PRST Monitoring Framework - FINAL 4 November 2013

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Cn 2 CcLober 2013, Lhe unlLed naLlons SecurlLy Councll resldenL lssued a
sLaLemenL (S/8S1/2013/13) ln whlch Lhe SecurlLy Councll expressed grave alarm aL
Lhe slgnlflcanL and rapld deLerloraLlon of Lhe humanlLarlan slLuaLlon ln Syrla and
noLed wlLh grave concern LhaL, wlLhouL urgenL lncreased humanlLarlan acLlon, Lhe
llves of several mllllon Syrlans ln need of lmmedlaLe humanlLarlan asslsLance wlll be
aL rlsk.

1he resldenLlal SLaLemenL provldes a welcome framework for all parLles Lo Lhe
confllcL Lo lmprove Lhelr respecL for lnLernaLlonal law relaLlng Lo Lhe proLecLlon of
clvlllans and humanlLarlan access Lo all Lhose ln need. 1hls paper seeks Lo ldenLlfy
some of Lhe pracLlcal measures LhaL Lhe parLles musL Lake, wlLh susLalned supporL
from SecurlLy Councll members and oLher member sLaLes, Lo ensure Lhe Llmely and
effecLlve lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe sLaLemenL. As such lL provldes a monlLorlng Lool for
Lhe SecurlLy Councll Lo measure progress made by Lhe parLles and Lhe lmpacL of Lhe
resldenLlal SLaLemenL on Lhe ground. 1he paper ls organlzed as follows: resldenLlal
SLaLemenL commlLmenLs and recommendaLlons, currenL slLuaLlon on Lhe ground
and LargeLs whlch could be used Lo monlLor poslLlve changes on Lhe ground.

6; -%+#$*#!+"
8ecognlslng Lhe Syrlan auLhorlLles' prlmary responslblllLy Lo proLecL Lhelr
populaLlons, Lhe SecurlLy Councll:
condemns Lhe wlde-spread vlolaLlons of human rlghLs and lnLernaLlonal
humanlLarlan law by Lhe Syrlan auLhorlLles, as well as any human rlghLs
abuses and vlolaLlons of lnLernaLlonal humanlLarlan law by armed groups,
recalls LhaL all obllgaLlons under lnLernaLlonal humanlLarlan law musL be
respecLed ln all clrcumsLances,
urges all parLles Lo lmmedlaLely cease and deslsL from all vlolaLlons of
lnLernaLlonal humanlLarlan law and vlolaLlons and abuses of human rlghLs,
calls on all parLles Lo fully respecL Lhelr obllgaLlons under lnLernaLlonal
humanlLarlan law and Lo Lake all approprlaLe sLeps Lo proLecL clvlllans.

!"#$%&'$(# *++,&(-"*. */ +"0"1"(. /(+"1"-"$% (schools, hosplLals, waLer sLaLlons)
by mlllLary forces from all parLles Lo Lhe confllcL.
2('3$4%+(1$ "5&(+- */ +*./1"+- *. &,61"+ %$'0"+$%: 4,000 schools closed as a
consequence of confllcL, 60 per cenL of publlc hosplLals, 34 per cenL of publlc
healLh cenLres, 92 per cenL of publlc ambulances and 70 per cenL of
pharmaceuLlcal planLs affecLed by confllcL.
!"#$%&'$(# 0"*1(-"*.% */ 7,5(. '"37-% (.# ".-$'.(-"*.(1 7,5(."-('"(. 1(8 69
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fallure Lo dlsLlngulsh beLween clvlllans and combaLanLs, lndlscrlmlnaLe
aLLacks, and aLLacks agalnsL clvlllans and clvlllan ob[ecLs, use of chemlcal
weapons and Lhe employmenL of weapons, pro[ecLlles and maLerlal and
meLhods of warfare whlch are of a naLure Lo cause superfluous ln[ury or
unnecessary sufferlng aLLacks dlrecLed agalnsL clvlllan ob[ecLs, and
esLabllshmenL of mlllLary poslLlons ln populaLed areas.
2(+> */ (++$%% -* :9'"( /*' -7$ ;.-$'.(-"*.(1 ;.#$&$.#$.- <*55"%%"*. */
;.=,"'9 (.# ?@<@A lmpedlng Lhe ablllLy Lo monlLor vlolaLlons of human rlghLs
and humanlLarlan law by all parLles Lo Lhe confllcL ln Syrla.
A$3,1(' '$&*'-".3 (.# 5*."-*'".3 */ 0"*1(-"*.% of lnLernaLlonal human rlghLs
and humanlLarlan law carrled ouL by Lhe lnLernaLlonal lndependenL
Commlsslon of lnqulry, CPCP8 and Lhe MonlLorlng and 8eporLlng
Mechanlsm (for Lhe slx grave chlld rlghLs vlolaLlons).

