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DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


User Manual

Version 4.0
Nov 2013 Flexense Ltd.

DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

Product Overview................................................................................................6 1.1 1.2 1.' 1.) 1.. 1.0 1.# 1.& 1.( 1.11.11 1.12 1.1' 1.1) 1.1. 1.10 1.1# 1.1& 1.1( 1.21.21 1.22 1.2' Disk Space Utili ation !nal"sis .............................................................................# File $lassification and $ate%ori ation ....................................................................& Duplicate Files Finder..........................................................................................( *ule+Based File ,r%ani in% ................................................................................ 1*ule+Based File Searc/...................................................................................... 11 1i%/+Speed File S"nc/roni ation ........................................................................ 12 Fault+2olerant File $op" and Data Mi%ration......................................................... 1' File Delete and Data 3ipin% ,perations............................................................... 1) *eal+2ime Disk $/an%e Monitor.......................................................................... 1. File 4nte%rit" Monitor ........................................................................................ 10 Bulk File !ttribute $/an%er ................................................................................ 1# User+Defined Disk !nal"sis and File Mana%ement $ommands................................. 1& S5L Database 4nte%ration ................................................................................. 1( !d6anced Disk Space !nal"sis $apabilities .......................................................... 2Disk Space Usa%e 1istor" $/arts ........................................................................ 21 !nal" e Disk Space Usa%e 7er Director".............................................................. 22 !nal" in% Files in Ser6ers and 8!S Stora%e De6ices ............................................. 2' !nal" in% Files in !ll Ser6ers on t/e 8etwork ....................................................... 2) Sc/edule 7eriodic Disk !nal"sis and File Mana%ement ,perations........................... 2. DiskBoss Ser6er ............................................................................................... 20 $ommand Line Utilit"........................................................................................ 20 DiskBoss Ser6er SD9 and 7ro%rammin% !74 ........................................................ 2# 7roduct :ersions .............................................................................................. 2&

2 2.1 2.2 2.' 3

Product Installation ..........................................................................................29 Downloadin% DiskBoss ...................................................................................... 2( 7roduct 4nstallation 7rocedure ........................................................................... 2( 7roduct Update 7rocedure ................................................................................. 'Dis '.1 '.2 '.' '.) '.. '.0 '.# '.& '.( '.1'.11 '.12 '.1' '.1) !"ace Utili#ation $nal%sis .........................................................................31

!nal" in% ,ne or More Disks or Directories.......................................................... '1 Usin% File Filters and $ate%ories......................................................................... '2 Usin% Disk Space Usa%e 7ie $/arts ..................................................................... '' Usin% File Mana%ement $ommands..................................................................... ') Sa6in% Disk Space !nal"sis *eports.................................................................... '. ;xportin% *eports to an S5L Database................................................................ '0 !nal" in% Disk Space Usa%e 7er User.................................................................. '# !nal" in% Disk Space Usa%e 7er 1ost.................................................................. '& !nal" in% Specific File 2"pes or $ate%ories .......................................................... '( Multi+Le6el Disk Space Utili ation !nal"sis ........................................................... )Usin% Disk Space !nal"sis $onditions and !ctions ................................................ )1 !d6anced Disk Space !nal"sis ,ptions................................................................ )2 User+Defined Disk Space !nal"sis $ommands ...................................................... )2 !nal" in% Disk Space Usin% t/e DiskBoss $ommand Line Utilit" ............................. )'

&ile 'lassi(ication ..............................................................................................4) ).1 ).2 ).' ).) ).. ).0 ).# ).& ).( ).1).11 ).12 ).1' ).1) $lassif"in% ,ne or More Disks or Directories ........................................................ ). Usin% File Filters and File $ate%ories ................................................................... )0 Usin% File $lassification 7ie $/arts ...................................................................... )# Sa6in% File $lassification *eports........................................................................ )& Submittin% *eports to an S5L Database.............................................................. )( !nal" in% File $ate%ories 7er User ...................................................................... .!nal" in% File $ate%ories 7er 1ost ...................................................................... .1 $lassif"in% Specific File 2"pes and $ate%ories ...................................................... .2 Multi+Le6el File $lassification and !nal"sis ........................................................... .' !utomatic File ,r%ani in% ,perations.................................................................. .) File $lassification 7lu%ins ................................................................................... .. !d6anced File $lassification ,ptions.................................................................... .0 User+Defined File $lassification $ommands .......................................................... .0 $lassif"in% Files Usin% t/e DiskBoss $ommand Line Utilit" ..................................... .#

DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

Du"licate &iles &inder........................................................................................)9 ..1 ..2 ..' ..) ... ..0 ..# ..& ..( ..1..11 ..12 ..1' ..1) Detectin% Duplicates in a Disk or Director" .......................................................... .( Selectin% Duplicate Files *emo6al !ctions............................................................ 0;xecutin% Duplicate Files *emo6al !ctions........................................................... 0Usin% File Filters and $ate%ories......................................................................... 01 S/owin% Duplicate Files 7ie $/arts ..................................................................... 02 Sa6in% Duplicate Files *eports ........................................................................... 0' ;xportin% *eports to an S5L Database................................................................ 0) !nal" in% Duplicate Files 7er User ...................................................................... 0. !nal" in% Duplicate Files 7er 1ost ...................................................................... 00 Detectin% Duplicates in Specific File 2"pes........................................................... 0# !d6anced Duplicate Files Detection ,ptions ......................................................... 0# Usin% !utomatic Duplicate Files *emo6al !ctions.................................................. 0& User+Defined Duplicate Files Detection $ommands ............................................... 0( Detectin% Duplicate Files Usin% t/e DiskBoss $ommand Line Utilit" ........................ #-

*ule+,ased &ile Or-ani#in- ................................................................................1 0.1 0.2 0.' 0.) 0.. 0.0 0.# 0.& 0.( 0.10.11 0.12 ,r%ani in% Files in a Disk or Director"................................................................. #1 Definin% File ,r%ani in% $ommands.................................................................... #2 Usin% File Matc/in% *ules .................................................................................. #' Selectin% File ,r%ani in% !ctions ........................................................................ #) ,r%ani in% Files wit/ 7re6iew............................................................................. #) ,r%ani in% Files wit/out 7re6iew ........................................................................ #. User+Defined File ,r%ani in% $ommands ............................................................. #. Dra%+and+Drop Files into a File ,r%ani in% $ommand ........................................... #0 7eriodic ;xecution of File ,r%ani in% $ommands .................................................. #0 !utomatic ;xecution of File ,r%ani in% $ommands ............................................... ## ,r%ani in% Files Usin% t/e DiskBoss $ommand Line Utilit"..................................... ## !utomatic< *ule+Based File ,r%ani in% Usin% DiskBoss Ser6er................................ #&

*ule+,ased &ile !earc/.......................................................................................9 #.1 #.2 #.' #.) #.. #.0 #.# #.& #.( #.1#.11 #.12 #.1' #.1) #.1. #.10 #.1# #.1& #.1( #.2Searc/in% Files Usin% File Matc/in% *ules ............................................................ #( Searc/in% Files b" $ate%or"............................................................................... &Searc/in% Files b" File 8ame ............................................................................. &1 Searc/in% Files b" File ;xtension ........................................................................ &1 Searc/in% Files b" File 7at/ ............................................................................... &2 Searc/in% Files b" !ccess< Modification and $reation Dates ................................... &2 Searc/in% Files b" *elati6e 2ime 7eriods ............................................................. &2 Searc/in% Files b" 2ext 7atterns......................................................................... &' Searc/in% Files b" Binar" 7atterns...................................................................... &' Searc/in% Files Usin% *e%ular ;xpressions........................................................... &) Searc/in% Files b" File Si e................................................................................ &. Searc/in% Files b" File !ttributes........................................................................ &. Searc/in% Files b" User 8ame ............................................................................ &0 Searc/in% =7;> 4ma%es b" ;?4F 2a%s ................................................................. &0 Searc/in% Files b" 8ame and 7at/ Len%t/ ........................................................... &# Usin% 1ierarc/ical File Matc/in% *ules................................................................. &# $onditional File Searc/ !ctions< $ommands and 8otifications................................. && !d6anced File Searc/ ,ptions ............................................................................ &( User+Defined File Searc/ $ommands .................................................................. &( Searc/in% Files Usin% t/e DiskBoss $ommand Line Utilit" ...................................... ('/an-e Monitor ........................................................................91

0 &.1 &.2 &.' &.) &.. &.0 &.# &.& &.(

*eal+1i2e Dis

Monitorin% $/an%es in a Disk or Director" ........................................................... (1 Usin% $/an%e Filters and $ate%ories ................................................................... (2 Sa6in% Disk $/an%e Monitorin% *eports .............................................................. (' ;xportin% *eports to an S5L Database................................................................ () Monitorin% Specific File 2"pes or $ate%ories......................................................... (. Disk $/an%e Monitorin% !ctions and ;+Mail 8otifications ....................................... (. Selectin% File S"stem ;6ents to Monitor .............................................................. (0 $ustomi in% Disk $/an%e Monitor :iew ............................................................... (0 2ri%%erin% $ustom File Mana%ement ,perations ................................................... (#


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

&.1- User+Defined Disk $/an%e Monitorin% $ommands................................................. (# &.11 Monitorin% Disks Usin% t/e DiskBoss $ommand Line Utilit".................................... (& &.12 Disk7ulse @ Dedicated Disk $/an%e Monitorin% Solution ........................................ (( 9 (.1 (.2 (.' (.) (.. (.0 (.# (.& (.( 10 &ile Inte-rit% Monitor ......................................................................................100 File 4nte%rit" Monitor ,6er6iew ........................................................................ 1-Sa6in% Si%natures of $ritical S"stem Files ......................................................... 1-1 :erif"in% $ritical S"stem Files .......................................................................... 1-) ;xportin% *eport Files..................................................................................... 1-. Sa6in% Detected $/an%es in S5L Database........................................................ 1-0 7eriodic :erification of $ritical S"stem Files ....................................................... 1-# File 4nte%rit" Monitorin% !ctions ....................................................................... 1-& Usin% File 4nte%rit" Monitor $ommand Line Utilit"............................................... 1-( Usin% DiskBoss Ser6er to Monitor $ritical Ser6ers............................................... 113i-/+!"eed &ile !%nc/roni#ation.....................................................................111

1-.1 S"nc/roni in% a 7air of Directories ................................................................... 111 1-.2 Selectin% File S"nc/roni ation Mode ................................................................. 112 1-.' S"nc/roni in% Files wit/ 7re6iew ...................................................................... 11' 1-.) S"nc/roni in% Files wit/out 7re6iew.................................................................. 11' 1-.. S"nc/roni in% Specific File 2"pes or $ate%ories.................................................. 11) 1-.0 ;xcludin% ,ne or More Subdirectories ............................................................... 11) 1-.# File S"nc/roni ation 7erformance 2unin% ,ptions ............................................... 11. 1-.& User+Defined File S"nc/roni ation $ommands.................................................... 11. 1-.( 7eriodic File S"nc/roni ation............................................................................ 110 1-.1- *eal+2ime File S"nc/roni ation ........................................................................ 110 1-.11 S"nc/roni in% Files Usin% t/e DiskBoss $ommand Line Utilit" .............................. 11# 1-.12 S"ncBree e @ Dedicated File S"nc/roni ation Solution ........................................ 11( 11 &ault+1olerant &ile 'o"% and Data Mi-ration ...................................................120 $op"in% Files Usin% DiskBoss >U4 !pplication .................................................... 12$op"in% Specific File 2"pes or $ate%ories .......................................................... 121 !d6anced File $op" and Data Mi%ration ,ptions ................................................. 122 $op"in% Files Usin% t/e DiskBoss $ommand Line Utilit"....................................... 12'

11.1 11.2 11.' 11.) 12

&ile Delete and Data 4i"in- O"erations ..........................................................12) Deletin% Files Usin% DiskBoss >U4 application .................................................... 12. File Delete and Data 3ipin% ,ptions ................................................................. 120 Deletin% Specific File 2"pes or File $ate%ories .................................................... 12& ;xcludin% Directories From File Delete ,perations .............................................. 12& User+Defined File Delete and Data 3ipin% ,perations ......................................... 12( Sa6in% Delete File Lo%s ................................................................................... 1';xportin% Delete File Lo%s to S5L Database....................................................... 1'1 Deletin% Files Listed in User+Specified 2ext Files................................................. 1'2 Deletin% Files Usin% t/e DiskBoss $ommand Line Utilit" ...................................... 1') &ile $ttri5ute '/an-er .............................................................................13)

12.1 12.2 12.' 12.) 12.. 12.0 12.# 12.& 12.( 13


1'.1 1'.2 1'.' 1'.) 1'.. 14

$/an%in% File !ttributes Usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 !pplication ................................ 1'. !d6anced $/an%e File !ttributes ,ptions........................................................... 1'0 $/an%in% !ttributes for Specific 2"pes of Files ................................................... 1'0 ;xcludin% Directories from $/an%e File !ttributes 7rocess ................................... 1'# User+Defined $/an%e File !ttributes $ommands ................................................. 1'&

Dis ,oss 6UI $""lication ................................................................................139 File Mana%ement and 8a6i%ation ...................................................................... 1'( DiskBoss >U4 La"outs ..................................................................................... 1)User+Defined $ommands................................................................................. 1)1 !utomatic Selection of 4nput Disks Usin% Macro $ommands................................. 1)) ;xcludin% Directories From !nal"sis and File Mana%ement ,perations................... 1). 2ask Mana%ement .......................................................................................... 1)0 Sc/edule 7eriodic !nal"sis and File Mana%ement ,perations................................ 1)# Sound 8otifications......................................................................................... 1)(

1).1 1).2 1).' 1).) 1).. 1).0 1).# 1).&

DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

1).( Built+4n Disk SM!*2 :iewer ............................................................................. 1.1).1- Built+4n 1;? ;ditor ......................................................................................... 1.1 1).11 Built+4n Disk $leaner....................................................................................... 1.2 1).12 User+Selectable 2ool 7anes.............................................................................. 1.2 1).1' DiskBoss ,ptions............................................................................................ 1.) 1).1) *e%isterin% 7roduct ........................................................................................ 1.& 1) Dis ,oss !erver ..............................................................................................1)9 DiskBoss Ser6er ,6er6iew ............................................................................... 1.( Mana%in% DiskBoss Ser6er $ommands .............................................................. 10S"nc $onfi%uration Between Multiple DiskBoss Ser6ers ....................................... 101 $onfi%urin% DiskBoss Ser6er to !ccess 8!S Stora%e De6ices ............................... 102 Settin% $ustom $ontrol 7ort< User 8ame and 7assword....................................... 10' DiskBoss Ser6er 7ro%rammin% !74 ................................................................... 10)

1..1 1..2 1..' 1..) 1... 1..0 16

7M8+,ased &or2at ..........................................................................................16) ,6er6iew....................................................................................................... 10. *ules List ...................................................................................................... 10. 8ested *ules ................................................................................................. 10. File Matc/in% *ules......................................................................................... 100
File ;xtension ....................................................................................................... 100 File 8ame and 7at/ ............................................................................................... 10# File Si e ............................................................................................................... 10& File 2ime .............................................................................................................. 10( File Date .............................................................................................................. 1#2ext 7atterns........................................................................................................ 1#1 Binar" 7atterns ..................................................................................................... 1#2 File $ate%or" ........................................................................................................ 1#' =7;> ;?4F 2a%s..................................................................................................... 1#) 3indows File !ttributes ..................................................................................... 1#. U84? File 7ermissions........................................................................................ 1#0 User 8ame ....................................................................................................... 1## ,6er6iew ............................................................................................................. 1#& Structure ............................................................................................................. 1#& 7lu%in 4nfo ........................................................................................................... 1#( $lass List ............................................................................................................. 1#( $lass Definition ..................................................................................................... 1&8ested *ules ........................................................................................................ 1&$lass >roups ........................................................................................................ 1&1 8ested >roups ...................................................................................................... 1&1 ;xample File $lassification 7lu%in ............................................................................ 1&2 File Searc/ ........................................................................................................... 1&) File $lassification................................................................................................... 1&# Stora%e Utili ation !nal"sis .................................................................................... 1&( Duplicate Files Searc/............................................................................................ 1(2 File S"nc/roni ation .............................................................................................. 1(. File ,r%ani in%...................................................................................................... 1(# File $op".............................................................................................................. 2-File Delete............................................................................................................ 2-2 Disk Monitorin%..................................................................................................... 2-)

10.1 10.2 10.' 10.)

10.).1 10.).2 10.).' 10.).) 10.).. 10.).0 10.).# 10.).& 10.).( 10.).110.).11 10.).12 10...1 10...2 10...' 10...) 10.... 10...0 10...# 10...& 10...( 10.0.1 10.0.2 10.0.' 10.0.) 10.0.. 10.0.0 10.0.# 10.0.& 10.0.(

10.. File $lassification 7lu%ins ................................................................................. 1#&

10.0 User+Defined $ommands................................................................................. 1&'


$""endi9.........................................................................................................206 4nstallin% M"S5L Database .............................................................................. 2-0 $onfi%urin% M"S5L Database ........................................................................... 211 $onfi%urin% M"S5L ,DB$ Data Source.............................................................. 212 $onfi%urin% DiskBoss Database $onnection........................................................ 21' Supported ,peratin% S"stems.......................................................................... 21) S"stem *eAuirements ..................................................................................... 21) Default 9e"board S/ortcuts ............................................................................. 21.

1#.1 1#.2 1#.' 1#.) 1#.. 1#.0 1#.#

DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

1 Product Overview
DiskBoss is an automated< rule+based file and disk mana%er allowin% one to searc/ and classif" files< perform disk space utili ation anal"sis< detect and remo6e duplicate files< or%ani e files accordin% to user+defined rules and policies< cop" lar%e amounts of files in a fault+tolerant wa"< s"nc/roni e disks and directories< cleanup wasted disk space< etc.

!ll file mana%ement operations are inte%rated in a centrali ed and eas"+to+use >U4 application wit/ a built+in file na6i%ator allowin% one to execute an" reAuired operation in a sin%le mouse click. FreAuentl" used file mana%ement operations ma" be pre+confi%ured as user+defined commands and executed usin% t/e >U4 application or direct desktop s/ortcuts. DiskBoss is a /i%/l" extendable and customi able data mana%ement solution allowin% one to desi%n custom file classification plu%ins and purpose+built file mana%ement operations usin% an open and eas"+to+use ?ML+Based format. $ustom disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement operations ma" be inte%rated into t/e product< executed periodicall" at specific time inter6als< performed as conditional actions in ot/er operations or automaticall" tri%%ered b" one or more c/an%es in a disk or director". 4n addition< 42 administrators are pro6ided wit/ extensi6e database inte%ration capabilities allowin% one to submit disk space anal"sis< file classification< duplicate files detection and file searc/ reports into an S5L database. *eports from multiple ser6ers and desktop computers ma" be submitted to a centrali ed S5L database allowin% one to displa" c/arts s/owin% t/e used disk space< file cate%ories and duplicate files per user or per /ost and pro6idin% an in+ dept/ 6isibilit" into /ow disk space is used< w/at t"pes of files are stored and /ow muc/ space is wasted on duplicate files across t/e entire enterprise. Finall"< 42 professionals and enterprises are pro6ided wit/ DiskBoss Ser6er @ a ser6er+based product 6ersion< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice and is capable of executin% all disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement operations in a full" automatic and unattended mode. DiskBoss Ser6er can be mana%ed and confi%ured locall" or t/rou%/ t/e network usin% a free network client >U4 application or t/e DiskBoss command line utilit"< w/ic/ pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to inte%rate DiskBossB features and capabilities into ot/er products and solutions.

DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.



!"ace Utili#ation $nal%sis

DiskBoss pro6ides ad6anced disk space utili ation anal"sis capabilities allowin% one to anal" e one or more local disks< network s/ares or 8!S stora%e de6ices and easil" identif" directories and files /oldin% si%nificant amounts of t/e disk space.

2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to browse files and directories sorted b" t/e used disk space< filter anal"sis results b" t/e file extension< cate%or"< file si e< last access time< user name< etc. and easil" identif" disk space usa%e /otspots. 4n addition< DiskBoss allows one to perform file mana%ement operations on anal"sis results< %enerate 6arious t"pes of disk space anal"sis c/arts and export reports into a number of standard formats suc/ as 12ML< ?ML< ;xcel $S: and !S$44 text.

Finall"< power computer users and 42 professionals are pro6ided wit/ extensi6e S5L database inte%ration capabilities and t/e abilit" to define one or more conditional actions or notifications to be executed w/en t/e specified conditions are met for one or more disks or directories.

DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


&ile 'lassi(ication and 'ate-ori#ation

DiskBoss is capable of scannin% disks< network s/ares and 8!S stora%e de6ices and classif"in% files into a cate%ori ed file /ierarc/". DiskBoss automaticall" reco%ni es more t/an 2.-- file t"pes and allows one to browse t/e cate%ori ed file /ierarc/"< perform 6arious file mana%ement operations on specific files or file cate%ories and p/"sicall" reor%ani e files accordin% to user+defined rules and policies.

2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to appl" second+le6el file cate%ories and filters to file classification results allowin% one to precisel" focus on specific files or file %roups. 4n addition< DiskBoss allows one to %enerate 6arious t"pes of c/arts and export file classification reports into a number of standard formats suc/ as 12ML< ?ML< text and ;xcel $S:.

DiskBoss pro6ides a number of file classification plu%ins allowin% one to classif" files b" t/e cate%or"< extension< user name< file si e< last access< modification and creation times< etc. 4n addition< power computer users and 42 professionals are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to desi%n custom file classification plu%ins usin% an open and eas"+to+use ?ML+based format. Finall"< DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to submit file classification reports from multiple ser6ers and desktop computers to a centrali ed S5L database allowin% one to store a lon% term /istor" of file classification reports and %ain an in+dept/ 6isibilit" into disk space usa%e trends.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Du"licate &iles &inder

number of ad6anced features and files on desktops< ser6ers and 8!S duplicates and allows one to delete or delete duplicates.

DiskBossC built+in duplicate files finder pro6ides a lar%e capabilities allowin% one to identif" and cleanup duplicate stora%e de6ices. 2/e duplicate files finder s/ows detected duplicate files< replace duplicate files wit/ links to ori%inals

2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to cate%ori e and filter detected duplicate files b" t/e file extension< cate%or"< file si e< user name< last access time< etc. Moreo6er< DiskBoss allows one to %enerate 6arious t"pes of c/arts and export reports to t/e 12ML< ?ML< text and $S: formats.

7ower users and 42 professionals are pro6ided wit/ polic"+based duplicate files detection and remo6al capabilities allowin% one to define custom duplicate files detection and cleanup commands and execute t/em in a full" automatic mode usin% t/e DiskBossC >U4 application or t/e command line utilit". Finall"< corporations and enterprises are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to submit reports from multiple ser6ers and desktop computers to a centrali ed S5L database allowin% one to anal" e t/e disk space wasted on duplicate files across t/e entire enterprise.

DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


*ule+,ased &ile Or-ani#in-

DiskBoss pro6ides a ric/ and powerful set of automated< rule+based file mana%ement capabilities allowin% one to cop"< mo6e< delete< compress< link< etc. files or file cate%ories matc/in% user+specified rules and policies based on t/e file name< extension< location< cate%or"< last access date< modification date< creation date< binar" and text patterns< file si e< attributes< =7;> ;?4F ta%s< etc.

2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to define one or more file mana%ement actions to be executed and specif" file matc/in% rules definin% files or file cate%ories t/e actions s/ould be performed on. Durin% runtime< DiskBoss will scan input disks and directories< appl" file matc/in% rules and execute t/e specified file mana%ement actions on matc/in% files.

4n order to ensure proper operation of file or%ani in% actions< DiskBoss pro6ides eas"+to+use pre6iew capabilities allowin% one to re6iew and manuall" confirm eac/ specific file mana%ement action. ,nce tested and 6alidated in t/e pre6iew mode< file or%ani in% operations ma" be confi%ured to run in a full"+automatic and unattended mode< executed periodicall" at specific time inter6als< tri%%ered b" c/an%es in a disk or director" or executed from a s/ell script or a batc/ file usin% t/e DiskBoss command line utilit".


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


*ule+,ased &ile !earc/

DiskBoss pro6ides powerful and flexible file searc/ capabilities allowin% one to searc/ files usin% multiple searc/ criteria includin% t/e file name< extension< file t"pe< file si e< last access< modification< and creation dates< text or binar" patterns< =7;> ;?4F ta%s< etc. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to define composite searc/ Aueries usin% multiple searc/ rules and appl" t/e !8DD,* lo%ical operators.

,ne of t/e most powerful capabilities of DiskBoss is t/e inte%ration of t/e rule+based searc/ features in almost all t"pes of anal"sis and file mana%ement operations. For example< disk space anal"sis< duplicate files detection< file classification< file cop" and file delete operations ma" be performed on files matc/in% one or more user+specified rules and policies.

Users are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to displa" searc/ results< sa6e 12ML< ?ML< text and ;xcel $S: reports and perform file mana%ement operations on searc/ results. 4n addition< DiskBoss allows one to send e+mail notifications andDor execute custom actions w/en a searc/ operation reac/es a user+specified number of searc/ results. Finall"< corporations and enterprises are pro6ided wit/ ad6anced database inte%ration capabilities allowin% one to submit searc/ reports into a centrali ed S5L database.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


3i-/+!"eed &ile !%nc/roni#ation

DiskBoss pro6ides ad6anced file s"nc/roni ation capabilities allowin% one to s"nc/roni e files between directories< local disks and network s/ares. 2/e DiskBossC built+in file s"nc/roni ation en%ine offers numerous one+wa" and two+wa" file s"nc/roni ation modes< t/e abilit" to s"nc specific file t"pes< file compression capabilities and ad6anced performance tunin% options.

FreAuentl" used file s"nc/roni ation operations ma" be pre+confi%ured for custom /ardware and stora%e confi%urations< sa6ed as user+defined commands and executed in a sin%le mouse click. Moreo6er< DiskBoss allows one to create direct desktop s/ortcuts for user+defined file s"nc/roni ation commands and execute t/em directl" from t/e 3indows desktop wit/out startin% t/e main DiskBoss >U4 application. Finall"< power computer users and 42 professionals are pro6ided wit/ a command line utilit"< w/ic/ is capable of executin% file s"nc/roni ation commands from s/ell scripts and batc/ files.

B" default< file s"nc/roni ation commands are executed in t/e pre6iew mode< w/ic/ pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to re6iew and manuall" confirm eac/ specific file s"nc/roni ation action. ,nce a s"nc command is tested and 6erified< t/e user can confi%ure t/e command to run in a full" automatic< unattended stream file s"nc/roni ation mode. 2/e stream file s"nc/roni ation mode performs all file s"nc/roni ation actions on+t/e+fl"< wit/out s/owin% t/e pre6iew dialo% and t/erefore it is muc/ faster and uses si%nificantl" less s"stem memor" w/en executed on lar%e file s"stems.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


&ault+1olerant &ile 'o"% and Data Mi-ration

DiskBoss pro6ides a lar%e number of ad6anced fault+tolerant file cop" and rule+based data mi%ration capabilities allowin% one to cop" 6ast amounts of files fast< efficientl" and reliabl". DiskBoss allows one to cop" files includin% access control lists E!$LsF< securit" attributes< owners/ip information< timestamps and file attributes.

2/e user is pro6ided wit/ a lar%e number of flexible cop" performance tunin% and fault tolerance options allowin% one to cop" data at 6arious speeds< reco6er failed cop" operations and minimi e t/e potential impact on runnin% production s"stems. 2/e data mi%ration en%ine is especiall" optimi ed for modern /ardware platforms and is capable of effecti6el" utili in% powerful *!4D controllers< multi+$7UDmulti+core ser6ers and >i%abit ;t/ernet networks.

,ne of t/e most powerful capabilities of t/e DiskBossC file cop" en%ine is t/e inte%ration wit/ rule+based searc/ features< w/ic/ is allowin% one to cop" or mo6e files matc/in% one or more user+defined rules. For example< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to cop" a cate%or" of files wit/ t/e file si e lar%er t/at a specific 6alue t/at were modified durin% a specific time period or an" ot/er combination of rules specif"in% files t/at s/ould be copied. Moreo6er< DiskBoss pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to perform file cop" operations periodicall" at specific time inter6als or tri%%er pre+defined file cop" commands w/en a user+ specified number of c/an%es are detected in a disk or director" makin% it possible to easil" implement real+time file backup solutions. Finall"< power computer users and 42 professionals are pro6ided wit/ a command line utilit" capable of executin% user+defined file cop" commands from s/ell scripts and batc/ files enablin% inte%ration of DiskBossC file cop" and data mi%ration capabilities wit/ ot/er products and solutions.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


&ile Delete and Data 4i"in- O"erations

DiskBoss pro6ides ad6anced file delete and data wipin% operations allowin% one to securel" wipe confidential information< sc/edule periodic file delete operations or automaticall" tri%%er polic"+based file delete operations accordin% to user+specified rules w/ile sa6in% file delete lo%s or exportin% lists of deleted files to an S5L database.

Users reAuired to securel" wipe confidential information are pro6ided wit/ a lar%e number of different data wipin% al%orit/ms ran%in% from a simple< sin%le+pass wipe to a powerful #+pass< D,D .22-.22+M compliant data wipin% al%orit/m. 4n addition< DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to appl" different t"pes of delete operations for different t"pes of files. For example< all t"pes of documents and ima%e files ma" be securel" wiped w/ile all ot/er t"pes of files Gust deleted.

;nterprise customers and 42 professions are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to implement full" automated file retention policies usin% rule+based periodic file delete operations preconfi%ured to delete files based on file creation< last modification andDor last access dates. Finall"< DiskBoss Ser6er can be used to automaticall" enforce 7$4 and 1477! compliance policies and perform file mana%ement operations on specific t"pes of files and directories matc/in% user+ specified rules.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


*eal+1i2e Dis

'/an-e Monitor

DiskBoss Ultimate includes a built+in disk c/an%e monitor capable of detectin% file creations< modifications< attribute c/an%es and deletions in real+time. 2/e real+time disk c/an%e monitor pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to monitor one or more disks< directories or network s/ares< detect c/an%es made in t/e monitored file s"stems< send notifications and execute actions.

2/e disk c/an%e monitor allows one to send e+mail notifications< sa6e reports andDor execute custom commands w/en a disk c/an%e monitorin% command reac/es a user+specified number of c/an%es. 2/e abilit" to execute DiskBossC user+defined commands as actions in t/e disk c/an%e monitor enables /i%/l" powerful and flexible inte%rations between different t"pes of file mana%ement operations. For example< a user+defined file s"nc/roni ation command executed after eac/ ? c/an%es in a disk or director" pro6ides eas"+to+use and effecti6e real+ time file s"nc/roni ation capabilities.

2/e DiskBossC disk c/an%e monitor pro6ides second+le6el file cate%ories and filters allowin% one to filter detected file s"stem c/an%es b" t/e file extension< file t"pe< c/an%e t"pe< file owner< file si e< etc. Finall"< power computer users and 42 professionals are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to submit disk c/an%e monitorin% reports into a centrali ed S5L database.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


&ile Inte-rit% Monitor

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide a built+in file inte%rit" monitor allowin% one to sa6e di%ital si%natures of critical s"stem files and t/en periodicall" monitor t/e inte%rit" of critical s"stem files< detect unaut/ori ed c/an%es< export 12ML< text< ;xcel $S: or ?ML reports and send ;+Mail notifications.

2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to specif" one or more disks or directories to be monitored< select w/ic/ t"pes of files s/ould be monitored< t"pes of c/an%es t/at s/ould be detected and optionall" sa6e reports< send ;+Mail notifications andDor execute custom commands w/en a user+specified number of c/an%es is detected.

4n addition to t/e file inte%rit" monitorin% capabilities a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< DiskBoss pro6ides a command line utilit" allowin% one to 6erif" t/e inte%rit" of critical s"stem files< sa6e reports and send ;+Mail notifications from s/ell scripts and batc/ files. Finall"< DiskBoss Ser6er< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice< allows one to continuousl" monitor t/e inte%rit" of s"stem files in critical ser6ers and 8!S stora%e s"stem.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.



&ile $ttri5ute '/an-er

DiskBoss includes a bulk file attribute c/an%er allowin% one to process one or more disks or directories and c/an%e file attributes< creation dates< last modification dates and last access dates. 2/e bulk file attributes c/an%es pro6ides a lar%e number of ad6anced options allowin% one to process specific t"pes of files< perform multiple operations durin% a sin%le scan t/rou%/ t/e file s"stem< exclude directories from t/e scannin% process< etc.

DiskBoss allows one to c/an%e file attributes andDor file timestamps for files matc/in% user+ specified rules. For example< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to c/an%e file attributes for all t"pes of ima%es wit/ t/e file si e more t/an ? MB. Multiple different t"pes of file matc/in% rules ma" be used to precisel" select files to be processed.

2/e bulk file attribute c/an%er is optimi ed for modern multi+core and multi+$7U ser6ers and can scan directories and process files usin% a number of $7U or $7U cores accordin% to user+ specific needs and reAuirements. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ ad6anced parallel director" scannin% capabilities allowin% one to process files and c/an%e file attributes andDor file timestamps for millions of files 6er" effecti6el".


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


User+De(ined Dis

$nal%sis and &ile Mana-e2ent 'o22ands

DiskBoss is a powerful and flexible product pro6idin% a lar%e number of features< capabilities and confi%uration options allowin% one to perform man" t"pes of different disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement operations. 4n order to simplif" mana%ement and execution of freAuentl" used operations< DiskBoss pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to add user+defined disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement commands pre+confi%ured for user+specific /ardware and stora%e confi%urations.

!ll t"pes of disk anal"sis and file mana%ement operations suc/ as disk space anal"sis< file classification< duplicate files detection< file or%ani in%< file searc/< file s"nc/roni ation< cop"< mo6e< delete and disk c/an%e monitorin% ma" be sa6ed as user+defined commands< pre+ confi%ured for user+specific needs and custom /ardware confi%urations and executed in a sin%le click usin% t/e main >U4 application or t/e DiskBoss command line utilit". 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to create direct desktop s/ortcuts for user+defined file mana%ement commands and execute an" command directl" from t/e 3indows desktop wit/out startin% t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application. Moreo6er< DiskBoss allows one to desi%n user+defined disk anal"sis and file mana%ement commands usin% an open and eas"+to+use ?ML+Based format< w/ic/ ma" be imported into t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or executed b" t/e command line utilit". 7re+confi%ured and tested disk anal"sis and file mana%ement commands ma" be easil" and safel" executed on multiple ser6ers and desktop computers minimi in% risks or potential operator+related errors. ,ne of t/e most powerful capabilities of DiskBoss is t/e inte%ration of different t"pes of user+ defined disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement commands< w/ic/ pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to combine multiple operations in order to full" automate freAuentl" performed and time consumin% operations. For example< a disk space anal"sis operation confi%ured to detect lar%e amounts of old< unused files ma" automaticall" tri%%er a rule+based file mana%ement operation< w/ic/ will arc/i6e< mo6e or delete t/ese specific files.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!:8 Data5ase Inte-ration

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide t/e abilit" to submit disk space anal"sis< file classification< duplicate files< disk c/an%e monitorin% and file searc/ results into a centrali ed S5L database t/rou%/ t/e ,DB$ interface.

4n order to connect DiskBoss to an S5L database< open t/e options dialo%< select t/e CDatabaseC tab and specif" an ,DB$ data source< user name and password. ,nce finis/ed specif"in% t/e reAuired information< press t/e C:erif"C button to c/eck t/e database connection.

Disk space anal"sis< file classification< duplicate files detection< disk c/an%e monitorin% and file searc/ results ma" be sa6ed into an S5L database in a 6er" similar wa". =ust press t/e CSa6eC button on t/e results dialo% and select t/e CS5L DatabaseC report format.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$dvanced Dis

!"ace $nal%sis 'a"a5ilities

42 and stora%e administrators are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to submit disk space anal"sis< file classification and duplicate files reports from multiple ser6ers and desktop computers to a centrali ed S5L database< displa" c/arts s/owin% t/e used disk space< file cate%ories and duplicate files per user or per /ost and %ain an in+dept/ 6isibilit" into w/at t"pes of files are consumin% t/e most of t/e disk space< w/o owns t/ese files< w/ere t/ese files are located< /ow muc/ disk space is wasted on duplicates< etc. across t/e entire enterprise.

2/e users anal"sis dialo% pro6ides t/e abilit" to displa" t/e used disk space< file cate%ories and duplicate files per user. 2/e dialo% allows one to select t"pes of operations< file cate%ories and file s"stem locations to anal" e< customi e usersB displa" names< edit t/e c/artBs title and footer and finall" cop" t/e c/art ima%e to t/e clipboard allowin% one to easil" inte%rate DiskBossC c/arts into user+custom reports and presentations.

2/e /osts anal"sis dialo% allows one to displa" c/arts s/owin% t/e disk space usa%e< file cate%ories and duplicate files per /ost. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to select t"pes of disk anal"sis operations< file cate%ories and file s"stem locations to anal" e< customi e /ostsB displa" names< edit c/artBs title and footer and finall" cop" t/e c/art ima%e to t/e clipboard.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.



!"ace Usa-e 3istor% '/arts

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to displa" /istor" c/arts s/owin% /ow t/e total disk space usa%e< a user+selected file cate%or" or t/e number of duplicate files are c/an%in% o6er time in one or more ser6ers or desktop computers.

4n order to displa" a /istor" c/art< sa6e a series of reports to an S5L database< open t/e S5L reports dialo% and press t/e C1istor"C button. ! series of reports ma" be exported to an S5L database manuall" usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or automaticall" usin% t/e DiskBoss Ser6er or t/e command line utilit".

dis 5oss +anal%#e +dir ;8ocal Director%< +save=to=data5ase

2/e DiskBoss command line utilit" allows one to anal" e< classif" and cate%ori e files in one or more disks or directories and sa6e a report to an S5L database. 4n order to %enerate reports for multiple ser6ers or desktop computers t/rou%/ t/e network< t/e user needs to specif" one or more network s/ares t/at s/ould be processed usin% t/e U8$ notation and set an appropriate /ost name for eac/ report sa6ed to t/e database.

dis 5oss +anal%#e +dir >>server>s/are +/ost ;3ost Na2e< +save=to=data5ase

Finall"< DiskBoss Ser6er ma" to confi%ured to periodicall" anal" e disk space utili ation< classif" files or detect duplicate files in one or more ser6ers or desktop computers< sa6e reports to a centrali ed S5L database and %enerate /istor" c/arts s/owin% /ow t/e used disk space and t/e number of files in a user+selected file cate%or" are c/an%in% o6er time. 2/e /istor" c/arts dialo% displa"s t/e list of a6ailable c/arts< t/e list of /ost computers w/ere t/e c/arts were %enerated on and extended statistical information for eac/ c/art. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to filter c/arts b" t/e /ost name< location< report label< etc. allowin% one to select an appropriate /istor" c/art. 4n addition< t/e c/arts dialo% allows one to c/an%e t/e c/artCs title and footer< export t/e c/artCs ima%e to t/e clipboard makin% it 6er" eas" to inte%rate DiskBoss /istor" c/arts in userCs custom reports and presentations.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$nal%#e Dis

!"ace Usa-e Per Director%

DiskBoss Ultimate and Disk Boss Ser6er allow one to sa6e disk space usa%e reports from multiple ser6ers< desktop andDor laptop computers to a central S5L database and t/en anal" e disk space usa%e per director" across t/e entire enterprise.

4n order to perform t/e directories anal"sis< anal" e disk space usa%e in one or more ser6ers andDor 8!S stora%e de6ices< submit all disk space anal"sis reports to an S5L database< open t/e S5L database dialo%< press t/e C!nal" eC button and select t/e CDirectoriesC menu item.

2/e directories anal"sis dialo% displa"s a list of top ? directories sorted b" t/e used disk space and s/ows t/e /ost name< user name< t/e used disk space and t/e number of files for eac/ director" allowin% one to easil" see w/o is usin% most of t/e disk space and w/ere t/ese files are located on t/e network.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$nal%#in- &iles in !ervers and N$! !tora-e Devices

DiskBoss allows one to anal" e disk space< classif" files< detect duplicate files and searc/ files in all network s/ares of one or more ser6ers or 8!S stora%e de6ices. 4n order to anal" e one or more ser6ers< open an anal"sis operation dialo%< press t/e C!ddC button located on t/e ri%/t side of t/e list of anal"sis locations< select t/e CSer6ers or 8!S De6icesC mode and enter one or more /ost names or 47 addresses separated b" t/e semicolon EHF c/aracter.

DiskBoss will scan t/e network and s/ow a list of network s/ares detected in t/e specified ser6ers and 8!S stora%e de6ices allowin% one to select one or more network s/ares t/at s/ould be processed. 4n order to be able to use t/is feature< t/e user needs to /a6e permissions to access network s/ares.

2/e network s/ares scannin% operation ma" be performed multiple times for different ser6ers and 8!S stora%e de6ices and an unlimited number of network s/ares from different ser6ers ma" be added to t/e anal"sis operation. Durin% runtime< DiskBoss will process all t/e specified network s/ares in parallel usin% all $7Us andDor $7U+cores a6ailable in t/e /ost computer DiskBoss is runnin% on.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$nal%#in- &iles in $ll !ervers on t/e Networ

!not/er option is to anal" e< classif" and or searc/ files in all ser6ers andDor 8!S stora%e de6ices a6ailable on t/e network. 4n order to anal" e all ser6ers on t/e network< open an anal"sis operation dialo%< press t/e C!ddC button located on t/e ri%/t side of t/e list of anal"sis locations< select t/e C!ll Ser6ers on t/e 8etworkC mode and press t/e C,kC button.

DiskBoss will scan t/e network and s/ow a list of ser6ers and 8!S stora%e de6ices detected on t/e network. Select one or more ser6ers or 8!S stora%e de6ices to anal" e in and press t/e C,kC button.

DiskBoss will scan t/e selected ser6ers and s/ow a list of network s/ares detected in t/e ser6ers and 8!S stora%e de6ices allowin% one to select one or more network s/ares t/at s/ould be processed. Durin% runtime< DiskBoss will process t/e selected network s/ares in parallel usin% all $7Us a6ailable in t/e /ost computer DiskBoss is runnin% on. 4n order to be able to use t/is feature< t/e user needs to /a6e permissions to access network s/ares.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!c/edule Periodic Dis

$nal%sis and &ile Mana-e2ent O"erations

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to execute disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement operations periodicall" at specific time inter6als< weekl" or mont/l" sc/edules< etc. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to define an unlimited number of periodic Gobs wit/ eac/ one confi%ured to execute one or more disk space anal"sis or file mana%ement commands.

;ac/ periodic Gob can be started b" multiple /ourl"< dail"< weekl" andDor mont/l" tri%%ers wit/ different sc/edules for eac/ tri%%er allowin% one to execute disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement operations at different times dependin% on t/e week da"< mont/ da"< etc. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to execute multiple disk space anal"sis andDor file mana%ement operations in eac/ periodic Gob.

B" default< DiskBoss executes multiple commands specified in a periodic Gob seAuentiall" one after one. 4n some situations< w/en processin% or anal" in% files located on multiple p/"sical disks or multiple se6ers or 8!S stora%e de6ices< it ma" be more effecti6e to execute multiple disk space anal"sis or file mana%ement operations in parallel.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Dis ,oss !erver

DiskBoss Ser6er is a ser6er+based product 6ersion< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice and is capable of executin% all t"pes of disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement operations in a full" automatic and unattended mode. DiskBoss Ser6er ma" be mana%ed and confi%ured locall" or t/rou%/ t/e network usin% a freeware network client >U4 application< t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" or t/e DiskBoss Ser6er pro%rammin% !74< w/ic/ ma" be used to inte%rate DiskBossC disk anal"sis and file mana%ement capabilities into ot/er products and solutions.


