers, and super-isors, who ha-e shown their 1een interest o0 cooperation b' pro-iding us with the necessar' in0or.ation and data re4uired 0or the thesis wor1%

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Ac1nowledge.ent 6666666666666666666666 I Table o0 content 6666%%666666666666666666 II , III Abbre-iation 66%%6666666666666666666666 I7 Abstract 66%%6666666666666666666666 7 CHAPTER ONE )% INTRO U5TION 6666666666666666666666666 ) )%) Research bac1 ground 6%%666666666666666666% )%* Objecti-e o0 this research )%+ Methodolog' )%8 Scope and li.itation )%9 Structure o0 the paper CHAPTER TWO *% :ITERATURE RE7IE2 6666666666666666666% 9 *%) 5onstruction Manage.ent 66666666666666666 9 *%* 5onstruction Resource Manage.ent *%+ 5onstruction Materials Manage.ent *%+%) Materials "lanning *%+%+ In-entor' 5ontrol )* *%+%9 Handling and Transportation 666666666666 *%+%; 5odi0ication and Standardi/ation 6666666666 )+ *%+%< isposal o0 surpluses 666%%666666666666 )8 )* 666666666666 6666666666 ; < = )> )) %%66666666666666666 %%66666666666666666666666 %%6666666666666666666 %%666666666666666666 ) + + 8 8

666666666666666 666666666666666 6666666666

*%+%* Materials "rocure.ent "rocess 666666666 *%+%8 Store?@eeping and 2arehousing

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

*%8 5onstruction Materials 2astage Manage.ent 6%%6666666 *%8%) e0inition %%6666666666666666 66666666666%%6 *%8%* Materials wastage standard *%8%8 Side e00ect o0 the proble.

)9 )9 )9 )< )A *> ** ** **

*%8%+ 5auses o0 .aterial wastage 666666666666666 *%8%8%) Side e00ect due to poor .aterial handling *%8%8%* Side e00ect due to .aterial wastage *%8%9 S'ste. o0 .aterial wastage control *%8%9%* Material wastage anal'sis CHAPTER THREE +% ANA:(SIS +%)% "ro0ile o0 the 4uestionnaires +%*% The respondents +%+% ata presentation, Anal'sis and 666666666666666 iscussion 66%66666% 666666 666% 666666%

66666666666666666 )A

666666666%%6 666666666%%6

*%8%9%) Accounting 0or construction .aterials 66666%%6

*8 *9 *; *; *< +=


+%+%) Section one B E3istence o0 the proble.

+%+%* Section two B Major causes 6666666%%666666 +%+%+ Section three B Side e00ects %6666666666666 8) CHAPTER FOUR 8% 5ON5:USION AN 8%)% 5onclusion RE5OMMEN ATION 6666666666666666666666%%

+%+%8 Section 0our B "roposed s'ste.s %%6666666666666

88 89 8;

8%*% Reco..endation 6666666666666666666%% Re0erences 666666666666666666666666666%% Appendi3 A B Research proposal Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Appendi3 $ B Research 4uestionnaires

ABBRIVATIONS :5H C :ow 5ost House MSE C Micro and S.all Enterprises 8Ms C Materials, Mone', Manpower and Machineries 8Rs C Re-iew, Reduce, Reuse and Rec'cle MSM C Material Storage Manage.ent AAH "O C Addis Ababa Housing e-elop.ent H5$ C Hollow 5oncrete $loc1

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

In an' construction project especiall' in :ow 5ost Housing there should be a great concern 0or construction .aterial wastage control s'ste. in order to a-oid .a3i.u. .aterial wastage generation% Since construction industr' is one o0 the e.erging econo.' o0 our countr' which larger percentage o0 the annual budget, construction .aterial handling and wastage control s'ste. desires serious consideration and due attention% $ased on this assu.ption, we ha-e conducted our research on construction .aterial handling and wastage control s'ste.s in :5H projects with in Addis Ababa% And we atte.pted to answer the 0ollowing 4uestions% 2hat are the .ost recent .aterial handling s'ste.s in these projectsD 2hat are the .ain causes 0or .aterial wastage and their conse4uenceD And what are the s'ste.s adopt to reduce the wastage generatedD In this thesis we ha-e e3plored construction .aterial handling s'ste.s, wastage control .echanis.s, and tried to identi0' wastage causes and their re.edial .easures to decrease wastages% ata were collected using 4uestioner sur-e' distributed rando.l' to selected and concerned sta1e holders 0or those operating in Addis Ababa :5H projects% In this research wor1, all 4uestions are grouped and anal'/ed according to their relationship, discussed and possible conclusions and reco..endations 0orwarded% !enerall', )>>E o0 the cost e00icient :5H construction sta1e holders pro-ed that, the e3istences o0 .aterial wastage, there0ore i.ple.enting e00ecti-e wastage control s'ste., earl' identi0ication and awarenessFs on wastage causes and use o0 so.e sort o0 .aterial plan and .anage.ent s'ste.s are -ital to .ini.i/e the una-oidable .aterial wastages%

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects


#&# Re'ear() ba(* +r, -d G:ow?5ost?Housing Technolog' #:5H&G was instituted 0or the 0irst ti.e in Tigra' pro-ince and then in other regions o0 Ethiopia H<I% The cit' o0 Addis Ababa, being the capital o0 the nation, is 0acing nu.erous challenges in tr'ing to .eet the de.ands aroused b' the e-er increasing population and high rate o0 urbani/ation% 5onse4uentl', the need 0or an increase in 4uantit' and 4ualit' o0 shelter, in0rastructure, e.plo'.ent and -arious social ser-ices beco.e crucial to sustain the cit' li0e% Accordingl' the cit' go-ern.ent has planned to address these challenges strategicall' with the help o0 the National Integrated Urban e-elop.ent "lans along with other .unicipal ad.inistration o0 Addis Ababa !rand Housing "rogra.% Since Septe.ber *>>+, the .unicipal ad.inistration o0 Addis Ababa has been wor1ing on the planning and i.ple.entation o0 the Addis Ababa !rand Housing "rogra., which is an action progra. 0or the construction o0 li-ing space% The national plan on housing has allocated about 9>E o0 its *>>; ? *>)> plans, which are about *>>,>>> housing units, to be e3ecuted in the cit' o0 Addis Ababa% The long ter. objecti-e o0 housing progra. is to the li-ing standard o0 citi/ens, especiall' low?inco.e citi/ens o0 the cit', which are the .ajorit', through the creation o0 e.plo'.ent opportunities and the pro-ision o0 the decent a00ordable housing% The speci0ic i..ediate objecti-es o0 the progra. are to be ser-ing the purpose o0J Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 9

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Regenerating the slu. area o0 the inner cit', Increasing the land deli-er' a.ount in the inner cit' as a process o0 densi0ication and -ertical growth, "ro.otion o0 .icro and s.all?scale enterprise, which can absorb .ore labor 0orce and operate at a lower o-erhead cost, "ro.otion o0 cost e00icient housing construction technolog', E.powering citi/ens o0 the cit' through ownership o0 houses and possession securit', 5hanging the i.age o0 the cit' H;I%

5onstruction is proceeding on the basis o0 :5H technolog' with pre0abricated co.ponents% "eople wishing to .o-e in to the apart.ent buildings and beco.e owners, b' pa'ing so.e +>E o0 the construction costs% The re.ainders are 0inanced through building loans with a )9?'ear ter., pre? 0inancing being ad-anced b' the cit' .unicipal ad.inistration% In the sociall' integrated settle.ents, co.plete with .unicipal in0rastructure 0acilities, the residents the.sel-es are to ta1e responsibilit' 0or .aintaining their houses H<I% Following the 0irst success0ul :5H pilot projects in *>>8, Addis Ababa cit' go-ern.ent ad.inistration under G!rand Housing "rogra.G allocated huge su. o0 budget to alle-iate shortage o0 housing and also reduce house slu. in the cit' H=I% $esides it is part o0 the national go-ern.ent plan 0or the reduction o0 po-ert' in the new .illenniu. particularl' in the capital cit' o0 Ethiopia% Since huge in-est.ents are deplo'ed to construct :5H projects, i.ple.entation o0 the e3isting .aterial handling and wastage control s'ste.s and 0urther stud' will be crucial to sa-e the e3tra lost cost due to .aterial wastages%

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

#&! Ob.e(/01e ,2 /)0' re'ear() The .ain objecti-es o0 this research areJ Assess whether .aterial handling and wastage control proble.s e3ist or notD Find out the .ain causes o0 .aterial wastage and poor .aterial handling% E3plore the side e00ects o0 .aterial wastage and poor .aterial handling% Forward appropriate .aterial wastage reducing techni4ues and poor .aterial handling correcti-e procedures to alle-iate proble.s 0aced on di00erent stages o0 the project% #&3 Me/),d,4,+y The .ethodolog' adopted 0or this research is based on actual sur-e'% In this process data has been collected and discussion has been .ade with di00erent pro0essionals 0ro. the low cost housing construction sector% For the data collection sur-e', construction industr' sta1eholders li1e contractors, consultants and e.plo'er, local 0ir.s that acti-el' participating in low cost housing construction projects ha-e been selected to 0ill our 4uestionnaires% Anal'sis o0 the collected sur-e' data and inter-iews are used to answer the 0ollowing 0our -ital 4uestionsJ Is .aterial handling and wastage control proble. e3ist or not in :5H projectsD 2hat are the .ajor causes o0 .aterial wastage and handling proble.sD Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 11

