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Kennesaw State University
Coles College of Business | EMBA Class of 2015
DBA Teaming Agreement_Version 1 | November 17, 2013
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I. Mission Statement Page 3 34 II. Team Values and Norms III. Operational Guidelines a. Team Member Roles and Responsibilities i. ii. Team Member Team Lead 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 14 17

iii. Project Manager iv. v. vi. Assignment Lead Communication Lead Team Floater

vii. Team Coach viii. Team Member Profiles b. Meeting Guidelines and Communication c. Assignments d. Decision Making e. Conflict Management f. Accountability g. Team Coach Contract h. Guidelines for Revision j. Signature Page i. Appendix

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Mission Statement

Deep Blue Awesome (DBA) encourages continual growth, while exhibiting the qualities of an integrated, highperforming team. We leverage our diversity and individual strengths to increase the performance of our team. We create value by serving as model leaders, challenging standards, and putting effective teaming principles into practice.

II. Team Values and Norms a. Integrity: The quality of being honest and adhering to moral and ethical principles; displaying soundness of moral character; the state of being whole or undivided. DBA displays integrity by: i. ii. iii. b. Reviewing the Teaming Agreement in full at the start of each semester and revising it if necessary. Not gossiping. Providing timely, continuous feedback.

Excellence: The state or quality of being outstanding or superlative; displaying extreme merit or superiority; exceeding expectations. DBA displays excellence by: i. ii. iii. Executing a semester project plan to meet deadlines. Conducting quality assurance reviews before every assignment is submitted. Targeting to achieve 100% on all assignments based on the grading rubric.


Commitment: A pledge or promise; an obligation to a cause, activity, person or persons. DBA displays commitment by: i. Fulfilling all obligations as agreed upon by the team, including but not limited to arriving at meetings on time and prepared and completing reading assignments by deadlines. ii. iii. Asking for help and assisting other team members when needed. Placing the welfare of the team before individual interests, for example, by working on individual assignments early.


Creativity: The expression of unique or imaginative thoughts or actions. DBA displays creativity by: i. ii. iii. Using brainstorming sessions at the beginning of each team project. Playing the role of devils advocate to challenge the status quo. Using white boarding to visually represent thoughts and ideas.


Growth: Continuous improvement. DBA displays growth by: i. ii. iii. iv. Accepting roles or responsibilities that are outside of our core competency. Changing team member roles each semester. Giving feedback that is behavior-based and specific. Accepting feedback by implementing behaviors documented in the DBA Feedback Form.

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f. Leadership: Influencing positive change. DBA will display leadership by: i. ii. iii. iv. g. Enabling others to act by building trusting relationships, encouraging, and teaching. Taking risks to achieve desired outcomes. Recognizing contributions and celebrating victories. Applying the skills we are learning in the EMBA program.

Trust: a belief in the reliability of others to act as agreed and expected. DBA will display trust by: i. ii. iii. Operating by our values and norms; Honestly sharing our position and feelings; Admitting weaknesses and mistakes.

III. Operational Guidelines a. Team Member Roles & Responsibilities i. Team Member: 1. All team members demonstrate accountability to each other and the team by adhering to the Teaming Agreement. They participate fully during team meetings, play an active role in sharing ideas and providing feedback, meet deadlines, and deliver high quality work. 2. Each team member will serve in one of the roles defined in Sections III.a.ii. vi. at least once during the course of the EMBA program. Role rotation will occur on the following dates: December 14, 2013, March 15, 2014, June 14, 2014, September 13, 2014, December 13, 2014, and March 14, 2015. The team will decide role assignment transition by consensus as defined in Section III.d (Decision Making) on the dates listed above. ii. Team Lead: The Team Lead (TL) guides the overall actions and efforts of the team, maintains weekly oversight, accountability of team business, and allocates team resources to complete objectives. The TL is responsible for: 1. Reviewing the team resources, semester project plan, and delegated assignments to ensure fulfillment of team assignments, and assigning Team Floaters for support to execute tasks as needed. 2. Communicating with team members as needed to answer questions or to help resolve risks and/or issues, acting as the point of escalation when necessary. 3. Organizing team meetings and logistics, including identifying or securing the location, date, time, technology, or special needs. 4. Developing agendas for team meetings, and sending agendas to the Communication Lead at least 36 hours prior to the meeting for distribution to the team. 5. Facilitating effective team meetings by keeping participants on task based on the agenda.

