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Chapter 4Constitutional Law

for Business & E-Commerce

1) The prmary purpose of the Consttutona Conventon of 1787 was to mt the
power of the federa government & restrct t from evyng or coectng taxes.
2) The U.S. Constitution limits the o!ernment"s a#ilit$ to restrict
in%i!i%ual rihts.
&) The form of o!ernment in the U.S.'. is (nown as fe%eralism.
4) )n fe%eralism* the fe%eral o!ernment & the state o!ernments share
+) ,hen the states ratifie% the Constitution* the$ %eleate% certain
powerscalle% enumerate% powersto the fe%eral o!ernment.
6) Reserved powers are deegated to the |udcary by the Presdent of the Unted
-) The .ouse of /epresentati!es has the power to impeach the
0resi%ent for certain acti!ities* such as treason* #ri#er$* & other crimes.
1) The concept of fe%eral law ta(in prece%ence o!er state or local law
is calle% the preemption %octrine.
9) The Supremacy Cause estabshes that the fundamenta ega & potca
authorty s vested n the ctzens of the U.S.A.
10) Checks & baances but nto the Consttuton ensure that amendments to the
Consttuton are not contradctory to exstng aws.
11) The Due Process Cause of the U.S. Consttuton grants Congress the power
"to reguate commerce wth foregn natons, & among the severa states, & wth
Indan trbes."
22) The US consi%ers 3ati!e 'merican tri#es as 4%omestic %epen%ent4
nations with limite% so!ereint$.
2&) )n%ian 5amin /eulator$ 'ct esta#lishes the re6uirements for
con%uctin casino am#lin & other amin acti!ities on tri#al lan%.
24) State o!ernments %o not ha!e the power to reulate commerce
with forein nations.
2+) 0olice power permits states & local o!ernments to enact laws to
protect or promote the pu#lic health* safet$* morals* & eneral welfare.
27) )f the fe%eral o!ernment has chosen not to reulate an area of
commerce %espite possessin the Commerce Clause powers to reulate
it* the area is su#8ect to 9ormant Commerce Clause.
17) The power to reguate nterstate commerce es excusvey wth the federa
21) 0olice power permits states & local o!ernments to enact laws to
protect or promote the pu#lic health* safet$* morals* & eneral welfare.
19) E-commerce s not sub|ect to the Commerce Cause of the Consttuton, as
most busnesses that conduct e-commerce over the Internet do not have any
physca ocaton.
20) The B of Rghts estabshes the Unted States as a federa naton & dvdes
power between the centre & the states.
21) The Frst Amendment's Freedom of Speech Cause protects both speech &
22) Lila* a newspaper columnist from Chicao* is unhapp$ with the
soarin price of fuel in the U.S. She pu#lishes an article that critici:es
the o!ernment"s refusal to offer asoline at a su#si%i:e% price. This is
an e;ample of full$ protecte% speech.
2&) '%!ertisin is cateori:e% as limite% protecte% speech.
24) The U.S. government can gag ctzens from crtczng the current Presdent.
25) Speech that s offensve to many members of the socety, but s not obscene
or voent, s hed "unprotected" by the U.S. Supreme Court.
27) The Supreme Court has hel% that the content of offensi!e speech
ma$ not #e for#i%%en #ut that it ma$ #e restricte% #$ the o!ernment.
2-) The Esta#lishment Clause uarantees that there will #e no state-
sponsore% reliion.
28) The Estabshment Cause prohbts the government from enactng aws that
ether prohbt or nhbt ndvduas from partcpatng n or practcng ther chosen
29) The Equa Protecton Cause of the Fourteenth Amendment provdes that a
state cannot promote one regon over other regons.
30) The Equa Protecton Cause makes the cassfcaton of peope based on ther
race unawfu.
31) Strct scrutny test s apped to cassfcatons not nvovng a suspect or
protected cass.
&2) )nterme%iate scrutin$ test is applie% to classifications #ase% on a
protecte% class other than race.
