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Rocky Mountain Region Operations Bulletin

31 January, 2013

Regulation Changes
Here is a list of regulation changes during the past month. Take time to reference the regulations for the full updates. CAPR 20-1, Organization of Civil Air Patrol This revision is a general update to include the new governance changes. All references to the National Board, National Executive Committee and Executive Director have been removed. Terms limits for Region, Wing and Unit Commanders have been included as well as the National Inspector General. The job descriptions have also been updated. Note: Many regulations were updated to reflect the organization changes. Please go to __regulations/indexes-regulations-and-manuals-1700/ to see all the changes.

Keep up on safety news by following the CAP National Safety Facebook page at Safety Surveys We are currently in the 1 Oct - 31 Jan window for completing the annual unit safety surveys. (Ref CAPR 62-1) Civil Air Patrol Safety College The second Civil Air Patrol Safety College (CAPSOC) will be held June 9-15 June (including travel days) at Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque NM. The course emphasizes the various aspects of the CAP safety program and is important for those desiring to work in advanced areas of the safety program primarily at the staff and management level. It also provides an invaluable opportunity to meet other safety officers from across the country. It is ideal for wing directors of safety and those aspiring for those key positions. While there are only 60 slots (basically allocated one per wing and region) and a recommended priority list, all who are seriously interested should contact their wing director of safety for details and apply if interested as last year a few slots were not filled. The course cost is waived; however the member is responsible for travel, lodging and meals. This is a region staff college equivalent for those who qualify. Note the next opportunity for CAPSOC may not be until 2015. Icing in Winter Inversions The valleys of the Great Basin and Rocky Mountains can be plagued by inversions and fog for weeks during the winter months. This occurs because an upper-air high-pressure ridge gets locked over the western U.S., following a snow event, which left the valleys covered with snow. Once the temperature inversion is established, the sun is not able to erode the inversion since with sun angle is very low and the snow cover reflects whatever sunshine breaks through in the afternoon. Thus the valleys get colder and foggy, while nearby mountains can be sunny and much warmer. Is there ice in these foggy inversions? Yes. But it may not be significant enough to warrant an AIRMET from the National Weather Services (NWS) Aviation 1

New Forms
CAPF 5, Jan 13, CAP Pilot Flight Evaluation CAPF 73, Dec 12, Vehicle Inspection Guide and Usage Data CAPF 87, Dec 12, Real Property Survey CAPF 172, Nov 12, Consolidated Finance Authorizations

Commander Notes
CAP Nondiscrimination Policy Unit Commanders will ensure that the CAP Nondiscrimination Policy is briefed annually to all members within their respective commands. January is a great month to knock out this requirement. Applications for Utah Wing Commander Applications for Utah Wing Commander are now being accepted. Check CAPR 35-9 for minimum requirements, and contact Col Stan Skrabut at for more details.

National Safety Facebook Page

Weather Center (AWC) in Kansas City. AWC forecasters issue AIRMETs for moderate icing and SIGMETs for severe icing, but there are no forecasts for light icing. Why? There are no requirements, either by ICAO or by the FAA for the NWS to issue forecasts for light icing. Can CAP aircraft fly in light icing? No. If forecasts of light icing are not available to weather briefers, how can we pilots know when light icing is present? The best way is to look for PIREPs from aircraft departing or arriving at airports where theres fog. Perhaps the safest way is to assume that light icing is present when its foggy or low overcast and the airports temperature is below freezing. METARs from airports with ASOS weather may report FZFG (freezing fog), but this is only done when the visibility is below mile. METARs from airports with AWOS weather do not report FRZG. Heres wishing for an early spring! (Lt Col Burch retired from the NWS in 2009 and last served as the Deputy Director of the AWC. He is the Assistant Director of Operations for IDWG and is a CAP Mission Pilot, Instructor and Check Pilot)