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

2hat are the side e00ects o0 the proble.s in the projectD 2hat are the proposed s'ste.s used to .ini.i/e poor .aterial handling and wastageD

The 0ollowing procedure were used in order to prepare the research Pr,(ed re Topic Selection Research proposal :iterature re-iew De'(r0p/0,2e discussed with our ad-isor on the contents o0 research proposal% Re0erring di00erent literatures and assessing di00erent web sites through internet then super-ised b' our Research instru.ent ata collection Sa.ple identi0ication Anal'sis Thesis writing Sub.ission ad-isor% Kuestionnaire sur-e' and des1 stud' were done% Kuestionnaire were collected 0ro. respondents Ta1ing all sa.ples Anal'sis were done on the collected 4uestionnaire

#&5 S(,pe a-d 4060/a/0,The scope o0 this research bases onl' to :ow 5ost Housing projects in Addis Ababa% The li.itations are ti.e 0or the research, and absence o0 conducted researches on construction .aterial handling and wastage control s'ste., since :5H projects ha-e been started in recent and due to lac1 o0 properl' collected and docu.ented dataFs%

#&7 S/r (/ re ,2 /)e paper This paper co.prises o0 0our chaptersJ 5hapter two present an o-er-iew o0 di00erent literatures on construction .aterials .anage.ent and causes o0 poor .aterial handling and wastage in construction industr', chapter three deals with the anal'sis o0 the collected data, and chapter 0our e3plains the conclusion and reco..endations o0 the 0indings% Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 12

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects


!&# CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT i00erent writers de0ine construction .anage.ent on their own wa's asL C,-'/r (/0,- 6a-a+e6e-/ is de0ined as the art o0 arranging andMor organi/ing -arious acti-ities, operating e4uip.ent and group o0 people in a suitable .anner to create s'ste.atic operation with continuit' to achie-e a co..on goal% Manage.ent can also be de0ined as the use o0 people and other resources to acco.plish objecti-es% That is, .anage.ent b' necessit' in-ol-es the creation o0 an en-iron.ent in which people can use resources to reach the stated goal% It also in-ol-es the i.ple.entation o0 the 0unction o0 .anage.entJ ? planning, organi/ing, i.ple.enting and controlling% These 0unctions are the -er' essence o0 .anage.ent H+ I% C,-'/r (/0,- 6a-a+e6e-/ is dealing with the s'ste. o0 how relationships sta1eholders, resources and acti-ities are planned, i.ple.ented and .onitored 0or the success0ul co.pletion o0 an' construction wor1 or acti-ities% 5onstruction .anage.ent addresses how the resources a-ailable to the .anager can be best applied% T'picall' when spea1ing o0 resources 0or construction, we thin1 o0 the 0our M' o0 constructionJ Manpower, Machine, Material and Mone'% Manage.ent in-ol-es the ti.el' and e00icient application o0 the 0our M' to construct a project% Man' issues should be considered when .anaging a project and success0ull' appl'ing the 0our M' H*I%

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

!&! CONSTRUCTION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 5onstruction project% A co.plete resource stud' identi0ies when and how .an' o0 each trade will be on the job site each da' o0 the project% This allows .anage.ent to ensure that wor1 scheduled concurrentl' is co.patible and that ade4uate super-ision is pro-ided% E00icient N e00ecti-e i.ple.entation o0 construction project re4uire good .anage.ent o0 relationships 0or and resources, acti-ities and sta1eholders as applied to the conte3t where such projects are i.ple.ented% Materials, .one', .anpower N .achineries #the 5M8'& are usual resources% The principal resource in-ol-ed in construction project is .aterial% The correct .anage.ent o0 this resource ensures that the sta1eholders 1eep their pro0it and co.plete the project according to re4uired 4ualit', cost and ti.e% In our world construction resources are scarce, hard to obtain easil' and e3pensi-e e-er' da' in spite o0 the 0act that their de.and is high% It is this realit' which obliged us to utili/e the. e00icientl' and e00ecti-el'% resource .anage.ent is a concept o0 strategicall'

.anaging basic resources 0or the success0ul co.pletion o0 construction

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

!&3 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS MANAGEMENT Ma/er0a4' 6a-a+e6e-/ is a processJ It is how a building is designed and how .aterials are esti.ated% It is how .aterials are ac4uired and e-en how the pac1aging is speci0ied% It is how the deli-er' schedule is designed% It is how contractors plan .aterials use and how the' .anage pre-iousl' used .aterials and cuts% It is how waste is .anaged 0or use elsewhere or rec'cling rather than being discarded in a land0ill HAI% It is a culture how the e3pects the contractor and the contractor its subcontractors and the subcontractors its wor1ers to care 0or and properl' .anage the .aterials pro-ided% Ma/er0a4 Ma-a+e6e-/ can be de0ined as integrated .anage.ent s'ste. 0or planning, controlling or redirecting e00orts to achie-e a s.ooth, ti.el', e00icient 0low o0 .aterials to the project in the re4uired 4ualit', the re4uired ti.e, and at an acceptable price and 4ualit'% In building construction projects, .aterials account 0or .ore than 9>E o0 the project total cost% A s.all sa-ing in .aterials cost through e00icient .anage.ent o0 .aterials can result in a large contribution% A great opportunit' 0or the construction industr' to reduce cost and increase pro0it and co.petiti-eness is in the area o0 .aterials .anage.ent% $etter .aterials use can, additionall', result in project econo.', conser-ation o0 natural resources and reduced pollution% There0ore, the opportunit' to reduce cost and increase pro0its is also the Opportunit' to protect the en-iron.ent% E00icient .aterials .anage.ent in project en-iron.ent calls 0or an integrated approach co-ering nu.erous 0unctions such as .aterials Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 15

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

planning, purchasing, in-entor' control, store B 1eeping and ware housing, handling and transportation, codi0ication and standardi/ation, and the disposal o0 surplusesH)I% !&3&# MATERIAL PLANNING

Ma/er0a4' p4a--0-+ is the 1e' 0unction o0 .aterials .anage.ent, is closel' lin1ed with project planning and control set B up% $oth these wor1 together to de-elop a plan 0or procure.ent and stoc1ing o0 construction .aterials so as to pro-ide at site .aterials o0 the right 4ualit' in right 4uantit' at the right prices 0ro. the right sources at the right ti.e% A 0ew hours spent in planning can produce project cost sa-ings throughJ O Reducing the a.ount o0 .aterials purchased O $etter use o0 the .aterials purchased O Reduced labor in handling .aterials and ha-ing to purchase Ma1e?up .aterials O Reduced waste and disposal costs% C,-'/r (/0,6a/er0a4' p4a--0-+ in-ol-es identi0'ing .aterials,

esti.ating 4uantities, de0ining speci0ications, 0orecasting re4uire.ents, locating sources o0 .aterials appro-ed, designing .aterials in-entor', de-eloping procure.ent plans, and .onitoring 0low o0 .aterials till the connected construction wor1s are co.pleted% A Materials Manage.ent "lan, 0or.ulated through the process o0 these guidelines, consist o0 procedures guiding all the pro0essionals and trades in-ol-ed in the entire process o0 the building creation 0ro. design through 0inish% It is a two?phase plan corresponding to the and the 5onstruction "hase o0 'our project% 2ithin each o0 these phases there are 0our sections ?Re-iew, Reduce, Reuse and Rec'cle HAI% The process and results o0 the planning done in the design "hase corresponds directl' to the site .aterials .anage.ent plan% Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 16 esign "hase

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

De'0+- a-d C,-'/r (/0,- P)a'e The "lan that design should consider the GFour RPsGJ

Re10e9J Reconsider the design philosophies and practices% Re-iew the co.pan'Ps policies regarding esti.ating and purchasing and the site construction practices% And re-iew the sources o0 those policies and are the' -alid in toda'Ps econo.' or proceduresJ ecolog'D Red (eJ Reduce 4uantities purchased as well as waste% A wa' o0 loo1ing at the esti.atorPs and purchaserPs G0udge 0actorG is that the' are actuall' Speci0'ing the waste a.ounts% More care ta1en on the jobsite and di00erent cleanup practices could dra.aticall' reduce waste% Then 0inall' create a substantial list o0 waste?reducing practices% Re 'eJ Reuse .aterials as possible% For instance 0or. lu.ber is used .ore than once, but generall' 0or another concrete 0or., and used plastic 0il. can be stored and used to co-er e3posed wor1 in case o0 incle.ent weather% Re(y(4eJ "lan the rec'cling o0 the construction waste be0ore the project starts at the site% Once the project is underwa', treat the waste rec'cling as rigorousl' as 4ualit' o0 the construction%

