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MA. T. DOMINGO, G.R. N'. 233452 Petitioner, G.R. N'. 233467 - versus G.R. N'. 234877 Present: ROGELIO RAYALA, Respondent. YNARES-SANTIAGO, J., Chairperson, x-------------------------x ROGELIO RAYALA, AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, Petitioner, ORONA,! - versus NA "URA, #nd OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT; RONALDO V. REYES, JJ. Pro$u%&#ted: ZAMORA, in his capacit as E!"c#ti$" S"c%"ta% ; ROY V. SENERES, in his capacit 'e(ru#r) *+, ,--+ as Chai%&an '( th" Nati'na) La*'% R")ati'ns C'&&issi'n +in )i"# '( RA,L T. A-,INO, in his capacit as Actin. Chai%&an '( th" Nati'na) )a*'% R")ati'ns C'&&issi'n/; an0 MA. T. DOMINGO, Respondents. x-------------------------x Th" OF , %"p%"s"nt"0 * th" OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT; an0 AL1ERTO G. ROM,LO, in his capacit as E!"c#ti$" S"c%"ta% , Petitioners, - versus ROGELIO RAYALA, Respondent.

x------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x DECISION NACH,RA, J.9 Sexu#% .#r#ss$ent is #n i$position o/ $isp%#0ed 1superiorit)2 3.i0. is enou&. to d#$pen #n e$p%o)ee4s spirit #nd .er 0#p#0it) /or #dv#n0e$ent. It #//e0ts .er sense o/ 5ud&$ent6 it 0.#n&es .er %i/e.7*8 9e/ore ourt #re t.ree Petitions /or Revie3 on Certiorari #ss#i%in& t.e O0to(er *+, ,--, Reso%ution o/ t.e A4s 'or$er Nint. :ivision7,8 in A-G.R. SP No. ;*-,;. T.e Reso%ution $odi/ied t.e :e0e$(er *<, ,--* :e0ision7=8 o/ t.e ourt o/ Appe#%s4 E%event. :ivision, 3.i0. .#d #//ir$ed t.e :e0ision o/ t.e O//i0e o/ t.e President >OP? dis$issin& /ro$ t.e servi0e t.en N#tion#% @#(or Re%#tions o$$ission >N@R ? .#ir$#n Ro&e%io I. R#)#%# >R#)#%#? /or dis&r#0e/u% #nd i$$or#% 0ondu0t.

A%% t.ree petitions ste$ /ro$ t.e s#$e /#0tu#% #nte0edents. On Nove$(er *;, *AA+, M#. @ourdes T. :o$in&o >:o$in&o?, t.en Steno&r#p.i0 Reporter III #t t.e N@R , /i%ed # o$p%#int /or sexu#% .#r#ss$ent #&#inst R#)#%# (e/ore Se0ret#r) 9ienvenido @#&ues$# o/ t.e :ep#rt$ent o/ @#(or #nd E$p%o)$ent >:O@E?. To support t.e o$p%#int, :o$in&o exe0uted #n A//id#vit n#rr#tin& t.e in0iden0es o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent 0o$p%#ined o/,
xxxx <. S# si$u%# #) p#(u%on& n# sin#s#(i.#n %#n& #Bo ni .#ir$#n R#)#%# n& $&# s#%it#n& 1@ot, &u$#&#nd# B# )#t#C2 D. S# i(#n& $&# p#&B#B#t#on ni%#%#pit#n n# #Bo ni .#ir$#n #t .#.#3#B#n #n& #Bin& (#%iB#t s#(#) pisi% s# $&# ito .#(#n& #Bo #) n#&t#-t)pe #t .#(#n& n#&(i(i&#) si)# n& diBt#s)on. S# $&# p#&B#B#t#on& ito, Bin#B#(#.#n #Bo. N#t#t#Bot n# (#B# $#n&)#ri s# #Bin #n& $&# n#p#p#(#%it#n& insidente n# n#n&)#ri n# noon tun&Bo% s# $&# seBret#r)# ni)#n& n#&(iti3 &#3# n& $&# $#.#.#%#) n# p#n&.i.ipo ni .#ir$#n. ;. Noon& iB#-*- n& Set)e$(re, *AA+, n#n& #Bo #) n#s# + t. '%oor, $#) n#&s#(i s# #Bin n# B#i%#n&#n #Bon& (u$#(# s# Et. '%oor Bun& n#s##n #n& #$in& opisin# d#.i% s# $#) BoreBs)on d#3 n# &#&#3in s# $&# p#pe% n# tin#)p Bo. 9u$#(# n#$#n #Bo p#r# &#3in ito. "#(#n& &in#&#3# Bo ito, %u$#(#s si .#ir$#n R#)#%# s# si%id ni Mr. A%ex @opeF. Inutus#n #Bo ni .#ir$#n n# su$unod s# B#ni)#n& si%id. N#n& n#s# si%id n# B#$i, sin#(i ni)# s# #Bin: Chairman: Lot, I like you a lot. Naiiba ka sa lahat. At p#&B#t#pos #Bo #) B#ni)#n& inusis# tun&Bo% s# $&# person#% n# (#&#) s# #Bin& (u.#). An& i%#n dito #) tun&Bo% s# #Bin& $&# $#&u%#n&, B#p#tid, p#&-##r#% #t Bun& $#) (o)/riend n# r#3 (# #Bo. Chairman: May boyfriend ka na ba? Lourdes: Dati nagkaroon po. Chairman: Nasaan na siya? Lourdes: Nag asa!a na ho. Chairman: "akit hindi kayo nagkatuluyan? Lourdes: Nainip po. Chairman: #agkatapos mo ng kurso mo ay kumuha ka ng La! at ako ang bahala sa iyo, hanggang ako pa ang Chairman dito. P#&B#t#pos #) Bu$u.# si)# n& per# s# B#ni)#n& #$eriB#n# #t in##(ot s# #Bin. Chairman: $uhanin mo ito. Lourdes: %u!ag na ho hindi ko kailangan. Chairman: %indi sige, kuhanin mo. &yusin mo ang dapat ayusin. Tin#n&&#p Bo po #n& per# n& $#) p#&-##%in%#n&#n. N#t#t#Bot #t Bin#B#(#.#n n# B#p#& .indi Bo tin#n&&#p #n& per# #) (#B# si)# $#&#&#%it B#s#(#) n# rito #n& p#&t#pon s# #Bin Bun& s##n-s##n opisin# o B#)# #) t#n&&#%in #Bo s# posis)on. Chairman: #aglabas mo itago mo ang pera. &ya! ko ng may makaka alam nito. Just the t!o of us. Lourdes: "akit naman, 'ir? Chairman: "asta. Maraming tsismosa diyan sa labas. "ut I don(t gi)e them a damn. %indi ako mamatay sa kanila.

Tu$#)o n# #Bo #t %u$#(#s. Pu$#n.iB n# #Bo n& +t. '%oor #t pu$unt# #Bo s# o//i0e$#te Bo n# si A&nes M#&d#et. IBin3ento Bo #n& n#n&)#ri s# #Bin s# opisin# ni .#ir$#n. "#(#n& BiniB3ento Bo ito B#) A&nes #) (ini%#n& n#$in #n& per# n# n#&B#B#.#%#&# n& t#t%on& %i(on& piso >P"P =,---?. Sin#(i ni A&nes n# is#u%i Bo r#3 #n& per#, pero #n& s#(i Bo #) n#t#t#Bot #Bo (#B# $#&#%it si Sir. N#&s#(i #&#d B#$i B#) E Per%it# Ge%#s0o #t sin#%#)s#) Bo #n& n#n&)#ri. Sin#(i ni)# n# is#u%i Bo #n& per# #t noon& #r#3 din& i)on #) n#&p#si)# #Bon& is#u%i n# n&# ito n&unit .indi #Bo n#&B#roon n& p#&B#B#t#on d#.i% $#r#$i si)#n& n#&in& (isit#. Isin#u%i Bo n&# #n& per# noon& @unes, Set)e$(re *<, *AA+. E. Noon& .u%in& %in&&o n& Set)e$(re, *AA+, #) $#) tin#non& din s# #Bin si .#ir$#n R#)#%# n# .indi Bo $#siB$ur#, #t s# #Bin& p#%#&#) #t t#.#s#n& p#$(#(#stos s# #Bin. Chairman: Lot, may ka li)e in ka ba? Lourdes: 'ir, !ala po. Chairman: "akit malaki ang balakang mo? Lourdes: $ayo, 'ir ha* Masama sa amin ang may ka li)e in. Chairman: "akit, ano ba ang relihiyon ninyo? Lourdes: Catholi+, 'ir. $ailangan ikasal muna. Chairman: "akit ako, hindi kasal. Lourdes: 'ir, di magpakasal kayo. Chairman: %uh. Ibahin na nga natin ang usapan. +. Noon& OBtu(re ,A, *AA+, #Bo #) pu$#soB s# B3#rto ni .#ir$#n R#)#%#. Ito #) s# B#d#.i%#n#n& #n& /#x $#0.ine #) n#s# %oo( n& B#ni)#n& B3#rto. An& n#&-##siB#so nito, si RiF# O0#$po, #) n#B#-%e#ve B#)# #Bo #n& n#&-#siB#so nito noon& #r#3 n# i)on. N#n& $#(i&)#n Bo n# n& /#x tone )un& B#us#p Bo, p#&.#r#p Bo s# B#n#n #) n#B#.#r#n& s# d#d##n#n Bo si .#ir$#n R#)#%#. Tinitin&n#n #Bo s# $#t# #t #n& titi& ni)# #) u$uus#d $u%# u%o .#n&&#n& di(di( t#pos #) n&u$iti n# $#) $#.#%#) n# p#B#.u%u&#n. A. Noon& .#pon n#$#n n& p#re.o p# rin& pets#, $#) n#&-##pp%) n# seBret#r)# s# opisin#, sin#(i Bo ito B#) .#ir$#n R#)#%#: Lourdes: 'ir, si #inky po yung appli+ant, mag papainter)ie! po yata sa inyo. Chairman: 'abihin mo magpa pap smear muna siya Chairman: , sige, i refer mo kay &le-. .&le- Lope/, Chief of 'taff0. *-. Noon& No()e$(re A, *AA+, #Bo #) tin#3#& ni .#ir$#n R#)#%# s# B#ni)#n& opisin# up#n& Bu.#nin Bo #n& diBt#s)on ni)# p#r# B#) E@A Os0#r U). "indi p# B#$i n#B#B#t#pos n& un#n& t#%#t#, $#) pu$#soB n# (isit# si .#ir$#n, si 9#() P#n&i%in#n n# sin#$#.#n ni RiF# O0#$po. Pin#%#(#s $un# #Bo ni .#ir$#n. N#n& $#B#-#%is n# si Ms. P#n&i%in#n, pin#p#soB n# ni)# #Bo u%it. U$upo #Bo. @u$#pit s# %iBur#n Bo si .#ir$#n, .in#3#B#n #n& B#%i3#n& (#%iB#t Bo n# pinipisi% n& B#n#n& B#$#) ni)# #t sin#(i: .#ir$#n: S##n n# (# t#)o n#t#posC P#%#B#d-%#B#d si)# s# #Bin& %iBur#n .#(#n& n#&-didiBt#. "u$into si)# p#&B#t#pos, #t ni%#&#) ni)# #n& B#n#n& B#$#) ni)# s# #Bin& B#n#n& (#%iB#t #t pinisi%pisi% ito p#&B#t#pos #) pin#&#p#n& ni)# ito s# B#n#n& (#.#&i n& #Bin& %ee&, #t pin#&#p#n& .#n&&#n& B#n#n& ten&# #t s#B# Bini%iti. :ito Bo in#%is #n& B#ni)#n& B#$#) s# p#$#$#&it#n n& #Bin& B#%i3#n& B#$#). At s#B# Bo sin#(i: Lourdes: 'ir, yung kamay ninyo alisin niyo*