'o22and 8ine Utilit%

DiskBoss pro6ides a command line utilit"< w/ic/ is capable of executin% all t"pes of disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement operations from s/ell scripts and batc/ files. 4n addition< customi ed disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement operations ma" be desi%ned usin% an open< eas"+to+use ?ML+based format and executed usin% t/e DiskBoss command line utilit".

2/e ?ML+Based format pro6ides full control o6er all t"pes of disk anal"sis and file mana%ement operations and co6ers all a6ailable parameters from input disks and directories to automatic reports %eneration capabilities and performance tunin% options. 4n conGunction wit/ t/e ?ML+ Based format< t/e command line utilit" ma" be used to inte%rate DiskBossC disk anal"sis and file mana%ement capabilities into ot/er products and solutions.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Dis ,oss !erver !D? and Pro-ra22in- $PI

DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ides a software de6elopment kit ESD9F and a $D$II pro%rammin% !74 librar" allowin% one to control a sin%le DiskBoss Ser6er on t/e same /ost w/ere t/e client application is runnin% on or multiple DiskBoss ser6ers runnin% on a number of /osts connected to t/e same local network.

4n a sin%le+/ost setup< t/e DiskBoss !74 librar" connects locall" to t/e DiskBoss ser6er< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice. 2/e DiskBoss !74 librar" pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to confi%ure t/e ser6er< setup user+defined file mana%ement commands< control file mana%ement operations and sa6e results to file reports or an S5L database.

4n a multi+/ost confi%uration< t/e DiskBoss !74 librar" connects to one or more DiskBoss Ser6ers t/rou%/ t/e network allowin% one to confi%ure< mana%e and control multiple DiskBoss ser6ers usin% a sin%le client application. For more information about t/e DiskBoss Ser6er software de6elopment kit ESD9F and pro%rammin% !74 refer toJ /ttpJDDwww.diskboss.comDdiskbossKser6erKapi.pdf


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Product Versions
&ree .--9 2 2B ' ' @es @es @es @es 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o Freeware Pro .M 2- 2B 11@es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o L.Free 2rial

&eature Maximum 8umber of Files Maximum Stora%e $apacit" Maximum 7redefined $ommands Maximum 8umber of 7arallel 2asks Disk Space !nal"sis ,perations File $lassification ,perations Duplicate Files Finder Support for Unicode File 8ames Support for Lon% File 8ames !d6anced Data Mi%ration Features $op" !$Ls and Securit" !ttributes *eco6erable $op" ,perations !d6anced $lassification 7lu%ins D"namic Speed $ontrol 7eriodic File Mana%ement =obs File 4nte%rit" Monitor *eal+2ime Disk $/an%e Monitor $ontinuous Data 7rotection $apabilities !d6anced Stora%e Utili ation !nal"sis !d6anced Duplicate Files Detection *ule+Based File $op" and Data Mi%ration $ommand Line 2ools S5L Database 4nte%ration Disk Space Usa%e 1istor" $/arts *uns in t/e Back%round as a Ser6ice Mana%eable 2/rou%/ t/e 8etwork Free 8etwork $lient >U4 !pplication 7ro%rammin% !74 and SD9 License

Ulti2ate .-M 2-- 2B 1-1-@es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es 8o 8o 8o 8o L12.
Free 2rial

!erver Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es @es L2.Free 2rial

M 7roduct features< prices and license terms are subGect to c/an%e wit/out notice. MM ! product license allows one to use t/e product on a sin%le p/"sical or 6irtual /ost computer< includes all product updates released durin% 36 2ont/s from t/e purc/ase date and pro6ides ;+Mail+based customer support.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

2 Product Installation
2.1 Downloadin- Dis ,oss

DiskBoss is a6ailable as a free download on our web site Ewww.diskboss.comF and from a lar%e number of software directories from around t/e world. 2o be sure "ou are %ettin% t/e latest product 6ersion< c/eck /ereJ /ttpJDDwww.diskboss.comDdownloads./tml


Product Installation Procedure

DiskBoss is especiall" desi%ned to be as simple as possible. 2/e installation procedure is 6er" simple< reAuires no special knowled%e and ma" be completed in less t/an 1- seconds. 2/ere is no need for an" additional software. =ust download t/e DiskBoss installation packa%e< run t/e setup pro%ram and "ou are done.

,n t/e N3elcomeB screen press t/e N8extB button. *ead t/e end+user license a%reement and press t/e N4 !%reeB button if "ou accept t/e license terms or t/e N$ancelB button to stop t/e installation process. Select t/e destination director"< press t/e N4nstallB button and wait for t/e installation process to complete. 2/atBs all "ou need to install DiskBoss on "our computer.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Product U"date Procedure

!lmost e6er" mont/< Flexense releases a new 6ersion of DiskBoss< w/ic/ t"picall" includes new features and bu%+fixes. 2/ese product updates are uploaded to our web site and ma" be applied to an" installed product 6ersion. ;ac/ time DiskBoss is started< t/e DiskBoss update mana%er c/ecks if t/ere is a new product update a6ailable. 4f t/ere is a new product update a6ailable< an NUpdateB link will be displa"ed in t/e bottom+ri%/t corner of t/e status bar.

$lick on t/e link to open t/e update dialo% and see more information about t/e a6ailable product update. 2/e update dialo% s/ows t/e 6ersion of t/e new product update and t/e followin% two buttonsJ t/e N*elease 8otesB button and t/e N4nstallB button.

7ress t/e N*elease 8otesB button to see more information about t/e new product 6ersion. 7ress t/e N4nstallB button to download and install t/e new product 6ersion. !fter pressin% t/e N4nstallB button< please wait w/ile t/e Flexense update mana%er will download t/e new product 6ersion to t/e local disk. 2/e update packa%e will be downloaded to a temporar" director" on t/e s"stem dri6e and automaticall" deleted after t/e Flexense update mana%er will finis/ updatin% t/e product.

!fter download is completed< close all DiskBoss application windows and press t/e N,kB button w/en read". 4f one or more DiskBoss application windows will be open durin% t/e update< t/e operation will fail and t/e w/ole update process will need to be restarted from t/e be%innin%.

!fter finis/in% t/e update process< DiskBoss will s/ow a messa%e box informin% about t/e successfull" completed operation. 4n order to manuall" 6erif" t/at t/e currentl" installed product 6ersion is up+to+date< select menu N1elp @ $/eck For Updates OB on t/e menu bar.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

3 Dis

!"ace Utili#ation $nal%sis

$nal%#in- One or More Dis s or Directories

4n order to anal" e one or more disks or directories< select t/e directories in t/e DiskBoss file na6i%ator and press t/e N!nal" eB button located on t/e main toolbar. DiskBoss will scan t/e selected disks and directories and displa" t/e anal"sis results dialo% s/owin% disks< directories and files sorted b" t/e amount of t/e used disk space.

2/e anal"sis results dialo% allows one to browse anal"sis results< perform file mana%ement operations< cate%ori e and filter results< %enerate 6arious t"pes of c/arts< sa6e anal"sis reports into t/e 12ML< ?ML< text and $S: formats< submit reports to an S5L database< etc.

4n order to perform an operation on one or more files or directories< select t/e reAuired files and press an appropriate button on t/e dialo%Bs toolbar. !lternati6el"< use t/e dialo%Bs context menu< w/ic/ pro6ides access to additional options and features.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Usin- &ile &ilters and 'ate-ories

2/e top 6iew of t/e anal"sis results dialo% s/ows directories and files sorted b" t/e amount of t/e used disk space and t/e bottom 6iew s/ows t/e currentl" selected file cate%ories< w/ic/ are allowin% one to cate%ori e and filter files and directories displa"ed in t/e top 6iew.

4n order to appl" one or more file cate%ories as a filter< select t/e reAuired file cate%ories in t/e bottom 6iew< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e N!ppl" Selected FiltersB menu item. DiskBoss will filter t/e disk space anal"sis results and displa" in t/e top 6iew files matc/in% t/e selected file filters and directories containin% t/ese files.

3it/ an acti6e file filter< all operations suc/ as browsin%< file cop"< mo6e and delete< reports %eneration< c/arts< etc. will be performed on filtered results onl". 4n order to reset t/e currentl" acti6e file filter< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e filters 6iew and select t/e N$lear Selected FiltersB menu item.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Usin- Dis

!"ace Usa-e Pie '/arts

DiskBoss pro6ides numerous t"pes of c/arts capable of displa"in% t/e used disk space per director"< file cate%or"< extension< file si e< last access< modification and creation times< etc. 4n order to open t/e c/arts dialo%< Gust press t/e N$/artsB button located on t/e results dialo%Bs toolbar.

B" default< t/e c/arts dialo% s/ows t/e amount of t/e used disk space per director" for t/e currentl" displa"ed file s"stem location. 4n addition< t/e c/art mode selector allows one to s/ow t/e number of files per director"< t/e used disk space per cate%or" and t/e number of files per cate%or".

4n %eneral< t/e c/arts dialo% s/ows information about t/e director" 6iew and t/e cate%ories 6iew. 4n order to displa" a different t"pe of cate%ories< Gust select t/e reAuired cate%or" in t/e cate%ories 6iew and t/en open t/e c/arts dialo%. 4n addition< t/e c/arts dialo% allows one to edit c/art options displa"ed in t/e c/artBs status strin% and cop" t/e c/artBs ima%e to t/e clipboard makin% it 6er" eas" to inte%rate DiskBossC c/arts in userBs documents and reports.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Usin- &ile Mana-e2ent 'o22ands

DiskBoss allows one to cop"< mo6e and delete files and directories displa"ed in t/e disk space anal"sis results dialo%. 4n order to perform a file operation on one or more files or directories< select t/e reAuired items in t/e director" 6iew< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select an appropriate file operation.

For cop" and mo6e operations< enter t/e destination director" and optionall" press t/e N!d6anced ,ptionsB button to open t/e cop" options dialo%.

2/e cop" options dialo% allows one to control t/e file o6erwrite mode< file cop" rules< performance tunin% options and error /andlin% options. 3/en cop"in% files wit/ an acti6e file filter< DiskBoss automaticall" adds one or more file matc/in% rules to t/e N*ulesB tab ensurin% t/at onl" filtered files are copied to t/e destination director".


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!avin- Dis

!"ace $nal%sis *e"orts

DiskBoss allows one to sa6e disk space anal"sis results into a number of standard formats suc/ as 12ML< ?ML< text and ;xcel $S:. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to sa6e results to t/e DiskBossC nati6e report format< w/ic/ is capable of preser6in% all information related to eac/ specific disk space anal"sis operation and ma" be loaded at an" time Gust b" clickin% on a report file in t/e DiskBossC file na6i%ator.

4n order to sa6e a report file< press t/e NSa6eB button located on t/e results dialo%Bs toolbar. ,n t/e sa6e report dialo%< select an appropriate report format< enter a report title< a file name and press t/e NSa6eB button. ;ac/ report be%ins wit/ t/e top 1- file cate%ories followed b" a /ierarc/" of directories and files sorted b" t/e amount of t/e used disk space. 4f one or more file filters are acti6e< DiskBoss will export files matc/in% t/e selected file filters and directories containin% t/ese files.

B" default< DiskBoss sa6es a s/ort report< w/ic/ includes up to ' file s"stem le6els be%innin% from t/e current location. 4n order to c/an%e t/e amount of information sa6ed to a report file< press t/e NMore ,ptionsB button and select t/e number of file s"stem le6els and t/e number of items per le6el t/at s/ould be exported.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


A9"ortin- *e"orts to an !:8 Data5ase

DiskBoss Ultimate allows one to sa6e disk space anal"sis reports into an S5L database. ! lon%+term /istor" of disk space anal"sis reports from multiple ser6ers and desktop computers ma" be submitted to a centrali ed S5L database and used to anal" e disk usa%e trends across t/e entire enterprise.

Before exportin% reports to an S5L database< open t/e N,ptionsB dialo%< enable t/e ,DB$ interface and specif" t/e name of t/e data source< database user name and password to use to connect to t/e database.

4n order to export a disk space anal"sis to an S5L database< press t/e NSa6eB button located on t/e results dialo%Bs toolbar and select t/e NS5L DatabaseB report format. ,ptionall"< press t/e NMore ,ptionsB button and specif" t/e number of file s"stem le6els and t/e number of items per file s"stem le6el to be exported to t/e database.

For eac/ report in t/e database< DiskBoss displa"s t/e report date and time< t/e /ost name< t/e input directories< t/e total number of files and disk space and t/e report title. 2o open a pre6iousl" sa6ed report< Gust click on t/e report item in t/e database reports dialo%.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$nal%#in- Dis

!"ace Usa-e Per User

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide t/e abilit" to anal" e disk space usa%e reports from one or more ser6ers or desktop computers and displa" c/arts s/owin% t/e amount of used disk space and t/e number of files per user.

I2"ortantB B" default< processin% and displa" of user names is disabled. 4n order to be able to see user names< open t/e options dialo%< select t/e C>eneralC tab and enable t/is option.

4n order to anal" e disk space usa%e per user< connect DiskBoss to an S5L Database and submit disk space usa%e reports containin% files owned b" multiple users to t/e S5L database usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or t/e DiskBoss command line utilit". ,nce reports are in t/e database< open t/e NDatabaseB dialo% and press t/e NUsersB button to open t/e NUsers StatisticsB dialo%.

dis 5oss +anal%#e +dir >>server>s/are +/ost ;3ost Na2e< +save=to=data5ase 2/e simplest wa" to submit reports from multiple ser6ers or desktop computers is to use t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" to anal" e all t/e reAuired /osts t/rou%/ t/e network. 4n order to simplif" submission of reports to t/e S5L database< t/e command line utilit" ma" be executed on t/e same /ost w/ere t/e S5L database is installed on. 4n t/is case< t/e user needs to specif" one or more network s/ares to be processed and t/e /ost name to be set for eac/ report.

dis 5oss +anal%#e +dir ;8ocal Director%< +save=re"ort ;&ile Na2e<

!not/er option is to execute t/e command line utilit" on eac/ specific /ost< sa6e disk space anal"sis reports and later submit reports from all /osts to t/e S5L database usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application. 4n t/is case< t/ere is no need to set t/e /ost name< w/ic/ will be set automaticall" to t/e name of t/e /ost t/e command line utilit" is executed on.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$nal%#in- Dis

!"ace Usa-e Per 3ost

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide t/e abilit" to submit disk space usa%e reports from multiple ser6ers and desktop computers into a centrali ed S5L database< anal" e disk space usa%e reports and displa" 6arious t"pes of c/arts s/owin% disk space usa%e per /ost allowin% one to %ain an in+dept/ 6isibilit" into disk space usa%e patterns across t/e entire enterprise.

4n order to perform ad6anced disk space usa%e anal"sis< t/e user needs to connect DiskBoss to an S5L Database< perform disk space anal"sis on multiple /osts usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" and submit reports from all /osts to t/e S5L database. ,nce reports from all /osts are in t/e database< open t/e NDatabaseB dialo% and press t/e N1ostsB button to open t/e N1osts StatisticsB dialo%.

dis 5oss +anal%#e +dir >>server>s/are +/ost ;3ost Na2e< +save=to=data5ase

2/e simplest wa" to submit reports from multiple ser6ers or desktop computers is to use t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" to anal" e all t/e reAuired /osts t/rou%/ t/e network. 4n order to simplif" submission of reports to t/e S5L database< t/e command line utilit" ma" be executed on t/e same /ost w/ere t/e S5L database is installed on. 4n t/is case< t/e user needs to specif" one or more network s/ares to be processed and t/e /ost name to be set for eac/ report.

dis 5oss +anal%#e +dir ;8ocal Director%< +save=re"ort ;&ile Na2e<

!not/er option is to execute t/e command line utilit" on eac/ specific /ost< sa6e disk space anal"sis reports and later submit reports from all /osts to t/e S5L database usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application. 4n t/is case< t/ere is no need to set t/e /ost name< w/ic/ will be set automaticall" to t/e name of t/e /ost t/e command line utilit" is executed on.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$nal%#in- !"eci(ic &ile 1%"es or 'ate-ories

,ne of t/e most powerful anal"sis capabilities pro6ided b" DiskBoss is t/e inte%ration between disk space anal"sis and file searc/ features allowin% one to perform disk space anal"sis on files matc/in% one or more user+specified rules. For example< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to anal" e files related to a specific file cate%or"< wit/ a specific file si e t/at were modified or created durin% a specific time period or an" ot/er combination of user+specific rules.

4n order to add one or more file matc/in% rules to a disk space anal"sis operation< press t/e N!d6anced ,ptionsB button on t/e anal" e disk space dialo%< select t/e N*ulesB tab and press t/e N!ddB button. ,nce finis/ed to add file matc/in% rules< select an appropriate rules lo%ic mode E!8DD,*F and press t/e NSa6eB button.

For a rule+based disk space anal"sis operation< t/e results dialo% will s/ow files matc/in% t/e specified rules and directories containin% t/ese files. !ll t"pes of c/arts and reports will include information about filtered files onl" makin% it 6er" eas" to focus on specific file %roups and cate%ories. Moreo6er< t/e second+le6el file cate%ories and filters located on t/e bottom side of t/e results dialo%< pro6ide t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to furt/er cate%ori e and filter files usin% additional cate%ories suc/ t/e file extension< file t"pe< last access< creation and modification time< file si e< file owner< etc.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Multi+8evel Dis

!"ace Utili#ation $nal%sis

2/e DiskBossC disk space anal" er pro6ides t/e abilit" to combine disk space anal"sis operations wit/ file classification capabilities allowin% one to precisel" understand w/at t"pes of files are stored in directories /oldin% most of t/e disk space.

4n order to classif" files in one or more directories displa"ed in t/e disk space anal"sis results dialo%< select t/e reAuired directories in t/e director" 6iew< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e N$lassif" FilesB menu item. ,n t/e N$lassification 7lu%insB dialo% selected an appropriate file classification plu%in and press t/e N$lassif"B button.

2/e file classification results dialo% s/ows file cate%ories and classes accordin% to t/e selected file classification plu%in and pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to export c/arts< sa6e reports< submit results to an S5L database< perform file mana%ement operations on specific file t"pes and p/"sicall" reor%ani e files on t/e disk. Moreo6er< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to appl" second+le6el file cate%ories and filters b" t/e file si e< extension< last access< creation and modification dates< etc. to furt/er focus on specific files or file %roups.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Usin- Dis

!"ace $nal%sis 'onditions and $ctions

7ower computer users and 42 professionals are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to automaticall" detect specific disk space utili ation patterns< send ;+Mail notification andDor execute DiskBossC user+defined commands or custom actions. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to define one or more disk space anal"sis conditions< e6aluate t/ese conditions on disk space anal"sis results and send ;+Mail notifications andDor execute actions if one or more of t/e specified conditions are met.

4n order to add one or more disk space anal"sis conditions and actions< open t/e disk space anal"sis options dialo%< select t/e N!ctionsB tab and press t/e N!ddB button. ,n t/e action dialo%< select t/e director" mode< enter t/e director" to e6aluate t/e condition for< select t/e condition t"pe< enter t/e condition 6alue< select t/e action t"pe and enter t/e action 6alue.

Durin% runtime< DiskBoss will perform disk space anal"sis and e6aluate t/e specified conditions for one or more directories dependin% on t/e selected director" mode. ;xecution of disk space anal"sis actions depends on t/e selected actions mode. 4n t/e N7re6iewB mode< DiskBoss will mark directories matc/in% t/e specified conditions in t/e results dialo% and s/ow t/e actions pre6iew dialo% allowin% one to 6erif" and manuall" confirm t/e specified disk space anal"sis conditions< ;+Mail notifications and actions. 4n t/e N;xecuteB mode< instead of s/owin% t/e disk space anal"sis results dialo%< DiskBoss will automaticall" send ;+Mail notifications and execute actions for eac/ director" matc/in% t/e user+specified conditions. 2/e N;xecuteB mode is especiall" useful for automatic disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement operations performed periodicall" usin% t/e DiskBossC command line utilit" allowin% one to tri%%er user+defined disk cleanup and file mana%ement operations based on disk space anal"sis results.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$dvanced Dis

!"ace $nal%sis O"tions

DiskBoss pro6ides a lar%e number of ad6anced disk space anal"sis options allowin% one to customi e and confi%ure disk space anal"sis operations for user+specific needs and custom /ardware and stora%e confi%urations.

2/e disk space anal"sis options dialo% allows one to control t/e file scannin% mode< t/e default report title< ad6anced reportin% options< t/e default file scannin% filter and enableDdisable automatic report %eneration. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to anal" e specific file t"pes< control performance tunin% options< exclude specific directories from t/e disk space anal"sis process and specif" one or more conditional anal"sis actions.


User+De(ined Dis

!"ace $nal%sis 'o22ands

,ne of t/e most powerful and flexible capabilities of DiskBoss is t/e abilit" to pre+confi%ure custom disk space anal"sis operations as user+defined commands and execute suc/ commands in a sin%le mouse click usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or direct desktop s/ortcuts.

User+defined commands ma" be mana%ed and executed t/rou%/ t/e commands dialo% or t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to add a new command t/rou%/ t/e commands pane< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e pane and select t/e N!dd 8ew @ Disk Space !nal"sis $ommandB menu item. 4n order to execute a pre6iousl" sa6ed command< Gust click on t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane or create a direct desktop s/ortcut on t/e 3indows desktop.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$nal%#in- Dis

!"ace Usin- t/e Dis ,oss 'o22and 8ine Utilit%

4n addition to t/e >U4 application< DiskBoss Ultimate pro6ides a command line utilit" capable of performin% disk space utili ation anal"sis operations and executin% user+defined disk space anal"sis commands from s/ell scripts and batc/ files. 2/e DiskBoss command line tool is located in t/e NP7roductDirQDbinB director". 'o22and 8ine !%nta9B

dis 5oss Canal%#e +dir ;In"ut Director% 1< D ... ;In"ut Director% 7< ;O"tions< E 2/is command anal" es t/e specified disks< directories or network s/ares.

dis 5oss Canal%#e +server ;3ost Na2e 1< D ... ;3ost Na2e 7< ;O"tions< E 2/is command anal" es all network s/ares in t/e specified ser6ers or 8!S stora%e de6ices.

dis 5oss Canal%#e +networ

D O"tions E

2/is command anal" es all network s/ares in all ser6ers on t/e network.

dis 5oss Ce9ecute ;User+De(ined Dis

!"ace $nal%sis 'o22and<

2/is command executes a user+defined disk space anal"sis command.


+dir ;In"ut Director% 1< D ... ;In"ut Director% 7< E 2/is parameter specifies t/e list of input disks or directories to anal" e. 4n order to ensure proper parsin% of input disks and directories< directories containin% space c/aracters s/ould be double Auoted. B" default< DiskBoss will %enerate a combined disk space anal"sis report s/owin% information about all anal" ed disks< directories or network s/ares. 4n order to %enerate an indi6idual report for eac/ input director" use t/e C+5atc/C command line option to enable t/e batc/ report %eneration mode.

+server ;3ost Na2e 1< D ... ;3ost Na2e 7< E 2/is parameter specifies t/e list of /ost names or 47 addresses of ser6ers or 8!S stora%e de6ices t/at s/ould be anal" ed. DiskBoss will enumerate all network s/ares accessible in t/e specified ser6ers or 8!S stora%e de6ices< perform disk space anal"sis and %enerate reports if reAuired. B" default< DiskBoss will %enerate a combined disk space anal"sis report s/owin% information about all anal" ed network s/ares. 4n order to %enerate an indi6idual report for eac/ network s/are use t/e C+5atc/C command line option to enable t/e batc/ report %eneration mode.

+networ 4n t/e network+wide disk space anal"sis mode< DiskBoss will disco6er ser6ers and 8!S stora%e de6ices accessible on t/e network< enumerate all network s/ares a6ailable in all detected ser6ers and 8!S stora%e de6ices< perform disk space anal"sis and %enerate reports if reAuired. B" default< DiskBoss will %enerate a combined disk space anal"sis report s/owin% information about all anal" ed network s/ares. 4n order to %enerate an indi6idual report for eac/ network s/are use t/e C+5atc/C command line option to enable t/e batc/ report %eneration mode.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


+save=/t2l=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is option sa6es a disk space anal"sis report and t/e list of all file cate%ories to an 12ML file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKRdateSKRtimeS./tml

+save=csv=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is option sa6es a disk space anal"sis report and t/e list of all file cate%ories to an ;xcel $S: file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKRdateSKRtimeS.cs6

+save=te9t=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is option sa6es a disk space anal"sis report and t/e list of all file cate%ories to a text report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKRdateSKRtimeS.txt

+save="d(=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is option sa6es a disk space anal"sis report and t/e list of all file cate%ories to a 7DF report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKRdateSKRtimeS.pdf

+save=92l=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is option sa6es a disk space anal"sis report and t/e list of all file cate%ories to an ?ML report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKRdateSKRtimeS.xml

+save=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is option sa6es a disk space anal"sis report and t/e list of all file cate%ories to a nati6e DiskBoss report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKRdateSKRtimeS.flr

+e9clude=dir ;A9clude Director% 1< D ... ;A9clude Director% 7< E 2/is option specifies t/e list of directories t/at s/ould be excluded from t/e disk space anal"sis operation. 4n order to ensure proper parsin% of command line ar%uments< directories containin% space c/aracters s/ould be double Auoted. +5atc/ 2/is option enables t/e batc/ report %eneration mode. 4n t/e batc/ report %eneration mode DiskBoss sa6es an indi6idual report file for eac/ input disk< director" or network s/are. +v 2/is option s/ows t/e productBs maGor and minor 6ersions. +/el" 2/is option s/ows t/e command line usa%e information.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

4 &ile 'lassi(ication
4.1 'lassi(%in- One or More Dis s or Directories

DiskBoss reco%ni es more t/an 2.-- t"pes of files and is capable of classif"in% files and s/owin% a cate%ori ed /ierarc/" of files sorted b" t/e amount of t/e disk space used b" eac/ file cate%or". DiskBoss includes a number of file classification plu%ins capable of classif"in% files b" t/e file t"pe< extension< user name< last access< modification and creation dates< etc. 4n order to classif" files in one or more disks or directories< select t/e reAuired directories in t/e DiskBossC file na6i%ator and press t/e N$lassif"B button.

,n t/e N7lu%insB dialo%< select an appropriate file classification plu%in and press t/e N$lassif"B button. DiskBoss will classif" all t/e selected disks and directories and s/ow t/e file classification results dialo% displa"in% a cate%ori ed /ierarc/" of files sorted b" t/e amount of t/e disk space used b" eac/ file cate%or".

2/e file classification results dialo% allows one to browse t/e file /ierarc/"< perform file mana%ement operations on files and file cate%ories< %enerate 6arious t"pes of c/arts< export 12ML< ?ML< text and ;xcel $S: reports and submit file classification results to an S5L database. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to p/"sicall" reor%ani e files on t/e disk accordin% to t/e used file classification plu%in. Finall"< power computer users are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to desi%n custom plu%ins usin% an open and eas"+to+use ?ML+Based format.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Usin- &ile &ilters and &ile 'ate-ories

2/e top 6iew of t/e file classification results dialo% s/ows t/e file cate%ories and classes sorted b" t/e amount of t/e used disk space and t/e bottom 6iew s/ows t/e second+le6el file cate%ories and filters< w/ic/ ma" be used to filter files and cate%ories displa"ed in t/e top 6iew makin% it 6er" eas" to focus on specific t"pes of files or file %roups.

4n order to appl" a second+le6el file filter< select one or more file cate%ories in t/e filters 6iew< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e N!ppl" Selected FiltersB menu item. DiskBoss will filter file classification results and displa" in t/e top 6iew files matc/in% t/e selected file filters and file cate%ories containin% t/ese files.

3/en a file filter is acti6e< t/e file classification results dialo% %enerates c/arts and exports 12ML< ?ML< text and ;xcel $S: reports for filtered files onl". 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to browse t/e filtered file /ierarc/" and perform file mana%ement operations in t/e usual wa". 4n order to reset t/e file filter< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e filters 6iew and select t/e N$lear Selected FiltersB menu item.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Usin- &ile 'lassi(ication Pie '/arts

DiskBoss pro6ides a number of different t"pes of c/arts capable of s/owin% t/e amount of t/e disk space and t/e number of files per file cate%or"< extension< user name< file si e< last access< modification and creation dates< etc. 4n order to open t/e c/arts dialo% press t/e N$/artsB button located on t/e file classification results dialo%Bs toolbar.

B" default< t/e c/arts dialo% s/ows t/e currentl" displa"ed file cate%ories and t/e selected second+le6el file cate%ories. 4n order to c/an%e t/e displa"ed c/art t"pe< use t/e c/art mode selector. 4n order to %enerate a c/art for a different t"pe of second+le6el file cate%ories< select t/e reAuired cate%ories on t/e file classification results dialo% and t/en open t/e c/arts dialo%.

2/e c/arts dialo% pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to customi e t/e c/artBs status line and allows one to cop" t/e c/artBs ima%e to t/e clipboard makin% it 6er" eas" to inte%rate DiskBossC file classification c/arts into userBs documents and presentations.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!avin- &ile 'lassi(ication *e"orts

DiskBoss pro6ides ad6anced reportin% capabilities allowin% one to sa6e file classification results to 12ML< ?ML< text and ;xcel $S: reports. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to sa6e DiskBossC nati6e reports from multiple ser6ers and desktop computers allowin% one to submit a lon% term /istor" of file classification reports to an S5L database and enablin% ad6anced disk usa%e trends anal"sis across t/e entire enterprise. 4n order to sa6e a report file< press t/e NSa6eB button located on t/e file classification results dialo%Bs toolbar.

,n t/e sa6e report dialo%< select an appropriate report format< enter a report title< specif" a file name and press t/e NSa6eB button. B" default< DiskBoss exports a s/ort file classification reports containin% up to ' le6els of file cate%ories wit/ up to 2- files per file class. 4n order to c/an%e t/e amount of exported information< press t/e NMore ,ptionsB button and specif" t/e number of le6els and t/e number of files per class t/at s/ould be exported.

*eports %enerated b" t/e DiskBoss >U4 application are be%innin% wit/ t/e currentl" selected second+le6el file cate%ories and followed b" a list of all file cate%ories and file classes sorted b" t/e amount of t/e used disk space. *eports exported wit/ an acti6e file filter< include files matc/in% t/e selected file filter and file cate%ories containin% t/ese files.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!u52ittin- *e"orts to an !:8 Data5ase

$orporations and enterprises are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to submit file classification reports from multiple ser6ers and desktop computer to a centrali ed S5L database. ! lon%+term /istor" of file classification reports allows one to %ain an in+dept/ 6isibilit" into disk usa%e trends across t/e entire enterprise. 4n order to submit a file classification report to an S5L database< select t/e NS5L DatabaseB report format and press t/e NSa6eB button.

Before exportin% reports to an S5L database< open t/e N,ptionsB dialo%< enable t/e ,DB$ interface and specif" t/e name of t/e data source< database user name and password to use to connect to t/e database.

For eac/ report in t/e database< DiskBoss displa"s t/e report date and time< t/e /ost name< t/e input directories< t/e total number of files and disk space and t/e report title. 2o open a pre6iousl" sa6ed report< Gust click on t/e report item in t/e database reports dialo%.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$nal%#in- &ile 'ate-ories Per User

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er allow one to submit file classification reports from one or more ser6ers and desktop computers into a centrali ed S5L database< anal" e file classification reports and displa" 6arious t"pes of c/arts s/owin% file cate%ories and disk space usa%e per user.

I2"ortantB B" default< processin% and displa" of user names is disabled. 4n order to be able to see user names< open t/e options dialo%< select t/e C>eneralC tab and enable t/is option.

4n order to anal" e file cate%ories per user< connect DiskBoss to an S5L Database< perform file classification on one or more /osts usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" and submit reports from all /osts to t/e S5L database. ,nce reports from all /osts are in t/e database< open t/e NDatabaseB dialo% and press t/e NUsersB button to open t/e NUsers StatisticsB dialo%. dis 5oss +classi(% +dir >>server>s/are +/ost ;3ost Na2e< +save=to=data5ase 2/e simplest wa" to submit reports from multiple ser6ers or desktop computers is to use t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" to classif" files on all t/e reAuired /osts t/rou%/ t/e network. 4n order to simplif" submission of reports to t/e S5L database< t/e command line utilit" ma" be executed on t/e same /ost w/ere t/e S5L database is installed on. 4n t/is case< t/e user needs to specif" one or more network s/ares to be processed and t/e /ost name to be set for eac/ report.

dis 5oss +classi(% +dir ;8ocal Director%< +save=re"ort ;&ile Na2e<

!not/er option is to execute t/e command line utilit" on eac/ specific /ost< sa6e file classification reports and later submit report files from all /osts to t/e S5L database usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application. 4n t/is case< t/ere is no need to set t/e /ost name< w/ic/ will be set automaticall" to t/e name of t/e /ost t/e command line utilit" is executed on.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$nal%#in- &ile 'ate-ories Per 3ost

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide t/e abilit" to submit file classification reports from multiple ser6ers and desktop computers into a centrali ed S5L database< anal" e file classification reports and displa" 6arious t"pes of c/arts s/owin% file cate%ories and disk space usa%e per /ost allowin% one to %ain an in+dept/ 6isibilit" into disk space usa%e patterns across t/e entire enterprise.

4n order to anal" e reports from multiple /osts< t/e user needs to connect DiskBoss to an S5L Database< perform file classification on multiple /osts usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" and submit reports from all /osts to t/e S5L database. ,nce reports from all /osts are in t/e database< open t/e NDatabaseB dialo% and press t/e N1ostsB button to open t/e N1osts StatisticsB dialo%.

dis 5oss +classi(% +dir >>server>s/are +/ost ;3ost Na2e< +save=to=data5ase

2/e simplest wa" to submit reports from multiple ser6ers or desktop computers is to use t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" to classif" files on all t/e reAuired /osts t/rou%/ t/e network. 4n order to simplif" submission of reports to t/e S5L database< t/e command line utilit" ma" be executed on t/e same /ost w/ere t/e S5L database is installed on. 4n t/is case< t/e user needs to specif" one or more network s/ares to be processed and t/e /ost name to be set for eac/ report.

dis 5oss +classi(% +dir ;8ocal Director%< +save=re"ort ;&ile Na2e<

!not/er option is to execute t/e command line utilit" on eac/ specific /ost< sa6e file classification reports and later submit report files from all /osts to t/e S5L database usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application. 4n t/is case< t/ere is no need to set t/e /ost name< w/ic/ will be set automaticall" to t/e name of t/e /ost t/e command line utilit" is executed on.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


'lassi(%in- !"eci(ic &ile 1%"es and 'ate-ories

,n of t/e most powerful capabilities of DiskBoss is t/e inte%ration between file searc/ and file classification capabilities allowin% one to classif" files matc/in% one or more user+specified rules. For example< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to classif" files wit/ t/e file si e %reater t/an ? MB t/at were last modified more t/an T mont/s a%o or an" ot/er combination of user+specific file matc/in% rules.

4n order to add one or more file matc/in% rules to a file classification operation< open t/e file classification options dialo%< select t/e N*ulesB tab and press t/e N!ddB button. ,nce finis/ed addin% file matc/in% rules< select an appropriate rules lo%ic mode E!8DD,*F and press t/e N,kB button.

Durin% t/e file classification process< DiskBoss will first e6aluate all existin% files usin% t/e specified file matc/in% rules and classif" matc/in% files onl". Files not matc/in% t/e specified rules will be Gust skipped from t/e file classification process and not displa"ed in t/e file classification results dialo% makin% it 6er" eas" to focus on files t/e user is lookin% for. Different combinations of file classification plu%ins wit/ 6arious t"pes of file matc/in% rules defined in a file classification operation pro6ide t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to 6isuali e disk space utili ation from different perspecti6es. For example< in order to displa" a /ierarc/" of M7' files per user< select t/e NUser+BasedB file classification plu%in and add a file matc/in% rule limitin% t/e file classification operation to M7' files onl".


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Multi+8evel &ile 'lassi(ication and $nal%sis

DiskBoss pro6ides multi+le6el file classification and disk space anal"sis capabilities allowin% one to anal" e file classification results and 6isuali e p/"sical locations of all files related to one or more specific file cate%ories or file classes. 2/ese capabilities are especiall" useful w/en used in conGunction wit/ second+le6el file cate%ories and filters pro6idin% t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to anal" e cate%ori ed and filtered file classification results and makin% it 6er" eas" to re6eal locations of 6er" specific files t/e user is lookin% for.

4n order to anal" e file classifications results< select one or more file classes or cate%ories in t/e file classification results dialo%< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e N!nal" eB menu item. DiskBoss will process t/e selected file cate%ories and classes and displa" a file s"stem /ierarc/" s/owin% files related to t/e selected file cate%ories or classes and t/e directories containin% t/ese files.

!nal"sis results are displa"ed in t/e standard disk space usa%e anal"sis dialo%< w/ic/ pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to %enerate c/arts< export 12ML< ?ML< text and ;xcel $S: report< perform file mana%ement operations< etc.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$uto2atic &ile Or-ani#in- O"erations

,ne of t/e most powerful capabilities of t/e DiskBossC file classification en%ine is t/e abilit" to p/"sicall" or%ani e files on t/e disk accordin% to t/e selected file classification plu%in. File or%ani in% ma" be performed manuall" on file classification results displa"ed in t/e file classification results dialo% or automaticall" b" selectin% an automatic file or%ani in% mode in t/e file classification options dialo%.

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e followin% ad6anced file or%ani in% operations t/at ma" be performed on file classification resultsJ ,uild 3ierarc/% o( 8in s @ in t/is mode DiskBoss will construct an or%ani ed /ierarc/" of directories and populate it wit/ links to ori%inal files accordin% to t/e selected file classification plu%in. 'o"% &ile 3ierarc/% @ in t/is mode DiskBoss will construct an or%ani ed /ierarc/" of directories and populate it wit/ copies of ori%inal files accordin% to t/e selected file classification plu%in. Move &ile 3ierarc/% @ in t/is mode DiskBoss will construct an or%ani ed /ierarc/" of directories and mo6e all files into t/at /ierarc/" accordin% to t/e selected file classification plu%in. Move &iles and 8in Ori-inals @ in t/is mode DiskBoss will construct an or%ani ed /ierarc/" of directories< mo6e all files to t/at /ierarc/" accordin% to t/e selected file classification plu%in and create links instead of ori%inal files pointin% to files located in t/e or%ani ed file /ierarc/". A9ecute 'usto2 'o22and @ in t/is mode DiskBoss will execute a custom command for eac/ file passin% t/e name of t/e file and t/e full file cate%or" as command line ar%uments allowin% one to implement custom file or%ani in% solutions.

B" default< file classification results are displa"ed in t/e results dialo% and t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to perform t/ese operations manuall" b" selectin% one or more file cate%ories or classes in t/e file classification results dialo%. 4n addition< power computer users and 42 professionals are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to p/"sicall" reor%ani e files on t/e disk b" usin% one of t/e mentioned automatic file or%ani in% modes. 4n an automatic file classification mode< DiskBoss will p/"sicall" reor%ani e files on t/e disk accordin% to t/e selected file classification plu%in wit/out s/owin% t/e file classification results dialo%. !utomatic file classification modes are especiall" useful in conGunction wit/ t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" allowin% one to perform automatic file classification operations from s/ell scripts and batc/ files and inte%rate file classification capabilities in ot/er products and solutions. Finall"< DiskBoss pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to desi%n custom file classification plu%ins usin% an open and eas"+to+use ?ML+Based format makin% it possible to reor%ani e files into custom director" structures desi%ned accordin% to user+specific needs.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


&ile 'lassi(ication Plu-ins

DiskBoss pro6ides a number of file classification plu%ins allowin% one to classif" files b" t/e file cate%or"< extension< user name< file si e< last access< modification and creation dates< etc. 4n addition< t/ere are a number of purpose+built file classification plu%ins< w/ic/ are capable of detectin% /idden 6ideo< music and ima%e files.

;ac/ specific file classification plu%ins classifies files into a different /ierarc/" of file cate%ories and classes. 2/e NDefault File $lassification 7lu%inB is t/e most commonl" used plu%in< w/ic/ automaticall" reco%ni es more t/an 2.-- t"pes of files and or%ani es files into a %eneral purpose /ierarc/" of file cate%ories and classes.

4n addition to t/e file classification operations< file classification plu%ins are used in file searc/ operations to searc/ files related to one or more file cate%ories b" selectin% file cate%ories from a file classification plu%in and in second+le6el file cate%ories and filters in file classification and disk space anal"sis operations.

Finall"< DiskBoss allows one to desi%n custom file classification plu%ins usin% an open and eas"+to+use ?ML+Based format. 2/e ?ML+Based format allows one to define a /ierarc/" of file cate%ories and file classes and specif" a list of file matc/in% rules definin% /ow to classif" files for eac/ specific file class. $ustom file classification plu%ins ma" be imported to t/e product confi%uration usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application.

2/e plu%ins mana%ement dialo% pro6ides t/e abilit" to importDexport custom file classification plu%ins fromDto ?ML and FL? formats. 4n order to open t/e plu%ins mana%ement dialo%< select t/e N2ools @ Mana%e 7lu%insB menu item.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$dvanced &ile 'lassi(ication O"tions

DiskBoss pro6ides a lar%e number of ad6anced file classification options allowin% one to customi e and confi%ure file classification operations for user+specific needs and custom /ardware and stora%e confi%urations.

2/e file classification options dialo% allows one to control t/e file scannin% mode< t/e default report title< ad6anced reportin% options< t/e default file scannin% filter and enableDdisable automatic report %eneration. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to classif" specific file t"pes< control performance tunin% options< exclude specific directories from t/e file classification process and p/"sicall" reor%ani e files on t/e disk.


User+De(ined &ile 'lassi(ication 'o22ands

,ne of t/e most powerful and flexible capabilities of DiskBoss is t/e abilit" to pre+confi%ure custom file classification operations as user+defined commands and execute suc/ commands in a sin%le mouse click usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or direct desktop s/ortcuts.

User+defined commands ma" be mana%ed and executed t/rou%/ t/e commands dialo% or t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to add a new command t/rou%/ t/e commands pane< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e pane and select t/e N!dd 8ew @ File $lassification $ommandB menu item. 4n order to execute a pre6iousl" sa6ed command< Gust click on t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane or create a direct desktop s/ortcut on t/e 3indows desktop.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


'lassi(%in- &iles Usin- t/e Dis ,oss 'o22and 8ine Utilit%

4n addition to t/e >U4 application< DiskBoss Ultimate pro6ides a command line utilit" capable of performin% file classification operations and executin% user+defined file classification commands from s/ell scripts and batc/ files. 2/e DiskBoss command line tool is located in t/e NP7roductDirQDbinB director".

'o22and 8ine !%nta9B

dis 5oss +classi(% +dir ;In"ut Director% 1< D ... ;In"ut Director% 7< ;O"tions< E 2/is command classifies files in t/e specified disks< directories or network s/ares.

dis 5oss +classi(% +server ;3ost Na2e 1< D ... ;3ost Na2e 7< ;O"tions< E 2/is command classifies files in all network s/ares in t/e specified ser6ers.

dis 5oss +classi(% +networ

D O"tions E

2/is command classifies files in all network s/ares in all ser6ers on t/e network.

dis 5oss +e9ecute ;User+De(ined &ile 'lassi(ication 'o22and< 2/is command executes t/e specified user+defined file classification command.

Para2etersB +dir ;In"ut Director% 1< D ... ;In"ut Director% 7< E 2/is parameter specifies t/e list of input disks or directories to classif". 4n order to ensure proper parsin% of input directories< directories containin% space c/aracters s/ould be double Auoted. B" default< DiskBoss will %enerate a combined file classification report s/owin% information about all processed disks< directories and network s/ares. 4n order to %enerate an indi6idual report for eac/ input director"< use t/e C+5atc/C command line option to enable t/e batc/ report %eneration mode.

