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Western Regional Load Despatch Center

Technical Specification (TS) For Wide Area Measurement System In Western Region

Synchrophasor Pilot Project for WR Technical Specification for WAMS System


1.1 Introduction
The power system in India is organized in five electrical regions for operation of power system namely North, South, East, West and North-East. Presently all the regions except South are synchronized as single block. The exchange of power among the synchronized regions takes place through 765/400/220KV transmission lines and HVDC interconnections where as the power exchange with southern region is through HVDC interconnections. The operation of the each regional grid is managed by the Regional Load Dispatch Center (RLDC) with underlying State Load Dispatch Center (SLDCs) and Sub-LDCs. At National level to supervise the RLDCs and to monitor the interregional power exchanges, a National Load Dispatch Center at Delhi is in operation. All SLDCs, RLDCs and NLDC Control Centers are equipped with full fledged SCADA/EMS systems. Commensurate with economic development, Indian Electricity Grid is expanding exponentially with multiple interconnections between Regions and increased power flow among regions. Further there are requirements imposed by Regulators, deregulated energy market & consumer aspiration for quality and reliable power supply. Hence power system operator needs to be provided with the necessary tools to analyze & visualize system state. Availability of tools is important to maintain the integrity of the system satisfactorily, even in face of ever increasing demand of the customers while complying with the requirement imposed by the Regulators and other Stakeholders.

POWERGRID, a Govt of India Enterprise and Central Transmission Utility is entrusted with the establishment, maintenance and operation of National Grid. POWERGRID is responsible for establishment and operation of inter-state EHV transmission lines, substations and modernisation of load dispatch centres, and communication facilities in a coordinated and efficient manner. The inter-state transmission system moves large blocks of power from the generating stations to the load centres within and across all regions with reliability, security and economy.

POWERGRID in March2009 set up a subsidiary company named Power System Operation Corporation Ltd. (POSOCO) with 100% ownership for carrying out the

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statutory functions of RLDCs and NLDC under applicable provisions of Electricity Act- 2003. The supervision and control of all aspects concerning system operations and manpower requirement of RLDCs and NLDC is being taken care by POSOCO.

1.4 Constituents of Western Region

The Western Region consists of the following constituents: a) Chattisgarh b) Mahya Pradesh c) Maharashtra d) Gujrat e) Goa f) DD & DNH

1.5 Existing system at WRLDC

The Western Regional Load Dispatch Center (WRLDC) office of POSOCO, herein referred as Owner, is located at Mumbai having the overall responsibility for Western Region grid operation. RTUs from Substations & Power Plants report electrical parameters to SCADA system of WRLDC. The flow of real time data takes place in a hierarchal manner. The RTUs installed at central sector substation transmit real time data directly either to CPCC or to WRLDC Mumbai whereas the data from the RTUs of other constituents stations is routed through the hierarchy of Sub-LDC/SLDC to WRLDC. The selected data of SCADA system at WRLDC is further transmitted to NLDC. The existing SCADA system at WRLDC provides analog and status data to the operators with update time ranging from 10 seconds to 24 seconds depending upon the RTU reporting at RLDC or Sub-LDC. Further the data available at WRLDC is not of the same time. Based upon these SCADA data, the status of the Power system is estimated and the Energy Management tools like Contingency Analysis, Optimal Power Flow etc. are made available to the operators. Western Regional Load Dispatch Center intends to establish Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) that will utilize synchronized measurements from Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and increase the situational awareness of Grid Operator.

1.6 Project Outline

The proposed WAMS project consists of installation of PMUs with GPS system at various strategic Sub-Stations/ Power Stations of Western Region, PDC (Phasor Data Concentrator), Visualization and Archiving facilities at WRLDC as well as at four SLDCs (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh). The required data acquisition & visualization tools along with other components for PMU data presentation/storage will also be provided at WRLDC & at four SLDCs. These PMU data shall be used for real time decision making with wide area dynamic system information and system studies such as system planning and operation. This system
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will also be used for Operator Training & Post Mortem Analysis. Further, the PMU data shall also be made available to SLDCs, WRPC, CTU & NLDC from the WRLDC system to facilitate visualization by Grid Operators. The conceptual hardware configuration of the pilot project is provided at AnnexureI. The main elements of the proposed system are as follows: Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) along with GPS system Computer Hardware with System Software (e.g. PDCs, Workstation consoles) LAN User Interface and Visualization Software System Storage Hardware and Software (man-machine Interface) for Visualization at SLDCs, WRPC, CTU & at NLDC end. The scope of work is described in subsequent section of this document.

1.7 Intent of Specification

The intent of this Specification is to cover the engineering, design, manufacturing, testing, integration, supply, storage, installation, and commissioning of PMUs, PDCs (hardware and software) and associated cabling at the substations, SLDCs, WRPC,CTU,NLDC as well as at WRLDC. The Computer Hardware and software tools for Visualisation, Archiving and associated equipment will be installed at WRLDC & at four SLDCs. The tools will display the accurate and time stamped phasor and other data to the operators. The specification shall also include installation of necessary Server and related application for storage at WRLDC and at four SLDCs and visualization of these at WRPC,CTU & NLDC end.

1.8 Scope of Work

The scope of work in complete conformity with subsequent sections of the specification shall include site survey, planning, design, engineering, manufacturing, integration, testing, supply, transportation & insurance, delivery at site, storage, installation, training, commissioning, demonstration for acceptance and documentation of: a) b) c) Computer system hardware and software for PMU data acquisition, display, storage etc. Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) along with GPS, PDC (Phasor Data Concentrator) All cabling, wiring, terminations and interconnections to the equipment including necessary trench/surface conditioning to interconnect the Control Center equipments being supplied and integrated under the project.

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All cabling, wiring, terminations and interconnections of the Protective Relays & Pole-slipping protective relays (Power stations) to interconnect the PMUs being supplied and integrated under the project. Database development, Displays and Reports at WRLDC. Visualization Facilities for analysis of PMU data by Remote access at SLDCs, WRPC, CTU & at NLDC end. Integration of PMUs of different manufactures conforming to IEEE C37.118 standard. Integration of existing PMUs at Maharashtra SLDC with WR-WAMS system. Installation and configuration of Server & Storage for historical data. Visualisation based on the PMU data. Communication required within the substation including communication cable as well as the interface requirement. On-site training of employer personnel. Maintenance of the WAMS system for three years after one year of Warranty period. IEC-60870-5-104/ICCP SCADA/EMS System. format PMU data from PDC server for

e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o)

The PDC system shall be provided with OPC server, or ODBC connectivity for exchanging the PMU data with Employers System studies and analysis applications for system planning and operation. At present the PTI PSSE package is being used for system planning. Any other work which is not identified in the specification but is required for completion of the project within intent of the specification shall also be in the scope of the Bidder.


1.9 General Requirements

It should be noted that design information and bill of quantity (BOQ) are provisional only. The Contractor shall verify the design data during the site surveys & detail engineering and finalise the BOQ as required for ultimate design & system performance. The employer reserves the right of execution of works within the stipulated quantity variation provision other than those indicated in the appendices at the same rates, terms and conditions. The Bidder's proposal shall address all functional and performance requirements within this specification and shall include sufficient information and supporting documentation in order to determine compliance with this specification without further necessity for enquiries.

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The Bidder's proposal shall clearly identify all features described in the specifications or in any supporting reference material that will not be implemented; otherwise, those features shall become binding as part of the final contract. An analysis of the functional and performance requirements of this specification and/or site surveys, design, and engineering may lead the Contractor to conclude that additional items and services are required that are not specifically mentioned in this specification. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing at no added cost to the Employer, all such additional items and services such that a viable and fully functional System is implemented that meets or exceeds the capacity, and performance requirements specified. Such materials and services shall be considered to be within the scope of the contract. To the extent possible, the Bidders shall identify and include all such additional items (hardware / software) and services in their proposal. All equipment provided shall be designed to interface with existing equipment and shall be capable of supporting all present requirements and spare capacity requirements identified in this specification. The required connectors & cabling for interface with the existing communication equipment shall be in the scope of the contractor. The bidders are advised to visit sites (at their own expense), prior to the submission of proposal, and make surveys and assessments as deemed necessary for proposal submission. The successful bidder (Contractor) is required to visit sites. The site visits/routes shall include all necessary surveys to allow the contractor to perform the design and implementation functions. The Contractor shall inform their site survey schedule to the Employer well in advance. The site survey schedule shall be finalised in consultation with the Employer. The Employer may be associated with the Contractor during their site survey activities. After the site survey the Contractor shall submit to the Employer a survey report. This report shall include at least the following items: a) Layout of all equipments (Server, PDC, Work Station, Power Supply and Communication etc) in the rooms and buildings as required. In case of the Substation having BCU configuration, the layout should cover the placement of the equipments within the BCU kiosk including the location of BCU kiosk in the switchyard. Proposed routing of power, Earthing, LAN cable and signal cables including for GPS system. Availability of communication interface in the existing communication panel. Cabling between communication equipment with PMUs at substations and communication equipment with PDC at WRLDC & at four SLDCs end. Cabling between Communication equipment and Remote consoles at WRPC, CTU & at NLDC end.

b) c) d) e)

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f) g) h)

Availability of Space , Air conditioning and AC/DC Power supply Proposals for trench/ facility modifications, if required Identify all additional items required for integration for each site/location.

1.10 Exclusions from Bidder's Scope

The bidder shall be responsible for providing all equipment and services required for commissioning the system except for the following: Communication channels between PMU location and WRLDC & between WRLDC & SLDCs, WRPC, CTU & at NLDC end. Auxiliary Power Supply for PMU and computer system. Building, air conditioning systems and facility infrastructures.

1.11 Facilities to be Implementation






POSOCO will be responsible for providing the following facilities as may be reasonably required for project implementation: Providing communication interface at Substation Control Room, at WRLDC and at SLDCs, WRPC, CTU & at NLDC end. Arranging necessary shutdowns and work permits wherever required. Obtaining requisite clearances and/or approvals as required to be taken by WRLDC for project work. Providing power supply outlets for construction work. Providing storage space at sites free of cost wherever is available.

1.12 General Bidding Requirements

The Bidder shall be responsive to the technical requirements as set forth in this specification. To be considered responsive, the Bidder's proposal shall include the following: a. A detailed project implementation plan (as attached at Annexure IV) and schedule that is consistent with the scope of project and POSOCOs specified objectives. The plan shall include the activities of both the bidder and POSOCO show all key milestones, and clearly identify the nature of all information and project support to be provided by POSOCO. Manpower resources to be deployed by bidder during execution phase should be clearly indicated.

