Business Ethics 5

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Question : Student Answer:

Which of these factors distinguish business ethics from general ethical decision-making? ( lease check page ! of There are no particular differences. the te"t#ook. $ %usiness acti&ities ha&e an ( lease check page ! of economic character. the te"t#ook. $ %usiness acti&ities take place in and ( lease check page ! of affect organi'ations. the te"t#ook. $ Both B & C. ( (ood answer) $ ( lease check page ! of *one of the a#o&e. the te"t#ook. $ 4 of 4 The distinction #etween morality and ethics is #est e"pressed #which of the following statements? Morality is society's view of behavior that is right or wrong. Ethics is the ( (ood .o#) $ philosophical study of morality. /thics is societ-0s &iew of #eha&ior that is ( See page ,, right or wrong. 1oralit- is the philosophical of the stud- of ethics. te"t#ook. $ ( See page ,, /thics is a #reach of eti2uette3 while moralitof the is a #reach of prudence. te"t#ook. $ ( See page ,, *one of these. of the te"t#ook. $ 4 of 4 What are the le&els on which ethical decision making occurs? 5ndi&idual 6rgani'ational %usiness S-stem All of these *one of these 4 of 4 Which of the following are important features of the moral point of &iew? mpartiality /motion 5mpetuousness 8ompetition

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All of the a#o&e oints +ecei&ed: !. Question : Student Answer: ! of 4 Some argue that the law is the onl- ethical standard necessar- to follow. Which schools of thought support this &iew? ( See pages 1!/thics is a matter of personal conduct3 #ut 19 of the law applies to pu#lic matters like #usiness. te"t#ook. $ All unethical conduct in #usiness has ( See pages 1!alread- #een addressed #- the law3 thus 19 of the creating a standard for all #usinesses. te"t#ook. $ ( +ight -ou Both of these. are) $ ( See pages 1!*one of these. 19 of the te"t#ook. $ 4 of 4 What must #usinesses consider when conducting #usiness o&erseas? Morality varies from society to society. "imilar practices are regarded as right ( 8orrect) $ in some societies and wrong in others. ( lease check 5t is accepta#le to pro.ect -our standards page 1: of the on another culture. te"t#ook. $ ( lease check The economic &iew is alwa-s right. page 1: of the te"t#ook. $ *one of these. 4 of 4 Which of the following are strengths of teleological ethical theories? #hey fit with much of our ordinary moral reasoning. The- focus on the nature of actions and the rules from which the- follow. The- ignore the conse2uences of actions. All of these. *one of these. ! of 4 Which of the following are the strengths of deontological ethical

oints +ecei&ed: 9. Question : Student Answer:

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oints +ecei&ed: <. Question :

Student Answer:

theories? The- fit with &er- little of our ordinarmoral reasoning. #hey focus on the motives of actions and the relationship between parties. The- pa- close attention to the conse2uences of actions. All of these. *one of these.

( +e-read page 47 of the te"t#ook. $ ( =ou are correct. $ ( +e-read page 47 of the te"t#ook. $ ( +e-read page 47 of the te"t#ook. $

oints +ecei&ed: :. Question : Student Answer:

4 of 4 >tilitarianism is an e"ample of which of the following ethical theories? ?irtue 5ntuitionism @eontological #eleological /goism 4 of 4 According to %entham and 1ill3 the definition of classic utilitarianism is: ( Sorr-3 there0s more to it than that. +e-read leasure pp. 47-49. $ The a#sence of ( Sorr-3 there0s more to it than that. +e-read pain pp. 47-49. $ $leasure ( =ou are right) $ e%ceeds pain 6&erall well- ( Sorr-3 there0s more to it than that. +e-read #eing pp. 47-49. $ ( Well3 ma-#e3 #ut we0re looking for a much 1aking an 0A0 #roader definition that all of societ- could in this course em#race. +e-read pp. 47-49. $ ! of 4 Bant0s moral philosoph- is #ased on: 8onse2uences of action ( age !1. $ &uman rationality ( =ep) $ Calse pretense ( age !1. $ All of these ( age !1. $ *one of these

oints +ecei&ed: 1A. Question : Student Answer:

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oints +ecei&ed: 1,. Question : Student Answer:

