2009 Suggested Bar Answers: Panlalawigan of Leyte Disapproved The Ordinance

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I. TRUE or FALSE. Answer TRUE if the statement is true, or FALSE if the statement is false. Explain your answer in not more than two (2 senten!es. ("# $a% A law ma&in' ()ayan *o+ the new national anthem of the ,hilippines, in lieu of (Lupan' -iniran',+ is !onstitutional. $.% Un/er the ar!hipela'o /o!trine, the waters aroun/, .etween, an/ !onne!tin' the islan/s of the ar!hipela'o form part of the territorial sea of the ar!hipela'i! state. $!% A law that ma&es military ser0i!e for women merely 0oluntary is !onstitutional. $/% A law fixin' the passin' 'ra/e in the )ar examinations at 12#, with no 'ra/e lower than 32# in any su.4e!t, is !onstitutional. $e% An e/u!ational institution 522# forei'n6owne/ may .e 0ali/ly esta.lishe/ in the ,hilippines. A7S8ER9 $a% A law ma&in' ()ayan *o+ the new national anthem of the ,hilippines, in lieu of (Lupan' -iniran',+ is !onstitutional. ANSWER: TRUE. Art :;I Se! 2 of the 5<=1 >onstitution pro0i/es that the >on'ress may /o so as lon' as the other !on/itions are met. The new national anthem shall .e ?truly refle!ti0e an/ sym.oli! of the i/eals, history,an/ tra/itions of the people? an/ ?shall ta&e effe!t only upon its ratifi!ation .y the people in a national referen/um? Under the archipelago doctrine, the water aro!nd, "etween, and connecting the i land o# the archipelago #or$ part o# the territorial ea o# the archipelagic tate% &"'ANSWER: TRUE. The ar!hipela'o /o!trine has .een san!tione/ .y the U7 >on0ention on Law of the Seas (U7>L@S . The waters aroun/, .etween, an/ !onne!tin' the islan/s of the ar!hipela'o are part of the territorial sea su.4e!t to the ri'ht of inno!ent passa'e. $!% A law that ma&es military ser0i!e for women merely 0oluntary is !onstitutional. ANSWER: IAm not sure with this one, .ut I thin& this is a'ainst the eBuality prin!iple. Further, in Art II of the >onstitution, it is the /uty of the people to /efen/ the State when the 'o0ernment !alls upon them. All !itiCens may .e reBuire/,un/er !on/itions pro0i/e/ .y law, to ren/er personal military,or !i0il ser0i!e. $/% A law fixin' the passin' 'ra/e in the )ar examinations at 12#, with no 'ra/e lower than 32# in any su.4e!t, is !onstitutional. ANSWER: FALSE. Althou'h law ma&in' is inherent in the Le'islati0e, su!h law woul/ infrin'e with the Supreme >ourtAs !onstitutional ri'ht to promul'ate

rules !on!ernin' the a/mission to the pra!ti!e of law an/ the Inte'rate/ )ar. $e% An e/u!ational institution 522# forei'n6owne/ may .e 0ali/ly esta.lishe/ in the ,hilippines.

II. Despite lin'erin' Buestions a.out his Filipino !itiCenship an/ his one6year resi/en!e in the /istri!t, Ea.riel file/ his !ertifi!ate of !an/i/a!y for !on'ressman .efore the /ea/line set .y law. -is opponent, ;ito, hires you as lawyer to !ontest Ea.rielFs !an/i/a!y. $a% )efore ele!tion /ay, what a!tion or a!tions will you institute a'ainst Ea.riel, an/ .efore whi!h !ourt, !ommission or tri.unal will you file su!h a!tionGsH Reasons. (2# $.% If, /urin' the pen/en!y of su!h a!tionGs .ut .efore ele!tion /ay, Ea.riel with/raws his !ertifi!ate of !an/i/a!y, !an he .e su.stitute/ as !an/i/ateH If so, .y whom an/ whyH If not, why notH (2# $!% If the a!tionGs institute/ shoul/ .e /ismisse/ with finality .efore the ele!tion, an/ Ea.riel assumes offi!e after .ein' pro!laime/ the winner in the ele!tion, !an the issue of his !an/i/a!y an/Gor !itiCenship an/ resi/en!e still .e Buestione/H If so, what a!tion or a!tions may .e file/ an/ whereH If not, why notH (2# A7S8ER9 $a% petition for /isBualifi!ation $.% without finality of /e!ision for /isBualifi!ation, he may .e su.stitute/ .y a person en/orse/ .y the politi!al party of whi!h he is a mem.er $!% Buo warranto pro!!e/in's