+server ;3ost Na2e 1< D ... ;3ost Na2e 7< E 2/is parameter specifies t/e list of /ost names or 47 addresses of ser6ers or 8!S stora%e de6ices t/at s/ould be classified. DiskBoss will enumerate all network s/ares accessible in t/e specified ser6ers or 8!S stora%e de6ices< perform file classification and %enerate reports if reAuired. B" default< DiskBoss will %enerate a combined file classification report s/owin% information about all processed network s/ares. 4n order to %enerate an indi6idual report for eac/ network s/are< use t/e C+5atc/C command line option to enable t/e batc/ report %eneration mode.

+networ 4n t/e network+wide file classification mode< DiskBoss will disco6er ser6ers and 8!S stora%e de6ices accessible on t/e network< enumerate all network s/ares a6ailable in all detected ser6ers and 8!S stora%e de6ices< perform file classification and %enerate reports if reAuired. B" default< DiskBoss will %enerate a combined file classification report s/owin% information about all processed network s/ares. 4n order to %enerate an indi6idual report for eac/ network s/are< use t/e C+5atc/C command line option to enable t/e batc/ report %eneration mode.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


+save=/t2l=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is option sa6es file classification results to an 12ML report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKRdateSKRtimeS./tml and sa6e a report file in t/e userCs /ome director".

+save=csv=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is option sa6es file classification results to an ;xcel $S: file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKRdateSKRtimeS.cs6 and sa6e a report file in t/e userCs /ome director".

+save=te9t=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is option sa6es file classification results to a text report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKRdateSKRtimeS.txt and sa6e a report file in t/e userCs /ome director".

+save="d(=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is option sa6es file classification results to a 7DF report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKRdateSKRtimeS.pdf and sa6e a report file in t/e userCs /ome director".

+save=92l=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is option sa6es file classification results to an ?ML report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKRdateSKRtimeS.xml and sa6e a report file in t/e userCs /ome director". +e9clude=dir ;A9clude Director% 1< D ... ;A9clude Director% 7< E 2/is option specifies t/e list of directories t/at s/ould be excluded from t/e file classification operation. 4n order to ensure proper parsin% of command line ar%uments< directories containin% space c/aracters s/ould be double Auoted. +wor ers ;Nu25er o( Processin- 1/reads< 2/is parameter sets t/e number of workin% t/reads to process files. DiskBoss is optimi ed for Multi+$ore and Multi+$7U computers and capable of distributin% t/e workload to an unlimited number of $7Us. B" default< DiskBoss processes files wit/ one workin% t/read. +5atc/ ;nables t/e batc/ report %eneration mode. 4n t/e batc/ report %eneration mode DiskBoss sa6es an indi6idual report file for eac/ input disk< director" or network s/are. +v 2/is command s/ows t/e productBs maGor 6ersion< minor 6ersion< re6ision and build date.

+/el" 2/is command s/ows t/e command line usa%e information.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

) Du"licate &iles &inder

).1 Detectin- Du"licates in a Dis or Director%

4n order to detect duplicate files in one or more disks or directories< select t/e reAuired directories in t/e DiskBossC file na6i%ator and press t/e NDuplicatesB button located on t/e main toolbar. DiskBoss will scan t/e selected files and directories and displa" a dialo% s/owin% t/e list of detected duplicate file sets.

For eac/ duplicate file set< DiskBoss s/ows t/e name of t/e ori%inal file< t/e number of duplicate files in t/e set< t/e si e of eac/ file in t/e set< t/e amount of wasted disk space and t/e currentl" selected duplicates remo6al action. 4n order to see all duplicate files related to a set< click on t/e set item in t/e set list.

2/e duplicate set dialo% s/ows all duplicate files related to t/e set and allows one to select t/e ori%inal file< t/e duplicate files and t/e duplicates remo6al action. 4n order to select a file as t/e ori%inal< select t/e file item< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e NSet as ,ri%inal FileB menu item. 4n order to see more information about a file< Gust click on t/e file item in t/e file list. ,nce finis/ed selectin% t/e duplicate files< use t/e remo6al actions combo box located in t/e bottom+left corner of t/e dialo% to select an appropriate duplicates remo6al action.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!electin- Du"licate &iles *e2oval $ctions

2/e DiskBossC duplicate files finder allows one to delete duplicate files< mo6e duplicates to anot/er director" or replace duplicates wit/ links pointin% to t/e ori%inal file in eac/ specific set of duplicate files. 4n order to select a specific duplicates remo6al action for one or more sets of duplicate files< select t/e sets in t/e set list< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select an appropriate duplicate files remo6al action. 4arnin-B 2/ere are man" duplicate files in t/e 3indows s"stem director"< w/ic/ are important for proper operation of t/e operatin% s"stem. *emo6al of duplicate files located in t/e 3indows s"stem director" ma" permanentl" dama%e t/e operatin% s"stem and render t/e computer completel" non+functional.

B" default< DiskBoss selects t/e oldest file in eac/ set as t/e ori%inal file and all ot/er files in t/e set as duplicates. 4n order to c/an%e t/at< select one or more sets< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e NSelect ,ldest Files as DuplicatesB menu item. !lternati6el"< open t/e set dialo%< select an" arbitrar" file in t/e set as t/e ori%inal file< select an appropriate duplicates remo6al action t/at s/ould be executed for t/is specific set and select one or more duplicate files in t/e set t/at t/e remo6al action s/ould be applied to.


A9ecutin- Du"licate &iles *e2oval $ctions

,nce finis/ed selectin% duplicates and remo6al actions< press t/e N7re6iewB button to see t/e duplicate files remo6al actions pre6iew dialo%. 2/e duplicates remo6al actions pre6iew dialo% s/ows t/e selected duplicate files and remo6al actions t/at will be executed and allows one to re6iew and manuall" confirm eac/ specific action before execution. 2/e operatin% s"stem and ot/er s"stem applications ma" /a6e a lar%e number of duplicate files located in 6arious s"stem directories. 2/ese duplicate files ma" be 6er" important for proper operation of t/e operatin% s"stem and ot/er s"stem applications and it is /i%/l" dan%erous to remo6e t/ese duplicate files. 2o be on t/e safe side< use t/e duplicates remo6al actions onl" for "our own documents< music files< 6ideos< etc.

4n order to execute t/e selected duplicates remo6al actions< press t/e N;xecuteB button located in t/e bottom+ri%/t corner of t/e N7re6iewB dialo%. DiskBoss will process t/e selected duplicate files and execute t/e specified duplicates remo6al actions.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Usin- &ile &ilters and 'ate-ories

2/e DiskBossC duplicate files finder allows one to cate%ori e and filter duplicate files b" t/e file extension< cate%or"< si e< user name< etc. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to appl" multiple file filters< displa" specific t"pes of duplicate files and appl" duplicate files remo6al actions to or export reports s/owin% filtered files onl".

4n order to set one or more file filters< select an appropriate t"pe of file cate%ories in t/e cate%ories combo box< select one or more file filters in t/e filters 6iew< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e N!ppl" Selected FiltersB menu item.

3it/ acti6e file filters< DiskBoss s/ows duplicate files matc/in% t/e selected filters< exports reports s/owin% matc/in% files onl" and si%nificantl" simplifies selection of duplicates remo6al actions for specific file t"pes or file cate%ories. 4n order to clear t/e selected file filters< Gust press t/e N$learB button located on t/e ri%/t side of t/e cate%ories selector.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!/owin- Du"licate &iles Pie '/arts

2/e duplicate files finder allows one to displa" c/arts s/owin% t/e amount of wasted disk space and t/e number of duplicate files per extension< file t"pe< file si e< user name< etc. 4n order to open t/e c/arts dialo%< press t/e N$/artsB button located on t/e dialo%Bs toolbar.

2/e c/arts dialo% displa"s information for t/e displa"ed duplicate files and t/e currentl" selected cate%ories of duplicate files. 4n order to displa" a c/art for anot/er cate%or" of duplicates< select an appropriate cate%or" in t/e cate%ories combo box and t/en open t/e c/arts dialo%.

2/e c/arts dialo% allows one cop" t/e displa"ed c/art ima%e to t/e clipboard makin% it 6er" eas" to inte%rate DiskBoss c/arts into userBs reports and presentations. Finall"< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to customi e t/e information displa"ed on t/e c/artBs status bar.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!avin- Du"licate &iles *e"orts

DiskBoss allows one to sa6e lists of detected duplicate files to 12ML< ?ML< text and ;xcel $S: reports. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to sa6e DiskBossC nati6e reports< w/ic/ preser6e all information about eac/ specific duplicate files detection operation and ma" be imported to an S5L database usin% DiskBoss Ultimate.

4n order to sa6e a report file< press t/e NSa6eB button located on t/e dialo%Bs toolbar< select an appropriate report format< enter t/e report file name and press t/e NSa6eB button. ,ptionall"< limit t/e report to a specific number of duplicate file sets andDor select t/e NSa6e $ompressed *eportB option to sa6e a compressed report file.

! t"pical report file includes information about t/e date and time of t/e duplicate files detection operation< t/e name of t/e /ost computer t/e operation was performed on< a list of top 1- file cate%ories accordin% to t/e currentl" selected cate%ories mode followed b" t/e list of duplicate file sets detected in t/e processed disks and directories. For eac/ set of duplicate files< DiskBoss s/ows t/e name of t/e ori%inal file< t/e number of duplicate files in t/e set and t/e amount of wasted disk space.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


A9"ortin- *e"orts to an !:8 Data5ase

42 professionals and enterprises are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to submit reports listin% duplicate files detected on multiple stora%e s"stems< ser6ers and desktop computers to a centrali ed S5L database enablin% s"stem and stora%e administrators to %ain an in+dept/ 6isibilit" into amounts of duplicate files and wasted disk space across t/e entire enterprise.

4n order to submit a report to an S5L database< press t/e NSa6eB button located on t/e dialo%Bs toolbar< select t/e NS5L DatabaseB report format and press t/e NSa6eB button. Before exportin% a report to an S5L database< t/e user needs to open t/e options dialo%< enable t/e ,DB$ interface and specif" t/e name of t/e ,DB$ data source< t/e database user name and password to use for database export operations.

For eac/ report in t/e database< DiskBoss s/ows t/e report date and time< t/e name of t/e /ost computer t/e operation was performed on< disks and directories t/at were processed< t/e total amount of disk space and t/e number of files t/at were processed and t/e report title. 4n order to open a report< Gust click on t/e report item in t/e report list.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$nal%#in- Du"licate &iles Per User

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide t/e abilit" to anal" e duplicate files owned b" multiple users and detected on one or more ser6ers or desktop computers and displa" c/arts s/owin% t/e amount of wasted disk space and t/e number of duplicate files per user.

I2"ortantB B" default< processin% and displa" of user names is disabled. 4n order to enable t/is capabilit"< open t/e options dialo% and enable t/is option.

4n order to anal" e duplicate files per user< connect DiskBoss Ultimate to an S5L Database and submit reports containin% duplicates owned b" multiple users to t/e S5L database usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or t/e DiskBoss command line utilit". ,nce reports are in t/e database< open t/e NDatabaseB dialo% and press t/e NUsersB button to open t/e NUsers StatisticsB dialo%.

dis 5oss +du"licates +dir >>server>s/are +/ost ;3ost Na2e< +save=to=data5ase

2/e simplest wa" to submit reports from multiple ser6ers or desktop computers is to use t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" to detect duplicate files on all reAuired /osts t/rou%/ t/e network. 4n order to simplif" submission of reports to t/e S5L database< t/e command line utilit" ma" be executed on t/e same /ost w/ere t/e S5L database is installed on. 4n t/is case< t/e user needs to specif" one or more network s/ares to be processed and t/e /ost name to be set for eac/ report.

dis 5oss +du"licates +dir ;8ocal Director%< +save=re"ort ;&ile Na2e<

!not/er option is to execute t/e command line utilit" on eac/ specific /ost< sa6e duplicate files reports and later submit report files from all /osts to t/e S5L database usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application. 4n t/is case< t/ere is no need to set t/e /ost name< w/ic/ will be set automaticall" to t/e name of t/e /ost t/e command line utilit" is executed on.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$nal%#in- Du"licate &iles Per 3ost

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide t/e abilit" to submit duplicate files reports from multiple ser6ers and desktop computers into a centrali ed S5L database< anal" e reports and displa" 6arious t"pes of c/arts s/owin% t/e amount of duplicate disk space and t/e number of duplicates per /ost allowin% one to %ain an in+dept/ 6isibilit" into amounts of duplicate files across t/e entire enterprise.

4n order to anal" e reports from multiple /osts< t/e user needs to connect DiskBoss to an S5L Database< perform duplicate files searc/ on multiple /osts usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" and submit reports from all /osts to t/e S5L database. ,nce reports from all /osts are in t/e database< open t/e NDatabaseB dialo% and press t/e N1ostsB button to open t/e N1osts StatisticsB dialo%.

dis 5oss +du"licates +dir >>server>s/are +/ost ;3ost Na2e< +save=to=data5ase

2/e simplest wa" to submit reports from multiple ser6ers or desktop computers is to use t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" to detect duplicate files on all reAuired /osts t/rou%/ t/e network. 4n order to simplif" submission of reports to t/e S5L database< t/e command line utilit" ma" be executed on t/e same /ost w/ere t/e S5L database is installed on. 4n t/is case< t/e user needs to specif" one or more network s/ares to be processed and t/e /ost name to be set for eac/ report.

dis 5oss +du"licates +dir ;8ocal Director%< +save=re"ort ;&ile Na2e<

!not/er option is to execute t/e command line utilit" on eac/ specific /ost< sa6e duplicate files reports and later submit report files from all /osts to t/e S5L database usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application. 4n t/is case< t/ere is no need to set t/e /ost name< w/ic/ will be set automaticall" to t/e name of t/e /ost t/e command line utilit" is executed on.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Detectin- Du"licates in !"eci(ic &ile 1%"es

,ne of t/e most powerful capabilities of DiskBoss is t/e abilit" to perform disk anal"sis and file mana%ement operations on files matc/in% user+specified criteria. 4n order to be able focus of specific t"pes of duplicate files< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to define one or more file matc/in% rules specif"in% files t/at s/ould be processed b" t/e DiskBossC duplicate file finder. Files not matc/in% t/e specified rules< will be Gust skipped from t/e duplicate files detection process.

4n order to add one or more file matc/in% rules to a duplicate files detection operation< open t/e operation dialo%< select t/e rules tab and press t/e N!ddB button located on t/e ri%/t side of t/e dialo%. ,nce finis/ed addin% file matc/in% rules< select an appropriate rules lo%ic and press t/e NSa6eB button.


$dvanced Du"licate &iles Detection O"tions

2/e DiskBossC duplicate files finder pro6ides a lar%e number of ad6anced options allowin% one to customi e duplicate files detection operations for user+specific /ardware and stora%e confi%urations. 2/e N>eneralB tab allows one to control t/e file si%nature t"pe< t/e file scannin% mode< t/e maximum number of duplicate file sets to displa" in t/e results dialo% and t/e file filter< w/ic/ ma" be used to limit t/e operation to specific files usin% a file name pattern.

2/e N7erformanceB tab pro6ides t/e abilit" to intentionall" slow down t/e duplicate files detection process in order to minimi e t/e potential performance impact on runnin% production s"stems. 2/e N;xcludeB tab allows one to define one or more subdirectories to be excluded from t/e duplicate files detection process.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Usin- $uto2atic Du"licate &iles *e2oval $ctions

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to automaticall" execute one or more duplicate files remo6al actions for files matc/in% user+specified rules. 4n order to define one or more automatic duplicates remo6al actions< open t/e operation dialo%< select t/e N!ctionsB tab and press t/e N!ddB button.

,n t/e N!ctionB dialo% select t/e ori%inal file detection mode< an appropriate duplicates remo6al action and specif" one or more file matc/in% rules definin% files t/e action s/ould be applied to. Durin% runtime< DiskBoss will process detected duplicate files< appl" t/e specified file matc/in% rules< detect t/e ori%inal file and execute t/e duplicates remo6al actions for files matc/in% t/e specified rules and policies.

B" default< DiskBoss executes automatic duplicates remo6al actions in t/e N!uto+SelectB mode< w/ic/ selects t/e specified actions and displa"s t/e duplicates remo6al actions pre6iew dialo% allowin% one to re6iew and manuall" confirm eac/ specific action. !fter testin% t/e duplicate file detection operation in t/e pre6iew mode< c/an%e t/e actions mode to N;xecuteB to automaticall" execute t/e specified duplicates remo6al actions wit/out s/owin% t/e actions pre6iew dialo%.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

Finall"< 42 administrators are pro6ided wit/ t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" allowin% one to execute automatic duplicate files detection and remo6al operations from batc/ files and s/ell scripts< periodicall" remo6e duplicates from ser6ers and enterprise stora%e s"stem and inte%rate DiskBossC duplicate files detection capabilities wit/ ot/er products and solutions.

2/e DiskBoss command line utilit" is a6ailable in DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er and it is capable of executin% user+defined duplicate files detection and remo6al commands defined in t/e DiskBoss >U4 application andDor written in t/e DiskBossC ?ML format.


User+De(ined Du"licate &iles Detection 'o22ands

,ne of t/e most powerful and flexible capabilities of DiskBoss is t/e abilit" to pre+confi%ure custom duplicate files detection and remo6al operations as user+defined commands and execute suc/ commands in a sin%le mouse click usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or direct desktop s/ortcuts.

User+defined commands ma" be mana%ed and executed t/rou%/ t/e commands dialo% or t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to add a new command t/rou%/ t/e commands pane< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e pane and select t/e N!dd 8ew @ Duplicate Files Searc/ $ommandB menu item. 4n order to execute a pre6iousl" sa6ed command< Gust click on t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane or create a direct desktop s/ortcut on t/e 3indows desktop.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Detectin- Du"licate &iles Usin- t/e Dis ,oss 'o22and 8ine Utilit%

4n addition to t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< DiskBoss Ultimate pro6ides a command line utilit" allowin% one to execute duplicate files detection and remo6al operations from batc/ files and s/ell scripts. 2/e command line tool is located in t/e F;ProductDir<>5inG director". 'o22and 8ine !%nta9B dis 5oss +du"licates +dir ;In"ut Director% 1< D ... ;In"ut Director% 7< ;O"tions< E Para2etersB +dir ; Director% 1< D ... ; Director% 7< +(ile ;&ile 1< H ;&ile 2< E 2/is parameter specifies t/e list of input directories or files to process. 4n order to ensure proper parsin% of command line ar%uments< directories and file names containin% space c/aracters s/ould be double Auoted. O"tionsB +si-nature=t%"e ;MD) I !3$1 I !3$2)6< 2/is parameter sets t/e t"pe of al%orit/m used to calculate si%natures of files. B" default< DiskBoss uses t/e S1!2.0 al%orit/m. +e9clude=dir ;A9clude Director% 1< D ... ;A9clude Director% 7< E 2/is parameter specifies t/e list of directories t/at s/ould be excluded from processin%. 4n order to ensure proper parsin% of command line ar%uments< directories containin% space c/aracters s/ould be double Auoted. +(ilter ;&ile&ilter< 2/is parameter sets t/e director" searc/ filter Edefault M.MF. +wor ers ;4or in-1/read'ount< 2/is parameter sets t/e number of workin% t/reads to process files. DiskBoss is optimi ed for Multi+$ore and Multi+$7U computers and is capable of distributin% t/e workload to an unlimited number of $7Us. B" default< DiskBoss processes files wit/ one workin% t/read. +2a9=du"=set ;Ma9Nu25erO(Du"licate!ets< 2/is parameter sets t/e maximum number of duplicate file sets to report about. B" default< DiskBoss will report about up to 1--- duplicate file sets sorted b" t/e amount of wasted stora%e space. +2in=wasted=s"ace ;Min4asted!tora-e!"ace< 2/is parameter sets t/e minimum amount of wasted stora%e space to report about. B" default< DiskBoss will report about duplicate file sets wastin% at least 1 MB"tes of stora%e space. +save=/t2l=re"ort I save=csv=re"ort I save=te9t=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is parameter sa6es a report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKduplicatesKRdateSKRtimeS./tml +v +/el" + 2/is command s/ows t/e productBs 6ersion< re6ision and build date. + 2/is command s/ows t/e command line usa%e information.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

6 *ule+,ased &ile Or-ani#in6.1 Or-ani#in- &iles in a Dis or Director%

DiskBoss is capable of automaticall" or%ani in% files accordin% to user+defined rules and policies. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to define one or more conditional file mana%ement operations suc/ as file cop"< mo6e< delete< link< compress or a user+custom command and execute t/ese file mana%ement operations on files matc/in% user+specified rules based on t/e file name< extension< cate%or"< si e< user name< creation< last access or last modification time< text or binar" patterns< etc.

4n order to or%ani e files in a disk or director"< select t/e reAuired directories and files in t/e DiskBossC file na6i%ator and press t/e N,r%ani eB button located on t/e main toolbar. 7ress t/e N!ddB button to add one or more file or%ani in% commands and press t/e N7re6iewB button to see t/e file or%ani in% pre6iew dialo%.

B" default< DiskBoss or%ani es files wit/ pre6iew allowin% one to re6iew and manuall" confirm eac/ file or%ani in% action before execution. !fter re6iewin% file or%ani in% actions< press t/e N,r%ani eB button to execute all selected file or%ani in% actions. 2ested and 6erified file or%ani in% operations ma" be executed wit/out s/owin% t/e pre6iew dialo% usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< direct desktop s/ortcuts or t/e DiskBoss command line utilit".


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


De(inin- &ile Or-ani#in- 'o22ands

DiskBoss allows one to add an unlimited number of conditional file or%ani in% actions into a sin%le file or%ani in% operation. Durin% runtime< DiskBoss will scan t/e selected files and directories< e6aluate t/e specified file matc/in% rules and execute reAuired file mana%ement actions.

4n order to add a new file or%ani in% command< press t/e N!ddB button< select an appropriate file or%ani in% action and specif" one or more file matc/in% rules. Select a pre6iousl" defined command and press t/e N;ditB button to edit t/e selected file or%ani in% command. ,r press t/e NDeleteB button to delete t/e selected command. Use t/e pre6iew mode combo box to enable or disable t/e pre6iew dialo%.

2/e or%ani in% command dialo% pro6ides t/e abilit" to select an appropriate file or%ani in% action< specif" one or more file matc/in% rules and confi%ure additional action+specific ad6anced options. Durin% runtime< all t/e specified file or%ani in% actions will be e6aluated in t/e same order as displa"ed in t/e file or%ani in% commands 6iew. 2/e first matc/in% action will be executed and t/e remainin% actions will be Gust skipped from t/e or%ani in% process.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Usin- &ile Matc/in- *ules

DiskBoss pro6ides a lar%e number of different t"pes of file matc/in% rules allowin% one to matc/ files b" t/e file name< extension< cate%or"< si e< attributes< text or binar" patterns< =7;> ;?4F ta%s< creation< last access and modification dates< etc.

2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to combine multiple file matc/in% rules and appl" lo%ical !8DD,* operators. Moreo6er< power computer users and 42 administrators can define /ierarc/ical file matc/in% rules capable of precisel" selectin% t/e exact file t"pe or %roups of files accordin% to user+specific needs.

4n order to add a nested list of rules< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e top le6el list of file matc/in% rules and select t/e N!dd 8ested *ule ListB menu item. ,n t/e nested rules dialo% add one or more file matc/in% rules and press t/e N,kB button.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!electin- &ile Or-ani#in- $ctions

2/e DiskBossC file or%ani er allows one to cop"< mo6e< delete< link and compress files matc/in% user+defined rules. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to execute a custom command for files matc/in% t/e specified rules passin% t/e file name as an ar%ument.

Use t/e file or%ani in% action combo box to select one of t/e followin% file or%ani in% actionsJ 'o"% &iles 1o @ copies matc/in% files to t/e specified destination director" Move &iles 1o @ mo6es matc/in% files to t/e specified destination director" Delete &iles @ deletes matc/in% files< optionall" wipes data from t/e disk A9ecute 'o22and @ executes t/e specified custom command for matc/in% files Move and 8in 1o @ mo6es files and places links instead of ori%inal files 'o2"ress @ compresses matc/in% files in+place 'o2"ress and 'o"% 1o @ copies compressed files to t/e destination director" 'o2"ress and Move 1o @ mo6es compressed files to t/e destination director"


Or-ani#in- &iles wit/ Preview

2/e DiskBossC file or%ani in% en%ine is capable of or%ani in% files in two modesJ wit/ pre6iew and wit/out pre6iew. 3/en t/e pre6iew mode is enabled< DiskBoss scans t/e selected files and directories< e6aluates t/e specified file matc/in% rules and displa"s a pre6iew dialo% s/owin% file or%ani in% actions t/at s/ould be executed allowin% one to re6iew and manuall" confirm eac/ specific file or%ani in% action.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Or-ani#in- &iles wit/out Preview

2/e pre6iew mode is 6er" useful for testin% and 6erification purposes< but sometimes it ma" be reAuired to execute file or%ani in% operations full" automaticall" wit/out s/owin% t/e pre6iew dialo%. For example< automaticall" executed periodic file or%ani in% operations ma" be silentl" performed in t/e back%round usin% t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" or DiskBoss Ser6er< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice and can execute file or%ani in% operations in a full"+automatic< unattended mode.

4n order to disable t/e pre6iew dialo% for a file or%ani in% operation< open t/e operation dialo%< c/an%e t/e pre6iew mode to N,r%ani e 3it/out 7re6iewB and press t/e NSa6eB button. 3it/out pre6iew< file matc/in% rules and e6aluated and actions executed on+t/e+fl"< w/ic/ si%nificantl" reduces memor" consumption w/en processin% lar%e file s"stems containin% millions of files.


User+De(ined &ile Or-ani#in- 'o22ands

,ne of t/e most powerful and flexible capabilities of DiskBoss is t/e abilit" to pre+confi%ure custom file or%ani in% operations as user+defined commands and execute suc/ commands in a sin%le mouse click usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or direct desktop s/ortcuts.

User+defined commands ma" be mana%ed and executed t/rou%/ t/e commands dialo% or t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to add a new command t/rou%/ t/e commands pane< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e pane and select t/e N!dd 8ew @ File ,r%ani in% $ommandB menu item. 4n order to execute a pre6iousl" sa6ed command< Gust click on t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane or create a direct desktop s/ortcut on t/e 3indows desktop.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Dra-+and+Dro" &iles into a &ile Or-ani#in- 'o22and

!not/er option to execute file or%ani in% commands is to dra%+and+drop files andDor directories into a file or%ani in% command item in t/e user+defined commands tool pane. 4n order to confi%ure a file or%ani in% command to accept dra%+and+drops< open t/e command dialo% and select t/e NUse ;xternal 4nputsB input mode.

8ow< select an" files andDor directories in t/e DiskBossC file na6i%ator and dra%+and+drop t/e selected files and directories into t/e file or%ani in% command in t/e user+defined commands tool pane. DiskBoss will process t/e selected files and directories and execute t/e specified file or%ani in% actions for matc/in% files.


Periodic A9ecution o( &ile Or-ani#in- 'o22ands

Sometimes< it ma" be reAuired to execute a file or%ani in% operation periodicall" at specific time inter6als. 2/e first option to do t/at is to confi%ure a periodic Gob in t/e DiskBoss >U4 application and select t/e reAuired file or%ani in% command to be executed periodicall". !not/er option is to use DiskBoss Ser6er< w/ic/ runs as a ser6ice in t/e back%round and ma" be used to periodicall" execute file or%ani in% operations in a full" automatic< unattended mode.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$uto2atic A9ecution o( &ile Or-ani#in- 'o22ands

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to monitor one or more disks or directories and automaticall" execute a file or%ani in% operation after a user+specified number of c/an%es is detected.

4n order to execute a file or%ani in% command usin% t/e DiskBossC disk c/an%e monitor< create a new disk c/an%e monitorin% command< specif" one or more disks or directories t/at s/ould be monitored< select t/e N!ctionsB tab< specif" t/e number of disk c/an%es t/at s/ould tri%%er t/e file or%ani in% command and selected t/e name of t/e file or%ani in% command t/at s/ould be executed once t/e disk c/an%e monitor reac/es t/e specified number of c/an%es.


Or-ani#in- &iles Usin- t/e Dis ,oss 'o22and 8ine Utilit%

4n addition to t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< power computer users and 42 administrators are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to execute user+defined file or%ani in% operations from batc/ files and s/ell scripts usin% t/e DiskBoss command line utilit"< w/ic/ is located in t/e NProductDir>5inB director".

4n order to execute a user+defined file or%ani in% command usin% t/e DiskBoss command line utilit"< open t/e command prompt window in t/e NProductDir>5inB director" and t"pe t/e followin% commandJ Ndis 5oss Ce9ecute ;'o22and Na2e<B. DiskBoss will execute t/e specified file or%ani in% command and displa" t/e total number of files and disk space in t/e specified disks and directories and t/e number of files t/at were actuall" processed.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$uto2aticJ *ule+,ased &ile Or-ani#in- Usin- Dis ,oss !erver

DiskBoss Ser6er is a ser6er+based 6ersion of DiskBoss< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice and is capable of executin% file or%ani in% commands periodicall" at user+specified time inter6als or automaticall"< tri%%ered b" real+time disk acti6ities in one or more user+ desi%nated disks or directories. DiskBoss Ser6er ma" be mana%ed and confi%ured locall" or remotel" t/rou%/ t/e network usin% a freeware network client >U4 application or t/e DiskBoss command line utilit".

2/e >U4 interface is 6er" similar to t/e standard DiskBoss >U4 application pro6idin% standard dialo%s for all t"pes of files mana%ement operations supported b" DiskBoss. 4n addition< DiskBoss allows one to export file or%ani in% commands defined and tested in t/e re%ular DiskBoss >U4 application to t/e ?ML format and import t/ese commands to DiskBoss Ser6er for automatic execution in t/e back%round. 4n order to create a file or%ani in% command in DiskBoss Ser6er< connect to t/e ser6er usin% t/e network client >U4 application< press t/e N!ddB button located on t/e main toolbar and select t/e N!dd 8ew @ File ,r%ani in% $ommandB menu item. ,n t/e command dialo%< specif" disks and directories t/at s/ould be processed and add one or more file or%ani in% actions t/at s/ould be executed.

4n t/e simplest case< create a new periodic Gob< confi%ure t/e time internal t/e Gob s/ould be executed at and set t/e periodic Gob to tri%%er t/e newl" created file or%ani in% command. 4n order to be able to execute t/e command full" automaticall"< set t/e command to execute wit/out t/e pre6iew dialo%. !lternati6el"< create a disk c/an%e monitorin% command and confi%ure t/e command to execute t/e file or%ani in% command e6er" ? file s"stem c/an%es.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

. *ule+,ased &ile !earc/

..1 !earc/in- &iles Usin- &ile Matc/in- *ules

DiskBoss pro6ides extensi6e file searc/ capabilities allowin% one to searc/ files b" t/e file name< extension< t"pe< location< si e< attributes< text and binar" patterns< creation< last access and modification dates< user name< =7;> ;?4F ta%s< etc. Users are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to use different t"pes of file matc/in% rules combined wit/ lo%ical operators to compose file searc/ Aueries capable of findin% files matc/in% multiple criteria.

2/e DiskBossC file searc/ capabilities are full" inte%rated wit/ ot/er product features allowin% one to perform disk space anal"sis< file classification< duplicate files detection< file cop"< delete and disk c/an%e monitorin% operations on files matc/in% one or more user+defined rules. 4n order to start a file searc/ operation< Gust press t/e NSearc/B button located on t/e main toolbar< enter a file name pattern and press t/e NSearc/B button. 4f not/in% is selected in t/e DiskBossC file na6i%ator< t/e searc/ operation will be performed in t/e current location. !lternati6el"< DiskBoss will searc/ t/e selected disks and directories and displa" searc/ results.

2/e searc/ results dialo% displa"s files matc/in% t/e specified rules and allows one to export 12ML< ?ML< text and ;xcel $S: reports and perform a number of file mana%ement operations suc/ as file cop"< mo6e or delete. For eac/ searc/ result< t/e results dialo% displa"s t/e file name< director"< t/e file si e and t/e last modification date. 4n order to see more information about a file< select t/e file in t/e result list< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e NFile 7ropertiesB menu item.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!earc/in- &iles 5% 'ate-or%

DiskBoss is capable of automaticall" reco%ni in% more t/at 2.-- file t"pes and cate%ories or%ani ed into a lo%ical /ierarc/" of file classes and class %roups< makin% it 6er" eas" to searc/ for broad cate%ories of files suc/ as documents< music files< 6ideos< ima%es< etc. 4n order to searc/ for files b" t/e file t"pe select t/e NSearc/ Files $ate%ori ed !sB file matc/in% rule and press t/e NSelectB button to select a file cate%or".

File cate%ories and file classes are or%ani ed into a lo%ical /ierarc/" representin% specific file t"pes %rouped into a number of broad file cate%ories. DiskBoss includes a number of file classification plu%ins< w/ic/ pro6ide different t"pes of file cate%ories allowin% one to cate%ori e files b" t/e file t"pe< si e< creation< last access and modification dates< etc. 4n order to select a different file classification plu%in< use t/e plu%in combo box located on t/e top side of t/e file cate%ories dialo%.

4n order to open a file cate%or"< Gust click on t/e cate%or" item in t/e list. Select t/e reAuired file cate%or" or file class and press t/e NSelectB button to select t/e file cate%or" for t/e file matc/in% rule. Durin% runtime< DiskBoss will matc/ files related to an" file class in t/e selected file cate%or" or t/e exact file class if t/e file matc/in% rule was set to matc/ an indi6idual file t"pe.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!earc/in- &iles 5% &ile Na2e

4n order to searc/ files b" t/e file name< open t/e searc/ operation dialo%< press t/e N!ddB button< select t/e NSearc/ Files wit/ t/e File 8ameB rule< select an appropriate file name comparison operator and enter a file name pattern strin% to compare file names wit/.

2/e file name comparison operator allows one to find files matc/in%< be%innin% wit/< endin% wit/ or containin% t/e specified strin% pattern. 4n addition< ne%ati6e comparison operators are pro6ided as well. File name searc/es are case insensiti6e and t/e entered file name pattern strin% will matc/ bot/ low case and upper case letters.


!earc/in- &iles 5% &ile A9tension

4n order to searc/ files b" t/e file extension< open t/e searc/ operation dialo%< press t/e N!ddB button< select t/e NSearc/ Files wit/ t/e File ;xtensionB rule< select an appropriate file extension comparison operator and enter a file extension pattern strin% to compare file extensions wit/.

2/e file extension comparison operator allows one to find files matc/in%< be%innin% wit/< endin% wit/ or containin% t/e specified strin% pattern. 4n addition< ne%ati6e comparison operators are pro6ided as well. File extension searc/es are case insensiti6e and t/e entered file extension pattern strin% will matc/ bot/ low case and upper case letters.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!earc/in- &iles 5% &ile Pat/

4n order to searc/ files b" t/e director" name< open t/e searc/ operation dialo%< press t/e N!ddB button< select t/e NSearc/ Files wit/ t/e Director" 8ameB rule< select an appropriate director" name comparison operator and enter a director" name pattern strin% to compare directories wit/.

2/e director" name comparison operator allows one to find directories matc/in%< be%innin% wit/< endin% wit/ or containin% t/e specified strin% pattern. 4n addition< ne%ati6e comparison operators are pro6ided as well. Director" name searc/es are case insensiti6e and t/e entered director" name pattern strin% will matc/ bot/ low case and upper case letters.


!earc/in- &iles 5% $ccessJ Modi(ication and 'reation Dates

DiskBoss pro6ides two sets of file matc/in% rules allowin% one to searc/ files b" t/e creation< last modification and last access dates. 2/e first set of rules matc/es files usin% absolute dates and t/e second set of file matc/in% rules matc/es files usin% relati6e time periods. !bsolute dates are preferable w/en t/e user needs to find all files t/at were created or modified durin% a specific calendar mont/ or "ear< w/ile relati6e time periods are more useful w/en someone needs to find files t/at were created or modified durin% t/e last ? da"s or T mont/s alwa"s %i6in% correct results as t/e time %oes on.


!earc/in- &iles 5% *elative 1i2e Periods

Searc/in% files b" relati6e access< modification or creation times ma" be 6er" useful w/en t/e user does not know t/e exact period of time /e or s/e is lookin% for. !not/er ad6anta%e usin% relati6e time periods is t/e constant 6alidit" of searc/ Aueries< w/ic/ are keepin% up to date w/ile t/e time is %oin% on. For example< a searc/ Auer" confi%ured to find all files t/at were modified durin% t/e last mont/ is alwa"s 6alid independent of t/e current mont/.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!earc/in- &iles 5% 1e9t Patterns

4n order to searc/ files b" a text strin% inside of files< open t/e searc/ operation dialo%< press t/e N!ddB button< select t/e NSearc/ Files $ontainin% 2extB rule< select an appropriate text comparison operator and enter a text pattern strin% to searc/ inside of files.

2/e text pattern comparison operator allows one to find files containin% or not containin% t/e specified text pattern. 2ext searc/es are case insensiti6e and t/e entered text pattern strin% will matc/ bot/ low case and upper case letters.


!earc/in- &iles 5% ,inar% Patterns

DiskBoss is capable of searc/in% files b" binar" patterns located or not located at specific positions inside of files. 4n order to add a binar" pattern searc/ rule< press t/e N!ddB button< select t/e NSearc/ Files $ontainin% 1;? 7atternB rule< select an appropriate comparison operator< enter t/e 1;? pattern to searc/ for and specif" an absolute position inside of files t/e pattern s/ould be located on.

2/e 1;? pattern s/ould be specified as a strin% of upper case 1;? numbers delimited b" t/e space c/aracter wit/ eac/ number representin% a sin%le b"te of t/e pattern. Users needed to matc/ multiple binar" patterns located at different places in eac/ file ma" use multiple binar" file matc/in% rules wit/ eac/ one confi%ured to matc/ a sin%le pattern. Moreo6er< multiple /ierarc/ical binar" file matc/in% rules ma" be combined wit/ lo%ical operators allowin% one to compose sop/isticated< multi+le6el file searc/ Aueries capable of findin% t/e exact files t/e user is lookin% for.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!earc/in- &iles Usin- *e-ular A9"ressions

*e%ular expressions pro6ide a flexible and powerful wa" to matc/ text patterns in file names and directories. DiskBoss pro6ides *e%;x pattern matc/in% operators for t/e file name searc/ rule and t/e file pat/ searc/ rule.

4n order to searc/ files usin% a re%ular expression< select t/e CFile 8ameC file matc/in% rule< select t/e C*e%;xC pattern matc/in% operator and enter a re%ular expression t/at s/ould be matc/ed. For example< t/e CU.E=7>VBM7V78>FLC re%ular expression will matc/ all =7>< BM7 and 78> ima%e files.

*e%ular expressions ma" be combined wit/ ot/er t"pes of file matc/in% rules allowin% one to matc/ a 6er" specific set of files. 4n addition to t/e abilit" to matc/ files usin% re%ular expressions< DiskBoss allows one to exclude files usin% re%ular expressions. For example< in order to searc/ all pro%rams and executable files w/ile excludin% files located in t/e 3indows director"< use t/e re%ular expression CWEXY$JUU348D,3SFC applied to t/e CFull 7at/C file matc/in% rule.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!earc/in- &iles 5% &ile !i#e

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to searc/ files b" t/e file si e. 4n order to add a file searc/ rule capable of matc/in% files b" t/e file si e< press t/e N!ddB button< select t/e NSearc/ Files wit/ File Si eB rule< select an appropriate si e comparison operator and enter t/e file si e 6alue.


!earc/in- &iles 5% &ile $ttri5utes

Sometimes< it ma" be reAuired to find files b" file attributes suc/ as read+onl"< /idden< s"stem< etc. 4n order to add a file searc/ rule capable of matc/in% files b" file attributes< press t/e N!ddB button< select t/e NSearc/ Files wit/ File !ttributesB rule< select an appropriate comparison operator and press t/e NSelectB button to select t/e file attributes to look for.

,n t/e select dialo%< c/eck t/e reAuired file attributes and press t/e N,kB button. 3/en t/e rule is set to find files /a6in% t/e selected attributes< DiskBoss will matc/ files /a6in% an" of t/e selected file attributes. ,t/erwise< w/en t/e rule is set to find files /ot /a6in% t/e selected attributes< DiskBoss will matc/ files /a6in% none of t/e selected attributes


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!earc/in- &iles 5% User Na2e

DiskBoss is capable of searc/in% files b" t/e user name. 4n order to add t/e user name file matc/in% rule< press t/e N!ddB button< select t/e NSearc/ Files wit/ t/e User 8ameB rule< select an appropriate user name comparison operator and enter t/e user name pattern strin%.

2/e user name comparison operator allows one to find user names matc/in%< be%innin% wit/< endin% wit/ or containin% t/e specified strin% pattern. 4n addition< ne%ati6e comparison operators are pro6ided as well. User name searc/es are case insensiti6e and t/e entered user name pattern strin% will matc/ bot/ low case and upper case letters.


!earc/in- KPA6 I2a-es 5% A7I& 1a-s

DiskBoss pro6ides a =7;> ;?4F ta%s file matc/in% rule allowin% one to searc/ =7;> ima%es b" standard andDor custom =7;> ;?4F ta%s. 4n order to add a =7;> ;?4F ta%s matc/in% rule< press t/e N!ddB button< select t/e NSearc/ =7;> 4ma%es wit/ ;?4F 2a%B rule< select t/e =7;> ;?4F ta% to matc/< select an appropriate comparison operator and enter t/e strin% 6alue to searc/ for.

4n addition to t/e abilit" to searc/ for standard ;?4F ta%s< users can customi e t/e list of supported ;?4F ta%s addin% user+specific custom ta%s to t/e product confi%uration. 4n order to customi e supported ;?4F ta%s< select a =7;> ima%e in t/e DiskBossC file na6i%ator< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e N;?4F :iewerB menu item. ,n t/e ;?4F 6iewer dialo%< press t/e N$ustomi eB button and use t/e N!ddB< N;ditB< NDeleteB buttons to customi e t/e supported =7;> ;?4F ta%s.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!earc/in- &iles 5% Na2e and Pat/ 8en-t/

8ot all software products are supportin% lon% file names and sometimes it ma" be reAuired to find files /a6in% lon% file names. 4n order to add suc/ a file matc/in% rule< press t/e N!ddB button< select t/e NSearc/ Files wit/ Full 8ame Len%t/B< select an appropriate comparison operator and enter t/e len%t/ of file name in c/aracters to searc/ for.


Usin- 3ierarc/ical &ile Matc/in- *ules

8ested< /ierarc/ical file matc/in% rules ma" be 6er" useful w/en t/e user needs to find files related to multiple file cate%ories and one or more additional criteria suc/ as a specific file si e or modification date.

4n order to create a nested rule list< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e top le6el rule list and select t/e N!dd 8ested *ule ListB menu item. ,n t/e nested rules dialo%< add all t/e reAuired file matc/in% rules< select an appropriate lo%ical operator and press t/e N,kB button. 2/ere are no limits on t/e number of nested le6els and t/e user can create as man" nested le6els as reAuired.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


'onditional &ile !earc/ $ctionsJ 'o22ands and Noti(ications

to execute user+defined commands< custom pro%rams< batc/ files andDor e+mail notifications w/en a user+specified number of files found in a file order to enable file searc/ actions< open t/e searc/ operation< select t/e actions and specif" t/e number of searc/ results t/at s/ould tri%%er t/e

DiskBoss allows one s/ell scripts or send searc/ operation. 4n N!ctionsB tab< enable selected actions.

4n order to specif" a user+defined file mana%ement command to be executed< c/eck t/e N;xecute User+Defined $ommandB c/eck box and select t/e reAuired user+defined file mana%ement command.