N#t#pos Bo rin #n& %i.#$ n# pin#&#&#3# ni)# pero .#%os .indi Bo n# $#intindi.#n #n& n#-isu%#t Bo d#.i% s# t#Bot #t inis n# n#r#r#$d#$#n Bo.7<8

A/ter t.e %#st in0ident n#rr#ted, :o$in&o /i%ed /or %e#ve o/ #(sen0e #nd #sBed to (e i$$edi#te%) tr#ns/erred. T.ere#/ter, s.e /i%ed t.e o$p%#int /or sexu#% .#r#ss$ent on t.e (#sis o/ Ad$inistr#tive Order No. ,D-, t.e 1ules and 1egulations Implementing 1& 2322 in the Department of Labor and 4mployment. Upon re0eipt o/ t.e o$p%#int, t.e :O@E Se0ret#r) re/erred t.e o$p%#int to t.e OP, R#)#%# (ein& # presidenti#% #ppointee. T.e OP, t.rou&. t.en Exe0utive Se0ret#r) Ron#%do Z#$or#, ordered Se0ret#r) @#&ues$# to investi&#te t.e #%%e&#tions in t.e o$p%#int #nd 0re#te # 0o$$ittee /or su0. purpose. On :e0e$(er <, *AA+, Se0ret#r) @#&ues$# issued Ad$inistr#tive Order >AO? No. ,+-, Series o/ *AA+,7D8 0onstitutin& # o$$ittee on :e0oru$ #nd Investi&#tion > o$$ittee? in #00ord#n0e 3it. Repu(%i0 A0t >RA? E+EE, t.e&nti 'e-ual %arassment &+t of 5667.7;8 T.e o$$ittee .e#rd t.e p#rties #nd re0eived t.eir respe0tive eviden0e. On M#r0. ,, ,---, t.e o$$ittee su($itted its report #nd re0o$$end#tion to Se0ret#r) @#&ues$#. It /ound R#)#%# &ui%t) o/ t.e o//ense 0.#r&ed #nd re0o$$ended t.e i$position o/ t.e $ini$u$ pen#%t) provided under AO ,D-, 3.i0. it erroneous%) st#ted #s suspension /or six >;? $ont.s. T.e /o%%o3in& d#), Se0ret#r) @#&ues$# su($itted # 0op) o/ t.e o$$ittee Report #nd Re0o$$end#tion to t.e OP, (ut 3it. t.e re0o$$end#tion t.#t t.e pen#%t) s.ou%d (e suspension /or six >;? $ont.s #nd one >*? d#), in #00ord#n0e 3it. AO ,D-. On M#) +, ,---, t.e OP, t.rou&. Exe0utive Se0ret#r) Z#$or#, issued AO **A, 7E8 t.e pertinent portions o/ 3.i0. re#d:
Upon # 0#re/u% s0rutin) o/ t.e eviden0e on re0ord, I 0on0ur 3it. t.e /indin&s o/ t.e o$$ittee #s to t.e 0u%p#(i%it) o/ t.e respondent 7R#)#%#8, t.e s#$e .#vin& (een est#(%is.ed () 0%e#r #nd 0onvin0in& eviden0e. "o3ever, I dis#&ree 3it. t.e re0o$$end#tion t.#t respondent (e $eted on%) t.e pen#%t) o/ suspension /or six >;? $ont.s #nd one >*? d#) 0onsiderin& t.e 0ir0u$st#n0es o/ t.e 0#se. H.#t #&&r#v#tes respondent4s situ#tion is t.e undeni#(%e 0ir0u$st#n0e t.#t .e tooB #dv#nt#&e o/ .is position #s t.e superior o/ t.e 0o$p%#in#nt. Respondent o00upies t.e .i&.est position in t.e N@R , (ein& its .#ir$#n. As .e#d o/ s#id o//i0e, it 3#s in0u$(ent upon respondent to set #n ex#$p%e to t.e ot.ers #s to .o3 t.e) s.ou%d 0ondu0t t.e$se%ves in pu(%i0 o//i0e, to see to it t.#t .is su(ordin#tes 3orB e//i0ient%) in #00ord#n0e 3it. ivi% Servi0e Ru%es #nd Re&u%#tions, #nd to provide t.e$ 3it. .e#%t.) 3orBin& #t$osp.ere 3.erein 0o-3orBers tre#t e#0. 3it. respe0t, 0ourtes) #nd 0ooper#tion, so t.#t in t.e end t.e pu(%i0 interest 3i%% (e (ene/ited > it) M#)or o/ Z#$(o#n&# vs. ourt o/ Appe#%s, *+, S RA E+D 7*AA-8?.

H.#t is $ore, pu(%i0 servi0e reIuires t.e ut$ost inte&rit) #nd stri0test dis0ip%ine >G#no vs. @eonen, ,=, S RA AA 7*AA<8?., # pu(%i0 serv#nt $ust ex.i(it #t #%% ti$es t.e .i&.est sense o/ .onest) #nd inte&rit), #nd 1ut$ost devotion #nd dedi0#tion to dut)2 >Se0. < >&?, RA ;E*=?, respe0t t.e ri&.ts o/ ot.ers #nd s.#%% re/r#in /ro$ doin& #0ts 0ontr#r) to %#3, #nd &ood $or#%s >Se0. <>0??. No %ess t.#n t.e onstitution s#n0ti/ies t.e prin0ip%e t.#t # pu(%i0 o//i0e is # pu(%i0 trust, #nd en5oins #%% pu(%i0 o//i0ers #nd e$p%o)ees to serve 3it. t.e .i&.est de&ree o/ responsi(i%it), inte&rit), %o)#%t) #nd e//i0ien0) >Se0tion *, Arti0%e JI, *A+E onstitution?. Given t.ese est#(%is.ed st#nd#rds, I see respondent4s #0ts not 5ust 7#s8 # /#i%ure to &ive due 0ourtes) #nd respe0t to .is 0o-e$p%o)ees >su(ordin#tes? or to $#int#in &ood 0ondu0t #nd (e.#vior (ut de/i#n0e o/ t.e (#si0 nor$s or virtues 3.i0. # &overn$ent o//i0i#% $ust #t #%% ti$es up.o%d, one t.#t is 0ontr#r) to %#3 #nd 1pu(%i0 sense o/ $or#%it).2 Ot.er3ise st#ted, respondent K to 3.o$ stri0ter st#nd#rds $ust #pp%) (ein& t.e .i&.est o//i0i#% 7o/8 t.e N@R K .#d s.o3n #n #ttitude, # /r#$e o/ $ind, # dis&r#0e/u% 0ondu0t, 3.i0. renders .i$ un/it to re$#in in t.e servi0e. :HEREFORE, in vie3 o/ t.e /ore&oin&, respondent Ro&e%io I. R#)#%#, .#ir$#n, N#tion#% @#(or Re%#tions o$$ission, is /ound &ui%t) o/ t.e &r#ve o//ense o/ dis&r#0e/u% #nd i$$or#% 0ondu0t #nd is .ere() DISMISSED /ro$ t.e servi0e e//e0tive upon re0eipt o/ Order. SO OR:ER7E:8.

R#)#%# /i%ed # Motion /or Re0onsider#tion, 3.i0. t.e OP denied in # Reso%ution7+8 d#ted M#) ,<, ,---. "e t.en /i%ed # Petition /or Certiorari #nd Pro.i(ition 3it. Pr#)er /or Te$por#r) Restr#inin& Order under Ru%e ;D o/ t.e Revised Ru%es on ivi% Pro0edure (e/ore ourt on Lune *<, ,---.7A8 "o3ever, t.e s#$e 3#s dis$issed in # Reso%ution d#ted Lune ,;, ,--/or disre&#rdin& t.e .ier#r0.) o/ 0ourts.7*-8 R#)#%# /i%ed # Motion /or Re0onsider#tion7**8 on Au&ust *D, ,---. In its Reso%ution7*,8 d#ted Septe$(er <, ,---, t.e ourt re0#%%ed its Lune ,; Reso%ution #nd re/erred t.e petition to t.e ourt o/ Appe#%s > A? /or #ppropri#te #0tion. T.e A rendered its :e0ision7*=8 on :e0e$(er *<, ,--*. It .e%d t.#t t.ere 3#s su//i0ient eviden0e on re0ord to 0re#te $or#% 0ert#int) t.#t R#)#%# 0o$$itted t.e #0ts .e 3#s 0.#r&ed 3it.. It s#id:
T.e 0o$p%#in#nt n#rr#ted .er stor) 0o$p%ete 3it. det#i%s. "er str#i&.t/or3#rd #nd unin.i(ited testi$on) 3#s not e$#s0u%#ted () t.e de0%#r#tions o/ o$$issioner R#)#%# or .is 3itnesses. x x x Moreover, o$$issioner R#)#%# .#s not proven #n) vi0ious $otive /or :o$in&o #nd .er 3itnesses to invent t.eir stories. It is ver) un%iBe%) t.#t t.e) 3ou%d per5ure t.e$se%ves on%) to #00o$$od#te t.e #%%e&ed 0onspir#0) to oust petitioner /ro$ o//i0e. S#ve /or .is e$pt) 0on5e0tures #nd spe0u%#tions, R#)#%# /#i%ed to su(st#nti#te .is 0ontrived 0onspir#0). It is # .orn(ooB do0trine t.#t 0onspir#0) $ust (e proved () positive #nd 0onvin0in& eviden0e >#eople ). Noro8a, 9:6 'C1& 7;: <:;;;=?. 9esides, it is i$pro(#(%e t.#t t.e 0o$p%#in#nt 3ou%d 0on0o0t # stor) o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent #&#inst

t.e .i&.est o//i0i#% o/ t.e N@R #nd t.ere() expose .erse%/ to t.e possi(i%it) o/ %osin& .er 5o(, or (e t.e su(5e0t o/ repris#% /ro$ .er superiors #nd per.#ps pu(%i0 ridi0u%e i/ s.e 3#s not te%%in& t.e trut..

