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1 May 2012 Online ISSN 2094-9561 Published Online: November 2012

Advancing Law Enforcement and Public Safety Research

Citizens Awareness on Crime Prevention Techniques and Personal Security of Residents in the River Side Barangays of Cagayan De Oro City
ANELYN L. ORAO FAISAL M.TANTAO JAY S.ONIPA MARJON D. TOLENTINO PRECYLYN S. DE GRACIA Abstract - This study was conducted in Barangays Macabalan, Carmen and consolacion, Cagayan de Oro City. The descriptive method of research was used in the study. The descriptive method of research is a fact-finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of the findings. It describes what is in the study. It involves the description, recording, analysis and interpretation of the present nature, composition or processes of phenomena. This research design is especially useful in the organization and presentation of data in a convenient form, considered in the analysis of the study as it focused on the three major points 1.) Level of awareness of crime prevention techniques in terms of protection against sex crime, protection against child molestation, protection against kidnapping, and protection against snatcher, pickpockets and other robbers. 2.) Personal security 3.) The significant relationship between the level of awareness of crime prevention techniques and level of personal security for the residents in selected riverside barangays in the Cagayan de oro city. The analysis yielded in the following results of the perceptions of the citizens awareness of crime prevention techniques and personal security

Advancing Criminology Research

among the residents in selected riverside barangays in Cagayan de Oro City in terms of protection against snatching, kidnapping, molestation and sex criminals. The findings reveal complete awareness ratings on the protection against snatchers, pickpockets and robbers and six for protection against kidnapping, molestation and nine against sex criminals, twenty high personal security on the personal security which implies very high personal security. On the other hand, there is a significant relation between the level of awareness of crime prevention techniques and the level of personal security among the residents. The conclusion was based on the findings of the study; that most of the items have the description of complete awareness such as protection against snatcher, kidnapping, molestation and sex criminal. A rating of high personal security was found in personal security. There is a significant relationship between level of awareness of crime prevention techniques and the level of personal security among the residents. Keywords - Citizen, Awareness, crime prevention, Techniques, Personal Security, Residents, Selected Riverside Barangays, Cagayan de oro City. INTRODUCTION Crime and criminality is present everywhere, and like what Police Senior Inspector Gonda once said , crime is a social concern; it is a concern of every individual in the society. Everyone should be involved in presenting the occurrence of crime, since crime cannot be controlled (PSI Gonda, 2008). The researchers tested and compared the rate of crimes gathered, from the data that provided by Police Precinct of Macabalan and Carmen Cagayan de Oro city, for the past three years. The study and comparison of occurrences of such crime started in 2005. The crime theft in Barangay Carmen in 2005 had reached to 40 cases. Out of this number of reported crimes, 34 have been solved, and there are six unsolved and said total number of theft have remained unsolved. However, the number of crimes on theft being solved is only 33, Which means that it has decreased in 2007,While the has said crime decreased in number, the total number of crimes solved has also decreased. The crime reported in 2007 is 32 and out of this total

numbers there are only 27 cases solved with 5 unsolved cases. In barangay Carmen cases of theft have decreased, but in barangays Macabalan and Consolacion, it has increased because in 2005 there were only 23, and all of them were solved. In 2006, 18 cases of theft were reported all solved. In 2007 there were 29 occurrences of such crime all solved and of which were solved. Majority of the crimes reported in barangay Carmen are: theft, robbery, RA 9262, rape, and kidnapping which occur only once and it was in 2007 when it was solved. Such crimes are also occur in barangays Macabalan and Consolacion but without any cases of kidnapping. For these reasons this study was conducted by the researchers. FRAMEWORK The citizens awareness of police crime prevention techniques depends upon the qualifications of the policemen, the effectiveness of methods and strategies employed the adequacy of supervisory assistance and the elimination of problems hampering the progress. Modified questionnaire of COCPO was used in survey and divided in two forms; 1.) the level of awareness of crime prevention techniques in terms of protection against sex crime, child molestation, kidnapping, snatchers, pickpockets and other robbers and, 2.) level of personal security Furthermore, the number and types of services the police force renders to the civilians vary by community. There are some agencies which define themselves as service providers while others prefer crime control as characterized by a high complex and division of people performing different and increasingly specialize occupational rules (OBrien 1987) Human relations is concerned with the factors that have helped and hindered effective relationships in the work environment. Indeed, one of the most basic assumptions of the human relations are as follows: effective organization, where one must provide for effective satisfying relations with one another. Consistent with this point of view, human relations generally concentrate on two major goals: (1) increasing the understanding of interaction between individuals and (2) developing practical techniques for enhancing such relations (Allyn and Bacon, 1996). Police officers and womens advocates define the problems of

