Cricket Coaching Guide

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Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Coachin ng Guide Table of o Contents 8 Week Training T Prog gram .................................. ...................... .......................................... ...................... .........3 .......................................... Cricket Activities A for Athletes with h Intellectual Disabilities... ...................... .........5 .......................................... Warm Up Activities............................................ ...................... ...................... .........5 .......................................... Catching g ............................................................. ...................... ...................... .........7 .......................................... Other Ac ctivities .................................................. ...................... ...................... .........7 .......................................... Throwing ............................................................ ...................... ...................... .........8 .......................................... Batting .. ............................................................... ...................... ...................... .........8 .......................................... Bowling .............................................................. ...................... ...................... .........9 .......................................... Modified d Games ................................................. ...................... ...................... .......10 .......................................... How Kan nga Ball Is Pl layed ................................. ...................... ...................... .......11 To Help Explain Kang ga Ball, Lets s Make Some Comparisons s With Baseb ball ................ ...................... .......12 Basic Co oaching Instru uction ................................ ...................... .......................................... ...................... .......17 .......................................... Game Va ariations ................................................. ...................... ...................... .......20 .......................................... Kanga Ball B Drills And d Skills .............................. ...................... ...................... .......21 .......................................... Cricket Introduction I Activities A ........................... ...................... ...................... .......23 .......................................... Introduct tory Activitie es ....................................... ...................... ...................... .......23 .......................................... Cricket Skill S Practices s ........................................ ...................... ...................... .......25 .......................................... Watch th he Ball .................................................... ...................... ...................... .......25 .......................................... Close Ca atching ................................................... ...................... ...................... .......27 .......................................... Lofted Catching C .................................................. ...................... ...................... .......29 .......................................... Throwing ............................................................ ...................... ...................... .......30 .......................................... Defensiv ve Fielding ............................................. ...................... ...................... .......32 .......................................... Attacking Fielding .............................................. ...................... ...................... .......33 .......................................... Bowling .............................................................. ...................... ...................... .......35 .......................................... Wicketke eeping .................................................... ...................... ...................... .......38 .......................................... Batting Vertical bat Shots................................ ...................... ...................... .......40 .......................................... Batting Cross Bat Shots ................................... ...................... ...................... .......43 .......................................... Running Between Wickets ................................. ...................... ...................... .......45 .......................................... Cricket Games G .................................................... ...................... ...................... .......46 .......................................... Catching g ............................................................. ...................... ...................... .......46 .......................................... Ground Fielding F ................................................. ...................... ...................... .......48 .......................................... Bowling .............................................................. ...................... ...................... .......50 .......................................... Batting .. ............................................................... ...................... ...................... .......51

Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Training and Ac ctivities

8 Week k Training g Program

2 Session per week 1 Hour H per sessio on Week 1 Session 1 Introducti ion to equipme ent Introducti ion to ball skill ls Basic catc ching techniqu ue Week 2 Session 1 Batting ba asics- grip, stan nce Front foot t shoots Modified game Diamo ond Cricket Week 3 Session 1 Back foot t shots Pull shot game Modified game Drivin ng Cricket Week 4 Session 1 Ground fi ielding attack king and defensive fielding Modified Game Diam mond Cricket Session 2 Bowling varia ation seeing and seam Target Length h bowling Modified gam me T Ball line e Cricket Week 5 Session 1 Wicketke eeping basics Modified game Kanga Pa airs Session 2 Introduction t to running betw ween wickets run out gam me Modified Gam me super 8s Session 2 Bowling basic cs grip, deliv very Target bowlin ng Modified gam me 4 bowler c cricket (Contin nuous cricket) Session 2 Warm-up Introduction t to throwing 5 stage approac ch Target Throw wing game Session 2 Warm-up- bal ll skills Catching skill ls competitio ons Modified gam me Fielding S Soccer

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Trainin ng and Act tivities

Week 6 Session 1 Trial Matc ch 1 (Team A to bat) Week 7 Session 1 Review of match Skills pra actice on weak areas Session 2 Preparation fo or Match 2 Review of fie eld placings Catching/grou und fielding pr ractice Week 8 Session 1 Trial Mat tch 2 (Team A to bat) (under Special S Olympic Rules ) S Session 2 T Trial Match 2 (T Team B to bat) ) (under Special S Olympic Rules ) S Session 2 T Trial Match 1 (T Team B to bat) )

Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Training and Ac ctivities Cricke et Activitie es for Athletes with Intellectu ual Disabilities Introdu uction
The purpo ose of this book klet is to provi ide a series of drills d and game es that can be u used to teach c cricket to the at thletes with intellectual disabili ities. However, many of the activities a can b be used with cri icketers of diff ferent abilities in an effort to im mprove skill le evels in all area as. The key to all activities is s VARIETY. M Make them SHO ORT and SIMP PLE and never be afraid a to move on to somethin ng else. I hope e that you find t the information n in this booklet to be of use. . David Townsend (NSW WCA)

Warm Up Activit ties

Keep The Bucket B Full Players surround the leader r who stands in n the centre of a given area wi ith a bucket full of f balls. As quic ckly as possible e the leader rol lls and throws the balls in all directio ons. The player rs retrieve the b balls (only perm mitted to bring g back one ball at a time) ) with the aim of never lettin ng the bucket be ecome empty.

Contr rol The Ball Roll ba all inside hoop without losing g control. Repe eat constantly changing hands. Stan nd inside hoop, , roll ball aroun nd outside of h hoop with 2 hands: 1 hand: change direct tion on whistle e/command. W Walk around d outside hoop, rolling ball inside, change direction on whistle e/command.