AE Deadlines Wing Plans of Action and Activity Reports are due to the Region by February 15, 2013 (also please send copy to CAP NHQ /AE to after Region approval and notification). Nominations for AEO of the Year, AE Teacher of the Year, Frank G. Brewer (all four categories) Award, and AFAs National CAP AE Cadet of the Year Award should be selected and submitted to Region DCS/AE (Deputy Chief of Staff/Aerospace Education) by February 15, 2013. Region Please make sure your wings Activity Reports and Plans of Action have been submitted to CAP NHQ/AE to by March 15, 2013 for use in future IG requests and for mission award selection. Selections from Regions for AEO of the Year, AE Teacher of the Year, Frank G. Brewer (all four categories) Award, and AFAs National CAP AE Cadet of the Year Award should be submitted to CAP NHQ / AE by March 15, 2013. STEM Kit Over the past decade, Civil Air Patrols Aerospace Education Program has moved steadily forward in educating our cadets and Americas youth about the need for advanced educational growth in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects, not only to help maintain a strong national security, but also to keep our country technologically competitive in a global economy. In recognition of our organizations stellar progress in recent years, CAP received two national Aerospace Education awards in 2011. The year 2013 holds much promise for CAPs continued success in aerospace education as evidenced by CAPs selection to receive National Defense Education Program (NDEP) funds to promote STEM education. The NDEP funds, provided by the Air Force STEM Outreach Coordination Office at the Pentagon, will allow CAP to implement an innovative CAP STEM Kit Program for our cadets and schools. The kits will contain all the educational materials and tools necessary to provide hands-on, experiential learning in subject areas such as flight simulation, astronomy, radiocontrolled aircraft, model rocketry, robotics, and other pertinent STEM-related subjects. And, the best news yet---the kits are provided absolutely free of charge to selected recipients! To find out more about this exciting new program, go to At that site you will 2

Aerospace Education
NEON - NASA Educators Online Network Latest Aerospace Webinars: dar_id=401 Proposals Now Being Accepted for Amateur Radio on the ISS (ARISS) NASA is offering opportunities for schools and educational groups to speak with astronauts aboard the International Space Station to learn about living and working in space. ARISS proposals are due January 28, 2013. mspace/students/ariss.html Registration Open Now For 2014 CYBERPATRIOT! ral/afa-cyberpatriot/ National AE Newsletter Get your information packed AE newsletter at n/stay_informed/index.cfm National Newsbrief Latest AE e-news Newsbrief from CAP NHQ at: tion/stay_informed/ae_newsbriefs.cfm

find my STEM Kit Program Letter of Endorsement which explains and emphasizes the importance of such a program to our units and the schools we support. Applications for participation will be accepted beginning Friday, 25 January, 2013. Please share this message with your Aerospace Education Officers and with Senior Members who are educators so they can consider being involved. For any further information, contact our CAP AE Facebook Page Join CAP AE on Facebook! Keep up with the latest information and hottest links in AE by going to CAPs AE FACEBOOK page at Yeager Award Recipients Capt Charles E Heywood, CO-141 1st Lt Todd J Gamiles, ID-052 SM Victor M Gutierrez, CO-030 SM Eric M Smith, ID-073 SM Timothy W Brown, UT-083 1st Lt Tera R Cowles, WY-075 SM Jerry W Cowles, WY-075 2d Lt Edmond M Laliberte, CO-803 SM Angelique E Hoffman, CO-803 Keep up the great job! Help your wings succeed in Aerospace Education, encourage your members to complete the Yeager Award requirements. 42.06% of Rocky Mountain Region senior members have earned the Yeager Award. Can we push it to 45% by 30 March?

Upcoming Changes to PD A number of changes are being made to the requirements for Level I, III, and V. Level I is undergoing a complete revamping and will be taught predominately in-residence by squadrons. Professional Development officers will be responsible to be the primary instructor for this new training. The curriculum consolidates the five current blocks of instruction into one three block program that covers all initial training requirements. The student and instructor guides are currently under draft review by the National Professional Development Committee. Level III will require completion of the Chuck Yeager Aerospace Award. Level V will require mentoring a member through their technician rating in a specialty area. The use of the checklists in the specialty track study guides will be mandatory and how completion of this requirement will be verified. This encourages experienced members who help train the next generation of officers for serving at the squadron, group, wing, and region levels.