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iii. Project Manager (Project Tracker): the Project Manager (PM) guides and executes the plan for completion of all assignments on a semester basis. The PM is responsible for: 1. Documenting a semester project plan that includes the top-down estimation, scope, and effort for all individual and team assignments, reaching out to the faculty as necessary for clarification. 2. Developing bottom-up timelines for team assignments in coordination with the Assignment Lead. 3. Monitoring the project plan and providing weekly documented status updates during team meetings. 4. iv. Maintaining the current version of semester project plan on the DBA Google Drive.

Assignment Lead: the Assignment Lead (AL) guides the development, completion, review, and submission of DBA team assignments. The AL is responsible for: 1. 2. Analyzing each assignment for content, scope, deliverables, and grading criteria. Developing a bottom-up timeline for each assignment including deadlines for deliverables, review, team approval, and submission, in coordination with the PM. 3. Assigning tasks related to the completion of team assignments, and providing weekly progress updates to the team. 4. Preparing, assembling, and/or finalizing the assignment package for team review and approval, and submitting final team-approved assignments in Moodle.


Communication Lead (Scribe/Recorder): the Communication Lead (CL) documents and disseminates information about team actions and activities. The CL is responsible for: 1. Sending all team-impacting communication to all members within 24 hours or earlier, if time permits. 2. Updating all meeting minutes on the DBA Google Drive for team access within 48 hours following team meetings. 3. Receiving team meeting agendas from the TL and distributing to the team at least 24 hours prior to team meetings. 4. Updating the DBA Google Drive and Calendar with assignments, meetings, and any teamimpacting events, and maintaining a backup of all data. 5. Updating the Teaming Agreement stored on the DBA Google Drive and, when necessary, providing e-mail confirmation of the addition of any approved revisions prior to the next scheduled team meeting.


Team Floater: Two team members per rotation serve as Team Floaters (TF), and are responsible for: 1. Proactively performing tasks to support other team roles and assignments as needed by the team 2. Serving as timekeeper for meetings and playing the Devils Advocate Role.

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vii. Team Coach: The Team Coach (TC) is responsible for: 1. 2. 3. 4. viii. Attending and participating in team meetings, as agreed upon by TC and DBA. Providing timely, unbiased feedback to DBA, collectively and individually. Offering teaming recommendations and coaching assistance to the team. Serving as a neutral party to facilitate conflict resolution at the teams request.

Team Profiles: Profiles of DBA team members can be found online at (password: AcuMan2015)


Meeting Guidelines and Communication: DBA holds formal team meetings to facilitate face-to-face communication, discuss assignments, and make decisions. The items below outline DBAs process for conducting meetings. i. Methods of communication: E-mail is the primary method of team communication, and members agree to respond within 24 hours of receipt. DBA also maintains a shared Google Drive and Calendar for document and calendar sharing, and uses the GroupMe app as a group textmessaging platform for urgent communication or special circumstances. Urgent communication requires confirmation of receipt. The team prefers to deliver feedback and discuss disciplinary action face-to-face, making exceptions for timeliness. ii. Meeting frequency and location: DBA conducts weekly team meetings, the schedule of which is maintained on the team Google Calendar. Face-to-face meetings are held at Jabian Consulting (1117 Perimeter Center West, Atlanta, Georgia). In case of a conflict with team member schedules, meetings are conducted online using AT&T Connect, Google Hangout, or Skype, as is available and appropriate. If a new venue is needed to accommodate the team meeting, the team conducts a vote following the guidelines within Section III.d (Decision Making). iii. Meeting agendas: Team members send proposed agenda items to the TL in advance of the meeting. Agendas are distributed to the team members and coach at least 24 hours in advance of meetings. All members must follow the agenda; adjustments are made by consensus per Section III.d (Decision Making) of the Teaming Agreement. The DBA meeting agenda template can be found in the Appendix. iv. Meeting evaluation and team feedback: Members express their concerns about productivity, performance, or other issues relating to team meetings and dynamics through a standing weekly agenda item surrounding feedback and evaluation. Feedback is documented using the DBA Feedback Form found in the Appendix. v. Meeting minutes: The CL maintains minutes of team meetings on the DBA Google Drive, and distributes them to team members by e-mail within 48 hours following the conclusion of the meeting. vi. Deviations from regular meeting schedules: Team members requestiong a special meeting will contact the TL to do so. The TL follows Section III.d (Decision Making) of the DBA Teaming Agreement to reach consensus on if, when, and where the additional team meeting will take place.