C Ball Control Using hand(s) roll ba all up and down n stomach up chest, c around neck, down d chest, up and down leg, body. Hold ball using differ rent body parts, p except ha ands:-crook of elbow, under chin, c behind kn nee, betwee en ankles, betw ween knees. Ho old/balance ball using finger t tips of hand ds, 1 hand. Try y to move while holding/balan ncing the ball.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Trainin ng and Act tivities

Individual Pass th he ball from ha and around bod dy (in both dire ections) at wais st, head, knees, k ankle lev vels. Pass ball in figure 8 aro ound legs. Pass ball un nder and over 1 raised leg. Place e ball in raised d hand; tip the ball b from the hand h so that it rolls down d the arm to o the elbow; to o the shoulder. Try to roll the e ball do own the arm an nd straighten th he arm when th he ball reaches s the elb bow so that the e ball is flung into the air.

Drop & Catch (Right hand, left hand d) Alterna ate hands - increase speed. Drop clap c and catch.

Throw w, Clap & Cat tch Throw w, clap and catch. How many y claps? Claps only o count if th he catch is com mpleted.

Forcin ng Back Fielding Soccer Aim to o roll ball underarm over oppo onents goal. No mo oving with ball l; ball must be rolled below knee k height.

Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Training and Ac ctivities Catchi ing
Individual Pass ba all from hand to t hand In I front of body y Behind B body. Repeat t while walking g.

Hand Catch b from chest level-catch aft ter bounce. Lob b ball vertically ly Drop ball to abou ut head heights s, catch on full. . Who can tak ke 10 consec cutive catches? Try to throw the ball higher r and take the catch. How should you y hold your hands h to take a high catch?

Close e Catches Undera arm lob the bal ll to partner on n full or bounce e. Try to catch 20 consec cutive catches together. t If suc ccessful, see wh hich pair can ta ake the mo ost consecutive catches in a gi iven time perio od (e.g. 30 second ds)

Other Activities A
Turn And Catch In Pairs-Balls Across s The Circle

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Trainin ng and Act tivities Throwing
The 5stage Appro oach (Basic Technique) T Target T Throw Throw ball b at the targe et on wall or gr round, retrieve and repeat.

Batting g
Stationa ary T-Ball Dr rive Straight Stand beh hind the ball in n line with the target. Step for rward and hit the ball with w vertical ba at at target. If no n Batting T pla ace ball on ground for fo stationary Ball B Drive

ot To Target Pull Sho In pairs or o 4s aiming to o hit ball from tee t (on top of a single stump between 2 markers (goa als). Score 10 points p after eac ch successful h hit and chan nge places after r 6 hits. The hitter should ha ave her/his bac ck to the goals s in the starting g position, i.e. not n side-on to the t goals.

Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Training and Ac ctivities Bowlin ng

Basic Bo owling Equipmen nt: 1 Ball per pair, p marker or lines. In pairs or o fours.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Stand side on n. tring Stretch the st Pull the strin ng Follow throug gh-bowling arm m finishes past t hip on opposite side of body.

Target Bowling B Bowler ei ither end. Target in middle.

Target Length L Bowli ing Equipmen nt: 1 Set of stumps, ball, mark kers, lines/strip ps of material. Best on aspha alt area or acros ss a cricket pitc ch. In pairs or small groups, g players s can take turns s, e.g. 5-6 bowls each in bow wling target area as. Each line a 1 meter distan nce from the next.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Trainin ng and Act tivities Modifie ed Games s
Hit And Run Batters ta ake turns. Batte er hits stationa ary ball of Batti ing T (or the groun nd), runs aroun nd marker and back. b Fielders gather ball and return r it to line e to beat the ba atter. If batter beats b ball, scor re a run. Team change after all a batted.

age Next Sta Introduce e stumps and batters b run up and a down. T-Ball Line L Cricket Players bat b in turn. Sco ore runs for hitt ting ball over li ines/past markers. Fielders attem mpt to stop ball. Use T Ball/St tationary Ball Driv ve. 4-6 shots ea ach.

nd Cricket (4 Stump) Diamon Driving Cricket (Fielders s one side of wi icket).

Four Bo owler Cricket t Kanga Pairs P Duel Pit tch Cricket


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide How Kan nga Ball is s played How Kanga K Ball Is Played d
on of the game is Kanga Ball pairs. Separate e a class of say y into 2 equal g groups of 20 ch hildren. The most popular versio Each grou up of 20 can th hen play its own n game of Kan nga Ball simult taneously. Divi ide each group p of 20 into 10 p pairs. The ideal num mber of pairs to play a game is s 10. Also suita able are 8 or 12 2. To begin, pa air 1 will be ba atters, as partne ers. Pair 2 will take turns t to pitch and a catch. Pairs s 3 through 10 will field. As t the game move es on all pairs will be rotated d so that every play yer will have th he opportunity y to bat, pitch, field f and run. T The playing zo one can be any reasonably flat t surface. The lengt th of the zone should s suit the age of the chil ldren: 12-14 ya ards for under 10s; 14-16 yar rds for the und der 12s 16-18 yar rds for under 14 4s. A set of wickets w is placed d at each end o of the playing z zone. The only y other equipme ent needed is 2 Kang ga bats and a Kanga ball. No gloves, g padding g, helmets, or m masks. Perime eter of playing area should be e no less than 20 ya ards from the wickets. w Fielde ers should stand d at least 10 ya ards from the b batters.

The game e can be played d competitively y or just for fun n. If you wish t to keep score, a kanga score s sheet is provid ded with this manu ual.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide How Kanga K Ball is played d To Hel lp Explain Kanga Ba all, Lets Make M Some e Compar risons With h Baseball
Baseball Pitcher The pitcher stands on th he mound The pitcher throws the ball b to the batte er Kanga a Ball Pitcher r The pit tcher stand ev ven with the w wicket, on eithe er side The pit tcher can either r bowl the ball with a straight t elbow as they y do in Austral lia, or pitch the e ball

But wh hether its bowl led or pitched t try to make the e Kanga Ball B Bounce once be efore it reaches s the batter. Yo ou can pitch un nderarm or ove erarm. Pitch th he ball so it lob bs in front of th he batter.

There is i no penalty if f the ball does n not bounce, bu ut any pitch tha at cannot be reached by the batt ter, or passes a above the batte ers shoulder is called a wide and counts as one run A team may m use the one e pitcher for the e whole gam me r pitches. 6 con Every player p bowls or nsecutive pitch hes is called an n over. Overs can c be pitched from the one e end. Each pair r pitches 2 over rs (6 pitches per partner)


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide How Kan nga Ball is s played

Baseball Batter The batter r bats alone ag gainst the pitche er.

