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Micro Hydro Generator Water Baby

The Water Baby micro hydro turbine is part of a hybrid 12Volt power system, providing electricity during the dark wet winter months, when the solar PV panels only produce negligible amounts of power on this shaded site The water for this hydro system comes from four main spring areas These springs produce a trickle of water each, but combined give enough output to run this small generator during wet spells The geology is slate shale and clay on a steep slope The water table is !uick to react to the weather "fter a prolonged dry spell, one inch of rain will make a noticeable difference within a couple of days The generator is an impulse type turbine, similar to a pelton, but lacks the central ridge of the buckets, and is designed for low flow situations # started installing the hydro system in $ovember 2%%& There were a number of teething problems with the intake, where the filters clogged up within hours "fter trying out various designs, # am now able to leave it unattended for days on end, and with the installation of the ne't filter type # anticipate that very little attention will be necessary (ne other ma)or problem was that the amount of water from spring *1 and *2 was not sufficient to run the generator in all but the wettest weather This meant having to bring in more water from the spring area supplying the domestic water, a little over 1+% meters along the contour # had to get more pipe, and with the slight gradient, air locks are a ma)or problem The way # got rid of the air locks was to walk along the pipe lifting it as # went along, keeping the ,bubble, at the highest point, which was driven out when # reached the end of the open pipe This process may have to be repeated when the water level goes down and the pipe gets air into it again, however, # lowered the collection tank a little, and this additional slope may well be enough to drive out the air with the e'tra water pressure This pipe is only 2+mm diameter, and small diameter pipes are less susceptible to air traps when at a good slope The main pipe is a -2mm diameter pipe and runs down a steep hill "ny air entering the pipe when the water level goes down, is !uickly driven out by water following When # first installed the generator, # was hoping to run it off the the spring supplying the domestic water "s the pipe was already in place, this would have been a minimal installation .owever, the pipe is about -%% meter long and only 1+mm diameter, which created such great frictional losses, that the pressure was not enough to give any output $ever underestimate frictional losses /ood tap pressure is not necessarily enough to run this generator "s # had to run a new, larger pipe anyway, # started to look for springs nearer the site, and found a couple of good

ones about 2%% meter from the site The advantage is that the two systems don,t interfere with one another, but can supplement each other when necessary 0uring the summer when the hydro generator will be turned off 1the PV is plenty for the summer2, and water levels are down, the e'tra source with its independent pipe can irrigate the garden and keep a pond topped up, as well as feed a moat around raised beds to deter slugs # would have been loathe to use my precious domestic water for this purpose, as the +%% gallons are a reserve which may have to last through a drought, when the springs go down to a drip /ood permaculture in action, an important element backed up (ver the last couple of months since getting the first Watt from the system, # have been running the laptop computer for up to 13 hours a day creating this website, which is pretty good, considering a computer uses a fair bit of power 4y batteries are very low now, as the weather has been !uite dry lately, and the hydro can only run a few hours a day, but as # write this, the rain is lashing down, and with more than an inch, # reckon, there will be plenty of power again in a day or two, with the batteries back to 1%%5 state of charge 4y power situation was dire before # installed the hydro generator, with the sun dipping below the tree line again for the winter, so # wanted to get the generator running as soon as possible 6ome of the setup is therefor still to be completed, mostly fi'ing things into place, tidying up cables, pipes, making a stand for the generator and proper housing for it, to include a dry space for the multimeter and spare no77les and tools "lso the spring intake area needs to be covered, and filter screens installed Those )obs will allow the system to run unattended for much longer # am !uite pleased with the hydro generator, though # had some frustrating moments with its installation #t certainly means more light during the winter, no worries over running the computer, which allows me to do the writing work when the weather is bad, and the days are short, leaving the fine summer days to do outdoor )obs The measurments taken are appro'imate, especially the head of water "lso the turbine needs some more fine tuning, as output can be ad)usted, and is probably not at its optimum at present Tests with other machines have shown higher output with similar conditions


.ead from generator to intake 8 appro' 1%% feet 0istance from #ntake to generator 8 9+% feet Penstock diameter 8 -2mm 40P: pipe, reduced to 1+mm at generator 0istance from generator to battery bank 8 3% feet ;able from generator to battery bank 8 1%mm2 each

6tatic pressure 8 +3 P6# Pressure gauge 8 1%% P6# 6ystem voltage 8 12V ;harge controller 8 Trace ;-+ Typical current produced with available water 8 1 < "mp

