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Frictional forces between pipe and support

Out of 6 nos. of cooling tower thrust due to frictional force between roller support & pipe for a length of 3.505m of pipe work of each cooling tower:


!hrust due to frictional force between roller support & pipe "fr # $. % &here $ ' (oefficient of friction )0.* % + !otal weight of pipe in kgs for a length of 3.505m )&eight of pipe per meter 33,.12- .gs. "fr # $. % # 0.* / )33,.12- / 3.505 / -.,1 "fr # *.65 k0

Out of 311 nos. of cooling tower thrust due to frictional force between roller support & pipe for a length of 6.-0m of pipe work of each cooling tower:


!hrust due to frictional force between roller support & pipe "fr # $. % &here $ ' (oefficient of friction )0.* % + !otal weight of pipe in kgs for a length of 6.-0m )&eight of pipe per meter 33,.12- .gs. "fr # $. % # 0.* / )33,.12- / 6.-0 / -.,1 "fr # -.15 k0

3) Flow effects in the pipe (500 dia. Condenser water return pipe)

3.1 (entrifugal forces acting on -02 elbow due to flow of water and change of direction of flow. "c # 3ensit4 of fluid flowing through pipe / )5elocit4 of fluid / 6rea of pipe / 7 8 -.,1) accn due to gra5it4 &here9 7 is in radian & radian -0 #) : 82 # 1000 / )2.;; 2 / ): 8* / )0.*,,-5 2/ ): 82 8 -.,1 # 1000 / -.,1 / 6.61 / 1.5;8-.,1 # 230.; 0 "c # 0.230; k0

4) Dead weight of all pipe, co ponent and insulation inclusi!e of water

*.1 &eight of pipe )500 dia. 8 meter # 3ensit4 of pipe material )(arbon <teel / = : 8* )0.50,2 + 0.*,,-52 > &here9 ?ipe inside diameter )@3 # 0.*,,-5m ?ipe outside diameter )O3 # 0.50,m # ;,50 / =): 8* / )0.50,2 + 0.*,,-52 > # 116.5 .gs. 8 meter


&eight of fluid )water flowing through pipe 8 meter # 3ensit4 of fluid / =): 8* )1.0*;-* 2> # 1000 / =): 8* / )0.*,,-52 > # 1,; .gs 8 meter &eight of @nsulation material & accessories + *.05 kgs. !herefore9 !otal weight of pipe )including 10A <afet4 factor # &eight of pipe 8 m 1 &eight of fluid flowing through pipe 8 m 1 &eight of insulation material and accessories # 116.5 1 1,; 1 *.05 1 )0.10 / !otal weight # 30;.55 1 )0.10/ 30;.55 # 33,.2 kgs8 meter

*.3 &eight of pipe )dia 500 for ,.5 m length from commissioning station to inlet Of cooling tower # 33,.2 / ,.5 # 2,;5 .gs


!otal weight of pipe for a length of ,.5m )"rom Butter fl4 5al5e )BC to inlet of cooling tower including )wt. BC & orifice plate )O? 1 &t. of motoriDed control 5al5e 1 &t. of -0 deg. Elbow # )33,.2 / ,.5 1 51* 133* 1 1;,.6 #3-01 .gs. *.5 &eight of pipe for a length of 0.;12m )"rom main header 1500dia to commissioning station # &eight of pipe8meter / 0.;12 # 33,.2 / 0.;12 # 2*1 .gs. *.5 &eight of each roller support # 50 kgs

*.6 &eight of 3*0/230/12mm thick plate )1 nos. # )0.3*0/0.230/0.012 / 3ensit4 of mild steel # )0.3*0/0.230/0.012 / ;,50.g8m3. # ;.36 .gs. *.; &eight of ,00/250/12mm thick plate )1 nos. # )0.,00/0.250/0.012 / 3ensit4 of mild steel # )0.,00/0.250/0.012 / ;,50.g8m3. # 1,.,* .gs. *., &eight of 150/150/12mm thick plate )2nos # )0.150/0.150/0.012 /2/3ensit4 of mild steel # )0.150/0.150/0.012 / 2 / ;,50.g8m3. # *.2* .gs. "ut of # nos. of cooling tower forces acting downward for a length of 3.505 hori$ontal pipe wor% of each cooling tower& of