Kanga a Ball Batter Batters bat in pairs. E Each pair bats f for two overs ( (12 pitches). Partners change ends after eac ch out, and also o change ends a after one batter r has faced three co onsecutive pitc ches. r pair bats. After 2 overs another The bat tters are not ret tired no matter r how many ou uts until the pai ir has receive ed 12 pitches. The bat tter stands at le east a bats len ngth ahead of th he wicket beca ause if the wicket is hit with the bat-thats out. The bat tands even w s end, but tters partner st with the wicket t at the pitcher on the opposite o side to o the pitcher.

The batter r must retire when w out The batter r stands near th he home plate

Batter stands with bat ra aised.

Batter stands s with bat t resting on gro ound. Prepare t to hit taking th he bat back as the ball b is pitched. tter can run-or stay at homeThe bat when th he ball is hit. T Thats part of the gam me-deciding wh hether to risk running g. There is no foul area. Batters can hit the bal ll in any on. (360). directio

The batter r must run whe en the bat strik kes the ball un nless the ball is hit into the f foul area outs side the 90 diam mond

The batter r tosses the bat t away before running

The bat tter carries the bat while running g. To make hom me safely be sure e to ground the bat even with the wicke et.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide How Kanga K Ball is played d

Baseball Catcher The catch her stands behin nd home base and a wears pro otective mask and a padding.

Kanga a Ball Catche er No prot tective gear is needed. Stand d a safe distance e behind the w wicket, but close en nough to stop a any pitch whic ch gets past the e batter. If the c catcher misses the ball, the ba atters may run and if the pitch h rolls to the perimeter thats fo our runs.

Baseball Runs The batter r must complet te a circuit of 4 bases to score s one run.

a Ball Runs Kanga Runs ar re scored by ba atters running b between bases, called wicke ets. Both und safely for a run to be sco batters must run and m make their grou ored. Batters can attempt as s many runs as s possible from m each ball.

When the t perimeter o of the playing f field is marked d with flags, or lines, or fences, hits along the ground reachin ng the perimet ter automatical lly score 4 H over the pe erimeter-like a home run in ba aseball-automa atically runs. Hits score 6 runs. Each tim me a batter is o out, one run i is subtracted from the pairs score. s


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide How Kan nga Ball is s played

Baseball Umpires The main umpire stands s behind the catcher. There T are base line l umpires to oo, to call run n-outs.

Kanga a Ball Umpire es ain umpiring de ecision needed d is run out (see next page u under The ma t angle to wick Kanga a Ball outs). F Fielders at right kets can give th hese decisions otherwise th he teacher in ch harge.

Baseball Scoring The team with the greater number of ru uns after an ag greed number of innings win ns the game. .

a Ball Scorin g Kanga The pai ir with the grea ater number of f runs after each h pair has batte ed for 2 overs (12 pitches), wi ins the game. R Remember that t 1 run is deduc cted for each o out.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide How Kanga K Ball is played d

Baseball Outs A batter may m be struck out o (3 strikes) or o caught ou ut from a fly ba all...

Kanga a Ball Outs A batte er is out bowle ed when the p pitch hits the w wicket. Out whe en caught from a fly ball

Or throw out if the field der throws to a base before the batter re eaches it.

run out when a fiel lders throw sc cores a direct h hit on the wicke et and the batter running r to that wicket is not h home, with the e bat on the gro ound, even with the wicket.

run out when failin ng to be safe before a fielder throws to the p pitcher or catcher r who successfu fully catches the ball and strik kes the wicket.

In these e run outplays only one batte er may be out-th he one running g to the danger end. There are e no double pla ays in Kanga B Ball. Out hit w wicket if the bat strikes the wic cket in the actio on of swinging g at the ball. W When a batter is out the umpir re signals this to the batter an nd then to the s scorers. Batters change ends a after each out.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide How Kan nga Ball is s played Basic Coaching C Instructio on
Batting Grip To hold th he bat correctly y, place it flat on o the ground and then pick i it up with both h hands close together. Th he Vs made by y the thumbs an nd forefingers should line up p with the raised r centre of f the back of th he bat. Always hit with the fla at surface of th he bat. P Batting Position When fac cing the pitcher r, the batter sho ould stand at le east one bat len ngth ahead of th he wicket. In n the ready pos sition the bat re ests on the grou und. Prepare to o hit taking the bat back as a the ball is pi itched. The bat tters partner st tands even w with the wicket at the pitche ers end, on the e opposite side to the pitcher. Vertical Bat Hits

a) Front F Foot Mostly used when the ball is pitched close to the batting po osition, in line with the wicke et. Step forward d and hit ball with w vertical bat t. Place front fo oot near spot where w you think k the pitch will bou unce.

b) Back Foot Mostly used when the ba all bounces sho ort of the batting po osition, in line w with the wicket. When the ball bounces s short, batter sho ould step back with back foot to have more time to judge bounce an nd direction of pitch.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide How Kanga K Ball is played d

Horizont tal Bat Hits (Right-hande ed batter)

H to the bat tter are left a) Hits Mostly used when the ball bounces b to the e left of the batter. Batter steps back b and acros ss with right foot and hits ball to left any dire ection.

b) Hits to the batters right Mostly used when the ba all bounces to t the right of the batt ter. ves forward an Batter mov nd across with left foot and hits ba all to right in a any direction.

Running g between Wickets W To compl lete a run, batte ers must place bat on the grou und even wit th the wicket. Batters can attem mpt as many ru uns as possible e from each bal ll, but can be run ou ut if any run is i not complete ed.

Pitching g Grip Encoura age children to grip the ball with w the first 2 fingers f either s side of the seam m and the thumb t on the seam, s under the e ball.