It #%so .e%d t.#t R#)#%#4s dis$iss#% 3#s proper. T.e A pointed out t.#t R#)#%# 3#s dis$issed /or dis&r#0e/u% #nd i$$or#% 0ondu0t in vio%#tion o/ RA ;E*=, t.e Code of Condu+t and 4thi+al 'tandards for #ubli+ ,ffi+ials and 4mployees. It .e%d t.#t t.e OP 3#s 0orre0t in 0on0%udin& t.#t R#)#%#4s #0ts vio%#ted RA ;E*=:
Indeed, 7R#)#%#8 3#s # pu(%i0 o//i0i#%, .o%din& t.e .#ir$#ns.ip o/ t.e N#tion#% @#(or Re%#tions o$$ission, entrusted 3it. t.e s#0red dut) o/ #d$inisterin& 5usti0e. O00up)in& #s .e does su0. #n ex#%ted position, o$$issioner R#)#%# $ust p#) # .i&. pri0e /or t.e .onor (esto3ed upon .i$. "e $ust 0o$port .i$se%/ #t #%% ti$es in su0. # $#nner t.#t t.e 0ondu0t o/ .is ever)d#) %i/e s.ou%d (e (e)ond repro#0. #nd /ree /ro$ #n) i$propriet). T.#t t.e #0ts 0o$p%#ined o/ 3ere 0o$$itted t.e s#n0tu#r) o/ 7.is8 o//i0e 0o$pounded t.e o(5e0tion#(%e n#ture o/ .is 3ron&doin&. 9) d#rin& to vio%#te t.e 0o$p%#in#nt t.e so%itude o/ .is 0.#$(ers, o$$issioner R#)#%# p%#0ed t.e inte&rit) o/ .is o//i0e in disrepute. "is dis&r#0e/u% #nd i$$or#% 0ondu0t 3#rr#nts .is re$ov#% /ro$ o//i0e.7*<8, it dis$issed t.e petition, to 3it:

IN GIEH O' A@@ T"E 'OREGOING, t.e inst#nt petition is .ere() :ISMISSE: #nd Ad$inistr#tive Order No. **A #s 3e%% 7#s8 t.e Reso%ution o/ t.e O//i0e o/ t.e President in O.P. #se No. ---E-A**+ d#ted M#) ,<, ,--- #re A''IRME: IN TOTO. No 0ost. SO OR:ERE:.7*D8

R#)#%# ti$e%) /i%ed # Motion /or Re0onsider#tion. Lusti0es G#sIueF #nd To%entino voted to #//ir$ t.e :e0e$(er *< :e0ision. "o3ever, Lusti0e Re)es dissented $#in%) (e0#use AO ,D- st#tes t.#t t.e pen#%t) i$pos#(%e is suspension /or six >;? $ont.s #nd one >*? d#).7*;8 Pursu#nt to t.e intern#% ru%es o/ t.e A, # Spe0i#% :ivision o/ 'ive 3#s 0onstituted.7*E8In its O0to(er *+, ,--, Reso%ution, t.e A $odi/ied its e#r%ier :e0ision:
A OR:ING@Y, t.e :e0ision d#ted :e0e$(er 7*<8, ,--* is MO:I'IE: to t.e e//e0t t.#t t.e pen#%t) o/ dis$iss#% is :E@ETE: #nd inste#d t.e pen#%t) o/ suspension /ro$ servi0e /or t.e $#xi$u$ period o/ one >*? )e#r is "ERE9Y IMPOSE: upon t.e petitioner. T.e rest o/ t.e 0.#%%en&ed de0ision st#nds. SO OR:ERE:.

:o$in&o /i%ed # Petition /or Revie37*+8 (e/ore ourt, 3.i0. 3e denied in our 'e(ru#r) *A, ,--= Reso%ution /or .#vin& # de/e0tive veri/i0#tion. S.e /i%ed # Motion /or Re0onsider#tion, 3.i0. t.e ourt &r#nted6 .en0e, t.e petition 3#s reinst#ted. R#)#%# %iBe3ise /i%ed # Petition /or Revie37*A8 3it. ourt essenti#%%) #r&uin& t.#t .e is not &ui%t) o/ #n) #0t o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent.

Me#n3.i%e, t.e Repu(%i0 /i%ed # Motion /or Re0onsider#tion o/ t.e A4s O0to(er *+, ,--, Reso%ution. T.e A denied t.e s#$e in its Lune =, ,--= Reso%ution, t.e dispositive portion o/ 3.i0. re#ds:
ACCORDINGLY, () # $#5orit) vote, pu(%i0 respondents4 Motion /or Re0onsider#tion, >si0? is DENIED. SO ORDERED.

T.e Repu(%i0 t.en /i%ed its o3n Petition /or Revie3.7,-8 On Lune ,+, ,--<, t.e ourt dire0ted t.e 0onso%id#tion o/ t.e t.ree >=? petitions. G.R. No. 155831 :o$in&o #ss#i%s t.e A4s reso%ution $odi/)in& t.e pen#%t) i$posed () t.e O//i0e o/ t.e President. S.e r#ises issue:
T.e ourt o/ Appe#%s erred in $odi/)in& t.e pen#%t) /or t.e respondent /ro$ dis$iss#% to suspension /ro$ servi0e /or t.e $#xi$u$ period o/ one )e#r. T.e President .#s t.e prero&#tive to deter$ine t.e proper pen#%t) to (e i$posed on #n errin& Presidenti#% #ppointee. T.e President 3#s 3e%% .is po3er 3.en .e /ittin&%) used t.#t prero&#tive in de0idin& to dis$iss t.e respondent /ro$ t.e servi0e.7,*8

S.e #r&ues t.#t t.e po3er to re$ove R#)#%#, # presidenti#% #ppointee, is %od&ed 3it. t.e President 3.o .#s 0ontro% o/ t.e entire Exe0utive :ep#rt$ent, its (ure#us #nd o//i0es. T.e OP4s de0ision 3#s #rrived #t #/ter #//ordin& R#)#%# due pro0ess. "en0e, .is dis$iss#% /ro$ t.e servi0e is # prero&#tive t.#t is entire%) 3it. t.e President.7,,8 As to t.e #pp%i0#(i%it) o/ AO No. ,D-, s.e #r&ues t.#t t.e s#$e 3#s not intended to 0over 0#ses #&#inst presidenti#% #ppointees. AO No. ,D- re/ers on%) to t.e inst#n0es 3.erein t.e :O@E Se0ret#r) is t.e dis0ip%inin& #ut.orit), #nd, t.e AO does not 0ir0u$s0ri(e t.e po3er o/ t.e President to dis$iss #n errin& presidenti#% #ppointee. G.R. No. 155840 In .is petition, R#)#%# r#ises t.e /o%%o3in& issues:




InvoBin& &>uino ). &+osta,7,<8 R#)#%# #r&ues t.#t t.e 0#se is t.e de/initive ru%in& on 3.#t 0onstitutes sexu#% .#r#ss$ent., .e posits t.#t /or sexu#% .#r#ss$ent to exist under RA E+EE, t.ere $ust (e: >#? de$#nd, reIuest, or reIuire$ent o/ # sexu#% /#vor6 >(? t.e s#$e is $#de # pre-0ondition to .irin&, re-e$p%o)$ent, or 0ontinued e$p%o)$ent6 or >0? t.e deni#% t.ereo/ resu%ts in dis0ri$in#tion #&#inst t.e e$p%o)ee. R#)#%# #sserts t.#t :o$in&o .#s /#i%ed to #%%e&e #nd est#(%is. #n) sexu#% /#vor, de$#nd, or reIuest /ro$ petitioner in ex0.#n&e /or .er 0ontinued e$p%o)$ent or /or .er pro$otion. A00ordin& to R#)#%#, t.e #0ts i$puted to .i$ #re 3it.out $#%i0e or u%terior $otive. It 3#s $ere%) :o$in&o4s per0eption o/ $#%i0e in .is #%%e&ed #0ts K # 1produ0t o/ .er o3n i$#&in#tion27,D8 K t.#t %ed .er to /i%e t.e sexu#% .#r#ss$ent 0o$p%#int. @iBe3ise, R#)#%# #ss#i%s t.e OP4s interpret#tion, #s up.e%d () t.e A, t.#t RA E+EE is malum prohibitum su0. t.#t t.e de/ense o/ #(sen0e o/ $#%i0e is un#v#i%in&. "e #r&ues t.#t sexu#% .#r#ss$ent is 0onsidered #n o//ense #&#inst # p#rti0u%#r person, not #&#inst so0iet) #s # 3.o%e., .e 0%#i$s t.#t intent is #n essenti#% e%e$ent o/ t.e o//ense (e0#use t.e %#3 reIuires #s # +onditio sine >ua non t.#t # sexu#% /#vor (e /irst sou&.t () t.e o//ender in order to #0.ieve 0ert#in spe0i/i0 resu%ts. Sexu#% .#r#ss$ent is 0o$$itted 3it. t.e perpetr#tor4s de%i(er#te intent to 0o$$it t.e o//ense.7,;8 R#)#%# next #r&ues t.#t AO ,D- exp#nds t.e #0ts pros0ri(ed in RA E+EE. In p#rti0u%#r, .e #ss#i%s t.e de/inition o/ t.e /or$s o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent:
R#)" IV FORMS OF SE;,AL HARASSMENT Se0tion *. o!"s o# S$%&a' (a!ass"$n). K Sexu#% .#r#ss$ent $#) (e 0o$$itted in #n) o/ t.e /o%%o3in& /or$s: #? Overt sexu#% #dv#n0es6 (? Un3e%0o$e or i$proper &estures o/ #//e0tion6 0? ReIuest or de$#nd /or sexu#% /#vors in0%udin& (ut not %i$ited to &oin& out on d#tes, outin&s or t.e %iBe /or t.e s#$e purpose6 d? An) #0t or 0ondu0t o/ # sexu#% n#ture or /or purposes o/ sexu#% &r#ti/i0#tion 3.i0. is &ener#%%) #nno)in&, dis&ustin& or o//ensive to t.e vi0ti$.7,E8

"e posits t.#t t.ese #0ts #%one 3it.out 0orrespondin& de$#nd, reIuest, or reIuire$ent do not 0onstitute sexu#% .#r#ss$ent #s 0onte$p%#ted () t.e %#3.7,+8 "e #%%e&es t.#t t.e ru%e-$#Bin& po3er &r#nted to t.e e$p%o)er in Se0tion <>#? o/ RA E+EE is %i$ited on%) to pro0edur#% $#tters. T.e %#3 did not de%e&#te to t.e e$p%o)er t.e

po3er to pro$u%&#te ru%es 3.i0. 3ou%d provide or #ddition#% /or$s o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent, or to 0o$e up 3it. its o3n de/inition o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent.7,A8 G.R. No. 158*00 T.e Repu(%i0 r#ises issue:
:h"th"% '% n't th" P%"si0"nt '( th" Phi)ippin"s &a $a)i0) 0is&iss %"sp'n0"nt Ra a)a as Chai%&an '( th" NLRC ('% c'&&ittin. acts '( s"!#a) ha%ass&"nt.>57?

