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1 HJR32

2 114161-1

3 By Representative Ward

4 RFD: Rules

5 First Read: 12-AUG-09

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1 114161-1:n:08/11/2009:JRC/mfp LRS2009-3845



11 WHEREAS, with our nation's unemployment rate is

12 nearing 10 percent and it will likely take five years before

13 we are creating a substantial number of net new jobs; and

14 WHEREAS, Presidents Bush and Obama tried to fix our

15 economy through bailouts of big companies and big government

16 stimulus packages which have shown no measurable impact in

17 creating jobs; and

18 WHEREAS, we oppose all job-killing tax increases,

19 especially in health and energy; and

20 WHEREAS, Congress must enact a plan for real job

21 creation aimed specifically at those who create jobs, small

22 businesses and entrepreneurs; and

23 WHEREAS, the Jobs Here, Jobs Now, Jobs First plan as

24 developed by American Solutions is a four step plan:

25 1. A 50 Percent Cut in Payroll Taxes for Two Years.

26 Every single working American pays the payroll tax

27 and in this economy, many people may not get a pay raise, but

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1 Jobs First will help. For workers, this means cutting Social

2 Security and Medicare payroll taxes in half for two years, a

3 substantial take-home pay raise for every person who has a

4 job.

5 For employers, a 50 percent cut in the Social

6 Security and Medicare tax match means more money to hire new

7 workers and invest in new technology and that Social Security

8 and Medicare funds are not affected; Jobs First would pay for

9 this proposal by redirecting all the TARP and $787 billion

10 stimulus money that has been allocated but not yet spent.

11 For the economy as a whole, it would bolster small

12 businesses and lead to an explosion of jobs.

13 2. Abolish the Capital Gains Tax.

14 To compete with China for new jobs and investment,

15 we need to match their capital gains tax: It's zero.

16 If we want our children and grandchildren to live in

17 the most productive country in the world, we need more than

18 short-term, government make-work jobs. We need the investment

19 required for new factories, new companies, and new

20 technologies to create long-lasting jobs.

21 Abolishing the capital gains tax would produce such

22 investment.

23 3. Reduce the Corporate Tax Rate.

24 When you add together state and federal taxes,

25 American corporations pay the highest taxes in the world.

26 Jobs First believes that by matching the Irish

27 corporate tax rate of 12.5 percent, America would become the

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1 most desirable economy in the world to open a factory, create

2 a new job, or develop a new production.

3 And that means more jobs for American workers.

4 4. Eliminate the Death Tax Permanently.

5 By taxing Americans a second time after they die,

6 government does a fundamentally immoral thing: It tells us

7 that it wants us to work all our lives, save all our lives,

8 and provide for our families. And then it takes the fruit of

9 that hard work when we die.

10 If we want to be a pro-work, pro-savings, and

11 pro-family nation, it's past time we stop punishing Americans

12 who work, save, and provide for their families.


14 HOUSES THEREOF CONCURRING, That we urge Congress to adopt the

15 American Solutions Four Point plan for a real stimulus for our

16 economy, tax cuts for more jobs, higher take home pay, and

17 greater prosperity through economic growth and ask Alabama's

18 Congressional Delegation to co-sponsor or sponsor bills that

19 would enact the Jobs First plan.

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