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Olimpiada de limba engleza faza pe scoala
Clasa a VII-a, 26.01.2013
I. A. Put the following paragraphs in the correct order, filling in the
grid under the text:
10 points
a) James himself was killed in the battle. One thing was wrong with
Henry and Catherines marriage. Time was passing and they did not
have a son. All their babies, except their daughter, Mary, died a few
weeks after they were born.
b) In the year 1509 Henry VIII became king of England. He was the son
of Henry VII, a king who was clever with people and careful with
money. Unlike his father, Henry VIII maintained a magnificent court
and spent a lot of money on wars, from which England had little to
c) But the Pope did not agree to Henrys divorce and this made him very
angry. The king decided to make himself head of the Church of
England and as soon as this happened he was free to divorce
d) Two weeks before he was crowned, Henry married Catherine of
Aragon. They were happy together at first. She was a good wife and
she was brave too. In 1513 while Henry was fighting a battle in
France, James IV, the Scottish king attacked England. Catherine got
an army together and the Scots were defeated.
e) Henry wanted to divorce Catherine and marry somebody else
because he longed for a son, an heir to the throne of England. As
England was a Catholic country, he needed the consent of the Pope
in Rome.

B. Choose the right answer to the following questions: 10 points

1) Henry VIII became king of:
a) Ireland; b) England; c) Wales
2) Two weeks after he was crowned, Henry VIII married:
a) Anne Boleyn; b) Catherine Howard; c) Catherine of Aragon
3) Catherine was:
a) a coward and bad wife; b) an unfaithful wife; c) a good and brave wife
4) Henry wanted to divorce Catherine and marry somebody else,
because he wanted:
a) a daughter; b) he did not want children; c) a son
5) He made himself head of the Church in England, because he wanted:
a) to be powerful; b) to have children; c) to divorce Catherine
II. Fill in the blanks using the appropriate relative pronouns (who,
which, that):
10 points

You probably know her. Shes the woman.wears strange clothes.

Theres somebody..wants to talk to you.
I am fond of the book..I lent yesterday.
Do you know the man..sells fruits?
Bring me the notebook..on the shelf.
Mary, has been in Great Britain recently, wants to send you
something nice.
7. The green car..is for sale, belongs to my cousin.
8. Did you meet the girl.gave you that book?
9. The thief said that he didnt steal that bag,...was not true.
I want to buy me the black dress.is very trendy.
III. Put the verbs in brackets in the proper tense:
1. What Mary (do) now? She (read) the Times.
2. They (go) to Spain last summer.
3. I (just/do) my homework.

20 points


While my grandparents (work) in the garden, the phone rang.

Jane (go) to school every day by bus.
I (teach) German for twenty years. I still do it now.
She (travel) to Dublin next year.
How long had you been learning English when you moved to our
school? I (learn) English since I was a child.
9. I saw him while he (walk) in the park.
10. I (learn) a lot of English recently.
IV. Add the right question tag.
1. I am a doctor, ?
2. Youre a bit late today, ?
3. The food smells lovely, ?
4. The sandwiches didnt taste nice, ?
5. There isnt enough snow to ski, ?

5 points

V. Put each adverb in the right place.

1. We have come back from school. (just)
2. Have you been to England? (ever)
3. I will make that mistake again. (never)
4. Tom has had breakfast. (already)
5. She is late for classes. (sometimes)

5 points

VI. Make the right choice. (Write the correct word on your answer
5 points
1. I tried / tryed / tryied to do the exercise but I couldnt.
2. Students should make / made / do their homework.
3. My brother has / is / have 12 years old.
4. We have been studying in this school since / until / for 6 years.
5. I dont have many / much / few homework to do.
VII. Write Wh-questions for the underlined words
5 points
1. Tom is my best friend.
2. I lost my mobile phone yesterday afternoon.
3. They havent found the answer yet.
4. In the evening my father sits in his armchair.
5. You dont know the answer because we havent read the book.

VIII. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word derived from the word in
capitals at the end of each of the following lines:
20 points
1. I wouldnt want to be a _____________ because Id have to be away
from home so much.
2. Sarahs uncle is a ___________ and hes in prison for burglary and the
3. The teacher asked me to _________ my essay because she couldnt
read my handwriting.
4. Some species of animals need ______________ to save them from
5. I really enjoy doing ____________ experiments and finding out how
things work.
6. Having the injection was ___________ . I thought it would hurt but it
7. John Irving is my favourite _______________ and Ive just finished his
latest book.
8. Our team is very ____________ . Weve won three international
competitions this year.
9. Im really sorry, I think there has been a/an _____________ .
10. It makes me feel bad to see so many__________ people sleeping in the

Synopsis (punctaj):
I.A.; I.B. 20 points
II 10 points
III 20 points
IV 5 points
V 5 points
VI 5 points
VII 5 points
VIII- 20 points
10 points in addition (din oficiu)
Total: 100 points



Olimpiada de limba engleza faza pe scoala

Clasa a VII-a
I A. a- 3, b- 1, c- 5, d- 2, e- 4.
I B. 1- b, 2-b, 3- c, 4- c, 5- c
II. 1- who, 2- who/that, 3- which, 4- who/that, 5- that, 6- who, 7- which, 8who, 9- that, 10- which/that
III. 1- is Mary doing, is reading, 2- went, 3- have just done, 4- were
working, 5- goes, 6- have been teaching, 7- is going to travel, 8- had
been learning, 9- was walking, 10- have learnt,
IV. 1- arent I?, 2- arent you?, 3- doesnt it?, 4- did they?, 5- is there?,
V. 1- We have just come back from school. 2- Have you ever been to
England?, 3- I will never make that mistake again, 4- Tom has already had
breakfast, 5- She is sometimes late for classes.
VI. 1- tried, 2- do, 3- is, 4- for, 5- many.
VII. 1- Who is your best friend?, 2- When did you lose your mobile phone?,
3- What havent they found yet?, 4- Where does your father sit in the
evening?, 5- Why dont you know the answer?
VIII. 1- sailor, 2- criminal, 3- rewrite, 4- protection, 5- scientific, 6- painful,
7- novelist, 8- successeful, 9- misundestanding, 10- homeless.

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