T.e Repu(%i0 #r&ues t.#t R#)#%#4s #0ts 0onstitute sexu#% .#r#ss$ent under AO ,D-. "is #0ts 0onstitute un3e%0o$e or i$proper &estures o/ #//e0tion #nd #re #0ts or 0ondu0t o/ # sexu#% n#ture, 3.i0. #re &ener#%%) #nno)in& or o//ensive to t.e vi0ti$.7=*8 It #%so 0ontends t.#t t.ere is no %e&#% (#sis /or t.e A4s redu0tion o/ t.e pen#%t) i$posed () t.e OP. R#)#%#4s dis$iss#% is v#%id #nd 3#rr#nted under t.e 0ir0u$st#n0es. T.e po3er to re$ove t.e N@R .#ir$#n so%e%) rests upon t.e President, %i$ited on%) () t.e reIuire$ents under t.e %#3 #nd t.e due pro0ess 0%#use. T.e Repu(%i0 / 0%#i$s t.#t, #%t.ou&. AO ,D- provides on%) # one >*? )e#r suspension, it 3i%% not prevent t.e OP /ro$ v#%id%) i$posin& t.e pen#%t) o/ dis$iss#% on R#)#%#. It #r&ues t.#t even t.ou&. R#)#%# is # presidenti#% #ppointee, .e is sti%% su(5e0t to t.e ivi% Servi0e @#3. Under t.e ivi% Servi0e @#3, dis&r#0e/u% #nd i$$or#% 0ondu0t, t.e #0ts i$puted to R#)#%#, 0onstitute &r#ve $is0ondu0t punis.#(%e () dis$iss#% /ro$ t.e servi0e.7=,8 T.e Repu(%i0 #dds t.#t R#)#%#4s position is invested 3it. pu(%i0 trust #nd .is #0ts vio%#ted t.#t trust6, .e s.ou%d (e dis$issed /ro$ t.e servi0e. #r&u$ent, #00ordin& to t.e Repu(%i0, is #%so supported () Arti0%e ,*D o/ t.e @#(or ode, 3.i0. st#tes t.#t t.e .#ir$#n o/ t.e N@R .o%ds o//i0e unti% .e t.e #&e o/ ;D on%) durin& &ood (e.#vior.7==8 Sin0e R#)#%#4s se0urit) o/ tenure is 0onditioned upon .is &ood (e.#vior, .e $#) (e re$oved /ro$ o//i0e i/ it is proven t.#t .e .#s /#i%ed to %ive up to st#nd#rd. A%% t.e issues r#ised in t.ese t.ree 0#ses 0#n (e su$$ed up in t3o u%ti$#te Iuestions, n#$e%):
+2/ Di0 Ra a)a c'&&it s"!#a) ha%ass&"nt@ +=/ I( h" 0i0, Ahat is th" app)ica*)" p"na)t @

Initi#%%), .o3ever, 3e $ust reso%ve # pro0edur#% issue r#ised () R#)#%#. "e #00uses t.e O//i0e o/ t.e So%i0itor Gener#% >OSG?, #s 0ounse% /or t.e Repu(%i0, o/ /oru$ s.oppin& (e0#use it /i%ed # $otion /or re0onsider#tion o/ t.e de0ision in A-G.R. SP No. ;*-,; #nd t.en /i%ed # 0o$$ent in G.R. No. *DD+<- (e/ore ourt.

He do not #&ree. 'oru$ s.oppin& is #n #0t o/ # p#rt), #&#inst 3.o$ #n #dverse 5ud&$ent or order .#s (een rendered in one /oru$, o/ seeBin& #nd possi(%) se0urin& # /#vor#(%e opinion in /oru$, t.#n () #ppe#% or spe0i#% 0ivi% #0tion /or +ertiorari.7=<8 It 0onsists o/ /i%in& $u%tip%e suits invo%vin& t.e s#$e p#rties /or t.e s#$e 0#use o/ #0tion, si$u%t#neous%) or su00essive%), /or t.e purpose o/ o(t#inin& # /#vor#(%e 5ud&$ent.7=D8 T.ere is /oru$ s.oppin& 3.en t.e /o%%o3in& e%e$ents 0on0ur: >*? identit) o/ t.e p#rties or, #t %e#st, o/ t.e p#rties 3.o represent t.e s#$e interest in (ot. #0tions6 >,? identit) o/ t.e ri&.ts #sserted #nd re%ie/ pr#)ed /or, #s t.e %#tter is /ounded on t.e s#$e set o/ /#0ts6 #nd >=? identit) o/ t.e t3o pre0edin& p#rti0u%#rs su0. t.#t #n) 5ud&$ent rendered in t.e #0tion 3i%% #$ount to res ?udi+ata in t.e #0tion under 0onsider#tion or 3i%% 0onstitute litis pendentia.7=;8 Revie3in& t.e #nte0edents o/ t.ese 0onso%id#ted 0#ses, 3e note t.#t t.e A rendered t.e #ss#i%ed Reso%ution on O0to(er *+, ,--,. T.e Repu(%i0 /i%ed its Motion /or Re0onsider#tion on Nove$(er ,,, ,--,. On t.e .#nd, R#)#%# /i%ed .is petition (e/ore ourt on Nove$(er ,*, ,--,. H.i%e t.e Repu(%i04s Motion /or Re0onsider#tion 3#s pendin& reso%ution (e/ore t.e A, on :e0e$(er ,, ,--,, it 3#s dire0ted () ourt to /i%e its o$$ent on R#)#%#4s petition, 3.i0. it su($itted on Lune *;, ,--=. H.en t.e A denied t.e Motion /or Re0onsider#tion, t.e Repu(%i0 /i%ed its o3n Petition /or Revie3 3it. ourt on Lu%) =, ,--=. It 0ited in its 1 erti/i0#tion #nd Geri/i0#tion o/ # Non-'oru$ S.oppin&2 >si0?, t.#t t.ere 3#s # 0#se invo%vin& t.e s#$e /#0ts pendin& (e/ore ourt deno$in#ted #s G.R. No. *DD+<-. Hit. respe0t to :o$in&o4s petition, t.e s#$e .#d #%re#d) (een dis$issed on 'e(ru#r) *A, ,--=. :o$in&o4s petition 3#s reinst#ted on Lune *;, ,--= (ut t.e reso%ution 3#s re0eived () t.e OSG on%) on Lu%) ,D, ,--=, or #/ter it .#d /i%ed its o3n petition.7=E8 9#sed on t.e /ore&oin&, it 0#nnot (e s#id t.#t t.e OSG is &ui%t) o/ /oru$ s.oppin&. He $ust point out t.#t it 3#s R#)#%# 3.o /i%ed t.e petition in t.e A, 3it. t.e Repu(%i0 #s t.e #dverse p#rt). R#)#%# .i$se%/ /i%ed # $otion /or re0onsider#tion o/ t.e A4s :e0e$(er ,*, ,--* :e0ision, 3.i0. %ed to # $ore /#vor#(%e ru%in&, i.e., t.e %o3erin& o/ t.e pen#%t) /ro$ dis$iss#% to one-)e#r suspension. T.e p#rties #dverse%) #//e0ted () ru%in& >:o$in&o #nd t.e Repu(%i0? .#d t.e ri&.t to Iuestion t.e s#$e on

$otion /or re0onsider#tion. 9ut :o$in&o dire0t%) /i%ed # Petition /or Revie3 3it. ourt, #s did R#)#%#. H.en t.e Repu(%i0 opted to /i%e # $otion /or re0onsider#tion, it 3#s $ere%) exer0isin& # ri&.t. T.#t R#)#%# #nd :o$in&o .#d () t.en #%re#d) /i%ed 0#ses (e/ore t.e S did not t#Be #3#) ri&.t., 3.en ourt dire0ted t.e Repu(%i0 to /i%e its o$$ent on R#)#%#4s petition, it .#d to 0o$p%), even i/ it .#d #n unreso%ved $otion /or re0onsider#tion 3it. t.e A, %est it (e 0ited /or 0onte$pt. A00ordin&%), it 0#nnot (e s#id t.#t t.e OSG 1/i%e7d8 $u%tip%e suits invo%vin& t.e s#$e p#rties /or t.e s#$e 0#use o/ #0tion, si$u%t#neous%) or su00essive%), /or t.e purpose o/ o(t#inin& # /#vor#(%e 5ud&$ent.2 He no3 pro0eed to dis0uss t.e su(st#ntive issues. It is note3ort.) t.#t t.e /ive A Lusti0es 3.o de%i(er#ted on t.e 0#se 3ere un#ni$ous in up.o%din& t.e /indin&s o/ t.e o$$ittee #nd t.e OP. T.e) /ound t.e #ssess$ent $#de () t.e o$$ittee #nd t.e OP to (e # 1$eti0u%ous #nd disp#ssion#te #n#%)sis o/ t.e testi$onies o/ t.e 0o$p%#in#nt >:o$in&o?, t.e respondent >R#)#%#?, #nd t.eir respe0tive 3itnesses.2 7=+8 T.e) di//ered on%) on t.e #ppropri#te i$pos#(%e pen#%t). T.#t R#)#%# 0o$$itted t.e #0ts 0o$p%#ined o/ K #nd 3#s &ui%t) o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent K is, t.ere/ore, t.e 0o$$on /#0tu#% /indin& o/ not 5ust one, (ut t.ree independent (odies: t.e o$$ittee, t.e OP #nd t.e A. It s.ou%d (e re$e$(ered t.#t 3.en supported () su(st#nti#% eviden0e, /#0tu#% /indin&s $#de () Iu#si-5udi0i#% #nd #d$inistr#tive (odies #re #00orded &re#t respe0t #nd even /in#%it) () t.e 0ourts.7=A8 T.e prin0ip%e, t.ere/ore, di0t#tes t.#t su0. /indin&s s.ou%d (ind us.7<-8 Indeed, 3e /ind no re#son to devi#te /ro$ ru%e. T.ere #ppe#rs no v#%id &round /or ourt to revie3 t.e /#0tu#% /indin&s o/ t.e A, t.e OP, #nd t.e Investi&#tin& o$$ittee. T.ese /indin&s #re no3 0on0%usive on t.e ourt. And Iuite si&ni/i0#nt%), R#)#%# .i$se%/ #d$its to .#vin& 0o$$itted so$e o/ t.e #0ts i$puted to .i$. "e insists, .o3ever, t.#t t.ese #0ts do not 0onstitute sexu#% .#r#ss$ent, (e0#use :o$in&o did not #%%e&e in .er 0o$p%#int t.#t t.ere 3#s # de$#nd, reIuest, or reIuire$ent o/ # sexu#% /#vor #s # 0ondition /or .er 0ontinued e$p%o)$ent or /or .er pro$otion to # .i&.er position.7<*8 R#)#%# ur&es us to #pp%) to .is 0#se our ru%in& in &>uino ). &+osta.7<,8 He /ind respondent4s insisten0e un0onvin0in&.

