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TASK 1. Power of One.

Twenty-four words have been omitted from this human interest story about ShelterBox, an association that provides kits for people struck by disaster. Write the correct word in the box below. An example has been done for you. There are NO extra words. (24x05 = 12 points)






In 1999 I 0) __ a disaster unfold on the evening news. As aid workers threw loaves of bread on the 1) __ and people scrambled after them, I asked my wife, Why 2) __ they hand the bread to those people? Theyve lost 3) __ . Why should they lose their self-respect 4) __ ? I got 5) __ a piece of paper and wrote down what I 6) __ need after a natural disaster: shelter, warmth, comfort, dignity. I 7) __ my local Rotary Club with the idea of giving 8) __ sturdy boxes that contained a 10person tent, blankets, pans, utensils and a 9) __ that could burn anything from diesel to oil paint. Since 2001, weve 10) __ enough money to send 75,000 boxes to 11) __ than 100 disaster zones in places like India, Congo and El Salvador. On Jan. 12, the alert 12) __ at our warehouse went off. An hour later we were 13) __ for Haiti. We tailor the box 14) __ to each crisis. A summer flood in Sudan 15) __ more mosquito nets than a winter earthquake in Nepal. Haiti is tropical, so we put in 16) __ blankets and added extra water-purification tablets. 17) __ Jan. 30, we had delivered 5,000 boxes to Haiti, and we are packing 5,000 more. All told, at 18) __ 500,000 people will benefit. The first tents 19) __ arrived in Port-au-Prince were used to 20) __ patients at a field hospital. Our boxes dont just 21) __ tent cities. They build communities. 22) __ an hour of the tents going up, a mother starts hanging laundry lines and someone 23) __ sets up a mini-shop. Kids like the crayons and coloring books, 24) __ bring back a degree of normality. In Haiti, people are turning the green ShelterBoxes into makeshift cribs, tables and wheelbarrows. Imagination is one resource that isnt in short supply. (Adapted from Tom Henderson. Time

0. WATCHED 1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. _____________ 4. _____________ 5. _____________ 6. ______________ 7. ______________ 8. _____________ 9. _____________ 10. _____________ 11. ______________ 12.______________ 13. _____________ 14. _____________ 15. _____________ 16. _____________ 17. _____________ 18. _____________ 19. _____________ 20. _____________ 21. _____________ 22. _____________ 23. _____________ 24. _____________

TASK 2. Big Brothers. Five phrases have been omitted from this article about the Muslim Brotherhood, which was elected to govern Egypt after the fall of Hosni Mubarak. Write the letter of the correct phrase in the blank space. An example has been done for you. There are 3 extra phrases. (5x1=5 points)

A. absorbing the ambitions of generations of E. given the group's dubious historical idealistic Arab youth and the reputation apprehensions of the West F. language widely understood to mean civil B. and now stands in the street outside the war palace, demanding that the Brotherhood's G. not duplicitous but rather dazed and man step down confused C. by some extraordinary chain of H. that was underground for about 30 years circumstances I. who already filled Tahrir Square in D. dividing its population once more over the numbers not seen since the fall of Hosni question of just what the Brothers really Mubarak want

For most of a century, it was one of the great questions of world politics: What would the Muslim Brotherhood do if, 0 C , it came to power in Egypt? The shadowy organization essentially created modern political Islam, advocating a nonviolent return to Shari'a while spinning off militant groups like Hamas and Egyptian Islamic Jihad, the terrorist band Ayman al-Zawahiri brought into al-Qaeda. Outlawed for decades, always kept on a tight leash by the authoritarians who controlled the Middle East, the Brothers endured as the gravitational center of Muslim politics, 1 . Finally, in the last days of 2012, the answer emerged: the Brotherhood, having gained power after an extraordinary chain of events, would rule Egypt with the same maddening ambiguity that defined its decades underground. Having won the presidency with a narrow majority, the Ikhwan as it is called in Arabic - has split Egypt nearly as evenly as the Nile, 2 . "They want total control," says Ahmed Mohammed, who six months ago voted to elect Mohamed Morsi President 3 . What turned the body-shop repairman around were the events of the past three weeks. It started when Morsi issued a Nov. 22 decree placing himself above Egypt's judiciary, ostensibly to ensure that the committee writing a new constitution had time to finish its work. "I say two months," Morsi told Time on Nov. 28. The next day, the committee went into a sprint, finishing its work in just 19 hours. Protesters, 4 , then shifted to the presidential palace, where they clashed with Brotherhood operatives. The melee ended with 10 dead and tanks outside palace walls that by then doubled as a graffiti gallery. Morsi responded with name-calling of his own, dubbing the protesters "a fifth column" for old Mubarak supporters. He followed up with a series of contradictory edicts: lifting one decree, imposing another and finally bestowing the power to arrest on the Egyptian military, which had warned that the country was careering toward "catastrophic consequences", 5 . "We're obviously not very good at building consensus," says Gehad el-Haddad, a senior Brotherhood official, smiling at the understatement. He sits in a simple office lit by both fluorescent overheads and the sparkle in his eyes, which dance with the alert intelligence required to cast events in a benign light. (Adapted from Karl Vick. Time. December 24 2013)

