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Krishnamurtis The First and Last Freedom" in 1086 Words or 6417 Characters Chapter 1: Introduction Until I, in my relationship to you,

understand myself I am the cause of chaos, misery, destruction, fear, brutality. Chapter 2: What Are We Seeking Only when the mind is tranquil - through self-knowledge and not through imposed self-discipline - only then, in that tranquillity, in that silence, can reality come into being. Chapter 3: Individual And Society So one of the fundamental causes of the disintegration of society is imitation, and one of the disintegrating factors is the leader, whose very essence is imitation. Chapter 4: Self-Knowledge If we can understand ourselves as we are from moment to moment without the process of accumulation, then we shall see how there comes a tranquillity that is not a product of the mind, a tranquillity that is neither imagined nor cultivated; & only in that state of tranquillity can there be creativeness. Chapter 5: Action And Idea When there is love - which is not mentation, which is not ideation, which is not memory, which is not the outcome of an experience, then that very love is action. That is the only thing that frees. Chapter 6: Belief A mind that would be in a state in which the new can take place... must surely cease to acquire..., it must put aside all knowledge. A mind burdened with knowledge cannot possibly understand, surely, that which is real, which is not measurable. Chapter 7: Effort Therefore action as we know it is really reaction, it is a ceaseless becoming, which is the denial, the avoidance of what is; but when there is awareness of emptiness without choice, without condemnation or justification, then in that understanding of what is there is action, and this action is creative being. Chapter 8: Contradiction Contradiction arises only when the mind has a fixed point of desire; ...when the mind does not regard all desire as moving, transient, but seizes upon one desire & makes that into a permanency - only then, when other desires arise, is there contradiction.

Chapter 9: What Is The Self Whatever the mind creates is in a circle, within the field of the self. When the mind is noncreating there is creation... Reality, truth, is not to be recognized. For truth to come, belief,

knowledge, experiencing, the pursuit of virtue-all this must go.

Chapter 10: Fear Fear exists so long as there is accumulation of the known, which creates the fear of losing. Therefore fear of the unknown is really fear of losing the accumulated known. Chapter 11: Simplicity only when a mind is really sensitive, alert, aware of all its own happenings, responses, thoughts, when it is no longer becoming is no longer shaping itself to be something - only then is it capable of receiving that which is truth. Chapter 12: Awareness Reality is not a thing which is knowable by the mind, because the mind is the result of the known, of the past; ..therefore the mind must understand itself and its functioning, its truth, & only then is it possible for the unknown to be Chapter 13: Desire Beyond the physical needs, any form of desire ... becomes a psychological process by which the mind builds the idea of the `me..' When u see this process...w/o opposition,..u will discover..that the new is never a sensation; therefore it can never be recognized [nor] re-experienced. It is a state of being in which creativeness comes without invitation, without memory; and that is reality. Chapter 14: Relationship And Isolation This identification with something greater - the party, the country, the race, the religion, God - is the search for power. Because you in yourself are empty, dull, weak, you like to identify yourself with something greater. Chapter 15: The Thinker And The Thought What is important is to see that the maker of effort and the object towards which he is making effort are the same. That requires enormously great understanding, watchfulness, to see how the mind divides itself into the high and the low. Chapter 16: Can Thinking Solve Our Problems There must be a quiet, tranquil mind. Such a mind is not a result...of a practice, of meditation, of control. It comes into being through no form of discipline or compulsion or sublimation, without any effort of the `me', of thought; it comes into being when I understand the..process of thinking..In that state of tranquillity of a mind that is..still, there is love. Chapter 17: The Function Of The Mind Only when we know how to love each other..can [there] be intelligent functioning,.. [and not] through intellect..imitation..idolatry. Only when you discard completely, through understanding, the whole structure of the self, can that..eternal..come into being. You cannot go to it; it comes to you.

Chapter 18: Self-Deception Truth is not something to be gained. Love cannot come to those who have a desire to hold on to it,.. to become identified with it. Surely such things come when the mind does not seek,.. is completely quiet, no longer creating..beliefs upon which it can depend. It is only when the mind understands this..process of desire that it can be still, ..not in movement to be or not to be. Chapter 19: Self-Centred Activity So long as the mind uses consciousness as self-activity, time comes into being with all its miseries,..conflicts,..deceptions; and it is only when the mind, understanding this total process, ceases, that love can be. Chapter 20: Time And Transformation Regeneration is..only possible in the present. A man who relies on time as a means [to] realize in..conflict. A man who sees that time is not the way out of our difficulty and who is therefore free from the false..has the intention to understand. Therefore his mind is quiet spontaneously, without compulsion, without practice. Chapter 21: Power And Realization When the mind realizes that any speculation any verbalization, any form of thought only gives strength to the me, then it is watchful, everlastingly aware of how it is separating itself from experience, asserting itself, seeking power. In that awareness, if the mind pursues it... without seeking an end... there comes a state in which the thinker & the thought are one. In that state there is no effort, desire to change; ...the me is not, for there is a transformation which is not of the mind. ...that the state of creative emptiness is not a thing to be cultivated - it is there, it comes darkly, without any invitation; only in that state is there a possibility of renewal, newness, revolution.

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