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LITERARY TERMS 1. adage 2. aesthetics 3. allegory 4. alliteration 5. allusion . anachronis! ". anagnorisis "#. anagra! $. ana%estic &.

ana%hora 1'. antagonist 11. anticli!a( 12. antistro%he 13. antithesis 14. a%horis! 15. a%ostro%he 1 . archety%al hero 1". archety%e 1$. aside 1&. assonance 2'. at!os%here 21. #allad 22. #ard 23. #athos 24. #i#lical )ree *erse 25. #lan+ *erse 2 . #o!#astic 2". #o,dleri-e 2$. caco%hony 2&. cadence 3'. caesura

3'#. canon 31. caricature 32. car%e die! 33. catastro%he 34. catharsis 35. cli!a( 3 . collo.uialis! 3". co!edy 3$. co!edy o) !anners 3&. co!ic relie) 4'. co!%le( sentence 41. co!%ound sentence 42. co!%ound/ co!%le( sentence 43. conceit 44. con)lict 45. connotation 4 . consonance 4". cou%let 4$. crisis 4&. dactylic )oot 5'. denotation 51. denoue!ent 52. de%endent clause 53. deter!inis! 54. deus e( !achina 55. diction 5 . didactic 5". dirge 5$. disunity 5&. doggerel

'. dou#le entendre 1. dra!atic !onologue 1#. editorial o!niscience 2. eu%hony 3. elegy 4. e!#edded stories 5. e!%athy . end/sto%%ed lines ". English sonnet $. en0a!#!ent &. enthy!e!e "'. e%ic "1. e%igra!1 e%igra%h "2. e%i%hany "3. e%ithet "4. ethos "5. eu%he!is! "5#. Eu%hony " . e(istentialis! "". e(%licit !eaning "$. e(%osition "&. e(%ressionis! $'. )a#le $1. )alling action $2. )arce $3. )e!inine rhy!e $4. )oil $5. )oreshado,ing $ . )ra!e $". )ree *erse

$$. genre $&. gothic no*el &'. ha!artia &1. heroic cou%let &1#. historical criticis! &2. ho!ily &3. hu#ris &4. hy!n &5. hy%er#ole & . ia!#ic &". idio! &$. i!agery &&. i!agist 1''. i!%licit !eaning 1'1. i!%lied author 1'2. i!%lied reader 1'3. in !edias res 1'4. inde%endent clause 1'5. internal rhy!e 1' . interte(tual 1'". in*ecti*e 1'$. irony /*er#al2 situational2 dra!atic2 cos!ic2 attitudinal 1'&. Italian sonnet 11'. 0u(ta%ose 30u(ta%osition4 111. la!%oon 112. literary canon

113. litote 114. logos 115. loose sentence 11 . lyric %oetry 11". !ala%ro%is! 11$. !asculine rhy!e 11&. !as.ue 12'. !eiosis 3not science4 121. !elodra!a 122. !eta%hor 123. !eta%hysical conceit 124. !etony!y 125. !etrics 12 . !iracle and !orality %lays 12". !i(ed !eta%hor 12$. !oc+ heroic 12&. !odernis! 13'. !ood 131. !oral center 132. !oti) 133. !oti*ation 134. narrati*e %ace 135. naturalis! 13 . neoclassicis! 13 #. ne, criticis! 13". non/se.uitur 13$. nonce )or! 13&. octa*e 14'. ode 141. o!niscient

%oint o) *ie, 142. ono!ato%oeia 143. o*ersoul 144. o*erstate!ent 145. o(y!oron 14 . %aean 14". %ara#le 14$. %arado( 14&. %arallel 15'. %arody 151. %ara%hrase 152. %astoral 153. %athos 154. %ere%iteia 155. %ersoni)ication 15 . %icares.ue no*el 15". %lagiaris! 15$. %lot *s. story 15&. %oetic con*entions 1 '. %oetic license 1 1. %oetry 1 2. %oint o) *ie, 1 3. %ri*ate sy!#ol 1 4. %ro%aganda 1 5. %rose 1 . %rosody 1 ". %rotagonist 1 $. %u#lic sy!#ol 1 &. %un 1"'. .uatrain 1"1. realis! 1"2. re)erential !eaning

1"3. resolution 1"4. re*ersal 1"5. rhetorical .uestion 1" . rhy!e 3end2 near2 o))2 slant2etc.4 1"". rhy!e royal 1"$. rhy!e sche!e 1"&. rising action 1$'. ro!anticis! 1$1. satire 1$2. scansion 1$3. scenic narration 1$4. second %erson %o* 1$5. sestet 1$ . sestina 1$". setting 1$$. si!ile 1$&. si!%le sentence 1&'. slant rhy!e 1&1. 1&2. sonnet 1&3. S%enserian stan-a 1&4. s%ondee 1&5. stasi!on 1& . stereoty%e 1&". sticho!ythia 1&$. strea! o) consciousness 1&&. su#te(t 2''. su!!ary narration

2'1. syllogis! 2'2. sy!#ol1 sy!#olis! 2'3. sy!%athy 2'4. sy!%to!atic !eaning 2'5. synecdoche 2' . synesthesia 2'". synta( 2'$. tercet 2'&. ter-a ri!a 21'. te(t 211. theatre o) the a#surd 212. the!e 213. tone 214. tragedy 215. tragic )la, 21 . transcendentalis! 21". tra*esty 21$. trochiac 21&. tro%e 22'. understate!ent 221. unity1 unities 222. uni*ersal sy!#ol 223. *erisi!ilitude 224. *illanelle 225. -eug!a

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