uemlllLarlzaLlon of currenLly occupled clvlllan faclllLles by all parLles Lo Lhe
8esLoraLlon of educaLlon, lncludlng supporLlng chlldren back Lo learnlng and
re-openlng of schools,
8esLoraLlon of healLh servlces ln ma[or populaLlon areas hardesL hlL by Lhe
Safe passage of paLlenLs,
8esLoraLlon of baslc lnfrasLrucLure and servlces,
8educLlon ln vlolaLlons of lPL and human rlghLs by all parLles Lo Lhe confllcL
lncludlng slgnlflcanL reducLlon of reporLed cases of vlolaLlons of lPL/P8 law
(lncludlng gender-based vlolence) agalnsL clvlllans, lncludlng agalnsL chlldren,
women and oLher vulnerable groups. Command orders lssued by armed
groups bannlng chlld recrulLmenL and use, release of chlldren ln Lhelr ranks,
and Lurnlng away chlldren wanLlng Lo [oln groups,
LvacuaLlon of clvlllans. Clvlllans allowed Lo leave and evacuaLed from
ldenLlfled besleged areas by humanlLarlan organlzaLlons.

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1he SecurlLy Councll recalls LhaL under lnLernaLlonal humanlLarlan law:
Lhe wounded and slck musL recelve, Lo Lhe fullesL exLenL pracLlcable, and
wlLh Lhe leasL posslble delay medlcal care and aLLenLlon requlred by Lhelr
condlLlon, and
medlcal and humanlLarlan personnel, faclllLles and LransporL musL be
respecLed and proLecLed.
1o Lhls end, Lhe Councll urges free passage Lo all areas for medlcal personnel and
supplles, lncludlng surglcal lLems and medlclne.

A$%-'"+-"*.% "5&*%$# 69 -7$ :9'"(. (,-7*'"-"$% *. #$1"0$'9 */ 5$#"+(1 %,&&1"$%
*0$' &(%- %"B 5*.-7% lnclude: medlcal supplles whlch could be used for
surglcal lnLervenLlons (e.g. sclssors, lnfuslons, anaesLhesla) noL allowed lnLo
opposlLlon-conLrolled areas, all convoys whlch lnclude medlcal supplles Lo be
!"#$%"&' &") *+",!)$"#!&'

accompanled by lnLernaLlonal sLaff, removal of medlcal lLems from
humanlLarlan convoys by securlLy servlces (e.g. removal of conLenLs from
dlarrhoea klLs), and requlremenL LhaL WPC lLems be sLored ln MlnlsLry of
PealLh faclllLles (large amounLs of llfe-savlng medlclnes and supplles are
sLored ln MlnlsLry of PealLh warehouses ln uamascus and 1arLous).
ln a poslLlve developmenL, ln AugusL and CcLober 2013, %,'3"+(1 %,&&1"$% (.#
5$#"+".$% 8$'$ %,++$%%/,119 #$1"0$'$# -* ;#1"6 ooJ 1etmollob lo @*5% -7'*,37
".-$'4(3$.+9 +*.0*9%.
C- 1$(%- DEEFEEE +7"1#'$. 7(0$ .*- 6$$. '$(+7$# 8"-7 $%%$.-"(1 0(++".$% (.#
+*55,."+(61$ #"%$(%$% ('$ %&'$(#".3 rapldly due Lo poor hyglene and
sanlLaLlon and lack of access Lo medlcal LreaLmenL ln areas mosL affecLed by
Lhe confllcL. lor example, Lhere are now reporLedly aL leasL 100,000 cases of
lelshmanlasls ln Aleppo and ln CcLober 2013 Lhere were reporLs of cases of
pollo ln uelr ez Zor.