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b. A full and complete set of answers to each and every question in the Questionnaires those are included in Annexure -II. c. Technical details of the offered hardware and software to provide a fully integrated system, meeting the size and expandability requirement for all PMUs, PDC and other offered items. d. Communication interface requirement. e. Power supply requirement at each location. f. Communication cable and interface details for the Substations having BCU (SAS) configuration. g. System architecture of the WAMS system h. The data update time from PMU to the PDC i. Bidder shall use one copy of "Technical Specifications" to indicate compliance status. Within the right-hand margin, Bidder shall indicate compliance status to each paragraph along with a cross-reference to its proposal and an index key for any explanation or comment. A copy of bidding document with every para marked on C/A/X to denote the offered solutions compliance (C), alternative offering (A) and not offered status (X). Each alternative shall be clearly and explicitly described. Such descriptions shall use the same paragraph numbering as the bid document sections addressed by the alternatives. All alternative descriptions shall be in one contiguous section of the Bidder's proposal, preferably in the same volume, and titled "Alternatives." A separate section titled "Exceptions" should be provided containing any discussion or explanation Bidder chooses to provide concerning exceptions taken. Alternatives which do not substantially comply with the intent of the bid documents will be considered exceptions. j. The Employer will assess the merits of each alternative and exception and will be the sole judge as to their acceptance. ------------------End of Section 1-------------------

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2.1 General
The Bidders are encouraged to offer their standard products that meet or exceed the specification requirements. These products may be provided from their in-house baseline offerings or may be provided from the others manufacturer. Although the bidder is encouraged to use as much standard hardware and software as possible, the proposal will be judged by its conformance to the Specification. The proposal shall clearly identify all deviations from the Specification to help POSOCO/POWERGRID evaluate the degree of conformance of the Bidder's offering. The Central & State Sector substations /Generating stations are provided with CTs on each bay of the switchyard and CVTs in each transmission line bay and on each bus. Generally CTs have one metering core and four protection cores. The CVTs are provided with three cores, one for metering and other two for protection. The PMUs to be supplied need to connect to either of these CT and CVT cores. The specification identifies some minimum requirements for each of the major component which are essentially required for measurement of complex quantities and transmitting the same to the control center. At the WRLDC, the delivered system is expected to provide meaningful presentation of the acquired data so that it is useful to the operators in assessing the current state of grid and can also be used for carrying out the post- facto analysis The bidder shall also identify the functionalities in detail available in their offered product which are not the part of this specification but may be useful to the power system operators.

2.2 PMU Requirements

The PMUs to be supplied under this specification shall provide phasor and analog data at the selected periodicity. The offered PMUs shall be complete in all respect so that they can be installed at the substation and can communicate with the Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC). The necessary cable and connector and installation hardware shall also be supplied by the bidder. The PMUs shall conform to IEEE C37.118 standard and shall be designed to meet the following requirements: a. The PMUs shall be designed to measure the electrical parameters in the power system frequency band of 45-55 Hz. b. The supplied PMU will be standalone in the substation control rooms /relay panel room. c. The auxiliary power supply to PMUs will be provided from the station DC which is used for control and protection of substation devices. Accordingly the PMUs shall be suitable to operate on unearthed 220 V or 110V (+10%, 15%) DC power supply.

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d. The offered configuration of PMUs used in substation bay control unit shall be suitable for at least one 3-phase voltage, two 3-phase current and 8 digital inputs. The same shall be expandable to at least another two sets of similar inputs of one 3 phase voltage & two 3 phase currents. e. The PMUs shall be used to measure the following: 3 phase positive sequence voltages as magnitude and angle (polar form) quantities 3 phase positive sequence currents magnitude and angle (polar form) quantities Frequency, Rate of change of frequency & Active and Reactive power may be derived either at PMUs or PDC from the measured values. The PMUs shall be capable of transferring the all the measured & derived quantities to PDC along with timestamp. f. All the measurements shall be tagged with UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The time tagging accuracy shall be at least one micro-second. g. The PMU output shall be in IEEE C37.118 format and shall communicate with the PDC in the same format. The accuracy of the measurements shall be as per the IEEE C37.118 standard level 1. Proprietary format for data exchange with PDC is not acceptable. h. The PMUs shall be suitable for configuring the data sampling rate of 10, 25, 50 samples per second. Actual rate shall be user selectable. However sample rate of 50 samples per sec shall be configured as default. i. The PMUs shall have continuous self monitoring ,diagnostic feature and capable to identify & communicate problems and shall generate alarm in case of any abnormality which shall be displayed locally as well as shall be transferred to the PDC. j. The PMU design shall ensure that the impact of frequency fluctuation (45-55 Hz) on accuracy is within permissible limit as per prevailing standards, the bidder shall explain in their offer of this aspect of PMU design. k. The PMUs shall communicate with PDC on Ethernet interface over the communication link provided by the employer. One redundant communication ports of 10/100/1000 Base Tx for TCP/IP for streaming data in IEEE C 37.118 format shall be provided in the PMU. The data update time from PMUs to the PDC shall be indicated by the bidder in their offer. Additional optical remote communication ports 10/100/1000 Base Tx for TCP/IP shall also be available for streaming data in IEEE C37.118 format. l. There shall be provision for HMI (Human Machine Interface) in PMU to perform setting changes In addition HMI should display the measured quantities for ease during testing. The Operation indications and time tagged events shall be available by the Local HMI. Alternatively Portable

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configuration device for PMUs at local/Remote end can be provided for configuring the PMUs.

2.3 GPS based Time Facility

GPS based time facility to synchronize PMU clock with UTC source, shall be provided for each PMU. The time receiver shall include propagation delay compensation and shall also include an offset to permit correction to local time to achieve time accuracy of at least 1 microsecond. The time receiver shall detect the loss of signal from the UTC source and a loss-of-signal event shall be sent to the PMU which will be transferred to PDC and shall result in an alarm at PDC. Upon loss of signal, the PMU time facility shall revert to an internal time base. The internal time base shall have minimum stability of 1pps. Within five minutes of reacquisition of signal, the time shall return to within 1.5 micro-second of UTC. Proper correction of leap second shall be provided.

2.4 Environmental Requirements

The PMU will be installed inside buildings without temperature or humidity control. The PMU shall be capable of operating in ambient temperatures from -10 deg C to +55 deg C and relative humidity up to 10-90%.

2.5 PMU Panel Construction

a) The PMUs shall be installed at the substation control room where the space in the existing panels may be available. The supplied PMU may be mounted in the existing panel wherever the space in the panel is available. The stand alone panel shall be provided, if space in the existing panel is not available. b) Panels shall be free standing surface or flush type and shall comprise structural frames completely enclosed with specially selected smooth finished, cold rolled sheet steel of adequate thickness for weight bearing members of the panels such as base frame, front sheet and door frames, as well as for sides, door, top and bottom portions.

2.6 PMU Panels

The panel enclosures shall meet the following requirements: a) The enclosures shall be finished inside and out. All cabinet metal shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanded, and welds chipped to obtain a clean, smooth finish. All surfaces shall be treated to resist rust and to form a bond between the metal and the paint. Enclosures (except for server racks) shall confirm to IP-31 degree of protection. All the louvers shall be provided with suitable wire mesh. b) Enclosures shall be floor mounted with front and rear access to hardware and Wiring. c) Moving assemblies within the enclosure, such as swing frames or extension slides, shall be designed such that full movement of the assembly is possible without bending or distortion of the enclosure or the moving assembly.

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Enclosures shall not require fastening to the floor to preclude tipping of the enclosure when the moving assembly is extended. d) Cable entry shall be through the bottom. No cables shall be visible, all cables shall be properly clamped, and all entries shall be properly sealed to prevent access by rodents. e) Cooling air shall be drawn from the conditioned air within the room. Ducted or directed cooling air to the enclosures will not be supplied by Employer. f) All wiring shall use copper conductors. Conductors in multi core cables shall be individually colour coded. g) Wiring within the enclosures shall be neatly arranged and securely fastened to the enclosure by non-conductive fasteners. Wiring between all stationary and moveable components, such as wiring across hinges or to components mounted on extension slides, shall allow for full movement of the component without binding or chafing of the wire. h) All materials used in the enclosures including cable insulation or sheathing, wire troughs, terminal blocks, and enclosure trim shall be made of flame retardant material and shall not produce toxic gasses under fire conditions. i) All enclosures shall be provided with suitable internal lighting lamp, 230 VAC 15/5A duplex type power socket & switch for maintenance purpose. j) The finish colours of all enclosures/panels shall be finalized during detailed Engineering.

2.7 Earthing
a) All panels shall be equipped with an earth bus securely fixed. Location of earth bus shall ensure no radiation interference for earth systems under various switching conditions of isolators and breakers. The material and the sizes of the bus bar shall be at least 25 X 6 perforated copper with threaded holes at a gap of 50mm with a provision of bolts and nuts for connection with cable armours and mounted equipment etc for effective earthing provision shall be made for extending the earth bus bars to adjoining panels on either side. b) Provision shall be made on each bus bar of the panels for connecting substation earthing grid. Necessary terminal clamps and connectors for this purpose shall be included in the scope of supply of Bidder. c) Panels shall be connected to the substation control room earth system at least at two places separately. d) All metallic cases of PMUs shall be connected to the earth bus by copper wires of size not less than 2X2.5 sq. mm. The colour code of earthing wires shall be green. e) Looping of earth connections which would result in loss of earth connection to other devices when the loop is broken, shall not be permitted. However,

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looping of earth connections between equipment to provide alternative paths to earth bus shall be provided.

2.8 Interconnections
The bidder shall be responsible for laying and termination of all cables at both ends required under the project which includes interconnections among bidder supplied equipment and their interconnection with employers panels. Testing and commissioning of these interconnections shall also be done by the bidder. The signals cables for communication shall be shielded type to provide suitable protection against noise and electromagnetic interference. All the cables shall be suitably sized to meet the functional requirements. Shielded/Armoured cables shall be used for other requirements. These external cables (except communication cables) shall have the following characteristics: Minimum core cross-section of 2.5/4 mm2 (depending upon site requirements) for PT cables and 2x2.5 mm2 for CT cables, 2.5 mm2 for Power & Control outputs and 1.5 mm2 for Digital Status inputs shall be provided. Rated voltage of cables shall be Uo/U of 0.6/1.1KV The Communication cable shall be of shielded, twisted pairs and of minimum 0.22sq mm size as per IS 1554 Part- I.

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3.1 General
The Bidders are encouraged to offer their standard products that meet or exceed the specification requirements. These products may be provided from their in-house baseline offerings or may be provided from the others manufacturer and established third-party software suppliers. Although the bidder is encouraged to use as much standard hardware and software as possible, the proposal will be judged by its conformance to the Specification. The operating system, router with firewall, routers offered in the bid should have Evaluation Assurance level, atleast EAL4 as specified by the Common Requirements defined International Standard (ISO/IEC15408) for computer security certification. The proposal shall clearly identify all deviations from the Specification to help POSOCO/POWERGRID evaluate the degree of conformance of the Bidder's offering.

