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#/+$ ,01#2 3#/- 45$ 614&/718 9$3$7+$ :72"+4#&18 ,++/)&14&/7

"#$%&'(% )'**+,- ./ 0 Surellre, LLC, manufacLurer of hlgh performance lllumlnaLlon Lools, suppressors and
LacLlcal producLs, proudly announces LhaL lL has been presenLed Lhe Ambtose AwotJ from Lhe naLlonal uefense
lndusLrlal AssoclaLlon. 1he Ambrose Award, as descrlbed by Lhe nulA, ls esLabllshed and presenLed perlodlcally Lo
recognlze an lndusLrlal llrm whlch, ln Lhe oplnlon of Lhe Small Arms CommlLLee LxecuLlve 8oard, has made
ouLsLandlng conLrlbuLlons Lo Lhe fleld of small arms sysLems.
1be Ambtose AwotJ ls oomeJ lo booot of fotmet uoJet 5ectetoty of tbe Atmy, Iomes k. Ambtose fot bls
tecoqoltloo of tbe voloe ooJ coottlbotloo of loJostty lo meetloq tbe oeeJs of oot Notloool uefeose. 1bls
ptestlqloos owotJ ls beloq pteseoteJ by tbe NulA 5moll Atms xecotlve 8ootJ oo Novembet 12
, 201J, to
5otellte, llc fot tbe coottlbotloo ooJ commltmeot of tbelt employees lo soppott of tbe mlssloo beloq
petfotmeJ by u5 AtmeJ lotces, solJ 8tloo 8etqet, NulA cboltmoo.
1he nulA deflnes an ouLsLandlng conLrlbuLlon as characLerlzed by exemplary commlLmenL and conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe
Armed lorces by dellverlng superlor maLerlal LhaL meeLs requlred operaLlonal capablllLles and supporLs a hlgh level
of force readlness ln Lhe conducL of warflghLlng acLlvlLles or homeland defense. Such conLrlbuLlons may be shown
Lhrough a record of conLlnual demonsLraLlon of emerglng Lechnologles, developmenL of producLs and sysLems,
esLabllshmenL of enhanced producLlon capablllLles and lnLegraLlon of lnnovaLlve weapons sysLems and supporLlng
producLs and servlces requlred by Lhe uou and Allled counLrles.
Oot tlteless commltmeot to looovotloo-speotbeoJeJ by oot foooJet ooJ pteslJeot Iobo Mottbews,
lbu-bos leJ to tbe cootloooos cteotloo of oew qome-cbooqloq ptoJocts ftom oot eoqloeets, Jeslqoets,
ooJ ptoJoctloo ptofessloools, solJ Mottbew nemeoez, vlce lteslJeot of 5oles & Motketloq, wbo
occepteJ tbe owotJ oo bebolf of 5otellte. we Jo evetytbloq lo oot powet to bollJ ttoly best-lo-closs
ptoJocts becoose oot mlssloo ls to belp tbose wbo qo loto botms woy ptevoll ooJ come bome sofely-o
mlssloo tbot wlll oevet cbooqe.
ln 1979, Surellre ploneered Lhe lnLroducLlon of laser-almlng slghLs lnLo Lhe commerclal markeL followed by Lhe
lnvenLlon of Lhe flrsL handgun and shoLgun weapon-mounLed llghLs seven years laLer. 1he flrsL LacLlcal flashllghL,
one capable of overwhelmlng an aggressor's nlghL-adapLed vlslon and operaLed vla Lhe Lallcap, debuLed ln 1988
and slnce Lhen Surellre has seL Lhe sLandard for lllumlnaLlon Lools and weapon-mounLed llghLs. ConLlnued
expanslon of lLs producL llne, Lo lnclude hlgh-lnLenslLy whlLe-llghL, l8 weaponllghLs, sound suppressors, hearlng
proLecLlon, and a full llne of LacLlcal accessorles guaranLees Surellre's commlLmenL Lo Lhe developmenL of cuLLlng-
edge producLs Lo asslsL Lhe warflghLers and peacekeepers who go lnLo harm's way.
l oppteclote tbls booot ooJ l occept lt oo bebolf of evetyooe lo tbe 5otellte fomlly tbot bos wotkeJ
tltelessly ovet tbe lost JJ yeots, mokloq tbls compooy wbot lt ls toJoy. lm bombleJ to be lo socb qooJ
compooy lo tbe loJostty. 1book yoo to NulA fot tecoqolzloq wbot we Jo, solJ 5otellte foooJet/pteslJeot,
ut. Iobo Mottbews.
/1#$& 2$3+"(3+
LocaLed ln lounLaln valley, Callfornla, Surellre, LLC ls Lhe leadlng manufacLurer of hlgh performance flashllghLs, weapon-
mounLed llghLs, and oLher LacLlcal equlpmenL for Lhose who go ln harm's way, or anyone who demands Lhe ulLlmaLe ln quallLy,
lnnovaLlon, and performance. Surellre lllumlnaLlon Lools are used by more SWA1 Leams and ellLe speclal operaLlons groups
Lhan any oLher brand. Surellre ls an lSC 9001:2000-cerLlfled company.
43+55 .#%&'6&: 1homas Carlson Lcarlson[

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