ulsLrlbuLlon of medlcal, surglcal and reproducLlve healLh supplles Lo hard-Lo-
reach areas ldenLlfled by Lhe PC1,
naLlonwlde pollo vacclnaLlon campalgn commenced and vacclnaLlons
procured for pollo and measles vacclnaLlons,
Lelshmanlasls ellmlnaLlon. rocuremenL of medlclnes/supplles and
equlpmenL Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe Lransmlsslon of lelshmanlasls and ensure
effecLlve LreaLmenL for paLlenLs. Carbage collecLlon supporL provlded as

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1he SecurlLy Councll:
urges all parLles, ln parLlcular Lhe Syrlan auLhorlLles, Lo Lake all approprlaLe
sLeps Lo faclllLaLe Lhe efforLs of Lhe unlLed naLlons, lLs speclallzed agencles
and all humanlLarlan acLors engaged ln humanlLarlan rellef acLlvlLles, Lo
provlde lmmedlaLe humanlLarlan asslsLance Lo Lhe affecLed people ln Syrla,
urges Lhe Syrlan auLhorlLles Lo prompLly faclllLaLe safe and unhlndered
humanlLarlan access Lo people ln need, Lhrough Lhe mosL effecLlve ways,
lncludlng across confllcL llnes and, where approprlaLe, across borders from
nelghbourlng counLrles ln accordance wlLh Lhe un guldlng prlnclples of
humanlLarlan emergency asslsLance,
urges all parLles Lo agree on Lhe modallLles Lo lmplemenL humanlLarlan
pauses, as well as key rouLes Lo enable prompLly - upon noLlflcaLlon from
rellef agencles - Lhe safe and unhlndered passage of humanlLarlan convoys
along Lhese rouLes Lo access people ln need.

@('# -* '$(+7 (.# 6$%"$3$# ('$(%G AL leasL 2.3 mllllon people are esLlmaLed
Lo be llvlng ln hard Lo reach" areas ln dlre need of humanlLarlan asslsLance,
lncludlng ln 8ural uamascus (323,000), Aleppo (300,000), uamascus
(320,000), Passakeh (290,000), uara'a (183,000) and Poms (130,000). 1hls
flgure ls llkely Lo lncrease based on laLesL lnformaLlon and lncludes besleged
!"#$%"&' &") *+",!)$"#!&'

communlLles LhaL have noL recelved any humanlLarlan asslsLance for more
Lhan 10 monLhs.
H0(+,(-"*.G PumanlLarlan organlzaLlons have been requesLlng supporL from
all parLles Lo evacuaLe clvlllans from besleged areas for monLhs (e.g. Lhe Cld
ClLy ln Poms Moadamlyeh ln 8ural uamascus). ln LoLal an esLlmaLed 3000-
7000 people have been evacuaLed from Moadamlyeh ln CcLober, durlng Lwo
evacuaLlons LhaL Look place on 29 CcLober, and beLween Lhe 12 and 16
CcLober. Clvlllans may sLlll be Lrapped lnslde Lhe clLy.
:(/$-9 */ 7,5(."-('"(. 8*'>$'%G Slnce March 2011, 11 un naLlonal sLaff and
22 SA8C volunLeers/sLaff members have been kllled ln Lhe vlolence. 1here
have been more Lhan 38 cases of arresL/deLenLlon of naLlonally-recrulLed
personnel slnce Lhe onseL of Lhe crlsls, 21 of Lhem are sLlll ln deLenLlon.
kldnapplngs and abducLlons are lncreaslngly common: Lhere have been 11
cases of abducLlon of naLlonal sLaff and 9 reporLed cases of mlsslng sLaff
slnce Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe crlsls.
@"I(+>".3F %$"J,'$ (.# 1**-".3 */ ("# (.# 8"#$%&'$(# #(5(3$ -* KL &'$5"%$%G
Cars and ald Lrucks have lncreaslngly been LargeLed for hlgh[acklng, selzure
and looLlng. 1here have been abouL LhlrLy-four cases of un vehlcles hl[acked
slnce May 2012 and 22 ald Lrucks hl[acked slnce CcLober 2012. urlvers are
sub[ecL Lo deLenLlon and harassmenL aL boLh CovernmenL and opposlLlon
conLrolled checkpolnLs. 37 ouL of un8WA's 200 premlses have been
damaged and exLenslve mlllLary operaLlons are now Laklng place ln slx of
un8WA's 12 alesLlne refugee camps.