0. C






TASK 3. Its Gone Viral. Five phrases have been omitted from this article about how quickly contagious diseases spread in todays world. Write the letter of the correct phrase in the blank space. An example has been done for you. There are 3 extra phrases. (5x1=5 points) A. And in a city that thrived on socializing and schmooze, handshakes and even air-kissing were shunned overnight. B. More to the point, that means that the medical mistakes of once country can matter to every other. C. Our friends, neighbors and even co-workers hid their faces behind surgical masks, with only worried eyes visible. D. SARS emptied cities, shut clown airports and caused more than $50 billion in damages despite the fact that it ultimately proved easy to slow. E. Ten years after SARS, the world has learned to contain contagions faster but disease can spread faster too. F. That was our biggest piece of luck. G. The groundbreaking medical response to SARS underscored the value of interconnection and cross-border cooperation. H. We even sent a reporter to hospitals in neighboring Guangzhou, where the sick were piling up. I. Who could have realized that we were all so connected?

I'd like to say that we saw it coming, but the truth is that the TIME staff in Hong Kong, where I was working as a reporter in the spring of 2003 were as caught off guard as everyone else. We heard reports about unusual illnesses in the mainland Chinese cities across the border and market runs on vinegar, which the Cantonese believe can ward off respiratory disease when boiled. 0 H But it wasn't until doctors and nurses started to fall ill in Hong Kong's Prime of Wales Hospital that we began to understand what SARS was, and what it could mean for the rest of the world. For a brief, terrifying period until more was discovered about the virus we thought that it could mean a death sentence for untold numbers of people. Hong Kong took on a fearful air, full of foreboding like the London that's described in the opening pages of Daniel Defoe's A JournaI of the Plague Year. Property prices plunged in apocalyptic proportions. As tourism dried up, grand hotels were left empty, their rooms unlit and their restaurants vacant. The wealthy began to nervously decamp to holiday homes in the Thai islands. 1 We weren't alone in our ignorance of SARS. Who could have guessed that a new virus would emerge from bats and civet cats to infect human beings? Or that a single sick doctor would travel to Hong Kong in late February and somehow manage to infect dozens of other people staying on his hotel floor and that they would go on to spread the disease around the world? Or that a submicroscopic packet of viral genes would go on to kill nearly 800 people and bring cities like Hong Kong and Beijing to a virtual standstill?

But those are the lessons of SARS, which burst onto the global scene just a decade ago. And we were fortunate that the price we paid to learn those lessons wasn't as painful as it might have been. Though thousands were sickened by the disease, once doctors learned to isolate infected patients, they were able to largely halt the spread in a matter of weeks. The international scientific network coordinated by the World Health Organization did stellar work: the corona virus that caused SARS was discovered by researchers in Hong Kong, broken down by U.S. scientists in Atlanta and ultimately decoded at 4 a.m. by computer in Vancouver. 3 The white coats - from the scientists in the lab to the doctors and nurses who lost their lives treating the disease - were heroes. But SARS also showed the dark side of our increasingly interconnected globe. Thanks to air travel and international trade, a virus that emerges in a small city in China can spread around the world in no time at

4 all. During SARS, the most glaring failures were committed by China, which kept the international community in the dark for months about the full extent of SARS, giving the disease time to spread. It wasn't until the brave Chinese doctor Jiang Yanyong told then TIME reporter Susan Jakes that scores of people in Beijing were sick with SARS that the Chinese government began to open up on the disease. By then, though, the damage was done not just in China, but around the world. Ten years on, the international health system tempered by SARS has been tested repeatedly by the occasional skirmish with the H5N1 avian-flu virus and by the influenza pandemic that struck in 2009. So far the system has stood strong, but there's no guarantee that won't change in the future. Right now scientists are struggling with a new SARS-like corona virus that has emerged in the Middle East, killing seven people so far. Early reports suggest the virus can infect human airways even faster than SARS did, though

researchers still don't know how easily it can spread. 5 That was our biggest piece of luck. But when it comes to the lottery of emerging diseases, luck won't always be with us. (Adapted from Brian Walsh. Time.
March 18, 2013)

0. H








TASK 2. Big Brothers 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. I 5. F

TASK 3. Its Gone Viral 1. A 2. I 3. G 4. B 5. D

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