Public Affairs
Plans CAPR 190-1 (16 Apr 12) requires all CAP units to prepare both an annual Public Affairs Plan and a Crisis Communication Plan. Guidance but not plan templates is available on the PAO Toolkit page of the web site. While public affairs plans are likely to vary widely from unit-to-unit, it may be feasible to create a series of Crisis Communication Plan templates for use at the squadron, group, and wing level. Under this scenario, squadrons would be expected to provide a basic level of response in an emergency situation, with more involved situations managed up to higher command echelons. Squadrons could use the template to create a local Crisis Communications & Response Plan that involves both the Public Affairs and Emergency Services components of a crisis or emergency situation. Squadron-level plans would include identification of a local Crisis Communication & Response team, a regularly updated contact list of local media , law enforcement and local officials, and identification of and details of at least one facility in the local community which could serve as an Incident Command Post. Templates are also in the works which could be used by Groups and Wings, to incorporate and build upon the Squadron level CC&R planning effort. A beta version of the squadron CC&R plan template will be released in a few weeks. Squadrons without current Crisis Communication Plans will be encouraged to consider 3

Professional Development
Garber Award Recipients Capt Jason M Mettmann, UT-001 Loening Award Recipients Maj Stephen M Shadday, UT-027 Davis Award Recipients Capt Zoe A Morozko, CO-147 1st Lt Chester R Gebhards, CO-173 Capt Michael Klein, CO-023 Maj Stephen M Shadday, UT-027 Capt Rex O Jakeman, CO-030 1st Lt Jeffrey A Church, CO-030 2d Lt Marybeth M Ottesen, CO-030 Capt Angela D Fein, CO-068 1st Lt John B Conner, MT-012

personalizing the template in order to comply with CAPR 190-1 and to provide feedback which will be used to refine a final template. Work on templates which will be offered to groups and wings for consideration is also underway. PCR Hosting PAO Academy The Pacific Coast Region (PCR) will conduct its 2013 Public Affairs Officers Academy (PAOA) on 4-5 May 2013 at the Ramada Hotel/Casino Reno, 1000 East 6th Street, Reno NV 89512. The purpose of this PAOA is to provide PCRs Public Affairs Officers (PAOs) and Public Information Officers (PIOs) quality and proficient training to insure that they perform their duties and responsibilities in a skillful and professional manner as they promote CAP within their units, communities, state and country. This PAOA will cover just about everything PAOs and PIOs need to know to perform the various tasks of CAPs Public Affairs Program (PAP), including internal and external matters, media relations, community relations, the unit public affairs program, management, training, inspections, unit public affairs plan, unit communications crisis plan, PAO checklist, and other duties and responsibilities. Recent changes in the CAP PAP will also be discussed. Contact your Wing Director of Public Affairs for application information. RMR Facebook Page See what is going on in the region by going to the RMR Facebook page at RMR Twitter Follow RMR on Twitter @RMRCAP. Social Media Managers Were looking for someone with an interest and social media experience to serve as primary administrator of both accounts. For details, please contact RMR/CS or RMR/PA. Most of the wings in the Region have both a Facebook and Twitter account. However, they are not very active. Wings are encouraged to look for opportunities to utilize these tools to reach members and potential members. The RMR Record The third edition of The RMR Record was recently completed and released. It is intended as a way to reach out to members at all levels through our five-state region. Members are encouraged to submit feature 4

articles, photos with captions, columns by program area managers, calendar items, etc. This quarterly newsletter is intended as a breezier, more feature oriented compliment to the RMR Ops Bulletin. Recruitment is underway for a permanent newsletter editor. Again, please contact RMR/CS or RMR/PA. CAP Business Cards CAPs three primary business card designs are now available for download on the CAP web site. This should hopefully simplify the process of generating an official business card for our members. In addition to the three templates in Microsoft Word that can be used with Averys laser-scored business card paper, all of the art needed to reproduce any of the card designs is also available for download at: es/business-card-templates/. If you use or need business cards, please give the utmost consideration to adopting these designs. Successful government agencies and business organizations emphasize consistency in all their graphic uses, and we should follow their example whenever possible. The recent update to CAPR 900-2 has retired the CAP Emblem. Yes, were talking about the blue disk with the white triangle and red prop insert and the red Civil Air Patrol rocker across the top. Please look for opportunities to replace items which display the retired emblem at your earliest convenience.

CEDAR Details As was announced on 8 Feb 2012, National Headquarters has established a new program called the Communications Equipment Disposal and Retirement program or CEDAR for short. This program will provide a mechanism for the field to return, at no cost to the field, certain categories of old and/or nonserviceable communications items to the NTC for disposal, thus relieving the field of the headaches of trying to DEMIL and dispose of these items locally. Here is the link to the CEDAR program document. While National has tried to cover all aspects of the process, if you have any questions, please contact the NTC ( or Malcolm Kyser ( Just so there is no misunderstanding, DO NOT begin shipping anything to the NTC without completing the CEDAR process and receiving shipping instructions from the NTC.