ulsLrlbuLlon of humanlLarlan asslsLance Lo besleged communlLles lncludlng Lo
Moadamlyeh, uarla, LasL ChouLa (LasL uamascus), ?armouk, Aleppo, Zahra,
nubul, Cld ClLy of Poms, and rural uara'a,
ulsLrlbuLlon of humanlLarlan asslsLance Lo hard-Lo-reach areas.
lmplemenLaLlon of regular programme of dellverles by un agencles and
lnCCs (ln parLnershlp wlLh SA8C and naLlonal nCCs),
Local humanlLarlan pauses negoLlaLed Lo reach aL leasL Len areas agreed by
all parLles Lo Lhe confllcL,
SafeLy of humanlLarlan workers. uue process for 21 naLlonal sLaff sLlll ln
deLenLlon and release of sLaff held hosLage. 8especL for neuLrallLy,
lmparLlallLy and lndependence of humanlLarlan ald/emblems and slgnlflcanL
reducLlon ln lncldenLs lnvolvlng un and humanlLarlan parLners,
8especL for humanlLarlan convoys. PumanlLarlan convoys guaranLeed safe
passage by all parLles Lo Lhe confllcL,
8especL for Lhe lnvlolablllLy of un premlses and asseLs by all parLles Lo Lhe
confllcL. CessaLlon of aLLacks on un premlses and re-esLabllshmenL of and
respecL for Lhe lnvlolablllLy of un premlses and asseLs,
laclllLaLed fleld mlsslons LhroughouL Lhe counLry, lncludlng for program
monlLorlng, by all parLles Lo Lhe confllcL.

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K; $L-&".!+" +, I10&"!#&%!&" %$'!$, +-$%&#!+".
1he SecurlLy Councll urges Lhe Syrlan auLhorlLles Lo Lake lmmedlaLe sLeps Lo faclllLaLe
Lhe expanslon of humanlLarlan rellef operaLlons, and llfL bureaucraLlc lmpedlmenLs
and oLher obsLacles, lncludlng Lhrough:
a. expedlLlng Lhe approval of furLher domesLlc and lnLernaLlonal non-
governmenLal organlzaLlons Lo engage ln humanlLarlan rellef acLlvlLles,
b. easlng and expedlLlng Lhe procedures for Lhe operaLlonallzaLlon of furLher
humanlLarlan hubs, Lhe enLry and movemenL of humanlLarlan personnel and
convoys, and Lhe lmporLaLlon of goods and equlpmenL, and
c. acceleraLlng approval for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of humanlLarlan pro[ecLs.
1he SecurlLy Councll also urges all parLles Lo deslgnaLe empowered lnLerlocuLors
wlLh Lhe necessary auLhorlLy Lo dlscuss wlLh humanlLarlan acLors operaLlonal and
pollcy lssues.

