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Sample Resignation Letter #1

This example is a polite resignation letter that you can produce for any employer.

Todays Date

Company Name Address City, State, Zip Code

Dear Manager Name

!lease accept this letter of resignation from the position of "your title#, effecti$e t%o %ee&s from today. My last day at "name of company# %ill 'e "date#.

(f there are any exit procedures that ( need to 'e a%are of in terms of technical de$ices or anything else, please let me &no%.


)our signature )our typed name

Sample Resignation Letter #2

This example is an email resignation letter that you can produce for any employer.

*mail Su'+ect ,ine -esignation

Dear Manager Name

(t is %ith deep regret that ( gi$e you my formal notice of resignation as "your title# at "company name#. My last %or&ing day %ill 'e "date#.

( ha$e accepted a position %ith another company that %ill further my gro%th and de$elopment in my career. ( ha$e en+oyed %or&ing at .company name/ and %ill miss my colleagues here, ho%e$er, this ne% position %ill challenge my gro%th and further my career.

( appreciate the professional de$elopment and gro%th from "company name#, and in particular from you. )our mentoring support has encouraged me and ( hope that %e %ill continue our relationship as ( mo$e for%ard in my career.

( %ish you and "company name# continued gro%th and success in the future.


)our name

Sample Resignation Letter #3

This example is a general teacher resignation letter that you can produce for any school.

Todays Date

School Name

Address City, State, Zip Code

Dear !rincipal Name

( regret to inform you that ( am resigning from my position at "school name# and %ill not 'e returning to teach fifth grade this fall. (ts 'een a pri$ilege %or&ing %ith you and representing "school name#. Than& you for the support and the opportunities that you ha$e pro$ided me during my tenure %ith "school name#.


)our signature )our typed name

Sample Resignation Letter #4

This example is a simple nurse resignation letter that you can produce for any hospital.

Today0s Date

1ospital Name Address City, State, Zip Code

Dear 1ospital Administrator,

!lease accept this as my formal resignation letter from my position as nurse to 'e effecti$e from "date#. ( ha$e scheduled my resignation from your hospital a month from no%, %hich %ill allo% me sufficient time to prepare my successor to ta&e o$er my position.

( %ish to than& you and all my colleagues at "1ospital Name#l for all your help, professional courtesy, and support. ( ha$e immensely en+oyed %or&ing here as the head nurse for the past six years, and my experience %ith this hospital has 'een greatly re%arding.

)ou pro'a'ly already &no% the reason ( am lea$ing is due to our mo$ing to another state. 2ut ( %anted to state officially that my resignation is in no %ay to 'e percei$ed as my 'eing unhappy or dissatisfied %ith the +o', its responsi'ilities, or leadership of "1ospital Name#.

( %ish you and the rest of the administrati$e team continued success, and ( %ant to ta&e this opportunity again to than& you for permitting me to 'e part of the team.

Sincerely, )our Name

Sample Resignation Letter #5

3se this sample resignation letter %hen you %ant to %rite a persona'le resignation letter.

Todays Date Company Name Address City, State, Zip Code

Dear Manager Name

This is to formally notify you that ( am resigning from "Company Name# as "!rogram Manager#. "Date# %ill 'e my last day of employment. This %asnt an easy decision, 'ecause ( am grateful for the re%arding employment ($e had %ith "company name#. 2ut after long hours of consideration, my decision is no% final and ( ha$e accepted a position %ith another company. Than& you $ery much for the opportunity to %or& here. Sincerely,

)our signature )our typed name

4ree -esignation ,etters

free sample resignation letters

Sample Resignation Letter #6

3se this sample resignation letter %hen you %ant to %rite a pending resignation letter.

Todays Date Company Name Address City, State, Zip Code

Dear Manager Name

( %ould li&e to inform you that ( am resigning from my position %ith "company name#, effecti$e "date#. Than& you for the opportunities for professional and personal de$elopment that you ha$e pro$ided me o$er the years. ( ha$e en+oyed %or&ing for the agency and appreciate the support pro$ided me during my tenure %ith the company.


)our signature )our typed name

Sample Resignation Letter #7

This example is a simple receptionist resignation letter that you can produce for any company.

Todays Date

Manager Name Manager Title Company Name

Dear Mr.5Ms. Manager

!lease accept this as my formal resignation letter from my position as receptionist to 'e effecti$e from "date#. ( ha$e scheduled my resignation from your company a month from no%, %hich %ill allo% me sufficient time to complete my ongoing %or& and prepare my successor to ta&e o$er my position.

( ha$e 'een offered a position as "6o' Title#, a position %hich ( feel %ill gi$e me a 'etter chance to further my career.

( sincerely extend my heartfelt than&s to you and the company. My time here %as an incredi'le experience for me and ( truly appreciate all that ( learnt %or&ing here for the past three years.

( %ish the company continued success. !lease feel free to contact me should the need e$er arise.

)ours respectfully,

)our signature )our typed name

Sample Resignation Letter #8

3se this sample resignation letter %hen you %ant to relocate.

Todays Date

Manager Name Manager Title Company Name

Dear Mr.5Ms. Manager

This resignation letter is to inform you my last day at "company name# %ill 'e "date#, t%o %ee&s from today. ( %ill 'e relocating to 2altimore, MD to pursue a ne% career.

( appreciate the professional de$elopment and gro%th from "company name#, and in particular from you. )our mentoring support has encouraged me and ( hope that %e %ill continue our relationship as ( mo$e for%ard in my ne% career.

Than& you $ery much for the opportunity to %or& here.


)our signature )our typed name

Sample Resignation Letter #9

3se this sample resignation letter %hen lea$ing due to sic&ness

Todays Date

Manager Name Manager Title Company Name

Dear Mr.5Ms. Manager ( ha$e decided to tender my resignation. My last day %ill 'e "date#. As you &no%, ( ha$e 'een $ery sic& for some time no% and as a conse7uence, feel that ( am una'le to %or& for "company name# no longer.

This %as not a easy decision and too& many hours of consideration. 1o%e$er, please 'e assured that ( %ill do all ( can to assist in the une$entful transfer of my duties 'efore lea$ing.

( %ish you and "company name# continued gro%th and success in the future.


)our signature )our typed name

Sample Resignation Letter #10

This example is a simple professor resignation letter that you can produce for any uni$ersity.

Todays Date

Mary Dec&er Dean 6ersey 3ni$ersity Address City, State, Zip

Dear Dean Dec&er

This letter is to announce my resignation as college professor at this


Although ( ha$e spent much of my teaching career at this college, it has come time to mo$e on. 8ith so many uni$ersities in the area, ( feel stifled teaching only at this institution. Curriculums and degree ma+ors offered at different uni$ersities %ill allo% a professor to 'ecome a 'etter, %ell rounded educator.

( appreciate the opportunity that you ha$e gi$en me 'ut this is my resignation effecti$e at the end of the month. !lease accept my resignation letter and my most sincere gratitude.


)our signature )our typed name

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