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c. Assignments: DBA completes assignments of superb quality in a timely manner with contributions from all team members. The DBA goal is to submit assignments at least 24 hours prior to the due date. In doing so, we employ the methods outlined below. i. Assignment Analysis and Timeline: The AL analyzes each assignment for content, scope, deliverables, and grading criteria, and shares this bottom-up analysis with the team. ii. Delegation and Discussion: At the beginning of each assignment, the AL submits to team members the assignment scope and timeline, and delegates to team members the tasks necessary to complete each assignment in an accurate and timely manner. The team reviews and approves the scope and timeline for the assignment at the beginning of the project. The team discusses and agrees on the format and minimum work standards for tasks during team meetings, as noted in the agenda template found in the Appendix. iii. Deliverables: Team members submit their work on any delegated deliverables to the AL by e-mail on or before the agreed-upon deadline. Work will be complete and of high quality, delivered in the agreed format. Lack of adherence to assignment deadlines is subject to the guidelines found in Section III.f (Accountability) of the Teaming Agreement. After all deliverables have been received, the AL organizes the information into a draft format per the assignment instructions. iv. Approval and Submission: The AL circulates the draft of the assignment to all team members for final review and sets a deadline for final approval. Team members submit any requested edits to the AL copying all members prior to the final approval deadline for incorporation into the draft. Team members acknowledge their final approval by e-mail to the AL prior to the final approval deadline. Once approved, the AL uploads the assignment materials to Moodle, and captures a screen shot of the upload approval to document the upload confirmation for the teams records. d. Decision Making: DBA employs sound decision-making tactics to make informed, timely decisions with participation from every team member. It is imperative in all instances to have commitment and buy-in support for all decisions made within the team. i. Ideation: DBA employs team discussion, brainstorming, and other analytical techniques as problem solving tools in the decision making process. ii. Process: All team decisions are conducted in team meetings, and all team members are expected to participate in the decision making process. No team member has an option to opt-out unless they are absent for the team meeting. Team members absent from meetings may choose in advance to 1) submit their opinions via email to the TL for consideration during discussion, and elect to agree in writing to final decision rendered; or 2) request that the decision be delayed to a future team meeting when they are able to be present. Delaying a decision to a future date requires full team consensus. All team votes are recorded in the team meeting minutes; in the event of an absent team member, the absent team members preference for decision-making is documented in the minutes. iii. Consensus: Consensus decision-making is the primary method used for all DBA decisions. Team

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members present their position related to the topic at hand and the TL facilitates the discussion, narrowing the options down to the two most feasible that best suit considerations of time, resources, external factors, and risks involved. At this point, the TL asks the team to come to a consensus agreement; if consensus is not reached, the team proceeds with a vote. iv. Voting for Consensus: If DBA does not reach consensus during discussion, and a division between two options exists, DBA uses a majority vote to reach consensus. A majority is defined as more than 3 votes presented for a single option. In the case of a tie the TL makes the tie-breaking decision using the best interests of the team as priority. v. Exceptions: Exceptions to the decision making process include the dismissal of a team member and disciplinary action, which require a unanimous vote by all team members. e. Conflict Management: DBAs goal is to be self-managed in conflict management. The key to our success is addressing conflict early, and reviewing Team Values and Norms to understand acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. i. Guidelines for conflict management situations: 1. 2. One on one conflict resolution is preferred. Uninvolved team members should remain neutral and supportive; if input is requested or required, follow resolution method below in Section III.e.ii. 3. If conflict management reaches an impasse or requires a neutral party the team involves the Team Coach. ii. The resolution method for conflict between individuals or factions is: 1. Listen and focus on the problem and not the person(s); define and come to agreement on the problem. 2. 3. 4. iii. Speak to how self and others contribute to the problem. Identify and commit to behavior action(s) to improve the problem. Document the above using the DBA Feedback Form.

To ensure continuous improvement on conflict resolution measures, team members: 1. Provide feedback and follow-up on a regular basis, including discussion on weekly team meeting agenda. 2. Consider participation in conflict management process during the feedback grading following team assignments to ensure accountability.