III. The Iuni!ipality of )ulala&aw, Leyte, passe/ @r/inan!e 7o. 52J3, authoriCin' the expropriation of two par!els of lan/ situate/ in the po.la!ion as the site of a free/om par&, an/ appropriatin' the fun/s nee/e/ therefor. Upon re0iew, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Leyte /isappro0e/ the or/inan!e .e!ause the muni!ipality has an existin' free/om par& whi!h, thou'h smaller in siCe, is still suita.le for the purpose, an/ to pursue expropriation woul/ .e nee/less expen/iture of the peopleFs money. Is the /isappro0al of the or/inan!e !orre!tH Explain your answer. (2# A7S8ER9 The /isappro0al of the or/inan!e is not !orre!t. The San''unian' ,anlalawi'an !annot 0ali/ly /isappro0e the or/inan!e of the muni!ipality expropriatin' a par!el of lan/ esta.lishin' a

free/om par&. The power of eminent /omain is expli!itly 'rante/ to the muni!ipality un/er the Lo!al $.% If >on'ress !hooses the last option an/ passes the !orrespon/in' law imposin' a J2# tax on all Eo0ernment >o/e. (Io/ay 0s. >A, 23J S>RA 5"2 winnin's an/ priCes won from 'am.lin', woul/ the law !omply with the !onstitutional limitations on the exer!ise of the power of taxationH Explain your answer. (2# I;. The Iuni!ipality of ,inatu&/ao is sue/ for /ama'es arisin' from in4uries sustaine/ .y a pe/estrian who was hit .y a 'lass pane that fell from a /ilapi/ate/ win/ow frame of the muni!ipal hall. The muni!ipality files a motion to /ismiss the !omplaint, in0o&in' state immunity from suit. Resol0e the motion with reasons. (J# A7S8ER9 A7S8ER9 a. ,oli!e power is the inherent power of the State to re'ulate use of li.erty an/ property. Thus, the a.solute .an on 'am.lin' may .e atta!&e/ as .ein' !ontrary to the !on!ept of poli!e power. .. The law imposin' J2# tax on winnin's an/ priCes is !onstitutional. The only !on/ition impose/ .y the law is that the imposition must not .e !onfis!atory, uniform an/ eBuita.le an/ that there shoul/ .e /ue pro!ess of law an/ the same .e use/ for pu.li! purpose. Un/er the fa!ts 'i0en, all these limitations appear to ha0e .een reasona.ly !onsi/ere/.

Iotion to /ismiss in0o&in' state immunity fruit suit is here.y /enie/. Lo!al 'o0ernment unit an/ their offi!ials are not exempt from lia.ility for /eath or in4ury to persons or /ama'e to property (Se!. 23, RA 15K2 hen!e, lia.ility of the muni!ipality for in4uries /ue to /ilapi/ate/ win/ow frame of the muni!ipal hall atta!hes as the latter exer!ises !ontrol o0er sai/ ;I .uil/in'. ALTER7ATI;E A7S8ER9 The motion to /ismiss shoul/ .e 'rante/... The >i0il >o/e pro0ision an/ Se!. 23 of the LE> a.o0e6mentione/ refers to the lia.ility of the State. it must .e remem.ere/ that lia.ility is not the same as sua.ility in the !ontext that when the state 'i0es its !onsent to .e sue/, it /oes not mean that it a/mits lia.ility. >on0ersely, when the State !an .e hel/ lia.le, it /oes not mean that it 'i0es !onsent to .e sue/. (remember in the Meritt case, humingi pa sya ng statute, tapos di pala liable ung municipality dahil sa di special agent nag drive ng ambulansya?) the more pertinent pro0ision in the LE> woul/ .e Se!. 22 whi!h states9 ?SE>. 22. >orporate ,owers. 6 (a E0ery lo!al 'o0ernment unit, as a !orporation, shall ha0e the followin' powers9 xxx (2 To sue an/ .e sue/L?