Advancing Criminology Research

domestic violence from perceptions derived from the work, but they see two very different populations which overlap to some unknown degree (Michael E. Buerger ). If you know yourself and your enemy, you will be successful. If you know your self and do not know your enemy you fail many times. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will never succeed (Sun-Tzu). Crime prevention through environmental design stresses the importance of creating well protected defensible space by target hardening and maintaining effective surveillance (Oscar Newman, 1972). The community must have equality with the police. The community needs the police and the police needs the community (Killing, 1999; Wilson and Killing, 1982). Burns (1978) and Bass and Steidlmeier (1999) described transformational leadership as the development of common goals that are beneficial to both leaders and followers. Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) managed to combine rational actor model notions of crime with a predestined actor model theory of criminality. Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Citizens awareness on crime prevention techniques on: Protection against sex criminal protection against child molestation Protection against kidnapping Protection against snatchers, pickpockets, and robbers Personal security of residents in the riverside barangays of Cagayan de Oro City

Figure 1. The Schematic Diagram Of the study showing the interplay of the independent and dependent variables. The following are reviews, which show significant learning to the study. They are grouped into the following headings: local literature, foreign literature, local studies, and foreign studies.

Foreign literature For police to successfully interact with citizens build relationships, solve problems, and rich the goals of community policing, he must understand themselves this is an ingredients often missing from human relations training programs. Understanding yourself is so important that it is the foundation of effective policy. By understanding yourself (e.g. your attitudes, your likes and dislikes and your biases) you are able to improve your interactions relationships with others ( Purpura, 2004). Factors that facilitate personal relationships and friendships: (1.) physical proximity (2.) shared experiences (3) similarity in attitudes (4) the extent to which the parties react each others needs (Holland, 1985). Human relations refer to help people in ones job and suggest it has an even greater importance especially for those in management position. The importance of human relations is often underestimated in fact, it can: make or break you from the moment you join an organization you assume two obligations: (1) to do a job the best you can in the work assigned to you: (2) to get along with all people with the best of your ability. It is the right combination of these two factors that spell success. The following list offers insight to improve your human relation skills. (1) smile (2.) become genuinely interested in other people (3) wok and becoming a good listener (4) good appearance (sharp, clean uniform and being courteous generate quality human relation respect and 10 cooperation, (5) remembers peoples names (6) praise (7) say thank you to show appreciation (8) treat people fairly (9) work to have others participate in decision making. (Elwood N. Chapman). The concept of human relations refers to the nature and quality of the many interpersonal interactions that take place between police officers and citizens. It may be useful to distinguish between direct and indirect human relations. Direct relations refers to what happens during those situations where citizens and police officers encounter each other in person or in other ways communicate directly with each other indirect human relations refers to the interferences about or implications foe potential in person encounters that arise from witnessing personally or via secondhand or media accounts direct encounter between police and othercitizens it is the impression generatedwhen a citizen says to