4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to execute a custom command< batc/ file or s/ell script w/en t/e file searc/ operation founds a user+specified number of files. Finall"< DiskBoss allows one to send ;+Mail notifications wit/ a list of files t/at were found b" t/e file searc/ operation. Before enablin% ;+Mail notifications< t/e user needs to open t/e options dialo%< enable ;+Mail notifications and specif" an SM27 ser6er name< user name and password to send ;+Mail notifications t/rou%/.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$dvanced &ile !earc/ O"tions

DiskBoss pro6ides a lar%e number of ad6anced file searc/ options allowin% one to customi e and tune file searc/ operations for user+specific needs. 2/e N7erformanceB tab allows one to intentionall" slow+down file searc/ operations in order to minimi e t/e potential impact on runnin% production s"stems. 2/e N;xcludeB tab allows one to exclude one or more subdirectories from t/e searc/ process.

2/e N!d6ancedB tab pro6ides t/e abilit" to control t/e maximum number of searc/ results to displa"< t/e file scannin% mode< t/e default report title and enables automatic %eneration of 12ML< ?ML< text or ;xcel $S: reports.


User+De(ined &ile !earc/ 'o22ands

,ne of t/e most powerful and flexible capabilities of DiskBoss is t/e abilit" to pre+confi%ure custom file searc/ operations as user+defined commands and execute suc/ commands in a sin%le mouse click usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or direct desktop s/ortcuts.

User+defined commands ma" be mana%ed and executed t/rou%/ t/e commands dialo% or t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to add a new command t/rou%/ t/e commands pane< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e pane and select t/e N!dd 8ew @ File Searc/ $ommandB menu item. 4n order to execute a pre6iousl" sa6ed command< Gust click on t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane or create a direct desktop s/ortcut on t/e 3indows desktop.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!earc/in- &iles Usin- t/e Dis ,oss 'o22and 8ine Utilit%

4n addition to t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide power computer users and 42 administrators wit/ t/e abilit" to execute user+defined file searc/ operations from batc/ files and s/ell scripts usin% t/e DiskBoss command line utilit"< w/ic/ is located in t/e NProductDir>5inB director". 'o22and 8ine !%nta9B

dis 5oss Ce9ecute ;!earc/ 'o22and Na2e< 2/is command executes a user+defined file searc/ operation pre+confi%ured usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or imported from an ?ML file.

dis 5oss +searc/ Crules ;7M8 &ile Na2e< +dir ;Dir 1< ... D ;Dir 7< E D ;O"tions< E 2/is command executes ?ML searc/ Aueries defined accordin% to t/e DiskBoss ?ML+Based format usin% input directories and files specified in t/e command line. For detailed information about t/e ?ML format refer to t/e DiskBoss ?ML format specification.

Para2etersB +dir P4nput Director" 1Q R ... P4nput Director" ?Q +file PFile 1Q O PFile ?Q S 2/is parameter specifies t/e list of input directories to process. O"tionsB +save=/t2l=re"ort R *eportFile8ame S 2/is optional parameter instructs DiskBoss to sa6e a summar" report and t/e list of all searc/ results to an external 12ML file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKsearc/KRdateSKRtimeS./tml w/ere RdateS and RtimeS will be substituted b" current date and time accordin%l". +save=csv=re"ort R *eportFile8ame S 2/is optional parameter instructs DiskBoss to sa6e a summar" report and t/e list of all searc/ results to an ;xcel $S: file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKsearc/KRdateSKRtimeS.cs6 @ Gust like wit/ t/e 12ML+formatted file. +save=te9t=re"ort R *eportFile8ame S 2/is optional parameter instructs DiskBoss to sa6e a summar" report and t/e list of all searc/ results to a text report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKsearc/KRdateSKRtimeS.txt +(ile=scanner PseAuential or parallelQ Specifies t/e file scannin% modeJ seAuential or parallel. Use t/e parallel scannin% mode w/en processin% multiple input directories. +v 2/is command s/ows DiskBossC maGor 6ersion< minor 6ersion and re6ision. +/el" 2/is command s/ows t/e command line usa%e information.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

0 *eal+1i2e Dis '/an-e Monitor

0.1 Monitorin- '/an-es in a Dis or Director%

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er include a real+time disk c/an%e monitor capable of monitorin% one or more disks and directories and detectin% file creations< modifications< deletes and attribute c/an%es. 2/e disk c/an%e monitor allows one to sa6e 12ML< ?ML< text and ;xcel $S: reports< send ;+Mail notifications andDor execute user+defined file mana%ement commands or custom commands w/en a user+specified number of c/an%es is detected in a disk or director".

4n order to monitor one or more disks or directories< select t/e reAuired disks or directories in t/e DiskBossC file na6i%ator< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e NDisk $/an%e MonitorB menu item. ,n t/e monitor operation dialo%< select t/e t"pes of file s"stem c/an%es to monitor and press t/e NStartB button.

2/e disk c/an%e monitorin% results dialo% s/ows t/e detected file s"stem c/an%es and allows one to pause< resume or stop t/e disk c/an%e monitorin% operation. 4n addition< t/e disk c/an%e monitor allows one to cate%ori e and filter c/an%es b" t/e file t"pe< extension< c/an%e t"pe< user name< etc. Finall"< power computer users and 42 administrators are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to export 12ML< ?ML< text< $S: reports and submit reports to an S5L database.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Usin- '/an-e &ilters and 'ate-ories

2/e DiskBossC disk c/an%e monitor allows one to cate%ori e and filter detected file s"stem c/an%es b" t/e c/an%e t"pe< file t"pe< extension< file si e< user name< etc. Use t/e cate%ories combo box located on t/e left side of t/e cate%ories control bar to select an appropriate c/an%e cate%ori ation mode.

4n order to filter c/an%es usin% one or more c/an%e filters< select t/e reAuired c/an%e filters< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e N!ppl" Selected FiltersB menu item. 2/e disk c/an%e monitor will update t/e c/an%e list and s/ow file s"stem c/an%es matc/in% t/e selected c/an%e filters.

$/an%e filters ma" be enabled w/en t/e disk c/an%e monitor is acti6e filterin% and displa"in% matc/in% file s"stem c/an%es in real+time. 4n order to reset acti6e file filters< Gust press t/e N$learB button located on t/e ri%/t side of t/e cate%ories control bar.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!avin- Dis

'/an-e Monitorin- *e"orts

2/e DiskBossC disk c/an%e monitor allows one to export 12ML< ?ML< text and ;xcel $S: reports. 4n order to export a report file press t/e NSa6eB button located on t/e disk monitor results dialo%< enter a report title< select an appropriate report format< enter t/e maximum number of c/an%es to export< enter t/e report file name and press t/e NSa6eB button.

! t"pical report file includes a summar" table s/owin% t/e report date and time< t/e total number of file s"stem c/an%es t/at were detected< t/e number of c/an%es exported to t/e report< t/e c/an%e rate< t/e process time and t/e status of t/e c/an%e filter. 2/e c/an%e cate%ories table s/ows up to 1- top c/an%e cate%ories accordin% to t/e c/an%e cate%ori ation mode selected in t/e disk monitor results dialo%. 4f one or more c/an%e filters were selected in t/e disk monitor results dialo%< t/e selected filters will be /i%/li%/ted in t/e cate%ories table and t/e c/an%e list will s/ow c/an%es matc/in% t/e selected c/an%e filters.

2/e c/an%e list displa"s t/e detected file s"stem c/an%es. For eac/ c/an%e in t/e list< DiskBoss s/ows t/e date and time of t/e c/an%e< t/e c/an%e t"pe and t/e name of t/e c/an%ed file or director" includin% t/e full pat/.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


A9"ortin- *e"orts to an !:8 Data5ase

2/e DiskBossC disk c/an%e monitor pro6ides 42 administrators wit/ t/e abilit" to submit disk c/an%e monitorin% reports from multiple ser6ers and desktop computers to a centrali ed S5L database allowin% one to keep critical files and directories under a strict super6ision. 4n order to submit a disk c/an%e monitorin% report into an S5L database< press t/e NSa6eB button located on t/e disk monitor results dialo%< select t/e NS5L DatabaseB report format and press t/e NSa6eB button.

Before exportin% reports to a database< t/e user needs to open t/e options dialo%< enable t/e ,DB$ database interface and specif" t/e ,DB$ data source name< t/e database user name and password to use to connect to t/e database.

2/e DiskBoss report database dialo% displa"s reports submitted to t/e database and s/ows t/e report date and time< t/e /ost name< t/e input directories t/at were processed< t/e total number of files and disk space and t/e report title. 4n order to open a report< Gust click on t/e report item in t/e report list.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Monitorin- !"eci(ic &ile 1%"es or 'ate-ories

!cti6e production s"stems ma" /a6e a 6er" /i%/ rate of c/an%in% files resultin% in 6er" lon% disk c/an%e monitorin% reports si%nificantl" complicatin% identification of critical file s"stem c/an%es and resultin% in additional o6er/ead on runnin%< production s"stems.

4n order to minimi e t/e amount of unimportant file s"stem c/an%es in disk c/an%e monitorin% reports< open t/e disk monitor operation dialo% and add one or more file matc/in% rules specif"in% files t/at s/ould be monitored. Durin% runtime< t/e disk c/an%e monitor will e6aluate detected file s"stem c/an%es and Gust skip all files not matc/in% t/e specified rules.



'/an-e Monitorin- $ctions and A+Mail Noti(ications

7ower computer users and 42 administrators are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to send ;+Mail notifications< sa6e reports< execute user+defined file mana%ement commands andDor execute custom commands w/en a disk c/an%e monitorin% operation reac/es a user+specified number of c/an%es.

4n order to enable ;+Mail notifications< open t/e disk monitor operation dialo%< specif" t/e number of c/an%es t/at s/ould tri%%er t/e ;+Mail notifications and specif" an e+mail address to send notifications to. Before enablin% ;+Mail notifications< t/e user needs to open t/e options dialo%< select t/e N;+MailB tab and specif" t/e SM27 ser6er name< t/e user name and password to use to send notifications.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!electin- &ile !%ste2 Avents to Monitor

2/e DiskBossC disk c/an%e monitor is capable of detectin% file creations< modifications< deletes< attribute c/an%es< etc. 4n order to customi e t/e list of monitored file s"stem e6ents< open t/e monitor operation dialo%< select t/e N>eneralB tab and select t/e file s"stem c/an%e e6ents t/at s/ould be monitored.

4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to enableDdisable monitorin% of subdirectories. 4f t/e disk c/an%e monitor is confi%ured to detect c/an%es in subdirectories< t/e list of detected file s"stem c/an%es will include all c/an%es startin% from t/e monitored disks and directories and endin% in t/e deepest subdirectories in t/e monitored file s"stem.


'usto2i#in- Dis

'/an-e Monitor View

2/e disk c/an%e monitorin% dialo% allows one to customi e t/e c/an%e list and in addition to t/e standard columns displa" t/e si e and owner of created and c/an%ed files. 4n order to customi e t/e c/an%e 6iew< press t/e N:iewB button located on t/e dialo%Bs toolbar and select additional columns t/at s/ould be displa"ed.

2/e file si e and t/e owner ma" be displa"ed for c/an%ed and modified files< but not for deleted files because file s"stem notifications about deleted files are issued b" t/e operatin% s"stem after a file was actuall" deleted and t/ere is no wa" recei6e t/is information about not existin% files.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


1ri--erin- 'usto2 &ile Mana-e2ent O"erations

,ne of t/e most powerful capabilities of DiskBoss is t/e abilit" to tri%%er custom file mana%ement operations after a user+specified number of file s"stem c/an%es is detected in one or more disks or directories. 2/is capabilit" ma" be 6er" effecti6el" used to tri%%er file s"nc/roni ation and rule+based file or%ani in% operations on acti6el" used disks and directories automaticall" keepin% files s"nc/roni ed andDor or%ani ed.

4n order to tri%%er a file s"nc/roni ation or file or%ani in% command from t/e disk c/an%e monitor< create a new disk c/an%e monitorin% operation< open t/e operation dialo%< select t/e N!ctionsB tab< enable disk c/an%e monitorin% actions< specif" t/e number of file s"stem c/an%es t/at s/ould tri%%er t/e command and select a user+defined file mana%ement command to be executed.


User+De(ined Dis

'/an-e Monitorin- 'o22ands

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to pre+confi%ure custom disk c/an%e monitorin% operations as user+defined commands and execute suc/ commands in a sin%le mouse click usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or direct desktop s/ortcuts.

User+defined commands ma" be mana%ed and executed t/rou%/ t/e commands dialo% or t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to add a new command t/rou%/ t/e commands pane< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e pane and select t/e N!dd 8ew @ Disk $/an%e Monitorin% $ommandB menu item. 4n order to execute a pre6iousl" sa6ed command< Gust click on t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane or create a direct desktop s/ortcut on t/e desktop.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Monitorin- Dis s Usin- t/e Dis ,oss 'o22and 8ine Utilit%

4n addition to t/e >U4 application< DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide a command line utilit" allowin% one to monitor one or more disks or directories from batc/ files and s/ell scripts. 2/e DiskBoss command line utilit" is located in t/e N;ProductDir<L5inG director". 'o22and 8ine !%nta9B dis 5oss +2onitor +dir ;Director% 1< D ... ;Director% 7< ;O"tions< E 2/is command monitors t/e specified disks or directories and displa"s detected file s"stem c/an%es on t/e standard output. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to export detected file s"stem c/an%es to 12ML< ?ML< text and ;xcel $S: reports. dis 5oss +e9ecute ;User+De(ined Dis Monitorin- 'o22and<

2/is command executes a user+defined disk c/an%e monitorin% command pre+confi%ured usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or imported from an ?ML file. Para2etersB +dir ;Director% 1< D ... ;Director% 7< E 2/is parameter specifies t/e list of input directories to process. 4n order to ensure proper parsin% of command line ar%uments< directories and file names containin% space c/aracters s/ould be double Auoted. O"tionsB +e9clude=dir ;A9clude Director% 1< D ... ;A9clude Director% 7< E 2/is parameter specifies t/e list of directories t/at s/ould be excluded from t/e disk c/an%e monitorin% process. 4n order to ensure proper parsin% of command line ar%uments< directories containin% space c/aracters s/ould be double Auoted. +save=/t2l=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is optional parameter sa6es an 12ML report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKmonitorKRdateSKRtimeS./tml +save=csv=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is optional parameter sa6es an ;xcel $S: report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKmonitorKRdateSKRtimeS.cs6 +save=te9t=re"ort D *e"ort&ileNa2e E 2/is optional parameter sa6es a text report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name accordin% to t/e followin% templateJ diskbossKmonitorKRdateSKRtimeS.txt +v 2/is parameter s/ows t/e productBs maGor 6ersion< minor 6ersion< re6ision and build date. +/el" 2/is parameter s/ows t/e command line usa%e information.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Dis Pulse C Dedicated Dis

'/an-e Monitorin- !olution

4n addition to t/e disk c/an%e monitor a6ailable in DiskBoss< Flexense pro6ides a muc/ more powerful< dedicated disk c/an%e monitorin% solution< named Disk7ulse< w/ic/ includes a ser6er+based product 6ersion and a database ser6er capable of collectin% disk c/an%e monitorin% reports from multiple ser6ers and desktop computers.

2/e Disk7ulse disk c/an%e monitorin% solution consists of t/e followin% two componentsJ Disk7ulse Ser6er and Disk7ulse DB Ser6er. 4n a t"pical confi%uration< Disk7ulse Ser6er runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice on production ser6ers< monitors one or more disks and directories and submits disk c/an%e monitorin% reports to Disk7ulse DB Ser6er t/rou%/ t/e network.

Disk7ulse DB Ser6er recei6es disk c/an%e monitorin% reports from multiple production ser6ers and desktop computers< submits all incomin% reports to an S5L database< applies report anal"sis rules and sends ;+Mail notifications w/en critical issues are detected. For more information about Disk7ulse refer toJ /


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

9 &ile Inte-rit% Monitor

9.1 &ile Inte-rit% Monitor Overview

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide a built+in file inte%rit" monitor allowin% one to sa6e di%ital si%natures of critical s"stem files and t/en periodicall" monitor t/e inte%rit" of critical s"stem files< detect unaut/ori ed c/an%es< export 12ML< text< ;xcel $S: or ?ML reports and send ;+Mail notifications.

2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to specif" one or more disks or directories to be monitored< select w/ic/ t"pes of files s/ould be monitored< t"pes of c/an%es t/at s/ould be detected and optionall" sa6e reports< send ;+Mail notifications or execute custom commands w/en a user+specified number of c/an%es is detected.

4n addition to t/e file inte%rit" monitorin% capabilities a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< DiskBoss pro6ides a command line utilit" allowin% one to 6erif" t/e inte%rit" of critical s"stem files< sa6e reports and send ;+Mail notifications from s/ell scripts and batc/ files. Finall"< DiskBoss Ser6er< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice< allows one to continuousl" monitor t/e inte%rit" of s"stem files in critical ser6ers and 8!S stora%e s"stem.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!avin- !i-natures o( 'ritical !%ste2 &iles

2/e DiskBoss file inte%rit" monitor 6erifies t/e inte%rit" of critical file s"stem files b" comparin% a reference file s"stem state wit/ t/e current file s"stem state includin% 6erification of di%ital si%natures of critical s"stem files< creation and last modification dates< attributes< file owners/ip information< etc. 4n order to be able to perform t/e 6erification process< t/e user needs to create a file inte%rit" monitorin% command< specif" disks or directories t/at s/ould be monitored< t"pes of files t/at s/ould be monitored and t"pes of c/an%es t/at s/ould be detected.

First of all< letCs create a new file inte%rit" monitorin% command. ,n t/e user+defined commands dialo% or t/e commands tool pane< select t/e C!dd 8ewC menu item and select t/e CFile 4nte%rit" Monitorin% $ommandC menu item. ,n t/e command name dialo%< enter a uniAue command name and press t/e C,kC button.

4f "ou need to monitor t/e s"stem disk on a critical ser6er< add t/e C3indowsC director" and t/e C7ro%ram FilesC director". 4n addition< on a 0)+Bit ser6er< add t/e C7ro%ram Files Ex&0FC director". ,nce finis/ed addin% input directories< press t/e C8extC button.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

,n t/e file inte%rit" monitorin% options dialo%< select t/e C>eneralC tab and selectDunselect t"pes of c/an%es t/at s/ould be detected. B" default< t/e DiskBoss file inte%rit" monitor detects all t"pes of c/an%es and usuall" t/ere is no need to c/an%e t/e default confi%uration.

8ow< select t/e C*ulesC tab and add one or more file matc/in% rules specif"in% t"pes of files t/at s/ould be monitored. 4f no rules are added on t/is tab< t/e DiskBoss file inte%rit" monitor will 6erif" all t"pes of files. 4f one or more file matc/in% rules are specified< t/e DiskBoss file inte%rit" monitor< will 6erif" files matc/in% t/e specified rules and skip all ot/er t"pes of files.

4n t/e simplest case< Gust add a sin%le file matc/in% rule named C7ro%rams< ;xtensions and Script FilesC< w/ic/ will matc/ all t"pes of pro%rams< executable files< DLL libraries< batc/ files< 6arious t"pes of scripts< etc. For a more ad6anced confi%uration< consider addin% 3indows confi%uration files and securit" files. 4n order to simplif" t/e confi%uration process< DiskBoss pro6ides a lo%icall" or%ani ed /ierarc/" of file t"pes allowin% one to easil" select reAuired file cate%ories. 4n total< DiskBoss is capable of automaticall" reco%ni in% more t/an 2<.-- file t"pes and cate%ories makin% it 6er" eas" to select t/e t"pes of files w/ic/ s/ould be monitored. Durin% runtime< DiskBoss will cate%ori e and classif" file detected in t/e input disks and directories< 6erif" files matc/in% t/e specified rules and report all t/e detected file s"stem c/an%es.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

,nce finis/ed addin% file matc/in% rules< press t/e CSa6eC button to sa6e t/e file inte%rit" monitorin% command. ;ac/ time a file inte%rit" monitorin% command is sa6ed< DiskBoss will s/ow a confirmation messa%e askin% t/e user to confirm w/et/er t/e commandCs settin%s and t/e file s"stem state s/ould be updated or t/e user wis/ to sa6e Gust t/e commandCs confi%uration settin%s wit/out updatin% t/e file s"stem state file.

4n %eneral< if t/e user /as c/an%ed input disks or directories< file matc/in% rules or exclude directories< t/e file s"stem state s/ould be updated and t/e user needs to press t/e CTesC button. ,n t/e ot/er /and< if t/e user /as modified t"pes of c/an%es t/at s/ould be detected andDor actions t/at s/ould be executed w/en one or more c/an%es are detected< t/ere is no need to update t/e file s"stem state file and t/e user can press t/e C8oC button.

Durin% t/e file s"stem state update process< DiskBoss will displa" t/e process dialo% s/owin% t/e amount of processed disk space< t/e number of processed files and t/e current status. 4f "ou need to temporar" pause t/e operation< press t/e C7auseC button. 7ress t/e C$ontinueC button< to resume t/e update operation. 3ait for t/e file s"stem state update process to complete and once t/e operation is finis/ed< press t/e C$loseC button.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Veri(%in- 'ritical !%ste2 &iles

4n order to manuall" 6erif" critical s"stem files< Gust click on t/e reAuired file inte%rit" monitorin% command in t/e user+defined commands tool pane. !not/er option is to create a desktop s/ortcut for t/e file inte%rit" monitorin% command and to execute t/e command directl" from t/e 3indows desktop.

Durin% t/e 6erification process t/e process dialo% s/ows t/e 6erification status< t/e number of 6erified files< t/e number of detected c/an%es< t/e 6erification performance and t/e process time. 4n order to temporar" pause t/e 6erification process< press t/e C7auseC button. 7ress t/e C$ontinueC button to resume a pre6iousl" paused 6erification operation.

4f one or more file s"stem c/an%es will be detected< t/e file inte%rit" monitor will displa" t/e c/an%e list dialo% s/owin% all t/e detected file s"stem c/an%es and allowin% one to re6iew detected file s"stem c/an%es and export reports. For eac/ detected file s"stem c/an%e< t/e file inte%rit" monitor displa"s t/e full name of t/e c/an%ed file and a c/an%e description explainin% w/at exactl" /as been c/an%ed in eac/ specific file.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


A9"ortin- *e"ort &iles

2/e DiskBoss file inte%rit" monitor allows one to export 12ML< text< ;xcel $S: and ?ML report files. 4n order to export a report file< open t/e c/an%e list dialo%< press t/e CSa6eC button and select an appropriate report format.

DiskBoss will open t/e sa6e report dialo% allowin% one to select a destination director" and enter t/e report file name. ! t"pical file inte%rit" monitorin% report includes a report title< a summar" section s/owin% %eneral information and a list of detected file s"stem c/an%es. For eac/ detected file s"stem c/an%e< DiskBoss s/ows t/e full name of t/e c/an%ed file and a description explainin% w/at exactl" /as been c/an%ed in eac/ specific file.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!avin- Detected '/an-es in !:8 Data5ase

2/e DiskBoss file inte%rit" monitor allows one to sa6e detected file s"stem c/an%es in an S5L database t/rou%/ t/e ,DB$ database interface. 4n order to enable database export capabilities< open t/e options dialo%< select t/e CDatabaseC tab< enable t/e C,DB$C interface and specif" an ,DB$ data source name< user name and password t/at s/ould be used to connect to t/e database.

,nce finis/ed confi%urin% t/e ,DB$ interface< press t/e C:erif"C button to make sure t/e DiskBoss file inte%rit" monitor is capable of connectin% to t/e database usin% t/e specified ,DB$ database interface. 4n order to manuall" sa6e detected file s"stem c/an%es to t/e database< open t/e c/an%e list dialo%< press t/e CSa6eC button and select t/e CS5L DatabaseC menu item.

4n order to see reports sa6ed in t/e database< Gust press t/e CDatabaseC button located on t/e main toolbar. 2/e top part of t/e database dialo% pro6ides a number of report filters allowin% one to filter reports b" t/e report t"pe< title< /ost name< etc. 4n order to open a report< Gust click on a report item in t/e reports 6iew. 2/e database dialo% allows one to exportDimport reports fromDto t/e database. Select one or more reports< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e C;xport *eportsC menu item to export t/e selected reports. 7ress t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e reports 6iew and select t/e C4mport *eportsC menu item to import reports to t/e database.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Periodic Veri(ication o( 'ritical !%ste2 &iles

2/e DiskBoss file inte%rit" monitor allows one to periodicall" 6erif" critical s"stem files< automaticall" detect unaut/ori ed c/an%es< %enerate reports< send ;+Mail notifications andDor execute custom actions. 4n order to execute a file inte%rit" monitorin% command periodicall"< open t/e periodic Gobs dialo% and press t/e C!ddC button to add a new periodic Gob.

,n t/e Gob dialo%< select t/e file inte%rit" monitorin% command t/at s/ould be executed and specif" t/e reAuired time inter6al. !ccordin% to t/e selected time inter6al< t/e DiskBoss file inte%rit" monitor will execute t/e specified command< 6erif" critical s"stem files< detect c/an%es and optionall" %enerate reports< send ;+Mail notifications andDor execute custom commands< scripts or batc/ files.

I2"ortantB 9eep in mind t/at w/en usin% periodic file inte%rit" monitorin% commands in DiskBoss Ultimate< t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application s/ould be runnin%. For continuousl" runnin% mission critical ser6ers< it is more appropriate to use Dis ,oss !erver< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice and is capable of automaticall" 6erif"in% critical s"stem files< %enerate reports and send ;+Mail notifications e6en w/en no one is lo%%ed in.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


&ile Inte-rit% Monitorin- $ctions

2/e DiskBoss file inte%rit" monitor pro6ides t/e abilit" to automaticall" sa6e reports< submit reports to an S5L database< send error messa%es to t/e s"stem e6ent lo% andDor send ;+Mail notifications w/en a user+specified number of file s"stem c/an%es are detected. 4n order to add one or more file inte%rit" monitorin% actions< open t/e file inte%rit" monitorin% options dialo%< select t/e C!ctionsC tab and press t/e C!ddC button.

,n t/e action dialo%< enter t/e number of file s"stem c/an%es t/at s/ould tri%%er t/e action< select an appropriate action t"pe and enter an action 6alue. For all t"pes of report files< t/e action 6alue s/ould be set to an existin% director" w/ere to sa6e report files or a full file name if all reports s/ould be sa6ed to t/e same file.

For ;+Mail notifications< t/e action 6alue s/ould be set to t/e destination e+mail address. 4n addition< in order to be able to send ;+Mail notifications< t/e user needs to open t/e options dialo%< enable ;+Mail notifications and specif" an SM27 ser6er to use to send ;+Mail notifications. For s"stem e6ent lo% actions< t/e action 6alue s/ould specif" a textual messa%e t/at s/ould be send to t/e s"stem e6ent lo%. For user+defined commands and custom commands< t/e action 6alue s/ould specif" t/e name of t/e command to be executed.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Usin- &ile Inte-rit% Monitor 'o22and 8ine Utilit%

4n addition to t/e >U4 application< t/e DiskBoss file inte%rit" monitor ma" be controlled usin% t/e DiskBoss command line utilit"< w/ic/ is located in t/e F;ProductDir<L5inG director". 2/e DiskBoss command line utilit" allows one to execute file inte%rit" monitorin% commands< sa6e reports< export detected c/an%es to an S5L database< send ;+Mail notifications< etc. 'o22and 8ine !%nta9B dis 5oss +(i2=u"date ;User+De(ined &ile Inte-rit% Monitorin- 'o22and< 2/is command scans t/e file s"stem and updates t/e file s"stem state file. dis 5oss +(i2=veri(% ;User+De(ined &ile Inte-rit% Monitorin- 'o22and< 2/is command 6erifies critical s"stem files< displa"s detected file s"stem c/an%es and optionall" sa6es reports< exports detected c/an%es to an S5L database< sends ;+Mail notifications andDor executes custom actions< batc/ files or scripts. O"tionsB +save=/t2l=re"ort D *e"ort &ile Na2e or Director% E 2/is optional parameter sa6es detected file s"stem c/an%es to an 12ML report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name and sa6e t/e report to t/e userCs /ome director". +save=csv=re"ort D*e"ort &ile Na2e or Director% E 2/is optional parameter sa6es detected file s"stem c/an%es to an ;xcel $S: report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name and sa6e t/e report to t/e userCs /ome director". +save=te9t=re"ort D*e"ort &ile Na2e or Director% E 2/is optional parameter sa6es detected file s"stem c/an%es to a text report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name and sa6e t/e report to t/e userCs /ome director". +save=92l=re"ort D*e"ort &ile Na2e or Director% E 2/is optional parameter sa6es detected file s"stem c/an%es to an ?ML report file. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name and sa6e t/e report to t/e userCs /ome director". +save= re"ort D*e"ort &ile Na2e or Director% E 2/is optional parameter sa6es detected file s"stem c/an%es to a report file in t/e DiskBoss nati6e report format. 4f no file name is specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name and sa6e t/e report to t/e userCs /ome director". +save=to=data5ase 2/is optional parameter sa6es detected file s"stem c/an%es to an S5L database accordin% to t/e ,DB$ interface confi%ured in t/e options dialo%. +v 2/is parameter s/ows t/e productBs maGor 6ersion< minor 6ersion< re6ision and build date. +/el" 2/is parameter s/ows t/e command line usa%e information.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Usin- Dis ,oss !erver to Monitor 'ritical !ervers

DiskBoss Ser6er< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice< is capable of operatin% in a full" automatic mode< periodicall" 6erif"in% critical s"stem files< %eneratin% reports< sendin% ;+Mail notifications andDor executin% user custom commands< scripts or batc/ files. DiskBoss Ser6er ma" be controlled locall" or t/rou%/ t/e network usin% t/e DiskBoss client >U4 application or t/e DiskBoss command line utilit".

4n order to confi%ure file inte%rit" monitorin% operations< connect to DiskBoss Ser6er usin% t/e client >U4 application< add a file inte%rit" monitorin% command and confi%ure a periodic Gob to execute t/e file inte%rit" monitorin% operation at specific time inter6als.

4n addition to t/e abilit" to periodicall" 6erif" critical s"stem files< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ an option to setup a real+time disk c/an%e monitorin% operation< w/ic/ ma" automaticall" tri%%er 6erification of critical s"stem files in real+time w/en a user+specified number of c/an%es is detected in t/e s"stem disk or t/e 3indows s"stem director". DiskBoss Ser6er is capable of operatin% in a full" automated mode< wit/out an" user inter6ention< continuousl" monitorin% t/e s"stem disk< detectin% file s"stem c/an%es< sa6in% reports and sendin% ;+Mail notifications e6en w/en no one is lo%%ed in allowin% one to use it on mission critical ser6ers reAuirin% a /i%/ le6el of protection and securit".


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

10 3i-/+!"eed &ile !%nc/roni#ation

10.1 !%nc/roni#in- a Pair o( Directories

DiskBoss pro6ides ad6anced file s"nc/roni ation capabilities allowin% one to s"nc/roni e files between local disks< directories< network s/ares< 8!S stora%e de6ices and enterprise stora%e s"stems. 2/e DiskBossC file s"nc/roni ation en%ine is capable of s"nc/roni in% files usin% multiple one+wa" and two+wa" file s"nc/roni ation modes< pro6ides performance tunin% options< periodic and real+time file s"nc/roni ation capabilities and allows one to s"nc/roni e specific file t"pes and cate%ories.

4n order to s"nc/roni e a pair of directories< press t/e NS"ncB button located on t/e main toolbar< enter t/e source and destination directories and press t/e N7re6iewB button. DiskBoss will scan t/e specified source and destination directories< compare files between t/e source and destination directories and s/ow a list of file s"nc/roni ation actions t/at s/ould be performed.

,n t/e file s"nc/roni ation pre6iew dialo%< re6iew s"nc actions< selectDunselect actions t/at s/ould be performed and press t/e NS"ncB button to execute t/e selected file s"nc/roni ation actions. ,ptionall"< press t/e N,ptionsB button to control ad6anced file s"nc/roni ation options or press t/e N;xportB button to sa6e file s"nc/roni ation actions to an 12ML< ?ML< text or ;xcel $S: report. 2/e DiskBossC file s"nc/roni ation en%ine is especiall" optimi ed for modern /ardware and stora%e de6ices and is capable of effecti6el" utili in% *!4D stora%e de6ices< multi+coreDmulti+$7U s"stems and >i%abit networks deli6erin% maximum possible performance.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!electin- &ile !%nc/roni#ation Mode

Dependin% on specific needs< it ma" be reAuired to perform different t"pes of file s"nc/roni ation operations. For example< sometimes users ma" be interested in keepin% all files in t/e destination director" e6en w/en some of t/em were deleted from t/e source director". !not/er option is to perform two+wa" accumulation and update keepin% bot/ directories completel" identical. DiskBoss pro6ides ei%/t different one+wa" and two+wa" file s"nc/roni ation modes allowin% one to perform different t"pes of file s"nc/roni ation operations accordin% to user+specific needs and reAuirements.

4n order to c/an%e t/e file s"nc/roni ation mode for a file s"nc/roni ation command< open t/e file s"nc/roni ation command dialo%< select t/e C>eneralC tab and select one of t/e followin% file s"nc/roni ation modesJ !%nc/roni#e Destination Director% Eone+wa"F + !ll c/an%es made in t/e source director" will be propa%ated to t/e destination director". Files deleted from t/e source director" will be deleted from t/e destination director". !ll files c/an%ed or deleted in t/e destination director" will be restored usin% files from t/e source director". 8o c/an%es will be made in t/e source director". !fter t/e file s"nc/roni ation process is complete bot/ locations will be identical. U"date Destination Director% Eone+wa"F + 8ewl" created and modified source files will be copied to t/e destination director". Files deleted from t/e source director" will be deleted from t/e destination director". Files deleted from t/e destination director" will be restored usin% files from t/e source director". 8ewl" created and modified destination files will be kept in place. 8o c/an%es will be made in t/e source director". $ccu2ulate and U"date &iles in Destination Eone+wa"F + 8ewl" created and modified source files will be copied to t/e destination director". Files deleted from t/e destination director" will be restored usin% files from t/e source director". 8ewl" created and modified destination files will be kept in place. 8o files will be deleted from t/e destination director". 8o c/an%es will be made in t/e source director". 1wo+4a% &ile !%nc/roni#ation + 8ewl" created and modified files will be s"nc/roni ed in bot/ directions. Files deleted from t/e source director" will be deleted from t/e destination director". Files deleted from t/e destination director" will be restored from t/e source director". $/an%es ma" be made in bot/ locations. !fter t/e file s"nc/roni ation process is complete bot/ locations will be identical. 1wo+4a% $ccu2ulation and U"date + 8ewl" created and modified files will be updated in bot/ directions. Files deleted from one location will be restored from t/e second location. $/an%es ma" be made in bot/ locations. !fter t/e file s"nc/roni ation process is complete bot/ locations will be identical.

2/e last t/ree file s"nc/roni ation modes are identical to t/e first t/ree modes< but t/e last t/ree modes are sa6in% compressed files in t/e destination director".


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!%nc/roni#in- &iles wit/ Preview

File s"nc/roni ation wit/ pre6iew is 6er" useful pro6idin% t/e user wit/ a clear picture about w/at files will be s"nc/roni ed. B" default< DiskBoss s"nc/roni es directories wit/ pre6iew< but t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to disable t/e pre6iew mode and s"nc/roni e all t/e reAuired files on+t/e+fl" wit/out s/owin% t/e pre6iew dialo%.


!%nc/roni#in- &iles wit/out Preview

Sometimes< w/en t/e user needs to s"nc/roni e lar%e directories or disks containin% man" t/ousands of files< file s"nc/roni ation wit/ pre6iew ma" be ineffecti6e or completel" inappropriate especiall" due to t/e fact t/at none will /a6e t/e time to re6iew lists of file s"nc/roni ation actions containin% /u%e amounts of items. Moreo6er< unattended file s"nc/roni ation operations performed periodicall" at specific time inter6als or tri%%ered b" a disk c/an%e monitor< s/ould be performed full" automaticall" wit/out reAuirin% an" user inter6ention.

4n order to disable t/e pre6iew dialo% for a file s"nc/roni ation operation< open t/e operation dialo% and set t/e process mode combo box to NS"nc 3it/out 7re6iewB. 2/e stream file s"nc/roni ation more is especiall" desi%ned for file s"stems containin% /u%e amounts of files and is capable of s"nc/roni in% lar%e directories< disks and 8!S stora%e de6ices 6er" fast and effecti6el". 4n addition< t/e stream file s"nc/roni ation mode is ideal for automated< periodic file s"nc/roni ation operations performed in t/e back%round wit/out an" user inter6ention.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!%nc/roni#in- !"eci(ic &ile 1%"es or 'ate-ories

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide power computer users and 42 administrators wit/ t/e abilit" to s"nc/roni e specific file t"pes or file cate%ories usin% one or more flexible file matc/in% rules. For example< t/e user ma" specif" to s"nc/roni e documents and di%ital ima%es wit/ t/e file si e more t/an 2 MB.

4n order to add one or more file matc/in% rules< open t/e file s"nc/roni ation command dialo%< select t/e C*ulesC tab and press t/e C!ddC button. ,n t/e C*ulesC dialo% select an appropriate rule t"pe and specif" all t/e reAuired parameters. Durin% file s"nc/roni ation< DiskBoss will scan t/e entered source and destination directories and appl" t/e specified file matc/in% rules to all t/e existin% files. Files not matc/in% t/e specified rules will be Gust skipped from t/e file s"nc/roni ation process.


A9cludin- One or More !u5directories

Sometimes< it ma" be reAuired to exclude one or more subdirectories from t/e file s"nc/roni ation process. For example< if "ou need to s"nc/roni e two directories excludin% one or two special subdirectories< "ou ma" specif" t/e top le6el directories as t/e source and destination directories and add t/e subdirectories t/at s/ould be skipped to t/e exclude list.

4n order to add one or more directories to t/e exclude list< open t/e file s"nc/roni ation command dialo%< select t/e C;xcludeC tab and press t/e C!ddC button. 9eep in mind t/at exclude directories are case sensiti6e and s/ould be specified wit/ t/e same case as stored on t/e disk. !ll files and subdirectories located in t/e specified exclude directories will be excluded from t/e file s"nc/roni ation process. Select an exclude director" and press t/e CDeleteC button< to remo6e t/e selected director" from t/e exclude list.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


&ile !%nc/roni#ation Per(or2ance 1unin- O"tions

4n order to increase file s"nc/roni ation performance< DiskBoss pro6ides ad6anced computer users and 42 professionals wit/ t/e abilit" to s"nc/roni e files usin% multiple file s"nc/roni ation streams. Multi+Stream file s"nc/roni ation si%nificantl" impro6es file s"nc/roni ation performance w/en s"nc/roni in% lar%e amounts of files between multiple disks< 8!S stora%e de6ices or enterprise stora%e s"stems.

4n order to enable multi+stream file s"nc/roni ation for a s"nc command< open t/e command dialo%< select t/e C7erformanceC tab and set an appropriate number of file s"nc/roni ation streams. 2ake into account t/at multi+stream file s"nc/roni ation is optimi ed for multi+disk< *!4D and networked confi%urations and it is not recommended to use it w/en s"nc/roni in% directories located on t/e same p/"sical disk. 4n addition< users reAuired to s"nc/roni e files on runnin%< production s"stems are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to execute file s"nc/roni ation commands slowl" t/us minimi in% t/e performance impact on runnin% applications. 4n order to c/an%e t/e speed of a file s"nc/roni ation command< select an appropriate performance mode in t/e C7erformance ModeC combo box.


User+De(ined &ile !%nc/roni#ation 'o22ands

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to pre+confi%ure custom file s"nc/roni ation operations as user+defined commands and execute suc/ commands in a sin%le mouse click usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or direct desktop s/ortcuts.

User+defined commands ma" be mana%ed and executed t/rou%/ t/e commands dialo% or t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to add a new command t/rou%/ t/e commands pane< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e pane and select t/e N!dd 8ew @ File S"nc/roni ation $ommandB menu item. 4n order to execute a pre6iousl" sa6ed command< Gust click on t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane or create a direct desktop s/ortcut on t/e desktop.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Periodic &ile !%nc/roni#ation

Sometimes< it ma" be reAuired to execute a file s"nc/roni ation operation periodicall" at specific time inter6als. 2/e first option to do t/at is to confi%ure a periodic Gob in t/e DiskBoss >U4 application and select t/e reAuired file s"nc/roni ation command to be executed periodicall". !not/er option is to use DiskBoss Ser6er< w/ic/ runs as a ser6ice in t/e back%round and ma" be used to periodicall" execute file s"nc/roni ation operations in a full" automatic< unattended mode.

4n order to add a new periodic Gob< select t/e N2ools @ Mana%e 7eriodic =obsB menu item and press t/e N!ddB button. ,n t/e periodic Gob dialo%< select t/e file s"nc/roni ation command t/at s/ould be executed and specif" t/e time period.

10.10 *eal+1i2e &ile !%nc/roni#ation

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide t/e abilit" to monitor one or more disks or directories and automaticall" execute a file s"nc/roni ation operation after a user+specified number of c/an%es is detected.

4n order to execute a file s"nc/roni ation command usin% t/e DiskBossC disk c/an%e monitor< create a new disk c/an%e monitorin% command< specif" one or more disks or directories t/at s/ould be monitored< select t/e N!ctionsB tab< specif" t/e number of disk c/an%es t/at s/ould tri%%er t/e file s"nc/roni ation command and selected t/e name of t/e file s"nc/roni ation command t/at s/ould be executed once t/e disk c/an%e monitor reac/es t/e specified number of c/an%es.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

10.11 !%nc/roni#in- &iles Usin- t/e Dis ,oss 'o22and 8ine Utilit%
4n addition to t/e >U4 application< DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide a command line utilit" allowin% one to execute file s"nc/roni ation commands form batc/ files and s/ell scripts. 2/e command line utilit" is located in t/e F;ProductDir<L5inG director".

'o22and 8ine !%nta9B

dis 5oss +s%nc +source ;!ource Director%< +dest ;Dest Director%< 2/is command s"nc/roni es files between directories< local disks or network s/ares. dis 5oss Ce9ecute ;&ile !%nc/roni#ation 'o22and< 2/is command executes t/e specified user+defined file s"nc/roni ation command pre+ confi%ured usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application or imported from an ?ML file.

Para2etersB +source PSource Director"Q 2/is parameter specifies t/e source director" for file s"nc/roni ation. 4n order to ensure proper parsin% of command line ar%uments< directories and file names containin% space c/aracters s/ould be double Auoted. +dest PDestination Director"Q 2/is parameter specifies t/e destination director" for file s"nc/roni ation. 4n order to ensure proper parsin% of command line ar%uments< directories and file names containin% space c/aracters s/ould be double Auoted.