Position Rememb ber that each pairs catcher ch hanges places with w the pitcher after a 6 pitches.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide How Kan nga Ball is s played

Catching g Position Stand a safe distance behind b the wick ket to avoid the e swinging bat. . But stand close enough to stop an ny pitch that pa asses the wicke et. Try to catch h the ball with bot th handsHands should give on contact wit th ball. Catchin ng gloves are not requ uired for Kanga a Ball.

Fielding Position Because Kanga K Ball bat tters can hit the e ball in any dir rection, fielder rs are spaced ev venly around t the playing zon ne in a circle. Ground balls and d fly balls are fielded fi without a glove. Catch hes are usually taken with bot th hands.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide How Kanga K Ball is played d Game Variations s
Team Ka anga Ball Each team m should have an equal numb ber of players-u usually 10 or 1 2. While Team m A is in the field, each pla ayer has 6 pitches in n turn. The catc chers position and fielders po ositions also ro otate after each h 6 pitches. Wh hile Team B is batting, each pair bats (as partne ers) for 12 pitch hes while the remaindered r of f the team are o off the field wa aiting their turn n to bat. The team with the highe er number of ru uns is the winn ner. Dont forge et to deduct on ne run for each out. B Continuous Kanga Ball Place one e set of wickets s in the centre of a circle of fielders. Then T set out 2 markers, m either r side of the wicket, ab bout 20 yards from f the wicke et. Left-handed d batters run n to the left aro ound the marke er. Righthanded ba atters run to the e right. In cont tinuous kanga the batter must run when n the ball is hit t. The pitcher does not wait w for the bat tter to get back k to the batting position, but b just pitches s whenever a fielder fi has returned the t ball. The on nly outs are cau ught, bowled or o hit wicket t. No run outs. After 6 pitches the catcher takes over r as batter, the batter takes ov ver as pitcher and the fielders rotate. (Alternatively, the teacher ma ay control ac ctivity by pitch hing to all child dren.) As in Kanga pa airs, subtract on ne run for every y out. A player run nning when cau ught does not score s a run. Th he batter sco oring the most runs r from 6 pit tches is the winner.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide How Kan nga Ball is s played

Kanga a Ball Drills s And Skills

1. Fielding F (Catching) ( Underarm lob ball for pa artner to catch. Start abou ut 3 yards apart then gradually increase i distan nce. Who can make the most m catches in n a row?


Fielding F (Throwing) (

Leave just t one stump in each wicket base. Mov ve bases a yard d apart. From 8 yards aw way, throws mu ust pass between th he targets on fu ull or bounce.


Fielding F (Gather ( and Throw) T

Leave one e stump in each h wicket base. Move base es a yard apart. Fielder must t gather ball l at first try and d throw ball from 10 ya ards to pass between targets on full on or bounce.


Catching C

Catch ball l bounced to eit ther side of the wicket t. Move to catc ch ball with both hands s


Pitching P

Place a fla at target on the playing zone 12-15 yard ds in front of pitcher. Pitcher aim ms to land ball on target


Batting B Stationary S TBall B Drive (Straight) (

Stand with h toes level wit th batting T. step forwa ard to drive bal ll at target. (Alternativ ve-place ball on n ground if batting T not n available.)

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


S Special Olym mpics Cricket t Coaching Guide C Cricket Introductory Activities

Sc coresheet
Schoo ol_______________ __________Class_ _____________Dat ate____________


RUNS SCOR RED FROM EACH H PITCH Show each out o with an X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 12




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10

2 22

Special Olympics C Cricket Coaching Guid de June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Crick ket Introd ductory Ac ctivities

Cricke et Introduc ction Activ vities Introdu uctory Act tivities

Try to com mmence each lesson l with a brief b warm-up which w prepares s children for t the Skill Practices and Games s. Activities s should be sim mple and vigoro ous and should involve balls. d within the sk Select wa arm-up activitie es which are ea asy to organize e, enjoyable and kill range of all l children.

Ball per Child Standing lob ball to ca atch at eye leve el repeat, lob ball away, and d run to catch the t ball.

Ball per Child Standing-lob to catch ba all at eye level; ; stomach level l; knee level; ankle level. Repeat, R lob ball away-run to catch the ball at differen nt levels.

Ball per Pair. Throw ba all to partner on n bounce or on full (Dependin ng on catchin ng skills). Mov ve further apart t until throwing g extended. Try to make partner p move to o side to catch/gath her ball.

Ball per Pair. Standing approx. 20 30m. Apart, thr row ball to bounce to o partner so tha at partner has to o move to side to catch/rece eive ball.

Ball B per Pair. . Partners approx. a 4 5m m. Apart. Lob ball high for partner to o catch. If ball lobbed l overhea ad, partner turn n to move to catch c ball. Exch hange roles aft ter each catch.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Introduc ctory Activ vities

Ball per Pair. Child lies s on ground (or r squats in wet conditions). Partner lo obs ball into air r and calls Chri istian name (e.g. Sue)-child stands, mov ves to ball to ca atch Repeat the en change ro oles.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Crick ket Skill P Practice

Cricke et Skill Pra actices Watch the Ball

In order to o encourage ch hildren to develop the skill of f Watching the Ball and learn ning how to jud dge the flight o of the ball, MARKED D BALLS may y be used to foc cus attention. Marked Balls Neutral N Tone Balls B with diffe erent color mar rks. Use perm manent ink mar rking pen chi ildren identify color of marking. m Balls B with diffe erent symbols, shapes e.g. X.O use perma anent ink mark king pen, or bir ro Ink on Kang ga Balls Children C identi ify shape. Colored C Kanga a Logo Color Kanga K Log with h Blue, Red, G Green biro whic ch impregnates s the material.-identify color c of markin ng Tennis T Balls -2 2 Tone Nomina ates the color which w is most v visible in flight t. Balls B with diffe erent color hem mispheres. Nom minate color m most visible as in (d) above. O OR Number of f times ball spins s across eq quator in flight. . (Impossible in n most cases bu ut does encour rage focus on b ball). Presented d below are act tivities to devel lop the ability to watch the ba all. Additional l activities of th his nature are t to be found in other o skill secti ions. Always en ncourage child dren to watch a specific mark k on the ball. Long an nd Short (De epth Judgme ent) Partner lo obs ball at line-child nominate es long of th he ball will land l over the li ine or short in the ball will land short of th he line.

unce -Judgm ment Ball Bou Throw/lob b ball to partne er to catch after r 1 bounce. Ca atcher nominates s whether ball will bounce ab bove waist or below b waist. (Na avel level) i.e. over/under or high/low.