Advancing Criminology Research

her or himself (Cox and Fitzgerald, 1992). Local Literature The Police Community Relations Group (PCRG) has given new impetus to police community relations by coming up with innovative ideas and approaches in networking wit the community and other concerned agencies of the government. The counterpart of police action against crimes and criminals is the cooperation and support of the community. Leading the way in building stronger and dynamic neighborhood partnerships is the counsel Community Elders. The estimated 1,728 councils all over the Philippines have been instrumental in providing feedback, identifying focus areas and harnessing the energy of the citizenry as one collective unit for peace and order (htp:/ It is accepted by the PNP that with their limited resources, the organization has no sufficient arm to combat crimes. This is in respect that the police consider. The importance of the community in their tasks of maintaining peace and resolving crimes that happened almost every minute. In other words the community and the police depend upon each other. The common police motto To Serve and Protect suggest a protection of the population by the police (Atty. Danilo S. Bermas 2004). Herman Goldstein of the University of Wiscousin Law School, states that maintaining good relationship with all elements of the population of a community should be regarded by police officials as a goal of the greatest importance on its own merits Local Studies Putting more police officers on the beat. Deployment of police resources in order to increase police presence in local communities and establish local neighborhood officer support systems. We will decentralize budgetary control to police subdivisions. We will encourage recruitment campaigns and training for promotion to increase the number of women officers in the police force and encourage appropriate promotion to the higher ranks. Multicultural tolerance, gender-sensitivity, and human rights training will be incorporated in their basic course and shall form basis of promotions.

For current period, COCPO has identified 16 anti-crime councils and organization in the city and in the 80 barangay covered; all mandated by existing government laws and DILG memorandums. These anti-crime groups were identified as follows: City and Barangay Peace and Order Council, City Crime Watch, Kilos Laban sa Droga, Barangay Police Forces, Barangay Police Development Community, Clean 10 Phils, City Barangay Disaster Coordination Council, Barangay Assistance Center, Regional/ City KILL DROGA Movement, Road and Traffic Administration, Communication Center, KAPATID and the Illegal drug Prevention Coordinating Council (Cagayan de Oro City Police Office). The PNP CIDG has preformed and continuous beyond expectations by racing upon impressive array of operational accomplishments that that further affirmed its status as the premier investigative arm of the police, upon the assumptions emphasized the need to revitalized, redirect and reorient the efforts of the men and women of the Group towards three specific areas of concern, without and parcel of the CIDGs over all mandate these are:1) neutralization of criminal syndicates 2) the arrest of most wanted persons, and 3) the investigations of highprofile and sensational cases( The Directors of Criminal Investigation and Detection Group). Foreign Studies Numerous projects have shown that crime prevention works, roadblocks still remain. Ethical disputes have arisen. Critics suggest, for example, that situational prevention could be harmful, leading to a fortress society of distrustful people barricading themselves in their homes. ( Before a program of security and loss prevention can be implemented carefully planning is necessary to have a good outcome (Purpura, 2002). Prevention must occur during the early elementary school years (before approximately age 10) otherwise, it becomes increasingly more difficult to reduce negative behaviors and promote healthy ones (Matt Delisi, 2005). Situational crime prevention is a crime specific strategy; it focuses on a narrow range of criminal behavior ( Cromwell and Olson, 2004). Average citizen has to more caution and more aware in protecting himself and his properties from criminals (S.O Deleon,

Advancing Criminology Research

1976). According to Goldstein (1990); In handling incidents, police officers usually deal with the most obvious, superficial manifestation of a deeper problem not the problem itself. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The study aimed to determine the citizens awareness of crime prevention techniques and personal security in the riverside barangays of Cagayan de Oro City. MATERIALS AND METHODS Research Design This chapter covers the discussion on the research, the research respondents, the research setting, research instrument, data gathering, scoring procedure and statistical treatment. The descriptive method of research was used in the study. The descriptive method of research is a fact finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of the findings. The researchers have chosen this method since this study involved the level of awareness of crime prevention techniques and personal security of residents in the riverside Barangay of Cagayan de Oro City. Moreover, it is the appropriate method to be used since it focuses on crime prevention techniques in terms of protection against sex criminal, child molestation, kidnapping and against snatchers, pickpockets and other robbers. Research Setting This study was conducted in the selected riverside barangays in Cagayan de Oro City. Three barangays are as follows; 1.) Barangay Carmen with 40 respondents 2.) Barangay Consolacion with respondents and ; 3.) Barangay Macabalan Cagayan de Oro City with 40 respondents. Sampling Procedure The quota sampling technique was used involving one hundred