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

!&3&! MATERIALS PROVISIONING :PROCUREMENT; PROCESS C,-'/r (/0,- 6a/er0a4' needed 0or a project wor1 -ar' with the nature o0 the project% The deter.ination o0 the t'pe, 4uantit' and speci0ications o0 the construction .aterials needs a detailed stud' o0 the contract docu.ents, including the bill o0 4uantities, drawings, speci0ication, pretender esti.ates, and preli.inar' -endor en4uires% Such a stud' considerable ti.e, and is a s'ste.atic and gradual process H)I% Ma/er0a4' Pr,( re6e-/ "reli.inar' in-estigations 0or de-eloping sources 0or procure.ent o0 .aterials are .ade b' 0loating en4uir' indents, containing 4uantities, speci0ications and deli-er' are jointl' prepared b' the project planning cell and .aterials procure.ent depart.ent% These are processed b' the .aterials procure.ent depart.ent 0or in-iting 4uotations with sa.ples o0 .aterials, where applicable% On receipt o0 4uotations, a co.parati-e stud' o0 the price, 4ualit', deli-er' ti.e, ter.s o0 deli-er' and pa'.ent ter.s is .ade jointl' b' both .aterials and project planning in charges% uring the course o0 this stud', -endorFs proposals are co.pared with en4uir' speci0ications and stipulated re4uire.ents, and the resulting de-iations are e3a.ined 0or acceptabilit'% The 1e' criteria 0or e-aluating the potential o0 the supplier to deli-er the right 4uantit' product at the right ti.e should include 4ualit' o0 .aterial, co.pan'Fs 0inancial status, co.pan'Fs .anage.ent tea. and their pro0essional co.petence and engineering s1ills, and support ser-ices%

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

The 4uotation co.parison sheet can be best ter.ed as a' o0 the alternati-e proposals 0or gi-en .aterials% These proposals undergo 0urther processing be0ore .a1ing a decision about placing o0 purchase order% The -arious stages encountered prior to the purchase decisions are appro-al in principle 0or processing proposals, clientFs appro-al o0 proposed .aterials and negotiations o0 ter.s o0 suppl'% And the 0inal step in the procure.ent o0 .aterials is .onitoring .aterials deli-er' schedule% !&3&3 INVENTORY CONTROL The ter. Qin-entor'F i.plies the cost o0 .aterials in stoc1 at a gi-en ti.e% This stoc1 o0 .aterials is held to act as a cushion between suppl' and de.and% The .onetar' -alue o0 in-entor' indicates the e3tent o0 in-est.ent re4uired to .aintain .ini.u. stoc1 o0 .aterials 0or the s.ooth running o0 the project% Higher in-entor' i.plies higher in-est.ent, and 0ewer in-entories carr' the ris1 o0 supplies 0alling behind de.and% A balanced in-entor' acts as a cushion between suppl' and site re4uire.ent till supplies are recei-ed% It includes pre? deter.ined sa0et' stoc1 to cater 0or slippages in deli-er' schedules H)I% In-entor' control not onl' loo1s into the ph'sical balance o0 -arious .aterials but also loo1s into aspects o0 .ini.i/ing the in-entor' cost% Another aspect o0 in-entor' control is control o0 the in-entor' carr'ing cost% A-oiding shortage, a-oiding e3cessi-e stoc1ing and increasing in-entor' turno-er, are so.e o0 the .ain issues concerning in-entor' control% Further, .ethods o0 reducing the co.ponent o0 .aterials cost in the product cost is an i.portant consideration in cost reduction% This .eans that the purchase o0 .aterials should be 0or the 4uantit' needed and the purchase 4uantit' should be neither .ore nor less% "urchases ha-e to be .ade at the right ti.e and at the .ost econo.ic cost%

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

In-entor' control is there0ore a strong .anage.ent tool 0or cost reduction%

!&3&5 STORE < $EEPING AND WAREHOUSING S/,re < *eep0-+J .eans whereb' goods are recei-ed, identi0ied, stored, issued, account 0or and replenished in accordance with de0ined ser-ice le-els and with due regard o0 legal re4uire.ents 0or health and sa0et'% Store B 1eeping is both a science and an art% So.e o0 the essentials o0 good store B 1eeping are assigning and placing each ite. in a proper place, pro-iding protection against da.age and pil0erage, using proper .ethod o0 identi0'ing and coding, and 1eeping record and in-entor' o0 stores up?to?date% Ware), 'eJ is a place where ite.s are housed or a building designed 0or storage purposes and constructed with roo0 and co.plete side and end walls% 2arehouses .ust be seen as pro-iding ser-ices to the rest o0 the organi/ation in which the' operate% The le-els o0 these ser-ices will a00ect the o-erall e00icienc' o0 the organi/ation% There0ore, the relationship between warehouses and other .anage.ent% !&3&7 HANDLING AND TRANSPORTATION Ma/er0a4' )a-d40-+J re0ers to techni4ues e.plo'ed to .o-e, transport, Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 20 epart.ents #or 0unctional

areas& within the organi/ation are -er' i.portant aspects o0 store

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

and store or distribute store ite.s with or without the aid o0 .echanical appliances% The .o-e.ents o0 .aterials to, through, or 0ro. producti-e process, and in recei-ing and shipping areas% Transportation enco.passes all acti-ities in-ol-ed in the .o-e.ent and 0low o0 .aterials 0ro. the ti.e the' are recei-ed to the ti.e the' are shipped% The transportation costs are a00ected b' ship.ent si/es and other 0actors% Ship.ent b' the 0ull load o0 a carrier o0ten reduces prices and assures 4uic1er deli-er', as the carrier can tra-el 0ro. the origin to the destination o0 the 0ull load without ha-ing to stop 0or deli-ering part o0 the cargo at other stations% A-oiding transship.ent is another consideration in reducing shipping cost% 2hile the reduction in shipping costs is a .ajor objecti-e, the re4uire.ents o0 delicate handling o0 so.e ite.s .a' 0a-or a .ore e3pensi-e .ode o0 transportation to a-oid brea1age and replace.ent costs%

!&3&= CODIFICATION AND STANDARDI>ATION The recei-ed o0 goods should be identi0ied b' a clear wa' o0 identi0ication% 2ithout identi0ication it is i.possible to uni4uel' identi0' the .aterials needed% This proble. can be sol-ed using codi0ication% The code .ust be de-eloped to identi0' all ite.s held in store% All .aterials should be gi-en a code identi0'ing the .aterial speci0icall', de0initel', and una.biguousl'% Adopting a well designed codi0ication s'ste. enables the stores .anage to ha-e a uni4ue, precise #i%e% e3act&, si.ple and consistent .ethod o0 identi0'ing stoc1s% 5ode should be co.pact, concise, and 0le3ible enough to acco..odate 0uture addition% The' purpose o0 classi0'ing .aterials is to control 4ualit', cost and ti.el' suppl'% There are .an' 0actors that need consideration while classi0'ing .aterials% These include storage space, shel0 li0e, suppl' Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 21

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

reliabilit', in-entor' costs, ease o0 identi0ication, construction se4uence, transportation re4uire.ent, price, procure.ent ti.e, procure.ent source and project li0e%

!&3&? DISPOSAL OF SURPLUSES 5onstruction acti-it' leads to generate o0 solid wastes, which include sand, gra-el, concrete, stone, bric1s, wood, .etal, paper etc% 5onstruction waste can occur at e-er' stage o0 the acti-ities but .ost o0 those in-ol-ed in the operation do not aware o0 that% 2aste le-el 0or initial stage o0 construction acti-ities can be low and the .ost signi0icant waste le-el can be obser-ed during the construction phase especiall' on site where .ost o0 the resources are being used in this stage% 5onstruction waste is bul1' and hea-' and is .ostl' unsuitable 0or disposal b' incineration or co.posting% surpluses is -er' e3pensi-e% ue to continuing shortage o0 sites and increase in transportation cost, the disposal o0

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

!&5 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS WASTAGE MANAGEMENT !&5&# DEFINITION C,-'/r (/0,- 6a/er0a4 9a'/a+e' can be de0ined as the di00erence between the -alue o0 .aterials deli-ered and accepted on site and those properl' used as speci0ied and accuratel' .easured in the wor1, a0ter deducting the cost sa-ing o0 substituted .aterials trans0erred elsewhere in which unnecessar' cost and ti.e .a' be incurred b' .aterials wastage H8I%

!&5&! MATERIALS USAGE STANDARDS !enerall', the .aterials and labor costs in a project are conceptuali/ed during the inception stage b' using past e3perience% 2hile contracting the 4uantities o0 wor1 in-ol-ed in a project are detailed in the contract bill o0 4uantities% These are deri-ed 0ro. the design and drawings% $ut there is inherent .aterials wastage associated with all t'pes o0 .aterials% So.e wastage is ine-itable in actual wor1% This wastage in .aterials is generall' e3pressed as percentage o0 .aterials calculated theoreticall' 0ro. the 4uantities o0 wor1 in-ol-ed, and is ter.ed as @S/a-dard Wa'/a+eA%

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

The total 4uantit' o0 .aterials to be pro-isioned should cater 0or the standard wastage b' increasing the theoretical 4uantit' proportionatel'% Ma/er0a4' /, be pr,10'0,-ed B Theoretical 4uantit' o0 .aterials O #)>> R standard wastage #E&&M)>> S/a-dard 9a'/a+e o0 the construction .aterials depends upon .an' -ariables such as the nature o0 wor1, t'pe o0 .aterials, .ethod o0 application, etc%