33) Substantve due process requres that that the government gve a person
proper notce & hearng of ega acton before that person s deprved of hs or her
fe, berty, or property.
34) The Prveges & Immuntes Causes requre that the government gve a
person proper notce & hearng of ega acton before that person s deprved of
her fe, berty, or property.
&+) The 0ri!ilees & )mmunities Clause prohi#its states from enactin
laws that un%ul$ %iscriminate in fa!or of their resi%ents.
36) The ________ was a document that restrcted the newy created US federa
govt from evyng & coectng taxes, reguatng commerce wth foregn
countres, & reguatng nterstate commerce.
A) U.S. Consttuton
B) Decaraton of Independence
C) B of Rghts
9) 'rticles of Confe%eration
37) When the states ratfed the Consttuton, they deegated ________ powers to
the federa government.
') enumerate%
B) reserved
C) poce
D) statutory
38) Reserved powers are gven to the ________ by the Consttuton.
A) federa government
B) |udcary
C) state o!ernments
D) U.S. Congress
39) |ntopa s a country n whch the federa government & the tweve state
governments share powers. The form of government n |ntopa s ________.
A) soveregnty B) fe%eralism
C) untaransm D) democracy
40) The egsatve branch of the U.S. federa government s ________.
A) monocamera
B) #icameral
C) trcamera
D) poycamera
41) The ________ s responsbe for makng federa aw.
A) Presdent
B) state governments
C) leislati!e #ranch
D) Supreme Court
42) Why have checks & baances been but nto the U.S. Consttuton?
A) to keep a check on the number & frequency of amendments made to the
B) to ensure the |udcary s not based or corrupt
C) to pre!ent an$ 2 of the & #ranches of the o!ernment from #ecomin
too powerful
D) to ensure that peope of a races & ethnctes are unformy represented
43) The ________ provdes that federa aw takes precedence over state or oca
') 0reemption %octrine
B) B of Rghts
C) Due Process Cause
D) Free Exercse Cause
44) Whch of the foowng s estabshed by the Supremacy Cause of the U.S.
A) The Presdent s the supreme & soveregn head of the Unted States.
B) The egsatve branch of the federa govt s the supreme aw-makng authorty
n the country.
C) The |udcary s the supreme aw-enforcng authorty & cannot be nfuenced by
anyone, however powerfu, n any manner.
9) The Constitution & fe%eral treaties* laws* & reulatons are the
supreme law of the lan%.
45) The concept of federa aw takng precedence over state or oca aw s
commony caed the:
') 0reemption %octrine
B) B of Rghts
C) Due Process Cause
D) Free Exercse Cause
46) Whch of the foowng statements s true of the Supremacy Cause of the U.S.
A) A partcuar federa statute cannot excusvey reguate a specfc area or
B) 'n$ state or local law that 4%irectl$ & su#stantiall$4 conflicts with
!ali% fe%eral law is preempte%.
C) A partcuar federa statute can expressy provde for excusve |ursdcton.
D) Any state or oca aw that "drecty & substantay" confcts wth vad federa
aw s hed vad unt such a tme that the reevance of the federa aw s tested &
hed n harmony wth the cutura dversty n the state.
47) The Indan Gamng Reguatory Act sets the terms of ________ actvtes on
trba and.
') casino am#lin B) huntng & gatherng
C) agrcuture & anma rearng D) mnng
48) Santo beongs to the Eok trbe n an Indan reservaton n southern Nevada.
He wants to open a casno n the reservaton. However, the state authorty denes
the trbe permsson to open a casno n ts own terrtory. Whch of these permts
the trbe to brng sut n federa court & force the state to compy?
A) Estabshment Cause
B) )n%ian 5amin /eulator$ 'ct
C) Dormant Commerce Cause
D) Indan Reorganzaton Act
49) Whch of the foowng statements s true of the Unted States' Foregn
Commerce Cause?
') /eulation of forein commerce #$ state o!ernments is
B) A state can enact a aw that forbds a foregn country from dong busness n
that state, f that country engages n actvtes that are not condoned by that
C) Drect reguaton of foregn commerce by the federa government voates the
Commerce Cause.