Identify Ball Marking gs Child hold ds at least 3 ba alls with differe ent markings, masked fr rom view (in bag or box). Un nderarm lob a ball b to partner r who identifies s marking befo ore catching ba all against bo ody with hands s. Count numbe er of correct ca alls of 10 attem mpts.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Skill Pra actice

Throw fo or Depth/Dire ection Plus Choice C Judgment (Depth/Direction) Children take t turns to th hrow ball at dou uble ground ta arget. Two child dren try to call the part of targ get into which ball will land (short, long or miss). Call as early as possib ble. Rotate po ositions. Paddle Bat B Catch Individua al balance ball l on riddle bat. With other han nd, gently lob b ball and catch h with paddle bat b in 2 hands; preferred hand; preferred hand; then non-preferred hand. h c cat tches, perform partner catch. After 10 consecutive Partner-G Gently underarm m ball from app prox. 1 meter for f partner to o catch and con ntrol on paddle bat. If success sful move furt ther apart.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Crick ket Skill P Practice Close Catching C

atches Close Ca Underarm m lob the ball to o partner on full or bounce. Try T to catch 20 2 consecutive catches togeth her. If successfu ul try to catc ch 30 individua al catches in su uccession. If successfu ul, see which pa air can take the e most consecu utive caches in a given time period p (e.g. 30 seconds).

d Catch (from m wall or reb bound net) Rebound Underarm m the ball to reb bound on full to partner. (Les ss skilled ma ay throw the ba all over arm to o strike ground first to produce a softer reb bound from wa all.

atches Use e of body Close Ca Stand I meter m apart. Gen ntly lob ball at partners body y. Partner al llows ball to hi it-make body soft at impact an nd use hands s to clasp ball to body. Gradu ually move furth her apart. W Who can catch 10 consecutive catches on the e body? W Who can take the t longest catc ch on the body y?

he Ball Catch h Select th Catcher to old which mark ked ball to catc ch. The two ba alls are maske ed from view and a then lobbed d simultaneous sly to partner who must select and catch the ball

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Skill Pra actice

One han nd Catch Gently lob b ball to partne er to catch in one hand (it is advisable to use the bod dy to help catch h the ball). Repeat wi ith other hand Gradually y more further apart.

Jump Ca atch Catcher ru uns to jump rop pes (the Creek k) Child lobs ba all so catcher ta akes the catch while w airborne. Catcher retain ns ball and waits w turn to lob b ball. Lobber moves to other side to wa ait turn to catch h.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Crick ket Skill P Practice Lofted Catching

C Lofted Catch Underarm m lob/throw bal ll to partner to catch. See who o can catch the most consecutive catches s.

L Catch Judge Lofted Each child d marks own te erritory approx x. 3m square lo ob ball into partners p territo ory-partner call ls yes/no whether ball b will land in n territory (call l before ball reaches peak), then catch the ball. Lose 1 point for incorrect judgment j call. Lose 1 point for f catch dropp ped in territor ry.

tch Moving Forward Cat Child lobs ball at catchin ng area and calls Now on release. Catcher C moves forward to take e catch irrespec ctive whether it t will land in catching area or r not. Catcher moves wi ith ball to lobbi ing position; lo obber moves to o line at pre-catc ching position (Less skilled children c may initially use u Catching ne et to successful lly complete activity).

d Catch Turn and Individua al Lob ball above a head hei ight to land beh hind body, turn n and catch. Aft ter 10 consecut tive catches, pe erform Partner r Catch. Partner Lob ball for f partner to tu urn and catch initially i indicat te shoulder over o which bal ll will be lobbe ed so Partner ca an turn corre ect way. Repea at 10 times, when change. Remedial l: use catching nets

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Skill Pra actice

Teaching Throwing alth hough throwing g is part of mos st ball games it t is a skill whic ch is taken for granted. Howe ever, some children never n learn to throw t effective ely. Children sh hould be encou uraged to gener rate power by u using their legs s hips and shoulders s to act as sling gs to help the Arm A to throw the t ball. The fo ollowing seque ence of activities may be help pful to many chil ldren:

T Wrists Throw Throw fro om a kneeling position, p facing g partner/targe et hold forea arm with non-t throwing hand and throw with h wrist only y.

T Elbow Throw Throw fro om kneeling po osition (as abov ve) point elbow w at target and a throw by ex xtending arm, snap wrist.

Circular Throw Throw fro om kneeling po osition (as abov ve) or sitting position with w arm swing ging in a circular motion

Upper Body B Throw Kneel on front knee (wi ith back foot to o side) and throw ball with rotation of upper body y from side-on, to front-on to add power r.

Full Bod dy Throw Full stand ding throw. Ste ep forward on front f foot to ad dd power fro om legs as the hips h rotate from m side-on to front-on.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Crick ket Skill P Practice

Target Throw-Prefer T rred Arm Kneel on Front Knee (left knee for Right R handers). Throw to target at least 20 throws then n... Standing g Target throw

Partner Throw Throw to partner with Preferred P Arm Kneel K on Front t Knee then n standing Hold d hands at ches st height as target for throw. Stress fine f focus on hands. h Repeat with Non-Preferred Arm m.

nding Partner Throw - Stan ll with Preferre ed Arm-Fine Throw to partner on Ful Focus on partners hand ds as target. Rep peat with nonpreferred arm count how w many times you y hit the target (ha ands) without th hem i.e. movin ng.

T Target Throw Throw in turn at Depth/D Direction Targ get.

istance Preferred Arm Partner Throw for Di Pair child dren of similar throwing t stren ngth Try to Force Par rtner back.