H5&*8$'$# ".-$'1*+,-*'%G 1he PumanlLarlan CoordlnaLor currenLly engages
wlLh lnLerlocuLors who do noL have declslon-maklng auLhorlLy wlLhln Lhelr
respecLlve sLrucLures.
M"%(%G Slnce !anuary 2013, Lhe CovernmenL has approved 203 vlsas. 1here are
currenLly 33 vlsas pendlng for un sLaff: unlA (1), unu (2), lCM (2), WPC
(3), lAC (4), unMAS (3), unlCLl (3), unPC8 (3), Wl (6), CCPA (7), un8WA
(7), and uSS (8). 10 of Lhe vlsas have been pendlng for more Lhan 3 monLhs
and 3 for more Lhan 6 monLhs. vlsas are currenLly lssued for varylng perlods
from one monLh Lo one year and Lhere ls no Llme llmlL esLabllshed for
conslderaLlon of appllcaLlons.
<1$('(.+$ &'*+$#,'$% /*' +*.0*9%G lor lnLeragency convoys Lhe un ls
requlred Lo: 1) submlL a requesL 72 hours prlor Lo lnLended deparLure Lo Lhe
MlnlsLry of lorelgn Affalrs and awalL clearance, 2) obLaln a leLLer from SA8C,
and 3) obLaln a leLLer from Lhe MlnlsLry of Soclal Affalrs. ln Lhe case of
medlcal asslsLance, a furLher leLLer ls requlred from Lhe MlnlsLry of PealLh.
lor regular Lruck dlspaLches, Lhe un ls requlred Lo recelve faclllLaLlon leLLers
for passlng Lhrough checkpolnLs. WlLh regard Lo dlspaLches Lo SA8C
branches, Lwo leLLers - one lssued by Lhe MlnlsLry of Soclal Affalrs and one by
SA8C - are requlred.
@,5(."-('"(. 7,6%G 1he un and parLners have operaLlonallzed Lwo hubs
(Poms and 1arLous). 1he unC1 has requesLed Lhe openlng of a furLher Lhree
hubs ln Aleppo, uara'a and Camlshly. 1he CovernmenL have expressed Lhelr
wllllngness Lo agree Lhe openlng of a hub ln Al-Swelda raLher Lhan uara'a
glven Lhe securlLy slLuaLlon.
<,%-*5% +1$('(.+$G Approval Lo lmporL and llcense communlcaLlons
equlpmenL ls sLlll problemaLlc and some agencles are faclng delays ln
obLalnlng Lhe requlred exempLlon leLLers from Lhe MlnlsLry of lorelgn Affalrs,
followlng a new requlremenL by Lhe MlnlsLry LhaL lmplemenLlng parLners
provlde dlsLrlbuLlon plans.
;LN? &('-.$'%G 13 lnCCs (uanlsh 8efugee Councll, remlere urgence, PLL,
lnsLlLuL Luropeen de CooperaLlon eL de ueveloppemenL, lnLernaLlonal
Medlcal Corps, AcLlon ConLre la lalm - Spaln, Secours lslamlque lrance, 1erre
!"#$%"&' &") *+",!)$"#!&'

des Pommes - lLaly, Mercy Corps, Merlln, Lhe norweglan 8efugee Councll,
Au8A, CxlAM - C8, SCS lnLernaLlonal, and lnLernaLlonal CaLhollc MlgraLlon
Commlsslon) are currenLly auLhorlzed Lo operaLe ln Syrla. lnCCs are noL
auLhorlzed Lo work dlrecLly wlLh naLlonal nCCs, and Lhe MCus Lhey are
requlred Lo slgn wlLh SA8C have many resLrlcLlng clauses.
LLN? &('-.$'%G 1he llsL of naLlonal nCCs auLhorlsed by Lhe Syrlan
CovernmenL Lo work wlLh humanlLarlan parLners lncludes 74 naLlonal nCCs
worklng Lhrough 97 branches over Lhe counLry. Powever, some prlorlLy
governoraLes sLlll have a very low number of naLlonal nCCs, e.g. uara'a (2),
Ar 8aqqa (2), uelr Lz-Zor (3), ldllb (3), and Poms (7). 1he un has requesLed Lo
be able Lo parLner dlrecLly wlLh local nCCs. CurrenLly, agreemenLs wlLh local
nCCs musL be submlLLed for approval, and Lhls can Lake more Lhan a monLh.

