Audit Assignment - Management Representation Letter

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Asignacin: Este documento de Word Audit-Assignment-MgmtRepLetter contiene un ejemplo del Management Representation Letter.

Esta comunicacin oficial entre cliente y auditor contiene informacin ue la gerencia !management" esta#lece como cierta !representaciones de la gerencia". Estas representaciones est$n muy relacionadas a los Management Assertions discutidos en clase. Requerido: %dentifi ue los management assertions para cinco !&" de los p$rrafos del ' al '(. )or ejemplo: PARRAFO DEL MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATION LETTER %nciso *-a Respues as PARRAFO DEL MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATION LETTER %nciso ' %nciso * %nciso ( %nciso . %nciso & %nciso 1 %nciso 3 %nciso 4 %nciso 5 %nciso '6 %nciso '' %nciso '* %nciso '( MANAGEMENT ASSERTION RELACIONADO )resentation and +isclosure )resentation and +isclosure Rig,ts and -#ligations /ompleteness and 0aluation 0aluation Rig,ts and -#ligations 2 -currence +isclosure +isclosure )resentation /ompleteness and 0aluation 2 )resentation -ccurrence or E7istence 2 )resentation and +isclosure Rig,ts and -#ligations -#ligations MANAGEMENT ASSERTION RELACIONADO )resentation and +isclosure

Appendi! A " I##us ra i$e Manage%en Represen a ion Le er 8Date9 :o 8Independent Auditor9 We are pro;iding t,is letter in connection <it, your audit!s" of t,e 8 identification of financial statements9 of 8name of entity9 as of 8dates9 and for t,e 8periods9 for t,e purpose of e7pressing an opinion as to <,et,er t,e 8consolidated9 financial statements present fairly= in all material respects= t,e financial position= results of operations= and cas, flo<s of 8 name of entity9 in conformity <it, accounting principles generally accepted in t,e >nited ?tates of America. We confirm t,at <e are responsi#le for t,e fair presentation in t,e 8consolidated9 financial statements of financial position= results of operations= and cas, flo<s in conformity <it, generally accepted accounting principles. /ertain representations in t,is letter are descri#ed as #eing limited to matters t,at are material. %tems are considered material= regardless of si@e= if t,ey in;ol;e an omission or misstatement of accounting information t,at= in t,e lig,t of surrounding circumstances= maAes it pro#a#le t,at t,e judgment of a reasona#le person relying on t,e information <ould #e c,anged or influenced #y t,e omission or misstatement. We confirm= to t,e #est of our Ano<ledge and #elief= 8as of (date of auditor's report), 9 t,e follo<ing representations made to you during your audit!s". '. :,e financial statements referred to a#o;e are fairly presented in conformity <it, accounting principles generally accepted in t,e >nited ?tates of America. *. We ,a;e made a;aila#le to you allB a. Cinancial records and related data. #. Minutes of t,e meetings of stocA,olders= directors= and committees of directors= or summaries of actions of recent meetings for <,ic, minutes ,a;e not yet #een prepared. (. :,ere ,a;e #een no communications from regulatory agencies concerning noncompliance <it, or deficiencies in financial reporting practices. .. :,ere are no material transactions t,at ,a;e not #een properly recorded in t,e accounting records underlying t,e financial statements. &. We #elie;e t,at t,e effects of t,e uncorrected financial statement misstatements summari@ed in t,e accompanying sc,edule are immaterial= #ot, indi;idually and in t,e aggregate= to t,e financial statements taAen as a <,ole. 1. We acAno<ledge our responsi#ility for t,e design and implementation of programs and controls to pre;ent and detect fraud. 3. We ,a;e no Ano<ledge of any fraud or suspected fraud affecting t,e entity in;ol;ingB a. Management= #. Employees <,o ,a;e significant roles in internal control= or c. -t,ers <,ere t,e fraud could ,a;e a material effect on t,e financial statements. 4. We ,a;e no Ano<ledge of any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud affecting t,e entity recei;ed in communications from employees= former employees= analysts= regulators= s,ort sellers= or ot,ers. 5. :,e company ,as no plans or intentions t,at may materially affect t,e carrying ;alue or classification of assets and lia#ilities. '6. :,e follo<ing ,a;e #een properly recorded or disclosed in t,e financial statements: a. Related-party transactions= including sales= purc,ases= loans= transfers= leasing arrangements= and guarantees= and amounts recei;a#le from or paya#le to related parties. b. Duarantees= <,et,er <ritten or oral= under <,ic, t,e company is contingently lia#le. c. ?ignificant estimates and material concentrations Ano<n to management t,at are re uired to #e disclosed in accordance <it, Cinancial Accounting ?tandards Eoard !CA?E" Accounting Standards Codification !A?/" *3&= Risks and ncertainties. !Significant estimates are estimates at t"e balance s"eet date t"at could c"ange materially #it"in t"e ne$t year. Concentrations refer to %olumes of business, re%enues, a%ailable sources of supply, or markets or geograp"ic areas for #"ic" e%ents could occur t"at #ould significantly disrupt normal finances #it"in t"e ne$t year .9 ''. :,ere are noB a. 0iolations or possi#le ;iolations of la<s or regulations <,ose effects s,ould #e considered for disclosure in t,e financial statements or as a #asis for recording a loss contingency. b. >nasserted claims or assessments t,at our la<yer ,as ad;ised us are pro#a#le of assertion and must #e disclosed in accordance <it, CA?E A?/ .&6= Contingencies. c. -t,er lia#ilities or gain or loss contingencies t,at are re uired to #e accrued or disclosed #y CA?E A?/ .&6. '*. :,e company ,as satisfactory title to all o<ned assets= and t,ere are no liens or encum#rances on suc, assets nor ,as any asset #een pledged as collateral. '(. :,e company ,as complied <it, all aspects of contractual agreements t,at <ould ,a;e a material effect on t,e financial statements in t,e e;ent of noncompliance. :o t,e #est of our Ano<ledge and #elief= no e;ents ,a;e occurred su#se uent to t,e #alance-s,eet date and t,roug, t,e date of t,is letter t,at <ould re uire adjustment to or disclosure in t,e aforementioned financial statements. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 8&ame of C"ief '$ecuti%e (fficer and )itle9 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 8&ame of C"ief *inancial (fficer and )itle9 Source+ "ttp+,,,Researc",Standards,AuditAttest,Do#nloadableDocuments,A -..///.pdf

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