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One of the modern political and social philosophers, Thomas Hobbes said, that man is a wolf to man. He made this statement when he was describing the nature of human society prior to the emergence of government in the human society. He stated clearly that man is extremely wicked and roguish. These are his exact words: the natural state of man was a state of no society, a state of lawlessness, characterized by war of every man against every man and life here was poor, nasty, brutish and short. Man was the greatest enemy to his own species. n my own opinion, the emergence of government tamed and kept man under the laws of the state, such that any man who wishes to backtrack to the state of nature must be brought to !ustice and must be duly punished. n the history of the world, humanity has followed this powerful principle to maintain peace and stillness in our world. However, Hobbes" state of nature is blatantly depicted in the modern day #eme border between $igeria and %enin &epublic. #eme is the borderline between $igeria and &epublic of %enin in 'est (frica. (lthough, these two countries were coloni)ed by two different nations, two different official languages, *nglish and +rench, they are siblings when it comes to business deals, investments plans, educational matters, peace,talks and religious issues. (t this time, these cross national ties are collapsing because of the structural weakness pose by the non-uniformed miscreants and hoodlums operating themselves as daily collaborators of $igeria- %enin mmigration Officers. These non-uniformed miscreants have turned #eme border into a danger,)one. n the name of helping our mmigration Officers, they search and dispossess immigrants of their valuables everyday. The most distressing, disheartening and depressing encounter had with my fellow schoolmates at #eme border, was the day these miscreants ceased our stamped nternational .assports because we refused to Roja /give them money0. 1eanwhile, we have paid the official 233 $aira and 433+5+( each to the $igeria-%enin mmigration Officers at the passport control !ust to have our passports stamped. Then why must these miscreants cease our passports6 t does not stop there, cases of rapes, molestations that were carried out by the so called immigration (ides have been reported at #eme border. These humiliating and embarrassing acts have slackened and tailed off the strong ties between $igeria and %enin cross national deals. 5onse7uently, 8both countries are running with one tank and flying with !ust a wing which impede importation and exportation for, in, and with both countries". 9overnment where are you6 (s am writing this, am wondering what the $igeria-%enin mmigration Officers are doing at #eme border with these men of the underworld. :ast week, a lady friend was asked to declare all her money by these day,night hoodlums, thereafter she lost ;3,333 $aira out of what she had on that day. guess these heartless guys apply charms and amulets to make people experience a temporary loss of senses when they are being robbed at the border. (s a government student, learnt that only the authentic mmigration Officers of a country possess the right to stand at the passport control of every nation. (lso, apprehended that people entering a country must stop to have their passports officially checked and stamped at the passport control. would like to solicit that the $igeria-%enin governments should align with each other and clear this 1*## at #eme boarder, by swiftly sending off all the mmigration Officers" ( <*#, who are constituting nuisances day and night there. The two countries should engage in a war of nerves (9( $#T 1 #5&*($T# (T #*1* %O&<*&. 5henusky

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