Skid Thr row to Partne er Throw, ba all with Prefer rred Arm so th hat it bounces several meters m before pa artner so that ball can be caught at approx. waist height.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Skill Pra actice Defens sive Fielding

olled Ball Block Ro Underarm m roll ball to Pa artner who bloc cks ball with hands and d body (use leg g, knee as secon nd line of defense). Roll ball firml ly at partner. See who can sto op the most rolled r balls.

olled Ball Block Ro (Goal Def fense) Roll bal ll back and fort th. Try to roll into opposite goal.

ounced Ball Block Bo Throw ov ver arm to partn ner so ball boun nces partner block ball l with body (leg, trunk) and hands. h See who o can stop the t most bounc ced balls.

Block Bo ounced Ball (Goal Defense) Throw ba all over arm (ba all must bounce before half way). Aim m to bounce ba all over goal-lin ne.

ire Defense Rapid Fi Underarm m throw/roll str raight to partne er who tries to return bal ll quickly aim m between feet. Street importanc ce of securing the t ball prior to o trying to throw/roll l. Who can do o most throws in i 20 seconds? ? Double Ball B Gather Child hold ds ball in each hand and rolls s them simultane eously. Partner tries to stop bo oth balls.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Crick ket Skill P Practice Attack king Fielding

T Normal Throw Standing g, Gather Sta ationary Ball l and Throw Stand in front f of target, ball on ground d (stationary Gather ba all in 2 hands, throw t at target with preferred d arm.

g, Gather Ro olled Ball and d Throw Standing Roll ball for f fielder to gather and throw w at target with h Preferred Arm. rotate po ositions after 10 throws. Watch the e mark on the ball. b Position body b so the ball is gathere ed on the throw wing arm side.

G Rolled Ball and Straight Approach, Gather Throw Roll the ball b to the child d who approach hes so ball can be gathere ed on throwing g arm side, gath her, and throw at target. Children rotate e positions afte er each throw. If I successfu ul, skilled children should atte empt with Non Preferred Arm. Watch th he mark on the e ball, and then n watch the e center of the target. t

row Skid Thr Straight Approach, Gather G Rolled Ball, Long Skid Thr row Roll ball to t child who ga athers on the move, m throws ball to lan nd 4-5m inform m of target to sk kid/bounce to receiver. Relay R ball to ro oller. Replace receiver r and rol ller after 10-12 2 throws.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Skill Pra actice

Close Fi ielding

ribble and Th hrow Hand Dr Move forw ward controllin ng ball on grou und in front, with hand ds. Throw ball to next child th hen return to end of lin ne. Activity can c be conducted as relay bet tween teams.

rm Push-Stra aight Approa ach Gather Underar Stationa ary Ball Run low, bends over, ga ather ball and push p to a target t. d Hand Preferred Non-pref ferred Hand Underar rm Push-Stra aight Approa ach Gather Rolled Ball B Roll ball for f children to gather and pus sh at target. Encourag ge children to ru un faster to bal ll, run low, watch bal ll closely and keep k head down n. Two hand/one hands gather preferred p hand push/throw. If f successfu ul, try non-prefe erred hand

d Hoop Relay y Ball and Children 4.56 4 stand with h hoop held to alternate sides s. Children 1,2,3 have ball l each and run in turn around hoops, un nderarm lob bal ll through the hoop h and regather bal ll on other side e. Assemble at other end, then n repeat. Ch hange place wi ith 4.5,6, who complete c activity NB can be run as Relay.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Crick ket Skill P Practice Bowlin ng
ourage children n to grip the ba all with the first 2 fingers Grip-enco either side e of the seam and a the thumb on the seam, under u the ball.

Teaching Bowling g Bowl-Indiv vidual Standing Identify preferred p Bowling Arm, other r arm is Target t Arm. Each child stan nds side-on to desired d target, with w feet apart, , arms outstretch hed like the spo okes of a wheel l. (Bowling Arm at the back, farthest fro om target). Rock back k and forward as if the wheel l is rolling back k and forward. With ball in bowling han nd, rock back then t forward to o bowl ball to partner r-let the wheel l keep rolling forward f after you y release the ball, Repeat: Try T to look behind target (fron nt) arm when you y rock back, then n rock forward d onto front foo ot to bowl. Running g Bowl Identify front foot (L.F. for R.H. bow wlers), back foot f (R.F. for R.H. bowlers). b Run to t jump off fr ront foot to lan nd on back foo ot. Repeat, re eaching high in nto air with fro ont arm (L.A. for fo R.H. bowlers). Repeat reaching high an nd across body to make body twist to land facin ng to the side (r right side for R.H. R bowlers). Repeat an nd allow arms to t swing forwa ard like the spo okes of a wheel to bowl b the ball, follow f and gath her. Repeat.

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Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Skill Pra actice

Remedial: Stand side-o on to desired target with Bowling Arm at the e back. Raise targ get arm high in n the air in direction of target. . Step forward across body w with back foot t then step forwa ard on front foot t; allow arms to o move like the e spokes of a wheel w to bowl th the ball.

When this s is mastered, stand s facing fro ont-on to targe et. Walk toward ds target. When n it is time to b bowl simply ste ep f reward ac cross the body with w the back foot, f then step forward on fro ont foot, allowi ing arms to mo ove like the spo okes of a wheel to bowl. b This can then t be repeate ed at a slow tro ot and speed gradually increas sed until full ru unning approac ch is learns.

Direction Bowl Bowl at broad b direction target. If succe essful, children can c reduce targ get. Stress hig gh front arm, be efore delivery.

Direction Bow wl Depth /D Bowl in tu urn at target


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Crick ket Skill P Practice

Depth/Direction Bow wl Bowl to la and in Depth/D Direction target t and hit stumps.

B Swing Bowling Bowl to partner, p so seam m remains in up pright (vertical) position. Expe eriment with sw wing bowling aids, bow wling with an up pright seam-see if you can make the ball swing.