3.2 Access control

3.2.1 Users Users may access the PDC from several locations. The PDC should allow access from multiple locations over LAN/WAN. All system access will be validated by username and password. 3.2.2 Administrator

The PDCs administrator shall be provided with tools to configure the system, such as: Connection of PMUs Data output streams User profiles Alarm thresholds

3.3 Functional Requirements

PDCs shall provide the following functionalities: Real-time streamed PMU data handling functions including PMU data receiving, PMU data time alignment and PMU data repacking Data Storage Management functions PMU configuration information exchanging and condition monitoring. Interfacing to other PDC for streaming synchrophasor data exchange.

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The functional requirements for these functionalities are described in the following subsections. 3.3.1 Real-time PMU Steamed Data Handling

PDC shall provide the following functions for handling the receiving, processing, time alignment and repacking of PMU data. PMU Data Receiving a) PDC shall be as a minimum capable of receiving real-time synchrophasor measurement data stream for PMUs in all substation that are in compliance to IEEE C37.118 data frame protocol at user selected phasor data reporting rates. b) PDC shall as a minimum, support receiving PMU data in compliance to IEEE C37.118 data frame protocol using the following UDP/TCP operating mode: Receiving the streaming data from a PMU using UDP-TCP operating mode. Receiving the streaming data from a PMU using UDP/IP protocol (the data from PMU could have either a unicast or multicast destination IP address). Other massaging communications between PDC and PMU use a separate TCP/IP connection. c) PDC shall be able to receive PMU data in the above UDP-TCP mode from PMUs in all substations simultaneously. PDC shall be able to receive multiple multicast real time data (with different IP addresses) through UDP/IP connection. d) PDC shall provide a function to allow users to set a maximum waiting time for PMU data arrival for each output data stream. Only PMU data arriving before the waiting time shall be included in the output data stream. PMU data processing PDC shall provide, as a minimum the following data processing capabilities. a) Data quality check and flagging, b) Data format conversion c) Data scaling change d) Re-sampling of a received data stream. (The re-sampling is defined as changing the data rate of a PMU data stream from one rate to another rate)

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Synchrophasor Pilot Project for WR Technical Specification for WAMS System PMU data time-alignment a) PDC shall align PMU data according to their time tags, not their arriving order of arriving time. b) PDC time alignment function shall be able to preserve time quality and UTC sync indication and add other data quality information of aligned data on individual PMU basis. PMU data repacking a) PDC shall as a minimum be able to generate IEEE C37.118 compliant output data streams with a user configurable data repacking for each stream. It shall be possible to generate an output data stream with any number of input data points included of a user selected data rate. b) When generating an IEEE C37.118 compliant output data stream with all input data, PDC shall support to repack the data to maintain individual PMU data configurations


Data Storage Management

PDC shall provide data storage for all received PMU data, the processed data and repacked data. PDC shall provide two types of data storages: a) The online data storage for storing data for a period of time that is configurable by users b) Long term data storage for data of selected events (events archive historian). PDC shall provide the following data management functions. 3.4.1 Online Data Storage Management a) The storing period for online data storage shall always end with the current time. The online data storage shall meet the sizing and performance requirement of this specification (as specified in Annexure-III, Table 3.3). The data older than the storing period may be discarded or overwritten. b) PDCs online data storage shall be able to provide the stored data upon receiving a data retrieval request. The stored data shall, as a minimum, be able to be retrieved at the granularity of an individual PMU and any single time point, selected time period within the stored period. c) PDCs online data storage shall, support output retrieved data in IEEE C37.118 data frame format.

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3.4.2 Event Data Archive Storage Management For event data archive historian, PDC shall include an event detection application with user configurable event detection criteria for detecting various events (disturbances, abnormal system conditions, etc.) occurred in the system. The data of the detected events then shall be moved to event data archive historian with all relevant information (e.g. PMUs status, event detection settings, etc.) PDC shall provide, as a minimum the following types of event detection functions:
a) Real- Time Event Detection Functions

These event detection functions will be executed in real-time to detect system events. These functions shall be executed each time a new frame of data is received. The real-time event detection functions shall, as a minimum, support the detection of the following events: System frequency out of specified range (f> and f<) The rate of change of the system frequency exceeding the specified threshold (df/dt>) Combined system frequency and the rate of change of the system frequency exceeding specified thresholds (f+ df/dt > and f+df/dt<) Bus voltage phasor magnitude out of specified range The rate of change of the bus voltage phasor magnitude exceeding the specified threshold Combined bus voltage phasor magnitude and the rate of change of the bus voltage phasor magnitude exceeding specified threshold Phase angle difference of two bus voltage phasors exceeding specified The rate of change of the phase angle difference of two bus voltage phasor exceeding the specified threshold Combined the phase angle difference of two bus voltage phasors and the rate of change of the phase angle difference exceeding specified threshold Symmetric fault occurrence indicated by protective relay operation status and breaker operation status included in the PMU data packet Asymmetric permanent fault occurrence indicated by protective relay operation status and breaker operation status indicated in the PMU data packet. Pole-slipping condition indicated by pole-slipping protective relay operation status.

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b) Non-Real-Time Event Detection Functions These event detection functions will be executed to detect system events. These event detection functions could be executed at a userconfigurable period using data stored in the online data storage or event detection functions own data buffer. PDCs event data archive historian shall be able to output the stored event data upon receiving an event data retrieval request. The stored data shall, as a minimum, be able to be retrieved at the granularity of an individual event within a user specified time period. The event data is 5 sec prior to event and 10 sec post event for all/selected PMUs.


PDC Interfaces with Other PDCs

PDC shall provide proper interfaces for facilitate necessary communications with other PDCs. 3.5.1 Operating mode PDC shall as a minimum support following operating modes when interfacing with other PDCs. Exchange all data and messages through a dedicated TCP/IP connection Exchange real-time streaming data in UDP/IP while messages in a separate TCP/IP connection. 3.5.2 Exchange real-time streaming data It is assumed that other PDCs support, as minimum exchange real-time streaming data in IEEE C37.118 data frame format: PDC shall, as minimum be capable of exchanging streaming data with other PDCs in IEEE C37.118 data frame format. 3.5.3 Messaging with other PDCs. It is assumed that other PDCs support for exchanging the configuration frames messages in IEEE C37.118 messaging protocol. PDC shall as a minimum be capable of exchanging configuration frames with other PDCs in IEEE C37.118 messaging protocol. PDC shall support as a minimum exchanging configuration frames with other PDCs through a dedicated TCP/IP connection.


Network Interfaces
a) PDC shall support communication from multiple physical Ethernet ports simultaneously. b) PDC shall provide both optical and metallic physical port options for port. PDC shall provide an isolated networking option, in which PDCs physical input ports are connected to internal WRLDC LANs where PMUs are

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connected through its internal WRLDC WAN & external ports are isolated from this.


Communication Protocols

PDC, as a minimum shall support the following communication protocols. 3.7.1 IEEE C37.118 Communication Protocol a) PDC shall, as a minimum fully support IEEE C37.118 communication protocol between PDC and PMU for data receiving and messaging related communications. b) PDC shall as a minimum fully support IEEE C37.118 communication protocol for PDC to other PDC data receiving and messaging related communications. c) PDC shall as a minimum support extend messaging communication protocol based on IEEE C37.118 messaging communication protocol for additional PDC-PDC messaging related communications. 3.7.2 IPv4 and IPv6 PDC shall support both IPv4 and IPv6 Internet protocols. 3.7.3 IP Multicast PDC shall support send output data steam as multicast IP data packet. The destination multicast IP address shall be user configurable.



PDC shall provide adequate Human-Machine Interface (HMI) to a WRLDC control centre system. PDC shall as a minimum include Graphical User Interface (GUI) for PDC configuration, test and diagnose purpose.



PDC shall provide functions and means to enable a WAMS to meet all physical cyber security requirements for Control Centre system. These shall include but not limited to, PDC access control, data encryption/decryption, interfaces to common security services, etc.

3.10 System Sizing, Performance, Configurability, and Availability Requirements

3.10.1 System Sizing The system sizing for PDC is only specified for initial sizing. The delivered system shall be expandable as the input and output requirements grow (as per Annexure-III- Table 3.3). Suppliers are required to describe their systems expandability in detail in their response and to fully demonstrate their systems expandability in FAT.

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3.10.2 Input PDC shall be able to receive real-time data streams at the highest reporting rate from up to 100 PMUs with an average of 10 phasors per PMU initially. 3.10.3 Online Data Storage PDC shall provide online storage for storing as a minimum 30 days of a full record of all received processed and outputted data. 3.10.4 Event Archive Data Storage Historian PDC event archive data storage historian shall provide, as a minimum a data storage that is capable of storing 30 days of event data assuming event data will not exceed 20% of the total volume of a full record.

3.11 System Time

PDC system time shall meet the following specifications. 3.11.1 Sync to UTC The system clock of PDC shall be synced to UTC within 1 microsecond. 3.11.2 Timing resolution PDC system clock shall have a time resolution of better than 1 microsecond. 3.11.3 Time and data format PDCs HMI/GUI shall be able to display UTC time and date in compliance to ISO 8601 format. PDCs HMI/GUI shall be able to display UTC time and date in local time and date display format. PDC shall record all time as UTC time and date in compliance to ISO 8601 format.

3.12 Data Handling Performance Requirements

PDC shall meet the following performance requirements for data processing data alignment and data repacking. Filtering and data down-sampling processing functions of PDC for each output reporting rate shall not introduce additional TVE more than 0.1%. 3.12.1 Performance requirements PDC shall be able to complete all data receiving data processing data alignment, and data repacking for all inputs and outputs within 5 ms excluding the waiting time for data arrival. This performance requirement shall be met under the maximum number of input PMU data steams and maximum number of output data steams with the maximum number of phasor.