In a !riminal prose!ution for mur/er, the prose!ution presente/, as witness, an employee of the Ianila -otel who pro/u!e/ in !ourt a 0i/eotape re!or/in' showin' the heate/ ex!han'e .etween the a!!use/ an/ the 0i!tim that too& pla!e at the lo..y of the hotel .arely J2 minutes .efore the &illin'. The a!!use/ o.4e!ts to the a/mission of the 0i/eotape re!or/in' on the 'roun/ that it was ta&en without his &nowle/'e or !onsent, in 0iolation of his ri'ht to pri0a!y an/ the Anti68ire Tappin' law. Resol0e the o.4e!tion with reasons. (J#

A7S8ER9 The o.4e!tion is without merit. The 0i/eotape was not ta&en in 0iolation of his ri'ht to pri0a!y as the same was !apture/ in a pu.li! pla!e an/ in !onsonan!e with the se!urity rules of the hotel. 7either the wiretappin' law was 0iolate/ .e!ause there was no pri0ate !on0ersation .etween the a!!use/ an/ the 0i!tim.

;II. ;. To a//ress the per0asi0e pro.lem of 'am.lin', >on'ress is !onsi/erin' the followin' options9 (5 prohi.it all forms of 'am.lin'L (2 allow 'am.lin' only on Sun/aysL (J allow 'am.lin' only in 'o0ernment6owne/ !asinosL an/ (3 remo0e all prohi.itions a'ainst 'am.lin' .ut impose a tax eBui0alent to J2# on all winnin's. $a% If >on'ress !hooses the first option an/ passes the !orrespon/in' law a.solutely prohi.itin' all forms of 'am.lin', !an the law .e 0ali/ly atta!&e/ on the 'roun/ that it is an in0ali/ exer!ise of poli!e powerH Explain your answer. (2# >ra!& a'ents of the Ianila ,oli!e Anti67ar!oti!s Unit were on sur0eillan!e of a !emetery where the sale an/ use of prohi.ite/ /ru's were rumore/ to .e rampant. The team saw a man with re//ish an/ 'lassy eyes wal&in' unstea/ily towar/s them, .ut he imme/iately 0eere/ away upon seein' the poli!emen. The team approa!he/ the man, intro/u!e/ themsel0es as pea!e offi!ers, then as&e/ what he ha/ in his !len!he/ fist. )e!ause the man refuse/ to answer, a poli!eman prie/ the fist open an/ saw a plasti! sa!het fille/ with !rystalline su.stan!e. The team then too& the man into !usto/y an/ su.mitte/ the !ontents of the sa!het to forensi! examination. The !rystalline su.stan!e in

the sa!het turne/ out to .e sha.u. The man was a!!or/in'ly !har'e/ in !ourt. Durin' the trial, the a!!use/9 $a% !hallen'e/ the 0ali/ity of his arrestL (2# an/ $.% o.4e!te/ to the a/mission in e0i/en!e of the prohi.ite/ /ru', !laimin' that it was o.taine/ in an ille'al sear!h an/ seiCure. (2# De!i/e with reasons. A7S8ER9 a.,ro.a.le !ause pre!e/e/ the apprehension. It was esta.lishe/ .y the sur0eillan!e !on/u!te/ on the pla!e. If !i0ilians are allowe/ to effe!t warrantless arrests on the !on/ition, amon' others that they ha0e personal &nowle/'e of the !ommission of the !rime, then the poli!e are more 4ustifie/ in apprehen/in' the man .ase/ on the same 'roun/. .. The prohi.ite/ /ru' is a/missi.le in e0i/en!e. The arrest was lawfully ma/e pursuant to !on!ept of stop an/ fris& or when there is reasona.le 'roun/ to .elie0e that a !rime has 4ust .een !ommitte/ or .ein' !ommitte/ or a.out to .e !ommitte/.

$!% Iay the Eo0ernor of the )S, 0ali/ly in0o&e exe!uti0e pri0ile'e an/, thus, refuse to atten/ the le'islati0e inBuiryH 8hy or why notH (J# A7S8ER9 a. The le'islati0e inBuiry is only in ai/ of le'islation. It is not .in/in' on the !riminal or !i0il aspe!t of the !ase. Thus, the motion to Buash in le'islati0e .o/y is una0ailin'. .. The ri'ht to self6in!rimination may .e a0aile/ of .e!ause it is rele0ant in all &in/s of in0esti'ations. !. The )S, Eo0ernor may refuse atten/an!e pro0i/e/ he !an pro0e that his offi!e is !o0ere/ .y the exe!uti0e pri0ile'e. @therwise, he may .e !ompelle/ to appear .efore the .o/y.