twenty (120) residents in the riverside barangays in Cagayan de Oro City. The slovens formula was used with 0.5 error of tolerance. Research Instrument A modified questionnaire was used to get the level of awareness of police crime prevention techniques and personal security of residents in the river barangay of Cagayan de Oro City.The questionnaire is divided into different form such as; 1) Protection against sex criminal contains 19 items 2) protection against child molestation which contain 4 items 3.)Protection against kidnapping which contain 5 items 4 Protection against snatchers, pickpockets, and other robbers which contain 15 items The questionnaire on the level of awareness of crime prevention techniques was answered by either complete awareness, moderately aware, less awareness, not aware through checking choices. The questionnaire on the level of personal security were answered by either, always, oftentimes, sometimes, and never through checking of choices. Data Gathering Procedure A permit from the barangay Captain of Carmen, barangay captain of Consolacion and barangay captain of Macabalan, Cagayan de Oro City were secured to conduct this study. After the approval was granted, the researchers also secured an approval from the Dean of College of Law Enforcement and Public Safety. The questionnaire were distributed personally by the researchers to the respondents through the facilitator who identified the respondents. Most of the respondents said that they understood the questions asked in the questionnaire. Some respondents even claimed they were also victims of snatching, pickpocket ting and robbery. Scoring Procedure The following is the scoring procedure used in describing the data of the study.

Advancing Criminology Research

Table 1. Level of awareness of crime prevention techniques

scale 4 3 2 1 Mean 3.26 4.00 2.51 - 25 1.76 2.50 1.0 1.75 Verbal description Complete awareness Moderate awareness Less awareness Not aware

Table 2. Personal Security

Scale 4 3 2 1 Mean 3.26 4.00 2.51 - 25 1.76 2.50 1.0 1.75 Description Always Oftentimes Sometimes Never Interpretation Very high personal security High personal security Low personal security No personal security

Reliability and Liability of the Instrument

The constructed instrument was tried to ten residents who are not the respondents of the study. The tried it to find out if changes in the questionnaire were necessary. The result was shown to the adviser and some authorities for final content validation. The result of the try out was analyzed to determine if there was a need for revision of certain items. The reliability coefficients of 48 items, alpha shows .7089 and the standardized item alpha shows .7099.

Statistical Technique Problem1. Weighted means and standard deviation were used to determine awareness of crime prevention among the residents in terms of protection against sex criminal, child molestation, kidnapping, snatcher, pickpockets, and other robbers. Problem 2. Weighted means and standard deviation were used to determine the level of personal security among the residents in Cagayan de Oro City. Problem 3. The correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between the level of awareness of crime prevention techniques and the level of personal security among the residents.


RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the findings based on the following problems. Problem 1. Level of awareness on Crime Prevention Techniques among the residents in terms of protection against snatchers, pickpockets and other robbers, protection against kidnapping, protection against child molestation, protection against sex crime Table 1. Level of awareness of crime prevention in terms of protection against snatcher, pickpockets and other robbers
Indicators 1. Avoid walking alone especially at night unless absolutely necessary. Robbers will shun away 2. Avoid carrying large amount of cash or valuables. These may boost your ego unfortunately the practice increases your chance of being robbed, several times over again. 3. Avoid dark alleys, busy pathways, shortcuts through parks with lush shrubbery, vacant lots and other deserted places Mean Standard Verbal Dev. Description 3.81 .55

Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness





4. Try to have presence of mind and remem- 3.65 ber the description of the thief when victimized. This way, you help the police catch him and probably recover your valuables. 5. Keep your bag close to your body while 3.70 inside the cinema houses, churches, shopping malls and markets as well as when walking in crowded areas. These discourage snatchers and pickpockets. 6. Leave the hold up scene unobtrusively 3.44 and raise alarm only outside where it is possibly safe. 7. Dont resist an armed hold upper, he is dangerous and unstable. To be safe and to avoid injury, always follow his instructions. 3.47