Faculty Defined Team Conflict Resolution Operating Standards: The Coles EMBA program is designed to provide individuals and teams the tools necessary to function as a high performing team. During the opening residency, program-long teams are formed and are taught the essential tools of teaming, and practice these tools throughout the 18-months. As part of the teaming curriculum, teams are required to develop a Team Agreement to outline standard operating norms for all members. These norms set the tone for team operating procedures as well as establish a disciplinary process since teams sometimes find themselves in conflict situations in which one or

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more members of the team seems disruptive to the overall team dynamics. In order to alleviate these issues, teams are taught the concept of conflict resolution and are required to develop a conflict resolution section in their Agreement that specifically deals with disruptive issues. The EMBA program, however, realizes that these tools take practice and sometimes conflict cannot be resolved within the team, and as such, we have provided a set of operating procedures to follow should conflict arise. 1. Apply the conflict resolution section of the teams Agreement to the specific issue(s) at hand. The faculty would like the team to handle the matter internally as this is part of the program that you have chosen to pursue. Every effort should be made to confront the individual(s) immediately with constructive feedback concerning their behavior, allow them to respond to the issues, and develop an action plan for behavior(s) correction. The team should also involve the team coach in the process in which all parties are involved so that all team members can voice their concerns. The team coach is there to facilitate and mediate. He or she can then make conflict resolution suggestions which the team must take under consideration. The team coach will serve in a non-biased capacity and should be allowed to hear both/all sides.

Note: Teams have freedom in the disciplinary process development within their Agreement, but every effort should be made to resolve the conflict with the team member(s) before deciding on the final step of expulsion. If the team member(s) has not corrected the disruptive behavior within the allotted time as outlined in the Agreement and expulsion is determined to be the only alternative, then outright expulsion of a team member(s) will not be allowed until after a faculty panel intervention. Thus, as outlined in step 2, the panel will need to be convened BEFORE a final team vote but only after the team has decided that such a vote needs to be taken and all corrective steps have been exhausted. 2. If there are still teaming problems and the team has followed the agreed upon Team Agreement Guidelines re: dealing with teaming conflicts/ low performance and the proposed action plan has not brought about change, the next step is to place a request for faculty mediation to the Program Director who will convene a panel made up of three to five faculty members who will convene to hear both sides of the matter. All team members shall be present at this meeting. The panel will take all issues into consideration and make a final decision as to what needs to be done. This decision is binding so if you choose to take this step, the team will need to abide by the faculty panels decision. 3. If the faculty panels decision is to separate the disruptive team member from the original team the Program Director will meet with the student that has been released from his/her team, and make a determination, as to the best way to proceed regarding the student's ability

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to complete their Degree. Alternatives include, depending upon the issue(s) being dealt with: a. if it is diagnosed primarily as a 'personality clash', and a suitable team in the current Program can be identified that is willing to accept the student, the faculty panel is empowered to broker a 'move' from one team to another b. if it is diagnosed as predominantly a 'performance problem' that can be remedied, the faculty panel can recommend a 'directed study' that will allow the student to demonstrate improvement to 'take a lap' (i.e., sit out 12 months, working on improvement areas, etc.) and return to the following year's Program, approximately at the point they exited. c. if neither of the above applies, but the student has the basic ability to achieve in the classroom @ the Graduate Level, the faculty panel, working through the Program Director, may entertain transferring the student to the Part Time MBA, with the concurrence of the Managing Director of the Coles MBA. Actual Transfer Credits will be negotiated by the Managing Director of the Coles MBA and the Program Director of the EMBA program. d. 'Drop' from Program, and consider attending another University if interested in achieving Degree. NOTE: re: #1 & #2 above, only students that are deemed by the faculty panel & the Program Director to be a 'good fit' for EMBA will be afforded these alternatives. Although any of these decisions could occur during a team separation, the faculty panel will make every effort to ensure that the spilt either occurs at the very end of or very beginning of a semester versus making a disruptive spilt during the middle of a given semester. Also note, that your signature on the final Team Agreement for your team constitutes acceptance of this operational policy. f. Accountability: DBA values accountability as an important aspect of being a high-performing team. Our process for managing team accountability is described below. i. Feedback: Behavior that is considered by team members to either adversely or positively affect the team is addressed with feedback from other team members. ii. Disciplinary action: Any repetitive behavior (occurring more than twice) that violates the Teaming Agreement warrants disciplinary action by DBA. At the consensus of the team, a single incident of significant severity may warrant disciplinary action. iii. Documentation: The DBA Discipline and Behavior Improvement Goal Setting form, found in the Appendix, lists the name of the team member, the behavior in question, how that behavior adversely impacts the team, and a performance improvement plan with defined timeframe that is agreed upon by the team. The minimum improvement plan period is 30 days and the status will be reviewed and updated at weekly meetings. At the end of the plan period, a consensus vote is required to consider the plan complete. iv. Dismissal: Grounds for dismissal from DBA are dependent upon the severity and/or frequency of

