Systems Design - HRIS

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INTRODUCTION The human resource management function is a complex function. Organizations have always seen and accepted that humans are the greatest and most valuable assets of any organization. This recognition has led to recent improvements and motions to professionalize human resource management as a practice in dealing with people who are rational and emotional, so as not to disrupt organizational operations. From hiring to firing, from performance evaluations to salary structures, from training and development, these functions have to be managed efficiently in order to be able to prevent any grievances and negative attitudes among workers which may cause low performances, absenteeism and low commitment among other problems. This paper presents the process flow and the system design of the Human Resource Information System. Purpose and Scope The purpose of the design is to provide an overview of the processes done among human resource management systems in order to achieve efficiency in dealing with HR problems. This paper will not examine the individual functions of the human resource manager, but just an overview of the flow for the different aspects of HR practice. This paper is also limited to the processes done after an employee has been hired in the organization and ends in the generation of information as needed by HR for decision making among the different functions he has to make. This system will not include the decisions made by the HR and is therefore just isolated to the function of providing information as a basis for decisions. System Design Overview The major human resource management function includes but is not limited to the following: Hiring, Human resource planning, Training and Development, Career Development, Wage and Salary Administration, and Performance Evaluation.

We shall discuss the different processes of the different functions below. Human resource planning. HR planning is the process of forecasting the skills needed by an organization for the next several years and presents the current skills available in the organization. If the present skills are not sufficient to meet future needs, this results to decision-making whether to develop workers for future capabilities or to add to the workforce. In case present skills are more than what is required, then this could be a basis for transfers and even dismissals of low performing employees. Training and Development. Training is the process of enhancing skills and capabilities of the employee for the present job he is in. Development is the process of enhancing skills and capabilities of employees for jobs he might hold in the future. The training and development process starts with an analysis of the strategic direction of the company, and assessment of the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to achieve the goals and mission. An analysis is also done regarding the current knowledge, skills, and abilities of the workers. Should there be a gap, it is HRs prerogative to train employees in order to possess the current skills needed in performing tasks. Wage and salary administration. Wages and salaries are the payments for the labor contributions of workers to the organization. The administration of wages and salaries starts with an analysis of jobs. After jobs are analyzed, a description of jobs will be generated. The job description will include all information about a certain job, including the qualifications required for future hires, the duties and responsibilities the job entails, and the skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to perform the job. This will then become the basis of decisions regarding the salary grade or rate to be used for salaries and wages. Performance evaluation. Performance evaluation is intended to measure the current level of performance as checked against the actual level that is desired. The performance evaluation is conducted at least once a year or depending on the length of operations after which performance could already be measured. The performance evaluation may be used as a basis for salary increases, promotions, training and development and as well as transfers and termination.

The following diagram is a proposed HRIS diagram for Mountain View College. The diagram features individual diagrams for each of the functions of HR as described above. Figure 1. Overview of System

Data Encoding






Figure 2. HR Planning

HR Planning

Labor Demand for next 4 years

Labor Supply for next 4 years

Supply Gap

Supply < Demand

Supply > Demand

Training & Development, Hiring

Transfer, Termination, or other appropriate strategies


*KSA: Knowledge, Skills, Abilities Data needed to determine Skills gap includes computation of absenteeism, regularization rate, turnover rate, number of retirements, and technologies needed to be installed that would either require a deduction or addition to workforce.

Figure 3. Training and Development

Training and Development

KSA Needed for performing jobs

KSA Available in organization


KSA Needed < KSA Available

KSA Needed = KSA Available

Training & Development


Figure 4. Wage and Salary Administration

Wage Administration

Skills Required

Skills Possessed

Salary Audit

Skills Possessed < Salary Rate given

Skills Possessed > Salary Rate given

Maintain Salary

Salary Increase


Figure 5. Performance Evaluation

Performance Evaluation

Desired Performance

Actual Performance


Actual < Desired

Desired = Actual

Training & Development


Expectation The Human Resource Information System is expected to assist HR in the many functions it performs. It is helpful to obtain data that could become as the basis for several important decisions that are beneficial for maintaining satisfaction, morale, and commitment of workers. While the system has limitations as it could not track satisfaction, commitment, morale, and motivation levels, it will be helpful to maintain these aspects which are personal in nature among employees of the organization.

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