I:. 8arlito, a natural6.orn Filipino, too& up permanent resi/en!e in the Unite/ States, an/ e0entually a!Buire/ Ameri!an !itiCenship. -e then marrie/ Shirley, an Ameri!an, an/ sire/ three !hil/ren. In Au'ust 222<, 8arlito /e!i/e/ to 0isit the ,hilippines with his wife an/ !hil/ren9 Mohnny, 2J years of a'eL 8arlito, Mr., 22L an/ Luisa, 51. 8hile in the ,hilippines, a frien/ informe/ him that he !oul/ rea!Buire ,hilippine !itiCenship without ne!essarily losin' U.S. nationality. Thus, he too& the oath of alle'ian!e reBuire/ un/er R.A. <22". $a% -a0in' rea!Buire/ ,hilippine !itiCenship, is 8arlito a natural6.orn or a naturaliCe/ Filipino !itiCen to/ayH Explain your answer. (J# $.% 8ith 8arlito ha0in' re'aine/ ,hilippine !itiCenship, will Shirley also .e!ome a Filipino !itiCenH If so, whyH If not, what woul/ .e the most spee/y pro!e/ure for Shirley to a!Buire ,hilippine !itiCenshipH Explain. (J# $!% Do the !hil/ren N Mohnny, 8arlito Mr., an/ Luisa N .e!ome Filipino !itiCens with their fatherFs rea!Buisition of ,hilippine !itiCenshipH Explain your answer. (J# A7S8ER9 -e is a natural6.orn !itiCen, un/er the prin!iple that he !an only rea!Buire what he lost.

;III >on'ressman 7onoy /eli0ere/ a pri0ile'e spee!h !har'in' the Inter!ontinental Uni0ersal )an& (IU) with the sale of unre'istere/ forei'n se!urities, in 0iolation of R.A. =1<<. -e then file/, an/ the -ouse of Representati0es unanimously appro0e/, a Resolution /ire!tin' the -ouse >ommittee on Eoo/ Eo0ernment (->EE to !on/u!t an inBuiry on the matter, in ai/ of le'islation, in or/er to pre0ent the re!urren!e of any similar frau/ulent a!ti0ity. The ->EE imme/iately s!he/ule/ a hearin' an/ in0ite/ the responsi.le offi!ials of IU), the >hairman an/ >ommissioners of the Se!urities an/ Ex!han'e >ommission (SE> , an/ the Eo0ernor of the )an'&o Sentral n' ,ilipinas ()S, . @n the /ate set for the hearin', only the SE> >ommissioners appeare/, promptin' >on'ressman 7onoy to mo0e for the issuan!e of the appropriate su.poena a/ testifi!an/um to !ompel the atten/an!e of the in0ite/ resour!e persons. The IU) offi!ials file/ suit to prohi.it ->EE from pro!ee/in' with the inBuiry an/ to Buash the su.poena, raisin' the followin' ar'uments9 $a% The su.4e!t of the le'islati0e in0esti'ation is also the su.4e!t of !riminal an/ !i0il a!tions pen/in' .efore the !ourts an/ the prose!utorFs offi!eL thus, the le'islati0e inBuiry woul/ preempt 4u/i!ial a!tionL (J# an/ $.% >ompellin' the IU) offi!ials, who are also respon/ents in the !riminal an/ !i0il !ases in !ourt, to testify at the inBuiry woul/ 0iolate their !onstitutional ri'ht a'ainst self6in!rimination. (J# Are the fore'oin' ar'uments tena.leH Reasons.

Shirley will not ipso fa!to a!Buire ,hilippine !itiCenChip. She has to un/er'o naturaliCation pro!ee/in's an/ show that she has none of the /isBualifi!ations un/er the ,hilippine naturaliCation law.

@nly Luisa will ipso fa!to a!Buire ,hilippine !itiCenhip of his father upon the latterAs ta&in' of oath of alle'ian!e. @nly minor

!hil/ren will automati!ally a!Buire the !itiCenship of their father.

pro0i/e/ .y law. .. FALSE. The rule is that a de facto offi!er who possesse/ pu.li! offi!e in 'oo/ faith an/ /is!har'e/ the /uties pertainin' thereto is le'ally entitle/ to the emoluments of the offi!e an/ may in appropriate a!tion re!o0er the salary, fees an/ other !ompensations atta!he/ to the offi!e only in !ases where there is no de jure offi!er. !. TRUE. In a !ase (N M !"# v$ !" , the Supreme >ourt rule/ that !orporations owne/ or !ontrolle/ .y the 'o0ernment parta&e of the nature of 'o0ernment .ureaus or offi!es an/ are !o0ere/ .y the ,resi/entFs power of !ontrol. Ioreo0er, sin!e 'o0ernment6owne/ an/ !ontrolle/ !orporations are part neither of the le'islati0e .ran!h nor of the 4u/i!ial .ran!h, an/ sin!e they are neither one of the !onstitutional .o/ies nor are they lo!al 'o0ernment units, then they are part of the exe!uti0e .ran!h an/ su.4e!t to the !ontrol of the ,resi/ent.