D) A state government s ony permtted to reguate foregn trade ndrecty.
50) Ferra Inc. s a German automobe manufacturer that has a 5 percent market
share n the Unted States' automobe market. The company has a unt n North
Carona that mports Ferra automobes from ts parent company n Germany &
assembes them. Whch of the foowng measures s n accordance wth U.S.A.'s
Foregn Commerce Cause?
A) The government of North Carona mposes an addtona 10% tax on Ferra
B) The government of Georga bans the sae of Ferra cars.
C) The government of North Carona asks Ferra Inc. to shut down ts mport unt
n the state.
9) The fe%eral o!ernment imposes an a%%itional 2<< percent ta; onl$
on =ierra cars #ein sol% in 3orth Carolina.
51) Whch of the foowng statements s true of states' poce power?
A) Poce power restrcts states from reguatng nter-state commerce, athough t
happens wthn ther borders.
B) The states are aowed to reguate army actvtes wthn ther borders.
C) The$ are i!en the authorit$ to enact laws that reulate the con%uct
of #usiness.
D) The poce force of a state s controed by the federa poce department.
52) Whch of the foowng s/are enacted under state poce power?
') personal propert$ laws
B) nteectua property aws
C) corporate governance aws
D) equa opportunty aws
53) Kngsand s a country that has been exportng appes to the US for over a
century, shppng 300 tons to Georga/month. However, ast month Kngsand
voated a tradng norm that wasnt condoned by Georga. Whch measure shoud
be taken to reguate appe mports from Kngsand?
A) Georga can stop tradng wth Kngsand after servng a notce.
B) Georga can stop tradng wth Kngsand wthout servng a notce.
C) 5eoria can appeal to the fe%eral authorit$ which can stop imports
from >inslan%.
D) Georga can make Kngsand export ts appes to North Carona.
54) If the federa govt has chosen not to reguate an area of nterstate commerce
that t has the power to reguate under ts Commerce Cause powers, ths area of
commerce s sub|ect to the ___.
A) Free Exercse cause
B) 9ormant Commerce clause
C) Due Process cause
D) Prveges & Immuntes cause
55) The frst ten amendments to the U.S. Consttuton are coectvey known as
the ________.
A) Due Process cause
B) Prveges cause
C) Bill of /ihts
D) Artces of Confederaton
56) Whch statement s true about the freedom of speech guaranteed by the B
of Rghts?
A) The Freedom of Speech cause was added to the Consttuton n the thrd
B) The =ree%om of Speech clause protects speech onl$* not con%uct.
C) There s no provson for fuy protected speech n the Consttuton.
D) Burnng the Amercan fag n protest to a federa government mtary acton s
n voaton of the Freedom of Speech cause.
57) |erome wears a t-shrt that bears a pcture of the current U.S. presdent.
Under ths pcture, there are words whch mpy that the Presdent s dong a bad
|ob of runnng the country. In accordance to the Freedom of Speech Cause, whch
of the foowng s vad?
') Critici:in the current presi%ent is full$ protecte% speech & ?erome
cannot #e prosecute%.
B) |erome coud be arrested as hs t-shrt voates the Freedom of Speech
C) |erome wearng that t-shrt s an nstance of mted protected speech.
D) Wearng that t-shrt makes |erome abe for prosecuton on the bass of
defamatory anguage.
58) A group of students organzng a protest march woud be an nstance of
________ speech.
A) mted protected
B) prohbted
C) unprotecte%
D) fuy protected
59) Whch of the foowng s a form of mted protected speech?
A) defamatory anguage
B) speech that nctes the voent or revoutonary overthrow of the government
C) dangerous speech
9) offensi!e speech
60) Whch of the foowng s a form of unprotected speech?
A) offensve speech
B) %efamator$ lanuae
C) commerca speech
D) potca speech
61) Advertsng s categorzed as ________ speech.