9#si0 in t.e %#3 o/ pu(%i0 o//i0ers is t.e three fold liability rule, 3.i0. st#tes t.#t t.e 3ron&/u% #0ts or o$issions o/ # pu(%i0 o//i0er $#) &ive rise to 0ivi%, 0ri$in#% #nd #d$inistr#tive %i#(i%it). An #0tion /or e#0. 0#n pro0eed independent%) o/ t.e ot.ers. 7<=8 ru%e #pp%ies 3it. /u%% /or0e to sexu#% .#r#ss$ent. T.e %#3 pen#%iFin& sexu#% .#r#ss$ent in our 5urisdi0tion is RA E+EE. Se0tion = t.ereo/ de/ines 3orB-re%#ted sexu#% .#r#ss$ent in 3ise:
Se0. =. HorB, Edu0#tion or Tr#inin&-re%#ted Sexu#% "#r#ss$ent :e/ined. K HorB, edu0#tion or tr#inin&-re%#ted sexu#% .#r#ss$ent is 0o$$itted () #n e$p%o)er, $#n#&er, supervisor, #&ent o/ t.e e$p%o)er,, instru0tor, pro/essor, 0o#0., tr#inor, or #n) person 3.o, .#vin& #ut.orit), in/%uen0e or $or#% #s0end#n0) over in # 3orB or tr#inin& or edu0#tion environ$ent, de$#nds, reIuests or ot.er3ise reIuires #n) sexu#% /#vor /ro$ t.e, re&#rd%ess o/ t.e de$#nd, reIuest or reIuire$ent /or su($ission is #00epted () t.e o(5e0t o/ s#id A0t. >#? In # 3orB-re%#ted or e$p%o)$ent environ$ent, sexu#% .#r#ss$ent is 0o$$itted 3.en: >*? T.e sexu#% /#vor is $#de #s # 0ondition in t.e .irin& or in t.e e$p%o)$ent, re-e$p%o)$ent or 0ontinued e$p%o)$ent o/ s#id individu#%, or in &r#ntin& s#id individu#% /#vor#(%e 0o$pens#tion, ter$s, 0onditions, pro$otions, or privi%e&es6 or t.e re/us#% to &r#nt t.e sexu#% /#vor resu%ts in %i$itin&, se&re&#tin& or 0%#ssi/)in& t.e e$p%o)ee 3.i0. in # 3#) 3ou%d dis0ri$in#te, deprive or di$inis. e$p%o)$ent opportunities or ot.er3ise #dverse%) #//e0t s#id e$p%o)ee6 >,? T.e #(ove #0ts 3ou%d i$p#ir t.e e$p%o)ee4s ri&.ts or privi%e&es under existin& %#(or %#3s6 or >=? T.e #(ove #0ts 3ou%d resu%t in #n inti$id#tin&, .osti%e, or o//ensive environ$ent /or t.e e$p%o)ee. se0tion, in re%#tion to Se0tion E on pen#%ties, de/ines t.e 0ri$in#% #spe0t o/ t.e un%#3/u% #0t o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent. T.e s#$e se0tion, in re%#tion to Se0tion ;, #ut.oriFes t.e institution o/ #n independent 0ivi% #0tion /or d#$#&es #nd #//ir$#tive re%ie/. Se0tion <, #%so in re%#tion to Se0tion =, &overns t.e pro0edure /or #d$inistr#tive 0#ses, )i/.:
Se0. <. Duty of the 4mployer or %ead of ,ffi+e in a @ork related, 4du+ation or Araining 4n)ironment. K It s.#%% (e t.e dut) o/ t.e e$p%o)er or t.e .e#d o/ t.e 3orBre%#ted, edu0#tion#% or tr#inin& environ$ent or institution, to prevent or deter t.e 0o$$ission o/ #0ts o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent #nd to provide t.e pro0edures /or t.e reso%ution, sett%e$ent or prose0ution o/ #0ts o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent. To3#rds end, t.e e$p%o)er or .e#d o/ o//i0e s.#%%: >#? Pro$u%&#te #ppropri#te ru%es #nd re&u%#tions in 0onsu%t#tion 3it. #nd 5oint%) #pproved () t.e e$p%o)ees or students or tr#inees, t.rou&. t.eir du%) desi&n#ted represent#tives, pres0ri(in& t.e pro0edure /or t.e investi&#tion or sexu#% .#r#ss$ent 0#ses #nd t.e #d$inistr#tive s#n0tions t.ere/or.

Ad$inistr#tive s#n0tions s.#%% not (e # (#r to prose0ution in t.e proper 0ourts /or un%#3/u% #0ts o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent. T.e s#id ru%es #nd re&u%#tions issued pursu#nt to se0tion >#? s.#%% in0%ude, #$on& ot.ers, &uide%ines on proper de0oru$ in t.e 3orBp%#0e #nd edu0#tion#% or tr#inin& institutions. >(? re#te # 0o$$ittee on de0oru$ #nd investi&#tion o/ 0#ses on sexu#% .#r#ss$ent. T.e 0o$$ittee s.#%% 0ondu0t $eetin&s, #s t.e 0#se $#) (e, 3it. o//i0ers #nd e$p%o)ees, te#0.ers, instru0tors, pro/essors,, tr#inors #nd students or tr#inees to in0re#se underst#ndin& #nd prevent in0idents o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent. It s.#%% #%so 0ondu0t t.e investi&#tion o/ t.e #%%e&ed 0#ses 0onstitutin& sexu#% .#r#ss$ent. In t.e 0#se o/ # 3orB-re%#ted environ$ent, t.e 0o$$ittee s.#%% (e 0o$posed o/ #t %e#st one >*? represent#tive e#0. /ro$ t.e $#n#&e$ent, t.e union, i/ #n), t.e e$p%o)ees /ro$ t.e supervisor) r#nB, #nd /ro$ t.e r#nB #nd /i%e e$p%o)ees. In t.e 0#se o/ t.e edu0#tion#% or tr#inin& institution, t.e 0o$$ittee s.#%% (e 0o$posed o/ #t %e#st one >*? represent#tive /ro$ t.e #d$inistr#tion, t.e tr#inors, te#0.ers, instru0tors, pro/essors or #nd students or tr#inees, #s t.e 0#se $#)(e. T.e e$p%o)er or .e#d o/ o//i0e, edu0#tion#% or tr#inin& institution s.#%% disse$in#te or post # 0op) o/ A0t /or t.e in/or$#tion o/ #%% 0on0erned.

T.e A,, 0orre0t%) ru%ed t.#t R#)#%#4s 0u%p#(i%it) is not to (e deter$ined so%e%) on t.e (#sis o/ Se0tion =, RA E+EE, (e0#use .e is 0.#r&ed 3it. t.e #d$inistr#tive o//ense, not t.e 0ri$in#% in/r#0tion, o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent.7<<8 It s.ou%d (e enou&. t.#t t.e A, #%on& 3it. t.e Investi&#tin& o$$ittee #nd t.e O//i0e o/ t.e President, /ound su(st#nti#% eviden0e to support t.e #d$inistr#tive 0.#r&e. Yet, even i/ 3e 3ere to test R#)#%#4s #0ts stri0t%) () t.e st#nd#rds set in Se0tion =, RA E+EE, .e 3ou%d sti%% (e #d$inistr#tive%) %i#(%e. It is true t.#t provision 0#%%s /or # 1de$#nd, reIuest or reIuire$ent o/ # sexu#% /#vor.2 9ut it is not ne0ess#r) t.#t t.e de$#nd, reIuest or reIuire$ent o/ # sexu#% /#vor (e #rti0u%#ted in # 0#te&ori0#% or#% or 3ritten st#te$ent. It $#) (e dis0erned, 3it. eIu#% 0ertitude, /ro$ t.e #0ts o/ t.e o//ender. "o%din& #nd sIueeFin& :o$in&o4s s.ou%ders, runnin& .is /in&ers #0ross .er ne0B #nd ti0B%in& .er e#r, .#vin& in#ppropri#te 0onvers#tions 3it. .er, &ivin& .er $one) #%%e&ed%) /or s0.oo% expenses 3it. # pro$ise o/ /uture privi%e&es, #nd $#Bin& st#te$ents 3it. un$ist#B#(%e sexu#% overtones K #%% t.ese #0ts o/ R#)#%# resound 3it. de#/enin& 0%#rit) t.e unspoBen reIuest /or # sexu#% /#vor. @iBe3ise, 0ontr#r) to R#)#%#4s 0%#i$, it is not essenti#% t.#t t.e de$#nd, reIuest or reIuire$ent (e $#de #s # 0ondition /or 0ontinued e$p%o)$ent or /or pro$otion to #