:. Iaximino, an employee of the Department of E/u!ation, is a/ministrati0ely !har'e/ with /ishonesty an/ 'ross mis!on/u!t. Durin' the formal in0esti'ation of the !har'es, the Se!retary of E/u!ation pre0enti0ely suspen/e/ him for a perio/ of sixty (K2 /ays. @n the K2th /ay of the pre0enti0e suspension, the Se!retary ren/ere/ a 0er/i!t, fin/in' Iaximino 'uilty, an/ or/ere/ his imme/iate /ismissal from the ser0i!e.

Iaximino appeale/ to the >i0il Ser0i!e >ommission (>S> , whi!h affirme/ the Se!retaryFs /e!ision. Iaximino then ele0ate/ the matter to the >ourt of Appeals (>A . The >A re0erse/ the >S> /e!ision, exoneratin' Iaximino. The Se!retary of E/u!ation then petitions the Supreme >ourt (S> for the re0iew /. FALSE. The @m.u/sman has the authority to of the >A /e!ision. impose a/ministrati0e penalties. The s!ope of the authority of the @m.u/sman in a/ministrati0e !ases $a% Is the Se!retary of E/u!ation a proper party to as /efine/ un/er the >onstitution an/ the see& the re0iew of the >A /e!ision exoneratin' @m.u/sman A!t is .roa/ enou'h to in!lu/e the IaximinoH Reasons. (2# /ire!t imposition of the penalty of remo0al, suspension, /emotion, fine or !ensure on an errin' $.% If the S> affirms the >A /e!ision, is Iaximino pu.li! offi!ial or employee. entitle/ to re!o0er .a!& salaries !orrespon/in' to the entire perio/ he was out of the ser0i!eH Explain e. TRUE. Dual !itiCenship arises when a person is your answer. (J# simultaneously !onsi/ere/ a national .y two states as a result of the !on!urrent appli!ation of the /ifferent laws of the sai/ two states, while /ual A7S8ER9 alle'ian!e refers to the situation in whi!h a person simultaneously owes, .y some positi0e a!t, loyalty SEE ,e/ro Da!oy!oy !ase to two or more states. 8hile /ual !itiCenship is in0oluntary, /ual alle'ian!e is the result of an in/i0i/ualFs 0olition. :I. TRUE or FALSE. Answer TRUE if the statement is true, or FALSE if the statement is false. Explain your answer in not more than two (2 senten!es. ("# $a% Aliens are a.solutely prohi.ite/ from ownin' pri0ate lan/s in the ,hilippines.


8illiam, a pri0ate Ameri!an !itiCen, a uni0ersity 'ra/uate an/ freBuent 0isitor to the ,hilippines, was insi/e the U.S. em.assy when he 'ot into a heate/ ar'ument with a pri0ate Filipino !itiCen. Then, in $.% A /e fa!to pu.li! offi!er is, .y ri'ht, entitle/ to re!ei0e the salaries an/ emoluments atta!he/ to the front of many sho!&e/ witnesses, he &ille/ the person he was ar'uin' with. The poli!e !ame, an/ pu.li! offi!e he hol/s. .rou'ht him to the nearest poli!e station. Upon $!% The ,resi/ent exer!ises the power of !ontrol o0er rea!hin' the station, the poli!e in0esti'ator, in haltin' En'lish, informe/ 8illiam of his Iiran/a all exe!uti0e /epartments an/ a'en!ies, in!lu/in' ri'hts, an/ assi'ne/ him an in/epen/ent lo!al 'o0ernment6owne/ or !ontrolle/ !orporations. !ounsel. 8illiam refuse/ the ser0i!es of the lawyer, $/% De!isions of the @m.u/sman imposin' penalties an/ insiste/ that he .e assiste/ .y a Filipino lawyer !urrently .ase/ in the U.S. The reBuest was /enie/, in a/ministrati0e /is!iplinary !ases are merely an/ the !ounsel assi'ne/ .y the poli!e staye/ for re!ommen/atory. the /uration of the in0esti'ation. $e% Dual !itiCenship is not the same as /ual 8illiam proteste/ his arrest. alle'ian!e. A7S8ER9 a. FALSE. Aliens may own pri0ate lan/s in the ,hilippines if they a!Buire/ the property throu'h hereditar( !cce ion. Also, natural6.orn Filipino !itiCens who lost their ,hilippine !itiCenship may .e transferees of pri0ate lan/s, su.4e!t to limitations $a% -e ar'ue/ that sin!e the in!i/ent too& pla!e insi/e the U.S. em.assy, ,hilippine !ourts ha0e no 4uris/i!tion .e!ause the U.S. em.assy 'roun/s are not part of ,hilippine territoryL thus, te!hni!ally, no !rime un/er ,hilippine law was !ommitte/. Is 8illiam !orre!tH Explain your answer. (J# $.% -e also !laime/ that his Iiran/a ri'hts were 0iolate/ .e!ause he was not 'i0en the lawyer of his