It .a' be noted that standard wastage caters 0or wastage during utili/ation onl' 0or causes considered be'ond control at site% In addition to the uncontrollable wastage, there is wastageMpil0erage which 0alls in the categor' o0 controllable wastage% The .ain causes o0 controllable wastage at -arious stages can be due to the 0ollowingJ? a% 2astage during design and super-ision% b% 2astage during .aterials procure.ent% c% 2astage during handling and storage% d% 2astage during utili/ation% Since, controllable wastage 0alls under the pur-iew o0 the .aterials .anage.ent sta00 the additional pro-isions to co.pensate 0or such wastage should be .ade b' the. so as to ensure that the right 4uantit' and right 4uantit' o0 .aterials are a-ailable at the right ti.e% Table *%) 5onstruction Materials 2astages "lanning Nor.s H8I% Ite. No% ) * + 8 T'pes o0 Materials 5e.ent Sand Aggregate Rein0orce.ent steel bars echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron "lanned 2astage # E & * )> 9 + 24

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

9 ; < = A )> )) )*

Stone .asonr' Steel sheet roo0ing Tile roo0ing Floor tiling Marble lining Rein0orced concrete :ean concrete "ainting

9 * 9 *?9 *> * )> 9

!&5&3 CAUSES OF MATERIAL WASTAGE 2astage o0 .aterials can ta1e place during -arious stages o0 the project% )% 2astage arising 0ro. design .a' result 0ro. the 0ollowing reasons ? i.ension dis?coordination% 7ariations in design at the construction stage #de.olishing&% iscrepancies in drawings and speci0ications% O-er design% Speci0ication 0ailing to .atch the 4ualit' o0 the building re4uired% Resistance to adopt alternati-e .aterials%

*% 2astage during procure.ent can result 0ro. one or .ore o0 the 0ollowing .ain causes ? $u'ing .aterials o0 wrong speci0ication% $u'ing .ore than the actual re4uire.ent% Unnecessar' bu'ing o0 ite.s to cater 0or unrealistic and un0oreseen e-entualities% Unti.el' bu'ing o0 short?li0e .aterials% echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 25

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

I.proper and unnecessar' handling o0 .aterials% 2astage in transportation%

+% 2astage during storage can occur due to the 0ollowing reasons ? a.aged and brea1ages during handling% eterioration due to incorrect storage, incorrect .aintenance and short?shel0 li0e% :osses due to 0ire, the0ts and e3posure to cli.atic conditions%

8% 2astage during utili/ation #usage& can be attributed to one or .ore o0 the 0ollowing reasons ? E3cess 4uantit' esti.ation% Shortage in deli-er'% The0t and pil0erage% $rea1ages and da.ages during handling% :ac1 o0 pre?wor1 preparation and coordination% In0erior 4ualit' o0 .aterials% I.proper accounting and poor store 1eeping% Negligent and careless attitude o0 the super-isor% Un0oreseen circu.stances li1e accidents, 0ire, etc% High rate o0 deterioration due to long storage at the place o0 wor1% O-er?issues 0ro. the central stores and 0ailures to return unused surplus .aterials%

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects


!&5&5&#& S0de e22e(/' d e /, p,,r 6a/er0a4' )a-d40-+ a& High le-el o0 .aterials wastage ue to poor storage s'ste., .aterials are e3posed to da.age, loss, -andalis. etc% Higher le-el o0 wastage .a' be occurring due to o-er order or under suppl' o0 .aterials% A lot o0 .aterials are being wasted due to poor handling s'ste. and poor wor1.anship% b& "oor .aterials storage 2hen the .aterials are not in properl' arranged, it .a' cause da.age to .aterials and obstruct the handling o0 .echanical plant% Materials should be unloaded and stored near to the point o0 use to pre-ent double handling o0 wor1% 2ithout proper planning a location o0 .aterials storage, the site .a' be congested and a00ect site accessibilit'% There is alwa's a tendenc' 0or so.e o0 .aterials to be stored in wrong place% For Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 27

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

e3a.ple s.all and -aluable ite.s li1e door closers and loc1set, which are alwa's stolen b' wor1ers or sub?contractors when stored in an open store% c& Materials shortage or e3cesses on site 2ithout proper planning o0 ordering and deli-ering o0 .aterials, there is a high tendenc' 0acing the shortage o0 .aterials in site% E3cess o0 .aterials deli-ered to site creates lot storage proble.s, i0 the .aterials are deli-ered too earl' on siteL the ris1 o0 .aterials da.aged b' progressing wor1s is high%

!&5&5&!& S0de e22e(/' d e /, 6a/er0a4' 9a'/a+e a& :ow pro0itabilit' The pro0itabilit' o0 a project can be in0luenced b' the cost o0 .aterials% :arge costs can be sa-ed 0ro. the .aterials since it contributes to a substantial -alue o0 a project% As a rule o0 thu.b, the higher le-el o0 wastage, the lower pro0itabilit' o0 the project% There0ore, sound Material Storage Manage.ent is needed to .a3i.i/e pro0itabilit' o0 a project% b& 5onstruction ti.e dela' The dela' o0 construction wor1 .a' occur when wrong t'pes or 4ualit' o0 .aterials are used and the ti.e spent 0or the re?construction and replace.ent 0or the goods% Another cause o0 dela's is da.ages during the transit o0 .aterials, shortage o0 .aterials, and late deli-er' o0 .aterials and so on% 2ithout proper planning in Material Storage Manage.ent, the project is li1el' to be dela'ed%

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

c& :ow producti-it' "oor Materials Storage Manage.ent will a00ect producti-it'% For

e3a.ple, a congested site with .aterials not properl' allocated will create a lot o0 double handling wor1s and obstruct the operation wor1s% The producti-it' o0 the wor1 will be reduced with shortages and dela' o0 .aterials suppl' that disrupt progra.%

d& En-iron.ental i.pact Since the en-iron.ental issue is in concern globall', waste generated b' industrial operations need to be categori/ed in list o0 concern too as waste le-els indicate the appreciation o0 use o0 en-iron.ent natural resources% those industr' operations, construction industr' also contributes a signi0icant waste to the o-erall waste -olu.e annuall' 0or .ajorit' countr'% The i.pact o0 construction operations on natural conser-ation is cu.ulati-e and collecti-e in .ost situations, such as disturbance o0 sensiti-e habitats and species b' water pollution% In addition, where large a.ounts o0 waste are generated, loss o0 grassland can result 0ro. the need 0or land0ill sites% New concepts o0 waste control are being applied in .an' countries nowada's% Material Storage Manage.ent #MSM& is in great concern% These are all done to ensure the waste is being controlled as well as the en-iron.ental condition is being protected%

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

!&5&7 SYSTEM OF MATERIAL WASTAGE CONTROL So.e una-oidable wastage is inherent during utili/ation, but it is the e3cessi-e wastage which is o0 concern to the .anage.ent% E3cessi-e wastage during the utili/ation stage a00ects the producti-it' ad-ersel', and conse4uentl' results in e3tra costs% "roducti-it' control ai.s at .ini.i/ing wastage in usage% "roducti-it' control at the construction responsibilit' center le-el can be broadl' di-ided into accounting 0or .aterials, anal'/ing usage -ariances to deter.ine the causes o0 wastage and i.ple.enting .easures to .ini.i/e wastage H)I%
!&5&7&# A((, -/0-+ 2,r C,-'/r (/0,- Ma/er0a4'

Materials accounting s'ste. docu.ents the .aterials data, it pro-ides the .aterials procure.ent status% It shows the holding o0 .aterials

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

in-entor' 0or the wor1s% It identi0ies and 4uanti0ies issues o0 .aterials to the site and it re-eals the .aterials costs% "roject planners are especiall' concerned with .aterials?0low data 0or ensuring the ti.el' procure.ent o0 .aterials, and site a-ailabilit' o0 .aterials o0 right 4uantit' and 4ualit' at the re4uired ti.e and place% The' also ai. costs, at .ini.i/ing esti.ates and wastage during usage, o0 e-aluating and i.plications o0 -ariations 0ro. the acceptable wastage standard, updating e3penditures .aterials, 0or.ulating .aterials costing nor.s 0or 0uture wor1s%
!&5&7&! Ma/er0a4' Wa'/a+e A-a4y'0'

The 0irst step in .aterials wastage anal'sis is to 4uanti0' standard 4uantit' and t'pe o0 direct .aterial needed 0or each wor1 ite.% The actual .aterials consu.ed 0or each wor1 ite. can be co.plied 0ro. the .aterial issues and return notes transacted between super-isors and stoc1holders% In case o0 .aterials deli-ered directl' to the construction sites b' the supplier, such as read'?.i3 concrete 0ro. site batching plant o0 0abricated steel 0or rein0orce.ent 0ro. the site steel 'ard, or aggregate 0ro. the crusher, the supplierFs deli-er' note along with .aterials return note can be used to deter.ine the 4uantit' consu.ed 0or a gi-en wor1 ite.% These issue slips and deli-er' notes, when consolidated 0ro. the start to co.pletion o0 the wor1?ite. can gi-e the 4uantities o0 .aterials consu.ed% The di00erence between the standard .aterials re4uire.ent and the .aterials usuall' consu.ed indicates the e3cess #i0 an'& 0ro. the accepted .aterials wastage standard prepared at the ti.e o0 esti.ation%


'a+e 1ar0a-(e

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echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