6ince # baught my generator, the company has made some improvements to the stator with more efficient windings The table shows output with the old windings, and also unsatisfactory plumbing # have )ust upgraded the generator with new stators, and taken a few measurments The results are a great improvement With recent headline generating record rain, # am in a position again to run the generator at full output and # can test it with different no77le si7es, and over a longer period of time Paul ;unningham of :nergy 6ystems and 0esign has found a curious phenomenon when testing his generator= the output rises after the machine has been running for a day or so This is what # have found also 0ue to heavy leaf fall at present, # have not been able to take a second measurment on the biggest no77le, as the partially blocked flow decreased the available water, and # had to change to a smaller no77le on the first day The generator has now been running two days with the smaller no77le The table does not show Voltage, an oversight, and unfortunately does not allow the calculation of Watts, but the relative gain can still be seen # have been advised, that the rather long run of 1+mm pipe near the no77le would reduce the flow somewhat $e't upgrade is larger fittings # will test the generator first with the new stators>present plumbing and wiring, then new plumbing, then bring the generator closer to the house which will eliminating about 3% feet of pipe which runs on the flat, leaving the cable at full length, then shorten cable to see if and how much improvement any of those changes make 6o here the first figures The increased P6# may be due to continuous running purging the air in the pipe $o77le no 3 - - "mps $o77le no ? day one 8 - "mps day two 8 - 2 "mps at 1& 2 Volt and &9 P6#

Measurements taken with original generator and system

$o77le * & + 9 ? 3

$o77le si7e 1>3@ +>-2@ ->19@ ?>-2@ 1>&@

A6 /al>min &+ 9 < 1% +

P6# ++ +2 &3 &2 -9

"mps 88 %< 1< 22 29


.ydro generator with temporary housing, a plastic container>bowl, and a &@ pipe sleeve and bubble wrap to protect the metal pipe section from frost damage

The Water Baby micro hydro generator shown with the electrical )unction bo', the mounting frame on a temporary support, the pipe inlet with stopcock and pressure gauge The Water Baby is available with 18& no77le openings This is a one8no77le

model, as # have very little water available To reduce cost without sacrificing cable thickness, # opted for earth ducting cable, and wrapped red tape around the positive cable, as there was no other colour choice Temporarily the generator is supported on a steel bo' on battens, to be replaced by a more permanent wooden stool type frame, with the four legs driven into the ground

The pipe is removed in this shot, showing the no77le end 1usually held in with a grub screw2, as well as a spare no77le with a larger aperture The generator is supplied with a number of no77les, each with a different si7e opening, used according to how much water is available The smallest no77le will allow about - gpm through at a head of about 12%B feet, however, # have found that the smallest no77le used with that head, produces no current at all #f the springs are gushing after a good downpour # have been able to go to the second biggest no77le With the new buffer tank # may be able to use the largest no77le, when the available water is )ust below the !uantity needed for the largest one The generator body is made of aluminium, and the no77le holder>no77le is brass, therefore there will be electrolytic corrosion where the two meet in the presence of water Cou can,t do anything about the water, as there will be some splash back from the turbine, but # stopped the corrosion by liberally coating the brass parts with vasalin When first installing the hydro # failed to do that, and after a few days of not changing the no77le, the brass part was )ammed solid in the hole, and # had to pri7e it out with a screw driver With the vasalin the corrosion has ceased The brass no77le holder supplied with the generator has a standard thread for AD 1+mm>1>2@ compression plumbing fittings # used a tap connector with a fiber washer, and 1+mm copper pipe and ball valve .owever, different brands of compression fittings can have different thread pitch, so it would be advisable to take the fitting to the plumber,s merchant to try out

The tail race is a tube # fabricated from sheet aluminium to fit the opening of the underside of the generator The edges were riveted together and the lower edge snipped and bent in slightly to minimi7e splashing 6till to be done is a caulking seal

around the top edge which would prevent any splash8back to seep into the timber frame The tube is pinned to the inside edge of cross struts supporting the generator, i e is not directly connected to the generator

The support frame is made of 1@ ' &@ rough8sawn soft wood, screwed together at the corners Two boards are screwed across the top side of the frame, with a cutout for the + 1>2@ diameter opening on the underside of the generator The generator is screwed to these boards, through holes provided in the corners of the housing flange The long side boards are e'tended beyond the corner of the frame so that any loose cover placed over the generator would have support on the end where the electrical )unction bo' is mounted on a vertical board

This 1%%% litre tank helps to buffer the flow of water to the hydro generator #f the flow rate of the springs is )ust below the amount necessary for a given si7e no77le, the tank will allow the larger no77le to be used for a while, until the tank is empty "s the spring continues to deliver almost as much as is passing through the no77le, the water level in the tank is only going down very slowly The difference in electrical current between using one no77le si7e and the ne't is more than is lost by having to close off the generator briefly to fill up the tank 1less than an hour at & gpm2 This is especially critical when the flow is )ust not enough for the smallest usable no77le #t means being able to run the hydro maybe 2% hours a day, instead of not at all The blue pipe is the overflow from the spring which supplies my household water, plus another spring in the vicinity The white pipe delivers water from two further springs The tank was free from a local cheese factory These tanks hold li!uid food additives 1rennet and food colouring in this case 8 there is a second tank further up2 and may be available from other types of food precessing plants They come on a palette base, and must be used with the supporting cage, as they are a bit too flimsy on their own and buckle 1triedE2 Taken apart for handling, the parts are easy enough to maneuver, even by one person # managed to get all parts up a very steep hill on my own without difficulty