!hoi!eL that .ein' an Ameri!an, he shoul/ ha0e .een informe/ of his ri'hts in proper En'lishL an/ that he shoul/ ha0e .een informe/ of his ri'hts as soon as he was ta&en into !usto/y, not when he was alrea/y at the poli!e station. 8as 8illiam /enie/ his Iiran/a ri'htsH 8hy or why notH (J# $!% If 8illiam applies for .ail, !laimin' that he is entitle/ thereto un/er the (international stan/ar/ of 4usti!e+ an/ that he !omes from a U.S. State that has outlawe/ !apital punishment, shoul/ 8illiam .e 'rante/ .ail as a matter of ri'htH Reasons. (J# A7S8ER9 a. 8illiam is not su.4e!t to !riminal 4uris/i!tion of the ,hilippines in this !ase inasmu!h as the offense too& pla!e insi/e US em.assy, an extension of US so0erei'nty. ..8illiam was not /enie/ his Iiran/a ri'hts. The lo!al authorities ha/ no authority in the first pla!e in apprehen/in' him. thus, the rea/in' of su!h ri'hts is immaterial un/er the !ir!umstan!es. !. )ail is a matter of ri'ht in all !riminal !ases, ex!ept for !apital offenses where the e0i/en!e of 'uilt is stron'. -owe0er in this !ase, no !ase was file/ a'ainst him in !ourt. Thus, there is no nee/ for him to file petition for .ail.

State.+ The ,hilippines !ounters that its !omman/o team neither too& any territory nor interfere/ in the politi!al pro!esses of Asyalan/. 8hi!h !ontention is !orre!tH Reasons. (J# $!% Assume that the !omman/o team !apture/ a mem.er of the Emeral/ )ri'a/e an/ .rou'ht him .a!& to the ,hilippines. The ,hilippine Eo0ernment insists that a spe!ial international tri.unal shoul/ try the terrorist. @n the other han/, the terrorist ar'ues that terrorism is not an international !rime an/, therefore, the muni!ipal laws of the ,hilippines, whi!h re!o'niCe a!!ess of the a!!use/ to !onstitutional ri'hts, shoul/ apply. De!i/e with reasons. (J# A7S8ER9

nswer% &es$ 'he action of sending a commando to eliminate the imminent and continuing threat and defend the sovereign territory of the Philippines, more so its citi(ens, from the continuing unlawful and unprovo)ed attac)s of the *merald +rigade 'errorist ,roup who has successfully launched an attac) by launching - missiles against the Philippines )illing thousands of .ilipinos in the process, constitutes self/ defense$ 'he Philippines is correct for there was no territory ta)en from the syaland in the process of eliminating the terrorist threat which the latter could not even suppress$ 0n fact, the team immediately returned to the Philippines after completing the mission$ syaland even benefited for the action of the Philippine government in eliminating the terrorist in their country$ 'he terrorist is not entitled to the rights accorded the Prisoner of 1ar under the ,eneva "onvention for they are not soldiers hence the 2niform "ode of Military 3ustice also does not apply to them$ Neither are they entitled to the constitutional rights of the accused for hardly enough they aren4t criminals$ 'hey should be tried as a terrorist in the international tribunal otherwise they should be held in captivity for an indefinite period of time in ,uantanamo