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the behavior(s) displayed by the team member(s). After all team members agree, the decision is presented to the Team Coach and the team member in question for notification and rebuttal before being taken to KSU faculty. v. Role of the Team Coach in Accountability: DBA reaches a consensus on how and when to involve the Team Coach, and consults the Team Coach before taking any recommendation or request for disciplinary action to the KSU Faculty. The Team Coach may offer suggestions and coaching assistance, but will not be a voting/deciding member in regards to this process. vi. Resignation: If DBA cannot rectify the situation and remain intact with its original members, the team member in question may resign and seek another team within the cohort.


Team Coach Contract CONTRACT WITH TEAM COACH THIS CONTRACT is entered into by and between Craig Mallie (Team Coach) and the Team Members of Deep Blue Awesome (Team, EMBA program 2015 cohort) of Kennesaw State University, Coles College of Business (KSU). For the duration of the Teams EMBA program, the Team Coach volunteers his/her time to perform the duties of Coach with the following expectations: 1. The Coach shall work collaboratively with the assigned EMBA team to expedite the high performance development of the Team and improve team dynamics. 2. The Coach is a volunteer and is not employed by KSU nor compensated for the purposes of the coaching role. 3. The Coach shall meet with the Team once per month unless the Coach and Team mutually agree to a different schedule. The Coach and the Team will endeavor to try and meet face-to-face whenever possible. The Coach will advise the Team, in advance, as to the intention to attend a particular Team meeting. 4. The Coach shall surface potential issues and may question the team as to a course of action through exploration of the goals in question, the reality of the present situation, the options available and a resolution action plan. 5. The Team shall keep the Coach updated on their activities by providing timely communications of meeting agendas, activities, and meeting minutes. 6. While the Coach may, from time to time, present educational materials as provided by KSU faculty, it is not the intention of the Coach to provide guidance on assignments or other Team deliverables. 7. From time-to-time, a KSU professor, or another Team Coach, may accompany the Coach to a Team meeting for the purposes of assisting the Coach and facilitating learning. 8. The Coach shall, from time-to-time, provide information and feedback to the lead Professor regarding teaming activities and progress of the Team. If the Team has an issue requiring

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confidentiality, the Team will let the Coach know of said confidentiality and the Coach will abide by said request with the exception that the Coach may speak to the lead Professor about any matter in order to gain full supervision of the coachs efforts. AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED: 1. 2. That the coaching term shall commence on the 17th day of November, 2013. That the Coach shall study materials and attend coach training, meetings, and seminars that school authorities may require for the purpose of learning and coordinating the work of the Coach in the KSU program. 3. Termination of this contract is subject to the discretion of the lead Kennesaw State University Professor overseeing the activities of the Team Coach, the Team, or the Coach, with a 30-day notification.

THIS CONTRACT shall be without force until signed by the Team Coach and the authorized representative of the Team.

11/14/2013 (Date) (Coachs Signature)

11/17/2013 (Date)

______________________________ (Team Leaders Signature)


Guidelines for Revision of the DBA Teaming Agreement: The DBA Teaming Agreement, as submitted as a KSU EMBA Team Assignment on November 17, 2013, is a baseline Version 1 as noted in the standard naming convention DBA Teaming Agreement_Version 1. Any revisions after this date are controlled and managed under the following guidelines: i. DBA reviews the Teaming Agreement each semester as part of the semester project plan. Requests for revisions during the semester are presented to the TL for inclusion in the team meeting agenda. ii. Team members will discuss suggested changes to the Teaming Agreement in team meetings and use the process outlined in Section III.d (Decision Making) for final approval of all decisions. iii. Revisions discussed and confirmed in team meetings are recorded in the team meeting minutes. The minutes will state the new version number that will be created based upon final decision. All new version numbers are incremented by +1. The Teaming Agreement includes a history of document revisions in the Appendix of this document. iv. Once the final decision is made the CL updates the Teaming Agreement and provides confirmation via e-mail by the scheduled Team Meeting the following week that the revisions

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have been made. i. Signature Page: This agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding between the parties involved and cannot be altered by any verbal or informal writing. This agreement shall be binding to all parties and will go into effect on the 17th day of November 2013.

