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Bundled to the Ancient Cave

I toiled for what you eat, I kept vigil from dusk till dawn for your sake, I famished myself so that you can be suckledbut lo, you have rejected me, you have slapped my compassionate heart with a saddened castoff. I have been made an outcast in my own soil. A cave has been carved out for me. When I was youngI breathed with strength, I showed no weakness. ow in my old age, when I am about to repose you have turned against me. I staggered and wallowed to clean up my cave. I prefer to join my forefathers!. "hese were the words of an aged native doctor, #kah whom I visited last week at $fia. %r. #kah was blessed with four heavy young men. I wailed as #kah tells his horrible e&periences instigated by his own biological children. %r. #kah staggered to train all his children. 'e gave them an ade(uate formal and informal education. "hough he lost his dearest wife early) he vowed to make his children proud. And this he accomplished under the pains of suffering. "he first son graduated and became a lawyer, the second an #culist, the third became a *ilot and the last a successful +usiness man. ,y hearing was impaired by the sad news that these four guys care less about their old father. According to #kah, the first and second sons just returned from -urope to settle down in their own country. I was told that their first assignment was to move their own father to an ancient cave, where li.ards and cockroaches would become his companions. #kah narrated that his second son knifed and murdered the body of hope placed upon him. /or #kah0s second son) he is waterless, powerless old goat, who contributes nothing more than eating and defecating around the house. "he two brothers in oneness are dealing with their own father. "he hope of #kah to embrace a peaceful and happy old age has become a 1#""- # -. "hese guys accused their old father of inculcating wrong moral issues to their kids. 'ence, they banned their kids from visiting %r. #kah0s Ancient cave. "hose who sneaked in to salute #kah were seriously cautioned and threatened to be banished if they dare repeat the uncalled visit. When #kah reali.ed that his grandchildren are also keeping away from him) he felt like an outcast, a castaway weak dog and a leper in his own periphery. 'is own people have rejected him. Where will #kah find repose2 #h3 4es %eath333 What if death is not forthcoming2 In conclusion, our people believe that what goes up will surely come down. 4ou have prepared the cave for your own father, refusing to inhabit him in the house built by him, instead you made him a funnel5web spider which depends on what comes around it blindly. "his wickedness rotates, it must come to you. 4our own children are keeping watchful eyes on you, waiting patiently as you grow older so that you will receive your own baptismal name, 6A7-,A . 6henusky

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