A) fuy protected
B) limite% protecte%
C) uncensored
D) unprotected
62) The ________ prohbts the government from promotng one regon over
A) Due Process cause
B) Prveges cause
C) Esta#lishment clause
D) Free Exercse cause
63) The ________ cause prevents the government from enactng aws that ether
prohbt or nhbt ndvduas from partcpatng n or practcng ther chosen
A) Due Process
B) Prveges
C) Estabshment
9) =ree E;ercise
64) The ____ Amendment to the US Consttuton contans the Due Process, Equa
Protecton, & Prveges & Immuntes Causes?
A) 12
B) 13
C) 24
D) 15

65) A(n) ________ test s apped to cassfcatons of peope based on a suspect
') strict scrutin$
B) ntermedate scrutny
C) ratona bass
D) cogent bass
66) Vanessa was born to Amercan parents from a mnorty group n Mam. She
appes to a pubc unversty whch offers schoarshps ony to mnorty students.
Whch standard of revew s used to decde f the schoo voates the Equa
Protecton Cause by offerng her the schoarshp?
A) ratona bass
B) ntermedate scrutny
C) strict scrutin$
D) cogent bass
67) The awfuness of government cassfcatons based on a protected cass s
examned usng a(n) ________ test.
A) strct scrutny
B) interme%iate scrutin$
C) ratona bass
D) cogent bass
68) An organzaton provdes sx months of maternty eave to ts femae
empoyees, whereas ts mae empoyees can ava paternty eave for a maxmum
of two weeks. Whch of the foowng tests s used to examne the awfuness of
ths cassfcaton?
A) ratona bass
B) interme%iate scrutin$
C) strct scrutny
D) cogent bass
69) The awfuness of a government cassfcatons that do not nvove suspect or
protected casses s examned usng a(n) ________.
A) strct scrutny test
B) ntermedate bass test
C) due process test
9) rational #asis test
70) The federa government's Soca Securty program, whch pays benefts to
oder members of socety but not to younger members of socety, s awfu as
examned by a(n) ________ test.
') rational #asis
B) ntermedate scrutny
C) strct scrutny
D) due process
71) Whch of the foowng s an nstance of a decson nvovng the Equa
Protecton Cause beng made on the bass of the ratona bass test?
A) The government requres ony men above the age of 18 to vounteer for
mtary servce.
B) The government estabshes a trust fund to provde fnanca ad to mnorty
C) A state government empoys measures to mprove vng condtons n the
9) The o!ernment pro!i%es su#si%ies to farmers* #ut not to carpenters
or lum#er8ac(s.
72) Whch of the foowng provsons s made by the Due Process causes?
') 3o person shall #e %epri!e% of life* li#ert$* or propert$ without %ue
process of the law.
B) No state can reguate foregn trade drecty or ndrecty wthout due process of
the aw.
C) Motons for amendments to the consttuton can ony be made w/ a ma|orty n
the parament.
D) Voaton of freedom of speech makes the voator abe for mmedate
prosecuton wth due process of the aw.
73) The ________ requres that government statutes, ordnances, reguatons, &
other aws be cear on ther face & not overy broad n scope.
A) procedura due process
B) su#stanti!e %ue process
C) ntermedate scrutny test
D) ratona scrutny test
74) A certan state n the U.S. decares that ts ctzens shoud ony wear "modest"
cothng. Whch of the foowng concusons s made when ths aw s tested for
substantve due process?
A) unconsttutona for compuson
B) nvad for voaton of = protecton
C) !oi% for !aueness
D) nvad-voates freedom of
75) The ________ requres that the government gve a person proper notce &
hearng of ega acton before that person s deprved of hs or her fe, berty, or
') proce%ural %ue process
B) substantve due process
C) Supremacy Cause
D) Equa Protecton Cause
76) The ________ causes n the Consttuton coectvey prohbt states from
enactng aws that unduy dscrmnate n favor of ther resdents.
A) Due Process
B) Equa Protecton
C) Estabshment
9) 0ri!ilees & )mmunit$
--) .ow is the fe%eral o!ernment %i!i%e%@
,h$ are chec(s & #alances necessar$@ E;plain with instances.