O"tionsB +s%nc=2ode PSD V SUD V S!D V S23 V S2!Q !D + Sets t/e s"nc+destination file s"nc/roni ation mode EDefaultF !ll c/an%es made in t/e source director" will be propa%ated to destination. Files deleted from t/e source director" will be deleted from destination. !ll files c/an%ed or deleted in destination will be restored from source. !UD + Sets t/e update+destination file s"nc/roni ation mode 8ewl" created and modified source files will be copied to destination. Files deleted from t/e source director" will be deleted from destination. Files deleted from t/e destination director" will be restored from source. !$D + Sets t/e accumulate+destination file s"nc/roni ation mode 8ewl" created and modified source files will be copied to destination. Files deleted from t/e destination director" will be restored from source. 8ewl" created and modified destination files will be kept in place. !14 + Sets t/e two+wa" file s"nc/roni ation mode 8ewl" created and modified files will be s"nc/roni ed in bot/ directions. Files deleted from t/e source director" will be deleted from destination. Files deleted from t/e destination director" will be restored from source.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

!1$ + Sets t/e two+wa" accumulate file s"nc/roni ation mode 8ewl" created and modified files will be updated in bot/ directions. Files deleted in one location will be restored from t/e second location. !fter finis/in% t/e s"nc/roni ation process bot/ locations will be identical. +strea2s PStream$ountQ 2/is parameter specifies t/e number of simultaneous file s"nc/roni ation streams. +(ile=dela% Pdela" in millisecondsQ 2/is parameter sets t/e file dela" to t/e specified 6alue in milliseconds. Use t/is option w/en "ou need to slowl" s"nc/roni e files to or from a bus" production s"stem in order to minimi e t/e potential performance de%radation. +5loc =dela% Pdela" in millisecondsQ 2/is parameter sets t/e block dela" to t/e specified 6alue in milliseconds. Use t/is option w/en "ou need to slowl" s"nc/roni e files to or from a bus" production s"stem in order to minimi e t/e potential performance de%radation. +co"%=dacl 2/is parameter instructs to cop" filesC access control lists ED!$LF. +co"%=sacl 2/is parameter instructs to cop" filesC securit" control lists ES!$LF. +co"%=owner 2/is parameter instructs to cop" filesC userD%roup information. +v 2/is command s/ows t/e productBs maGor 6ersion< minor 6ersion< re6ision and build date. +/el" 2/is command s/ows t/e command line usa%e information.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

10.12 !%nc,ree#e C Dedicated &ile !%nc/roni#ation !olution

4n addition to t/e file s"nc/roni ation capabilities a6ailable in DiskBoss< Flexense de6elops a dedicated file s"nc/roni ation solution< named S"ncBree e< w/ic/ pro6ides multiple< ad6anced file s"nc/roni ation features includin% periodic s"nc/roni ation< multi+wa" file s"nc/roni ation< real+time file s"nc/roni ation< tertiar" destination directories and muc/ more.

Users are pro6ided wit/ multiple product 6ersions ran%in% from an eas"+to+use< free 6ersion to an ad6anced ser6er+based product 6ersion< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice and is capable of s"nc/roni in% a number of disks< network s/ares or 8!S stora%e de6ices in a full" automatic and unattended mode.

! number of S"ncBree e ser6ers ma" be mana%ed t/rou%/ t/e network usin% a free< network client >U4 application capable of confi%urin% and controllin% file s"nc/roni ation operations across t/e entire network. 4n addition< 42 administrators are pro6ided wit/ a command line utilit" allowin% one to control file s"nc/roni ation operations from batc/ files and s/ell scripts enablin% inte%rations of file s"nc/roni ation capabilities into ot/er products and solutions. For more information about S"ncBree e refer toJ /ttpJDDwww.s"ncbree


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

11 &ault+1olerant &ile 'o"% and Data Mi-ration

11.1 'o"%in- &iles Usin- Dis ,oss 6UI $""lication

DiskBoss pro6ides a lar%e number of ad6anced multi+stream file cop" and rule+based data mi%ration capabilities allowin% one to cop" 6ast amounts of files fast< efficientl" and reliabl". DiskBoss allows one to cop" files includin% access control lists E!$LsF< securit" attributes< owners/ip information< timestamps and file attributes. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ a lar%e number of flexible cop" performance tunin% and fault tolerance options allowin% one to cop" data at 6arious speeds< reco6er failed cop" operations and minimi e t/e potential impact on runnin% production s"stems.

4n order to start a simple file cop" operation< select one or more files or directories< press t/e standard N$trl+$B ke"board seAuence< na6i%ate to t/e destination location and press t/e N$trl+:B ke"board seAuence. 4f "ou wis/ to perform a re%ular cop" operation usin% default parameters< Gust press t/e N$op"B button and wait for t/e operation to complete. Durin% t/e cop" process< DiskBoss will displa" t/e cop" pro%ress dialo% s/owin% t/e total number of copied files< t/e total amount of copied stora%e space and t/e cop" performance.

$op"in% 6ast amounts of data ma" reAuire si%nificant amounts of time. Sometimes< in order to perform an ur%ent operation< one ma" need to temporar" pause a lon%+runnin% data mi%ration operation. 7ress t/e N7auseB button to temporar" suspend an on%oin% file cop" operation and press t/e N$ontinueB button to resume t/e operation. 7ress t/e NStopB button to cancel an on%oin% file cop" operation.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

3/en cop"in% files fromDto protected operatin% s"stem directories or runnin% production s"stems< some cop" operations ma" fail due to one or more files locked b" t/e operatin% s"stem or ot/er runnin% applications. B" default< DiskBoss lo%s non+critical errors in t/e operation lo%< w/ic/ is accessible b" pressin% t/e N;rrorsB button< and continues t/e file cop" operation. 4n addition< DiskBoss 7rofessional and DiskBoss Ultimate pro6ide t/e user wit/ ad6anced fault+tolerance and reco6er" options allowin% one to retr" failed cop" operations after a desi%nated period of time.

FreAuentl" used file cop" or data mi%ration operations ma" be customi ed for user+specific needs< pre+confi%ured as user+defined commands and executed in a sin%le mouse click usin% DiskBossC main >U4 application or direct desktop s/ortcuts. 4n addition< DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide a command line tool allowin% one to execute user+defined file cop" commands from batc/ files and s/ell scripts or sc/edule periodic file cop" operations usin% a %eneral purpose command sc/eduler.


'o"%in- !"eci(ic &ile 1%"es or 'ate-ories

Sometimes< it ma" be reAuired to cop" or mo6e files matc/in% one or more user+specific criteria. For example< for backup purposes< t/e user ma" wit/ to cop" documents t/at were modified durin% t/e last mont/ or an" ot/er user+specific criteria.

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to cop" files matc/in% one or more user+defined criteria. 4n order to add one or more file matc/in% rules< open t/e cop" command dialo%< select t/e N*ulesB tab and press t/e C!ddC button. Select an existin% file matc/in% rule and press t/e CDeleteC button to remo6e t/e selected file matc/in% rule. 4f no rules are specified< DiskBoss will cop" all files in t/e specified source disks and directories.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$dvanced &ile 'o"% and Data Mi-ration O"tions

4n order to open t/e ad6anced cop" and data mi%ration options dialo%< press t/e N!d6anced ,ptionsB button located on t/e cop" dialo%. 2/e options dialo% consists of t/e N>eneralB tab< t/e N*ulesB tab< t/e N7erformanceB tab and t/e N;rror 1andlin%B tab.

2/e N6eneralB tab allows one to control t/e followin% parametersJ Overwrite Mode @ t/e o6erwrite mode ma" be set to one of t/e followin% 6aluesJ o6erwrite and continue< o6erwrite if t/e source file is newer< skip< and %enerate a uniAue file name. 'o"% D$'8 @ t/is parameter instructs DiskBoss to cop" discrete access control lists ED!$LF from source files to destination files. 2ake into account t/at t/is option reAuires administrati6e pri6ile%es. 2/is specific option is not a6ailable in DiskBoss ;xpress. 'o"% !$'8 @ t/is parameter instructs DiskBoss to cop" securit" control lists ES!$LF from source files to destination files. 2ake into account t/at t/is option reAuires administrati6e pri6ile%es. 2/is specific option is not a6ailable in DiskBoss ;xpress. 'o"% UserL6rou" @ t/is parameter instructs DiskBoss to cop" file owners/ip information from source files to destination files. 2ake into account t/at t/is option reAuires administrati6e pri6ile%es. 2/is specific option is not a6ailable in DiskBoss ;xpress. 'o"% 1i2esta2" @ t/is parameter instructs DiskBoss to cop" file access< creation and modification times from source files to destination files. 'o"% $ttri5utes @ t/is parameter instructs DiskBoss to cop" file attributes from source files to destination files. 4f t/is parameter is not set< all files will be created wit/ default attributes. !/ow Pro-ress @ t/is parameter allows one to enableDdisable t/e pro%ress bar on t/e cop" process dialo%. Disablin% t/e pro%ress bar w/en cop"in% lar%e amounts of files will result in better performance and si%nificantl" s/orter cop" times. Veri(% $(ter 'o"% @ t/is parameter instructs DiskBoss to 6erif" eac/ file after completin% t/e cop" operation. 3/en t/is parameter is set< DiskBoss will reread eac/ copied file and 6erif" t/at t/e destination file is identical to t/e source file. 2ake into account t/at t/is option will si%nificantl" decrease t/e cop" performance and increase t/e o6erall cop" time.

2/e NPer(or2anceB tab pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to optimi e file cop" and data mi%ration operations for user+specific stora%e confi%urations and performance reAuirements. DiskBoss is optimi ed for multi+coreDmulti+$7U computers and ad6anced *!4D stora%e s"stems and capable of cop"in% files usin% multiple< simultaneous data streams. Durin% runtime< DiskBoss anal" es copied files and applies different sc/edulin% policies for different t"pes of files t/us maximi in% t/e cop" performance and minimi in% t/e cop" time. 4n order to speed up t/e file cop" process< use multiple cop" streams w/en cop"in% files located on multiple p/"sical /ard disks or a *!4D disk arra".


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


'o"%in- &iles Usin- t/e Dis ,oss 'o22and 8ine Utilit%

4n addition to t/e >U4 application< DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide a command line tool allowin% one to perform file cop" and mo6e operations from batc/ files and s/ell scripts. 2/e DiskBoss command line tool is located in t/e F;ProductDir<L5inG director". 'o22and 8ine !%nta9B

dis 5oss +co"% Cdir ;!ource 1< D ... ;!ource 7< E Cdest ;Destination< D ;O"tions< E dis 5oss +2ove Cdir ;!ource 1< D ... ;!ource 7< E Cdest ;Destination< D ;O"tions< E

Para2etersB Cdir ;!ource< +dest ;Destination Director%< !t least one source file or director" and a destination director" s/ould be specified. 4n order to ensure proper parsin% of command line ar%uments< directories and file names containin% space c/aracters s/ould be double Auoted.


+veri(% 2/is parameter instructs DiskBoss to 6erif" eac/ file after cop". +strea2s PStream$ountQ 2/is parameter specifies t/e number of simultaneous file cop" streams. +(ile=scanner PseAuential or parallelQ 2/is parameter specifies t/e file scannin% modeJ seAuential or parallel. Use t/e parallel scannin% mode w/en cop"in% multiple input directories located on a *!4D arra" or multiple disk dri6es. +(ile=dela% Pdela" in millisecondsQ 2/is parameter instructs t/e DiskBossC cop" en%ine to insert a dela" of ? ms. after eac/ copied file. Use t/is option w/en "ou need to slowl" cop" data to or from a bus" production s"stem in order to minimi e t/e potential performance de%radation. +5loc =dela% Pdela" in millisecondsQ 2/is parameter instructs t/e DiskBossC cop" en%ine to insert a dela" of ? ms. after eac/ data block. Use t/is option w/en "ou need to slowl" cop" data to or from a bus" production s"stem in order to minimi e t/e potential performance de%radation. +retr%=count P*etr"$ountQ 2/is parameter instructs t/e DiskBossC cop" en%ine to retr" failed cop" operations. Use t/is option w/en cop"in% data o6er an unreliable network connection or w/en some source files ma" be locked durin% t/e cop" operation. +retr%=dela% Pretr" dela" in secondsQ 2/is parameter specifies t/e time dela" between cop" retr" operations.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.



2/is parameter specifies t/e maximum number of pendin% retr" operations. +overwrite=2ode P,6erwriteModeQ 2/is parameter specifies t/e file o6erwrite modeJ o6erwrite< o6erwriteKifKnewer or skip. +co"%=dacl 2/is parameter instructs to cop" filesC access control lists ED!$LF. +co"%=sacl 2/is parameter instructs to cop" filesC securit" control lists ES!$LF. +co"%=owner 2/is parameter instructs to cop" filesC userD%roup information. +co"%=ti2e 2/is parameter instructs to cop" filesC last accessDwriteDcreation times. +co"%=attr 2/is parameter instructs to cop" filesC read+onl"Ds"stemD/idden attributes. +co"%=all 2/is parameter instructs to cop" filesC !$L< owners/ip< times and attributes. +v 2/is command s/ows t/e productBs maGor 6ersion< minor 6ersion< re6ision and build date. +/el" 2/is command s/ows t/e command line usa%e information.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

12 &ile Delete and Data 4i"in- O"erations

12.1 Deletin- &iles Usin- Dis ,oss 6UI a""lication

DiskBoss pro6ides ad6anced bulk file delete and data wipin% operations allowin% one to securel" wipe confidential information< sc/edule periodic file delete operations or automaticall" tri%%er polic"+based file delete operations accordin% to user+specified rules w/ile sa6in% file delete lo%s or exportin% lists of deleted files to an S5L database.

Users reAuired to securel" wipe confidential information are pro6ided wit/ a lar%e number of different data wipin% al%orit/ms ran%in% from a simple< sin%le+pass wipe to a powerful #+pass< D,D .22-.22+M compliant data wipin% al%orit/m. 4n addition< DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to appl" different t"pes of delete operations for different t"pes of files. For example< all t"pes of documents and ima%e files ma" be securel" wiped w/ile all ot/er t"pes of files Gust deleted.

;nterprise customers and 42 professions are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to implement full" automated file retention policies usin% rule+based periodic file delete operations preconfi%ured to delete files based on file creation< last modification andDor last access dates. Finall"< DiskBoss Ser6er can be used to automaticall" enforce 7$4 and 1477! compliance policies and perform file mana%ement operations on specific t"pes of files and directories matc/in% user+ specified rules.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


&ile Delete and Data 4i"in- O"tions

4n order to open t/e ad6anced file delete and data wipin% options dialo%< press t/e N!d6anced ,ptionsB button located on t/e file delete dialo%. 2/e delete options dialo% consists of t/e N>eneralB tab< C!d6ancedC tab< N*ulesB tab and t/e N;xcludeB tab. 2/e M6eneralM tab pro6ides t/e abilit" to control t/e file scannin% mode< t/e performance mode< t/e number of processin% t/reads and a number of additional ad6anced file delete options explained later in t/is document.

&ile !cannin- Mode @ DiskBoss is capable of deletin% files located in multiple directoriesDdisks in parallel t/us impro6in% t/e speed of t/e file delete process on multi+$7UDmulti+core s"stems. Select t/e C7arallelC file scannin% mode if "ou wis/ to delete files in all input directories simultaneousl". Per(or2ance Mode @ Sometimes< in order to minimi e a potential performance impact on runnin% applications< it ma" be reAuired to intentionall" slow down a lon% runnin% file delete or data wipin% operation. 2/e C7erformance ModeC option allows one to set an appropriate performance le6el for t/e file delete operation. Processin- 1/reads + DiskBoss is optimi ed for multi+core and multi+$7U ser6ers and can use a number of $7Us to effecti6el" delete millions of files located on one or more ser6ers or stora%e s"stems. 2/e C7rocessin% 2/readsC option allows one to set t/e number of $7Us or $7U+cores to use for t/e file delete operation. Delete In"ut &ile 8ists + DiskBoss can delete files listed in user+specified text files wit/ a full file name Eincludin% a full pat/F per line. 4n order to confi%ure a file delete operation to delete files listed in one or more text files< set t/e C*ead 4nputs From FilesC mode on t/e delete command inputs dialo%. 4n t/is mode< DiskBoss will read t/e specified text files and delete files listed in t/e user+pro6ided text files. Select t/is option< in order to automaticall" delete t/e input text files after eac/ delete operation. $lwa%s Delete A2"t% Directories + DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to perform rule+ based file delete operations and delete files matc/in% one or more user+specified rules and policies. 4n t/e rule+based file delete mode< DiskBoss will delete onl" files matc/in% user+specified rules w/ile keepin% all directories in place. Select t/is option< in order to alwa"s delete empt" directories in t/e rule+based file delete mode.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

2/e M$dvancedM tab pro6ides t/e abilit" to control a number of ad6anced file delete options includin% t/e data wipin% mode< delete file lo%s< delete file lo%s mode< delete files lo%s /istor"< and delete files lo%s director".

4i"e Data &ro2 Dis + DiskBoss allows one to securel" wipe confidential information from t/e disk usin% a lar%e number of different data wipin% al%orit/ms ran%in% from a simple< sin%le+pass data wipe to a sop/isticated #+pass D,D compliant .22-.22+M data wipin% al%orit/m. 4n order to enable data wipin% for a file delete operation< select t/is option and select an appropriate data wipin% al%orit/m. !ave Delete 8o- &iles + DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to sa6e full file delete lo%s to plain text files< ;xcel $S: files or an S5L database 6ia t/e ,DB$ database interface. 4n order to enable delete file lo%s< select t/is option< select an appropriate delete lo% format Etext< $S: or S5L databaseF and specif" a lo% files director" or an S5L database table name prefix for t/e S5L database lo%s format. 4n addition< for t/e S5L database delete file lo%s< t/e user needs to confi%ure t/e ,DB$ database interface to use to sa6e file delete lo%s to t/e S5L database. 8o- &iles Mode + Use t/is option to sa6e an indi6idual lo% for eac/ file delete operation< consolidated /ourl" lo%s< consolidated dail" lo%s or consolidated mont/l" lo%s for all executed file delete operations. 8o- &iles 3istor% + Use t/is option to specif" t/e number of delete files lo%s to keep in t/e lo% files director" or in t/e S5L database. For example< if t/e lo% files mode is set to C$onsolidated Dail" Lo% FilesC and t/e lo%s /istor" is set to 1-< DiskBoss will keep in t/e lo%s director" delete file lo%s for t/e last 1- da"s. For t/e S5L database delete lo%s< DiskBoss will keep in t/e database delete lo% tables for t/e last 1- da"s. 8o- &iles Director% + Use t/is option to specif" a director" to sa6e delete lo% files. For eac/ lo% file< DiskBoss will %enerate a uniAue file name wit/ t/e date and time of eac/ file delete operation. !:8 1a5le Pre(i9 + 2/is option is displa"ed w/en t/e delete file lo%s format is set to t/e S5L database. Use t/is option to specif" an S5L table name prefix to sa6e file delete lo%s to t/e S5L database. For eac/ S5L database table< DiskBoss will %enerate a uniAue table name< w/ic/ will include t/e specified table name prefix and t/e date and time of eac/ file delete operation.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Deletin- !"eci(ic &ile 1%"es or &ile 'ate-ories

2/e C*ulesC tab pro6ides t/e abilit" to delete files matc/in% one or more user+specified rules. For example< in order to delete all t"pes of documents t/at were last accessed more t/an ' "ears a%o< select t/e C*ulesC tab< press t/e C!ddC button and add a rule matc/in% files cate%ori ed as CDocuments< Books and 1elp FilesC and t/en press t/e C!ddC button a%ain and add a rule matc/in% files t/at were last accessed more t/an ' "ears a%o.

DiskBoss pro6ides a lar%e number of different t"pes of file matc/in% rules allowin% one to precisel" select w/ic/ files to delete. 4n addition< DiskBoss Ser6er< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice< ma" be used to sc/edule periodic rule+based file delete operations to be executed at user+specified time inter6als or at a specific time of da" on selected da"s of week allowin% one to implement automatic< rule+based retention policies reAuired for Sarbanes@,xle"< 1477! and 7$4 compliance purposes.


A9cludin- Directories &ro2 &ile Delete O"erations

Sometimes< it ma" be reAuired to exclude one or more subdirectories from a rule+based file delete operation. 4n order to exclude a director" from a file delete operation< open t/e ad6anced file delete options dialo%< select t/e C;xcludeC tab and add one or more directories to be excluded from t/e file delete process.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


User+De(ined &ile Delete and Data 4i"in- O"erations

,ne of t/e most powerful capabilities of DiskBoss is t/e abilit" to pre+confi%ure ad6anced file delete operations as user+defined commands and t/en execute t/ese commands in a sin%le mouse click usin% t/e DiskBoss $U4 application. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to execute pre+confi%ured file delete operations usin% t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" or sc/edule periodic file delete operations usin% DiskBoss Ser6er< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice and allows one to implement full" automated file delete and data wipin% operations.

4n order to add a new user+defined file delete operation< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e C$ommandsC pane< select t/e C!dd 8ew + File Delete $ommandC menu item and enter a uniAue file delete command name. ,n t/e command inputs dialo%< specif" one or more directories or files to delete and press t/e C8extC button.

4n order to execute a user+defined file delete command< Gust double+click on t/e command item in t/e C$ommandsC pane. !not/er option is to create a desktop s/ortcut for t/e file delete operation and t/en click on t/e s/ortcut to execute t/e file delete operation wit/out startin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application. Finall"< in order to execute t/e file delete operation usin% t/e command line utilit"< t"pe t/e followin% commandJ dis 5oss +e9ecute ;'o22and Na2e<.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!avin- Delete &ile 8o-s

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to sa6e full delete file lo%s to t/e pain text format or t/e ;xcel $S: format. 4n order to enable lo%s for a file delete operation< open t/e ad6anced file delete options dialo%< select t/e C!d6ancedC tab< enable t/e CSa6e Delete Lo% FilesC option< select an appropriate lo% file format and specif" a director" w/ere to sa6e all lo% files.

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e followin% lo% file modesJ Individual 8o- &ile &or Aac/ Delete O"eration + in t/is mode DiskBoss will sa6e an indi6idual lo% file for eac/ file delete operation wit/ t/e lo% file name containin% t/e exact date and time of eac/ file delete operation. 'onsolidated 3ourl% 8o- &iles + in t/is mode DiskBoss will sa6e consolidated /ourl" lo% files for t/e last ? /ours accordin% to t/e specified lo% files /istor". 'onsolidated Dail% 8o- &iles + in t/is mode DiskBoss will sa6e consolidated dail" lo% files for t/e last ? da"s accordin% to t/e specified lo% files /istor". 'onsolidated Mont/l% 8o- &iles + in t/is mode DiskBoss will sa6e consolidated mont/l" lo% files for t/e last ? mont/s accordin% to t/e specified lo% files /istor".

!ccordin% to t/e selected lo% files format< lo% files mode and t/e lo%s /istor"< DiskBoss will keep a /istor" of lo% files in t/e specified lo%s director" wit/ eac/ lo% file containin% a date< time< status and a full file name for eac/ deleted file.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


A9"ortin- Delete &ile 8o-s to !:8 Data5ase

$orporate customers and 42 professionals are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to export full delete file lo%s to a centrali ed S5L database. 4n order to enable S5L database lo%s for a file delete operation< open t/e ad6anced file delete options dialo%< select t/e C!d6ancedC tab< enable t/e CSa6e Delete Lo% FilesC option< select t/e S5L database lo%s format and specif" an S5L table name prefix. 4n addition< open t/e C,ptionsC dialo% and confi%ure an ,DB$ data source to use to export delete file lo%s to t/e S5L database.

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e followin% S5L database lo% modesJ Individual 8o- 1a5le &or Aac/ Delete O"eration + in t/is mode DiskBoss will create an indi6idual S5L database table for eac/ file delete operation wit/ t/e table name containin% t/e specified table name prefix and an exact date and time of t/e delete operation. 'onsolidated 3ourl% Data5ase 8o- 1a5les + in t/is mode DiskBoss will keep consolidated /ourl" S5L database tables for t/e last ? /ours accordin% to t/e specified delete file lo%s /istor". 'onsolidated Dail% Data5ase 8o- 1a5les + in t/is mode DiskBoss will keep consolidated dail" S5L database tables for t/e last ? da"s accordin% to t/e specified delete file lo%s /istor". 'onsolidated Mont/l% Data5ase 8o- 1a5les + in t/is mode DiskBoss will keep consolidated mont/l" S5L database tables for t/e last ? mont/s accordin% to t/e specified delete file lo%s /istor".

!ccordin% to t/e selected delete file lo%s mode and t/e lo%s /istor"< DiskBoss will keep a /istor" of S5L database tables wit/ eac/ S5L database table containin% a date< time< status and a full file name for eac/ deleted file.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Deletin- &iles 8isted in User+!"eci(ied 1e9t &iles

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to delete files listed in user+specified text files allowin% one to perform full" automated or periodic bulk file delete operations. DiskBoss can read file names from user+specified text files and delete all files listed in one or more text files or in all text files located in a director".

4n order to confi%ure DiskBoss to delete files listed in user+specified text files< create a user+ defined file delete command< select t/e C*ead 4nputs From FilesC mode and add one or more directories or text files to t/e input list. 2/e specified text files s/ould contain full names of files or directories to be deleted wit/ a sin%le name per line. Durin% runtime< DiskBoss will read t/e specified text files and delete all files listed in t/e text files. !not/er option is to specif" a director" w/ic/ ma" contain a number of text files wit/ lists of files to be deleted. 4n t/is case< DiskBoss will parse t/e director"< read all text files located in t/e director" and delete all files listed in t/e text files.

DiskBoss allows one to perform bulk file delete operations periodicall" accordin% to a user+ specified time inter6al. 4n order to perform a user+defined file delete operation periodicall"< create a new periodic Gob and select t/e user+defined file delete command to be executed accordin% to t/e specified time inter6al.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

4n addition< DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to automaticall" execute a user+defined file delete command w/en one or more text files wit/ lists of files to be deleted are created in t/e specified inputs director". 4n order to enable automatic execution of file deleted operations< add a disk c/an%e monitorin% command< confi%ure t/e real+time disk c/an%e monitor to monitor t/e director" wit/ t/e text files listin% files to be deleted< enable actions for t/e real+ time disk c/an%e monitor and select t/e user+defined delete command to be executed after eac/ newl" created text file.

Durin% runtime< DiskBoss will continuousl" monitor t/e confi%ured director"< detect newl" created text files< read file names from t/ese files and delete all listed files. Finall"< in order to automaticall" delete text files wit/ lists of files after eac/ delete operation< open t/e user+ defined file delete command< open t/e C,ptionsC dialo%< select t/e C>eneralC tab and enable t/e CDelete 4nput File ListsC option.

Full" automated bulk file delete operations< performed wit/out an" user inter6ention< ma" be confi%ured usin% DiskBoss Ser6er< w/ic/ runs as a ser6ice in t/e back%round< and is capable of continuousl" monitorin% a director" for newl" created text files and automaticall" delete all files listed in t/e created text files. ,nce DiskBoss Ser6er is full" confi%ured< t/e user Gust needs to cop" one or more text files to t/e specified director" and DiskBoss Ser6er will automaticall" perform all file delete operations in t/e back%round.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Deletin- &iles Usin- t/e Dis ,oss 'o22and 8ine Utilit%

4n addition to t/e >U4 application< DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ide a command line tool allowin% one to perform file delete operations from batc/ files and s/ell scripts. 2/e DiskBoss command line tool is located in t/e F;ProductDir<L5inG director". 'o22and 8ine !%nta9B

dis 5oss +delete ;In"ut 1< D ... ;In"ut 7< ;O"tions< E 2/is command deletes t/e specified files and directories.

dis 5oss Ce9ecute ;User+De(ined &ile Delete 'o22and< 2/is command executes t/e specified user+defined file delete command.

Para2etersB +delete PFile or Director"Q !t least one file or director" s/ould be specified. 4n order to ensure proper parsin% of command line ar%uments< directories and file names containin% space c/aracters s/ould be double Auoted. O"tionsB +wi"e 2/is parameter instructs to wipe data from t/e disk. +con(ir2 ;xplicitl" confirms delete operation. +wor ers P2/read$ountQ 2/is parameter specifies t/e number of workin% t/reads. +v 2/is parameter s/ows t/e productBs maGor 6ersion< minor 6ersion< re6ision and build date. +/el" 2/is parameter s/ows t/e command line usa%e information.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

13 ,ul

&ile $ttri5ute '/an-er

'/an-in- &ile $ttri5utes Usin- t/e Dis ,oss 6UI $""lication

DiskBoss includes a bulk file attribute c/an%er allowin% one to process one or more disks or directories and c/an%e file attributes< creation dates< last modification dates and last access dates. 2/e bulk file attributes c/an%es pro6ides a lar%e number of ad6anced options allowin% one to process specific t"pes of files< perform multiple operations durin% a sin%le scan t/rou%/ t/e file s"stem< exclude directories from t/e scannin% process< etc.

2/e bulk file attribute c/an%er is optimi ed for modern multi+core and multi+$7U ser6ers and can scan directories and process files usin% a number of $7U or $7U cores accordin% to user+ specific needs and reAuirements. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ ad6anced parallel director" scannin% capabilities allowin% one to process files and c/an%e file attributes andDor file timestamps for millions of files 6er" effecti6el".

4n order to start a simple c/an%e file attributes operation< select one or more directories or files in t/e DiskBoss file na6i%ator and press t/e C!ttributesC button located on t/e main toolbar. ,n t/e CSetC tab select file attributes t/at s/ould be set< on t/e C*esetC tab select file attributes t/at s/ould be reset< on t/e CDateC tab select timestamps t/at s/ould be modified and press t/e CStartC button. DiskBoss will scan t/e selected directories and all subdirectories and c/an%e selected file attributes and file creation< last modification and last access timestamps.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$dvanced '/an-e &ile $ttri5utes O"tions

2/e DiskBoss bulk file attributes c/an%er pro6ides a number of ad6anced c/an%e file attributes options allowin% one to customi e c/an%e file attributes operations for user+specific needs and reAuirements.

Process Mode + t/is option pro6ides t/e abilit" to c/an%e file attributes for files onl"< directories onl" or for files and directories. &ile !cannin- Mode + DiskBoss is optimi ed for multi+core and multi+$7U ser6ers and is capable of scannin% files and directories in parallel usin% multiple $7Us. Use t/is option to select t/e C7arallelC or CSeAuentialC file scannin% mode. Per(or2ance Mode + 4n order to minimi e a potential performance impact on runnin% production applications< DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to intentionall" slow down lon%+ runnin% c/an%e file attributes operations< w/ic/ ma" be useful w/en c/an%in% attributes for millions of files on acti6e production ser6ers and stora%e s"stems. Processin- 1/reads + Use t/is option to set t/e number of processin% t/reads to be used for t/e c/an%e file attributes operation.


'/an-in- $ttri5utes (or !"eci(ic 1%"es o( &iles

DiskBoss allows one to c/an%e file attributes andDor file timestamps for files matc/in% user+ specified rules. For example< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to c/an%e file attributes for all t"pes of ima%es wit/ t/e file si e more t/an ? MB. Multiple different t"pes of file matc/in% rules ma" be used to precisel" select files to be processed.

4n order to add one or more file matc/in% rules to a c/an%e file attributes operation< select t/e C*ulesC tab< press t/e C!ddC button< select a rule t"pe and enter all reAuired parameters. Durin% t/e file s"stem scannin% process< DiskBoss will select files usin% t/e specified file matc/in% rules and c/an%e file attributes andDor timestamps for files matc/in% t/e specified rules.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


A9cludin- Directories (ro2 '/an-e &ile $ttri5utes Process

Sometimes< it ma" be reAuired to exclude one or more subdirectories from a c/an%e file attributes operation. 4n order to exclude one or more directories< open t/e c/an%e file attributes dialo%< select t/e C;xcludeC tab and add directories t/at s/ould be excluded from t/e c/an%e file attributes process.

4n addition< ad6anced users and 42 professionals are pro6ided wit/ a number of exclude directories macro commands allowin% one to exclude multiple directories usin% a sin%le macro command. N,A6IN! ;1e9t !trin-< + excludes directories be%innin% wit/ t/e specified strin%. N'ON1$IN! ;1e9t !trin-< + excludes directories containin% t/e specified strin%. NAND! ;1e9t !trin-< + excludes all directories endin% wit/ t/e specified strin%. N*A6A7 ;*e-ular A9"ression< + excludes directories matc/in% t/e specified re%ular expression.

For example< t/e exclude macro command CL$,82!48S 2emporar" FilesC will exclude all directories wit/ C2emporar" FilesC at an" place in t/e full director" pat/ and t/e exclude macro command CL*;>;? U.E2M7V2;M7FLC will exclude directories endin% wit/ C.2M7C or C.2;M7C.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


User+De(ined '/an-e &ile $ttri5utes 'o22ands

,ne of t/e most powerful capabilities of DiskBoss is t/e abilit" to pre+confi%ure ad6anced c/an%e file attributes operations as user+defined commands and t/en execute t/ese commands in a sin%le mouse click usin% t/e DiskBoss $U4 application. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to execute pre+confi%ured c/an%e file attributes operations usin% t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" or sc/edule periodic c/an%e file attributes operations usin% DiskBoss Ser6er< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice and allows one to implement full" automated c/an%e file attributes operations.

4n order to add a new user+defined c/an%e file attributes operation< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e C$ommandsC pane< select t/e C!dd 8ew + $/an%e File !ttributes $ommandC menu item and enter a uniAue command name. ,n t/e command inputs dialo%< specif" one or more directories or files to process and press t/e C8extC button.

4n order to execute a user+defined c/an%e file attributes command< Gust double+click on t/e command item in t/e C$ommandsC pane. !not/er option is to create a desktop s/ortcut for t/e c/an%e file attributes operation and t/en click on t/e s/ortcut to execute t/e c/an%e file attributes operation wit/out startin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application. Finall"< in order to execute t/e c/an%e file attributes operation usin% t/e command line utilit"< t"pe t/e followin% commandJ dis 5oss +e9ecute ;'o22and Na2e<.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

14 Dis ,oss 6UI $""lication

14.1 &ile Mana-e2ent and Navi-ation

DiskBoss is inte%rated around a uniAue file na6i%ator pro6idin% file t"pe colorin%< a customi able detailed 6iew< a t/umbnail 6iew< user+selectable tool panes< file s"stem location bookmarks and ad6anced file filters. 2/e DiskBossC built+in file na6i%ator allows one to execute an" reAuired operation in a sin%le mouse click. =ust select one or more files< directories or disks and press a command button on t/e main toolbar to start t/e file classification< stora%e utili ation anal"sis< data mi%ration or duplicate files identification process.

2/e DiskBossC built+in file na6i%ator pro6ides t/e followin% file 6iew modesJ t/e list 6iew mode< t/e icon 6iew mode< t/e detailed 6iew mode and t/e t/umbnail 6iew mode. 4n t/e t/umbnail 6iew mode< DiskBoss supports t/e followin% ima%e formatsJ =7;>< >4F< 78>< BM7< 24FF< 7BM< 7>M< 77M< ?BM< and ?7M. 4n t/e detailed 6iew mode< DiskBoss allows one to customi e columns< define user+specific file t"pes and edit t/e displa" st"le for eac/ of t/em. For example< files /a6in% t/e extension C;?;C ma" be displa"ed as C7ro%ramsC usin% a bold font on t/e "ellow back%round. !ll customi ations are sa6ed in t/e user confi%uration file and ma" be exported for backup purposes or transferred to anot/er computer b" usin% t/e DiskBossC confi%uration exportDimport capabilities. 4n addition< t/e detailed 6iew mode pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to sort files b" t/e file name< t"pe< si e< creation time< last modification time or last access time. 4n order to sort files< Gust click on an appropriate column /eader. 3/en t/e user clicks on a column /eader for t/e first time< all t/e files are sorted in t/e ascendin% order. 2o sort files in t/e descendin% order< click on t/e same column /eader for t/e second time.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Dis ,oss 6UI 8a%outs

4n order to impro6e >U4 usabilit" and facilitate specific file mana%ement tasks< t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application pro6ides four user+selectable >U4 la"outs. 7ress t/e N8a%outsB button to switc/ t/e >U4 application to t/e next >U4 la"out. 2/e first >U4 la"out places tool panes on t/e bottom side of t/e file 6iew.

2/e second >U4 la"out places tool panes on t/e left side of t/e file 6iew. 2/e t/ird >U4 la"out places tool panes on t/e ri%/t side of t/e file 6iew. Finall"< t/e fourt/ >U4 la"out places t/e first tool pane on t/e ri%/t side of t/e file 6iew and t/e second tool pane on t/e bottom side of t/e file 6iew.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


User+De(ined 'o22ands

DiskBoss is a powerful and flexible product pro6idin% a lar%e number of features< capabilities and confi%uration options allowin% one to perform man" different file and stora%e mana%ement operations. 4n order to simplif" mana%ement and execution of freAuentl" used operations< DiskBoss pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to add user+defined commands. !ll maGor product features suc/ as file searc/< classification< or%ani in%< s"nc/roni ation< cop"< mo6e< delete< stora%e utili ation anal"sis< duplicate files searc/ and disk monitorin% ma" be added as user+defined commands and pre+confi%ured for user+specific needs and custom /ardware confi%urations.

4n order to add and a new command< select t/e Nuser+defined commandsB tool pane< click t/e ri%/t mouse button< select t/e N!ddB menu and select t/e reAuired command t"pe. !ll command t"pes reAuire t/e user to specif" one or more directories or files to be processed. 4n addition< dependin% on t/e command t"pe< command+specific dialo% will be displa"ed and t/e user will be pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to control all t/e command+specific options. ,nce added< a user+defined command will be sa6ed in t/e DiskBoss userBs confi%uration and displa"ed in t/e user+defined commands tool pane. 4n order to mana%e user+defined commands< select t/e NUser+Defined $ommandsB tool pane< select t/e reAuired command< click t/e ri%/t mouse button and select one of t/e followin% operationsJ Adit 'o22and @ use t/is feature to edit a pre6iousl" created user+defined command. Dependin% on t/e command t"pe< DiskBoss will s/ow all t/e reAuired dialo% and t/e user will be pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to control all t/e command+specific options. A9ecute 'o22and @ use t/is feature to execute t/e selected user+defined command. !lternati6el"< Gust click on a command in t/e user+defined commands list. 'reate Des to" !/ortcut @ use t/is feature to create direct desktop s/ortcuts for freAuentl" used commands. $ommands started usin% desktop s/ortcuts are executed wit/out t/e DiskBoss >U4 application. For example< after clickin% on a desktop s/ortcut pointin% to a user+defined searc/ command< t/e user will see t/e searc/ dialo% onl" and not t/e full DiskBoss >U4 application. *ena2e 'o22and @ use t/is feature to rename an existin% user+defined command. DiskBoss will s/ow an entr" dialo% and t/e user will be pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to specif" a new command name. Move 'o22and U" @ use t/is feature to mo6e freAuentl" used commands to t/e be%innin% on t/e command list. Move 'o22and Down @ use t/is feature to mo6e less freAuentl" user commands to t/e end of t/e command list. Delete 'o22and @ use t/is feature to delete unused commands.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

4n addition< DiskBoss allows one to write user+defined commands usin% an open ?ML+Based format. 2/e ?ML+Based format pro6ides support for all features and capabilities a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss >U4 application and allows one to import custom user+defined commands to t/e product confi%uration. Finall"< DiskBoss Ultimate allows one to execute ?ML+Based user+ defined command on+t/e+fl" usin% t/e DiskBoss command line tool. !n" user+defined command ma" be executed in t/ree different wa"sJ in DiskBossC main >U4 application< as a standalone >U4 tool and usin% DiskBossC command line tools. 4n order to execute a user+defined command in DiskBossC main >U4 application< select t/e user+defined commands tool pane and click on t/e command item in t/e commands list. DiskBoss will load t/e user+defined command and execute it in t/e main >U4 application s/owin% all t/e reAuired >U4 windows and dialo%s accordin% to t/e information sa6ed in t/e user+defined command.

! more effecti6e wa" to execute freAuentl" used commands is to add command s/ortcuts to t/e 3indows desktop. 4n order to do t/at< select t/e user+defined commands tool pane< press t/e ri%/t mouse button o6er t/e reAuired command and select t/e N!dd Desktop S/ortcutB menu item. DiskBoss will create a desktop s/ortcut wit/ t/e same file name as t/e commandBs name. 4n order to execute suc/ a command< Gust click on t/e command s/ortcut on t/e 3indows desktop. 3/en executin% user+defined commands usin% desktop s/ortcuts< DiskBoss will open a command+specific process dialo% t/at will perform all t/e reAuired operations and terminate after t/e user will press t/e N$loseB button.

$dvanced 'o22ands Mana-e2ent DiskBoss pro6ides t/e user wit/ an ad6anced user+defined commands >U4 mana%ement interface allowin% one to mana%e and execute user+defined commands more effecti6el". 2o open ad6anced user+defined commands mana%ement dialo%< select t/e menu Z2ools @ Mana%e $ommands[. 4n addition to t/e features a6ailable in t/e user+defined commands tool pane< t/e commands mana%ement dialo% pro6ides commands searc/ and filters< user+defined command cop"< command importDexport capabilities and user+defined command s/ortcuts. For eac/ user+defined command< t/e commands mana%ement dialo% displa"s t/e command name< a user+selected command s/ortcut and t/e command t"pe. 4n order to find a specific user+defined command< enter all or a part of t/e command name in t/e searc/ entr" and press t/e NSearc/B button. !lternati6el"< select a specific command t"pe in t/e command filter to s/ow commands of a specific t"pe onl". For example< select t/e N:iew Searc/ $ommandsB filter to see searc/ commands onl". 2/e command t"pe filter ma" be user in conGunction wit/ t/e command searc/ capabilit". 4n order to reset searc/ results and t/e command t"pe filter< press t/e N$learB button and t/e command mana%ement dialo% will s/ow all t/e defined commands.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

4n order to add a new user+defined command< press t/e N!ddB button and select an appropriate command t"pe. ,n t/e command inputs dialo% add one or more directories or files t/at s/ould be processed and press t/e N8extB button. ! t"pical command dialo% s/ows command specific features and options dependin% on t/e selected command t"pe. For detailed information about /ow to use a specific command refer to an appropriate section in t/e DiskBoss product manual. Select a user+defined command and press t/e N;ditB button to edit t/e selected user+defined command. Select one or more user+defined commands and press t/e NDeleteB button to delete all t/e selected commands. Select a user+defined command and press t/e NUpB or NDownB buttons to c/an%e t/e position of a command in t/e command list. Use t/is feature to mo6e more freAuentl" used commands to t/e be%innin% of t/e command list. !ll c/an%es made in user+defined commands will take effect in bot/ command mana%ement interfaces + t/e user+ defined commands mana%ement dialo% and t/e user+defined commands tool pane. Sometimes< w/en "ou /a6e a workin% user+defined command and need to create a sli%/tl" modified or customi ed 6ersion of t/e command< it will be 6er" /elpful to cop" t/e existin% command and make all t/e reAuired c/an%es in t/e commandBs cop". 4n order to cop" a user+ defined command< select t/e command item< press t/e N$op"B button and enter a new command name. DiskBoss will create a new command< cop" all t/e settin% and options from t/e ori%inal command and sa6e t/e new command to t/e userBs confi%uration file. !not/er useful feature is t/e abilit" to importDexport user+defined commands toDfrom different DiskBoss installations. 4n order to export one or more user+defined commands< select all t/e reAuired command items< press t/e ri%/t mouse button< select t/e N;xport $ommandsB menu item and select a destination director" w/ere all t/e selected commands s/ould be exported to. 4n order to import pre6iousl" exported commands< press t/e ri%/t mouse button< select t/e N4mport $ommandsB menu item and select all t/e command files t/at s/ould be imported. 2ake into account t/at t/ese features are a6ailable in DiskBoss Ultimate onl" and t/ere is no abilit" to importDexport commands toDfrom DiskBoss ;xpress or DiskBoss 7rofessional. 4n order to execute a user+defined command directl" from t/e commands mana%ement dialo%< select t/e command item and press t/e N;xecuteB button. DiskBoss will load t/e user+defined command and execute it in t/e main >U4 application s/owin% all t/e reAuirin% >U4 windows and dialo%s accordin% to t/e information sa6ed in t/e user+defined command. 4n order to create a desktop s/ortcut for a command< select t/e command item< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e N$reate Desktop S/ortcutB menu item. DiskBoss will create a desktop s/ortcut wit/ t/e same file name as t/e commandBs name. 4n order to execute suc/ a command< Gust click on t/e command s/ortcut on t/e 3indows desktop. Finall"< DiskBoss Ultimate allows one to associate custom ke"board s/ortcuts wit/ user+ defined commands. 4n order to set a ke"board s/ortcut for a user+defined command< select t/e command item in t/e command list< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e NSet 9e"board S/ortcutB menu item. ,n t/e N$ustomi e 9e"board S/ortcutB dialo% select an a6ailable ke"board seAuence and press t/e N,kB button. 8ow< "ou can execute t/e user+ defined command b" pressin% t/e selected ke"board s/ortcut. 4n addition to t/e >U4 application< t/e DiskBoss Ultimate edition pro6ides a command line tool allowin% one to use all features of DiskBoss from an ,S s/ell window. 2/e DiskBoss command line tool pro6ides power users and s"stem administrators wit/ t/e abilit" to automate t/e file mana%ement operations and to inte%rate DiskBoss features into batc/ files and s/ell scripts. 2/e DiskBoss command line tool is located in P7roductDirQDbin director".

dis 5oss.e9e +e9ecute P$ommand 8ameQ or P?ML File 8ameQ

2/is command executes user+defined commands usin% input directories< files and all confi%uration options sa6ed in t/e specified user+defined command. 4n addition< DiskBoss Ultimate allows one to directl" execute user+defined commands written accordin% to t/e DiskBoss ?ML+Based format. For detailed information about t/e ?ML format refer to t/e section 1' in t/is document.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


$uto2atic !election o( In"ut Dis s Usin- Macro 'o22ands

8ormall"< DiskBoss disk anal"sis and file searc/ commands process a pre+defined set of input disks< directories andDor network s/ares< but sometimes it ma" be reAuired to d"namicall" select disks to be anal" ed dependin% on t/e confi%uration of t/e anal" ed /ost computer. For example< letCs assume t/at t/e user needs to anal" e a number of internal /ard disks and a number of external /ard dri6es wit/ external /ard disk dri6es sometimes connected and sometimes not dependin% on eac/ specific situation. 4n suc/ cases< it is not possible to pre+ confi%ure an anal"sis operation to process a pre+defined set of input disks and suc/ operations s/ould be confi%ured d"namicall" accordin% to t/e current confi%uration of t/e /ost computer.