Spin Bow wling Individ dual Experime ent with ways of o making the ball b spin try to toss the e ball into the air a so that it spins and changes direction d when it land. Pairs underarm u lob ball to par rtner so that it spins and chan nges direction when it la ands. Repeat, th hrowing over arm, a then try to bowl an nd make the ba all deviate after it bounces.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Skill Pra actice Wicket tkeeping

c Catch Wicketkeeping-Basic Child assu umes croubed position on bal lls of feet with back ks of bands on ground. g Partne er throws ball to bounce e, child rises to catch ball. Wa atch the mark on the t ball. Catch the ball with soft hands (hands giv ve with the ba all) count numb ber of correct ca atches out of 10 0.

Wicketkeeping Throws to o partner throw w 5 to one- side es then 5 to other side e. Then throw at a random. Ho ow do you move so the t ball will be e caught in fron nt of your navel? If successful, rep peat with stump ps or marker to simulat te wicket keepi ing to a spin bo owler. Catch ball and move m hands to top of stumps as if for a stumping.

ace Bowling Wicketkeeping to Pa Throwing g balling harder r for partner to o catch after bounce. (S Simulating fast bowler) aim to t stop every ball. Lose e 1 Bye for eve ery missed ball. See who has fewer r Byes for 10 th hrows.

Wicketkeep Score Bowl ball l to partner who bowls back. Score number of clean catches s out of 10. Try y to improve your score.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Crick ket Skill P Practice

Wicketkeeps to Slow w Bowl Child crou uches in WK stance s behind and a to the R.H. side of stumps, ma arker (or imagin nary stumps). Partner P throws 5 bails to that side of stumps (o off side to R.H. . Bat) then 5 ba alls to the other side e of stumps (leg g side to R.H. Bat). B Child moves to behind line of f ball, catches and a moves hands and d ball to top of stumps (As for stumping) Score num mber of clean catches c out of 10. 1

Wicket keeping k Run Out On go. Fielder moves to pick up bal ll and throw to the stum mps. wicketk keeper runs to stumps s to receive th hrow and hit stu ump/marker with hands holding th he ball. Rotate aft ter 5 attempts.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Skill Pra actice Batting g Vertica al bat Sho ots

oot Front Fo Stationa ary/T-Ball Dri ive-Straight Stand beh hind the ball in line with the target t (refer footprints s marks). Step forward f and hi it ball with vert tical bat at targ get Place ball so mark provide es hitting targe et. If no Bat tting T. Place ball b on ground for Stationary Ball Drive.

ded Ball Rep petition Hit Suspend Stand beh hind ball and in n line with desi ired direction of o swing of ball. b Hit ball co onsecutively step alternately y forward with w the front foot fo to hit; when n back in line with w the swing g of the ball to hit h with vertica al bat. Hit straight to produce repeating sw wing. See how many m consecut tive hits you can c make

Watch th he Ball Nom minate Landing Point Batter stands approx. 0.7 75m. Behind li ine. Child aims s to lob ball un nderarm to lan nd on line batte er steps forward d to hit ball an nd must nominate whether ba all landed or wo ould have land ded short (befor re the line) or long l (over the line) l Suppleme entary Activity y: Suspended ba all, repetition hit. h Watch the e mark on the ball. b


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Crick ket Skill P Practice

Lob Hit-Straight/Fron nt Foot Underarm m lob ball to bo ounce in front of o batter. Step forward to o hit ball to tar rget. Change af fter 6 hits. Wat tch the mark on the ball.

Lob Hit to t offside/Front Foot Lob ball to t target on sid de to which batt ter facing batte er step forwa ard to hit ball to t hitting target. Watch the mark m on the bal ll.

ent of Length h Judgme Watch th he Ball Judgment of Len ngth Batter hol lds paddle bat in 2 hands, stan nds side-on, 1 step behind lin ne. Child under rarm lobs ball to t land over lin ne. Batter steps forward wit th front foot & hits ball repea at. Child und derarm lobs bal ll to land short of line. Batter r steps back k with back foo ot & hits ball-r repeat then lob balls at ra andom for batte er to respond. Try T not to rush h the movemen nt; stress Watc ch the Ball.

oot Back Fo Thrown Ball Hit-Vert tical bat/Back k Foot Throw ba all over arm to bounce before batter hits ball l to target. Be ecause ball bou unces short, bat tter should step p back with h back foot in li ine with the dir rection of the throw (to have more tim me to judge bou unce of ball). NB N ed ball Back foot fo shot provid des ideal Suspende introducti ion or remedial l activity. Wat tch the mark on n the ball. Step S back and across a with bac ck foot to keep p body behi ind line of the ball

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Skill Pra actice

ack Front/Ba Target hit-Straight h Ball bowl led or thrown over o arm onto directional d targ get in front of f batter. Batter tries to hit bal ll straight back to target and d decides wheth her to play forw ward or back to o achieve th his. Score 1 point for hitting ball b 2 points fo or hitting ba all to target. Ro otate after 6-10 hits. Watch th he mark on the t ball.

Defend Stumps S Throw ba all firmly at stu umps; rotate aft ter 6 balls batte er aims to ke eep ball from hitting h stumps and a let the ball l pass if it is i off the stump ps. Score numb ber of survivals s out of 6 deliveries. d Use suitable soft ba all.

Directed d Choice Targ get Hit Ball bowl led (or thrown) ) to land on target. If ball land ds on Centra al target, batter tries to hit bal ll to central goa al. If ball lands s on outer targe et, it must be hi it to the correspon nding outer goa al. Rotate after 4-6 bowls. Sco ore number of correctly dire ected hits.

