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LESSON PLAN I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1.Educative Institution 1.2.Year of instruction 1.3.Component 1.4.Theme 1.5.Time 1.6.Number of students 1.7.Trainee : : : : : : : : I.E.

NEWTON 1 Oral and written Fruits 45 minutes 30 Mara Luzmila Martnez Espinoza Julia Aybar Angulo


METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES 2.1. Method: Communicative Method 2.1.1. Techniques 2.1.2. Materials : Role play, Dialogues, : Board, markers, Lyrics, pictures. Teacher, students, trainer.

2.2. Evaluation: co-evaluation, oral tests, revision of the presented free song. III. EXPECTED OUTCOMES Describes the members of his/her family Identifies the fruits in the pictures 3.1. Transversal content 3.2. Fundamental capacities 3.3. Area capacities : : : Nutritius Culture Critical and creative thought.

3.3.1. Oral expression and comprehension Formules questions and answers in a dialogue 3.1.2 Comprehension of texts: Discriminates and selects info to ask and answer abouth healthy food. 3.3.3. Attitude to the area Values and Attitudes Technology : He/she appreciates the use of appropriate technologies to improve his/her English level. Respect : He/she respects and values different ideas, languages and cultures of others.


BASIC CONTENT : Do and does : Grapes,,banana,pear,orange, Tangerine Verb to be Personal pronouns. The article, present simple and regular used verbs.

4.1. Grammar 4.2. Lexical items

4.3. Previous knowledge

BIBLIOGRAPHY Workbook: ENGLISH ELEMENTARY 1. Santillana Editorial


METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES 1. Situation to get previous knowledge. (10 minutes) Motivation towards the topic: The teacher will start presenting himself and then he will write the date on the board. And soon will show to the class some pictures of fruits and vegetables, and then, will make some descriptions to the class. Hi everybody, good morning and welcome to the class. Ok, lets see, first, please anybody can tell me the date? (With a quick read and some repetition process, the teacher writes the date on the board. Afterwards the T had introduced himself the teacher the teacher invite to sing a song in group. will stick on the wall some pictures of healthy food, and ask some complementary questions to the class. (APPLE, banana, orange, pear) Ok, the topic of this class is related to a very important subject, and its necessary for us to know that we must eat this kind food every day because it is good for our body. In order to help the students to get into the topic, the teacher will stick the pictures of those fruits and vegetables on the wall and write the name of the class: Fruits

The teacher sticks pictures on the wall: The teacher in order to start the development of the topic will stick some pictures on the wall.

2. Situation to elaborate new knowledge (50 minutes) The Teacher presents the vocabulary to the class with pictures apple Orange banana pear grapes melon Then the teacher ask a question , in order to help to internalize the new knowledge:

After the teacher will ask to some students to read it, one more time or twice. After that, the T will write on the board the follow question: do you like the fruits? What is the fruit that you like more? How many fruit do you see?

3. Situation to incorporate learning to life (20 minutes) Exercises: Texts Production: In this part the teacher using his authority into the class, ask their students to come to the board to realize some examples to the class. Link up Its an

4. Situation to evaluate The process of evaluation will be constant and mainly oral, the correct pronunciation of the words will be important. The student has to be able to achieve the outcomes, and then be able to approve the lesson plan.




He/she expresses ideas using the name of the fruits


Values and Attitudes


Friendship Respect

Self-Evaluation Sheet

: he/she works i : he/she describ

Oral expression and comprehension

Answer questions

Self-Evaluation Sheet

OBSERVATION SHEET: . Oral expression and comprehension Answer questions with do and does.
N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Students Names Pronunc iation Total 20


Vocabul ary



1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Institucin Educativa: rea....... Grado de estudios. Seccin N de alumnos. Actividad de aprendizaje Unidad Tiempo...... Hora.... Fecha.. Profesor de aula Prctica N Practicante Profesor de prctica


Ponderacin 0 1 2 3
2.1 ASPECTOS PERSONALES 1) Es respetuoso 2) Es comunicativo 3) Presentacin personal adecuada 4) Facilita un clima de confianza 5) Es responsable y puntual PUNTUACIN PARCIAL 2.2. PLANIFICACIN DE LA PRCTICA 1) Prev la actividad a desarrollar. 2) Uso correcto de materiales y recursos en la actividad. 3) Uso debido del tiempo y espacio. 4) Organiza el ambiente de acuerdo a su actividad. PUNTUACIN PARCIAL 2.3 EJECUCIN DE LA PRCTICA 2.3.1 DESARROLLO 01) Recoge los saberes previos del alumno. 02) Plantea conflictos cognitivos. 03) Toma el error como oportunidad para ensear el uso correcto del idioma. 04) Consolida y refuerza el aprendizaje en el momento prctico. 05) Soluciona situaciones imprevistas. 06) Brinda oportunidad a todos. 07) Demuestra creatividad y autonoma. 08) Brinda instrucciones y ejemplos claros y precisos. 09) Crea un ambiente propicio para el aprendizaje. 10) Crea expectativa e inters. 2.3.2 EVALUACIN 1) Evala permanentemente. 2) Promueve la autoevaluacin y la co-evaluacin. 3) Utiliza instrumentos de evaluacin. 4) Utiliza correccin y retroalimentacin.

5) Aplica en forma correcta sus indicadores de evaluacin. 6) Evidencia logros en la enseanza 2.2.3 DOMINIO DEL IDIOMA EXTRANJERO 1) Uso del idioma extranjero en el aula con propiedad y relevancia. 2) Fluidez. 3) Buena pronunciacin. 4) Uso adecuado de la gramtica y amplitud de vocabulario. 5) Naturalidad en la entonacin al hablar. PUNTUACIN PARCIAL 2.4 SUSTENTO TERICO DE LA PRCTICA Y ACTITUD PRACTICANTE 2.4.1 SUSTENTO TERICO DE LA PRCTICA 01) Fundamento terico de los mtodos empleados. 02) Conocimiento de las tcnicas en relacin a los mtodos. 2.4.2 ACTITUD DEL PRACTICANTE ANTE LA SUPERVISIN 01) Considera la evaluacin del supervisor constructivamente. 02) No teme a la crtica y adems la busca. 03) Es completamente constructivo y cooperativo durante el proceso de su evaluacin. PUNTUACIN PARCIAL PUNTUACION FINAL


Se aplica el art. 38 para las respectivas calificaciones. a. Excelente : 18 20 b. Muy bueno : 15 17 c. Bueno : 12 14 d. Regular : 11 e. Malo : 07 10 f. Deficiente : 00 06


ESCALA DE EVALUACIN 2.1 Aspectos personales 2.2 Planificacin de la prctica 2.3 Ejecucin de la prctica 2.4 Sustento terico de la prctica y actitud del practicante NOTA


__________________ Director (a) de la I. E.

___________________ Docente de Aula _________________ Estudiante Practicante

___________________ Docente de Prctica

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