Comm Events RMR annual communications exercise: 19-21 April, 2013. The Great Utah Shakeout communications exercise: 1718 April, 2013. Ardent Sentry communications exercise: 16-18 May 2013. Comm Training Three more communications training modules have been released to the Learning Management System (LMS) T-4A Basic ALE Users Training Module T-10 Station Authorization Module T-11 Intra Squad Radio (ISR) Module The T-10 module will become mandatory in a few months for all members holding CAP radio callsigns. Members should complete the T-10 module prior to 1 July 2013. Obsolete communications equipment Should be disposed of IAW the CEDAR program announced by NHQ last February. Some portions of CEDAR have expired, but most of its points and CAPR 174-1 are still valid. Details are at, Mark Kunkowski at the NTC can answer any questions. Table of Allowances Communications spares are NOT allowed. O.R.M.S.: The following will help to avoid trouble with inspectors who analyze ORMS records. There should be no notations in ORMS with the wording spare. Existing spare notations should be removed. The remarks box should contain information about who is using it and how a piece of communications equipment is being used. Examples would be: Used by the wing Net Control Station for ALE Net 7, Installed at xyz ICP for mission communications, Member is a qualified Ground Team Leader and the radio is used for mission prosecution. Some type of explanation is needed as to how cache radios are used. Such as, the cache is stored at the xyz Sheriffs Office and is used by xyz squadron during missions in the northwest part of the wing. This cache was last used on mission 7-12345. Equipment slated for disposal should be annotated in ORMS, IAW instructions given in the CEDAR 5

document. Time invested now may save you a lot of trouble in the future. ICUT Training Any CAP member operating CAP radios must have completed B-CUT, A-CUT, and/or ICUT. B-CUT and/or A-CUT must have been completed before 20 Aug 2012 and must have been entered and approved in eServices before 1 Oct 2012.

Historical Input Wings need to submit historical reports to the Region Historian NLT 30 April, 2013 for submission to National Headquarters. Region historian would like information for past 24 months. See CAPR 210-1 for content details.

Chaplain Service
Message from Air Force Chief of Chaplains, Chaplain, Maj Gen, Howard D. Stendahl To the Civil Air Patrol Chaplain Community, As the Air Force Chief of Chaplains I wish to express my gratitude to all Civil Air Patrol (CAP) chaplains for your generous support to the CAP community, the official auxiliary to the Air Force, and for your selfless contributions to the religious freedoms of regular Air Force members when occasions have arisen for those ministries. I look forward to continuing this very constructive relationship in the coming years, one that will become even more important as the number of active duty, Guard, and Reserve chaplains may decline, but mission requirements remain high. Last month, we rolled out a new Strategic Plan for the Air Force Chaplain Corps (HC). Id like to share it with you here. Under this new plan we will execute five strategic priorities: - Sharpen our focus on Warrior Care - Strengthen our advisement to leadership - Resource the Chaplain Corps with requirements-based advocacy - Maximize our strategic communication - Enhance our care for Chaplain Corps caregivers Simply stated, the emphasis on Warrior Care obtains throughout these priorities, as the competition for severely constrained resources requires that we focus very intentionally on the spiritual care of uniformed Airmen and their families. Programs of ministry that do not enjoy this primary focus are no longer sustainable, hence difficult decisions require that our Corps let go of activities not identified as requirements in our AF mission, whether by Air Force Instruction or clearly identified mission statements related to the organizations

(MAJCOMs, Wings, and Units) we serve. There will likely be opportunities in the future for CAP chaplains, who meet all standards required of active duty chaplains, to provide spiritual care and advocacy for religious freedoms at AF installations, under the supervision of wing HC leadership. I look forward to exploring mutually fulfilling avenues for ministry with the CAP in the future, as we accomplish our AF Chaplain Corps vision to Glorify God, Serve Airmen, and Pursue Excellence.