!otal forces acting downwards )for 3.505 m of horiDontal pipe work # !otal weight on steel structure / -.,1 # =!otal weight of ?ipe 1&t. of Elbow 1 %oller support1 &t. of 1nos. of )3*0/230/12 plate 1 &t. of 1nos. of ),00/250/12 mm plate 1 &t. of * nos.F16 nut & bolt 1 &t. of 2nos. of )150/150/12 mmplate 1 &t. of * nos.F12 nut & bolt> / -.,1

# =)3.505 / 33,.2 11;,.6 150 1 ;.3;1111,.,*1*.2*1 0.250> / -.,1> # 1*.1, k0 "ut of 3'( nos. of cooling tower forces acting downward for a length of #.)0 hori$ontal pipe wor% of each cooling tower& of

!otal forces acting downwards )for 6.-0 m of horiDontal pipe work # !otal weight on steel structure / -.,1 # =!otal weight of ?ipe 1&t. of Elbow 1 %oller support1 &t. of 1nos. of )3*0/230/12 plate 1 &t. of 1nos. of ),00/250/12 mm plate 1 &t. of * nos.F16 nut & bolt 1 &t. of 2nos. of )150/150/12 mmplate 1 &t. of * nos.F12 nut & bolt> / -.,1 # =)6.-0 / 33,.2 11;,.6 1)50 1 ;.3;1111,.,*1*.2*1 0.250 G2> / -.,1 # 26.2* k0

!otal weight of )dia. 500 (&% 5ertical pipe on support 1 for length of 3.2 meter )from elbow to bo/ section welded to dia 500 (&% pipe # &eight of pipe for a length of 3.2 meter 1 weight of elbow # =)33,.2 / 3.2 1 1;,.6> / -.,1 *(2.3+ ,!otal weight of )dia. 500 (&% 5ertical pipe on support 2 for length of 2.2 meter )from 1st bo/ section welded to dia 500 (&% pipe to 2nd bo/ section welded to pipe # &eight of pipe for a length of 2.2 meter 1 weight of motoriDed 5al5e # =)33,.2 / 2.2 1 33*> / -.,1 *(0.5+ ,-.

!otal weight of )dia. 500 (&% 5ertical pipe on support 3 for length of 2.; meter )from 2nd bo/ section welded to dia 500 (&% pipe to 3rd bo/ section welded to pipe # &eight of pipe for a length of 2.; meter 1 &eight of orifice plate # =)33,.2 / 2.; 1 1,0> / -.,1

*(0.+2 ,-.

2otal thrust acting on hori$ontal pipe & "orces due to pipework e/pansion9 " # 6;6.5- k0.

?ressure effects )(entrifugal forces 9 "c # 0.230; k0. "rictional forces9 "r # 563.,3 k0

2otal thrust acting on !ertical pipe & "orces due to pipework e/pansion9 " # 563.,3 k0.

?ressure effects )(entrifugal forces 9 "c # 0.230; k0. "rictional forces9 "r # '563.,3 k0

%esol5ing the forces in H'direction & 4'direction at -00 Elbow due to change of fluid direction 3ressure effect in 45direction "c # 0.230; / cos *50 # 0.230; / 0.;0; # 0.163 k0 3ressure effect in 65direction "c # 0.230; / sin *50 # 0.230; / 0.;0; # 0.163 k0

(2otal thrust force in 75direction)$ * "orces due to pipework e/pansion 1 pressure effect in I'direction # 563.,3 1 0.163 # 56*.00 k0 (2otal thrust force in 65direction)8 * "orces due to pipework e/pansion 1 pressure effect in I'direction # 563.,3 1 0.163 # 56*.00 k0 !herefore9 %esultant force acting at -00 Elbow: <in # !hrust force in I'direction8 %esultant force &here9 6ngle is 450 %esultant force # 56*8 <in 450 # 56*80.;0;

# ;-;.;3 k0

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