:III. A terrorist 'roup !alle/ the Emeral/ )ri'a/e is .ase/ in the State of Asyalan/. The 'o0ernment of Asyalan/ /oes not support the terrorist 'roup, .ut .ein' a poor !ountry, is powerless to stop it. The Emeral/ )ri'a/e laun!he/ an atta!& on the ,hilippines, firin' two missiles that &ille/ thousan/s of Filipinos. It then warne/ that more atta!&s were forth!omin'. Throu'h /iplomati! !hannels, the ,hilippines /eman/e/ that Asyalan/ stop the Emeral/ )ri'a/eL otherwise, it will /o whate0er is ne!essary to /efen/ itself. Re!ei0in' relia.le intelli'en!e reports of another imminent atta!& .y the Emeral/ )ri'a/e, an/ it appearin' that Asyalan/ was in!apa.le of pre0entin' the assault, the ,hilippines sent a !ra!& !omman/o team to Asyalan/. The team staye/ only for a few hours in Asyalan/, su!!ee/e/ in &illin' the lea/ers an/ most of the mem.ers of the Emeral/ )ri'a/e, then imme/iately returne/ to the ,hilippines. $a% 8as the ,hilippine a!tion 4ustifie/ un/er the international law prin!iple of (self6/efense+H Explain your answer. (J# $.% As a !onseBuen!e of the fore'oin' in!i/ent, Asyalan/ !har'es the ,hilippines with 0iolation of Arti!le 2.3 of the Unite/ 7ations >harter that prohi.its (the threat or use of for!e a'ainst the territorial inte'rity or politi!al in/epen/en!e of any

:I; The Iuni!ipality of ,inatu&/ao is sue/ for /ama'es arisin' from in4uries sustaine/ .y a pe/estrian who was hit .y a 'lass pane that fell from a /ilapi/ate/ win/ow frame of the muni!ipal hall. The muni!ipality files a motion to /ismiss the !omplaint, in0o&in' state immunity from suit. Resol0e the motion with reasons. (J# A7S8ER9 Iotion to /ismiss /enie/.State immunity from suit !annot .e in0o&e/ in this !ase .e!ause the Iuni!ipality wai0e/ its immunity .y 0irtue of the pro0isions of the 7ew >i0il >o/e, whi!h pro0i/es that muni!ipalities are lia.le for any /ama'e !ause/

.y /efe!ti0e roa/s, pu.li! wor&s, an/ /ilapi/ate/ .uil/in's owne/ .y the 'o0ernment. :;. The *** Tele0ision 7etwor& (***6T; aire/ the /o!umentary, (>ase Law9 -ow the Supreme >ourt De!i/es,+ without o.tainin' the ne!essary permit reBuire/ .y ,.D. 5<=K. >onseBuently, the Io0ie an/ Tele0ision Re0iew an/ >lassifi!ation )oar/ (ITR>) suspen/e/ the airin' of ***6T; pro'rams. ITR>) /e!lare/ that un/er ,.D. 5<=K, it has the power of prior re0iew o0er all tele0ision pro'rams, ex!ept (newsreels+ an/ pro'rams (.y the Eo0ernment+, an/ the su.4e!t /o!umentary /oes not fall un/er either of these two !lasses. The suspension or/er was ostensi.ly .ase/ on Iemoran/um >ir!ular 7o. <=651 whi!h 'rants ITR>) the authority to issue su!h an or/er. ***6T; file/ a !ertiorari petition in !ourt, raisin' the followin' issues9 $a% The a!t of ITR>) !onstitutes (prior restraint+ an/ 0iolates the !onstitutionally 'uarantee/ free/om of expressionL (J# an/ $.% 8hile Iemoran/um >ir!ular 7o. <=651 was issue/ an/ pu.lishe/ in a newspaper of 'eneral !ir!ulation, a !opy thereof was ne0er file/ with the @ffi!e of the 7ational Re'ister of the Uni0ersity of the ,hilippines Law >enter. (2# Resol0e the fore'oin' issues, with reasons. A7S8ER9 :;I