;onnecting up a -2mm pipe to the tank without cutting open the top to crawl inside to screw on the lock ring of a tank connector needed a little trickery and compromise The tank outlet has a screw8top lid with a removable center to be able to attach a short flanged pipe 1the flange is held by the edge of the lid2 The tank connector would have been too bulky in the lid, and would prevent the lid from being screwed onto the tank outlet # bought a waste pipe &%mm>-2mm reducer compression fitting, sawed off the &%mm end )ust above the point where it reduces, leaving a flange which fitted into the lid ring 1with a sealing washer2 #nto the -2mm end # fitted a fle'ible connector, as the outlet was facing a big tree The compression waste fitting )ust about fits the -2mm alcethene pipe " push8fit connector is too loose Cou would think -2mm is -2mm, but in plumbing that does not seem to hold true, )ust as &%mm waste pipes are not compatible between different brands "fter cutting off the &%mm end of the coupler, # discovered the a &%mm (sma brand waste pipe fits snuggly into the flanged pipe supplied with the tank 1after cutting off the curved spout end2 #f you have wast pipe off8cuts it would be a cheaper and neater option than the reducer

This silt trap is also the collection point for two springs 1*1 on diagram 8 the thick pipe 8 the ,stream,, and *2 through the small pipe2 The s>s filter is a strainer from a catering tea urn "ny silt, floating or suspended debris is retained in the strainer "ny smaller, heavy particle 1fine silt>clay particles2 will further settle out in the outer tank This works fairly well, but does re!uire occasional emptying (ne of the springs has another filtration system at source

There are a number of small springs along the contour line 1*2 on diagram2 # chiseled a little channel along this line, slightly sloping down, and embedded a pipe into some earth at the end This was e'pedient at the time, as my solar panels were producing very little electricity, but the open channel means a lot of silt and debris gets washed into the intake container, especially after a down pour When the spring dry up, which they do after several weeks of no rain, # will cement the bottom of the channel, run a perfforated pipe through it, and cover it over with geo te'tile, also cement the pipe into a small dam

The source of this water is on my neighbor,s land, so the intake is at the bottom of a steep little stream 1*1 on diagram2 The pipe is cemented into a small dam When building the dam, # first built a temporary one with clay in front of the cemented one, so the water did not wash away the wet cement before it set

0ue to the steep open channel leading to this intake 1*12, silt and debris is a problem .ere the pipe feeds into a container within the outer container The inner one traps the heavier grit and silt, then the water overflows into the outer one The edge of the inner container has a series of vertical cuts to form a comb type edge to filter out any floating and suspended particles This works fairly well, but still re!uires periodic removal of silt>debris from trap The ne't e'periment will be a 0#C version of an a!ua sheer or coanda intake filter, which filters the water before it enters the collection tank #t is a grill made of closely spaced wires set at an angle The water runs over the top and drops into the intake area, whilst debris is washed down the sloping wire to be dumped outside the intake container

This spring also supplies domestic water, which is first stored in a +%% gallon tank a few feet below When the tank is full, the pipe from the spring is removed from the tank and fed to the hydro system via another intake, spring *2 nearby Without a washing machine and flush toilet, the +%% gallons last a fair time, and in the summer the reserve has taken me through all dry spells so far When the hydro generator is needed most in the winter, the water is usually plentiful, and when the water in the tank is nearing the bottom, it only takes a few hours to fill it again, leaving the main spring flow for the hydro the rest of the time

This is a filter which did not work #t was placed over the pipe outlet hole and is made of woven s>s wire The debris gets sucked into the screen where the intricate surface traps everything "t times the whole filter was caked up with the kind of sludge seen at the top of the filter in this photograph " better solution would be a piece of capped pipe with numerous small holes drilled into it, and the incoming water allowed to wash over the filter to rinse the debris off The smoother surface would allow this

This was another reasonably successful filter e'periment " piece of &%mm waste pipe with numerous small holes drilled into the side is inserted into a waste pipe tank connector, which is attached to the bucket inside8out The pipe is not !uite as high as the rim of the bucket The water enters the bucket around the side, silt is deposited in the bucket and the water starts pouring through the holes into the central pipe, and down into the intake container below, preventing floating and suspended debris from entering "s the silt level rises, and holes get clogged up, the water can still escape over the top, and what little debris finds its way out will be caught by the ne't filter placed at the outlet of the ne't tank "lthough it still re!uires emptying it needs relatively little attention

Hydro diagram

Hydro diagram, new pipe runs

Spring intake diagram ! Siteuri utile:

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