Complete awareness Complete awareness



Advancing Criminology Research

8. Take note of the gate-away vehicle used. 3.49 If possible note down the plate number, model, type, make and color and direction it is heading to. 9. Be armed with a whistle with which to get 3.64 help during emergencies. 10. Dont hitch ride with strangers. 11. Dont disturb the area where the hold up is committed, to help the police. Latent prints should be preserved. 12. Take note of the peculiarities of hold uppers such as moles, tattoos, manner, of speech, and physical defects. 13. Dont allow the driver to decide which route to take. 14.Dont give the holdupper any information; give only what he asks from you 15. Stay alert while riding in public conveyances. Look out for snatchers when seated near the windows of public conveyances or cars. 3.56 3.50


Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness
Complete awareness

.66 .79 .72



3.51 3.59 3.48

.74 .76 .57




Table 1 presents the protection against the snatchers, pickpockets and other robbers. The table shows that the protection against snatchers, pickpockets and other robbers are high level in avoiding walking alone specially at night unless absolutely necessary. Robbers will shun away (3.81) implying that there are no tendencies to be a victim of snatching, pickpockets and other robbers because this is the result of our finding based on statistics. They got the highest rate because most of the robbers, snatchers and pickpockets do operations at night due to less people in the area especially in dark places. Leaving the hold-up scene unobtrusively and raise alarm only outside where it is possibly safe since they got a lowest rating in this aspect (3.44).They got a lowest rating because according to barangay captain Bolong, there is no alarm in the area implemented due to lack of budget.It is indicated the protection against snatchers, pickpockets and other robbers has been found high level by the respondents as

Complete awareness

evidenced by the overall means\ (3.58). This support the statement of Oscar Newman (1972) that crime prevention through environmental design stresses the importance of creating well protected defensible space by target hardening and maintaining effective surveillance. Table 2. Level of awareness of crime prevention in terms of protection against kidnapping
Indicator 1. Do not allow your children to play around the street. Mean 3.71 Standard dev. .63 .67 .65 .72 .58 Verbal Description Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness

2.When walking along crowded areas, 3.68 hold your children by hand 3.Insruct your children not to accept candies or gifts from strangers 4. Warn your children not to accept candies or gifts from strangers. 5. While in the park or public playground, let your children play within your hearing or seeing distance. Overall 3.68 3.62 3.67



Table 2 shows the protection against kidnapping. It shows that the protection against kidnapping was rated complete awareness in children to play around the street (3.71) implying that there are no tendencies for one to be come a victim of kidnapping because they are capable of defending themselves particularly on a protection against kidnapping. On the other hand, the protection against kidnapping needs techniques to warn the children not to accept candies or gifts from any strangers since they got the lowest rating in this aspect (3.62).This got a lowest rating because most of kidnappers do not give candies or food. Over all items were rated complete awareness (3.67), which show that the respondents participate in symposia. This support the statement of De leon (1976) that the average citizens has to more cautious and more aware of his protection for himself and his belongings.


Advancing Criminology Research

Table 3. Level of awareness of crime prevention in terms of protection against child molestation
Indicator 1. Never leave children alone or unattended. A responsible trustworthy person should keep them company 2. Keep the adjoining door from the childrens bedroom to the masters bedroom open at night so that any unusual noise may be heard by you. 3. Instruct the children to keep the doors and windows locked and never admit strangers inside the house.


Standard Dev. .67

Verbal Description Complete awareness Complete awareness





Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness

4. Teach the children how to call the police 3.67 if strangers or prowlers are seen around the house. 5. Never leave children alone or unattended. A responsible trustworthy person should keep them company Overall 3.68





Table 3 shows the protection against child molestation got the highest mean (3.71) which implies that the respondents never leave their children alone or unattended. This got the highest rating because most of the criminals do not commit crime when the children are secured with their parents and guardians. It has to be noted that emphasizing the free participation of the respondents got the lowest rating(3.53), in which reveals that the respondents should motivate more on laying the adjoining door from the childrens bedroom to the masters bedroom open at night so that any unusual noise may be heard. Furthermore, over all items where rated complete awareness (3.57), which show that the respondents emphasized the free participation in symposia conducted by the police. This support the statement of Goldstein, (1978) that maintaining good relationship with all elements of the population of a community should be regarded by police officials as a good or of greatest importance on its own merits.