.i&.er position. It is enou&. t.#t t.e respondent4s #0ts resu%t in 0re#tin& #n inti$id#tin&, .osti%e or o//ensive environ$ent /or t.e e$p%o)ee.7<D8 T.#t t.e #0ts o/ R#)#%# &ener#ted #n inti$id#tin& #nd .osti%e environ$ent /or :o$in&o is 0%e#r%) s.o3n () t.e 0o$$on /#0tu#% /indin& o/ t.e Investi&#tin& o$$ittee, t.e OP #nd t.e A t.#t :o$in&o reported t.e $#tter to #n o//i0e$#te #nd, #/ter t.e %#st in0ident, /i%ed /or # %e#ve o/ #(sen0e #nd reIuested tr#ns/er to unit. R#)#%#4s invo0#tion o/ &>uino ). &+osta7<;8 is $isp%#0ed, (e0#use t.e /#0tu#% settin& in t.#t 0#se is di//erent /ro$ t.#t in t.e 0#se #t (en0.. In &>uino, Att). Sus#n AIuino, .ie/ o/ t.e @e&#% #nd Te0.ni0#% St#// o/ t.e ourt o/ T#x Appe#%s > TA?, 0.#r&ed t.en TA Presidin& Lud&e >no3 Presidin& Lusti0e? Ernesto A0ost# o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent. S.e 0o$p%#ined o/ sever#% in0idents 3.en Lud&e A0ost# #%%e&ed%) Bissed .er, e$(r#0ed .er, #nd put .is #r$ #round .er s.ou%der. T.e 0#se 3#s re/erred to A Lusti0e Lose/in# G. S#%on&# /or investi&#tion. In .er report, Lusti0e S#%on&# /ound t.#t 1t.e 0o$p%#in#nt /#i%ed to s.o3 () 0onvin0in& eviden0e t.#t t.e #0ts o/ Lud&e A0ost# in &reetin& .er 3it. # Biss on t.e 0.eeB, in # M(eso-(eso4 /#s.ion, 3ere 0#rried out 3it. %ust/u% #nd %#s0ivious desires or 3ere $otiv#ted () $#%i0e or i%% $otive. It is 0%e#r /ro$ t.e 0ir0u$st#n0es t.#t $ost o/ t.e Bissin& in0idents 3ere done on /estive #nd spe0i#% o00#sions,2 #nd t.e) 1tooB p%#0e in t.e presen0e o/ peop%e #nd t.e s#$e 3#s () re#son o/ t.e ex#%t#tion or .#ppiness o/ t.e $o$ent.2, Lusti0e S#%on&# 0on0%uded:
In #%% t.e in0idents 0o$p%#ined o/, t.e respondentNs pe0Bs on t.e 0.eeBs o/ t.e 0o$p%#in#nt s.ou%d (e understood in t.e 0ontext o/ .#vin& (een done on t.e o00#sion o/ so$e /estivities, #nd not t.e #ssertion o/ t.e %#tter t.#t s.e 3#s sin&%ed out () Lud&e A0ost# in .is Bissin& es0#p#des. T.e (usses on .er 0.eeBs 3ere si$p%) /riend%) #nd inno0ent, (ere/t o/ $#%i0e #nd %e3d desi&n. T.e /#0t t.#t respondent 5ud&e Bisses peop%e on t.e 0.eeBs in t.e N(eso-(esoN /#s.ion, 3it.out $#%i0e, 3#s 0orro(or#ted () Att). '%ore0it# P. '%ores, Ms. Losep.ine Ad#%e$ #nd Ms. M#. 'ides 9#%i%i, 3.o st#ted t.#t t.e) usu#%%) pr#0ti0e N(eso-(esoN or Bissin& on t.e 0.eeBs, #s # /or$ o/ &reetin& on o00#sions 3.en t.e) $eet e#0., %iBe (irt.d#)s, .rist$#s, Ne3 Ye#rNs :#) #nd even G#%entineNs :#), #nd it does not $#tter it is Lud&e A0ost#Ns (irt.d#) or t.eir (irt.d#)s. T.eres# in0o 9#0t#t, # %#3)er 3.o (e%on&s to 0o$p%#in#ntNs dep#rt$ent, / #ttested t.#t on o00#sions %iBe (irt.d#)s, respondent 5ud&e 3ou%d %iBe3ise &reet .er 3it. # pe0B on t.e 0.eeB in # N(eso-(esoN $#nner. Interestin&%), in one o/ sever#% /estive o00#sions, /e$#%e e$p%o)ees o/ t.e TA pe0Bed respondent 5ud&e on t.e 0.eeB 3.ere Att). AIuino 3#s one o/ Lud&e A0ost#Ns 3e%% 3is.ers. In su$, no sexu#% .#r#ss$ent .#d indeed tr#nspired on t.ose six o00#sions. Lud&e A0ost#Ns #0ts o/ (ussin& Att). AIuino on .er 0.eeB 3ere $ere%) /or$s o/ &reetin&s, 0#su#% #nd 0usto$#r) in n#ture. No eviden0e o/ intent to sexu#%%) .#r#ss 0o$p%#in#nt 3#s #pp#rent, on%) t.#t t.e inno0ent #0ts o/ N(eso-(esoN 3ere &iven $#%i0ious 0onnot#tions () t.e 0o$p%#in#nt. In /#0t, s.e did not even re%#te to #n)one

3.#t .#ppened to .er. Undeni#(%), t.ere is no $#ni/est sexu#% undertone in #%% t.ose in0idents.7<E8 ourt #&reed 3it. Lusti0e S#%on&#, #nd Lud&e A0ost# 3#s exoner#ted. To repe#t, /#0tu#% $i%ieu in &>uino does not o(t#in in t.e 0#se #t (en0.. H.i%e in &>uino, t.e ourt interpreted t.e #0ts >o/ Lud&e A0ost#? #s 0#su#% &estures o/ /riends.ip #nd 0#$#r#derie, done durin& /estive or spe0i#% o00#sions #nd 3it. peop%e present, in t.e inst#nt 0#se, R#)#%#4s #0ts o/ .o%din& #nd sIueeFin& :o$in&o4s s.ou%ders, runnin& .is /in&ers #0ross .er ne0B #nd ti0B%in& .er e#r, #nd t.e in#ppropri#te 0o$$ents, 3ere #%% $#de in t.e 0on/ines o/ R#)#%#4s o//i0e 3.en no $e$(ers o/ .is st#// 3ere #round. More i$port#nt%), #nd # 0ir0u$st#n0e #(sent in &>uino, R#)#%#4s #0ts, #s #%re#d) #dverted to #(ove, produ0ed # .osti%e 3orB environ$ent /or :o$in&o, #s s.o3n () .er .#vin& reported t.e $#tter to #n o//i0e$#te #nd, #/ter t.e %#st in0ident, /i%in& /or # %e#ve o/ #(sen0e #nd reIuestin& tr#ns/er to unit. R#)#%# #%so #r&ues t.#t AO ,D- does not #pp%) to .i$. 'irst, .e #r&ues t.#t AO ,D- does not 0over t.e N@R , 3.i0., #t t.e ti$e o/ t.e in0ident, 3#s under t.e :O@E on%) /or purposes o/ pro&r#$ #nd po%i0) 0oordin#tion. Se0ond, .e posits t.#t even #ssu$in& AO ,D- is #pp%i0#(%e to t.e N@R , .e is not its 0over#&e (e0#use .e is # presidenti#% #ppointee. He /ind, .o3ever, t.#t t.e Iuestion o/ or not AO ,D- 0overs R#)#%# is o/ no re#% 0onseIuen0e. T.e events o/ 0#se un$ist#B#(%) s.o3 t.#t t.e #d$inistr#tive 0.#r&es #&#inst R#)#%# 3ere /or vio%#tion o/ RA E+EE6 t.#t t.e OP proper%) #ssu$ed 5urisdi0tion over t.e #d$inistr#tive 0#se6 t.#t t.e p#rti0ip#tion o/ t.e :O@E, t.rou&. t.e o$$ittee 0re#ted () t.e Se0ret#r), 3#s %i$ited to initi#tin& t.e investi&#tion pro0ess, re0eption o/ eviden0e o/ t.e p#rties, prep#r#tion o/ t.e investi&#tion report, #nd re0o$$endin& t.e #ppropri#te #0tion to (e t#Ben () t.e OP. AO ,D- .#d never re#%%) (een #pp%ied to R#)#%#. I/ it 3#s used #t #%%, it 3#s to serve $ere%) #s #n #uxi%i#r) pro0edur#% &uide to #id t.e o$$ittee in t.e order%) 0ondu0t o/ t.e investi&#tion. Next, R#)#%# #%%e&es t.#t t.e A erred in .o%din& t.#t sexu#% .#r#ss$ent is #n o//ense malum prohibitum. "e #r&ues t.#t intent is #n essenti#% e%e$ent in sexu#% .#r#ss$ent, #nd sin0e t.e #0ts i$puted to .i$ 3ere done #%%e&ed%) 3it.out $#%i0e, .e s.ou%d (e #(so%ved o/ t.e 0.#r&es #&#inst .i$.

He reiter#te t.#t 3.#t is (e/ore us is #n administrati)e 0#se /or sexu#% .#r#ss$ent., t.e +rime o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent is malum in se or malum prohibitum is i$$#teri#%. He #%so re5e0t R#)#%#4s #%%e&#tions t.#t t.e 0.#r&es 3ere /i%ed (e0#use o/ # 0onspir#0) to &et .i$ out o/ o//i0e #nd 0onstitute $ere%) po%iti0#% .#r#ss$ent. A 0onspir#0) $ust (e proved () 0%e#r #nd 0onvin0in& eviden0e. "is (#re #ssertions 0#nnot st#nd #&#inst t.e eviden0e presented () :o$in&o. As 3e .#ve #%re#d) ru%ed, t.e #0ts i$puted to R#)#%# .#ve (een proven #s /#0t. Moreover, .e .#s not proven #n) i%% $otive on t.e p#rt o/ :o$in&o #nd .er 3itnesses 3.i0. 3ou%d (e #$p%e re#son /or .er to 0on5ure stories #(out .i$. On t.e 0ontr#r), i%% $otive is (e%ied () t.e /#0t t.#t :o$in&o #nd .er 3itnesses K #%% e$p%o)ees o/ t.e N@R #t t.#t ti$e K stood to %ose t.eir 5o(s or su//er unp%e#s#nt 0onseIuen0es /or 0o$in& /or3#rd #nd 0.#r&in& t.eir (oss 3it. sexu#% .#r#ss$ent. '$ore, R#)#%# de0ries t.e #%%e&ed vio%#tion o/ .is ri&.t to due pro0ess. "e #00uses t.e o$$ittee on :e0oru$ o/ r#i%ro#din& .is tri#% /or vio%#tion o/ RA E+EE. "e #%so s0ored t.e OP4s de0ision /indin& .i$ &ui%t) o/ 1dis&r#0e/u% #nd i$$or#% 0ondu0t2 under t.e Revised Ad$inistr#tive ode #nd not /or vio%#tion o/ RA E+EE. onsiderin& t.#t .e 3#s not tried /or 1dis&r#0e/u% #nd i$$or#% 0ondu0t,2 .e #r&ues t.#t t.e verdi0t is # 1s.#$ #nd tot#% nu%%it).2 He .o%d t.#t R#)#%# 3#s proper%) #00orded due pro0ess. In previous 0#ses, ourt .e%d t.#t:
7i8n #d$inistr#tive pro0eedin&s, due pro0ess .#s (een re0o&niFed to in0%ude t.e /o%%o3in&: >*? t.e ri&.t to #0tu#% or 0onstru0tive noti0e o/ t.e institution o/ pro0eedin&s 3.i0. $#) #//e0t # respondent4s %e&#% ri&.ts6 >,? # re#% opportunit) to (e .e#rd person#%%) or 3it. t.e #ssist#n0e o/ 0ounse%, to present 3itnesses #nd eviden0e in one4s /#vor, #nd to de/end one4s ri&.ts6 >=? # tri(un#% vested 3it. 0o$petent 5urisdi0tion #nd so 0onstituted #s to #//ord # person 0.#r&ed #d$inistr#tive%) # re#son#(%e &u#r#ntee o/ .onest) #s 3e%% #s i$p#rti#%it)6 #nd ><? # /indin& () s#id tri(un#% 3.i0. is supported () su(st#nti#% eviden0e su($itted /or 0onsider#tion durin& t.e .e#rin& or 0ont#ined in t.e re0ords or $#de Bno3n to t.e p#rties #//e0ted.7<+8