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3.13 Configurable Parameters

PDC shall, as a minimum, enable users to perform the following configurations for desired operations. 3.13.1 Configure output data streams It shall be possible to enable and disable each output data stream independently. It shall be possible to configure each output data stream independently. The configuration of each data stream shall include, as a minimum, assigning a data stream ID, selecting data elements included for output, data frame structure, waiting times for data arrival (normal and late data arrival), output data rate, and the number of data frames to be transmitted in one IP data packet. 3.13.2 Wait time settings PDC shall enable users to set two groups of waiting time settings: Normal data arrival wait time settings Maximum wait time settings The normal data arrival waiting time is the waiting time used for each output data stream to wait for all data arrival before performing the data processing, alignment, and repacking. The maximum waiting time is for determining if a data packet of a data stream has been lost during the transmission. Normal data arrival wait time shall be configurable independently for each data stream. Data arrived after the wait time will not be included in the output data stream and shall be marked as data not received in time. Normal data arrival wait time shall be configurable from 0 to 30 seconds with a step of 1 ms. There shall be one maximum system wait time setting for PDC. The maximum system wait time shall be configurable from 0.1 second to 120 seconds at a step of 0.1 second. Data received after the maximum system wait time shall be marked as data not received. 3.13.3 Alarm settings User shall be able to enable and disable alarms individually. PDC shall generate an alarm whenever data not received occurs for one or more times for one or more PMU input data streams. The number of times and the number of streams having the problem shall be user configurable. The number of times that data not received occurs shall be configurable from 1 to 1,000 with a step of 1. The number of input data streams that has the problem shall be configurable from 1 to the maximum number of the input data streams that PDC receives. The alarm shall indicate which data stream has the problem. PDC shall generate an alarm when data not received in time occurred to a PMU data stream for more than a preset number of times during a specified period.
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3.13.4 Online storage time period configuration PDC shall enable users to configure the online data storage period. The period shall be configurable from a minimum of 30 days to the maximum number of days that the system supports at a step of one day. 3.13.5 Event detection criteria configuration PDC shall enable users to configure event detection criteria for each event detection function as specified below. System frequency related event detection criteria PDC shall enable users to configure the followings: System frequency range f min and f max, as well as the time period that the frequency stays out of the range. fmin shall be from 0 Hz to nominal system frequency with a step of 0.01 Hz. fmax shall be from nominal system frequency to 2 times the nominal system frequency with a step of 0.01 Hz. The time period that the frequency stays out of the range shall be configurable from 0 to 10 seconds with a step of 1 ms. The rate of change of the system frequency |df/dt| detection threshold shall be from 0 to 25 Hz/s for 50 Hz system. The thresholds for combined system frequency and the rate of change of the system frequency shall be configurable as follows: f + a*df/dt >: a shall be configurable from 0 to 10 seconds with a step of 1 ms; and the threshold shall be from nominal system frequency to 2 times the nominal system frequency with a step of 0.01 Hz f + b*df/dt <: b shall be configurable from 0 to 10 seconds with a step of 1 ms; and the threshold shall be from 0 Hz to nominal system frequency with a step of 0.01 Hz All frequency related detection criteria shall be global criteria. Voltage magnitude related event detection criteria PDC shall enable users to configure the followings: Bus voltage phasor magnitude range: Vmin from 0 pu to 1.0 pu with a step of 0.01 pu.Vmax from 1.0 pu to 2.0 pu with a step of 0.01 pu. A time period that voltage stays out of the range shall be configurable from 0 to 10 seconds with a step of 1 ms. The threshold for rate of change of the bus voltage phasor magnitude |dV/dt| shall be configurable from 0 to 1.0 pu/s with a step of 0.01 pu/s. A time period that |dV/dt| stays

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above the threshold shall be configurable from 0 to 10 seconds with a step of 1 ms. The thresholds for combined bus voltage phasor magnitude and the rate of change of the bus voltage phasor magnitude shall be configured as follows: V + a*dV/dt >: a shall be configurable from 0 to 10 seconds with a step of 1 ms; and the threshold shall be from 1.0 pu to 2.0 pu with a step of 0.01 pu V + b*dV/dt <: b shall be configurable from 0 to 10 seconds with a step of 1 ms; and the threshold shall be from 0 pu to 1.0 pu with a step of 0.01 pu

All voltage magnitude related event detection criteria shall be configurable on an individual bus voltage basis. An option shall be provided to configure global default criteria for voltage magnitude related event detection. Voltage phase angle difference related event detection criteria PDC shall enable users to configure the followings: The threshold for phase angle difference of two bus voltage phasors shall be configurable from 0 to 180 degree with a step of 0.1 degree. The threshold for rate of change of the phase angle difference of two bus voltage phasors shall be configurable from 0 to 100 degree/ms with a step of 0.1 degree/ms. The threshold for combined phase angle difference of two bus voltage phasors and the rate of change of the phase angle difference shall be configurable from 0 to 180 degree with a step of 0.1 degree.

All phase angle difference related event detection criteria shall be configurable on pair of bus as well as on individual phase angle difference basis. An option shall be provided to configure global default criteria for phase angle difference related event detection. Other real-time event detection criteria PDC shall enable users to configure the followings: Detection logic for symmetric fault occurrence indicated by AND and/or OR protective relay operation status and breaker operation status included in the PMU data packet.

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Detection logic for asymmetric permanent fault occurrence indicated by AND and/or OR protective relay operation status and breaker operation status included in the PMU data packet Detection logic for pole-slipping condition indicated by poleslipping protective relay operation status

3.13.6 Communication mode configuration PDC shall enable users to select and configure data input and output communication modes on all ports. User shall be able to select between TCP/IP and UDP/IP for data receiving for each data input stream or each output data stream. For each input stream received in UDP/IP, user shall be able to configure whether the data will be received with a unicast or multicast IP address. For each UDP/IP output stream, user shall be able to select between sending the data to a unicast or multicast IP address. User shall be able to configure the destination IP address in both cases. PDC shall allow users to configure the number of frames of output data frames contained in each IP packets. The number shall be between 1 to the maximum number of frames that an output IP packet allows.

3.14 System Availability Requirements

System components shall meet the following availability requirements. 3.14.1 System components Individual system components, such as server hardware, storage devices, shall each exhibit an availability of better than 98% 3.14.2 Performance monitoring and reporting PDC shall include system performance monitoring functions to continuously monitor the following system performance: Data Handling Performances PMU input data performance, such as interruptions, excessive delay, Data error rate, etc. Performance shall be logged and performance fail to meet the specified requirements reported. 3.14.3 System Availability The PDC system shall exhibit an overall availability of 99.9%.

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3.15 PDC Software Requirements

PDC shall meet the following software requirements. 3.15.1 Upgradability The complete real-time software kernel/OS and application programs of a PDC shall be fully upgradable through firmware upgrade and/or other software upgrade methods. The firmware/software upgrade may include General software upgrade such as kernel/OS upgrade Adding new features and functionalities, such as supporting new data format and communication protocols. Fixing bugs and deficiencies The Supplier shall keep Employers informed of the software updates of revisions available after the system is shipped. Users shall be able to perform the necessary software upgrade in the field. 3.15.2 Self-monitoring and alarming PDC shall provide self-monitoring functions to monitor the operating conditions and the performance of the PDC. Any detected problems shall be reported through local display by Work Station Console, built-in event logging and to remote control centers when remote reporting is enabled. Severe problems, such as loss of communication, shall generate alarms both locally and remotely. 3.15.3 Local and remote configuration The configuration software shall support both local and remote configuration of the PDC. Local and remote configuration functions shall have adequate security features such as User Login, access control. 3.15.4 Software security requirements at delivery Software at delivery shall meet following requirements in accordance with general software security assurance practices. Security Tested and Configured The executive and all associated application software modules shall be the most secure version of the software available at the time of start of the Factory Acceptance Test. The delivered software shall be tested to ensure the followings: a) Free of computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other software contaminants b) Unused services are disabled/removed, these include Device drivers for devices not included in the hardware Unused networking protocols Unused administrative utilities, diagnostics, network management, or system management functions
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Administrative utilities, diagnostics, network management, or system management functions or workstations unused by administrators Backups of files, databases, and programs, used during system installation/upgrade but not needed in the operational system c) Accounts that are not End-User Administrator created shall be removed, this include Any guest accounts (with and without passwords) or default administrator or maintenance accounts other than the initial system administrator account for Employer Any guest accounts or default administrator or maintenance accounts for any third party software 3.15.5 Maximum Initial Security Settings The PDC software shall be shipped with all security settings at their maximum setting. All software shall be delivered with all relevant security patches installed. All security-related parameters and options shall be placed at their most restrictive settings at the delivery, i.e., affording the access and execution privileges to the smallest class of users consistent with meeting the functional specifications, and restricting their rights to the narrowest range of privileges. 3.15.6 No Automatic Downloading and Execution of Executable Code It shall not be possible to download any executable code into the PDC and execute the downloaded software code automatically without system administrators approval. All software shall be removed that would otherwise make it possible to execute a scripting language (such as ActiveX, Java, Java scripts, etc.), including software in the browser and email processor, where applicable. 3.15.7 File Access Control The PDC software shall support controlled access privileges for files, including at least access, read, write, execute, and combinations of these. The access privileges for each user can only be assigned by system administrator of PDC, and shall be assigned on an individual user account basis. The default access privileges for each new user account shall be no access to any file on the system at all. No user, including system administrator, shall be given the privilege of modifying operating system files and other files that are never supposed to change while the system is running.

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3.15.8 Free of Electronic Self-Help Enabled Software It is strictly prohibited for delivered software to contain embedded faults or back-door mechanisms that allow the software manufacturer to remotely disable some or all of the functions of the software, or affect their performance, or in any way degrade its operation. The software shall not contain any mechanism that automatically disables some of all of its functions or degrades their operation on a certain date or upon the occurrence of a specific event.

3.16 Logging
The PDC shall provide automatic logging of events & alarms. The purpose of these logs is both to support the users of the PDC in their day to day activities, and also to support troubleshooting activities in the event of problems. PDC events shall be logged in a global log, as follows: Each log entry shall be time stamped Each log entry shall contain details including the applicable thresholds violated The user shall be able to filter and sort the alarm log on specific criteria, e.g.: Category of alarm (frequency deviation, angle difference, etc.), Classification by level of alarm (normal, alert, alarm), Location of alarms in the power system, Type of signal(s) producing alarm. The PDC should have Facility for archival of different categories of Log for reporting to be provided.

3.17 Data exchange with EMS applications

WRLDC & SLDCs are planning to upgrade their SCADA/EMS system and would require the phasor data output for improvement of the results of State Estimator. The data output from the phasor data concentrator would be transferred to EMS applications every Minutes. The data exchange format would be as per IEC 60870-5104/ICCP format.


Data exchange with other applications

The PDC system should have facility for exchanging the data with other PDCs, System Protection System applications or any other applications developed by Employer for system operation on ICCP or any other data format as mutually agreed.