B standard acceptable .aterials wastage ? Actual .aterials wastage%


3&#& PROFILE OF THE CUESTIONNAIRES As discussed in the .ethodolog' part o0 this paper, the second approach to assess the e3istence o0 .aterial handling and wastage proble.s, the .ain causes o0 wastage, their side e00ects and proposed .ethods is the use o0 4uestionnaires sur-e' based on 0ir.Fs e3perience% The 4uestionnaires were

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

designed to collect data regarding the current .aterial .anage.ent and wastage control practices% The 4uestionnaires were grouped into 0our .ajor sections% The sections and their area o0 assess.ent are the 0ollowingsJ Section one is related to the e3istence o0 .aterial handling and wastage proble. in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects% Section two is designed to asses the .ajor causes 0or .aterials poor handling and wastage% 2astage resulting during design and super-ision, procure.ent, handling and storage and during utili/ation o0 .aterials has recei-ed a particular attention% Section three is designed to asses the co..on side e00ects o0 the proble.s on both sta1eholders and projects% Section four is related to the s'ste. proposed b' sta1eholders to .ini.i/e .aterials poor handling and wastage in the low cost housing projects%

3&!& THE RESPONDENTS The respondents were local contractors, consultants and e.plo'ers engaged .ainl' in low cost housing construction projects% A total o0 +; 4uestionnaires were distributed, and out o0 which ** were collected% The respondents ha-e been as1ed to respond 4uestions in relation to 0ir.Fs .aterial .anage.ent practices and an' pre identi0ied causes o0 wastage in projects, i0 there is an'% RespondentFs reaction was positi-e and it has a response rate o0 ;)E% Table +%) su..ari/es the nu.ber o0 distributed 4uestionnaires and rate o0 responses% Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 33

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Table +%),' on the response rate o0 4uestionnaires 5onstruction part' 5ontractors 5onsultants E.plo'ers istributed 4uestionnaires )* )* )* 5ollected 4uestionnaires = = ; Response #E& ;<E ;<E 9>E rate



3&3&# Se(/0,- ,-e % is related to the e3istence o0 .aterial handling and wastage proble. in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects% Table +%*, E3istence o0 .aterial handling and wastage proble.%
I/e 6 N,& C e'/0,-' Re'p,d Re'p,-de-/' I- N,& I- E

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Is there an' .aterial handling and wastage proble. directl' connected to low cost housing projectsD (es or No A% 5ontractor $% 5onsultant 5% E.plo'er (es No (es No (es No )>> > )>> > )>> > )>> > )>> > )>> >

Fig% +%), E3istence o0 .aterials handling and wastage proble.s% D0'( ''0,- ? The abo-e Table +%* and Fig% +%) indicated that the e3istence o0 .aterial handling and wastage proble. in projects% According to the result 0ound 0ro. the sur-e' stud', )>>E o0 the sta1eholderFs respondents belie-e thatL the .aterials poor handling and wastage proble. e3ist in Addis Ababa :ow 5ost Housing projects% 3&3&! Se(/0,- /9, % is related to the .ajor causes o0 .aterials poor handling and wastage% Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 35

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Table +%+, Major causes o0 poor .aterials handling and wastage%

I/e 6 N,& * C e'/0,-' 2hat are the .ajor causes o0 poor .aterial handling and wastage in :5H projectsD )% "oor ship A% 5ontractor $% 5onsultant 5% E.plo'er *% I.proper .aterial handling and storage s'ste. A% 5ontractor $% 5onsultant 5% E.plo'er +% Utili/ation A% 5ontractor $% 5onsultant 5% E.plo'er 8% esign proble. ; 8 * 8 * * * * ) 8 + + <9 9> ++ 9> *9 ++ *9 *9 )< 9> += 9> A% 5ontractor $% 5onsultant 5% E.plo'er 9% 7ariation in design at construction stage A% 5ontractor $% 5onsultant 5% E.plo'er ;% Incorrect procure.ent o0 .aterials A% 5ontractor $% 5onsultant 5% E.plo'er <% In bul1 .aterial suppl' b' the owner A% 5ontractor $% 5onsultant 5% E.plo'er 8 9 9 9> ;+ =+ 8 9 8 9> ;+ ;< Re'p,-de-/' I- N,& I- E

+ 8 8

+= 9> ;<

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Fig% +%*, Major causes 0or .aterials handling and wastage% D0'( ''0,- ? Table +%+ and Fig% +%* shows that, the .ajor causes 0or poor .aterial handling and wastage in :5H project% According to the sur-e' data, so.e o0 the .ain causes o0 .aterials poor handling and wastage are poor wor1.anship, lac1 o0 appropriate handling and storage, utili/ation, design proble.s, -ariations in design at construction stage, incorrect procure.ent o0 .aterials and .aterial suppl' in bul1 4uantit'% #& P,,r 9,r*6a-')0p According to the result 0ound 0ro. the stud', a-erages o0 ;>E o0 the respondents belie-e thatL poor wor1.anship is one o0 the .ajor causes o0 .aterial wastage in :5H project% $esides, .ost :5H projects are awarded on 0i3ed price bases 0or selected 4uali0ied consultants and contractorsL this .a1es the contractors unable to e.plo' 4uali0ied Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 37

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

pro0essionals and s1illed .anpowerFs% In addition to this, since the contractor e.plo' laborers with low basic salar', .ostl' wor1ers see1 another co.pan' which pa's better% Thus poor and non?sustainable wor1.anship contributes 0or the increase o0 .aterial wastage%

P),/, #: Material wastage due to poor wor1.anship, utili/ation o0 i.proper 4ualit' .aterials and i.proper super-ision% The proble. .a' rise due to poor wor1.anship during production stage and lac1 o0 super-ision% Under super-ision the 0ollowing steps should be properl' i.ple.ented% uring production stageL right -ibration, 4ualit' .aterial selection and correct .i3 ratio should be 1ept% The .ould has to be chee1ed and properl' prepared 0or 0i3ing rein0orce.ent bars and to pour concrete% A0ter casting it has to be properl' dis.antled and get proper curing% Until precast bea.s attain its co.prehensi-e strength, it should be properl' cured% A0ter that it should be well transported to wor1ing site and properl' handled%

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

P),/, !: Material wastage due to poor wor1.anship% This grade bea. bulge out is due to lac1 o0 4ualit' .aterial selection and S1illed laborers% As a result o0 this, the entire bulge out concrete a.ount increases the wastage to beco.e out o0 standard%

P),/, 3J E3cess -oids obser-ed on casted grade bea. and 0oundation colu.n junctions due to poor wor1.anship%

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

P),/, 5J Forwarded reco..endations% As obser-ed in photo + N 8, .aterials are wasted due to poor wor1.anshipL in addition the contractor incurs additional labor cost% Here also the e.plo'er loses the on ti.e 0unctioning o0 the building due to dela's o0 project co.pletion ti.e unless so.e co.pensation .echanis.s i.ple.ented here%

!& La(* ,2 appr,pr0a/e )a-d40-+ a-d '/,ra+e

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

As the result o0 the stud' shows, nearl' ;<E o0 the e.plo'er and 9>E o0 the consultant belie-es that, lac1 o0 appropriate handling and storage o0 .aterials b' the contractors #sub?contractors& contribute 0or the wastage o0 .aterials in the project% So.e proble.s associated with this, are da.ages and brea1ages during loading and un?loading, deterioration due to incorrect storage, losses due to the0t and e3posure to e3tre.e cli.atic condition% As the' replied, wastages are .ore in cases o0 labor based contracting s'ste., this is becauseL .ostl' sub?contractors are not sensiti-e to .aterials rather, the' 0ocus on outputs% Hence the client should pro-ide close super-ision in order to .a1e the subcontractors gi-e attention to .aterial handling and control their negligence% Inaddtion to this the owner should pro-ide .aterial handling and wastage control ite. in the contract docu.ent%

P),/, 7: Inappropriate .aterial #ce.ent& storage% As obser-ed in photo 9, ce.ents are stored directl' in contact with 0loor and it is stoc1piled rando.l'%

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

P),/, =J Inappropriate rein0orce.ent stoc1piling% E.plo'er alwa's not suppl' newl' produced rein0orce.ent bars% As it is easil' obser-ed in the picture, the rein0orce.ent bars get corroded 0ro. the -er' beginning% In addition the rein0orce.ent bars not stoc1piled properl'L which .eans it is placed directl' in contact with earth and which is not under shed, due to this the corrosion e3tent enhanced a lot% As a result, it creates a direct additional cost to the contractor and dela's on project co.pletion ti.e% 3& U/040Fa/0,As the result o0 the stud' shows, ;;E o0 the sta1eholderFs respondent belie-es thatL i.proper utili/ation #usage& is one o0 the .ajor causes 0or .aterial wastage% So.e o0 the i.proper utili/ation proble.s .entioned isL e3cess .ortarMconcrete preparation, poor handling o0 .aterials, .isuse o0 ratio to -arious grades, using unsuitable tools and .achines, and use o0 dr' ce.ent etc%

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

P),/, ?J Material wastage during concrete transportation to cast a structure%

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

P),/, G: Material wastage during concrete .i3ing%

Material wastage mostly observed in LCH project to a maximum degree than other high scale projects. This is due to various reasons:5& De'0+- pr,b4e6' As the result o0 the stud' shows, <9E o0 the contractors and 9>E o0 the consultants belie-e thatL design proble.s as the .ajor cause 0or ? LCH projects are labor based contract rom the very beginning. !eside this the contractor not handle the materials by using proper techni"ues and mostly the labor orce lac# expected

