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Honors Chemistry

Name _________________________________ Period ___ Date ______/______/______

U n i t 3 : T y p e s o f R e a c t i o n s

Reaction Prediction and Observations

For the followin reactions! in yo"r la# note#oo$

a% Predict the prod"cts of the reaction and #alance the e&"ation' #% Descri#e the o#ser(ations yo" wo"ld ma$e while the reaction proceeded' c% Determine the type of reaction' )f it is a redo* reaction! determine what is o*idi+ed and red"ced' , % solid copper is added to sil(er nitrate sol"tion E&"ation: C"-s% . /0 N13 /0 . C"-N13%/ -a&% B,F1R,: copper is a #rownish shiny metal! sil(er nitrate is colorless and clear sol"tion AFT,R: copper appears to disappear2 crystals of shiny sil(er metal appear2 the sol"tion color t"rns to #l"e/ reen -d"e to the presence of C" /. ions% T3P,: 4in le Replacement/ Redo* C" is o*idi+ed and 0 . is red"ced2 / electrons were transferred' 5' 0 sol"tion of copper -))% chloride is electroly+ed' 1#ser(e the two electrodes' ,&"ation: C"Cl/ -a&% 67 C" -s% . Cl/ 8efore: 0fter: Type: Clear #l"e sol"tion' Clear #l"e sol"tion with #"##lin ' Decomposition -)f applica#le: o*idi+ed9 Cl Red"ced9 C"%

/' :inc metal and iodine solid are mi*ed and react in the presence of water -water is not a reactant% Teacher demo ,&"ation: :n -s% . )/ -s% 67 :n)/ -a&% 8efore: 0fter: Type: ;rayish fine powder -:n% and sil(er pellets -)% in water' 3ellowish li&"id e*"din from the sil(er pellets' Com#ination/4ynthesis -)f applica#le: o*idi+ed9 :n Red"ced9 )%

3' :inc iodide sol"tion is electroly+ed' )n a petri dish! dissol(e a small amo"nt of +inc iodide in /< m= distilled water' ,lectroly+e the sol"tion with the cor$ with / pins and the #attery' 0fter o#ser(in ! add in 3 drops of starch sol"tion' ,&"ation: :n)/ -a&% 67 :n -s% . )/-a&% 8efore: 0fter: Type: 3ellow =i&"id Collected :n at left electrode Com#ination/4ynthesis -)f applica#le: o*idi+ed9 ) red"ced9 :n%

>' 4odi"m metal is added to water' Teacher Demonstration ,&"ation: /Na-s% . /H/1-l% 67 Na1H-a&% . H/ - % 8efore: 0fter: Type: 4il(er 4odi"m 0dded to water 8"##les from hydro en as' 4in le Replacement -)f applica#le: o*idi+ed9 H red"ced9 Na%

Test for Gases For each of the followin test! ma$e additional o#ser(ations of what pro(ides a positi(e test for the as prod"ced' ?' @a nesi"m metal is added to hydrochloric acid'

4and a piece of ma nesi"m metal' )n a medi"m si+e test t"#e! add / cm of hydrochloric acid and the ma nesi"m metal' Use yo"r fin er to close the top of the test t"#e while yo"r partner li hts a wooden splint' A"ic$ly place the #"rnin splint into the test t"#e witho"t to"chin the li&"id' ,&"ation: @ -s% . /HCl -l% 67 @ Cl/ . H/- % 8efore: 0fter: Type: @a nesi"m metal in hydrochloric acid' 8"##lin then a whitish sol"tion' 4in le Replacement -)f applica#le: o*idi+ed9 @ red"ced9 H%

Test for Hydro en as: Heard pop after holdin the li hter a#o(e the test t"#e openin ' Com#"stion reaction for hydro en as: H/- % . 1/- % 67 H/1-l% B' Hydro en pero*ide -H/1/% decomposes' 0dd some drops of potassi"m iodide sol"tion to a#o"t /cm deep hydro en pero*ide in a test t"#e ' ,&"ation: BH/1/ - % 67 31/ . BH/1- % 8efore: 0fter: Type: Clear sol"tion' ;as -o*y en% is released into sol"tion' Decomposition -)f applica#le: o*idi+ed9 None red"ced9 1%

Test for o*y en as: Fire #ecomes lar er and #ri hter when held a#o(e the as' C' 4olid copper -))% car#onate is heated and one of the res"ltin prod"cts is #"##led thro" h limewater' -Teacher Demonstration%' ,&"ation: C"C13-s% . Heat 67 C1/ - % . C"1-s% 8efore: 0fter: Type: ;reen sol"tion' Precipitate forms within the limewater' Decomposition -)f applica#le: o*idi+ed9 None red"ced9 None%

Test for car#on dio*ide as: 8"##lin C1/ in the limewater to create CaC13'

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