3.19 System Design Parameters

The Computer hardware and software for PDC System shall be designed as per the Technical parameters defined in the Annexure-III

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3.20 Visualization Displays /Alarm Generation

The user interface application software is required to visualize & analyze the online and stored phasor data. User interface shall be provided for the configuration, monitoring and analysis of multiple synchronized phasor data on single and multiple displays. PDC real time data and displays shall be displayed on the consoles using internet browsers such as Internet explorer, fire fox etc. It shall be possible to get streaming data from PDC to Windows PC environment connected to PDC on LAN in order to publish the real time data on website or sending real time data to other system via FTP, HTTP, OPC, ODBC etc. The UI shall include application suitable for query based retrieval of archived data and presentation of the same in various graphical and tabular forms required for conducting basic power system study and event analysis. This should include necessary OS platform, application, Multi user licensing. 3.20.1 Real Time Display The Visualization Software should directly communicate with the PDC to display the data in real time. Provision to display Phasor magnitude, angle, frequency, df/dt, dv/dt, MW, MVAR should be provided. The time window of the real time display should be configurable along with the provision to visualize multiple displays. 3.20.2 Archived/Stored Data Display The Visualization Software should be able to access and display the archived data. Provision to display Phasor magnitude, angle, frequency, df/dt, dv/dt, MW, MVAR shall be made. The window of the real time display should be configurable along with the provision to visualize multiple displays. To visualize the data over a period of a month/year, provision shall exist to average the data. The time window for display or analysis of historic data should be user selectable. It should be possible to select data for output via /IEEE/xml/OpenDocument format (ODF) as an (ISO/IEC 26300:2006). It shall be possible for a user to define, modify and verify alarm conditions on-line. It shall be possible to trigger alarms & trigger storage of data on the following: Deviation of frequency from nominal Rate-of-change of frequency exceeding a set value Voltage magnitude outside upper or lower boundaries Active or reactive power exceeding limits Voltage /angle difference between selected nodes exceeding limits

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For each quantity triggering alarms, it shall be possible to define three states such as Normal, Alert and Alarm state. Alarm should be inhibited on detection of an invalid signal from a PMU, such as out of range voltage or frequency. Alarm displays shall have the identification of the source (station/PMU etc) where alarm is raised, type of violation and recent history of alarms. All the events shall be logged in global alarm log so that each log entry is time stamped and shall contain the details of defining applicable threshold. The user shall be able to filter and sort of the alarm log on specific criterion such as category of alarm: freq, angle deviation, by level of alarm: normal, alert, location, time etc. Visualization displays shall be provided to rapidly detect abnormal direction of power flow or sudden change in power across the line/bus. Contractor is required to supply UI tool and create displays for use by Grid operator. Display should be user configurable by using various symbols etc. The visualization shall include; Phase angle difference between selected voltage measurement locations Topological phasor display for voltages Polar diagrams Strip charts (Voltage / Frequency / Active & Reactive Power) Total Vector Error display Some typical desirable visualization displays are provided in Figure-1, Figure-2 & Figure 3.

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Figure -2


2 2

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Angle & Frequency variations

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4.1 Local Area Network (LAN) switches
Server and peripheral devices are connected to each other on a LAN, which allows sharing of resources without requiring any physical disconnections & reconnections of communication cable. Dual LAN is envisaged for the WRLDC system. All equipments at WRLDC shall have dual LAN connectivity while the single LAN is envisaged for four SLDCs system. Each LAN shall have the following: Conform to the ISO 8802 or IEEE 802 series standards. Allow reconfiguration of the LAN and the attached devices without disrupting operations Have minimum of twenty four (24) ports of 1Gbps in LAN switch. Shall support both IPv4 & IPv6

4.2 Workstation Consoles

Workstation is to be provided at WRLDC as well as at four SLDCs for visualization. Workstation shall be equipped with software, applications, user license and database for user displays, data Analysis and reporting output as well as user administration at all locations with user access as defined in the specification. The number of workstation consoles shall be as per BOQ. The minimum hardware configuration of workstation shall be: 8 GB Main memory (expandable upto 16 GB) 150 GB Auxiliary memory (expandable upto 300 GB) DVD-RW drive 24 inch TFT colour monitor Keyboard Mouse Speakers for audible alarms 1Gbps dual Ethernet ports USB port

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4.3 Remote Consoles at WRPC, CTU, NLDC end

The Remote console with client software shall be provided at WRPC, CTU, and NLDC end. All remote consoles shall be equipped with software, applications, user license and database for user displays, data Analysis. The minimum hardware configuration of remote console shall be as Workstation consoles. The number of Remote Consoles shall be as per BOQ.

4.4 Router
Router shall have the following features: Support the TCP/IP,UDP/IP protocols Support dynamic discovery of routes Support 1Gbps LAN interface Shall support G.703 E1 interface for interfacing with communication links and shall support a speed of 64 kbps configurable upto 2Mbps at each port. For normal operation, router shall use all channels and in the event of any channel failures, traffic shall be re-routed to the remaining healthy channels with an attempt to generally balance the load. Router shall be connected to the WRLDC LAN & users at WRLDC shall be able to access PDC/PMU data through the visualization server system through this router.

4.5 Router with Firewall

Router with firewall connectivity shall be provided from the PMUs installed at various sites with PDC at WRLDC. Other Routers with firewall for communication with WRPC, CTU, NLDC as well as four SLDCs are to be considered for visualization of PMUs Data. Router with Firewall shall be provided with following features.
S.No Description of the Features Minimum Quantity of the features Offered by the Contractor

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Manufacturer Model No. Functions Routing Capability Processing capacity IPSec VPN tunnels Features to support High performance Routing for data Layer -2 & Layer-3 routing & Dynamic discovery of routing Minimum 2Mpps Minimum 500 QoS, MPLS, Security, Broadband,

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8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Routing protocols Network protocols Network management Inbuilt software firewall features Speed configurability at each port Interface ports Mounting

Multiservice, Voice, IP to IP Gateway EIGRP, IGRP, IS-IS, OSPF, BGP, ARP, IPCP, IP forwarding, VLAN & MPLS etc. TCP/IP, IPv4,IPv6, OSI, Telnet, UDP, DHCP Using SNMP Protocol Yes All ports shall be configurable from 64kbps to 2Mbps 1Gbps LAN port & G.703 Ports as per BOQ. Rack mountable


Colour Laser jet Printer

Colour Laser printer shall be used to take coloured hardcopy printout and shall be interfaced with Ethernet LAN either directly or through individual print server. Except for output capabilities unique to any printer type (such as extended character sets or graphic print capabilities), there shall be no limitations on the use of any printer to perform the functions of any other printer. The features colour laser jet printer is defined below: Shall be suitable for printing on A4 & A3 size normal paper. Printer shall support Dual LAN interface, Different types of paper - weight (75 GSM to 200 GSM) the printout shall match to object/content to be printed in colour & size. Shall have resolution of at least 1200 X 1200 dots per inch. print time shall be less than 30 seconds per page for a coloured printout in normal mode Print speed of 20 colour pages per minute Automatic Duplex printing Duty cycle of at least 100000 per month shall have input trays of 400 sheets & output trays shall have landscape and portrait print orientation

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4.7 PDC Server

The minimum hardware configuration of the PDC Server shall be, 8 GB Main memory (expandable upto 16 GB) 4 TB hot pluggable, HDD Configured as RAID5 Blue Ray RW drive 1Gbps Ethernet ports USB ports Hardware shall be rack mounted

4.8 Historical Server and storage

Data Historian server with storage shall be provided which shall be used for storing time-stamped PMU data for future use in standard format e.g. SQL compatible database. Data Historian shall be provided with full data storage of the PMU data at least for 12 months. Retrieval of data from the historian should be possible by querying with SQL-99 compliant SQL query language. It shall also be possible to get streaming data from Data historian in spreadsheet. The minimum hardware configuration for historical server shall be as per PDC server. The number of historian server shall be as per BOQ.

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DOCUMENTATION & TRAINING 5.1 Documentation Requirements
Detailed documentation shall be provided to enable the employer to be self-sufficient in the operation, configuration and maintenance of the system once it is commissioned. The documentation shall cover the following areas: a) System design documentation, which shall include Overall system design including drawings and diagrams List of system components, functions, operations, and communications with detailed description for each listed item Functional design documentation Hardware design documentation Schematic drawings and circuit and wiring lists System integration documentation b) System operation and configuration documentation, which shall include Operation procedure User manuals System configuration procedures System and network management procedures c) System maintenance documentation, which shall include Test, diagnostics, calibration, and troubleshooting procedures Plans and procedures for factory testing, site testing, and in-service testing for system upgrade / revisions after the system is commissioned Maintenance, service and repair manuals d) Documentation control procedures including document revision control and tracking Procedures. All documentation shall be delivered in both electronic format (e.g. PDF, MS WORD, Hypertext, etc.) on CDs/DVDs/USB drive, and in hardcopy format. Sufficient on-line, documentation, such as help screens, user guidance messages, context-sensitive help information links, etc., shall be included with the system to minimize the need for users to consult the hardcopy documentation.

5.2 Training Requirements

The scope of the project shall include training to WRLDC (At least 5 persons), SLDCs (atleast 2 persons), WRPC (1 person), CTU (1 person) & NLDC (1 person)

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personnel. Training may be planned in different level viz. management level, commissioning and maintenance engineer level, user course e.g day,1 day or 7 days etc. Training shall be conducted by contractors personal who are experienced instructor. All necessary training material shall be provided by the contractor. Each trainee shall receive individual copies of all technical manuals and all other documents used for training. The training courses, and their duration in each courses are identified in Table-1. Comprehensive training programs shall be provided to enable the efficient and effective use and operation of the deployed WAMS system by system operators of the Employer and to develop a self-sufficient hardware and software support team within the Procurement Entity organization. Training shall include, where appropriate, a combination of formal training classes, workshops, webinars, as well as continuous (informal) knowledge transfer from the Suppliers technical specialists to the personnel of the POSOCO during the deployment process and after the commission of the WR-WAMS Project. Training programs for system operators shall include, but not limited to: System overview including system functionalities and features System configuration and operations oriented training System alarms handling Local/Remote operation procedures Engineering oriented training for development/testing Training programs for system hardware and software support team members shall include: System overview including system design and detailed as-built system configuration information System software maintenance System hardware maintenance Engineering oriented training for development/testing System diagnose and troubleshooting oriented training for engineers and technicians The Supplier shall prepare and provide a description of the proposed training programs with course content, duration, and technical level of the instruction for review and approval by the Procurement Entity at the beginning of the deployment, and shall work with the Procurement Entity to schedule, organize and execute the approved training programs. Table-1: Training Requirements S.No 1 Training Course PMU/ Synchrophasors system Total No. Participation of days 1 Management Level Manpower 17

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PMU,PDC Technical internals

Persons responsible for Installation and commissioning Persons using the system and PMU data


PMU, PDC User training at site


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6.1 Testing of PMUs
The offered PMUs shall conform to the type tests as per applicable standard and the bidder shall supply type tested PMU. The bidder shall submit PMU type test reports along with the bid for the offered make and model. In case the type tests are conducted after placement of order, these tests shall be conducted in presence of owner representative. The type test report shall include at least these tests indicated as follows: A. Level-1 accuracy test as per IEEE C37.118 standard B. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), Immunity conforming to the requirements of IEC-60255/IEC 61000. C. Emission test conforming to the requirements of EN 55011 D. Insulation Test per IEC 60255-5 E. Environmental Test as per IEC 60068-2-2

6.2 Quality Assurance and Testing

All equipment, materials and software for WAMS system shall be subject to both Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) and Site Acceptance Testing (SAT). The purpose of Acceptance Testing is to determine compliance to this specification in every respect in regard to the delivered and installed system. Acceptance Tests shall comprise of both structured and unstructured tests.