Table 4. Level of awareness of crime prevention in terms of sex crime

Indicator 1. Do not wear provocative clothing which may attract the attention of sexually- inclined persons. 2. Do not accept rides or invitations from strangers, even friends you dont completely trust. 3.Dont lose your composure when confronted by a person who is a would-be rapist Means 3.60 Standard Dev. .70 Verbal Description Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness Complete awareness





4. Avoid unlighted or poorly lighted parks. 3.55 They are the favorite haunts of sex criminals or sex maniacs. 5. When driving alone in a taxicab, take note of the body and the plate number of the cab and its name. Do not let the taxi drivers decide which route to take. 3.66



6. When waking alone, avoid drunk, 3.52 unruly groups and hangers in the street comer/intersection. Unless necessary, avoid walking alone. 7. When attacked, use your natural defense 3.60 and act fast, scratch, kick, jab, bite and scream. 8. When you break away from your 3.66 attacker, continue screaming and run towards lighted places, and possibly towards people.. 9. At home, dot not move alone half dressed or naked. This is an invitation to peeping toms even rapist. Over all 2.79


Complete awareness


Complete awareness Complete awareness



Moderate awareness Complete awareness



Table 4 shows the protection against sex criminals. The over all result indicates (3.61) that all items are rated complete awareness. This implies that the respondents are aware on their protection against sex criminals as evidenced by the highest mean (3.70) which points to their

Advancing Criminology Research

participation during symposia conducted. On the other hand, the respondents need to also protect themselves while at home particularly by not moving alone half-dressed or naked. This can be an invitation to peeping toms even rapist since they got the lowest rating in this aspect (2. 79). However, it indicates that the protection against sex criminal has been rated complete awareness by the respondents as evidenced by the over. All weighted mean (3.61). This support the statement of critics that the situational prevention could be harmful, teaching to a fortress society of distrustful people barricading themselves in their home Problem 2. Level of Personal security among the residents in the River Side Barangays of Cagayan de oro city Table 5. Level of Personal Security
Indicators 1. I do not wear provocative clothing. 2. I do not accept ride invitations from strangers. 3. I avoid unlighted or poorly lighted parks. 4. When riding alone in the taxicab, I take note of the body and plate number of the cab and its name. 5. I do not let the taxi driver decide which route to take. 6. When walking alone, I avoid drunk, unruly groups and strangers in the street corner. 7. I avoid walking alone especially at night. 8. I practice basic martial arts like kicking, punching, blocking, twisting and disarming.

Mean 3.04 3.19 3.21 3.16 3.23

Standard Deviation 1.05 .98 .91 .99 .88

Verbal Description High personal security High personal security High personal security High personal security High personal security Very High personal security High personal security High personal security

3.33 3.03 3.04

.86 1.06 1.16

9. At home, I do not move alone half dressed or naked. 10. I avoid carrying large amount of cash or valuables. 11. I avoid dark alleys, busy pathways and shortcuts through parks lush shrubbery vacant lots and other deserted places. 12. I keep my bag close to my body while inside the cinema houses, dark shopping malls and markets as well as when walking in crowded areas. 13. I stay alert while riding in public conveyances. 14. I never take drugs unless prescribed by the doctor. 15. I never accept anything from strangers especially food and drinks. 16. I lock doors at home at all times when needed. 17. I do not admit strangers at home under any circumstances. 18. I instruct the house helpers not to entertain or allow strangers inside the premises or inside the house. 19. When somebody knocks, I verify his identity before unlocking the door. 20. I remain calm and present-minded during emergency and high-risk situation. Overall

3.30 3.46 3.47 3.41

.93 .83 .77 .85

Very High personal security Very High personal security Very High personal security Very High personal security Very High personal security Very High personal security Very High personal security Very High personal security Very High personal security Very High personal security Very High personal security Very High personal security Very High personal security

3.37 3.40 3.51 3.50 3.48 3.49 3.47 3.36 3.33

.82 .87 .79 .81 .81 .82 .75 .74 .66

Table 5 shows the personal security. The overall result indicates (3.33) that all items were rated very high personal security. This implies that the respondents exercise and observe particularly their personal