rules an/ re'ulations. For letter ., free/om of reli'ion as well as separation of >hur!h an/ State. The !ase will not prosper. :;II Filipinas >omputer >orporation (F>> , a lo!al manufa!turer of !omputers an/ !omputer parts, owns a sprawlin' plant in a ",2226sBuare meter lot in ,asi' >ity. To reme/y the !ityFs a!ute housin' shorta'e, !ompoun/e/ .y a .ur'eonin' population, the San''unian' ,an'lun'so/ authoriCe/ the >ity Iayor to ne'otiate for the pur!hase of the lot. The San''unian inten/s to su./i0i/e the property into small resi/ential lots to .e /istri.ute/ at !ost to Bualifie/ !ity resi/ents. )ut F>> refuse/ to sell the lot. -ar/ presse/ to fin/ a suita.le property to house its homeless resi/ents, the >ity file/ a !omplaint for eminent /omain a'ainst F>>. $a% If F>> hires you as lawyer, what /efense or /efenses woul/ you set up in or/er to resist the expropriation of the propertyH Explain. ("# $.% If the >ourt 'rants the >ityFs prayer for expropriation, .ut the >ity /elays payment of the amount /etermine/ .y the !ourt as 4ust !ompensation, !an F>> re!o0er the property from ,asi' >ityH Explain. (2# $!% Suppose the expropriation su!!ee/s, .ut the >ity /e!i/es to a.an/on its plan to su./i0i/e the property for resi/ential purposes ha0in' foun/ a mu!h .i''er lot, !an F>> le'ally /eman/ that it .e allowe/ to repur!hase the property from the >ity of ,asi'H 8hy or why notH (2#

$a% An'elina, a marrie/ woman, is a Di0ision >hief in the Department of S!ien!e an/ Te!hnolo'y. She ha/ A7S8ER9 .een li0in' with a marrie/ man, not her hus.an/, for I will mo0e to /ismiss the !omplaint on the the last fifteen (5" years. A/ministrati0ely !har'e/ 'roun/ of in0ali/ exer!ise of the power of with immorality an/ !on/u!t pre4u/i!ial to the .est eminent /omain. interest of the ser0i!e, she a/mits her li0e6in Se!. 5< of R.A. P 15K2, one of the reBuisites arran'ement, .ut maintains that this !on4u'al for a lo!al 'o0. unit to 0ali/ly exersi!e un/erstan/in' is in !onformity with their reli'ious eminent /omain is that ?an or/inan!e must .eliefs. As mem.ers of the reli'ious se!t, OahwehFs first .e ena!te/ authoriCin' the lo!al !hief @.ser0ers, they ha/ exe!ute/ a De!laration of exe!uti0e to exersi!e sai/ power. ,le/'in' Faithfulness whi!h has .een !onfirme/ an/ .lesse/ .y their >oun!il of El/ers. At the formal -en!e, in 0iew of the failure on the part of in0esti'ation of the a/ministrati0e !ase, the Eran/ the san''unian' pan'lun'so/ to ena!t su!h El/er of the se!t affirme/ An'elinaFs testimony an/ an or/inan!e, the same !annot 0ali/ly atteste/ to the sin!erity of An'elina an/ her partner expropriate the property in Buestion. in the profession of their faith. If you were to 4u/'e 7o. F>> !annot re!o0er possesion of its this !ase, will you exonerate An'elinaH Reasons. expropriate/ property. (J# )ein' an in rem pro!ee/in', !on/emnation a!ts a'ainst the property. $.% Ieanwhile, Menny, also a mem.er of OahwehFs @.ser0ers, was se0erely /isappointe/ at the manner -owe0er, in 0iew of the /elay, title to the the Eran/ El/er 0ali/ate/ what she !onsi/ere/ was sai/ property remains in F>> until payment is an o.0iously immoral !on4u'al arran'ement ma/e. Furthermore, F>> is entitle/ to .etween An'elina an/ her partner. Menny file/ suit in interest from the time of a!tual ta&in' up to !ourt, see&in' the remo0al of the Eran/ El/er from the time of a!tual payment of the the reli'ious se!t on the 'roun/ that his a!t in expropriate/ property. supportin' An'elina not only ruine/ the reputation ( Reyes, et al. 0s. 7-A, 222J of their reli'ion, .ut also 0iolate/ the !onstitutional poli!y uphol/in' the san!tity of marria'e an/ the Oes. If the !on/emnin' authority !eases to soli/arity of the family. 8ill MennyFs !ase prosperH use the property for pu.li! purpose, property Explain your answer. (2# re0erts to the owner in fee simple. (-eirs of A7S8ER9 For letter a, rea/in' the !ase of Estra/a 0. Es!ritor /e!i/e/ Au'ust 3, 222J will .e of 'reat help. Ans.9 Oes. Free/om of reli'ion is paramount to a/min Ioreno 0. I>IA, 222"

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