4n order to enable d"namic confi%uration of disk space anal"sis< file classification and file searc/ operations< DiskBoss pro6ides a number of macro commands allowin% one to automaticall" select w/ic/ disks to process accordin% to t/e current confi%uration of t/e /ost computer. 2/e followin% macro commands ma" be added instead of input directories to disk space anal"sis< file classification< duplicate files detection and file searc/ commandsJ N$88=8O'$8=DI!?! + t/is macro command inserts all internal /ard disks to t/e list of directories t/at s/ould be processed. N$88=A71A*N$8=DI!?! + t/is macro command inserts all external /ard disks to t/e list of directories t/at s/ould be processed. N$88=NA14O*?=DI!?! + t/is macro command inserts all mapped network dri6es to t/e list of directories t/at s/ould be processed. N$DD=NA14O*?=!3$*A! ;3ost Na2e or IP $ddress< + t/is macro command inserts all network s/ares accessible in a ser6er or 8!S stora%e de6ice identified b" t/e specified /ost name or 47 address. N$DD=DI!?=8$,A8 ;8a5el< + t/is macro command inserts all disks containin% t/e specified disk label to t/e list of directories t/at s/ould be processed. NDA8=DI!?=8$,A8 ;8a5el< + t/is macro command remo6es all disks containin% t/e specified disk label from t/e list of directories t/at s/ould be processed. For example< t/is macro command ma" be used wit/ t/e L!LLKL,$!LKD4S9S macro to remo6e t/e s"stem disk or ot/er special disks t/at s/ould be excluded from t/e anal"sis operation. NDA8=DI!?=8A11A* ;8etter< + t/is macro command remo6es t/e specified disk letter from t/e list of directories t/at s/ould be processed. For example< t/is macro command ma" be used wit/ t/e L!LLKL,$!LKD4S9S macro to remo6e t/e s"stem disk from t/e anal"sis operation.

4n addition< t/ese macro commands ma" be used to pre+confi%ure disk space anal"sis< file classification< duplicate files detection andDor file searc/ commands to be executed on a number of different ser6ers w/en eac/ ser6er /as a different set of /ard disks to be anal" ed. ! set of disk anal"sis commands ma" be pre+confi%ured and tested on a sin%le ser6er and t/en broadcasted to a number of DiskBoss Ser6ers t/rou%/ t/e network usin% t/e DiskBoss Ser6er confi%uration s"nc feature.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


A9cludin- Directories &ro2 $nal%sis and &ile Mana-e2ent O"erations

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to exclude one or more directories from disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement operations. 4n order to confi%ure exclude directories< open t/e anal"sis or file mana%ement command confi%uration dialo%< press t/e C,ptionsC button< select t/e C;xcludeC tab and add one or more directories to exclude.

4n t/e simplest case< Gust add a full director" pat/ to exclude from t/e anal"sis or file mana%ement operation. 4n addition< ad6anced users are pro6ided wit/ a number of exclude directories macro commands allowin% one to exclude multiple directories usin% a sin%le macro command. DiskBoss pro6ides t/e followin% exclude directories macro commandsJ N,A6IN! ;1e9t !trin-< + t/is macro command excludes all directories be%innin% wit/ t/e specified text strin%. N'ON1$IN! ;1e9t !trin-< + t/is macro command excludes all directories containin% t/e specified text strin%. NAND! ;1e9t !trin-< + t/is macro command excludes directories endin% wit/ t/e specified text strin%. N*A6A7 ;*e-ular A9"ression< + t/is macro command excludes all directories matc/in% t/e specified re%ular expression.

For example< t/e exclude macro command CL$,82!48S 2emporar" FilesC will exclude all directories wit/ C2emporar" FilesC at an" place in t/e full director" pat/ and t/e exclude macro command CL*;>;? U.E2M7V2;M7FLC will exclude all directories endin% wit/ C.2M7C or C.2;M7C.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.




DiskBoss allows one to execute multiple file mana%ement operations simultaneousl". Multiple simultaneous file mana%ement operations ma" be started< stopped< paused or resumed accordin% to userBs specific needs. For example< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to suspend a lon% runnin% operation< execute an ur%ent task and after t/at resume t/e pre6iousl" paused lon% runnin% operation. 3/en startin% multiple file mana%ement operations< DiskBoss allows one to submit all tasks to t/e tasks Aueue or execute all tasks simultaneousl".

7ress< t/e NSubmitB button to add t/e new operation to t/e task Aueue. 4n t/is case all started operations will be executed seAuentiall"< one after one wit/out interferin% wit/ eac/ ot/er. 4f "ou wis/ to execute multiple operations on numerous disks or stora%e de6ices simultaneousl"< press t/e NStart 8owB button. 2/e N2asksB button Elocated on t/e main toolbarF allows one to access t/e task mana%ement dialo%< w/ic/ pro6ides a number of task mana%ement capabilities. Select one or more runnin% tasks and press t/e N7auseB button to pause all t/e selected tasks. Select one or more pre6iousl" paused tasks and press t/e N$ontinueB button to resume all t/e selected tasks. Select one or more runnin% Eor pausedF tasks and press t/e NStopB button to cancel all t/e selected tasks. $lick on a task item in t/e tasks 6iew to open t/e taskBs status dialo%. 4f t/e task /as been completed< DiskBoss will open t/e results dialo%.

4n addition to t/e abilit" to startDstop multiple tasks< DiskBoss Ultimate pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to d"namicall" control t/e speed of an" runnin% operation t/us allowin% one to slow down or speed+up lon% runnin% operations accordin% to specific needs. Select a runnin% task< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e N7erformanceB menu item to set a custom performance mode for t/e selected task. 2/e same ma" be ac/ie6ed usin% t/e NSpeedB button located on all t"pes of process dialo%s.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!c/edule Periodic $nal%sis and &ile Mana-e2ent O"erations

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to execute disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement operations periodicall" at specific time inter6als< weekl" or mont/l" sc/edules< etc. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to define an unlimited number of periodic Gobs wit/ eac/ one confi%ured to execute one or more disk space anal"sis or file mana%ement commands.

;ac/ periodic Gob can be started b" multiple /ourl"< dail"< weekl" andDor mont/l" tri%%ers wit/ different sc/edules for eac/ tri%%er allowin% one to execute disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement operations at different times dependin% on t/e week da"< mont/ da"< etc. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to execute multiple disk space anal"sis andDor file mana%ement operations in eac/ periodic Gob.

B" default< DiskBoss executes multiple commands specified in a periodic Gob seAuentiall" one after one. 4n order to anal" e files located on multiple p/"sical disks or multiple se6ers or 8!S stora%e de6ices more effecti6el"< DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to execute multiple disk space anal"sis or file mana%ement operations in parallel.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

4n order to add a periodic Gob tri%%er< press t/e C!ddC button located on t/e ri%/t side of t/e periodic Gob tri%%ers 6iew. DiskBoss pro6ides t/e followin% fi6e t"pes of periodic Gob tri%%ersJ periodic< dail"< weekl"< mont/l" and a sin%le time tri%%er.

2/e re%ular periodic Gob tri%%er starts selected disk space anal"sis or file mana%ement commands accordin% to t/e selected time inter6al< w/ic/ ma" be specified in minutes or /ours. 2/e dail" periodic Gob tri%%er starts selected commands e6er" da" exactl" at t/e specified time.

2/e weekl" periodic Gob tri%%er starts commands accordin% to t/e selected week da"s and t/e specified time of t/e da". LetCs assume t/at a backup operation s/ould be executed e6er" Monda" at 12am and e6er" 2uesda" at 2am. 4n t/is case< t/e user can add two periodic Gob tri%%ers wit/ t/e first one confi%ured to start t/e backup operation e6er" Monda" at 12am and t/e second tri%%er confi%ured to start t/e backup operation e6er" 2uesda" at 2am. 2/e mont/l" periodic Gob tri%%er pro6ides t/e abilit" to execute disk space anal"sis or file mana%ement commands on specific mont/ da"s. Finall"< t/e sin%le time periodic Gob tri%%er allows one to sc/edule execution of disk space anal"sis andDor file mana%ement operations on an exact date and time. !n arbitrar" number of tri%%ers ma" be combined in a sin%le periodic Gob allowin% one to precisel" control /ow and w/en to execute automated disk space anal"sis andDor file mana%ement operations. 7eriodic Gobs a6ailable in DiskBoss 7ro and DiskBoss Ultimate are executed in t/e DiskBoss >U4 application and in order to work properl" t/e >U4 application s/ould be continuousl" runnin%. !not/er option is to use DiskBoss Ser6er< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice and is capable of executin% multiple periodic disk space anal"sis andDor file mana%ement operations e6en w/en no one is lo%%ed in.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!ound Noti(ications

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to pla" notification sounds w/en a file mana%ement operation is started< completed or failed. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to enable< disable or customi e all t"pes of sound notifications.

4n order to open t/e C8otification SoundsC dialo%< select t/e C2ools + 8otification SoundsC menu item. 2/e C8otifications SoundsC dialo% s/ows all t/e a6ailable sound notifications and allows one to enable or disable specific sound notifications.

4n order to select a custom notification sound file< click on a notification sound item in t/e sounds list and select a custom 3!: file. 4n order to pla" a notification sound< select t/e reAuired notification sound in t/e sounds list and press t/e C7la"C button.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


,uilt+In Dis

!M$*1 Viewer

DiskBoss pro6ides a built+in disk SM!*2 6iewer allowin% one to 6iew t/e /ealt/ status of p/"sical /ard disks installed in t/e computer. 4n order to open t/e disk SM!*2 6iewer< press t/e NSM!*2B button located on t/e main toolbar. 2/e disk SM!*2 6iewer s/ows t/e disk model name< t/e firmware 6ersion< t/e disk serial number and t/e list of supported SM!*2 attributes for t/e currentl" selected p/"sical disk.

4f multiple p/"sical disks are installed in t/e computer< use t/e disk selector combo box< located on t/e bottom side of t/e SM!*2 6iewer< to c/an%e t/e currentl" displa"ed disk. 4f one or more critical SM!*2 attributes are out of 6alid ran%es< t/e attributes will be marked wit/ "ellow Ewarnin%F icons or red EerrorF icons dependin% on t/e status and meanin% of eac/ specific SM!*2 attribute.

4n order to sa6e t/e disk SM!*2 information to a report file< press t/e NSa6eB button and specif" a report file name. 4n order to open a pre6iousl" sa6ed disk SM!*2 report< press t/e NLoadB button and select t/e report file to load.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

14.10 ,uilt+In 3A7 Aditor

DiskBoss includes a built+in 1;? editor allowin% one to 6iew files and edit file data in t/e 1;? and text modes. 2/e 1;? editor pro6ides t/e abilit" to 6iew and edit /u%e files w/ile usin% a 6er" small amount of s"stem memor" t/us allowin% one to work wit/ lar%e D:D ima%e files and 6irtual mac/ine disk ima%e files sometimes reac/in% tens and /undreds of >i%ab"tes per file. 3/en a file lar%er t/an ) >i%ab"tes is opened< t/e 1;? editor switc/es to t/e 0)+Bit position displa" mode.

2/e DiskBoss 1;? editor pro6ides t/e abilit" to browse a file usin% na6i%ation buttons located on t/e ri%/t side of t/e window< Gump to a specific position in t/e file< searc/ for binar" or text patterns in t/e file and edit data in t/e binar" or text modes.

4n order to searc/ for a binar" pattern< press t/e NSearc/B button< enter t/e pattern as a series of b"tes wit/ eac/ b"te represented b" two 1;? c/aracters. B" default< t/e 1;? editor will start searc/in% from t/e current file position to t/e end of t/e file. 4f reAuired< c/an%e t/e startDstop file positions on t/e searc/ dialo%. 4n order to searc/ for a text strin%< c/an%e t/e searc/ mode to N2extB and enter a text strin% to searc/.

4n order to c/an%e one or more data b"tes in t/e file< select t/e data b"tes in t/e 1;? displa" and press t/e N;ditB button. 4n order to edit a text strin%< select t/e text strin% in t/e text displa" and press t/e N;ditB button.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

14.11 ,uilt+In Dis


!ll web browsers and man" popular online applications are usin% t/e local /ard disk to cac/e web pa%es< ima%es and 6ideo files. 4nformation from 6isited web sites is stored in "our 3eb browserBs cac/e< wastin% "our stora%e space and compromisin% "our pri6ac". 4n %eneral< it is a %ood practice to cleanup "our disk once a mont/. DiskBoss includes a built+in disk cleaner allowin% one to cleanup t/e disk and reclaim t/e wasted stora%e space.

7ress t/e N$leanupB button to launc/ t/e DiskBossC built+in disk cleaner. DiskBoss will scan t/e s"stem /ard dri6e and s/ow t/e user all detected cac/e< /istor" and temporar" files. Durin% t/e initial scannin% process< DiskBoss Gust scans t/e disk and disco6ers w/at files ma" be safel" deleted. !fter finis/in% t/e scannin% process< DiskBoss indicates all detected file cate%ories and pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to select t/e file cate%ories t/at s/ould be cleaned+up. B" default< DiskBossC built+in disk cleaner selects 4nternet cac/e files< 4nterned /istor" and temporar" files to be deleted. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to select one of t/e followin% automatic cleanup modesJ NSafeB< N8ormalB and N!llB. 4n t/e safe mode< DiskBoss will cleanup 4nternet cac/e and 4nternet /istor" files onl". 4n t/e normal mode< DiskBoss will delete 4nternet cac/e files< 4nternet /istor" file< temporar" files and deleted files. 4n t/e N!llB cleanup mode< DiskBoss will delete files related to all cate%ories includin% 4nternet cookies. !lternati6el"< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to select specific file cate%ories manuall". Select an" number of file cate%ories and press t/e N$leanupB button. DiskBoss will delete all t/e selected file cate%ories and free+up t/e wasted stora%e space.

14.12 User+!electa5le 1ool Panes

2/e bottom part of t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application includes two user+selectable tool panes. ;ac/ of t/em ma" be selected to displa" bookmarks< file filters< user+defined commands< t/e local disks status 6iew or t/e s"stem status 6iew. &ile &ilters + More and more files are stored in modern computers. ! simple 3indows+based computer wit/ a number of software products ma" include .-<--- + 1--<--- files. More ad6anced computer users and professionals ma" /a6e as muc/ as 1--<--- + 2--<--- files in t/eir personal computers. !lmost e6er"one /as tried to find a file in a director" t/at contains a couple of t/ousand files. !lt/ou%/ it is possible to searc/ for a file b" pressin% on t/e ke" representin% t/e first letter in t/e file name< sometimes it is still difficult to find t/e reAuired file in a file+crowded director".


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

!not/er issue t/at bot/ers ad6anced computer users is /ow to perform 6arious file mana%ement operations on a number of files in a director" selected accordin% to a specific criteria. Usin% t/e current 6ersion of t/e 3indows ;xplorer t/e user will need to select all t/e reAuired files manuall"< w/ic/ ma" be a reall" tedious task if "ou need to deal wit/ /undreds of files.

2o /elp users to deal wit/ lar%e amounts of files in directories< DiskBoss introduces ad6anced files filterin% capabilities. For eac/ opened director"< DiskBoss anal" es existin% files and automaticall" builds a list of filters allowin% one to select a specific file t"pe to be displa"ed. 2/e filters 6iew is located in t/e bottom+ri%/t corner of t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application. For eac/ file t"pe in t/e current director"< DiskBoss displa"s t/e number of files and t/e total stora%e space consumed b" all files related to t/e file t"pe. 4n order to see files related to a specific file t"pe< Gust select t/e reAuired filter in t/e filter 6iew. 2o reset t/e current 6iew and to see all files in t/e current director"< select t/e CS/ow !llC item in t/e filter 6iew. ,oo 2ar s + ,6ertime disks are %ettin% lar%er and lar%er and we are storin% more and more files< documents< son%s and mo6ies. Some computers are eAuipped wit/ multiple /ard dri6es and man" re%ular computer users are be%innin% to use network dri6es to s/are files between computers on t/e /ome network. Business needs are muc/ more demandin% reAuirin% computer professionals to desi%n complex file /ierarc/ies and director" structures for specific business needs. 3e /a6e are now in a situation w/ere we need to remember muc/ information about t/e location of 6arious pro%rams< documents< reports< son%s< 6ideos< etc. 2/e DiskBossC built+in file na6i%ator includes a simple and flexible solution allowin% one to sa6e an unlimited number of file s"stem locations in a dedicated bookmarks 6iew and to switc/ between t/em in a sin%le mouse click.

2o add a new file s"stem bookmark< browse to t/e reAuired director" and press t/e CBookmarkC button on t/e main >U4 toolbar. ,n t/e add bookmark dialo% specif" a uniAue bookmark name and press t/e C,kC button. 2/e bookmarks 6iew is located in t/e bottom+left corner of t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application. Durin% installation< DiskBoss automaticall" adds bookmarks for C$omputer 1omeC< CM" DocumentsC and all local /ard dri6es installed in t/e computer. 2o Gump to a pre6iousl" bookmarked director"< Gust select a bookmark name in t/e bookmark 6iew. Dis 8ist + 2/e local disks status 6iew lists all t/e local disks as defined in t/e ,S confi%uration. For eac/ disk DiskBoss displa"s t/e dri6e letter< t/e total disk si e and t/e amount of free stora%e space. $lick on a disk item to see more detailed information about t/e disk. !%ste2 !tatus + 2/e s"stem status 6iew s/ows a summar" s"stem status includin% t/e current $7U usa%e< t/e s"stem memor" status and t/e s"stem disk status.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

14.13 Dis ,oss O"tions

Select t/e N1ools C Dis ,oss O"tionsB menu item to open t/e options dialo%.

2/e N6eneralB tab allows one to control t/e followin% optionsJ !/ow Main 1ool5ar @ ;nablesDDisables t/e main toolbar !/ow Navi-ation ,ar @ ;nablesDDisables t/e na6i%ation bar !/ow DirectoriesG ,uttons on Navi-ation ,ar @ ;nablesDDisables directoriesB buttons on t/e na6i%ation bar !/ow Delete 'on(ir2ation Dialo- + select t/is option to s/ow delete confirmation dialo%. 'lose !uccess(ull% 'o2"leted O"erations @ select t/is option to automaticall" close successfull" completed file cop"< mo6e and delete operations. $uto2aticall% '/ec &or Product U"dates @ select t/is option to instruct DiskBoss to automaticall" c/eck for a6ailable product updates. Use Internal I2a-e Viewer @ select t/is option to use t/e DiskBossC built+in ima%e 6iewer as t/e default ima%e 6iewer. 'o"% &ile $ttri5utes @ select t/is option to enable default cop"in% file attributes for all file cop" and mo6e operations. 'o"% &ile 1i2esta2"s @ select t/is option to enable default cop"in% file timestamps for all file cop" and mo6e operations.

2/e N!/ortcutsB tab pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to customi e ke"board s/ortcuts. $lick on a s/ortcut item to edit t/e currentl" assi%ned ke" seAuence. 7ress t/e NDefault S/ortcuts[ button to reset all ke"board s/ortcuts to default 6alues.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

2/e CA+MailC tab allows one to define an e+mail account to be used for sendin% e+mail notifications. 4n order to enable e+mail notifications< select t/e C;nable ;+Mail 8otificationsC c/eckbox and enter account details. 4n t/e CSM27 Ser6er 8ameC entr" specif" t/e /ost name of t/e SM27 ser6er t/at s/ould be used to send notifications< enter an appropriate user name< password and specif" a source e+mail address to be used as t/e NFromB e+mail address for DiskBoss e+mails. 4n order to test t/e specified email account< click on t/e C:erif" ;+Mail accountC button.

2/e CData5aseC tab allows one to confi%ure an ,DB$ data source to use to export disk space anal"sis< file classification< duplicate files< file searc/ and disk c/an%e monitorin% reports to an S5L database. 4n order to enable database exports< specif" t/e ,DB$ data source name< user name and password to use to connect to t/e S5L database.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

2/e C*e"ortsC tab allows one to keep a user+specified number of reports in t/e reports director" or t/e reports S5L database w/ile automaticall" deletin% old reports and freein% up t/e disk space. 2/ese features are especiall" useful for full" automated disk space anal"sis< file classification< file searc/ or disk c/an%e monitorin% operations w/en t/e user needs to keep a /istor" of report files in a reports director" or a /istor" of reports in an S5L database.

B" default< DiskBoss keeps all reports in t/e reports director" or t/e S5L database. 4n order to enable automatic report mana%ement< open t/e C,ptionsC dialo%< select t/e C*eportsC tab and c/an%e t/e C*eport FilesC or C*eport DatabaseC options to appropriate 6alues. 2/e C*e"ort &ilesC option is applicable to 12ML< text< ;xcel $S:< ?ML and DiskBoss nati6e reports sa6ed to a reports director" or to t/e userCs /ome director" usin% t/e DiskBoss ser6er or t/e command line utilit". !fter sa6in% eac/ new report< DiskBoss will c/eck if t/ere are too man" reports of t/e same t"pe E12ML< ?ML< $S:< etc.F in t/e reports director" and delete old reports accordin% to t/e user+specified confi%uration. 2/e C*e"ort Data5aseC option is applicable to reports submitted to an S5L database usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< t/e DiskBoss ser6er or t/e DiskBoss command line utilit". !fter sa6in% eac/ new report to t/e database< DiskBoss will c/eck if t/ere are too man" reports from t/e same /ost computer< for t/e same set of disks or directories and delete old reports accordin% to t/e user+specified confi%uration. For example< if reports from two different ser6ers are submitted to t/e same S5L database< DiskBoss will keep in t/e database ? last reports for eac/ ser6er. 2/e C&ile 'ate-oriesC option allows one to enableDdisable exportin% of file cate%ories to 12ML< text< ;xcel $S: and ?ML reports. Second+le6el file cate%ories are a6ailable w/en reports are sa6ed usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application manuall". !utomaticall" %enerated reports or reports sa6ed usin% t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" alwa"s sa6ed wit/out file cate%ories. 3/en t/e CFile $ate%oriesC option is enabled< DiskBoss >U4 application will sa6e second+le6el file cate%ories to 12ML< text< ;xcel $S: and ?ML reports. 2/e C'o2"ressed *e"ortsC option allows one to sa6e automaticall" %enerated 12ML< text< ;xcel $S: and ?ML reports as compressed arc/i6e files.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

2/e N$dvancedB tab pro6ides t/e followin% confi%uration optionsJ

Ma9i2u2 1as s @ !ccordin% to t/e selected 6alue< DiskBoss will sa6e results for ? last operations Esuc/ as searc/< classif"< anal" e< etc.F. For detailed information about task mana%ement capabilities refer to t/e N2ask Mana%ementB section in t/is document. Ma9i2u2 Arrors @ use t/is option to set t/e maximum number of errors for all file mana%ement operations. 4f a file mana%ement operation suc/ as cop"< mo6e< delete< s"nc/roni e will reac/ t/e specified maximum number of errors< t/e operation will be aborted. Ma9i2u2 'onsecutive Arrors @ use t/is option to set t/e maximum number of consecuti6e errors for all file mana%ement operations. 4f a file mana%ement operation suc/ as cop"< mo6e< delete< s"nc/roni e will reac/ t/e specified maximum number of consecuti6e errors< t/e operation will be aborted. Data Director% @ use t/is option to set t/e director" w/ere DiskBoss s/ould sa6e t/e user %enerated data suc/ as user+defined commands and file s"stem si%natures. !ave Arrors 8o-s In @ enable t/is option and specif" an existin% director" to automaticall" sa6e all error lo%s to t/e specified director". !ave 1as s 8o-s In + enable t/is options and specif" an existin% director" to automaticall" sa6e tasks lo%s to t/e specified director". Pro9% 'on(i-uration + 7eriodicall"< DiskBoss connects to t/e productCs web site and c/ecks for a6ailable product updates. 4f DiskBoss is installed on a computer connected to t/e 4nternet t/rou%/ an 1227 prox"< use t/e prox" confi%uration options to set a custom 1227 prox" confi%uration.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

14.14 *e-isterin- Product

Licenses for DiskBoss 7ro< DiskBoss Ultimate< DiskBoss Ser6er< discounted license packs and 6arious license bundles ma" be purc/ased on t/e followin% pa%eJ /ttpJDDwww.diskboss.comDpurc/ase./tml !fter finis/in% t/e purc/ase process< wait for t/e followin% two e+mail messa%esJ t/e first one wit/ a receipt for "our pa"ment and t/e second one wit/ an unlock ke". 4f "ou will not recei6e "our unlock ke" wit/in 2) /ours< please c/eck "our spam box for e+mail messa%es ori%inatin% from su""ortO(le9ense.co2 and if it is nor /ere contact our support team.

!fter "ou will recei6e "our unlock ke"< start t/e DiskBoss >U4 application and press t/e C*e%isterC button located in t/e top+ri%/t corner of t/e window. ,n t/e re%ister dialo%< enter "our name and t/e recei6ed unlock ke" and press t/e C*e%isterC button to finis/ t/e re%istration procedure.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

1) Dis ,oss !erver

1).1 Dis ,oss !erver Overview

DiskBoss Ser6er is a ser6er+based product 6ersion< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice and is capable of executin% all t"pes of disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement operations in a full" automatic and unattended mode.

DiskBoss Ser6er ma" be mana%ed and confi%ured locall" or t/rou%/ t/e network usin% a freeware network client >U4 application< t/e DiskBoss command line utilit" or t/e DiskBoss Ser6er pro%rammin% !74< w/ic/ ma" be used to inte%rate DiskBossC disk anal"sis and file mana%ement capabilities into ot/er products and solutions.

2/e DiskBoss $lient >U4 application is 6er" similar to t/e main DiskBoss >U4 application pro6idin% standard dialo%s for all t"pes of files mana%ement operations supported b" DiskBoss. 2/e client >U4 application allows one to connect to a DiskBoss ser6er locall" or t/rou%/ t/e network< add< edit or delete disk space anal"sis or file mana%ement commands< control runnin% operations and mana%e t/e ser6er confi%uration options. 4n addition< t/e client >U4 application pro6ides t/e abilit" to export disk space anal"sis commands defined and tested in t/e re%ular DiskBoss >U4 application to t/e ?ML format and import t/ese commands to DiskBoss Ser6er for automatic execution in t/e back%round.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Mana-in- Dis ,oss !erver 'o22ands

DiskBoss Ser6er pro6ides a lar%e number of disk anal"sis and file mana%ement operations includin% disk space utili ation anal"sis< file classification< duplicate files detection and remo6al< file searc/< file or%ani in%< file s"nc/roni ation< file cop"< file delete< disk c/an%e monitorin% and file inte%rit" monitorin%. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to pre+confi%ure a number of disk space anal"sis andDor file mana%ement operations as user+defined commands and t/en execute t/ese commands manuall"< sc/edule periodic execution of one of more commands or tri%%er disk space anal"sis or file mana%ement operations automaticall" based on user+specified conditions andDor detected file s"stem acti6ities.

4n order to add a user+defined disk space anal"sis or file mana%ement command< press t/e C!ddC button located on t/e main toolbar< select a command t"pe< enter a uniAue command name< enter one or more disks< directories or network s/ares to process and press t/e CSa6eC button.

;ac/ t"pe of disk anal"sis or file mana%ement operation pro6ides itCs own set of ad6anced options allowin% one to confi%ure and customi e eac/ specific command for user+specific needs. 4n order to confi%ure a user+defined command< select t/e command< press t/e ri%/t mouse button and select t/e C;dit $ommandC menu item.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!%nc 'on(i-uration ,etween Multi"le Dis ,oss !ervers

DiskBoss pro6ides t/e abilit" to s"nc user+defined disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement commands< periodic Gobs and confi%uration options from an" DiskBoss 6ersion to a number of DiskBoss Ser6ers t/rou%/ t/e network. 2/e feature is pro6ided in t/e DiskBoss desktop application and t/e DiskBoss Ser6er client >U4 application. 4n order to open t/e DiskBoss ser6er confi%uration s"nc dialo%< select t/e menu C2ools + S"nc Ser6er $onfi%urationC in t/e DiskBoss desktop application or t/e DiskBoss client >U4 application. 2/e ser6er confi%uration s"nc dialo% s/ows all confi%ured disk space anal"sis and file mana%ement commands< periodic Gobs< a number of %eneral ser6er confi%uration options and pro6ides t/e abilit" to select confi%uration items t/at s/ould be s"nc/roni ed.

4n addition< DiskBoss allows one to delete unknown commands andDor periodic Gobs from t/e confi%uration of tar%et DiskBoss ser6ers. ,nce finis/ed selectin% confi%uration items to s"nc/roni e< press t/e CS"ncC button.

,n t/e DiskBoss Ser6er connect dialo%< enter one or more /ost names or 47 addresses to s"nc t/e ser6er confi%uration to and press t/e C$onnectC button. DiskBoss will connect to eac/ of t/e specified DiskBoss ser6ers< s"nc t/e selected confi%uration items and delete unknown commands andDor periodic Gobs if reAuired.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


'on(i-urin- Dis ,oss !erver to $ccess N$! !tora-e Devices

B" default< t/e DiskBoss ser6ice is confi%ured to run under t/e local s"stem account< w/ic/ is %ood to access files and directories located on local disks. ,n t/e ot/er /and< t/e local s"stem account does not /a6e permissions to access files and directories located on network s/ares and 8!S stora%e de6ices.

4n order to enable t/e DiskBoss ser6ice to process files located on network s/ares and 8!S stora%e de6ices< t/e ser6ice s/ould be confi%ured to run under a user account< w/ic/ /as permissions to access files and directories located on t/e reAuired network s/ares. 2/e confi%uration is 6er" simple and ma" be performed wit/in a couple of seconds usin% t/e followin% step+b"+step %uideJ 1. 2. '. ). .. ,pen t/e 3indows control panel and click on t/e C!dministrati6e 2oolsC utilit". ,pen t/e Ser6ices control center and find /ere t/e CDiskBoss Ser6erC ser6ice. ,pen t/e C DiskBoss Ser6erC ser6ice< select t/e C>eneralC tab and stop t/e ser6ice. Select t/e CLo% ,nC tab and specif" a user account and password to use for t/e ser6ice. Select t/e C>eneralC tab and start t/e C DiskBoss Ser6erC ser6ice.

8ow< t/e DiskBoss ser6ice will run under t/e specified user account and will /a6e exactl" t/e same permissions as t/e specified user account w/en accessin% network s/ares and 8!S stora%e de6ices.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!ettin- 'usto2 'ontrol PortJ User Na2e and Password

2/e DiskBoss client >U4 application allows one to c/an%e t/e default ser6er control port< user name and password. 4n order to c/an%e t/e default ser6er lo%in< open t/e client >U4 application< connect to a ser6er< press t/e C,ptionsC button located on t/e main toolbar and select t/e CSer6erC tab.

;nter a custom user name andDor password and press t/e CSa6eC button. 4n order to c/an%e t/e default ser6er control port< enter a custom 2$7D47 port< press t/e CSa6eC button and restart t/e DiskBoss ser6ice to appl" c/an%es. 4n order to be able to connect to a DiskBoss ser6er usin% a custom user name andDor password< press t/e C$onnectC button located on t/e main toolbar and enter a user name andDor password to use to connect to t/e ser6er.

4n order to specif" a custom user name< password andDor ser6er control port for t/e DiskBoss command line utilit"< use t/e C+userC< C+passwordC and C+portC command line options for all ser6er+related commands.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


Dis ,oss !erver Pro-ra22in- $PI

2/e DiskBoss Ser6er SD9 is bundled wit/ t/e standard DiskBoss Ser6er and DiskBoss 8etwork installations and it is located in t/e C;Product Dir<>sd C director". 2/e SD9 includes a $D$II DLL librar" allowin% one to control one or more DiskBoss Ser6ers< a $D$II include file definin% t/e DiskBoss Ser6er pro%rammin% !74 and a number of example applications Eincludin% t/e full source codeF s/owin% /ow to use all maGor functions and capabilities of t/e DiskBoss Ser6er pro%rammin% !74. 2/e DiskBoss Ser6er !74 DLL librar"< $D$II include files and source code examples can be freel" redistributed to an" 'rd parties< bundled wit/ an" software products and inte%rated into an" kinds of softwareD/ardware 42 solutions wit/out an" limitations. ;ac/ instance of DiskBoss Ser6er installed on a p/"sical or 6irtual /ost computer and controlled b" t/e DiskBoss Ser6er !74 s/ould be re%istered wit/ an indi6idual license and t/ere is no option to s/are a sin%le license between multiple ser6er installations or mi%rate a license from one ser6er installation to anot/er. 2/e DiskBoss Ser6er !74 librar" allows one to control a sin%le DiskBoss Ser6er on t/e same /ost w/ere t/e client application is runnin% on or multiple DiskBoss ser6ers runnin% on a number of /osts connected to t/e same local network.

4n a sin%le+/ost setup< t/e DiskBoss !74 librar" connects locall" to t/e DiskBoss ser6er< w/ic/ runs in t/e back%round as a ser6ice. 2/e DiskBoss !74 librar" pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to confi%ure t/e ser6er< setup user+defined file mana%ement commands< control file mana%ement operations and sa6e results to file reports or an S5L database. 4n a multi+/ost confi%uration< t/e DiskBoss !74 librar" connects to one or more DiskBoss Ser6ers t/rou%/ t/e network allowin% one to confi%ure< mana%e and control multiple DiskBoss ser6ers usin% a sin%le client application.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16 7M8+,ased &or2at
16.1 Overview
DiskBoss extensi6el" uses 6arious t"pes of file matc/in% rules for all t/e supported file mana%ement operations ran%in% from basic file searc/ to ad6anced file classification and stora%e utili ation anal"sis. 4n %eneral< file matc/in% rules define t/e set of files on w/ic/ a file mana%ement operation s/ould be performed. For example< in file s"nc/roni ation< file cop"< file delete and ot/er operations< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to process files matc/in% user+defined criteria. 2/ese user+defined criteria ma" be specified usin% t/e ?ML format explained in t/is document.

16.2 *ules 8ist

2/e rules list is t/e most fundamental element of t/e ?ML format and it is widel" used in file searc/< file classification and ot/er file mana%ement operations. ! rule list ma" contain one or more file matc/in% rules. DiskBoss supports a lar%e number of 6arious t"pes of rules capable of matc/in% files b" t/e file extension< name< pat/< si e< time< content< etc.< w/ic/ are explained in details in subseAuent sections of t/is document. Durin% t/e file matc/in% process< file matc/in% rules are e6aluated in t/e same order as t/e" are specified in t/e rules list. Prules lo%ic\B,*BQ Pr1Q*ule DataPDr1Q Pr2Q*ule DataPDr2Q O Pr7Q*ule DataPDr7Q PDrulesQ *ules 8o-icB 8o-ic $ND EDefaultF Descri"tion 4f t/e rules lo%ic is set to N!8DB< t/e rules list matc/es a file w/en all t/e specified rules e6aluated to 2*U;. *ules are e6aluated until a first F!LS; e6aluation< after w/ic/< all t/e remainin% file matc/in% rules are dismissed. 4f t/e rules lo%ic is set to N,*B< t/e rules list matc/es a file w/en an" of t/e specified rules e6aluated to 2*U;. *ules are e6aluated until a first 2*U; e6aluation< after w/ic/< all t/e remainin% file matc/in% rules are skipped.


16.3 Nested *ules

Sometimes< it ma" be necessar" to matc/ files accordin% to multiple criteria wit/ nested lo%ical operations. For example< it ma" be reAuired to or%ani e or anal" e all documents and ima%e files t/at were modified durin% t/e last mont/. 4n t/is case< we need to define a composite rules list w/ere t/e top le6el list will contain a rule matc/in% files t/at were modified durin% t/e last mont/ and a nested rules list containin% rules matc/in% documents and ima%e files. Prules lo%ic\B!8DBQ Pr1Q*ule matc/in% file modified durin% t/is mont/PDr1Q O Prules lo%ic\B,*BQ Pr2Q*ule matc/in% all t"pes of document filesPDr2Q Pr3Q*ule matc/in% all t"pes of ima%e filesPDr3Q PDrulesQ PDrulesQ


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


&ile Matc/in- *ules

16.4.1 &ile A9tension 2/e Ne9tensionB rule allows one to matc/ files b" a specific pattern in t/e file extension. 2/e rule accepts up to & extension patterns for eac/ declaration. B" default< t/e Ne9tensionB rule matc/es all files /a6in% one of t/e specified file extensions. 4f t/e rule operator is set to N8;B Enot eAualF< t/e rule matc/es all files wit/ t/e file extension matc/in% none of t/e specified extension patterns. 4n addition to t/e ;5D8; operators< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ numerous ad6anced pattern matc/in% operators allowin% one to matc/ files wit/ extensions be%innin% wit/< endin% wit/ or containin% specific extension patterns.

&or2atB Pe9tension op\B,peratorBQext1 ext2 O ext?PDe9tensionQ


O"erator A: EDefaultF NA '! N' ,4 N, A4 N!

Descri"tion Matc/es files /a6in% one of t/e specified extensions. Matc/es files /a6in% none of t/e specified extensions. Matc/es files wit/ extensions containin% one of t/e specified strin%s. Matc/es files wit/ extensions containin% none of t/e specified strin%s. Matc/es files wit/ extensions be%innin% wit/ one of t/e specified strin%s. Matc/es files wit/ extensions be%innin% wit/ none of t/e specified strin%s. Matc/es files wit/ extensions endin% wit/ one of t/e specified strin%s. Matc/es files wit/ extensions endin% wit/ none of t/e specified strin%s.


*ule PextensionQmp% mp' mpe%PDextensionQ Pextension op\CB3CQmpPDextensionQ

Descri"tion Matc/es all files wit/ extensionsJ NM7>B< NM7'B and NM7;>B Matc/es all files wit/ extensions be%innin% wit/J NM7B Matc/es all files except files wit/ extensionsJ NM7>B and NM7'B. Matc/es all files containin% pattern N12MB in filesB extensions includin% N12MB< N12MLB< NS12MLB< etc.

Pextension op\B8;BQmp% mp'PDextensionQ Pextension op\B$SBQ/tmPDextensionQ


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.4.2 &ile Na2e and Pat/ DiskBoss pro6ides a number of file matc/in% rules allowin% one to matc/ files b" a specific text pattern in t/e file name< file pat/< full file name Efile name includin% full pat/F and file name onl" Ewit/out extension and pat/F. B" default< all name rules will matc/ files /a6in% t/e specified text pattern in t/e selected part of t/e file name. 4f t/e rule operator is set to N8;B Enot eAualF< t/ese rules will matc/ files wit/ file names different from t/e specified text pattern. 4n addition to t/e ;5D8; operators< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ numerous ad6anced pattern matc/in% operators allowin% one to matc/ files wit/ names be%innin% wit/< endin% wit/ or containin% specific text patterns. &or2atB P*uleNa2e op\B,peratorBQ2ext 7atternPD*uleNa2eQ *ulesB *ule N$MA P$13 &U88N$MA DI*N$MA N$MAON8@ O"eratorsB O"erator A: EDefaultF NA '! N' ,4 N, A4 N! Descri"tion Matc/es files wit/ t/e file name identical to t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e file name different from t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e file name containin% t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e file name not containin% t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e file name be%innin% wit/ t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e file name not be%innin% wit/ t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e file name endin% wit/ t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e file name not endin% wit/ t/e specified text pattern. Descri"tion $ompares t/e file name wit/ t/e specified text pattern $ompares t/e file pat/ Epat/ wit/out t/e file nameF wit/ t/e specified pattern. $ompares t/e full file name Efile name and pat/F wit/ t/e specified pattern. $ompares t/e name of t/e director" Ewit/out pat/F wit/ t/e specified pattern. $ompares t/e file name onl" Ewit/out pat/ and extensionF.

A9a2"lesB *ule PnameQreadme.txtPDnameQ Descri"tion Matc/es all *;!DM;.2?2






Pname op\CB3CQreadmePDnameQ

Pname op\B8;BQreadmePDnameQ Pname op\B$SBQreportPDnameQ Ppat/Q$JUPDpat/Q Pfullname op\CB3CQcJUreadmePDfullname Q

Matc/es all files wit/ t/e file name be%innin% wit/ N*;!DM;B includin%J *;!DM;< *;!DM;.2?2< *;!DM;.D,$< etc. Matc/es all files except files wit/ t/e file nameJ *;!DM; Matc/es all files containin% t/e text pattern N*;7,*2B in t/e file name. Matc/es files located in t/e root director" of disk N$JUB. Matc/es files wit/ t/e full file name be%innin% wit/J N$JU*;!DM;B


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.4.3 &ile !i#e 2/e Nsi#eB rule allows one to matc/ files b" a specific file si e. B" default< t/e Nsi#eB rule matc/es all files /a6in% t/e specified file si e. 4f t/e rule operator is set to N8;B Enot eAualF< t/e rule matc/es all files wit/ t/e file si e different from t/e specified 6alue. 4n addition to t/e basic ;5D8; operators< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ numerous ad6anced operators allowin% one to matc/ files wit/ t/e file si e less t/an< less or eAual< more t/an< more or eAual to t/e specified 6alue. Finall"< t/ere are two ran%e+based operators capable of matc/in% files /a6in% t/e file si e wit/in or outside of a specific ran%e. ,asic &or2atB Psi#e op\B,peratorBQSi e ModifierE:alueFPDsi#eQ *an-e &or2atB Psi#e op\B*an%e ,peratorBQSi e ModifierEFrom :alue O 2o :alueFPDsi#eQ

O"eratorsB O"erator A: EDefaultF NA 61 6A 81 8A Descri"tion Matc/es files Matc/es files Matc/es files Matc/es files Matc/es files Matc/es files

wit/ wit/ wit/ wit/ wit/ wit/

t/e t/e t/e t/e t/e t/e

file file file file file file

si si si si si si

e e e e e e

eAual to t/e specified 6alue. different from t/e specified 6alue. %reater t/an t/e specified 6alue. %reater or eAual to t/e specified 6alue. less t/an t/e specified 6alue. less or eAual to t/e specified 6alue.