Advancing Criminology Research

security. This further implies that thirteen (13) of the indicators have very high personal security since they got a high rating in this aspect (3.51). They got a highest rating most of the residents do not accept anything from stranger, However, the respondents need to be motivated more particularly to avoid walking alone especially at night since this got the lowest rating in this aspect (3.03). This supports the statement of Killing (1999) that the community needs t5he police and the police need the community. Table 6. Test of relationship between level of awareness on crime prevention techniques and level of personal security
Protection snatcher Personal security CORR .1841 PROB .063 REL N HO NR Protection against kidnapping CORR .2072 PROB .036 REL L HO R

Protection against molestation CORR .1956 PROB .048 REL L HO R

Protection against sex crime CORR .3227 PROB .001 REL L HO R

Table 6 shows that there is a negligible inverse and significant relationship between snatcher and personal security because this got the lowest rating of correlation coefficient (.1841). There is a low inverse and significant relationship between kidnapping and personal security. This means that the respondents with the probability level of (.036) is rejected. There is a low inverse and significant relationship between sex criminal and personal security which means that the respondents have high level of awareness which tends to reduce the victims of sex criminals. This is due to there participation in symposia which provide them the ideas and knowledge on protecting and securing themselves from possible CONCLUSIONS This chapter presents the summary, conclusion recommendations based on the findings of the study.


Summary This study was designed to show the perception of the citizens awareness on crime prevention techniques and personal security of residents in the riverside barangays of Cagayan de Oro City. In the context, the study sought to answer the following problems: (1) the level of awareness on crime prevention techniques: (2) personal security; (3) the significant relationships among the personal security, snatcher, kidnapping, molestation and sex criminal. To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive survey methods of research were used in which the researcher made questionnaire was the primary tool used in gathering the data. The approval to conduct the study was secured from the office of barangays Carmen, Consolacion and Macabalan in Cagayan de Oro City. The researchers personally administered the questionnaire to the respondents. The instructions ever given before they answered the items. The data were tallied, statistically tested, analyzed and interpreted using the mean standard deviation and verbal description. The findings of the study are summarized as follows; 1. Sixteen Complete awareness ratings were obtained for the protection against snatchers, pickpockets and other robbers and six in protection against kidnapping molestation and nine in sex criminals. 2. Seven (7) High personal security ratings were obtained for the personal security and it implies thirteen (13) Very high personal security. 3. On the other hand, there is a significant relation between the level of awareness and crime prevention techniques and the level of personal security among the residents. Based on the findings, the following conclusions are deduced: The perceptions of the level of awareness on crime prevention techniques in terms of protection against snatchers, pickpockets and other robbers, protection against kidnapping, protection against

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molestation and protection against sex criminal was rated Complete awareness. In terms of personal security this was rated High personal security. 1. In terms of protection against snatchers, pickpockets and robbers, protection against kidnapping, protection against molestation and protection against sex criminals, protection against kidnapping has the highest weighted mean an complete awareness in verbal description. 2. In terms of personal security, the indicators, not allow strangers inside the premises or houses is the effective and highest mean as described as a high personal security. 3. There is a significant relation between the level of awareness on crime prevention techniques and the level of personal security among the residents. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are offered; 1. When the level of awareness of crime prevention techniques is higher, the level of personal security is also higher; hence, there is a need for Citizens Education Program against crime to be implemented so that citizens should be highly aware of it. 2. Citizens should join CEP so that they will know how to be personally secured. 3. Citizens should have complete awareness on crime prevention thru seminars and symposia on personal security. LITERATURE CITED Atty Bermas, D. S. 2004 Handbook of Police Ethics and Community Relation, Published by Central Professional books, Inc.972 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City Philippines Inc. Cohen, M. A. 2005 The Lost of Crime and Justice, Published by Rutledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon Ox 14 4RN,.

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America: Thomson Wadsworth-Publication of America, Wrobleski, h. M., K. Hess 2006 Police Operation Theory and Practices. Fourth Edition, United States: Thomson Wadsworth Publication, Inc.,


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