.aterial wastage% So.e proble.s associated with this, are o-er design, di.ension dis?coordination, and design without soil test% In this case, larger .aterial are .andator' 0or construction than should be the case, and this beco.e a cause 0or .aterial wastages% A good design can reduce wastages b' considering di.ensional coordination and grid s'ste. o0 designing% 7& Var0a/0,-' 0- de'0+- a/ (,-'/r (/0,- '/a+e Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 44

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

In this section, the stud' indicates that, 9>E o0 the contractors accept -ariations in design at the construction stage ha-e e00ect 0or the increase o0 .aterial wastage in the project% The e00ect is .ani0ested b' not ha-ing co.plete design and design change order gi-en to the contractor b' the consultant orMand e.plo'er at the construction stage% wastage in the 0or. o0 de.olishing o0 0ault' design wor1s% esign change #.odi0ication& at construction stage which leads to the additional

=& I-(,rre(/ pr,( re6e-/ ,2 6a/er0a4' As the result o0 the stud' shows, al.ost <9E o0 the respondents replied that, incorrect procure.ent o0 .aterials does not ha-e an in0luence on .aterial wastage% Howe-er, during our site -isit and discussion with the e.plo'ees o0 sta1eholdersL we ha-e reached to a co..on understanding o0 its e3istence, since it is obser-ed on contractors when procuring and deli-ering incorrect .aterials which are in0erior in 4ualit', howe-er the' re.o-e it 0ro. site when it is understood b' the consultant%

?& I- b 4* 6a/er0a4 ' pp4y by /)e ,9-er It is agreed b' nearl' 99E o0 sta1eholders that, bul1 suppl' o0 .aterials b' the owner #AAH "O& and MSE has in0luence to the increase o0 .aterial wastage in the project% The' ha-e e3plained the i.pact o0 its in0luence as 0ollowsJ a% The suppl' o0 .aterials b' the owner #AAH "O& is not conceding with the project .aterial deli-er' schedule, which 0acilitates unti.el' bul1 suppl' o0 .aterials%

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects


ue to lac1 o0 super-ision, MSEFs produce poor 4ualit' .aterials and

suppl' .aterials with out 1eeping the re4uired 4uantit' and right ti.e%

Table +%8,
I/e 6 N,&

oes the in-ol-e.ent o0 MSEFs increase wastage

C e'/0,-' Re'p,d Re'p,-de-/' I- N,& I- E

oes the in-ol-e.ent o0 MSEPS ha-e contribution 0or the increase o0 .aterial wastage in :5H projectsD (es or No, i0 'es what are the side e00ects in 'our conte3tD "lease 0orward possible justi0icationD (es No (es No (es No ; * < ) ) 9 <9 *9 == )+ )< =+

A% 5ontractors $% 5onsultant 5% E.plo'er

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Fig% +%+,

oes the in-ol-e.ent o0 MSEFs increase wastage

D0'( ''0,- ? Table +%8 and Fig% +%+ shows that, whether the e3istence o0 MSEs #Micro and S.all Enterprises& ha-e contribution 0or the increase o0 .aterial wastage in the project% As the result shows =+E o0 the e.plo'ers belie-e that, the in-ol-e.ent o0 MSEFs in this sector does not contribute 0or the increase o0 wastage whileL <9E o0 the contractors and =<%9E o0 the consultants replied that, their participation in producing and suppl'ing .aterials has large e00ect on wastages o0 .aterials% The' ha-e e3plained the i.pact o0 their in0luence as 0ollowsJ a& "roduction error and lac1 o0 per0ection on .aterials li1e precast bea.s, slab and H5$ walls% b& ue to lac1 o0 super-ision, MSEFs produce and suppl' poor 4ualit'


Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

The .ain proble. we ha-e understood here is that, the MSEFs not 'et got enough training and 1nowledge which enables the. to produce .aterials with re4uired 4ualit' and di.ension% wastages generated% ue to this reason, .aterials with poor 4ualit' and incorrect di.ension produced and

3&3&3 Se(/0,- /)ree % is related to the .ajor side e00ects o0 .aterials poor handling and wastage in :ow 5ost Housing projects% Table +%9, side e00ects o0 the proble.s in the project%
I/e 6 N,& 8 C e'/0,-' 2hat are the side e00ects o0 the proble.s in :5H projectsD )% 5ost o-errun A% 5ontractor $% 5onsultant 5% E.plo'er *% ela' in project co.pletion ti.e A% 5ontractor $% 5onsultant 5% E.plo'er +% Ine00ecti-e resource utili/ation A% 5ontractor $% 5onsultant 5% E.plo'er 8% En-iron.ental i.pact A% 5ontractor $% 5onsultant 5% E.plo'er 9 8 8 + 8 8 8 9 9 + 9 + ;+ 9> ;< += 9> ;< 9> ;+ =+ += ;+ 9> Re'p,-de-/' I- N,& I- E

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echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Fig% +%8, Side e00ects o0 the proble.s in the project% D0'( ''0,- ? Table +%9 and Fig% +%8 shows that the .ajor side e00ects o0 poor .aterials handling and wastage in the low cost housing projects% So.e o0 the .ain side e00ects according to the sur-e' data are cost o-errun, dela' in project co.pletion ti.e, ine00ecti-e resource utili/ation, and en-iron.ental i.pact% #& C,'/ ,1err According to the result 0ound 0ro. the stud', a-erages o0 ;>E o0 the sta1eholdersF respondents belie-e that .aterials poor handling and wastage a00ects the e3pected project cost planned b' e.plo'er and contractor% More o-er as stated in the literature re-iew section *%+ in building construction projects .aterials account 0or .ore than 9>E o0 the project total cost% The e00ect is .ani0ested b' not using proper handling during procure.ent, transportation, storage, and utili/ation%

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echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

!& De4ay 0- pr,.e(/ (,6p4e/0,- /06e As the result o0 the stud' shows nearl' 9+E o0 the sta1eholdersF respondents belie-e that project co.pletion ti.e is a00ected ha-ing .aterials poor handling and wastage in projects% uring our discussion with the project engineers the dela' o0 construction wor1 .a' occur when wrong t'pes or 4ualit' o0 .aterials are used and the ti.e spent 0or the re?construction and replace.ent 0or the goods% Another cause o0 dela's is da.ages during the transit o0 .aterials, shortage o0 .aterials, and late deli-er' o0 .aterials and so on% 3& I-e22e(/01e re', r(e /040Fa/0,-

As the result o0 the stud' shows nearl' =+E o0 the e.plo'er and ;+E o0 the consultants belie-e that .aterials poor handling and wastage a00ects the planned 4uantit' o0 .aterial to co.plete a project% :ac1 o0 appropriate handling and storage o0 .aterials b' the contractors #subcontractors& contribute 0or wastage o0 .aterials in projects% 5& E-10r,-6e-/a4 06pa(/ According to the result 0ound 0ro. the stud' shows nearl' 9>E o0 the sta1eholdersF respondents belie-e that wastes due to .aterials poor handling and wastage is easil' a00ect the en-iron.ent% The i.pact o0 construction operations on natural conser-ation is cu.ulati-e and collecti-e in .ost situations, such as disturbance o0 sensiti-e habitats and species b' water pollution% In addition, where large a.ounts o0 waste are generated, loss o0 grassland can result 0ro. the need 0or land0ill sites%

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echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

3&3&5 Se(/0,- F, r: proposed s'ste.s and .ethodologies used to .ini.i/e .aterials wastage and to .aintain proper .aterial handling 0ro. the three sta1eholders point o0 -iew% Material is the large portion o0 the project costL our pro0it is highl' depending on proper utili/ation o0 .aterial resources at di00erent stage o0 the project ti.e% $ecause o0 this reason, sta1eholders 0orward the 0ollowing s'ste.s to .ini.i/e .aterial wastage and poor .aterial handling%
Table +%;, proposed s'ste.s to .ini.i/e poor .aterial handling and wastages%

Sta1e holders A& C,-/ra(/,r'

"roposed and practiced s'ste.s Assign.ent o0 0ollow up engineer b' preparing chec1lists% Training is 0orwarded to engineers #senior and 0resh& and to other rele-ant s1illed laborers with in so.e inter-al or as it need% Regular .eeting e-aluation which obtain one .ajor agenda about .aterial handling and its standard utili/ation% "ro-iding bonuses, position incre.ent, preparing scheduled recreational ti.e to e00icient laborers and pro0essionals as per their position and encourage.ent on di00erent aspect% $ar schedule preparation, 0inance budgetingL brea1 downed .aterial schedule preparation be0ore 0orced to e3ecutions% Rec'cling, 0or e3a.ple wastage created during plastering, concrete placing and .i3ing% All these .aterial wastage will be processed again to use 0or ordinar' wor1s%

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echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

The contractor should ta1e care on handling o0 .aterials during loading, unloading, transportation and utili/ation periods% The contractor should ha-e ta1en right .i3, 4ualit' .aterial and properl' sta00ed resource%

Sta1e holders B& C,-' 4/a-/'