Annual Inventory The annual inventory period has begun, we are looking for a completion date of 31 January, 2013. Survey Audit Schedule Feb 5-6 Idaho re-inspection from 2012 SA (also counts for 2013 SA) Apr 1-2 Wyoming Apr 4-5 Montana Apr 16-17 Utah Apr 24 Colorado (Peterson) Apr 25 Colorado (Buckley)

Emergency Services
Operation Rocky Mountain Angel April 19-21, 2013 will be Operation Rocky Mountain Angel. This will be the first Rocky Mountain Region exercise involving every Wing and all assets in the Rocky Mountain Region. This exercise will cover an operational area of over million square miles. We will exercise use of aircraft, ground teams and all of our communication capability to support scenarios in Search and Rescue, Disaster Relief, Reconnaissance, transportation assistance and government support after a simulated storm condition that makes Super-storm Sandy look like a summer squall. An Area Command Post will be established with Region and Wing personnel for strategic direction as well as each Wing will stand up a Command Post for the tactical operational control of the Wing assets. There will be many opportunities for training and qualification in many ES specialties. All units are encouraged to bring their members up to speed for participation in this exercise. More details will be forthcoming as planning continues.

Apr 29 Colorado (Peterson)

elp "anted
Open Region Positions The following region staff positions are available. Please submit resume to if you are interested; naturally, run applications through your chain of command.. Also include a brief outline on support what you would like to see accomplished in the position. Cadet Programs Dev Officer/ RMR Recorder Assistant Inspector General Cadet Activities Officer Maintenance Officer Director of Fund Raising and Resource Dev RMR Training Center Director Region Newsletter Editor Asst Legal Officer Director of Engineering and Facilities RMR CAC Primary Rep. to NCAC

#pcoming Events
The most accurate calendar can be found at 96su67rb51lidmlckj40o2c%40group.calendar.googl Safety Surveys are due, October 1 - January 31. Cadet Basic School, Ft Harrison, Helena, MT January 25-27. Annual Inventory due, January 31. Trend Analysis Reporting due, January 31. Safety Surveys due, January 31. ** IDWG Survey Audit, February 5-6. Annual awards due Region, February 15. 2013 CAP Legislative Day and Command Council Meeting, Washington, D.C., February 28 - March 2. Training Leaders of Cadets, Casper Armory, Casper, WY, March 9-10. NCOA/Basic cadet training, Casper Armory, Casper, WY, March 9-10. Annual awards due National, March 15. ** Wing AE Activity Reports due to HQ CAP/AE, March 15. ** Wing AE Plan of Action due to HQ CAP/AE, March 15. ** AFA CAP AE Cadet of the Year Nomination due to Region, March 15. Cadet Competition at Gowan Field in Boise, ID, March 16-17. ** WYWG Survey Audit, April 1-2. ** MTWG Survey Audit, April 4-5. Squadron Leadership School, Peterson AFB, CO, April 6-8. Check Pilot Workshop, Casper, WY, April 6-8. Squadron Leadership School, Nampa, ID, April 14-15. ** AFA CAP AE Cadet of the Year Nomination due to National, April 15. ** UTWG Survey Audit, April 16-17. ** The Great Utah Shakeout communications exercise: 17-18 April, 2013. ** RMR annual communications exercise: 19-21 April, 2013. Operation Rocky Mountain Angel, All Wings, April 19-22. 7

Chaplain Corps Staff College, Nebraska, April 22-26. ** COWG Survey Audit, April 24-25 and 29 (Comm). Region Cadet Competition, West Jordan, UT, April 26-28. Colorado Wing Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, April 27-29. History reports due region, April 30. ** Utah Wing Conference, Fort Douglas, Salt Lake City, UT, May 4. Corporate Learning Course, Peterson AFB, CO, May 11-13. National Staff College, Maxwell AFB, AL, May 12-20. UTWG - Ops Eval, May 13-19 ** Ardent Sentry communications exercise, May 16-18. MTWG - Ops Eval, May 27 - June 2 Wyoming Wing Conference, Lander, WY, June 7-9. Encampment, COWG, USAFA Prep School, CO, June 15-23. Corporate Learning Course, Twin Falls, ID, July 6-8 WYWG - SAV, July 12-14. ** Encampment, IDWG Gowan Field, Boise, ID, July 19-28. RMR Staff College at Peterson AFB, CO, July 20-27 Mountain Flying Clinic, TBD, WY, July 20-21. IDWG - GTE, July 29 - August 4. Trend Analysis Reporting due, July 31. Wing Encampment at Camp Guernsey, WY, August 3-11. Unit Commander's Course, Burley, ID, August 3-4. 2013 CAP Command Council and Annual Conference, Denver, CO, August 15-17. COWG - SAV, September 6-8. Senior IG School, TBD, September 6-8. National SAR School Inland SAR Planning Course, Idaho Falls, ID, October 21-26.

** - Denotes new items since last bulletin.

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