*an-e O"eratorsB O"erator IN NI !i#e Modi(iersB Modi(ier ,%tes ?,%tes M,%tes 6,%tes A9a2"lesB *ule Psi eQB"tesE1-2)FPDsi eQ Psi e op\CL2CQB"tesE1-2)FPDsi eQ Psi e op\C>2CQMB"tesE1-FPDsi eQ Descri"tion Matc/es files wit/ t/e file si e 1-2) b"tes Matc/es files wit/ t/e file si e less t/an 1-2) B"tes Matc/es files wit/ t/e file si e %reater t/an 1- MB"tes Matc/es files wit/ t/e file si e from 1 to 1-MB"tes. Matc/es ero+len%t/ files. Matc/es non+ ero+len%t/ files. Descri"tion 2/e file si e 6alue 2/e file si e 6alue 2/e file si e 6alue 2/e file si e 6alue Descri"tion Matc/es files /a6in% t/e file si e wit/in t/e specified ran%e Matc/es files /a6in% t/e file si e outside of t/e specified ran%e

or or or or

ran%e ran%e ran%e ran%e

is is is is

specified specified specified specified

in in in in

B"tes. 9ilob"tes. Me%ab"tes. >i%ab"tes.

Psi e op\B48BQMB"tesE1O1--FPDsi eQ

Psi e op\B;5BQB"tesE-FPDsi eQ Psi e op\B8;BQB"tesE-FPDsi eQ


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.4.4 &ile 1i2e DiskBoss pro6ides a number of file matc/in% rules allowin% one to matc/ files b" a specific file creation< last modification or last access time. B" default< all time rules will matc/ files /a6in% t/e specified time 6alue in t/e selected file time. 4f t/e rule operator is set to N8;B Enot eAualF< t/ese rules will matc/ files wit/ t/e selected file time different from t/e specified time 6alue. 4n addition to t/e basic ;5D8; operators< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ numerous ad6anced operators allowin% one to matc/ files wit/ t/e file time less t/an< less or eAual< more t/an< more or eAual to t/e specified time 6alue. Finall"< t/ere are two ran%e+based operators capable of matc/in% files /a6in% t/e selected file time wit/in or outside of a specific time ran%e. ,asic &or2atB P*uleNa2e op\B,peratorBQ2ime ModifierE 2ime :alue FPD*uleNa2eQ *an-e &or2atB P*uleNa2e op\B,peratorBQ2ime ModifierE From O 2o FPD*uleNa2eQ

*ulesB *ule '1IMA M1IMA $1IMA O"eratorsB O"erator A: NA 61 6A 81 8A Descri"tion Matc/es files Matc/es files Matc/es files Matc/es files Matc/es files Matc/es files Descri"tion $ompares t/e file creation time wit/ t/e specified time 6alue. $ompares t/e file last modification time wit/ t/e specified time 6alue. $ompares t/e file last access time wit/ t/e specified time 6alue.

wit/ wit/ wit/ wit/ wit/ wit/

t/e t/e t/e t/e t/e t/e

file file file file file file

time time time time time time

eAual to t/e specified 6alue. different from t/e specified 6alue. %reater t/an t/e specified 6alue. %reater or eAual to t/e specified 6alue. less t/an t/e specified 6alue. less or eAual to t/e specified 6alue.

*an-e O"eratorsB O"erator IN NI Descri"tion Matc/es files /a6in% t/e selected file time wit/in t/e specified ran%e Matc/es files /a6in% t/e selected file time outside of t/e specified ran%e

1i2e Modi(iersB Modi(ier Da%s 4ee s Mont/s @ears A9a2"lesB *ule Patime op\C>2CQ3eeksE2FPDatimeQ Pctime op\BL;BQMont/sE'FPDctimeQ Pmtime op\B48BQTearsE1O.FPDmtimeQ Descri"tion Matc/es files last accessed more t/an 2 weeks Matc/es files created durin% t/e last ' mont/s Matc/es files last modified from 1 to . "ears Descri"tion 2/e file time 6alue 2/e file time 6alue 2/e file time 6alue 2/e file time 6alue

or or or or

ran%e ran%e ran%e ran%e

is is is is

specified specified specified specified

in in in in

da"s. weeks. mont/s. "ears.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.4.) &ile Date 4n addition to t/e relati6e time+based file matc/in% rules< DiskBoss pro6ides a set of rules allowin% one to matc/ files b" absolute creation< last modification or access dates. B" default< all date rules matc/ files /a6in% t/e specified date 6alue in t/e selected file date. 4f t/e rule operator is set to N8;B Enot eAualF< t/ese rules will matc/ files wit/ t/e selected file date different from t/e specified date 6alue. 4n addition to t/e basic ;5D8; operators< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ numerous ad6anced operators allowin% one to matc/ files wit/ t/e file date less t/an< less or eAual< more t/an< more or eAual to t/e specified date 6alue. Finall"< t/ere are two ran%e+based operators capable of matc/in% files /a6in% t/e selected file date wit/in or outside of a specific date ran%e. ,asic &or2atB P*uleNa2e op\B,peratorBQ!bsolute DatePD*uleNa2eQ *an-e &or2atB P*uleNa2e op\B,peratorBQFrom !bsolute Date O 2o !bsolute DatePD*uleNa2eQ

*ulesB *ule 'D$1A MD$1A $D$1A O"eratorsB O"erator A: NA 61 6A 81 8A Descri"tion Matc/es files Matc/es files Matc/es files Matc/es files Matc/es files Matc/es files Descri"tion $ompares t/e file creation date wit/ t/e specified date 6alue. $ompares t/e file last modification date wit/ t/e specified date 6alue. $ompares t/e file last access date wit/ t/e specified date 6alue.

wit/ wit/ wit/ wit/ wit/ wit/

t/e t/e t/e t/e t/e t/e

file file file file file file

date date date date date date

eAual to t/e specified 6alue. different from t/e specified 6alue. %reater t/an t/e specified 6alue. %reater or eAual to t/e specified 6alue. less t/an t/e specified 6alue. less or eAual to t/e specified 6alue.

*an-e O"eratorsB O"erator IN NI Descri"tion Matc/es files /a6in% t/e selected file date wit/in t/e specified ran%e Matc/es files /a6in% t/e selected file date outside of t/e specified ran%e

$5solute Date &or2atB !bsolute dates s/ould be specified in t/e followin% formatJ TTTTDMMDDD A9a2"lesB *ule
PadateQ2--(D-'D-1PDadateQ Pcdate op\BL2BQ2--(D-'D-1PDcdateQ Pmdate op\B48BQ2--(D-2D-1O2--(D-'D-1PDmdateQ

Matc/es files last accessed on 1+Mar+2--( Matc/es files created before 1+Mar+2--( Matc/es files last modified from 1+Feb+2--( to 1+Mar+2--(


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.4.6 1e9t Patterns 2/e Nte9tB rule allows one to matc/ files containin% or not containin% a specific text pattern. B" default< t/e Nte9tB rule matc/es all files containin% t/e specified text pattern. 4f t/e rule operator is set to N8$B Enot containF< t/e rule matc/es files not containin% t/e specified text pattern.


Pte9t op\B,peratorBQ2ext 7atternPDte9tQ


O"erator '! EDefaultF N'

Descri"tion Matc/es files containin% t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files not containin% t/e specified text pattern.


*ule PtextQ1a6e a >ood Da"PDtextQ Ptext op\B8$BQ1a6e a >ood Da"PDtextQ

Descri"tion Matc/es file containin% t/e specified text. Matc/es files not containin% t/e specified text.

Prules lo%ic\B,*BQ PtextQ7attern 1PDtextQ PtextQ7attern 2PDtextQ PDrulesQ

Matc/es files containin% N7attern 1B or N7attern 2B.

Prules lo%ic\B!8DBQ Ptext op\B$SBQ7attern 1PDtextQ Ptext op\B8$BQ7attern 2PDtextQ PDrulesQ

Matc/es files containin% N7attern 1B< but containin% N7attern 2B.


!"ecial 'asesB 1. 4f t/e operator is set to N$SB and t/e file si e is s/orter t/an t/e specified text pattern< t/e rule e6aluates to F!LS; wit/out c/eckin% t/e text pattern. 2. 4f t/e operator is set to N8$B and t/e file si e is s/orter t/an t/e specified text pattern< t/e rule e6aluates to 2*U; wit/out c/eckin% t/e text pattern.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.4.. ,inar% Patterns 2/e N"atternB rule allows one to matc/ files containin% or not containin% a specific binar" pattern at a user+specified position. B" default< t/e N"atternB rule matc/es all files /a6in% t/e specified binar" pattern at t/e specified position. 4f t/e rule operator is set to N8;B Enot eAualF< t/e rule matc/es files not containin% t/e specified binar" pattern at t/e specified position.

&or2atB P"attern op\B,peratorB pos\B7ositionBQBinar" 7atternPD"atternQ O"eratorsB O"erator A: EDefaultF NA Descri"tion Matc/es files containin% t/e specified pattern at t/e specified position. Matc/es files not containin% t/e specified pattern at t/e specified position.

PositionB 2/e position attribute specifies t/e absolute position from t/e be%innin% of t/e file w/ere t/e specified binar" pattern s/ould be found. 4f not specified< DiskBoss will searc/ for t/e specified binar" pattern at t/e position -.

,inar% PatternB 2/e binar" pattern s/ould be specified as one or more two+s"mbol 1;? tokens delimited b" t/e space c/aracter wit/ eac/ token representin% a sin%le b"te of data. 2/e len%t/ of t/e binar" pattern is determined b" t/e amount of t/e specified 1;? tokens. For example< NFF F; FD F;B represents a four+b"te binar" pattern. 2/e N"atternB rule is capable of matc/in% binar" patterns of up to 2.. b"tes lon%.

A9a2"lesB *ule Ppattern pos\B12BQFF F; FD F$PDpatternQ PpatternQ)D .!PDpatternQ Ppattern op\B8;BQ)D .!PDpatternQ Descri"tion Matc/es files containin% t/e pattern NFF F; FD F;B at t/e position 12 Matc/es files containin% t/e pattern N)D .!B at t/e position Matc/es files not containin% t/e pattern N)D .!B at t/e position Matc/es files containin% t/e pattern N)D .!B at t/e position 1 and t/e pattern N.! )DB at t/e position 0.

Prules lo%ic\B!8DBQ Ppattern pos\B1BQ)D .!PDpatternQ Ppattern pos\B0BQ.! )DPDpatternQ PDrulesQ

!"ecial 'asesB 1. 4f t/e operator is set to N;5B and after settin% t/e position t/e remainin% file si e is s/orter t/an t/e len%t/ of t/e specified binar" pattern< t/e rule e6aluates to F!LS; wit/out c/eckin% t/e binar" pattern. 2. 4f t/e operator is set to N8;B and after settin% t/e position t/e remainin% file si e is s/orter t/an t/e len%t/ of t/e specified binar" pattern< t/e rule e6aluates to 2*U; wit/out c/eckin% t/e binar" pattern.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.4.0 &ile 'ate-or% 2/e Ncate-or%B rule matc/es files related to a specific file cate%or" or file class in a file classification plu%in. 4f t/e user /as specified an indi6idual file class< t/e Ncate-or%B rule will matc/ all files related to t/e specified file class. 4f t/e user /as specified a class %roup< t/e Ncate-or%B rule will matc/ all files related to an" file class in t/e specified class %roup includin% all classes in all sub%roups. 4f t/e rule operator is set to N8;B Enot eAualF< t/e rule matc/es files not related to t/e specified class %roup or file class. &or2atB Pcate-or% op\B,peratorBQ P"lu-inQFile $lassification 7lu%in 8amePD"lu-inQ P-rou"QFull >roup 8amePD-rou"Q PclassQ,ptional $lass 8amePDclassQ Pdis"la%Q,ptional Displa" Strin%PDdis"la%Q PDcate-or%Q O"eratorsB O"erator A: EDefaultF NA Descri"tion Matc/es files related to t/e specified file cate%or". Matc/es files not related to t/e specified file cate%or".

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

Ale2entsB Ale2ent Plu-in Descri"tion 2/e N"lu-inB element specifies t/e name of t/e file classification plu%in t/at s/ould be used durin% t/e file matc/in% process. 2/e specified file classification plu%in s/ould be re%istered in t/e product confi%uration. 4f t/e specified file classification plu%in does not exist or not 6alid< t/e w/ole operation will be aborted. 2/e N-rou"B element specifies t/e name of t/e class %roup t/at s/ould be used durin% t/e file matc/in% process. 4f t/e user /as specified a class %roup and not specified a file class< t/e Ncate-or%B rule will matc/ all files related to an" file class in t/e specified class %roup includin% all classes in all sub%roups. Sub%roups s/ould be specified includin% full names of all parent %roups delimited b" t/e NDB c/aracter. 2/e NclassB element is an optional element allowin% one to specif" t/e name of an indi6idual file class t/at s/ould be used durin% t/e file matc/in% process. 4f t/e user /as specified a file class< t/e Ncate-or%B rule will matc/ files related to t/is specific class onl". 2/e Ndis"la%B element is an optional element allowin% one to specif" a s/ort textual description of t/e cate%or" to be displa"ed in t/e DiskBoss >U4 application instead of t/e full %roupDclass name. 4f not specified< DiskBoss will construct a default displa" name automaticall".




A9a2"lesB *ule Pcate%or"Q Pplu%inQDefault File 1ierarc/"PDplu%inQ P%roupQMusic and !udio FilesPD%roupQ PDcate%or"Q Descri"tion Matc/es all files related to t/e NMusic and !udio FilesB %roup in t/e NDefault File 1ierarc/"B file classification plu%in.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.4.9 KPA6 A7I& 1a-s DiskBoss pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to perform operations on =7;> ima%es b" one or more standard or custom ;?4F ta%s. B" default< t/e ;?4F+based file matc/in% rule matc/ =7;> ima%es /a6in% t/e specified text pattern in t/e selected ;?4F ta%. 4f t/e rule operator is set to N8;B Enot eAualF< t/e rule will matc/ =7;> ima%es wit/ t/e selected ;?4F ta% different from t/e specified text pattern. 4n addition to t/e ;5D8; operators< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ numerous ad6anced pattern matc/in% operators allowin% one to matc/ =7;> ima%es wit/ ;?4F ta%s be%innin% wit/< endin% wit/ or containin% specific text patterns.

&or2atB Pe9i( op\B,peratorB ta%\B;?4F 2a% 4DBQ2ext 7atternPDe9i(Q

A7I& 1a- IDB 2/e ;?4F ta% 4D s/ould be specified as a 1;? number wit/out t/e leadin% N-xB prefix. DiskBoss allows one to matc/ files b" an" standard or custom ;?4F ta% 4D.

O"eratorsB O"erator A: EDefaultF NA '! N' ,4 N, A4 N! Descri"tion Matc/es files wit/ t/e ;?4F ta% identical to t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e ;?4F ta% different from t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e ;?4F ta% containin% t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e ;?4F ta% not containin% t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e ;?4F ta% be%innin% wit/ t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e ;?4F ta% not be%innin% wit/ t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e ;?4F ta% endin% wit/ t/e specified text pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e ;?4F ta% not endin% wit/ t/e specified text pattern.


Pexif ta%\B1-FBQ849,8 $,*7,*!24,8PDexifQ

Matc/es =7;> ima%es wit/ t/e ;?4F ta% N1-FB E$amera :endorF set to N849,8 $,*7,*!24,8B. Matc/es =7;> ima%es wit/ t/e ;?4F ta% N11-B E$amera ModelF be%innin% wit/ N849,8B. Matc/es =7;> ima%es wit/ t/e ;?4F ta% N!--2B E4ma%e 3idt/F not set to 1-2).

Pexif op\CB3C ta%\B11-BQ849,8PDexifQ

Pexif op\B8;B ta%\B!--2BQ1-2)PDexifQ


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


4indows &ile $ttri5utes

2/e NattrB rule allows one to matc/ files b" one or more of 3indows file attributes. B" default< t/e NattrB rule matc/es files /a6in% all of t/e specified file attributes. 4f t/e rule operator is set to N8;B Enot eAualF< t/e rule matc/es files wit/ none of t/e specified 3indows file attributes. &or2atB Pattr op\B,peratorBQ!ttribute ListPDattrQ

O"eratorsB O"erator A: EDefaultF NA

;5< 8; Descri"tion Matc/es files /a6in% all t/e specified 3indows file attributes. Matc/es files /a6in% none of t/e specified 3indows file attributes.

$ttri5ute 8istB 2/e attribute list ma" include one or more of t/e followin% 3indows file attributesJ !*$14:;< $,M7*;SS;D< ;8$*T72;D< 14DD;8< 8,*M!L< ,FFL48;< *;!D,8LT< *;7!*S;+7,482< S7!*S;+F4L;< STS2;M< 2;M7,*!*T. For detailed information about meanin% of eac/ specific file attribute refer to t/e 3indows /elp.

A9a2"lesB *ule PattrQSTS2;M 14DD;8PDattrQ Pattr op\B8;BQSTS2;MPDattrQ Descri"tion Matc/es s"stem and /idden files. Matc/es non+s"stem files.

Prules lo%ic\B!8DBQ Pattr op\B;5BQ14DD;8PDattrQ Pattr op\B8;BQSTS2;MPDattrQ PDrulesQ

Matc/es /idden< but not s"stem files.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


UNI7 &ile Per2issions

2/e N"er2B rule allows one to matc/ files b" U84? file access permissions. B" default< t/e N"er2B rule matc/es files /a6in% all t/e specified file permissions. 4f t/e rule operator is set to N8;B Enot eAualF< t/e rule matc/es files wit/ not matc/in% file permissions. &or2atB P"er2 op\B,peratorBQ7ermissionsPD"er2Q

O"eratorsB O"erator A: EDefaultF NA

;5< 8; Descri"tion Matc/es files /a6in% t/e specified U84? file permissions. Matc/es files not /a6in% t/e specified U84? file permissions.

Per2issionsB File permissions s/ould be specified as t/ree octal E-+#F di%its specif"in% user< %roup and ot/er permissions respecti6el". For more detailed information about U84? file permissions refer to U84? or Linux operatin% s"stem manuals. A9a2"lesB *ule PpermQ###PDpermQ Descri"tion Matc/es files wit/ read< write and execute permissions enabled for t/e user< %roup and ot/er. Matc/es files wit/ file permissions different from ###.

Pperm op\B8;BQ###PDpermQ

Prules lo%ic\B,*BQ PpermQ###PDpermQ PpermQ000PDpermQ PDrulesQ

Matc/es files wit/ file permissions set to ### or 000.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


User Na2e

2/e NuserB rule allows one to matc/ files b" t/e user name. B" default< t/e NuserB rule matc/es all files /a6in% t/e specified user name. 4f t/e rule operator is set to N8;B Enot eAualF< t/e rule matc/es all files wit/ t/e user name different from t/e specified 6alue. 4n addition to t/e ;5D8; operators< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ numerous ad6anced pattern matc/in% operators allowin% one to matc/ files wit/ t/e user name be%innin% wit/< endin% wit/ or containin% specific text patterns.

&or2atB Puser op\B,peratorBQUser 8amePDuserQ


O"erator A: EDefaultF NA '! N' ,4 N, A4 N!

Descri"tion Matc/es files owned b" t/e specified user. Matc/es files wit/ t/e user name different from t/e specified pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e user name containin% t/e specified pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e user name containin% none of t/e specified patterns. Matc/es files wit/ t/e user name be%innin% wit/ t/e specified pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e user name not be%innin% wit/ t/e specified pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e user name endin% wit/ t/e specified pattern. Matc/es files wit/ t/e user name not endin% wit/ t/e specified pattern.


*ule PuserQ!dmisistratorPDuserQ Puser op\CB3CQ!dminPDuserQ

Descri"tion Matc/es all files owned b" user N!dministratorB Matc/es all files related to user names be%innin% wit/ N!dminB Matc/es all files not owned b" NrootB. Matc/es all files wit/ containin% pattern N!dminB t/e user name

Puser op\B8;BQrootPDuserQ Puser op\B$SBQ!dminPDuserQ


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


&ile 'lassi(ication Plu-ins

16.).1 Overview DiskBoss is capable of scannin% disks< network s/ares and enterprise stora%e s"stems< classif"in% all t/e existin% files and or%ani in% t/em into a cate%ori ed file /ierarc/". File classification and cate%ori ation operations are performed usin% file classification plu%ins. B" default< DiskBoss comes wit/ t/e NDefault File 1ierarc/"B file classification plu%in and pro6ides numerous additional file classification plu%ins t/at ma" be installed from t/e DiskBoss plu%ins ser6er. 4n addition to file classification plu%ins pro6ided b" Flexense< DiskBoss allows one to add custom file classification plu%ins especiall" desi%ned for user+specific needs and reAuirements. 2/is section explains /ow to write custom DiskBoss file classification plu%ins usin% an ?ML+ Based format. 7roperl" written ?ML classification plu%ins ma" be imported into t/e DiskBoss product confi%uration and used in 6arious file mana%ement operations includin% file classification< file searc/< file s"nc/roni ation< stora%e utili ation anal"sis< etc. 16.).2 !tructure ! file classification plu%in consists of t/ree distinct sectionsJ t/e plu%in info section< t/e class list section and t/e %roup list section. 2/e plu%in info section includes information about t/e plu%in 6ersion< t/e reAuired DiskBoss 6ersion< t/e plu%in protection status and an optional aut/or name. &or2atB P"lu-in name\B7lu%in 8ameBQ

PY++ 7lu%in 4nfo ++Q PversionQ7lu%in :ersionPDversionQ Pdis 5ossQ*eAuired DiskBoss :ersionPDdis 5ossQ P"rotectedQ7rotection StatusPD"rotectedQ Paut/orQModule !ut/orPDaut/orQ P2atc/QMaximum Matc/ $ountPD2atc/Q

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

PY++ $lass List ++Q Pclass1Q$lass DataPDclass1Q O Pclass7Q$lass DataPDclass7Q

PY++ >roup List ++Q P-rou"1Q>roup DataPD-rou"1Q O P-rou"7Q>roup DataPD-rou"7Q


2/e class list s/ould include declarations for one or more file classes specif"in% file matc/in% rules t/at s/ould be used in order to detect eac/ specific file class. 2/e %roup list s/ould include declarations for one or more class %roups specif"in% references to all file classes related to eac/ specific class %roup. 4n order to be re%istered in t/e DiskBoss product confi%uration< eac/ file classification plu%in s/ould /a6e a uniAue plu%in name. Use t/e Nna2eB attribute in t/e N"lu-inB element to specif" a uniAue file classification plu%in name.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.).3 Plu-in In(o O"erator Version Descri"tion 2/e NversionB element specifies t/e 6ersion of t/e file classification plu%in. DiskBoss uses t/e plu%in 6ersion to s/ow t/e plu%in status in t/e plu%ins mana%ement dialo%. 2/e plu%in 6ersion s/ould be specified in t/e format N?.T.]B Etree decimal numbers delimited b" t/e N.B $/aracterF w/ere ? represents t/e maGor 6ersion< T represents t/e minor 6ersion and ] represents t/e re6ision of t/e file classification plu%in. 2/e Ndis 5ossB element specifies t/e minimal 6ersion of DiskBoss reAuired for t/is specific file classification plu%in. 2/e DiskBoss 6ersion s/ould be specified in t/e format N?.T.]B Etree decimal numbers delimited b" t/e N.B $/aracterF w/ere ? represents t/e maGor 6ersion< T represents t/e minor 6ersion and ] represents t/e re6ision of t/e reAuired 6ersion of DiskBoss. 2/e N"rotectedB element specifies t/e plu%in protection status. 2/e protection status ma" be set to NT;SB Edefault is NT;SBF or N8,B. 4f t/e protection status is set to NT;SB< DiskBoss will pre6ent t/e file classification plu%in from bein% exported to an" of t/e supported file formats. 4f t/e protection status is set to N8,B< DiskBoss will allow export of t/e plu%in to all t/e supported file formats. 2/e Naut/orB element is an optional element allowin% one to specif" t/e plu%inBs aut/or name Edefault is NFlexenseBF. 2/e plu%inBs aut/or ma" be specified as a free+format text strin% up to 2.. c/aracters lon%. 2/e N2atc/B element is an optional element Edefault 6alue is 1F allowin% one to specif" t/e maximum number of matc/es for eac/ file durin% t/e file classification process. Sometimes< it ma" be useful to cate%ori e eac/ file to more t/an one file class. 2/is parameter controls t/e maximum number of classes eac/ file ma" be related to.

Dis ,oss




16.).4 'lass 8ist ;ac/ file classification plu%in s/ould define one or more file classes specif"in% file matc/in% rules t/at will be used to detect eac/ specific file class. ;ac/ file class in t/e class list s/ould /a6e a uniAue class name. Durin% t/e file classification process< DiskBoss will pass eac/ file t/rou%/ t/e class list and e6aluate file matc/in% rules specified in eac/ specific file class. &or2atB Pclass name\B$lass 8ame 1BQ PrulesQ PY++ File Matc/in% *ules ++Q PDrulesQ PDclassQ O Pclass name\B$lass 8ame ?BQ PrulesQ PY++ File Matc/in% *ules ++Q PDrulesQ PDclassQ File classes are e6aluated in t/e same order as t/e" are defined in t/e class list. 2/e maximum matc/ count parameter Edescribed in t/e plu%in info sectionF controls t/e maximum number of matc/es allowed for eac/ file. 4f t/e parameter is set to 1 EdefaultF< DiskBoss will process eac/ file until a first matc/in% class and skip all remainin% classes in t/e class list.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.).) 'lass De(inition ;ac/ file class s/ould specif" one or more file matc/in% rules t/at will be used durin% t/e file classification process. !ll t/e specified file matc/in% rules will be e6aluated in t/e same order as t/e" are specified in t/e class definition. DiskBoss supports a lar%e number of 6arious t"pes of rules capable of matc/in% files b" t/e file extension< name< pat/< si e< time< content< etc. For detailed information about all t/e supported t"pes of file matc/in% rules refer to an appropriate section in t/is document. &or2atB Pclass name\B$lass 8ameBQ Prules lo%ic\BorBQ Pr1Q*ule DataPDr1Q Pr2Q*ule DataPDr2Q O Pr7Q*ule DataPDr7Q PDrulesQ PDclassQ

16.).6 Nested *ules Sometimes< it ma" be necessar" to matc/ files accordin% to multiple criteria wit/ nested lo%ical operations. For example< it ma" be reAuired to or%ani e or anal" e all documents and ima%e files t/at were modified durin% t/e last mont/. 4n t/is case< we need to define a composite rule list w/ere t/e top le6el list will contain a rule matc/in% files t/at were modified durin% t/e last mont/ and t/e nested rule list will contain rules matc/in% documents or ima%e files. A9a2"leB Pclass name\B$lass 8ameBQ Prules lo%ic\B!8DBQ Pr1Q*ule matc/in% file modified durin% t/is mont/PDr1Q O Prules lo%ic\B,*BQ Pr2Q*ule matc/in% all t"pes of document filesPDr2Q Pr3Q*ule matc/in% all t"pes of ima%e filesPDr3Q PDrulesQ PDrulesQ PDclassQ DiskBoss allows one to p/"sicall" reor%ani e data on t/e disk accordin% to t/e lo%ical /ierarc/" defined b" a file classification plu%in. Durin% t/is operation< DiskBoss builds a /ierarc/" of directories accordin% to t/e /ierarc/" of class %roups and file classes as it is defined in t/e selected file classification plu%in. 4n order to use t/is specific capabilit"< t/e c/aracter set used for %roup and class names s/ould be limited to c/aracters allowed for file names on t/e tar%et file s"stem. Due to t/is reason t/e followin% c/aracters are not allowed to be used in %roup and class namesJ NDB< NUB< NJB< NMB< NXB< NQB< NPB< NVB.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.).. 'lass 6rou"s ;ac/ file classification plu%in s/ould define one or more class %roups wit/ references to one or more file classes related to eac/ specific class %roup. ;ac/ class %roup s/ould /a6e a uniAue %roup name in t/e %roup list. &or2atB P-rou" name\B>roup 8ame 1BQ PclassQ$lass 8ame 1PDclassQ O PclassQ$lass 8ame 2PDclassQ PD-rou"Q O P-rou" name\B>roup 8ame ?BQ PclassQ$lass 8ame 'PDclassQ O PclassQ$lass 8ame )PDclassQ PD-rou"Q

16.).0 Nested 6rou"s 2/e %roup list ma" be or%ani ed into a lo%ical /ierarc/" wit/ an unlimited number of nested class %roups. 2/e /ierarc/" of class %roups is used b" DiskBoss to displa" file classification results and perform file mana%ement operations on file classification results. &or2atB P-rou" name\C2op Le6el >roupCQ P-rou" name\B8ested >roup 1BQ PclassQ$lass 8ame 1PDclassQ PclassQ$lass 8ame 2PDclassQ O PclassQ$lass 8ame ?PDclassQ PD-rou"Q P-rou" name\B8ested >roup 2BQ PclassQ$lass 8ame 1PDclassQ PclassQ$lass 8ame 2PDclassQ O PclassQ$lass 8ame TPDclassQ PD-rou"Q PD-rou"Q

DiskBoss allows one to p/"sicall" reor%ani e data on t/e disk accordin% to t/e lo%ical /ierarc/" defined b" a file classification plu%in. Durin% t/is operation< DiskBoss builds a /ierarc/" of directories accordin% to t/e /ierarc/" of class %roups and file classes as it is defined in t/e selected file classification plu%in. 4n order to use t/is specific capabilit"< t/e c/aracter set used for %roup and class names s/ould be limited to c/aracters allowed for file names on t/e tar%et file s"stem. Due to t/is reason t/e followin% c/aracters are not allowed to be used in %roup and class namesJ NDB< NUB< NJB< NMB< NXB< NQB< NPB< NVB.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.).9 A9a2"le &ile 'lassi(ication Plu-in Finall"< letBs write an example file classification plu%in capable of cate%ori in% Microsoft office documents< text files< ima%e files and 7/otos/op %rap/ics files into a simple< two+%roup file /ierarc/". A9a2"le Plu-inB P"lu-in name\BM" File $lassification 7lu%inBQ PY++ 7lu%in 4nfo ++Q PversionQ1.-.-PDversionQ Pdis 5ossQ'.-.-PDdis 5ossQ PY++ $lass List ++Q Pclass name\B2ext FilesBQ PrulesQ Pe9tensionQ2?2PDe9tensionQ PrulesQ PDclassQ Pclass name\BMicrosoft ,ffice FilesBQ PrulesQ Pe9tensionQD,$ 772 ?LSPDe9tensionQ PrulesQ PDclassQ Pclass name\B4ma%e FilesBQ PrulesQ Pe9tensionQ=7> BM7 78>PDe9tensionQ PrulesQ PDclassQ Pclass name\B7/otos/op >rap/ic FilesBQ PrulesQ Pe9tensionQ7SD 7DDPDe9tensionQ PrulesQ PDclassQ

PY++ >roup List ++Q P-rou" name\B2ext Files and DocumentsBQ PclassQ2ext FilesPDclassQ PclassQMicrosoft ,ffice FilesPDclassQ PD-rou"Q P-rou" name\B>rap/ic FilesBQ PclassQ4ma%e FilesPDclassQ PclassQ 7/otos/op >rap/ic FilesPDclassQ PD-rou"Q PD"lu-inQ

2/e plu%in info section defines t/e plu%in 6ersion and t/e minimum reAuired DiskBoss 6ersion. 2/e class list defines four file classes wit/ file matc/in% rules detectin% eac/ specific file t"pe b" t/e file extension. 2/e %roup list or%ani es all t/e defined file classes into two class %roups.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


User+De(ined 'o22ands

DiskBoss is a powerful and flexible product pro6idin% a lar%e number of features< capabilities and confi%uration options allowin% one to perform man" different file and stora%e mana%ement operations. 4n order to simplif" mana%ement and execution of freAuentl" used operations< DiskBoss pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to add user+defined commands. !ll maGor product features suc/ as file searc/< classification< or%ani in%< s"nc/roni ation< cop"< mo6e< delete< stora%e utili ation anal"sis< duplicate files searc/ and disk monitorin% ma" be added as user+defined commands and pre+confi%ured for user+specific needs and custom /ardware confi%urations. 4n addition to t/e user+defined commands mana%ement capabilities a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to write user+defined commands in an ?ML+Based format. 2/e ?ML+Based format< w/ic/ is explained in t/is section< pro6ides t/e user wit/ full control o6er all t/e features a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application. 7roperl" written ?ML user+defined commands ma" be imported to t/e DiskBossC product confi%uration or executed on+t/e+fl" usin% t/e DiskBoss command line tool< w/ic/ is a6ailable in DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er.

A9a2"le 'o22and P1B ;searc/ name\BSearc/ $ommand 8ameBQ Pin"utsQ PdirQDJUPDdirQ PdirQFJUPDdirQ PDin"utsQ Prules lo%ic\B!8DBQ Pe9tensionQ=7> BM7 78> PDe9tensionQ Psi#e op\B>2BQMB"tesE1-FPDsi#eQ PDrulesQ PDsearc/Q 2/e first example command will searc/ for =7>< BM7 and 78> ima%e files wit/ t/e file si e %reater t/an 1- MB"tes on disks NDJUB and NFJUB.

A9a2"le 'o22and P2B Pclassi(% name\C$lassif" $ommand 8ameCQ Pin"utsQ PdirQDJUPDdirQ PdirQFJUPDdirQ PDin"utsQ P"lu-inQDefault File 1ierarc/"PD"lu-inQ Pre"ort t"pe\C12MLCQ PtitleQM" $lassification *eportPDtitleQ Psave+toQ$JUclassificationKreport./tmlPDsave+toQ PDre"ortQ PDclassi(%Q 2/e second example command will classif" disks NDJUB and NFJUB and sa6e a file classification report to t/e file N$JUclassificationKreport./tmlB. ;ac/ specific command t"pe /as its own set of parameters and options< w/ic/ are explained in details in subseAuent sections of t/is document.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.6.1 &ile !earc/ DiskBoss pro6ides powerful and flexible file searc/ capabilities allowin% one to searc/ files usin% multiple searc/ criteria includin% t/e file name< file t"pe< file si e< accessDmodificationDcreation times< text or binar" patterns< etc. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to define composite searc/ Aueries usin% multiple searc/ rules and appl" t/e !8DD,* lo%ical operators. FreAuentl" used Aueries ma" be sa6ed as user+defined commands and executed in a sin%le mouse click. 4n addition to t/e abilit" to define searc/ Aueries usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< DiskBoss allows one to specif" searc/ Aueries usin% an ?ML+Based format. 2/e ?ML format pro6ides support for all t/e searc/ features a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application includin% all t"pes of file matc/in% rules< nested rules< lo%ical operators< etc. File searc/ Aueries defined in t/e ?ML format ma" be imported into t/e DiskBoss product confi%uration as user+defined commands or executed on+t/e+fl" usin% t/e DiskBoss command line tool EDiskBoss UltimateF. &or2atB Psearc/ name\B$ommand 8ameBQ Pin"utsQ PdirQDirector" 8ame 1PDdirQ O PdirQDirector" 8ame ?PDdirQ P(ileQFile 8ame 1PD(ileQ O P(ileQFile 8ame ?PD(ileQ PDin"utsQ PrulesQ Pr1Q*ule DataPDr1Q O Pr7Q*ule DataPDr7Q PDrulesQ P(ile+na2eQFile 8ame FilterPD(ile+na2eQ P2a9+resultQMax Searc/ *esultPD2a9+resultQ Pscannin-QFile Scannin% ModePDscannin-Q Ps/ortcutQ9e"board S/ortcutPDs/ortcutQ P"rocessQ Pstrea2sQ8umber of 7rocess StreamsPDstrea2sQ Ps"eed file+dela"\B?B block+dela"\BTBQModePDs"eedQ PD"rocessQ Pre"ort t"pe\B*eport 2"peBQ PtitleQ$ustom *eport 2itlePDtitleQ Psave+toQ*eport File 8amePDsave+toQ PDre"ortQ Pactions results\C8umber of Searc/ *esultsCQ Puser+co22andQUser $ommandPDuser+co22andQ Pcusto2+co22andQ $ommandPDcusto2+co22andQ Pe2ailQ;+Mail !ddressPDe2ailQ PDactionsQ Pe9cludeQ PdirQ;xclude Director" 1PDdirQ O PDe9cludeQ PDsearc/Q E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF



DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

'o22and In"uts 2/e inputs list s/ould specif" all t/e directories and files t/at s/ould be processed. ;ac/ director" or file in t/e input list s/ould include a full pat/ name. Dependin% on t/e file scannin% mode< all t/e specified directories will be processed seAuentiall" Eone after oneF or in parallel. !"ecial In"ut Modes 4n addition to t/e abilit" to process explicitl" specified inputs< t/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides two special input modes allowin% one to process external parameters or t/e current director" instead of t/e inputs list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e inputs mode set to t/e external+parameters mode are acceptin% dra%+and+drop operations into t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e external+parameters mode< specif" Pin"utsQUS;*+7!*!MSPDin"utsQ instead of t/e re%ular input list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e input mode set to t/e current+director" mode are processin% t/e file na6i%atorBs current director". 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e current+ director" inputs mode< specif" Pin"utsQ$U**;82+D4*PDin"utsQ instead of t/e input list. &ile Matc/in- *ules 2/e list of file matc/in% rules s/ould specif" one or more rules t/at will be used durin% t/e file searc/ process. !ll t/e specified file matc/in% rules will be e6aluated in t/e same order as t/e" are specified in t/e user+defined command. DiskBoss supports a lar%e number of 6arious t"pes of rules capable of matc/in% files b" t/e file extension< name< pat/< si e< time< content< etc. For detailed information about all t/e supported t"pes of file matc/in% rules refer to an appropriate section in t/is document. Miscellaneous Para2eters E,ptionalF Para2eter (ile+na2e Descri"tion 2/e N(ile+na2eG element allows one to specif" a file name pattern to searc/ for instead of specif"in% file matc/in% rules. For example< set t/e file name pattern to NM.pdfB to find all 7DF documents. 2/e N2a9+resultB element controls t/e maximum number of searc/ results for t/e searc/ command. B" default< DiskBoss finis/es t/e searc/ process after first 1--- searc/ results. DiskBoss is capable of scannin% multiple disks or directories in parallel t/us impro6in% t/e speed of t/e file searc/ process on multi+$7UDmulti+core s"stems. 2/e Nscannin-B element allows one to control t/e file scannin% mode. Set t/e scannin% mode to CP$*$88A8C if "ou wis/ to scan all input disks and directories simultaneousl". 2/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to execute user+defined commands usin% ke"board s/ortcuts. Use t/e Ns/ortcutB element to specif" a ke"board s/ortcut for t/e command.




Process O"tions E,ptionalF Para2eter strea2s Descri"tion DiskBoss is optimi ed for multi+coreDmulti+$7U computers and ad6anced *!4D stora%e s"stems and capable of scannin% multiple file s"stems in parallel. 4n order to speed up t/e file searc/ process< use multiple processin% streams w/en scannin% input directories located on multiple p/"sical /ard disks or a *!4D disk arra". 4n order to minimi e potential performance impact on runnin% production s"stems< DiskBoss allows one to intentionall" slow down t/e file searc/ process. !ccordin% to "our specific needs< set t/e process speed mode to N&U88B< NMADIUMB< N8O4B or NM$NU$8B. 2/e NM$NU$8B performance mode reAuires t/e N(ile+dela%B and N5loc +dela%B parameters to be specified Ems.F.



DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

$uto2atic *e"ort 6eneration E,ptionalF 2/e Nre"ortB element instructs DiskBoss to automaticall" sa6e results to a report file. 2/e Nt%"eB attribute ma" be set to N31M8B< N1A71B or N'!VB. !n optional NtitleB element ma" be used to set a custom report title. 4f t/e Nsave+toB element is not specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name and sa6e t/e report into t/e userBs /ome director". 4f t/e specified Nsave+toB 6alue represents an existin% director"< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name and sa6e report into t/e specified director". 4n all ot/er cases< DiskBoss will sa6e t/e report usin% t/e Nsave+toB 6alue as an absolute file name.

!earc/ $ctions 2/e NactionsB element allows one to execute 6arious t"pes of actions if t/e searc/ operation reac/es t/e specified number of searc/ results. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to execute a user+defined command< a custom command or send an e+mail notification. Para2eter results user+co22and Descri"tion 2/is parameter specifies t/e number of searc/ results t/at will tri%%er execution of t/e specified searc/ actions. 2/is element specifies t/e name of a user+defined command t/at s/ould be executed if t/e searc/ operation reac/es t/e specified number of searc/ results. 2/is element specifies t/e name of a custom command< s/ell script or batc/ file t/at s/ould be executed if t/e searc/ operation reac/es t/e specified number of searc/ results. 2/is element specifies t/e e+mail address t/at s/ould be used to send an ;+Mail notification if t/e searc/ operation reac/es t/e specified number of searc/ results.




DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.6.2 &ile 'lassi(ication DiskBoss is capable of scannin% disks< network s/ares and enterprise stora%e s"stems< classif"in% all t/e existin% files and or%ani in% t/em into a cate%ori ed file /ierarc/". DiskBoss automaticall" reco%ni es more t/an 2--- file t"pes and allows one to browse or export t/e cate%ori ed file /ierarc/"< perform 6arious actions on specific files or file %roups and p/"sicall" reor%ani e existin% files accordin% to a user+defined list of rules and policies. 4n addition to t/e abilit" to define file classification commands usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< DiskBoss allows one to specif" file classification commands usin% an ?ML+Based format. 2/e ?ML format pro6ides support for all t/e file classification features and capabilities a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application. File classification commands defined in t/e ?ML format ma" be imported into t/e DiskBoss product confi%uration as user+defined commands or executed on+t/e+fl" usin% t/e DiskBoss command line tool EDiskBoss UltimateF. &or2atB Pclassi(% name\B$ommand 8ameBQ P"lu-inQFile $lassification 7lu%in 8amePD"lu-inQ Pin"utsQ PdirQDirector" 8ame 1PDdirQ O P(ileQFile 8ame 1PD(ileQ O PDin"utsQ Paction t"pe\B!ction 2"peBQ!ction :aluePDactionQ P(ilterQFile Scannin% FilterPD(ilterQ Pscannin-QFile Scannin% ModePDscannin-Q Ps/ortcutQ9e"board S/ortcutPDs/ortcutQ PrulesQ Pr1Q*ule DataPDr1Q O PDrulesQ P"rocessQ Pstrea2sQ8umber of 7rocess StreamsPDstrea2sQ Ps"eed file+dela"\B?B block+dela"\BTBQModePDs"eedQ Pco"%Q$op" ,ptionsPDco"%Q Pveri(%Q:erification ModePDveri(%Q PD"rocessQ Pre"ort t"pe\B*eport 2"peBQ PtitleQ$ustom *eport 2itlePDtitleQ Psave+toQ*eport File 8amePDsave+toQ PDre"ortQ Pe9cludeQ PdirQ;xclude Director" 1PDdirQ O PDe9cludeQ PDclassi(%Q 'o22and In"uts 2/e inputs list s/ould specif" all t/e directories and files t/at s/ould be processed. ;ac/ director" or file in t/e input list s/ould include a full pat/ name. Dependin% on t/e file scannin% mode< all t/e specified directories will be processed seAuentiall" Eone after oneF or in parallel. E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

!"ecial In"ut Modes 4n addition to t/e abilit" to process explicitl" specified inputs< t/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides two special input modes allowin% one to process external parameters or t/e current director" instead of t/e inputs list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e inputs mode set to t/e external+parameters mode are acceptin% dra%+and+drop operations into t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e external+parameters mode< specif" Pin"utsQUS;*+7!*!MSPDin"utsQ instead of t/e re%ular input list. User+ defined commands wit/ t/e input mode set to t/e current+director" mode are processin% t/e file na6i%atorBs current director". 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e current+ director" inputs mode< specif" Pin"utsQ$U**;82+D4*PDin"utsQ instead of t/e input list. &ile Matc/in- *ules E,ptionalF DiskBoss Ultimate pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to limit t/e file classification process to files matc/in% user+defined criteria. !n optional list of file matc/in% rules ma" specif" one or more rules t/at s/ould be used durin% t/e file classification process. !ll t/e specified file matc/in% rules will be e6aluated in t/e same order as t/e" are specified in t/e user+defined command. DiskBoss supports a lar%e number of 6arious t"pes of rules capable of matc/in% files b" t/e file extension< name< pat/< si e< time< content< etc. For detailed information about all t/e supported t"pes of file matc/in% rules refer to an appropriate section in t/is document. Miscellaneous Para2eters E,ptionalF Para2eter action Descri"tion 2/e NactionB element allows one to specif" an automatic file classification action t/at s/ould be performed instead of displa"in% file classification results. 2/e Nt%"eB attribute ma" be set to one of t/e followin% 6aluesJ N8IN?B< N'OP@B< NMOVAB< NMOVA+$ND+8IN?B or NA7A'U1AB. For detailed information about all action t"pes and 6alues refer to t/e DiskBoss product manual. 2/e N(ilterG element allows one to specif" a file name filter instead of specif"in% file matc/in% rules. For example< set t/e file name filter to NM.pdfB to process all 7DF documents. DiskBoss is capable of scannin% multiple disks or directories in parallel t/us impro6in% t/e speed of t/e file classification process on multi+$7UDmulti+core s"stems. 2/e Nscannin-B element allows one to control t/e file scannin% mode. Set t/e scannin% mode to CP$*$88A8C if "ou wis/ to scan all input disks and directories simultaneousl".