Lmpowered lnLerlocuLors deslgnaLed and engaglng wlLh Lhe PC on an
ongolng basls Lo lmplemenL Lhe 8S1,
LxpedlLlng humanlLarlan convoys. negoLlaLlon of a wrlLLen agreemenL LhaL
replaces currenL procedures wlLh a noLlflcaLlon sysLem from humanlLarlan
organlzaLlons Lo CovernmenL of convoy movemenLs for deconfllcLlon. Whlle
CovernmenL advlce wlll be Laken lnLo accounL, flnal deLermlnaLlons on
wheLher convoys should proceed ln lnsecure areas wlll be Laken by Lhe un,
LxpedlLlng and sLandardlzlng vlsa lssuance for humanlLarlan and
developmenL sLaff. ueclslons on pendlng vlsa appllcaLlons Lo be made as a
maLLer of urgency. new vlsa proLocol agreed and lmplemenLed wlLh MlA
whlch sLandardlzes Lhe sysLem of vlsa lssuance,
LlsL of prlorlLy lnCCs and lnCC sub-offlce locaLlons submlLLed by Lhe un for
approval by CovernmenL. CovernmenL approval of lnCC appllcaLlons resulLs
ln an lncreased number of nCCs, especlally Lhose wlLh needed experLlse on
lssues such as nuLrlLlon, healLh, wash, shelLer, educaLlon, proLecLlon, eLc.
8esLrlcLlve clauses ln sLandard agreemenL beLween lnCCs and SA8C
negoLlaLlon wlLh Lhe CovernmenL for approval of addlLlonal nCCs for
operaLlons ln prlorlLy governoraLes: uara'a, Ar 8aqqa, uelr Lz-Zor, ldllb, and
Poms. CovernmenL Lo auLhorlze lnCCs and un agencles Lo work dlrecLly
wlLh nnCCs, dropplng requlremenL for CovernmenL Lo approve agreemenL
resulLlng ln an lncreased expanslon of parLnershlps wlLh nnCCs,
CovernmenL declslon on pendlng cusLoms clearance for communlcaLlon
Lools, proLecLlve armoured vehlcles and medlcal and surglcal equlpmenL as a
maLLer of urgency. AgreemenL wlLh Lhe CovernmenL on expedlLlous
processlng procedure and cusLoms clearance for humanlLarlan supplles,
AgreemenL Lo esLabllsh and operaLlonallze humanlLarlan hubs ln aL leasL
Lhree addlLlonal locaLlons (e.g. Aleppo, uara'a and Camlshly),
ueclslon on humanlLarlan pro[ecLs pendlng approval wlLh Lhe CovernmenL Lo
be made as a maLLer of urgency,
lmplemenLaLlon of counLrywlde needs assessmenL. Sharlng of lnformaLlon by
all parLles on needs, numbers and proflllng of affecLed people Lo lnform
updaLed responses and programmlng.
!"#$%"&' &") *+",!)$"#!&'

8; ,1")!"/
1he SecurlLy Councll urges all Member SLaLes Lo respond swlfLly Lo Lhe unlLed
naLlons' humanlLarlan appeals and Lo ensure LhaL all pledges are honoured ln full. lL
furLher urges all Member SLaLes, ln coordlnaLlon wlLh lnLernaLlonal flnanclal
lnsLlLuLlons and unlLed naLlons agencles, Lo lncrease Lhelr supporL Lo address Lhe
lncreaslng pollLlcal, socloeconomlc and flnanclal lmpacL of Lhe refugee crlsls on
hosLlng counLrles.

1he Syrla PumanlLarlan AsslsLance 8esponse lan (SPA8) and Lhe 8eglonal
8efugee 8esponse lan (888) requlre uS$4.4 bllllon Lo address Lhe needs of
people ln Syrla and Lhe reglon unLll uecember 2013. As of 4 november, Lhese
response plans were 37.2 per cenL and 62.3 per cenL funded, respecLlvely.
ro[ecLs of Lhe SPA8 addresslng wlnLerlzaLlon have already been senL Lo
donors for urgenL fundlng.
uurlng Lhe 30 !anuary 2013 kuwalL Plgh-Level ledglng Conference for Syrla,
$1.34 bllllon was pledged, ouL of whlch over $1 bllllon (66 per cenL) has been
new pledges for Syrla and Lhe reglon were made durlng SepLember,
amounLlng Lo abouL $1 bllllon.

Comprehenslve reglonal response Lo Lhe Syrla crlsls, ln supporL of
nelghbourlng counLrles, Lo be flnallzed,
lundlng. reparaLlons are underway for a hlgh-level pledglng conference Lo
fund Lhe 2014 response. WlnLerlzaLlon lan fully funded.

valerle Amos
4 november 2013

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