T.e re0ords o/ t.e 0#se indi0#te t.#t R#)#%# 3#s #//orded #%% t.ese pro0edur#% due pro0ess s#/e&u#rds. A%t.ou&. in t.e (e&innin& .e Iuestioned t.e #ut.orit) o/ t.e o$$ittee to tr) .i$,7<A8 .e #ppe#red, person#%%) #nd 3it. 0ounse%, #nd p#rti0ip#ted in t.e pro0eedin&s.

On t.e point r#ised, ourt .#s .e%d t.#t, even in 0ri$in#% 0#ses, t.e desi&n#tion o/ t.e o//ense is not 0ontro%%in&,
H.#t is 0ontro%%in& is not t.e tit%e o/ t.e 0o$p%#int, nor t.e desi&n#tion o/ t.e o//ense 0.#r&ed or t.e p#rti0u%#r %#3 or p#rt t.ereo/ #%%e&ed%) vio%#ted, t.ese (ein& $ere 0on0%usions o/ %#3 $#de () t.e prose0utor, (ut t.e des0ription o/ t.e 0ri$e 0.#r&ed #nd t.e p#rti0u%#r /#0ts t.erein re0ited. T.e #0ts or o$issions 0o$p%#ined o/ $ust (e #%%e&ed in su0. /or$ #s is su//i0ient to en#(%e # person o/ 0o$$on underst#ndin& to Bno3 3.#t o//ense is intended to (e 0.#r&ed, #nd en#(%e t.e 0ourt to pronoun0e proper 5ud&$ent. No in/or$#tion /or # 0ri$e 3i%% (e su//i0ient i/ it does not #00ur#te%) #nd 0%e#r%) #%%e&e t.e e%e$ents o/ t.e 0ri$e 0.#r&ed. Ever) e%e$ent o/ t.e o//ense $ust (e st#ted in t.e in/or$#tion. H.#t /#0ts #nd 0ir0u$st#n0es #re ne0ess#r) to (e in0%uded t.erein $ust (e deter$ined () re/eren0e to t.e de/initions #nd essenti#%s o/ t.e spe0i/ied 0ri$es. T.e reIuire$ent o/ #%%e&in& t.e e%e$ents o/ # 0ri$e in t.e in/or$#tion is to in/or$ t.e #00used o/ t.e n#ture o/ t.e #00us#tion #&#inst .i$ so #s to en#(%e .i$ to suit#(%) prep#re .is de/ense.7D-8

It is note3ort.) t.#t under AO ,D-, sexu#% .#r#ss$ent #$ounts to dis&r#0e/u% #nd i$$or#% 0ondu0t.7D*8, #n) /indin& o/ %i#(i%it) /or sexu#% .#r#ss$ent $#) #%so (e t.e (#sis o/ 0u%p#(i%it) /or dis&r#0e/u% #nd i$$or#% 0ondu0t. Hit. t.e /ore&oin& disIuisitions #//ir$in& t.e /indin& t.#t R#)#%# 0o$$itted sexu#% .#r#ss$ent, 3e no3 deter$ine t.e proper pen#%t) to (e i$posed. R#)#%# #tt#0Bs t.e pen#%t) i$posed () t.e OP. "e #%%e&es t.#t under t.e pertinent ivi% Servi0e Ru%es, dis&r#0e/u% #nd i$$or#% 0ondu0t is punis.#(%e () suspension /or # period o/ six >;? $ont.s #nd one >*? d#) to one >*? )e#r. "e #%so #r&ues t.#t sin0e .e is 0.#r&ed #d$inistr#tive%), #&&r#v#tin& or $iti&#tin& 0ir0u$st#n0es 0#nnot (e #ppre0i#ted /or purposes o/ i$posin& t.e pen#%t). Under AO ,D-, t.e pen#%t) /or t.e /irst o//ense is suspension /or six >;? $ont.s #nd one >*? d#) to one >*? )e#r, 3.i%e t.e pen#%t) /or t.e se0ond o//ense is dis$iss#%. 7D,8 On t.e .#nd, Se0tion ,,>o?, Ru%e JGI o/ t.e O$ni(us Ru%es I$p%e$entin& 9ooB G o/ t.e Ad$inistr#tive ode o/ *A+E7D=8 #nd Se0tion D, A>*D? o/ t.e 1e)ised Bniform 1ules on &dministrati)e Cases in the Ci)il 'er)i+e 7D<8 (ot. provide t.#t t.e /irst o//ense o/ dis&r#0e/u% #nd i$$or#% 0ondu0t is punis.#(%e () suspension o/ six >;? $ont.s #nd one >*? d#) to one >*? )e#r. A se0ond o//ense is punis.#(%e () dis$iss#%. Under t.e @#(or ode, t.e .#ir$#n o/ t.e N@R s.#%% .o%d o//i0e 0#%in. .''0 *"ha$i'% unti% .e or s.e t.e #&e o/ sixt)-/ive, #n)"ss s''n"% %"&'$"0 ('%

ca#s" as p%'$i0"0 * )aA or (e0o$es in0#p#0it#ted to dis0.#r&e t.e duties o/ t.e o//i0e. 7DD8 In 0#se, it is t.e President o/ t.e , #s t.e proper dis0ip%inin& #ut.orit), 3.o 3ou%d deter$ine t.ere is # v#%id 0#use /or t.e re$ov#% o/ R#)#%# #s N@R .#ir$#n. po3er, .o3ever, is Iu#%i/ied () t.e p.r#se 1/or 0#use #s provided () %#3.2, 3.en t.e President /ound t.#t R#)#%# 3#s indeed &ui%t) o/ dis&r#0e/u% #nd i$$or#% 0ondu0t, t.e .ie/ Exe0utive did not .#ve un/ettered dis0retion to i$pose # pen#%t) t.#n t.e pen#%t) provided () %#3 /or su0. o//ense. As 0ited #(ove, t.e i$pos#(%e pen#%t) /or t.e /irst o//ense o/ t.e #d$inistr#tive o//ense o/ sexu#% .#r#ss$ent or /or dis&r#0e/u% #nd i$$or#% 0ondu0t is suspension o/ six >;? $ont.s #nd one >*? d#) to one >*? )e#r. A00ordin&%), it 3#s error /or t.e O//i0e o/ t.e President to i$pose upon R#)#%# t.e pen#%t) o/ dis$iss#% /ro$ t.e servi0e, # pen#%t) 3.i0. 0#n on%) (e i$posed upon 0o$$ission o/ # se0ond o//ense. Even i/ t.e OP proper%) 0onsidered t.e /#0t t.#t R#)#%# tooB #dv#nt#&e o/ .is .i&. &overn$ent position, it sti%% 0ou%d not v#%id%) dis$iss .i$ /ro$ t.e servi0e. Under t.e1e)ised Bniform 1ules on &dministrati)e Cases in the Ci)il 'er)i+e ,7D;8 t#Bin& undue #dv#nt#&e o/ # su(ordin#te $#) (e 0onsidered #s #n #&&r#v#tin& 0ir0u$st#n0e7DE8 #nd 3.ere on%) #&&r#v#tin& #nd no $iti&#tin& 0ir0u$st#n0es #re present, t.e $#xi$u$ pen#%t) s.#%% (e i$posed.7D+8 "en0e, t.e $#xi$u$ pen#%t) t.#t 0#n (e i$posed on R#)#%# is suspension /or one >*? )e#r. R#)#%# .o%ds t.e ex#%ted position o/ N@R .#ir$#n, 3it. t.e r#nB eIuiv#%ent to # A Lusti0e., it is not un#v#i%in& t.#t ri&id st#nd#rds o/ 0ondu0t $#) (e de$#nded o/ .i$. In Aalens Dabon ). Judge &r+eo,7DA8 ourt, in up.o%din& t.e %i#(i%it) o/ t.erein respondent Lud&e, s#id:
T.e #0tu#tions o/ respondent #re #&&r#v#ted () t.e /#0t t.#t 0o$p%#in#nt is one o/ .is su(ordin#tes over 3.o$ .e exer0ises 0ontro% #nd supervision, .e (ein& t.e exe0utive 5ud&e. "e tooB #dv#nt#&e o/ .is position #nd po3er in order to 0#rr) out .is %ust/u% #nd %#s0ivious desires. Inste#d o/ .e (ein& in lo+o parentis over .is su(ordin#te e$p%o)ees, respondent 3#s t.e one 3.o pre)ed on t.e$, t#Bin& #dv#nt#&e o/ .is superior position.