Survival l Thrower aims a to throw/b bowl balls whi ich bounce high h to batter. Ba atter ducks and weaves to avo oid ball or fend ds ball off with w paddle Bat. Score number of deliveries survived (without ( being g hit or caught) from 6 deliver ries. Then rota ate.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Crick ket Skill P Practice Batting g Cross Bat Shots s

oot Front Fo Cross Bat Hit on Ful ll-Leg Side Gentle un nderarm lob at Batters B body. Batter steps forward to hit h ball at targe et. May be in ntroduced with h high batting te ee with statio onary ball to le earn swing. Wa atch mark on ball b Step forwa ard towards bal ll Hit ball down with flat swing s

oot Cross Back Fo Bat Hit-B Bounce Ball Leg Side Throw ba all in target to bounce b at Batte er who steps s back and acro oss with back foot, f hit ball at target with fla at swing reduce e targets for r more skilled children. Watc ch the mark on the ball.

ced Ball-to le eg Cross Bat Hit-Bounc side Throw ba all to bounce at t batter. Pitch ball b shorter, sl lightly harder so s hook shot ca an be played d to target behin nd square Back k foot move es back and acr ross inside the line of the ball.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Skill Pra actice

Cross Bat Hit-Bounc ced Ball-Off Side Throw ba all short (at targ get) to pass in front of batter who hits ball b with cross s bat to target. May be introdu uced with high h batting tee with stationa ary ball to learn n swing wa atch the mark on the ball. Step p back and across with ba ack foot. Hit the e ball down n with a flat sw wing.

Bouncer r Evasion Batter Takes T stance without w bat. Thrower must m pitch ball l short of the safety line e and try to bra and batter. Batt ter tries to du uck and sway to o avoid ball. Use U soft ball. Although A boun ncers are rare at a this age, children c should d develop an awareness s of them and skill s to avoid them. Try y to stay side-on (smaller targ get, more adap ptable) and wa atch ball all the time.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Crick ket Skill P Practice Runnin ng Betwee en Wickets s

R with Bats B Shuttle Relay (Running between Wick kets) Run 3 run ns, placing bat held in 1 hand h over line to turn; slide bat b over line in n 3rd run, th hen run around children and hand h bat to nex xt runner.

Steal-a-R Run Roll ball to t fielders. Bat tters attempt to o run. Fielders try t to throw ball b to Wicketk keeper(s) for ru un out before batters rea ach safety. Rot tate positions after a 6 rolls. Alternativ ve: Shuttle rela ay with bat-run n a 3 in turn.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Games

Cricke et Games Catchi ing

e Ball Keep the Played in teams of 3-5 Children C pass ball b amongst their t team. Oth her team tries to o intercept. No runnin ng with ball. If f the ball is drop pped, the other team m gains possession.

Tennis Catch C In small groups g Children n lob the ball underarm u into other r court where children try to catch c ball before it lands l in court. Can be played d by groups of 4 6 per r game on grid of courts.

T Catch h in small gr roups Lofted Tennis Throw ba all into other co ourt other playe ers try to catch ball l before it lands s in court. (Can nt be played by y groups of 4-6 per game on grid g of courts).


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Cricket Games

End Ball -teams of 4-6 children Aim is to move ball dow wnfield withou ut running with the ball b and score by b throwing ba all to the teams en nd Zone player. . Players canno ot throw ball more than 5m. Forw ward.

T Activit ty Circuit Throw Runner ru uns in either dir rection to touch all hoops in turn an nd return. Ball thrown t in oppo osite direction to child at each h hoop to beat runner to starting ho oop. Take turn ns at different positions. p

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Games Ground d Fielding

K the Ball Rolling Keep In groups of 6-8 (3-4 pe er team) Roll ba all amongst team. Oth her team tries to o intercept. No o running with the ball. b If the ball is rolled out of f bounds the other team t gains pos ssession. Use Grids G to play multiple games.

Forcing Back fielding Soccer in group ps of 4-8 aim to o roll ball underarm over opponents goal. No mo oving with ball; ball must be rolled below b knee height.

ck Bounce Forcing Bac o 6-8 children Aim to bounce ball over -Groups of opponents s goal line.

Fielding Soccer In grou ups of 6-12 (tea am of 3-6) the aim is to move the ball down the field by rolling g the ball to team mates m below knee height. Play yers cannot run with the t ball, but can n run to receiv ve it. There is no off side. s Goals sco ored between go oal markers.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Cricket Games

Place, pick up and ro oll relay in groups of 4 Child No. . 1 with Ball, places p at mark, picks up ball from next mark and d underarm roll ls ball to No. 2 who o repeats i.e. Place, pick up, roll r to No. 3

tump Team St In groups of 4-6 Throw in turn at stum mp, cone or target. If ball b is thrown wide w or bounce es wide or target, oth her players thro ow from where e ball gathered.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


Specia al Olympic cs Cricket Coaching g Guide Cricke et Games Bowlin ng

Bowl Tennis In smal ll groups childr ren take turns to t bowl ball to lan nd in opposition n court. Childr ren try to catch ball l if ball lands in n your court, you lose a point. If you y bowl a ball l which lands outside o court, you u lose a point.

Team stump In groups of 4-6 Throw in turn at stum mp, cone or target. If ball b is throw wide w or bounces s wide of target, oth her players thro ow from where e ball gathered.


Special Ol ympics Cricket C Coaching Guide June 2012

Specia al Olympic cs Cricket t Coaching g Guide Cricket Games Batting g

T-Ball Driving Cricke et Each child d takes turns to o perform Stati ionary T-Ball drive (or stationary s ball Drive if T is not n available) at target defended d by oth her children. N.B. N Can be played as individual acti ivity or game between b 2 teams.

ine Cricket T-Ball Li In groups s of 6-7 Players bat in turn. Score S runs for hitting ba all over lines/pa ast markers. Fielders attempt to stop ba all use T ball/St tationary ball drive. d 4-6 shots each h.

Rotating g Cricket In groups of 6-7 each ch hild bats for 4-6 6 balls (dependin ng on available e time) rotate in n direction of arms after r batter has finished. Fielders s cannot be further tha an wicket leng gth away from batter. b Scoring g -1 runh hit the Ball 2 ru uns Hit the ball b past the field over rhead height. 4 runsHit the ball past the field below head height minus 4Dismissed (but continue to t bat) NB Bat tter must run fo or any ball hit behind the wicket.

Special Oly ympics Cricket Coaching C Guide June 2012


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