"roposed and practiced s'ste.s !i-ing orientation and brie0ing 0or the cause o0 wastages to construction .aterials in :5H projects such as slab N wall H5$Ps, bar, sand N gra-el% Filling inspections on .aterials be0ore the' brought in to the building to construct slab or H5$ wall% "reparing chec1lists, .aterial handling procedure and s'ste.s on storing, placing and on how .aterial .anage.ent can be handled% "ro-iding special training to super-isors, how the' should handle the project to the e3tent low cost de.ands awareness% Assisting the contractors in how N where to store .aterials when supplied b' the client% 2arning contractors b' writing on site boo1 to create a good .anage.ent a0ter repeated oral co..unication and that obliged the contractors to proceed b' 0ull 0illing their responsibilit'% 5onsulting o00ices are tr'ing to prepare trainings 0or .ost sta1eholders li1e Engineers under 5onsulting with in so.e inter-als to create "recast bea. N on .ajor raw .aterials such as ce.ent, rein0orce.ent

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

o00ices, contractors, suppliers N MSEPs about how to acco.plish the project with appropriate 4ualit', relati-e co.pletion ti.e N better pro0it with less wastage% The consulting o00ice should properl' asses the project site be0ore rushing to the design wor1 and 0orces the contractor to i.ple.ent it% Here soil e3ploration .ust be the 0irst .andator' and help0ul data 0or design wor1% Sta1e holders C& E6p4,yer "roposed and practiced s'ste.s The organi/ation should ta1e rando. 0ollow up and super-ision not onl' on .aterials production but also due attention should be ta1en during loading, un loading, transportation and usage o0 .aterials% Appreciate position rewarding to e00icient pro0essionals to ac4uire better 1nowledge, here rewarding goes to the degree o0 additional wor1 pro-isions to the constructing parties% All sta1e holders should 1eep their responsibilities to achie-e targets% D0'( ''0,- ? Table +%; shows the s'ste.s practiced and proposed techni4ues used to .ini.i/e poor .aterial handling and wastage% To a-oid these proble.s, .ajorl' all sta1eholders agreed on sta00 training, close super-ision, proper wor1 0orce sta00ing, and utili/ation o0 di00erent wastage reduction .echanis.s including inno-ations are the basics% Out o0 the., speci0icall' clients ha-e wea1nesses in super-ising MSEFs% In addition to this all the sta1eholders should tr' to ha-e good relationship others in order to .ini.i/e .aterials poor handling and wastage in low cost house projects% Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 53

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

CHAPTER % FOUR 5& CONCLUTION AND RECOMMENDATION 5&#& C,-(4 '0,The research on Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa :ow 5ost Housing projects is concluded with the 0ollowing pointsJ 1. Sta1eholders should 1now how projects properl' .anaged

concerning .aterials% 2. The client and MSEs do not use proper .aterial deli-er' s'ste.% +% Fro. obser-ation, .aterial wastage is .ostl' created due to utili/ation, poor wor1.anship, design proble. and i.proper .aterial handling and storage s'ste.s% 8% Fro. the research 0indings, training and wor1shop re4uire.ent is .andator' 0or the reduction o0 .aterial wastage% 5. On .ost obser-ed sites, poor 4ualit' .aterials e3ist due to lac1 o0 strong super-ision on the production o0 .aterials li1e precast bea.s, slabs and wall H5$s% ;% $uilding participants are o0ten lac1ing s1ill and 1nowledge in appl'ing wastage .ini.i/ation techni4ues in their dail' wor1% Hence, there is a natural tendenc' architects, engineers and contractors to use the .ore 0a.iliar con-entional .ethods% <% Unless we 0a.iliari/ed and go in to practice on wastage reduction techni4ues, the 0ollowing .ajor out co.ings will be obser-ed widel' on .ost project sites% Major out co.ings are project cost increase, great lost 0or the owner and to other participated sta1e holders, wor1 will be dela'ed due to the o-erall .aterial shorten and en-iron.ent ris1% =% 2astage is una-oidable in construction wor1L but b' appl'ing appropriate controlling s'ste., we can .ini.i/e it%

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echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

5&! Re(,66e-da/0,)% A proper wa' to handle the project is earl' planning% *% The client should 0ollow proper .aterial deli-er' s'ste.% +% e-eloping sta00 training, Sta00s or wor1ers ha-e to be consulted to ensure the' 1now how to handle the .aterials correctl' and tr' to reduce wastage% 8% "roper design should be i.ple.ented which considers .aterial wastage reduction% 9% 5o..unication between the designer and contractor is i.portant so that each reali/es how the design decisions will a00ect on site operations and wastage generation% ;% I.ple.entation o0 en-iron.entall' 0riendl' construction .ethods% <% Selections o0 the best reputation contractor ha-e to be .ade to insure the wastages are .ini.i/ed% =% Tr' to i.ple.ent inno-ations li1e low?wastage building technologies b' a-oiding obstacles% A% Technical proble.s o0 a 0ew new construction .ethods ha-e to be o-erco.e be0ore the' can be widel' adopted% )>% e-eloping In0or.ation and record .anage.ent s'ste.% ))% Use appropriate wastage .ini.i/ing techni4ues 0or :5H projects% )*% Further stud' is reco..ended on .aterial handling and wastage control s'ste.%

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects


Re'ear() /0/4e : Material Handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects%

Re'ear() +,a4 : To in-estigate an' e3isting .aterial wastage and poor .aterial handling, stud'ing their causes and side e00ects and 0or 0orwarding s'ste.s to .ini.i/e wastages and correct poor .aterial handling s'ste.s to :5H projects% Re'ear() ,b.e(/01e' : To in-estigate the presence o0 .aterial handling and wastage control proble. on :5H project including its e3tent% To 0ind out the .ain causes o0 .aterial wastage and poor .aterial handling% To e3plore the side e00ects o0 .aterial wastage and poor .aterial handling on :5H project% To 0orward latest .aterial wastage reducing techni4ues and poor .aterial handling correcti-e procedures to alle-iate proble.s 0aced on di00erent stages o0 the project% Re'ear() ba(*+r, -d :

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echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

In order to respond the high de.and o0 population housing proble. in respect to econo.' and land resource utili/ation, the Ethiopian go-ern.ent has gi-e due attention 0or low cost housing% $esides it is belie-ed that it creates better urbani/ation, job opportunit' to une.plo'ed large nu.ber o0 'oung people and beco.e 0air li-ing sites especiall' to low?inco.e citi/ens o0 the cit'% Since building construction .aterials account .ore than 9>E o0 the total project cost and :5H projects target cost?e00icient house construction, and using e00ecti-e wastage control s'ste.s and proper .aterial handling is -ital 0or the reduction o0 cost e3penditure due to poor .aterial handling and proble.s on .aterial wastages% The research is tried to describe di00erent crucial s'ste.s to a-oid e3cess wastages% Re'ear() pr,b4e6' : #& Pr,b4e6 '/a/e6e-/:% Identi0' and use appropriate s'ste.s to .ini.i/e

.aterial wastages and poor .aterial handlings a-ailable in :5H projects% !& Re'ear() I e'/0,-':% 2hat is .aterial handling and wastage control s'ste.D Is .aterials handling and wastage proble. e3istD I0 it

e3ists, what are the .ain causes and to what e3tent it appearsD To what degree, the sta1e holders share and gi-e

outstanding solution 0or the proble.s appear associated with wastageD

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echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

2hat are the e00ects o0 e3cess wastage and .aterials

poor handling to the project and what are the proposed re.edial .easures to reduce these proble.sD

Re'ear() (,-/eJ/ : Out o0 the construction .aterials, 5e.ent, Rein0orce.ent bar, slab and wall H5$sF, pre0abricated concrete ele.ents etc are the .ain inputs 0or the construction o0 :5H buildings% Howe-er, since we are not using the .aterials properl', we obliged to 0ace di00erent t'pe o0 wastages in degree% These wastages areJ 2astage during design and super-ision% 2astage due to incorrect purchasing% 2astage during transportation, handling and storage% 2astage during utili/ation #construction&%

And these again, will lead to ha-e .a3i.u. wastages 0or .ost ite.s o0 wor1s% 2hich shows sta1e holders are not 'et gi-e due attention 0or wastages created in di00erent stages o0 the project% So we tr' to e3plore in depth the .enses and strengthening .echanis.s to reduce wastages% Re'ear() (,-(ep/ : 2ea1ness to .ini.i/e controllable wastage o0 .aterials and attain the per.issible percentage o0 construction .aterial wastage is a

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

big proble.% There0ore the research will 0ind out causes and wea1nesses to reduce wastage and gi-e appropriate solutions% Re'ear() Me/),d,4,+y : Sur-e' N es1 stud'

#& S r1ey:% Research data t'pe is Kualitati-e #proble. sol-ing N case stud' approach&% Research instru.entL postal 4uestioners% ata SourceL stud' population will be ta1en 0ro. the 0ollowing categories o0 project sta1e holdersJ E.plo'ers contractors consultants ata collection ata anal'sis

!& De'* S/ dy:% For conte3tual concept de-elop.ent%

Re'ear() pr,(e''e' : Topic "roposal :iterature re-iew Research instru.ent ata collection Anal'sis Thesis writing echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 59

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Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Re'ear() /06e '()ed 4e : Ad10',r: % Ato $ela' (ita'ew