6.3 Acceptance Test Plans and Procedures

The Supplier shall develop and document proposed Test Procedures and Test Plans for Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) and Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) of the delivered and installed system and its components at the beginning of the project upon the signing of the contract. The Test Procedures and Test Plans shall be subject to POSOCO/POWERGRID review and approval prior to testing. The Acceptance Test Plans (ATP) shall enable POSOCO/POWERGRID to verify the delivered and installed system and its components to individually and simultaneously fulfill all functional and performance requirements of the system set forth in the contract through a series of mutually agreed to structured tests.

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All system documentations shall be completed, reviewed and approved by the QA/QC team before any testing. The ATP shall include, but not be limited to, functional tests that demonstrate compliance of the functional, performance, software, hardware, communication, interface, and operational aspects of the delivered and installed system.


Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)

The Supplier shall perform a preliminary FAT (Pre-FAT) prior to the FAT. The preFAT shall be a complete dry run of the FAT, following the test plans and procedures. The intent is for the Supplier to detect and correct most design, integration, database, display, and performance problems prior to the FAT. POSOCO/POWERGRID team shall have the right to witness all or parts of pre-FAT. Test results (including documentations and certifications) for tests conducted by Supplier or third parties that are not included in the FAT test plan and procedures shall be furnished to POSOCO/POWERGRID QA/QC team prior to FAT for review and evaluation. Supplier and/or third parties conducted tests deemed inadequate shall be repeated until accepted by POSOCO/POWERGRID QA/QC team. Supplier's project manager shall sign off each test of Pre-FAT. The completed test results shall be sent to the POSOCO/POWERGRID QA/QC team for review before teams personnel travel to the Supplier's facilities for the FAT. All tests shall be conducted using the contract-specified databases unless the POSOCO/POWERGRID authorizes the Supplier to use a test database. The FAT shall be conducted according to the FAT Test Plan and Test Procedure documents approved by POSOCO/POWERGRID team and shall cover, as a minimum: Visual Inspection To verify that the system to be delivered has all required components and is properly configured. Visual inspection shall verify acceptable workmanship and that all equipment, including cables and connectors, are appropriately labeled Hardware Diagnostic Test Individual tests of all system hardware. These tests shall consist of running standard hardware diagnostic programs, plus all special diagnostic programs used by the Supplier Communications and Interfacing Test Verify that all interconnected system components, such as data acquisition, control, monitoring, and data management functions are operating properly when correctly connected Software Development Tools Verify that all required software development tools, utilities, software diagnostics, and debugging tools for the system, including the UI and database, are included in the system and are functioning correctly Functionality verification Verify that all system functions are working normally as set forth in the contract

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Performance Testing Verify that the system throughput, timing and response time Requirements are satisfied. Tests shall include verification of Data exchange times Local and remote request response times Communication latency UI function response time Security Testing Verify that the system meets the software at-delivery security requirements and other aspects of secure operation and system access including: Communication error detection capabilities Correct operation of system configuration, control, maintenance, and management procedures Safe system recovery with no erroneous data or control operation generation after system restarts Protection against unauthorized access to the system and control functions Environmental Testing Verify that All system functions shall operate correctly over the specified temperature range The accuracy of the inputs and outputs remain valid over the specified temperature range

6.5 Site Acceptance Test (SAT)

The SAT will be conducted by the POSOCO/POWERGRID team with support as required from the Supplier after the system has been installed and started up. The system will be subjected to a subset of the functional and performance tests. The SAT will also include any type of testing that could not be performed in the factory. Unstructured tests will be employed by the POSOCO/POWERGRID QA/QC team, as necessary, to verify overall system operation under field conditions. Any defects or design errors discovered during the SAT shall be corrected by the Supplier. The SAT includes the installation test, the functional and performance test, and the cyber security audit after the installation of the delivered system. 6.5.1 Installation Test The installation tests shall be conducted by the Supplier and include: The same visual inspection and verification as in FAT Loading of the software and starting the system. At the option of the POSOCO, all software shall be recompiled from the source or distribution media In cooperation with the POSOCO, attachment of the WAMS to communications facilities for all data sources and other systems that interface with the WAMS.

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Initialization and preliminary tuning of application software as needed

Site Functional and Performance Test The site functional and performance test (site test) shall be comprised of a subset of the functional and performance tests conducted in FAT. The tests to be performed shall be proposed by the Supplier and approved by the POSOCO/POWERGRID . These tests shall be extended as necessary to test functions simulated during the FAT, such as communications with all field devices and all other systems that interface with the PDCs. The extended tests shall be performed to a test procedure prepared by the Supplier and approved by the POSOCO/POWERGRID. Unstructured tests shall also be employed, as necessary, to verify overall operation of the PDC under actual field conditions. Site Cyber Security Audit The site cyber security audit shall repeat the audit performed during factory testing for the installed PDCs and integrated WAMS system.



Test Approval

The Supplier shall maintain a complete computer record of all test results with variance reporting and processing procedures for approval by POSOCO/POWERGRID. In the event that the WAMS system does not successfully pass any portion of the Acceptance Testing, the Supplier shall notify the POSOCO/POWERGRID of the specific deficiency. The Supplier shall promptly correct the specified deficiency, which will then be re-tested until successful.

6.7 Contractor's Maintenance Responsibility till Operational Acceptance

During this period, the Contractor shall make available resident Project Manager, hardware & software specialists, who shall be available upon notification by the Employer /Owner about any problem(s) that may exist. The contractor's specialists shall be required to respond to the Employer/Owner's notification in line with the provisions of technical specifications. The contractor shall replace or repair all defective parts and shall have prime responsibility for keeping the system operational.

------------------End of Section 6-------------------

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7.1 Introduction & Maintenance support
The scope of work shall include the comprehensive maintenance of all the software and hardware provided by the contractor for the WAMS system. The maintenance practices to be followed shall be as per ISO 20000 Standard. The essence of the maintenance services is to provide maintenance support for the designated hardware and software, with the goal of meeting the availability as set forth herein. The period of maintenance support shall be the one year Warranty (Defect Liability) period commencing from Operational Acceptance and three year maintenance period thereafter. The maintenance period shall be extended for a further period of 3 years at the same price in the final offer of the vendor and same terms & conditions. The nature of maintenance support required for the different type of systems and components are described in the Table 7-(i) below: Table: 7-(i) Maintenance support and Availability requirements Sr No. System System Availability requirements 1 2 3 PDC system, security system PMUs, GPS LAN Switches, Routers firewall, Router & Printers 99.9% 99.9% with 99.9%

The system availability shall be measured Control Centre wise, for example the availability of Control Centre at WRLDC and at four SLDCs, WRPC, CTU & at NLDC shall all be considered separately. The availability of various systems e.g. PDCs (Hardware & Software), PMUs (Hardware & Software), GPS and LAN Switches & Router, Routers with firewall, Security shall be considered at each of the Control Centres. Individual device availability shall be at least 99.9%. For all third party equipment (Hardware & Software) Contractor shall have back to back support along with supply of spare with appropriate response time from OEM/OEMs Authorised representatives. Contractor shall be responsible for coordination with the OEM for all matters related to that equipment. But the Contractor shall be responsible for meeting the overall response times and availability requirements specified below.

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The maintenance of the System shall be comprehensive and shall comprise of the following category of works which is further elaborated for each of the different subsystems: a) Preventive Maintenance Activity (performance monitoring, system backup, patch management, updates, emergency response and trouble shooting etc.) b) Maintaining a minimum no. of specified spares c) Integration of new equipments (PMUs, Workstations consoles, Remote consoles, Printers, Switches, Routers, Router cum Firewall etc.). d) Integration of existing PMUs equipment


Preventive Maintenance Activity

The preventive maintenance activity is the activities to be performed by the contractor to keep the system running at optimum level by diagnosis and rectification of all hardware and software failures and would broadly include: Repair / replacement of defective equipments Configuration of the replaced hardware and software, periodic routine checking as part of a preventive maintenance program (as described in further detail in this document) which would include checking of functionality of hardware and software, Monitoring of the performance of the system and doing necessary tuning for optimum performance to accommodate any changes such as addition of new components. providing all necessary assistance to Employer for addition and modification of database and displays, Database sizing activities including Backup and restore of the system Restoration of the systems upon its failure and to restore the functioning of the various systems at the WRLDC Control Centre & at four SLDCs, WRPC, CTU, & at NLDC end.

Routine works like database building, addition of analog and status points and other such day-to-day operational activity would primarily be the responsibility of Owner and in case of any difficulty in this regard the same shall be referred to the contractor for support. 7.2.1

Hours of Cover

The Contractor shall provide engineers who have an experience and skill to maintain the WAMS system to the desired level of availability. The contractors on-site support for WRLDC Control Centre as well as four SLDCs, WRPC,CTU & at NLDC shall be

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standard hours of service i.e. Monday to Saturday- 9:00 am to 5:30 pm local time (IST), excluding public and Owner Company holidays, throughout a year. The timings for Emergency Software Support would be 24 hours a day; 7 days a week throughout the year. Contractor and its personal have to follow all rules and deregulations of owners office premises in view of owners certifications of ISO9001, ISO-14001, OHSAS-18001 and ISO-27001.


Service Response Requirements

The severity levels are defined in coming sections and the requirement of response time for various severity levels is defined below: Emergency Support for Severity 1 issues are to be provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The on-call support team shall include all key technical competencies so that any aspect of a system failure can be attended. The team shall comprise of experienced technical staff that are skilled in troubleshooting of the various systems covered under AMC. Severity 1 problems shall be reported by telephone for rapid response; target response times are defined in section 7.6. The bidder shall submit the process details to meet the above requirements along with the offer. For severity 1 problems, the key objective is to restore the system to an operational state as quickly as possible, including by a temporary workaround. Resolution of the defect may be completed during standard hours. Severity 2, 3, and 4 problems shall be reported by Owner/Employer through a call tracking system to be provided by the contractor. Resolution of problems may also be provided by an individual fix that will be installed by the contractor at no extra cost to Owner. 7.2.3


The operation and performance of the various systems under AMC shall be monitored on a bi-weekly basis, the contractor shall review the following, analyse the results, and communicate to Owner. The contractor shall conduct at least the following monitoring, for the all Control centres. Log Monitoring System logs for a selected day System history log Aggregate data collection Events Collection During monitoring if any defect/ abnormality are found, the contractor shall undertake corrective maintenance for the same. The bidder shall submit the process details to meet the above along with the offer.