In )et 0#se, ourt de0%#red:

As # $#n#&eri#% e$p%o)ee, petitioner is (ound () $ore ex#0tin& 3orB et.i0s. "e /#i%ed to %ive up to .is .i&.er st#nd#rd o/ responsi(i%it) 3.en .e su00u$(ed to .is $or#% perversit). And 3.en su0. $or#% perversit) is perpetr#ted #&#inst .is su(ordin#te, .e provides # 5usti/i#(%e &round /or .is dis$iss#% /or %#0B o/ trust #nd 0on/iden0e. It is t.e

ri&.t, n#), t.e dut) o/ ever) e$p%o)er to prote0t its e$p%o)ees /ro$ oversexed superiors. 7;-8

It is in0u$(ent upon t.e .e#d o/ o//i0e to set #n ex#$p%e on .o3 .is e$p%o)ees s.ou%d 0ondu0t t.e$se%ves in pu(%i0 o//i0e, so t.#t t.e) $#) 3orB e//i0ient%) in # .e#%t.) 3orBin& #t$osp.ere. ourtes) de$#nds t.#t .e s.ou%d set # &ood ex#$p%e.7;*8 R#)#%# .#s t.ro3n ever) #r&u$ent in t.e (ooB in # v#in e//ort to e//e0t .is exoner#tion. "e even puts :o$in&o4s 0.#r#0ter in Iuestion #nd 0#sts dou(t on t.e $or#%it) o/ t.e /or$er President 3.o ordered, #%(eit erroneous%), .is dis$iss#% /ro$ t.e servi0e. Un/ortun#te%) /or .i$, t.ese #re not si&ni/i0#nt /#0tors in t.e disposition o/ t.e 0#se. It is .is 0.#r#0ter t.#t is in Iuestion .ere #nd s#d%), t.e inIuir) s.o3ed t.#t .e .#s (een /ound 3#ntin&. :HEREFORE, t.e /ore&oin& pre$ises 0onsidered, t.e O0to(er *+, ,--, Reso%ution o/ t.e ourt o/ Appe#%s in A-G.R. SP No. ;*-,; is AFFIRMED. onseIuent%), t.e petitions in G.R. Nos. *DD+=*, *DD+<-, #nd *D+E-#re DENIED. No pronoun0e$ent #s to 0osts. SO ORDERED. ANTONIO ED,ARDO 1. NACH,RA Asso0i#te Lusti0e :E CONC,R9 CONS,ELO YNARESBSANTIAGO Asso0i#te Lusti0e .#irperson MA. ALICIA A,STRIABMARTINEZ RENATO C. CORONA Asso0i#te Lusti0e Asso0i#te Lusti0e R,1EN T. REYES Asso0i#te Lusti0e

I #ttest t.#t t.e 0on0%usions in t.e #(ove :e0ision 3ere re#0.ed in 0onsu%t#tion (e/ore t.e 0#se 3#s #ssi&ned to t.e 3riter o/ t.e opinion o/ t.e ourt4s :ivision. CONS,ELO YNARESBSANTIAGO Asso0i#te Lusti0e .#irperson, T.ird :ivision

Pursu#nt to Se0tion *=, Arti0%e GIII o/ t.e onstitution #nd t.e :ivision .#irpersonNs Attest#tion, I 0erti/) t.#t t.e 0on0%usions in t.e #(ove :e0ision .#d (een re#0.ed in 0onsu%t#tion (e/ore t.e 0#se 3#s #ssi&ned to t.e 3riter o/ t.e opinion o/ t.e ourt4s :ivision. REYNATO S. P,NO .ie/ Lusti0e

In %ieu o/ Asso0i#te Lusti0e Minit# G. .i0o-N#F#rio, per Spe0i#% Order No. <+<, d#ted L#nu#r) **, ,--+.

7*8 #hilippine &eolus &utomoti)e Bnited Corporation ). National Labor 1elations Commission, =+E P.i%. ,D;, ,;D >,---?. 7,8 Spe0i#% :ivision o/ 'ive. Reso%ution penned () Asso0i#te Lusti0e onr#do M. G#sIueF, Lr. Asso0i#te Lusti0es Andres 9. Re)es Lr., Ed&#rdo P. ruF, #nd M#rio @. Gu#riO# III voted /or t.e $odi/i0#tion o/ t.e :e0e$(er *<, ,--* :e0ision, 3.i%e Asso0i#te Lusti0es G#sIueF #nd A$e%it# G. To%entino, voted to #//ir$ t.e s#$e. 7=8 Penned () Asso0i#te Lusti0e G#sIueF Lr., 3it. Asso0i#te Lusti0es Re)es Lr. #nd To%entino, 0on0urrin&. 7<8 1ollo >G.R. No. *DD+<-?, pp. *<,-*<<. 7D8 #t *;,. 7;8 T.e 0#se 3#s do0Beted #s :O@E O.S. Ad$. #se No. -,--*,,,A+. 7E8 :eno$in#ted #s OP #se No. ---E-A**+6 rollo >G.R. No. *DD+<-?, pp. ,=+,<=. 7+8 1ollo >G.R. No. *DD+<-?, pp. ,;D-,;;. 7A8 :o0Beted #s G.R. No. *<==D+, id. #t ED-*<-. 7*-8 #t *E;-A. 7**8 #t ,E=-,A;. 7*,8 #t ,AE. 7*=8 1ollo >G.R. No. *DD+=*?, pp. =,-<-. 7*<8 #t =+. 7*D8 #t <-. 7*;8 #t ,A. 7*E8 o$posed o/ Asso0i#te Lusti0es G#sIueF Lr., Re)es Lr., #nd To%entino, 3it. #ddition#% $e$(ers Asso0i#te Lusti0es Ed&#rdo P. ruF #nd M#rio @. Gu#riO# III. 7*+8 G.R. No. *DD+=*. 7*A8 G.R. No. *DD+<-. 7,-8 G.R. No. *D+E--. 7,*8 1ollo >G.R. No. *DD+=*?, p. *;. 7,,8 #t *A-,-. 7,=8 1ollo >G.R. No. *DD+<-?, pp. ,<-,D. 7,<8 <,A P.i%. <A+, D-+-D-A >,--,?.

7,D8 1ollo >G.R. No. *DD+<-?, p. ==. 7,;8 #t D,-D=. 7,E8 Ru%e IG, Se0tion *, AO ,D-. 7,+8 1ollo >G.R. No. *DD+<-?, pp. DA-;-. 7,A8 #t ;*-;,. 7=-8 1ollo >G.R. No. *D+E--?, p. **. 7=*8 #t *=. 7=,8 #t ,,. 7==8 #t ,A. 7=<8 'antos ). Comele+, G.R. No. *;<<=A, L#nu#r) ,=, ,--;, <EA S RA <+E, <A=, 0itin& 1epol ). Commission on 4le+tions, <,+ S RA =,* >,--<?. 7=D8 Coung ). 'pouses 'y, G.R. No. *DEE<D #nd G.R. No. *DEADD, Septe$(er ,;, ,--;, D-= S RA *D*, *;;, 0itin& Duaranteed %otels, In+. ). "altao, <<+ S RA E=+, E<= >,--D?. 7=;8 #&L 4mployees 'a)ings and Loan &sso+iation ). #hilippine &irlines, In+., G.R. No. *;***-, M#r0. =-, ,--;, <+D S RA ;=,, ;<;-;<E, 0itin& #hilippine Nails and @ires Corporation ). Malayan Insuran+e Co., In+ ., <<D P.i%. <;D >,--=?6 #rubankers &sso+iation ). #rudential "ank and Arust Company, =;* P.i%. E<<, EDD >*AAA?6 Eirst #hilippine International "ank ). Court of &ppeals , =,, P.i%. ,+-, =-E >*AA;?. 7=E8 1ollo >G.R. No. *D+E--?, p. *D+. 7=+8 ourt o/ Appe#%s :e0ision d#ted :e0e$(er *<, ,--*, rollo >G.R. No. *DD+=*?, p. =;. 7=A8 1 F 4 Aransport, In+. ). Latag, <;E P.i%. =DD, =;< >,--<?, 0itin& #abu aya ). Court of &ppeals, =D; S RA ;D*, ;DE >,--*?6 #hiltran+o 'er)i+e 4nterprises, In+. ). National Labor 1elations Commission, =D* P.i%. +,E, +=D >*AA+?6#hilippine &irlines, In+. ). National Labor 1elations Commission, =<< P.i%. +;-, +E= >*AAE?. 7<-8 See Insuran+e 'er)i+es and Commer+ial Araders, In+. ). Court of &ppeals, =AD P.i%. EA*, +-* >,---?. 7<*8 1ollo >G.R. No. *DD+<-?, p. **=+. 7<,8 Supr# note ,<. 7<=8 ,ffi+e of the Court &dministrator ). 4nri>ue/, Ad$. M#tter No. P-+A-,A-, L#nu#r) ,A, *AA=, ,*+ S RA *. 7<<8 1ollo >G.R. No. *DD+=*?, p. =A. 7<D8 REPU9@I A T E+EE, Se0. = >#? >=?6 AO ,D-, Ru%e III, Se0. = >d?. 7<;8 Supr# note ,<. 7<E8 #t +-A. 7<+8 Eabella ). Court of &ppeals, =<; P.i%. A<-, AD,-AD= >*AAE?. 7<A8 "e /i%ed # petition /or t.e 0re#tion o/ # ne3 o$$ittee on :e0oru$ #nd Investi&#tion 0o$posed o/ .is peers >rollo 7G.R. No. *DD+<-8, pp. *E*-*EE8?. 3#s denied () Se0ret#r) @#&ues$# s#)in& t.#t t.e o$$ittee 3#s 0re#ted pursu#nt to t.e

dire0tive o/ t.e OP #nd its 0o$position 3#s in #00ord 3it. Se0tion < o/ RA E+EE >pp. ,*--,-=?. 7D-8 #eople ). Dimaano, G.R. No. *;+*;+, Septe$(er *<, ,--D, <;A S RA ;<E, ;;;-;;+. 7D*8 AO ,D-, Ru%e GI, Se0. +. 7D,8 7D=8 Exe0utive Order No. ,A,. 7D<8 ivi% Servi0e o$$ission Me$or#ndu$ ir0u%#r No. *A-AA. 7DD8 Se0tion ,*D, Presidenti#% :e0ree No. <<, >T.e @#(or ode o/ t.e ?, #s #$ended. >E$p.#sis supp%ied? 7D;8 Supr# note D<. 7DE8 Se0tion D=, id. 7D+8 Se0tion D< >0?, id. 7DA8 =,+ P.i%. ;A,, E-+ >*AA;?. 7;-8 Gillarama ). Dolden Donuts, G.R. No. *-;=<*, Septe$(er ,, *AA<. 7;*8 Guide%ines on Proper :e0oru$, Annex A, Ad$inistr#tive Order No. ,D-, Ru%es #nd Re&u%#tions I$p%e$entin& RA E+EE > &nti 'e-ual %arassment &+t of 5667? in t.e :ep#rt$ent o/ @#(or #nd E$p%o)$ent.

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