S b60//ed by: % echasa Haile !ebrehiwot Hintsa' Saron Anteneh


% B

Add0' Ababa U-01er'0/y

Fa( 4/y ,2 Te()-,4,+y Depar/6e-/ ,2 C,-'/r (/0,- Te()-,4,+y a-d Ma-a+e6e-/
Kuestioner on Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects Prepared 2,r C,-/ra(/,r'

Pr,204e Na.eJ 6666666666666666666666 "ro0essionJ 66666666666666666666 Organi/ationJ 666666666666666666% (ears o0 E3perienceJ 666666666666666%% "ositionJ 666666666666666666666

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

)% Is there an' .aterial handling and wastage proble. directl' connected to low cost housing ( ) ? (es No *% I0 'our answer is 'es, what are the conse4uencesD A& 5ost o-er run% $& ela's o0 project co.pletion ti.e% 5& Ine00ecti-e .aterial resource utili/ation% & En-iron.ental i.pact% "lease, brie0 all how it a00ects% A& 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666 $& 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666% 5& 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666 & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666% +% Is there an' .aterial handling proble. and causes 0or construction .aterial wastage due to deli-ering o0 construction .aterial in bul1 a.ount to the site b' the clientD



8% I0 'es, please .ention the i.pacts o0 its in0luenceD 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 61

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666666666%% 9% Is the in-ol-e.ent o0 .icro N s.all enterprises #MSE&, ha-e contribution 0or the increase o0 wastage in producing and suppl'ing .aterials such as H5$, precast ele.ents etcD (es No ;% I0 'our answer is 'es, please describe itD 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666666666%% <% 2hat is 'our reco..endation to .ini.i/e .aterial handling N wastage control s'ste. in :5H projects with respect to MSEFs .aterial deli-er' s'ste.D 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666%%

=% In 'our opinion, which creates cost o-er run and dela's on project co.pletion ti.e due to .aterial wastage and poor .aterial handling in :5H projectsD A& O-er design during design period, $& 5ontractorFs negligence, Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 62

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

5& ela' in .aterial selection and appro-al, & ela' in .aterial suppl' b' the owner, "lease, brie0 how it a00ects% A& 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666 $& 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666% 5& 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666 & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666% A% 2hat is 'our opinion, on the e00ect o0 wor1.anship 4ualit' during utili/ation o0 .aterials on site with respect to wastage o0 construction .aterialsD 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666666666%% )>% :ac1 o0 su00icient stoc1 area 0or construction .aterials on site, could it be a cause 0or .aterial wastageD



))% I0 'es, how it will be .odi0iedD 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 63

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666666666%% )*% 2hat are the .ajor causes that enhancing .aterial wastages in 'our co.pan'D "lease circle one or two and illustrate% A& :ac1 o0 appropriate attention 0or handling and storing, $& "oor wor1.anship at site, 5& I.proper .aterial procure.ent, & Ine3perienced project .anagers, E& 7ariations in design at the construction stage #de.olishing&, F& ela' in .aterial selection and appro-al, # & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 # & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666 # & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666 )+% 2hat 1ind o0 .ethodolog' 'ou adopt to 'our co.pan' 0or .ini.i/ing .aterial handling and wastage proble.sD 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666%%

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Add0' Ababa U-01er'0/y

Fa( 4/y ,2 Te()-,4,+y Depar/6e-/ ,2 C,-'/r (/0,- Te()-,4,+y a-d Ma-a+e6e-/
Kuestioner on Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects Prepared 2,r C,-' 4/a-/'

Pr,204e Na.eJ 6666666666666666666666 "ro0essionJ 66666666666666666666 Organi/ationJ 666666666666666666% (ears o0 E3perienceJ 666666666666666%% "ositionJ 666666666666666666666

)% Is there an' .aterial handling N wastage proble. during 'our design N super-isionD (es No *% I0 'our answer is 'es, what proble.s 'our co.panies obser-e during design periodD Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 65

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666666666%% +% I0 'our answer is 'es, what proble.s 'our co.panies obser-e during super-ision periodD 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666666666%% 8% $ased on 4uestion no ), is there an' re.edial .easures ta1en b' 'our co.pan' to resol-e proble.s, i0 proble.s co.e in to -iewD 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666666666%% 9% Is there an' design .odi0ication .ade b' 'our co.pan' to reduce .aterial wastages in low cost house #:5H& projectD (es No ;% I0 'our answer is 'es, please describe itD 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 66

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666666666%% <% 2hat are the .ajor causes that enhancing .aterial wastages in 'our co.pan'D "lease circle one or two and illustrate% A& O-er design, $& i.ension dis?coordination during design stage, 5& 7ariations in design at the construction stage #de.olishing&, & Ine3perienced project super-isors, E& ela' in .aterial selection and appro-al, F& Resistance to adopt alternati-e .aterials% # & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 # & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666 # & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666 =% Is the in-ol-e.ent o0 .icro N s.all enterprises #MSE&, ha-e contribution 0or the increase o0 wastage in producing and suppl'ing .aterials such as H5$, precast ele.ents etcD (es No A% I0 'our answer is 'es, please describe itD 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666666666%% )>% In 'our obser-ation, which one lead to create .a3i.u. .aterial wastage in :5H projectsD A& 5ontractors negligence, Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 67

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

$& "oor ship, 5& I.proper .aterial handling and storage, & ela' in .aterial suppl' b' the owner, E& Unconcerned super-isor' sta00, "lease circle one or two and illustrate% # & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 # & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666 ))% 2hat 1ind o0 .ethodolog' and s'ste. 'ou adopt to 'our co.pan', in .ini.i/ing .aterial handling proble. and wastage controls 0or :5H projectsD 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666666666%%

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

Add0' Ababa U-01er'0/y

Fa( 4/y ,2 Te()-,4,+y Depar/6e-/ ,2 C,-'/r (/0,- Te()-,4,+y a-d Ma-a+e6e-/
Kuestioner on Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects Prepared 2,r E6p4,yer'

Pr,204e Na.eJ 6666666666666666666666 "ro0essionJ 66666666666666666666 Organi/ationJ 666666666666666666% (ears o0 E3perienceJ 666666666666666%% "ositionJ 666666666666666666666

)% Is there an' .aterial handling and wastage proble. directl' connected to low cost housing ( ) ?

(es echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron

No 69

Prepared by:

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

*% I0 'our answer is 'es, what are the side e00ectsD A& 5ost o-er run% $& ela's o0 project co.pletion ti.e% 5& Ine00ecti-e .aterial resource utili/ation% & En-iron.ental i.pact% "lease, brie0 all how it a00ects% A& 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666 $& 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666% 5& 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666 & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666% +% 2hich t'pe o0 .aterial wastage proble. is .ostl' 'our organi/ation 0aced in :5H projectsD A& ue to design $& ue to procure.ent o0 .aterials 5& ue to .aterial storage N handling & ue to utili/ation "lease, brie0 all how it a00ects% A& 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666 Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 70

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

$& 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666% 5& 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666 & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666666%% 8% 2hat are the .ain causes that enhancing .aterial wastages 'our organi/ation obser-e in :5H projectsD A& 5ontractors negligence $& "oor ship 5& I.proper .aterial handling and storage & 7ariations in design at the construction stage E& Unconcerned super-isor' sta00 "lease circle one or two and illustrate% # & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 # & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666 # & 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666 9% Is the in-ol-e.ent o0 .icro N s.all enterprises #MSE&, ha-e contribution 0or the increase o0 wastage in producing and suppl'ing .aterials such as H5$, precast ele.ents etcD

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects



;% I0 'our answer is 'es, please describe itD 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666 <% Is there an' .echanis.s designed b' 'our organi/ation 0or wastage controlD (es No =% I0 'our answer is 'es, what are the .echanis.sD 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects

)% @%@ 5hit1araJ 5onstruction "roject Manage.ent% "lanning,

Scheduling and 5ontrolling ? Second reprint *>>>% *% 3. Er% % :allJ 5onstruction Manage.ent B Reprint *>>8%

2ubishet Te1ale Mengesha # r%Ing&, "rinciples o0 5onstruction Manage.ent





#M "&



"roject Manage.ent B 5ourse Material, Organi/ed b' Sileshi 5onsult, in association with Nehru Institute o0 5onstruction and Enterprise, IN IA% 5. Matiwos Enser.u, Material Handling and Stores Manage.ent, Addis Ababa Uni-ersit' 5ollege o0 5o..erce, hand out B *>>;% 6. ocu.ent #ter.s o0 re0erence& prepared 0or lideta urban renewal, AAH "O, Unpublished% 7. Ingo $ec1er, Successes in 5apacit' Housing "rogra. B *>>+% =% Technical Manual 0or :ow 5ost Housing 7olu.e *, !TU B IS, *>>+ Prepared by: echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron 73 e-elop.ent B :ow 5ost

Material handling and wastage control in Addis Ababa low cost housing projects


5onstruction Materials Manage.ent% !uide lines 0or econo.' and ecolog' in design and construction% "repared b', Houston, a chapter o0 the A.erican Institute o0 Architect% AIA

10. M% Os.ani, Reducing 2aste Through Architectural "ractices B *>><%


11. httpJMMwww%naserVela./oniW'ahoo%co%u1 B 5onstruction 2aste Mini.i/ation%ht., accessed on ece.ber )9, *>>A%

Prepared by:

echasa, !ebrehiwot, Saron


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