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Synchrophasor Pilot Project for WR Technical Specification for WAMS System Resource Monitoring Resource Monitoring services comprises checking the system's major node resources, gather log data, analyse results, and advise Owner/Employer on the appropriate actions to be taken and undertake any agreed upon actions. The PDC system shall be used to continuously collect the following information: CPU loading (Peak and Average) Memory utilisation (Peak and Average) Disk utilization (Peak and Average) LAN utilization (Peak and Average) Operating system resource utilisation reports System error log The bidder shall submit the procedures details to meet the above along with the offer. Security System monitoring

The Contractor shall also be responsible for monitoring of the security system. The logs of the system shall be analysed for exceptions and the possible incident of intrusion/trespass shall be informed to the employer. The monitoring shall encompass the various cyber security devices installed at Control Centres and Substations such as routers with firewall etc. The Cyber security system shall also be subjected to Annual Security Audit. Contractor shall implement the recommendations/remedial actions suggested by the Auditor after audit. 7.2.4 Patch Management The contractor shall also be responsible for providing updates/patches for the software products supplied under the project. All other patches of third party product like Operating System and Anti-virus shall be tested by the Contractor prior to installing in the Employers network. Other products like router cum firewalls shall also be provided with secure patch management. The update of Antivirus and firewall signatures on shall be preferably deployed on daily basis. A secure patch management/deployment system is to be established which shall be provided with single point of Internet connectivity. All the patches shall be downloaded through this single point of connection. The Contractor shall provide a mechanism for patch management so that it is known that what patches have been applied, what all patches are pending but available with us and what is the recent release of patches for the various products. Any patch shall be applied only with express permission of the Employers representative.

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Physical maintenance

The contractor shall undertake physical maintenance of all equipment/modules under the scope of this contract, in accordance with this section. The physical maintenance shall include cleaning/dusting, inspection of equipment for loose connections, damage to insulation, pest infections etc. as follows: Activities shall include but not limited to: a) Online diagnostics for servers and workstations - once every 3 months. b) Connection test of LAN cables for identifying potential loose contacts in machines, hubs and routers - once every 3 months. c) Physical hardware checks to ensure proper working of cooling fans etc. Once every 3 months. d) Physical inspection to check the machines and the panels for rat droppings, lizards or other vermin - once every 3 months. e) Cleaning and blowing for removal of dust from Servers and Workstations and panels - once every 3 months. f) Physical hardware checking to insure the proper working of PMUs modules.once every 3 months Exclusions: a) Interfacing panels cleaning etc. are excluded from the scope above. b) Maintaining dust free environment and protection from rodents and vermin is the responsibility of Owner. c) Regular cleaning of computer furniture and surroundings is the responsibility of Owner. Equipment shutdown during preventive maintenance shall be deemed as available.


Spares inventory

The Contractor shall maintain a spares inventory at his own cost to meet the spare availability requirements of the system. The spares shall be used as and when required and no separate charges are payable except the maintenance charges. The Contractor shall decide the items and components to be maintained as spare but a minimum number of spares as listed below shall be kept at the respective Control Centres. This shall be periodically verified by the Employer. If the replenishment of the spare takes more than 30 days then it will be considered as non-availability as per severity-2.

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Table: 7 - (ii) Mandatory Spares inventory at Control Centres Sr.No Item description WR-WAMS system 1 2 3 4 PMUs with GPS Panel for PMUs LAN switch Routers with Firewall lot lot lot lot 2 2 1 1 Unit No

7.4 Integration of new PMUs

All future PMUs conforming to IEEE C37.118 standard & integration with Control Centres shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be part of the maintenance charges. The integration services to be provided by the bidder will include the PMUs to PDC configuration & PDC to SCADA Configuration in IEC60870-5-104/ICCP format.

7.5 Problem/Defect Reporting

The bidder shall propose an appropriate problem/defect reporting procedure to meet the requirement of all severity level cases along with the offer. The problems will be categorized as follows: Table :7- (iii) Severity Levels Category Severity Urgent Definition Complete system failure, severe system instability, loss or failure of any major subsystem or system component such as to cause a significant adverse impact to system availability, performance, or operational capability (as described at 7.5.1) Severity 2 Degradation of services or critical functions such as to negatively Serious impact system operation. Failure of any redundant system component such that the normal redundancy is lost (as described at 7.5.1) Non-availability of Man-power at control centre during working hours, non-availability of spares. Severity 3 Minor Any other system defect, failure, or unexpected operation (as described at 7.5.1), Severity 4 - Request for information, technical configuration assistance, how General/Technical to guidance, and enhancement requests. (As described at 7.5.1). Help 1

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7.5.1 Severity levels The detail of the systems under different severity levels is as below:

a) Severity-1 (Urgent support)

This support is required when there is a complete system failure, severe system instability, the loss/ failure of any major sub-system / system or its components, which may significantly impact the system availability, performance, or operational capability at Control centre. For example, loss of data to the operator due to any problem software/Hardware-related in WAMS system, outage of any software functionality (on the servers), outages of main router cum firewall, failure of main LAN & standby LAN, Outage of servers at Control Centers, failure of router with firewalls & router and loss of data exchange with other computer systems & other control centres would be included under this category. Initially, the Owners Engineers shall attempt to restore the system. In case the system does not come up and/or the problem is not resolved then the Owners Engineer shall intimate the problem to the contractor. Upon receiving intimation, the representative of the contractor would immediately attend to the problem. The problem shall be attended by the contractor at the earliest, and it shall arrange all resources and take all steps to restore the data availability and functionality at the earliest.

b) Severity-2
The support services not defined under Severity-1 are included under this category. Failure of Data Server, stoppage of data collections for archiving, failure of real time calculations, failure in acquisition of SOE at the respective Control-Centre, and outage of other applications not covered under severity-1 are included in this category. Coverage under this severity would be outages that do not immediately cause on line data loss but subsequently could result into Severity-1 category outage, loss of an important subsystem that may affect the day-to-day works and loss of archived data. Non-availability of designated contractors Man-power at control centre as well as required inventory of spares specified here will also be covered under this category.

c) Severity-3 (Standard support)

The support services included under this category are when the outage or loss of functionality is neither of an emergency nor priority functionalities as indicated in severity level 1 or 2 above. Problems likes database reworking, failure of any one workstation, etc. would be covered under this Severity.

d) Severity-4 (General Technical Help)

Request for information, technical configuration assistance, how to guidance, and enhancement requests are included under this category.

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7.6 Response and Resolution Time

This section describes the target times within which the contractor should respond to support requests for each category of severity. The Initial Response Time is defined as the period between the initial receipt of the support request (through approved communications channels) and the acknowledgment of the contractor. The Action Resolution Time is the period between the initial response and the contractor delivering a solution. This period includes investigation time and consideration of alternative courses of action to remedy the situation. The Action is defined as a direct solution or a workaround. Except for Severity Level 1 all response/resolution times (hours and days) specified below are working hours only. Table: Emergency Support Response/Resolution Time
Severity Initial Response Time Action Resolution Time Action

30 minutes

2 hours

An urgent or emergency situation requiring continuous attention from necessary support staff until system operation is restored may be by workaround. Attempt to find a solution acceptable to Owner/ Employer (dependent on reproducibility), as quickly as practical. Evaluation and action plan. Resolution time is dependent on reproducibility, ability to gather data, and Employers prioritisation. Resolution may be by workaround. Report on the problem/query is to be furnished.

2 hours

12 hours

1 day

2 days

1 day

5 days

The bidder shall submit the detailed format & procedure for all the activities such as Reporting time, Resolution time, Downtime etc. along with the bid proposal.

7.7 Availability and Payment charges Calculation

It is the endeavour of both the Contractor and Owner to maximize system availability to the extent possible. The contractor shall provide guaranteed availability for various types of Severity levels as specified in section above.

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The non-availability hours for availability calculation shall be counted from the end of the allowed Action Resolution time. A standardized register shall be maintained at each site containing full details of each outages, actions taken by Owner to correct the problem, applicable Severity level, time of reporting to the contractor support engineer/support centres pursuant to the appropriate methods in the Agreement, allowed Response time as per the Response times defined in above section, actual Resolution time, and signature of Engineer-in-charge as well as the contractors support engineer of the site. Duration of outages over and above the Action Resolution time in each of the Severity levels shall be counted for the non- availability computation and shall be clearly brought out in the register. The resolution may be accomplished by a work around, and such solution shall mark the end of non-availability. In the event of multiple failures at a site, due to a common cause, the first FPR (Field Problem, Report) logged shall be used for the purpose of availability calculation. 7.7.1 Availability computation for WAMS System Availability would be on per quarter per site basis. The formula to be used for availability computation would be as under: Availability per quarter (per site) = THQ- (S1 x 1+S2 x0.8+S3 x 0.5) x 100% THQ Where THQ is total hours in the quarter S1 is the total non-available hours in Severity Level-1 S2 is the total non-available hours in Severity Level-2 S3 is the total non-available hours in Severity Level -3 7.7.2 Payment of maintenance charges (based on WAMS System availability) In the event of availability below a certain level, the maintenance charges would be proportionately reduced as follows: For Software:
Availability for control Deduction as % of the apportioned price of total AMC (Software centres per quarter Portion) for WAMS portion of the contract applicable for that site (quarterly software price)

> 99% Less than 99%

NIL Deduction of 2% of the apportioned price of the apportioned quarterly AMC for every 0.5% or part there of decrease in availability under 99%.

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For Hardware:
Availability for control Deduction as % of the apportioned price of total AMC (Hardware centre per quarter portion) for WAMS portion of the contract applicable for that site (quarterly hardware price)

99% for PDC 99 % for PMUs Less than 99% for PDC Less than PMUs 99%

NIL Deduction of 2% of the apportioned price of the apportioned for quarterly AMC for every 0.5% or part there of decrease in availability under 99%.

7.7.3 Computation of Availability / Non-availability The computation of Availability / Non-availability would be rounded up to 2 decimal places at each Contract Co-ordination Site on quarterly basis and any deduction in the maintenance charges thereof would be calculated as stated above in Section 7.7.2 on pro-rata basis.

7.8 Contractors Obligations

In order to optimise and improve the response of the system, the contractor may reinstall the program modules after making the Owner / Employer engineer aware of the consequence (like data loss, database rebuild etc). Any modification of software/Operating System required to restore functionality due to hardware upgrades, patches, or arising out of a necessity to fix FPRs (Field problem reports), would be done by the contractor at no extra cost to Owner / Employer. The contractor will submit FSR (Field Service Report) and the steps taken to solve the problem, along with details of code changes.