In Witness whereof, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date noted above.

David L. Daly

Chuck Davis

R. Nathan DeVoe

Danielle Joiner McPherson

Veeral Shah

Erin Zubek

Craig Mallie, Team Coach

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Deep Blue Awesome Meeting Agenda and Minutes

[Click to select date] [Start Time] [End Time] Location: Please read/be prepared to discuss Please bring: [Start Time] [End Time] [Supply List] (Standing Agenda Item) Project Manager Update Minutes: [Location]

[Start Time] [End Time]

(Standing Agenda Item) Assignment Lead Update Minutes:

[Start Time] [End Time] (Standing Agenda Item) New/Old Business Minutes:

[Start Time] [End Time] (Standing Agenda Item) Team Feedback and Meeting Evaluation Minutes:

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[Start Time] [End Time] Additional Instructions/Notes

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Deep Blue Awesome Feedback Form
Values Based Scoring Feedback Individually, on a separate piece of paper (not the chart below) every team member will rate each listed Team Value on a scale of 1 to 10 (Where a score of 1= the TEAM is not successfully reflecting this value, and a score of 10 = the TEAM is successfully exhibiting this value). These scores are not to be based on individual performance, but rather on how the individual feels the team as a whole is successfully (or unsuccessfully) demonstrating the team values. Once everyone has determined their scores, team members will complete the chart below by writing in their scores under the column with their name. The Team Lead will add the Values Score Subtotal and Average. Ratings can then be used to open up discussion on disparities and opportunities for improvement. Team Member Team Value Integrity Excellence Commitment Creativity Growth Leadership Trust Behavioral Focused Feedback Guide Please refrain from using: adjectives, opinions, and over-generalizations such as always or never
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Value Score Value Score Subtotal Average

When you (Describe behavior) The result is (What affects did the behavior have on the team?)

Conflict Resolution Guide Please note: this Conflict Resolution Guide is to be used as a quick reference/guideline. Should disciplinary action be deemed necessary, please refer to the DBA Discipline and Behavior Improvement Goal Setting form found in the Appendix of our Teaming Agreement.
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Describe the issue (When? Where? Who?) What steps were taken to resolve the conflict? What can the team as a whole learn from this conflict?

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Deep Blue Awesome | Discipline and Behavior Improvement Goal Setting
Team Deep Blue Awesome (DBA) Kennesaw State University (KSU) EMBA Class of 2015

Disciplinary Report DBA Behavior Improvement Goal Setting Guide DBA Team Member: Describe negative behavior (Incident Account):

How did the above-described negative behavior impact the team?

Strengthening Opportunity (DBA Action Plan):

Level of Discipline and Accompanying Timeline To enable DBA to maintain accurate records of disciplinary action, please indicate if this is a first, second, third, or final notice by circling below and noting accompanying required timeline. At the end of the designated timeline, a consensus vote is required to consider the DBA Action Plan complete. Please note: only once the below four courses of action have been exhausted can the team begin discussions regarding the dismissal of a team member. First Notice Second Notice Third Notice Final notice Minimum DBA Action Plan Minimum DBA Action Plan Minimum DBA Action Plan Minimum DBA Action Plan length is 30 days length is 30 days length is 40 days length is 60 days

DBA Action Plan follow up date Month/Date/Year . When do all team members agree to revisit and discuss the above-described DBA action plan?

By signing this document, I acknowledge the above Incident Account(s) to be accurate and true, and I agree with all above outlined DBA Action Plan(s). David L. Daly Chuck Davis R. Nathan DeVoe Danielle Joiner McPherson

Veeral Shah

Erin Zubek

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Deep Blue Awesome | Teaming Agreement Revision History
Version 1 Revision Date 11/17/13 Description of Revisions Original Document

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