4 of 4 +ights that are recogni'ed and enforced as a part of a legal s-stem are3 strictl- speaking3 1oral rights 'egal rights %oth moral and legal rights *either moral nor legal rights 4 of 4 +ights that in&ol&e claims on identifia#le indi&iduals are called 1oral rights ( Dook at page !<3 please. $ Degal rights ( Dook at page !<3 please. $ "pecific rights ( Specificall-3 -es) $ *egati&e rights ( Dook at page !<3 please. $ 4 of 4 Which of the following theories holds that rights3 properl- so called3 #elong to all persons solel- #- &irtue of #eing human? >tilitarianism Bantian theories (atural rights theories All of these *one of these 4 of 4 Which of the following theories hold that there is onl- one fundamental innate right - the right #e free from constraint of the will of others? >tilitarianism ( age 91. $ )antian theories ( 8orrect answer. $ *atural rights theories ( age 91. $ All of these ( age 91. $ *one of these 4 of 4 Which of the following deals with the distri#ution of #enefits and #urdens3 mostl- in the e&aluation of social3 political3 and economic institutions? +etri#uti&e .ustice

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oints +ecei&ed: 19. Question : Student Answer:

8ompensator- .ustice *istributive +ustice All of these *one of these oints +ecei&ed: 1;. Question : Student Answer: 4 of 4 Which of the following deals with the punishment of wrongdoers who ha&e participated in in&oluntar- relations such as criminal acts? ,etributive +ustice 8ompensator- .ustice @istri#uti&e .ustice All of these *one of these oints +ecei&ed: 1<. Question : Student Answer: 4 of 4 Which of the following holds that all pu#lic offices and emplo-ment should #e made a&aila#le to e&er-one? The principle of e2ual li#ertThe difference principle #he principle of e-ual opportunity All of these *one of these 4 of 4 The term Ewhistle-#lowerE was initiall- used to descri#e which of the following? .overnment employees who went public with complaints of corruption. ri&ate sector emplo-ees who went pu#lic with complaints of corruption. %oth A and % *one of these 4 of 4 Which of the following are components of a well-designed whistle#lowing polic-? A suggestion #o" A promise of retaliation A commitment to ta/e appropriate action

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oints +ecei&ed: ,A. Question : Student Answer:

All of these *one of these oints +ecei&ed: ,1. Question : Student Answer: 4 of 4 What is a Etrade secret?E 8ommonl- known information used in #usiness. ( Sorr-. Dook at page 1,;. $

A formula0 pattern0 device0 or compilation of ( =es3 information used in one's business to give it indeed) $ an advantage over competitors ( Sorr-. The pa- rates for Stra-er professors Dook at page 1,;. $ ( Sorr-. All of the a#o&e Dook at page 1,;. $ oints +ecei&ed: ,,. Question : Student Answer: 4 of 4 Which of these are unethical means of #usiness intelligence gathering? 8o&ert sur&eillance ( Tr- re-reading pages 14;-14<. $ Theft ( Tr- re-reading pages 14;-14<. $ %ri#er( Tr- re-reading pages 14;-14<. $ A and 8 onl( Tr- re-reading pages 14;-14<. $ All of these ( That0s 7 more points for -ou) $ 4 of 4 The right to pri&ac- means The right to #e left alone The right to ha&e control o&er personal information The right not to ha&e undocumented personal information known to others All of these *one of these 4 of 4 The &irtues of a good #usinessperson are different from those of a good person #ecause ( 8heck out the #usinesspeople face situations e"planation on pages 94peculiar to #usiness. 97. $

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( 8heck out the some e&er-da- &irtues are e"planation on pages 94not wholl- applica#le to #usiness. 97. $ Both A and B. ( 8orrect. $ ( 8heck out the *one of these. e"planation on pages 9497. $ oints +ecei&ed: ,!. Question : Student Answer: ! of 4 According to the Cederal Trade 8ommission (CT8$3 on the 5nternet3 consumers should ha&e the right to choose or consent whether personal information is collected a#out them. #rue Calse 5 don0t know 50ll get #ack to -ou

oints +ecei&ed: 4 of 4 Times are displa-ed in ((1T-A;:AA$ 1ountain Time (>S F 8anada$

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