7.9 Responsibilities of Owner

The responsibilities of the owner during the maintenance period are as follows: a) Owner shall ensure that proper Environmental conditions are maintained for the system. b) Owner shall ensure that the System is kept and operated in a proper and prudent manner as described in the system documentation provided by the Contractor and only trained Owner representatives (or persons under their supervision) are allowed to operate the system. c) Owner shall provide access to the sites of installation for purposes of providing Support Services. d) Owner shall provide the contractor with space for Office and storage space for their maintenance staff and spares.

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7.10 Responsibility Matrix

The table in this section provides a summary definition of the roles and responsibilities of the contractor and Owner. Legend: A This indicates who has primary responsibility to perform this function. This indicates who will provide assistance. Table :7-(iv) Responsibility Matrix Item 0.0 0.1 0.2 Task PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION Root cause analysis to determine whether the fault is attributable to Hardware or Software. Resolution of problems involving third party maintainer where there is uncertainty whether the root cause is hardware or software. SOFTWARE PROBLEM RESOLUTION Report problem and assist with problem identification Provide or recommend corrections, temporary patches, workarounds or other fixes to system problems Install and test corrections, temporary patches, workarounds or other fixes to system problems ROUTINE SOFTWARE SUPPORT Build and maintain database, displays and reports Perform system back-ups Restore or reinstall software from back-ups Monitor system logs (part of remote monitoring service) Maintain system logs Maintain user accounts HARDWARE PROBLEM RESOLUTION Report problem and assist with defining problem Troubleshoot problem to diagnose if it is softwarerelated or hardware-related Identify failed component, Replace failed components in online system using parts from spares inventory Restore operation of repaired/replaced equipment A . . . A . . . . A . . . . .....



1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3

2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

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4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

HARDWARE SPARE PARTS Manage local spares inventory Replenish local spares inventory INTEGRATION AND DATABASE WORK AT CONTROL CENTERS END PDC Expansion & connection with other PDCs . Database resizing . PMUs (new & existing) integration . SECURITY MONITORING Patch updates Security monitoring Annual audits Implementation of Recommendations during Audit Maintenance of Spares . .

. .... . . . A

------------------End of Section 7-------------------

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Locations for Installation of PMU

PMUs are planned for installation at the following Substations/Generating Stations. These locations are indicative and final location may vary depending on site condition. The locations will be finalized during engineering stage. Sr.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. PMUs Locations Korba (NTPC) Raipur Vindhyachal Katni Bina (PG) Itarsi Seoni Indore Kandwa Akola Chandrapur Solapur Mapusa N.Koyna Lonikhand Kalwa Phdghe Sugen Asoj Kasor Dehgam Zerda Jetpur Mundra No of PMUs 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Table-2 BOQ (Bill of Quantity)

Sr.No Name of the item A
1 2




Software at WRLDC end

Visualization software (license) Data archiving software Lot Set 1 1

B 1

Software at Four SLDCs end

Visualization software (license) Data archiving software Lot Set 4 4


Software at WRPC,CTU & at NLDC

Visualization software (license) Lot 3


Hardware at Substations/Generating Stations ^

PMU (complete with all necessary accessories, cables etc. Nos as per specification) along with additional analog channels / modules Panel for mounting PMUs Nos 25

2 3

25 25

GPS (complete with all necessary accessories, cables etc. Nos as per specification)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F 1

Hardware at WRLDC end

PDC Panel for PDC Data Historian server Workstations console (24TFT colour monitor) Colour Laser Jet Printer Router at WRLDC LAN (4*G.703 ports, dual LAN ports) Router with firewall for PMUs (30*G.703 ports, dual LAN ports) Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2

communication Nos

Router with firewall for communication with other Nos Control Centers (8*G.703 ports, dual LAN ports) 24 ports of 1Gbps LAN switch for dual LAN Nos

Hardware at four SLDCs end

PDC Nos 4

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2 3 4 5 6 7 G 1 2 3

Panel for PDC Data Historian server Workstations console (24TFT colour monitor) Colour Laser Jet Printer Router with firewall (4*G.703 ports, single LAN ports) 24 ports of 1Gbps LAN switch for single LAN

Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos

4 4 8 4 4 4

Hardware at WRPC,CTU,NLDC end

Remote consoles with Client Software (24TFT colour Nos monitor) Router with firewall (4*G.703 ports, single LAN ports) Colour laser Jet Printer Nos Nos 3 3 3


Installation and commissioning of PMUs at site along with Nos all interconnections with CT, PT, Relays and communication equipment complete in all respect as per technical specification. Installation and commissioning of PDC, Workstation Lot Consoles, Remote consoles, Historian Server , colour printers, switches, Routers with firewall, Router etc at WRLDC, SLDCs, WRPC,CTU and at NLDC along with all integration with PMUs, communication equipment, LAN etc complete in all respect as per technical specification. 25

3 I J

Integration of existing PMUs at Maharashtra SLDC Lot with WR-WAMS system Training Maintenance#

As per Table-1

a) b) AMC of WAMS system for 1 year during warranty period AMC of WAMS system for 3 years after warranty period Lot Lot 1 1

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At four SLDCs, WRPC,CTU & NLDC end

a) b) AMC of WAMS system for 1 year during warranty period AMC of WAMS system for 3 years after warranty period Lot Lot 1 1

# There is a provision to extend the Maintenance of WAMS system for another three years at the same price in the final offer of the vendor with same terms & conditions. ^There may be 100% increase in PMU and associated equipments like GPS, Panel etc quantity during implementation or within one year of placement of original order whichever is more. The contractor shall supply & install the additional quantity at same unit price, terms and conditions. The PMU Panel quantity may vary. The stand alone panel shall be provided only where the space in the existing panel is not available.

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WR-WAMS System Architecture

existing WRLDC LAN

Workstation Colour Printer Consoles Colour Printer

At four SLDCs
Workstation Data Historian Consoles


Data Historian Server



Router LAN switch Single LAN Dual LAN Routers cum Firewall (1 no) Routers cum Firewall (1 no)

Dual LAN Switches

Routers cum Firewall


Remote Console & Colour Printer

At Power stations & POWERGRID Substations

At States Substations

Routers cum Firewall

For Visualization of PMU data

PMUs with GPS PMUs with GPS

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Annexure II Questionnaire
a) If we connect PMU with the metering core of CT instead of protection core, what would be the differences in the measurement/accuracy? b) Is there any recommendation of PDC at substation level, in terms of data reliability during telecommunication channel failure? c) Describe the port features of TCP/IP and UDP/IP protocol? d) What kind of data quality problem encounter with such a system? e) How many more PMUs can be added in the PDC supplied? f) Do you have other PDC/PMU models/application? If yes, Please provide comparison of features, and advantages if any? g) Please provide details of the visualization tools provided with your system? h) What functional tests are proposed to be performed in factory & at site? i) Please indicate the typical bandwidth required for a PMU Node? j) Please describe local self monitoring and diagnostic capabilities of PMUs offered .Also describe remote monitoring /facilities and system requirements if any? k) Please describe testing accuracies for PMU as well as PDC? l) Describe PDC hardware especially with respect to individual PMU channel interface at PDC? m) Can PMU locally store the data used, if yes how and how much supplied PMUs can be configured for data storage? n) Please describe maintenance support strategy and infrastructure? o) Please describe the data sampling rates configured for PMU & PDC also? p) Please describe the user interface available at PMU? q) Please suggest best practise recommendation on data storage sampling rate at PDC? Every sample or selected samples?

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r) Please specify the type of algorithm used for Synchrophasor measurement & also indicate the amount of time the device output will stay outside the accuracy limit? s) Please describe compensate mechanism for group delay of PMUs? t) Please provide what will be the time taken for PMU Processing, Substation to WRLDC & PDC Processing for various data rates? u) What are the additional features available in PDC architecture? v) Is there any response time limit for measurement of frequency and df/dt? w) Please describe the Algorithm for Phasor computation such as full cycle DFT, half cycle DFT, phasorlet etc. x) Please provide a sample calculation for communication overhead for PMU supplied? y) Please describe user interface software application licensing policy with reference to remote users and capability to access and display PDC streaming data by displaying browser offered licenses(min 5) z) Which instant (beginning, center or end of reporting period) of time tagging is provided in the PMU? aa) What provision exists in supplied PDC for importing historical data in Excel sheet or RDBMS for a window based PC connected to PDC on LAN. bb) What is the provision in supplied PDC for publishing Real Time PMU data from PDC to LAN? cc) Does the supplied system supports visualisation by using Internet Explorer on PC connected through LAN or on Internet. Describe interface & licensing requirements? dd) Is your PDC by itself or through a external device is capable of giving out put in IEC 870.5-101or 104 or 61850 (slave) protocol. If yes what parameters are configurable? ee) Please explain the procedure of transferring the Flag for Loss of time receiver Signal from PMUs to PDC? ff) How the PMU shall ensure the accuracy of measuring system parameters very accurately under dynamic system conditions? gg) How the PMU shall accurately measure under off nominal frequency, voltage and current conditions.

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hh) Is it possible to set up the pick-up levels for frequency, pick-up levels for rate of change of frequency, under voltage pick-up levels, and over current pick-up levels? If so then how many levels can be defined for each of the same? ii) Is it possible to provide open output contacts each for abnormal frequency, rate of change of frequency, under-voltage and over-current? If so then how? jj) Please submit the data exchange format on IEC 60870-5-104/ICCP format of PDC for EMS Applications? kk) What are the features can be achieved by Firmware/software upgrade?

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Synchrophasor Pilot Project for WR Technical Specification for WAMS System

Annexure III
Table 3.1 PMU to PDC data S.No Description 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7. 3 phase Positive sequence Current magnitude 3 phase Positive sequence Voltage magnitude Phase angle of current and voltage frequency Rate of change of frequency Active Power Reactive Power Quantity 2 1 9 1 1 1 1

Table 3.2 Substation to PMU interface S.No 1 2 3 Description Voltage input from PT Current input from CT Status Indicator Quantity 3 phase V 3 phase I 8

Table 3.3 PDC Capacity Storage Sizing parameters S.No Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 No of PMUs Sampling rate Values per PMU Triggered data Storage capability On line data storage in PDC PMU data storage in Historian Server Quantity 100 50 sample/sec As per table 3.1 above 30 days 30 days 12 month

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Synchrophasor Pilot Project for WR Technical Specification for WAMS System


Implementation schedule for WAMS Project in Western Region

S.No Task Name Task completed By 1 WR-WAMS Project i ii iii iv v vi vii LOA Engineering document submission Engineering document approval Completion of Procurement process Factory Acceptance Tests Installation & Commissioning Site Acceptance tests & Site availability tests 2 months 3 months 2 months 3 months 2 months 12 months 0 Months after LOA (Letter of Award) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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