E C W A: Mpowerment Ongress EST REA

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Elected Members David Winston, Chair Denise Stansell, Co-Chair Yvonne Ellett, Rec.

Secretary Wilson Washensky, Area 1 Rep. Mary Jones-Darks, Area 1 Rep. Carl Mor an, Area ! Rep. Wendell Conn, Area ! Rep. "ark #allo$ay-#illia%, Area & Rep. Jackie Ryan, Area & Rep. Appointed Members Madeleine-Renee Waters, 'reas(rer Danielle "a)ayette, Corr. Secretary Misty Wilks, At-"ar e Rep. Johnnie Raines ***, At-"ar e Rep. +ick ,ill , At-"ar e Rep. Jason "o%-ard, At-"ar e Rep



Stakeholders Town Hall Meetings 1st Sat(rday o) the Month Crensha$ 4nited Methodist &567 Don 8elipe Drive 9.&7 : 11.&7 a% Board Meetings &rd Monday o) the Month DW/ Crensha$ Co%%(nity Roo% 67&7 Crensha$ 0lvd ;.&7 : <.&7 p% Contact Information !"# Stocker Street S$ite #"% 'elephone=8a>. ?&!&@ !9A-A5;; E%ail. o))iceBec$andc.or We-site. $$$.ec$andc.or Office:

A Certified City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Servin the co%%(nities o). Arlin ton /ark, 0ald$in ,ills, 0ald$in 1illa e, 0ald$in 1ista, Ca%eo Woods, Crensha$ Manor, "ei%ert /ark 2 1illa e #reen All Meetin s are 3pen to the /(-lic

BOARD MEETING AGENDA Monday, November 18, 2013 6:30 M 8:30 M D! "ren#$a% "omm&n'(y Room )030 "ren#$a% B*vd +o# An,e*e#, "A -0008
1. 2. +. ,. /. ). 4. Welcome, Call to Order & Roll Call Elected Official & Public Agency Announcements: Patrice efferson, C!"# $imani %lac&, C!1' () mins* Public Comment & Concerns (1' mins* Committee C-air Announcements: ma.imum of 2 mins eac- (1' mins* Re0ie1 & A22ro0al of 3eeting 3inutes (2 mins* !iscussion and 2ossible action on Resolution 1,2,+,, and / (2'mins* Wendell !iscussion and 2ossible action on " motion being considered by t-e %oard of 5eig-bor-ood Commissioners (1/* ". Presentation and !iscussion ,++' !egnan %l0d building 6enants grou2 (/mins* ac&ie 7. !iscussion on a22lication to create a customi8ed 5eig-bor-ood Emergency Plan and Art Ad0ocate (/* 1'. 5eig-bor-ood Council 2'1, Elections (1'* 11. A22ro0al of P9Card -older and alternate 2nd signatory 12. :unding re;uest: %ald1in <illage Community in Action =2,'''.''> $ennet- ?a-n Par& 1+. Ad@ournment
O..'/'a* &b*'/ No('/e .or E"!AND" 0(and'n, "omm'((ee#:
"omm'((ee Planning, Aand Bse & %eautification :inance OutreacDafety Ad9?oc Mee('n, Da(e 1 +o/a('on "ast Monday o) the Month at ;.&7 p% Co%%(nity ,ealth Co(ncil &5&1 Stocker St. S(ite C!71 +rd 3onday of t-e 3ont- at /:+' C ):+' 2m AD 5EE!E! !WP Crens-a1 Community Room: ,'+' Crens-a1 %l0d 2nd 6uesday of t-e 3ont- at ):+' 2m ECWA Office: +4'1 Dtoc&er Dtreet, Duite 1') 1st Daturday of t-e 3ont- at 12:'' 2m AD 5EE!E! oint 5eig-bor-ood 6as& :orce>Dout- AA Alliance %udget Ad0ocate "$a'r Carl Mor an ec$andcplannin B %ail.co% Aar& Eallo1ay9Eilliam ec1ancF-otmail.com G0onne Ellett secretary.ec1Fgmail.com o-nnie Raines HHH Bt@r+Faol.com o-nnie Raines HHH Aar& Eallo1ay9Eilliam Romet-a 3al0eau.

3embers of t-e 2ublic are re;uested to fill out a ID2ea&er CardJ to address t-e %oard on any item on t-e agenda 2rior to t-e %oard ta&ing action. Comments are limited to + minutes 2er s2ea&er, unless modified by t-e 2residing officer of t-e %oard. As co0ered under 6itle HH of t-e Americans 1it- !isabilities Act, t-e City of Aos Angeles does not discriminate on t-e basis of disability and, u2on re;uest, 1ill 2ro0ide reasonable accommodations to ensure e;ual access to its 2rograms, ser0ices and acti0ities. Dign language inter2retation, assisti0e listening ser0ices and ot-er au.iliary aids and>or ser0ices may be 2ro0ided u2on re;uest. 6o ensure a0ailability of ser0ices, 2lease ma&e your re;uest at least 42 -ours 2rior to t-e meeting you 1is- to attend by contacting t-e !e2artment of 5eig-bor-ood Em2o1erment at +9191

0(a2e$o*der To%n 3a** 1 Board Mee('n, A,enda# are o#(ed 42 3o&r# 'n Advan/e a( %%%5E"!AND"5or,

- /a e 2 o) 2 -

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