The federa government s dvded nto 3 branches:
1) Leislati!e #ranchA The part of the U.S. government that makes federa
It s known as Congress (the Senate & the House of
2) E;ecuti!e #ranchA The part of the U.S. government that enforces the
federa aw.
It conssts of the presdent & vce presdent.
3) ?u%icial #ranchA The part of the U.S. government that nterprets the aw.
It conssts of the Supreme Court & other federa courts.
Checks & baances are but nto the Consttuton to ensure that no 1 branch of
the federa government becomes too powerfu.
Exampes of some of the checks & baances n our system of government are as
The |udca branch has authorty to examne the acts of the other 2
branches of government & determne whether those acts are consttutona.
The executve branch can enter nto treates wth foregn governments ony
wth the advce & consent of the Senate.
-1) .ow is power %i!i%e% #etween the fe%eral o!ernment & the state
The federa government & the 50 state governments share powers. When
the states ratfed the Consttuton, they deegated certan powers-caed
enumerated powers-to the federa government.
For exampe, the federa government s authorzed to reguate nterstate
commerce & foregn affars. Any powers that are not specfcay deegated to the
federa government by the Consttuton are reserved to the state governments.
These are caed reserved powers.
State governments are empowered to dea wth oca affars. For exampe,
states enact aws that provde for the formaton & reguaton of partnershps &
Ctes adopt zonng aws that desgnate certan portons of the cty as
resdenta areas & other portons as busness & commerca areas.
-B) .ow has the U.S. o!ernment reulate% commerce with 3ati!e
In genera, the US treats Natve Amercans as beongng to separate
natons, smary to the way t treats Span or France; however, t st consders
Natve Amercans "domestc dependent" natons wth mted soveregnty. Today,
many Natve Amercans ve on reservatons set asde for varous trbes. In the
ate 1980s, the federa government authorzed Natve Amercan trbes to operate
gamng factes.
Congress passed the Indan Gamng Reguatory Act, a federa statute that
estabshes the requrements for conductng casno gambng & other gamng
actvtes on trba and. Ths act aows Natve Amercans to negotate wth the
states for gamng compacts & ensures that the states do so n good fath.
If a state fas to do so, the trbe can brng sut n federa court, forcng the
state to compy. Today, casnos operated by Natve Amercans can be found n
many states. Profts from the casnos have become an mportant source of
ncome for members of certan trbes.
1<) ,h$ is it unconstitutional for a state o!ernment to #an pro%ucts
importe% from a forein countr$* %espite that countr$ enain in
acti!ities not con%ona#le #$ that state@
The Commerce Cause of the U.S. Consttuton gves the federa
government the excusve power to reguate commerce wth foregn natons. Ths
s referred to as the Foregn Commerce Cause. Drect & ndrect reguaton of
foregn commerce by state or oca governments that unduy burdens foregn
commerce voates the Commerce Cause & s therefore unconsttutona.
The federa government coud enact a aw that forbds another country from
dong busness n the Unted States f that country engages n actvtes that are
not condoned by the Unted States. A state, however, coud not enact a aw that
forbds a foregn country from dong busness n that state f that country engages
n actvtes that are not condoned by that state.
12) 9istinuish #etween limite% protecte% speech & unprotecte%
as %i!i%e% #$ the U.S. Supreme Court.
Lmted protected speech refers to speech that the government may not
prohbt but that s sub|ect to tme, pace, & manner restrctons. Two ma|or forms
of mted protected speech are offensve speech & commerca speech. The U.S.
Supreme Court has hed that certan speech s unprotected speech that s not
protected by the 1
Amendment & may be totay forbdden by the government.
The Supreme Court has hed that the foowng types of speech are
unprotected speech-dangerous speech, fghtng words that are key to provoke
a hoste or voent response from an average person, speech that nctes the
voent or revoutonary overthrow of the government, defamatory anguage, chd
pornography, & obscene speech.

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