Process O"tions E,ptionalF Para2eter strea2s Descri"tion DiskBoss is optimi ed for multi+coreDmulti+$7U computers and ad6anced *!4D stora%e s"stems and capable of scannin% multiple file s"stems in parallel. 4n order to speed up t/e file classification process< use multiple processin% streams w/en scannin% input directories located on multiple p/"sical /ard disks or a *!4D disk arra". 4n order to minimi e potential performance impact on runnin% production s"stems< DiskBoss allows one to intentionall" slow down t/e file classification process. !ccordin% to "our specific needs< set t/e process speed mode to N&U88B< NMADIUMB< N8O4B or NM$NU$8B. 2/e NM$NU$8B performance mode reAuired t/e N(ile+dela%B and N5loc +dela%B parameters to be specified Ems.F.


$uto2atic *e"ort 6eneration E,ptionalF 2/e Nre"ortB element instructs DiskBoss to automaticall" sa6e results to a report file. 2/e Nt%"eB attribute ma" be set to N31M8B< N1A71B or N'!VB. !n optional NtitleB element ma" be used to set a custom report title. 4f t/e Nsave+toB element is not specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name and sa6e t/e report into t/e userBs /ome director". 4f t/e specified Nsave+toB 6alue represents an existin% director"< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name and sa6e report into t/e specified director". 4n all ot/er cases< DiskBoss will sa6e t/e report usin% t/e Nsave+toB 6alue as an absolute file name.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.6.3 !tora-e Utili#ation $nal%sis ,6ertime< disks on /ome computers and enterprise stora%e s"stems collect outdated files wastin% stora%e space and makin% it difficult to find t/e reAuired information. DiskBoss pro6ides ad6anced stora%e utili ation anal"sis capabilities allowin% one to anal" e one or more local disks or network s/ares< identif" abnormal stora%e utili ation patterns and automaticall" execute EDiskBoss UltimateF user+defined actions. 4n addition to t/e abilit" to define stora%e anal"sis commands usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< DiskBoss allows one to specif" stora%e anal"sis commands usin% an ?ML+Based format. 2/e ?ML format pro6ides support for all t/e stora%e anal"sis features and capabilities a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application. Stora%e anal"sis commands defined in t/e ?ML format ma" be imported into t/e DiskBoss product confi%uration as user+defined commands or executed on+t/e+fl" usin% t/e DiskBoss command line tool EDiskBoss UltimateF. &or2atB Panal%#e name\B$ommand 8ameBQ Pin"utsQ PdirQDirector" 8ame 1PDdirQ O P(ileQFile 8ame 1PD(ileQ O PDin"utsQ Pactions mode\B!ctions ModeBQ E,ptionalF PactionQ P(or mode\CMC op\C,C 6alue\C:C units\CUCQ$onditionPD(orQ Pdo mode\CMCQ!ctionPDdoQ PDactionQ O PDactionsQ P(ilterQFile Scannin% FilterPD(ilterQ Pscannin-QFile Scannin% ModePDscannin-Q Ps/ortcutQ9e"board S/ortcutPDs/ortcutQ PrulesQ Pr1Q*ule DataPDr1Q O PDrulesQ P"rocessQ Pstrea2sQ8umber of 7rocess StreamsPDstrea2sQ Ps"eed file+dela"\B?B block+dela"\BTBQModePDs"eedQ PD"rocessQ Pre"ort t"pe\B*eport 2"peBQ PtitleQ$ustom *eport 2itlePDtitleQ Psave+toQ*eport File 8amePDsave+toQ PDre"ortQ Pe9cludeQ PdirQ;xclude Director" 1PDdirQ O PDe9cludeQ PDanal%#eQ 'o22and In"uts 2/e inputs list s/ould specif" all t/e directories and files t/at s/ould be processed. ;ac/ director" or file in t/e input list s/ould include a full pat/ name. Dependin% on t/e file scannin% mode< all t/e specified directories will be processed seAuentiall" Eone after oneF or in parallel. E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

!"ecial In"ut Modes 4n addition to t/e abilit" to process explicitl" specified inputs< t/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides two special input modes allowin% one to process external parameters or t/e current director" instead of t/e inputs list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e inputs mode set to t/e external+parameters mode are acceptin% dra%+and+drop operations into t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e external+parameters mode< specif" Pin"utsQUS;*+7!*!MSPDin"utsQ instead of t/e re%ular input list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e input mode set to t/e current+director" mode are processin% t/e file na6i%atorBs current director". 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e current+ director" inputs mode< specif" Pin"utsQ$U**;82+D4*PDin"utsQ instead of t/e input list. &ile Matc/in- *ules E,ptionalF DiskBoss Ultimate pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to limit t/e stora%e anal"sis process to files matc/in% user+defined criteria. !n optional list of file matc/in% rules ma" specif" one or more rules t/at s/ould be used durin% t/e stora%e anal"sis process. !ll t/e specified file matc/in% rules will be e6aluated in t/e same order as t/e" are specified in t/e user+defined command. DiskBoss supports a lar%e number of 6arious t"pes of rules capable of matc/in% files b" t/e file extension< name< pat/< si e< time< content< etc. For detailed information about all t/e supported t"pes of file matc/in% rules refer to an appropriate section in t/is document. Miscellaneous Para2eters E,ptionalF Para2eter (ilter Descri"tion 2/e N(ilterG element allows one to specif" a file name filter instead of specif"in% file matc/in% rules. For example< set t/e file name filter to NM.pdfB to process all 7DF documents. DiskBoss is capable of scannin% multiple disks or directories in parallel t/us impro6in% t/e speed of t/e stora%e anal"sis process on multi+$7UDmulti+core s"stems. 2/e Nscannin-B element allows one to control t/e file scannin% mode. Set t/e scannin% mode to CP$*$88A8C if "ou wis/ to scan all input disks and directories simultaneousl". 2/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to execute user+defined commands usin% ke"board s/ortcuts. Use t/e Ns/ortcutB element to specif" a ke"board s/ortcut for t/e command.



Process O"tions E,ptionalF Para2eter strea2s Descri"tion DiskBoss is optimi ed for multi+coreDmulti+$7U computers and ad6anced *!4D stora%e s"stems and capable of scannin% multiple file s"stems in parallel. 4n order to speed up t/e stora%e anal"sis process< use multiple processin% streams w/en scannin% input directories located on multiple p/"sical /ard disks or a *!4D disk arra". 4n order to minimi e potential performance impact on runnin% production s"stems< DiskBoss allows one to intentionall" slow down t/e stora%e anal"sis process. !ccordin% to "our specific needs< set t/e process speed mode to N&U88B< NMADIUMB< N8O4B or NM$NU$8B. 2/e NM$NU$8B performance mode reAuired t/e N(ile+dela%B and N5loc +dela%B parameters to be specified Ems.F.


$uto2atic *e"ort 6eneration E,ptionalF 2/e Nre"ortB element instructs DiskBoss to automaticall" sa6e results to a report file. 2/e Nt%"eB attribute ma" be set to N31M8B< N1A71B or N'!VB. !n optional NtitleB element ma" be used to set a custom report title. 4f t/e Nsave+toB element is not specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name and sa6e t/e report into t/e userBs /ome director". 4f t/e specified Nsave+toB 6alue represents an existin% director"< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name and sa6e report into t/e specified director". 4n all ot/er cases< DiskBoss will sa6e t/e report usin% t/e Nsave+toB 6alue as an absolute file name.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

!tora-e $nal%sis $ctions E,ptionalF DiskBoss Ultimate allows one to define one or more conditional actions capable of detectin% user+specified stora%e utili ation patterns< executin% automatic actions and sendin% e+mail notifications. 2/e N2odeB attribute ma" be set to NP*AVIA4B or NA7A'U1AB. 4n t/e NP*AVIA4B mode< t/e command will displa" t/e stora%e anal"sis results and a list of actions t/at were tri%%ered. 4n t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< t/e user will be pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to manuall" select actions t/at s/ould be executed. 4n t/e NA7A'U1AB mode< DiskBoss will automaticall" execute all t/e tri%%ered actions wit/out s/owin% stora%e anal"sis results. 2/e actions list ma" include one or more conditional actions specif"in% conditions to detect and actions to execute for eac/ director" meetin% t/e specified condition. 2/e N(orB element allows one to specif" a condition t/at s/ould be detected. Use t/e N2odeB attribute to set t/e condition mode to one of t/e followin% 6aluesJ Mode AID ADU DI* Descri"tion 4nstructs to e6aluate t/e condition for eac/ input director". 4nstructs to e6aluate t/e condition for eac/ director" under t/e director" specified as t/e 6alue in t/e N(orB element. 4nstructs to e6aluate t/e condition for t/e director" specified as t/e 6alue in t/e N(orB element.

Use t/e No"B attribute to set t/e condition operator to one of t/e followin% 6aluesJ O"erator A: 61 81 Descri"tion 2ri%%ers action w/en t/e e6aluated 6alue eAual to t/e condition 6alue. 2ri%%ers action w/en t/e e6aluated 6alue %reater t/an t/e condition 6alue. 2ri%%ers action w/en t/e e6aluated 6alue less t/an t/e condition 6alue.

Use t/e NvalueB attribute to set t/e condition 6alue. 2/e condition 6alue< w/ic/ s/ould be specified as a decimal inte%er< will be e6aluated accordin% to t/e specified mode and operator. Use t/e NunitsB attribute to set one of t/e followin% condition units. Value &I8A! M,@1A! 6,@1A! 1,@1A! M!P$'A 6!P$'A 1!P$'A P!P$'A Descri"tion 2/e condition 2/e condition 2/e condition 2/e condition 2/e condition 2/e condition 2/e condition 2/e condition

6alue 6alue 6alue 6alue 6alue 6alue 6alue 6alue

specifies specifies specifies specifies specifies specifies specifies specifies

a number of files. an amount of used space in MB"tes. an amount of used space in >B"tes. an amount of used space in 2B"tes. an amount of free space in MB"tes. an amount of free space in >B"tes. an amount of free space in 2B"tes. an amount of free space in percents.

Use t/e NdoB element to specif" one of t/e followin% actions t/at s/ould be executedJ Mode AM$I8+31M8 AM$I8+1A71 U!A*+'MD 'U!1OM+'MD *APO*1+31M8 *APO*1+1A71 *APO*1+'!V Descri"tion Send an 12ML e+mail notification to t/e specified e+mail address. Send a text e+mail notification to t/e specified e+mail address. ;xecute t/e specified user+defined command. ;xecute t/e specified custom command. Sa6e an 12ML stora%e anal"sis report to t/e specified file. Sa6e a text stora%e anal"sis report to t/e specified file. Sa6e a $S: stora%e anal"sis report to t/e specified file.

Dependin% on t/e specified action t"pe< t/e NdoB elementBs 6alue will be used as an e+mail address< a command name or a report file name. For detailed information about all features related to stora%e anal"sis conditional actions refer to t/e DiskBoss product manual.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.6.4 Du"licate &iles !earc/ DiskBossC built+in duplicate files finder pro6ides a lar%e number of ad6anced features and capabilities allowin% one to identif" and cleanup duplicate files on personal computers and enterprise stora%e s"stems. 4n addition< power users and 42 professionals are pro6ided wit/ polic"+based duplicate files detection and remo6al capabilities EDiskBoss Ultimate onl"F allowin% one to define custom duplicate files detection and remo6al commands and execute t/em in a full" unattended< automatic mode. 4n addition to t/e abilit" to define duplicate files searc/ commands usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< DiskBoss allows one to specif" duplicate files searc/ commands usin% an ?ML+ Based format. 2/e ?ML format pro6ides support for all t/e duplicate files searc/ features and capabilities a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application. Duplicate files searc/ commands defined in t/e ?ML format ma" be imported into t/e DiskBoss product confi%uration as user+ defined commands or executed on+t/e+fl" usin% t/e DiskBoss command line tool EDiskBoss UltimateF. &or2atB Pdu"licates name\B$ommand 8ameBQ Pin"utsQ PdirQDirector" 8ame 1PDdirQ O P(ileQFile 8ame 1PD(ileQ O PDin"utsQ Pactions mode\B!ctions ModeBQ PactionQ!ction 1PDactionQ O PactionQ!ction ?PDactionQ PDactionsQ Psi-natureQSi%nature 2"pePDsi-natureQ PsetsQMax Duplicate File SetsPDsetsQ P(ilterQFile Scannin% FilterPD(ilterQ Pscannin-QFile Scannin% ModePDscannin-Q Ps/ortcutQ9e"board S/ortcutPDs/ortcutQ PrulesQ Pr1Q*ule DataPDr1Q O PDrulesQ P"rocessQ Pstrea2sQ8umber of 7rocess StreamsPDstrea2sQ Ps"eed file+dela"\B?B block+dela"\BTBQModePDs"eedQ PD"rocessQ Pe9cludeQ PdirQ;xclude Director" 1PDdirQ O PDe9cludeQ PDdu"licatesQ 'o22and In"uts 2/e inputs list s/ould specif" all t/e directories and files t/at s/ould be processed. ;ac/ director" or file in t/e input list s/ould include a full pat/ name. Dependin% on t/e file scannin% mode< all t/e specified directories will be processed seAuentiall" Eone after oneF or in parallel. E,ptionalF

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF



DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

!"ecial In"ut Modes 4n addition to t/e abilit" to process explicitl" specified inputs< t/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides two special input modes allowin% one to process external parameters or t/e current director" instead of t/e inputs list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e inputs mode set to t/e external+parameters mode are acceptin% dra%+and+drop operations into t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e external+parameters mode< specif" Pin"utsQUS;*+7!*!MSPDin"utsQ instead of t/e re%ular input list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e input mode set to t/e current+director" mode are processin% t/e file na6i%atorBs current director". 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e current+ director" inputs mode< specif" Pin"utsQ$U**;82+D4*PDin"utsQ instead of t/e input list. &ile Matc/in- *ules E,ptionalF DiskBoss Ultimate pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to limit t/e duplicates searc/ process to files matc/in% user+defined criteria. !n optional list of file matc/in% rules ma" specif" one or more rules t/at s/ould be used durin% t/e duplicates searc/ process. !ll t/e specified file matc/in% rules will be e6aluated in t/e same order as t/e" are specified in t/e user+defined command. DiskBoss supports a lar%e number of 6arious t"pes of rules capable of matc/in% files b" t/e file extension< name< pat/< si e< time< content< etc. For detailed information about all t/e supported t"pes of file matc/in% rules refer to an appropriate section in t/is document. Miscellaneous Para2eters E,ptionalF Para2eter si-nature Descri"tion 2/e Nsi-natureB element allows one to set one of t/e followin% duplicate files searc/ al%orit/msJ MD.< S1!1 or S1!2.0 EdefaultF. 2/e S1!2.0 al%orit/m is t/e most reliable one and it is used b" default. 2/e MD. and S1!1 al%orit/ms are si%nificantl" faster< but less reliable. 2/e NsetsB element pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to control t/e maximum number of duplicate file sets Edefault is 1---F reported b" DiskBoss. !fter finis/in% t/e searc/ process< DiskBoss will sort all t/e detected duplicate file sets b" t/e amount of t/e wasted stora%e space and displa" t/e top ? duplicate file sets as specified b" t/is parameter 2/e N(ilterG element allows one to specif" a file name filter instead of specif"in% file matc/in% rules. For example< set t/e file name filter to NM.pdfB to process all 7DF documents. DiskBoss is capable of scannin% multiple disks or directories in parallel t/us impro6in% t/e speed of t/e duplicates searc/ process on multi+$7UDmulti+core s"stems. 2/e Nscannin-B element allows one to control t/e file scannin% mode. Set t/e scannin% mode to CP$*$88A8C if "ou wis/ to scan all input disks and directories simultaneousl". 2/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to execute user+defined commands usin% ke"board s/ortcuts. Use t/e Ns/ortcutB element to specif" a ke"board s/ortcut for t/e command.





Process O"tions E,ptionalF Para2eter strea2s Descri"tion DiskBoss is optimi ed for multi+coreDmulti+$7U computers and ad6anced *!4D stora%e s"stems and capable of scannin% multiple file s"stems in parallel. 4n order to speed up t/e duplicates searc/ process< use multiple processin% streams w/en scannin% input directories located on multiple p/"sical /ard disks or a *!4D disk arra". 4n order to minimi e potential performance impact on runnin% production s"stems< DiskBoss allows one to intentionall" slow down t/e duplicates searc/ process. !ccordin% to "our specific needs< set t/e process speed mode to N&U88B< NMADIUMB< N8O4B or NM$NU$8B. 2/e NM$NU$8B performance mode reAuired t/e N(ile+dela%B and N5loc +dela%B parameters to be specified Ems.F.



DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

Du"licate &iles *e2oval $ctions E,ptionalF DiskBoss Ultimate pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to predefine one or more automatic duplicates detection and remo6al actions. ;ac/ action ma" contain a number of rules specif"in% /ow to detect t/e ori%inal file in eac/ duplicate file set and w/at action to perform if t/e ori%inal was successfull" detected. &or2atB Pactions mode\B!ctions ModeBQ PactionQ Pori-inal mode\Bori%inal modeBQori%inal 6aluePDori-inalQ PrulesQ Pr1<*ule DataPDr1Q O Pr7<*ule DataPDr7Q PDrulesQ PdoQ!ctionPDdoQ PDactionQ O PactionQ!ction ?PDactionQ PDactionsQ E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

Use t/e N2odeB attribute to set t/e actions mode to one of t/e followin% 6aluesJ N!A8A'1B or NA7A'U1AB. 4n t/e N!A8A'1B actions mode< DiskBoss will e6aluate duplicate files and tr" to detect t/e ori%inal file in eac/ set of duplicate files accordin% to t/e specified ori%inal detection rules and policies. !ctions containin% t/e ori%inal file detection rules will be e6aluated one after one in t/e order as t/e" specified in t/e actions list. 4f a duplicate file will matc/ rules defined in an action< t/e duplicate file will be set as t/e ori%inal and t/e matc/in% action will be set as t/e acti6e action for t/e duplicate set. 2/e NA7A'U1AB mode is t/e most ad6anced duplicates detection and remo6al mo6e< w/ic/ is intended for automatic execution of actions matc/in% one or more duplicate file sets. Durin% t/e searc/ process< DiskBoss will e6aluate all duplicate files and set matc/in% actions. !fter finis/in% t/e searc/ process< DiskBoss will automaticall" execute all actions t/at were set and remo6e all duplicate files usin% policies defined in eac/ specific action. 2/e Nori-inalB element controls t/e ori%inal file detection mode. 4f t/e N2odeB attribute is set to NM1IMAB< t/e ori%inal file 6alue s/ould be set to NO8DA!1B or NNA4A!1B and in t/is case t/e ori%inal file will be set to t/e oldest or t/e newest file respecti6el". 4f t/e N2odeB attribute is set to NDI*B< t/e ori%inal 6alue s/ould specif" a director" w/ere ori%inal files s/ould be located in. 2/e NrulesB element is an optional element< w/ic/ ma" be used to limit t/e duplicates remo6al action to specific file t"pes accordin% to t/e specified file matc/in% rules. For detailed information about file matc/in% rules refer to an appropriate section in t/is document. Use t/e NdoB element to specif" t/e action t/at s/ould be performed Eor selectedF for duplicate file sets wit/ successfull" detected ori%inal files. 2/e NdoB element ma" be specified usin% one of t/e followin% formatsJ $ction PdoQL489PDdoQ PdoQD;L;2;PDdoQ Pdo mode\BM,:;+2,BQDirector"PDdoQ Descri"tion *eplaces all duplicate files wit/ links to ori%inals. Deletes all duplicate files. Mo6es all duplicate files to t/e specified director".


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.6.) &ile !%nc/roni#ation DiskBoss pro6ides ad6anced file s"nc/roni ation capabilities allowin% one to s"nc/roni e files between directories< local disks and network s/ares. 2/e DiskBossC built+in file s"nc/roni ation en%ine offers numerous one+wa" and two+wa" file s"nc/roni ation modes< rule+based file matc/in% capabilities and ad6anced performance tunin% options. FreAuentl" used file s"nc/roni ation operations ma" be pre+confi%ured as user+defined commands and executed in a sin%le mouse click. 4n addition to t/e abilit" to define file s"nc/roni ation commands usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< DiskBoss allows one to specif" file s"nc/roni ation commands usin% an ?ML+Based format. 2/e ?ML format pro6ides support for all t/e file s"nc/roni ation features and capabilities a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application. File s"nc/roni ation commands defined in t/e ?ML format ma" be imported into t/e DiskBoss product confi%uration as user+ defined commands or executed on+t/e+fl" usin% t/e DiskBoss command line tool EDiskBoss UltimateF. &or2atB Ps%nc name\C$ommand 8ameCQ PsourceQSource Director"PDsourceQ PdestQDestination Director"PDdestQ P2odeQS"nc/roni ation ModePD2odeQ PrecursiveQ*ecursi6e ModePDrecursiveQ P"reviewQ7re6iew ModePD"reviewQ Ps/ortcutQ9e"board S/ortcutPDs/ortcutQ PrulesQ Pr1Q*ule DataPDr1Q O PDrulesQ P"rocessQ Pstrea2sQ8umber of 7rocess StreamsPDstrea2sQ Ps"eed file+dela"\B?B block+dela"\BTBQModePDs"eedQ Pco"%Q$op" ,ptionsPDco"%Q PD"rocessQ Pe9cludeQ PdirQ;xclude Director" 1PDdirQ O PDe9cludeQ PDs%ncQ Mandator% Para2eters Para2eter source dest Descri"tion Use t/e NsourceB element to specif" t/e source director" for t/e file s"nc/roni ation command. Use t/e NdestB element to specif" t/e destination director" for t/e file s"nc/roni ation command. E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF


&ile Matc/in- *ules E,ptionalF DiskBoss Ultimate pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to limit t/e file s"nc/roni ation process to files matc/in% user+defined criteria. !n optional list of file matc/in% rules ma" specif" one or more rules t/at s/ould be used durin% t/e file s"nc/roni ation process. !ll t/e specified file matc/in% rules will be e6aluated in t/e same order as t/e" are specified in t/e user+defined command. DiskBoss supports a lar%e number of 6arious t"pes of rules capable of matc/in% files b" t/e file extension< name< pat/< si e< time< content< etc. For detailed information about all t/e supported t"pes of file matc/in% rules refer to an appropriate section in t/is document.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

Miscellaneous Para2eters E,ptionalF Para2eter 2ode Descri"tion 2/e N2odeB element allows one to set one of t/e followin% s"nc modesJ !D ES"nc/roni e Destination Director"< one+wa"< default modeF + !ll c/an%es made in t/e source director" will be propa%ated to t/e destination director". Files deleted from t/e source director" will be deleted from t/e destination director". !ll files c/an%ed or deleted in t/e destination director" will be restored usin% files from t/e source director". 8o c/an%es will be made in t/e source director". !fter t/e file s"nc/roni ation process is complete bot/ locations will be identical. !UD EUpdate Destination Director"< one+wa"F + 8ewl" created and modified source files will be copied to t/e destination director". Files deleted from t/e source director" will be deleted from t/e destination director". Files deleted from t/e destination director" will be restored usin% files from t/e source director". 8ewl" created and modified destination files will be kept in place. 8o c/an%es will be made in t/e source director". !$D E!ccumulate and Update Files in Destination< one+wa"F + 8ewl" created and modified source files will be copied to t/e destination director". Files deleted from t/e destination director" will be restored usin% files from t/e source director". 8ewl" created and modified destination files will be kept in place. 8o files will be deleted from t/e destination director". 8o c/an%es will be made in t/e source director". !14 E2wo+3a" File S"nc/roni ationF + 8ewl" created and modified files will be s"nc/roni ed in bot/ directions. Files deleted from t/e source director" will be deleted from t/e destination director". Files deleted from t/e destination director" will be restored from t/e source director". $/an%es ma" be made in bot/ locations. !fter t/e file s"nc/roni ation process is complete bot/ locations will be identical. !1$ E2wo+3a" !ccumulation and UpdateF + 8ewl" created and modified files will be updated in bot/ directions. Files deleted from one location will be restored from t/e second location. $/an%es ma" be made in bot/ locations. !fter t/e file s"nc/roni ation process is complete bot/ locations will be identical.

recursive "review s/ortcut

2/e NrecursiveB element ma" be set to N@A!B or NNOB. 4f t/e NrecursiveB element is set to N@A!B EdefaultF< DiskBoss will s"nc/roni e directories recursi6el" includin% all subdirectories. 2/e N"reviewB element ma" be set to N@A!B or NNOB. 4f t/e N"reviewB element is set to N@A!B EdefaultF< DiskBoss will s/ow t/e file s"nc/roni ation pre6iew dialo% allowin% one to manuall" select or unselect files t/at s/ould be s"nc/roni ed. 2/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to execute user+defined commands usin% ke"board s/ortcuts. Use t/e Ns/ortcutB element to specif" a ke"board s/ortcut for t/e command.

Process O"tions E,ptionalF Para2eter strea2s Descri"tion DiskBoss is optimi ed for multi+coreDmulti+$7U computers and ad6anced *!4D stora%e s"stems and capable of scannin% multiple file s"stems in parallel. 4n order to speed up t/e file s"nc/roni ation process< use multiple processin% streams w/en s"nc/roni in% directories located on multiple p/"sical /ard disks or a *!4D disk arra". 4n order to minimi e potential performance impact on runnin% production s"stems< DiskBoss allows one to intentionall" slow down t/e file s"nc/roni ation process. !ccordin% to "our specific needs< set t/e process speed mode to N&U88B< NMADIUMB< N8O4B or NM$NU$8B. 2/e NM$NU$8B performance mode reAuired t/e N(ile+dela%B and N5loc +dela%B parameters to be specified Ems.F. 2/e Nco"%B element ma" specif" one or more of t/e followin% cop" fla%sJ $11* @ 4nstructs to cop" file attributes D$'8 @ 4nstructs to cop" discrete access control lists ED!$LF !$'8 @ 4nstructs to cop" securit" control lists ES!$LF O4NA* @ 4nstructs to cop" userD%roup owners/ip information




DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.6.6 &ile Or-ani#inDiskBossC file or%ani in% capabilities allow one to perform 6arious file mana%ement operations on files matc/in% user+defined criteria. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to specif" one or more file matc/in% rules and define w/at action s/ould be performed on all t/e matc/in% files. Multiple file or%ani in% operations ma" be performed durin% a sin%le pass t/rou%/ t/e entire file s"stem. For example< t/e user ma" backup recentl" modified documents< arc/i6e unused music files and cleanup temporar" files durin% a sin%le pass trou%/ one or more file s"stems containin% millions of files. 4n addition to t/e abilit" to define file or%ani in% commands usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< DiskBoss allows one to specif" file or%ani in% commands usin% an ?ML+Based format. 2/e ?ML format pro6ides support for all t/e file or%ani in% features and capabilities a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application. File or%ani in% commands defined in t/e ?ML format ma" be imported into t/e DiskBoss product confi%uration as user+defined commands or executed on+t/e+fl" usin% t/e DiskBoss command line tool EDiskBoss UltimateF. &or2atB Por-ani#e name\C$ommand 8ameCQ Pin"utsQ PdirQDirector" 8ame 1PDdirQ O P(ileQFile 8ame 1PD(ileQ O PDin"utsQ Paction name\C!ction 8ame 1Q PrulesQ Pr1Q*ule DataPDr1Q O Pr7Q*ule DataPDr7Q PDrulesQ PdoQ!ctionPDdoQ P"rocessQ Pco"%Q$op" ,ptionsPDco"%Q Pveri(%Q:erification ModePDveri(%Q PD"rocessQ PDactionQ O Paction name\B!ction 8ame ?BQ!ction DataPDactionQ P"reviewQ7re6iew ModePD"reviewQ Ps/ortcutQ9e"board S/ortcutPDs/ortcutQ P"rocessQ Pstrea2sQ8umber of 7rocess StreamsPDstrea2sQ Ps"eed file+dela"\B?B block+dela"\BTBQModePDs"eedQ P"ro-ressQ7ro%ress ModePD"ro-ressQ Pretr%+countQ?PDretr%+countQ Pretr%+dela%Q?PDretr%+dela%Q PD"rocessQ PDor-ani#eQ E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

'o22and In"uts 2/e inputs list s/ould specif" all t/e directories and files t/at s/ould be processed. ;ac/ director" or file in t/e input list s/ould include a full pat/ name. Dependin% on t/e file scannin% mode< all t/e specified directories will be processed seAuentiall" Eone after oneF or in parallel.

!"ecial In"ut Modes 4n addition to t/e abilit" to process explicitl" specified inputs< t/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides two special input modes allowin% one to process external parameters or t/e current director" instead of t/e inputs list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e inputs mode set to t/e external+parameters mode are acceptin% dra%+and+drop operations into t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e external+parameters mode< specif" Pin"utsQUS;*+7!*!MSPDin"utsQ instead of t/e re%ular input list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e input mode set to t/e current+director" mode are processin% t/e file na6i%atorBs current director". 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e current+ director" inputs mode< specif" Pin"utsQ$U**;82+D4*PDin"utsQ instead of t/e input list.

&ile Matc/in- *ules ;ac/ file or%ani in% action s/ould include a list of file matc/in% rules specif"in% files t/at s/ould be processed. !ll t/e specified file matc/in% rules will be e6aluated in t/e same order as t/e" are specified in t/e user+defined command. DiskBoss supports a lar%e number of 6arious t"pes of rules capable of matc/in% files b" t/e file extension< name< pat/< si e< time< content< etc. For detailed information about all t/e supported t"pes of file matc/in% rules refer to an appropriate section in t/is document.

$ctions Use t/e NdoB element to specif" t/e action t/at s/ould be performed for all files matc/in% t/e specified file matc/in% rules. 2/e NdoB element ma" be specified usin% one of t/e followin% formatsJ

$ction Pdo mode\B$,7T+2,BQDirector"PDdoQ Pdo mode\BM,:;+2,BQDirector"PDdoQ Pdo mode\BM,:;+!8D+L489BQDirPDdoQ


Descri"tion $opies files matc/in% t/e specified file matc/in% rules to t/e specified director". Mo6es files matc/in% t/e specified file matc/in% rules to t/e specified director". Mo6es files matc/in% t/e specified file matc/in% rules to t/e specified director" and creates links pointin% to t/e mo6ed files in t/e destination director". Deletes all files matc/in% t/e specified file matc/in% rules.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

6lo5al Process O"tions E,ptionalF

Para2eter strea2s



retr%+count retr%+dela%

Descri"tion DiskBoss is optimi ed for multi+coreDmulti+$7U computers and ad6anced *!4D stora%e s"stems and capable of scannin% multiple file s"stems in parallel. 4n order to speed up t/e file or%ani in% process< use multiple processin% streams w/en processin% input directories located on multiple p/"sical /ard disks or a *!4D disk arra". 4n order to minimi e potential performance impact on runnin% production s"stems< DiskBoss allows one to intentionall" slow down t/e file or%ani in% process. !ccordin% to "our specific needs< set t/e process speed mode to N&U88B< NMADIUMB< N8O4B or NM$NU$8B. 2/e NM$NU$8B performance mode reAuired t/e N(ile+dela%B and N5loc +dela%B parameters to be specified Ems.F. 2/e N"ro-ressB element ma" be set to N@A!B or NNOB. 4f t/e N"ro-ressB element is set to N@A!B< DiskBoss will displa" a pro%ress bar on t/e operation process dialo%. 4n order to optimi e t/e file or%ani in% performance w/en processin% lar%e amounts of files< it ma" be si%nificantl" more efficient to disable t/e pro%ress bar. 2/e Nretr%+countB element allows one to specif" t/e number of retries s/ould be made on locked source files for cop"Dmo6e operations. 2/e Nretr%+dela%B element allows one to specif" a retr" dela" t/at s/ould be made between retries to cop"Dmo6e locked source files.

$ction Process O"tions E,ptionalF Para2eter co"% Descri"tion 2/e Nco"%B element ma" specif" one or more of t/e followin% cop" fla%sJ $11* @ 4nstructs to cop" file attributes D$'8 @ 4nstructs to cop" discrete access control lists ED!$LF !$'8 @ 4nstructs to cop" securit" control lists ES!$LF O4NA* @ 4nstructs to cop" userD%roup owners/ip information 1IMA @ 4nstructs to cop" file timestamps 2/e Nveri(%B element ma" be set to N@A!B or NNOB EdefaultF. 4f t/e Nveri(%B element is set to N@A!B< DiskBoss will 6erif" eac/ copied or mo6ed file.


Miscellaneous Para2eters E,ptionalF Para2eter "review Descri"tion 2/e N"reviewB element ma" be set to N@A!B or NNOB. 4f t/e N"reviewB element is set to N@A!B EdefaultF< DiskBoss will s/ow t/e file or%ani in% pre6iew dialo% allowin% one to manuall" select or unselect actions t/at s/ould be performed. 2/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to execute user+defined commands usin% ke"board s/ortcuts. Use t/e Ns/ortcutB element to specif" a ke"board s/ortcut for t/e command.



DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.6.. &ile 'o"% DiskBoss pro6ides a lar%e number of ad6anced multi+stream file cop" and rule+based data mi%ration capabilities allowin% one to cop" 6ast amounts of files fast< efficientl" and reliabl". DiskBoss allows one to cop" files includin% access control lists E!$LsF< securit" attributes< owners/ip information< timestamps and file attributes. 2/e user is pro6ided wit/ a lar%e number of flexible cop" performance tunin% and fault tolerance options allowin% one to cop" data at 6arious speeds< reco6er failed cop" operations and minimi e t/e potential impact on runnin% production s"stems. 4n addition to t/e abilit" to define file cop" commands usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< DiskBoss allows one to specif" file cop" commands usin% an ?ML+Based format. 2/e ?ML format pro6ides support for all t/e file cop" features and capabilities a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application. File cop" commands defined in t/e ?ML format ma" be imported into t/e DiskBoss product confi%uration as user+defined commands or executed on+t/e+fl" usin% t/e DiskBoss command line tool EDiskBoss UltimateF. &or2atB
Pco"% name\C$ommand 8ameCQ Pin"utsQ PdirQDirector" 8ame 1PDdirQ O P(ileQFile 8ame 1PD(ileQ O PDin"uts< PdestQDestination Director"PDdestQ Ps/ortcutQ9e"board S/ortcutPDs/ortcutQ PrulesQ Pr1Q*ule DataPDr1Q O PDrulesQ P"rocessQ P"ro-ressQ7ro%ress ModePD"ro-ressQ PoverwriteQ,6erwrite ModePDoverwriteQ Pstrea2sQ8umber of 7rocess StreamsPDstrea2sQ Ps"eed file+dela"\B?B block+dela"\BTBQModePDs"eedQ Pco"%<$op" ,ptionsPDco"%Q Pretr%+countQ1PDretr%+countQ Pretr%+ti2eoutQ02PDretr%+ti2eoutQ Pveri(%Q:erification ModePDveri(%Q PD"rocessQ PDco"%Q E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

! file mo6e command ma" be defined b" usin% t/e N2oveB command t"pe instead of t/e Nco"%B command t"pe. !ll ot/er parameters and options are completel" identical.
P2ove name\B$ommand 8ameBQ PY++ $ommand Data ++Q PD2oveQ

Mandator% Para2eters Para2eter


Use t/e NdestB element to specif" a destination director" for t/e cop" command.

'o22and In"uts 2/e inputs list s/ould specif" all t/e directories and files t/at s/ould be processed. ;ac/ director" or file in t/e input list s/ould include a full pat/ name. Dependin% on t/e file scannin% mode< all t/e specified directories will be processed seAuentiall" Eone after oneF or in parallel.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

!"ecial In"ut Modes 4n addition to t/e abilit" to process explicitl" specified inputs< t/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides two special input modes allowin% one to process external parameters or t/e current director" instead of t/e inputs list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e inputs mode set to t/e external+parameters mode are acceptin% dra%+and+drop operations into t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e external+parameters mode< specif" Pin"utsQUS;*+7!*!MSPDin"utsQ instead of t/e re%ular input list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e input mode set to t/e current+director" mode are processin% t/e file na6i%atorBs current director". 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e current+ director" inputs mode< specif" Pin"utsQ$U**;82+D4*PDin"utsQ instead of t/e input list. &ile Matc/in- *ules E,ptionalF DiskBoss Ultimate pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to limit t/e file cop" process to files matc/in% user+defined criteria. !n optional list of file matc/in% rules ma" specif" one or more rules t/at s/ould be used durin% t/e file cop" process. !ll t/e specified file matc/in% rules will be e6aluated in t/e same order as t/e" are specified in t/e user+defined command. DiskBoss supports a lar%e number of 6arious t"pes of rules capable of matc/in% files b" t/e file extension< name< pat/< si e< time< content< etc. For detailed information about all t/e supported t"pes of file matc/in% rules refer to an appropriate section in t/is document. Overwrite Mode E,ptionalF Mode
$884$@! !?IP 6AN+N$MA I&+NA4A*

!lwa"s o6erwrites files alread" existin% in t/e destination director". Skips files alread" existin% in t/e destination director". !ppends a uniAue file suffix and copies to t/e destination director". ,6erwrites if t/e source file is newer t/an t/e destination file.

Process O"tions E,ptionalF Para2eter


DiskBoss is optimi ed for multi+coreDmulti+$7U computers and ad6anced *!4D stora%e s"stems and capable of scannin% multiple file s"stems in parallel. 4n order to speed up t/e cop" process< use multiple processin% streams w/en processin% input directories located on multiple p/"sical /ard disks or a *!4D disk arra". 4n order to minimi e potential performance impact on runnin% production s"stems< DiskBoss allows one to intentionall" slow down t/e cop" process. !ccordin% to "our specific needs< set t/e process speed mode to N&U88B< NMADIUMB< N8O4B or NM$NU$8B. 2/e NM$NU$8B performance mode reAuired t/e N(ile+dela%B and N5loc +dela%B parameters to be specified Ems.F. 2/e N"ro-ressB element ma" be set to N@A!B or NNOB. 4f t/e N"ro-ressB element is set to N@A!B< DiskBoss will displa" a pro%ress bar on t/e operation process dialo%. 4n order to optimi e t/e file cop" performance w/en processin% lar%e amounts of files< it ma" be si%nificantl" more efficient to disable t/e pro%ress bar. 2/e Nretr%+countB element allows one to specif" t/e number of retries s/ould be made on locked source files for cop"Dmo6e operations. 2/e Nretr%+dela%B element allows one to specif" a retr" dela" t/at s/ould be made between retries to cop"Dmo6e locked source files. 2/e Nco"%B element ma" specif" one or more of t/e followin% cop" fla%sJ $11* @ 4nstructs to cop" file attributes D$'8 @ 4nstructs to cop" discrete access control lists ED!$LF !$'8 @ 4nstructs to cop" securit" control lists ES!$LF O4NA* @ 4nstructs to cop" userD%roup owners/ip information 1IMA @ 4nstructs to cop" file timestamps 2/e Nveri(%B element ma" be set to N@A!B or NNOB EdefaultF. 4f t/e Nveri(%B element is set to N@A!B< DiskBoss will 6erif" eac/ copied or mo6ed file.



retr%+count retr%+dela% co"%



DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.6.0 &ile Delete DiskBoss pro6ides t/e user wit/ a lar%e number of flexible file delete capabilities allowin% one to delete /u%e amounts of files 6er" fast and effecti6el". 4n addition< power computer users and 42 professionals are pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to optimi e performance of delete operations for user+specific stora%e confi%urations and performance reAuirements. Finall"< users reAuired to p/"sicall" destro" confidential or classified information are pro6ided wit/ numerous multi+ pass data wipin% capabilities ran%in% from a simple sin%le+pass wipe to a powerful< #+7ass D,D .22-.22+M compliant EDiskBoss UltimateF data wipin% al%orit/m. 4n addition to t/e abilit" to define file delete commands usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< DiskBoss allows one to specif" file delete commands usin% an ?ML+Based format. 2/e ?ML format pro6ides support for all t/e file delete features and capabilities a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application. File delete commands defined in t/e ?ML format ma" be imported into t/e DiskBoss product confi%uration as user+defined commands or executed on+ t/e+fl" usin% t/e DiskBoss command line tool EDiskBoss UltimateF.

&or2atB Pdelete name\C$ommand 8ameCQ Pin"utsQ PdirQDirector" 8ame 1PDdirQ O PdirQDirector" 8ame ?PDdirQ P(ileQFile 8ame 1PD(ileQ O P(ileQFile 8ame ?PD(ileQ PDin"utsQ PrulesQ Pr1Q*ule DataPDr1Q O Pr7Q*ule DataPDr7Q PDrulesQ P"rocessQ Pstrea2sQ8umber of 7rocess StreamsPDstrea2sQ Ps"eed file+dela"\B?B block+dela"\BTBQModePDs"eedQ P"ro-ressQ7ro%ress Mode PD"ro-ressQ Pwi"eQ3ipe ModePDwi"eQ PD"rocessQ E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF


'o22and In"uts 2/e inputs list s/ould specif" all t/e directories and files t/at s/ould be processed. ;ac/ director" or file in t/e input list s/ould include a full pat/ name. Dependin% on t/e file scannin% mode< all t/e specified directories will be processed seAuentiall" Eone after oneF or in parallel.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

!"ecial In"ut Modes

4n addition to t/e abilit" to process explicitl" specified inputs< t/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides two special input modes allowin% one to process external parameters or t/e current director" instead of t/e inputs list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e inputs mode set to t/e external+parameters mode are acceptin% dra%+and+drop operations into t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e external+parameters mode< specif" Pin"utsQUS;*+7!*!MSPDin"utsQ instead of t/e re%ular input list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e input mode set to t/e current+director" mode are processin% t/e file na6i%atorBs current director". 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e current+ director" inputs mode< specif" Pin"utsQ$U**;82+D4*PDin"utsQ instead of t/e input list.

&ile Matc/in- *ules E,ptionalF

DiskBoss Ultimate pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to limit t/e file delete process to files matc/in% user+defined criteria. !n optional list of file matc/in% rules ma" specif" one or more rules t/at s/ould be used durin% t/e file delete process. !ll t/e specified file matc/in% rules will be e6aluated in t/e same order as t/e" are specified in t/e user+defined command. DiskBoss supports a lar%e number of 6arious t"pes of rules capable of matc/in% files b" t/e file extension< name< pat/< si e< time< content< etc. For detailed information about all t/e supported t"pes of file matc/in% rules refer to an appropriate section in t/is document.

Process O"tions E,ptionalF

Para2eter strea2s



Descri"tion DiskBoss is optimi ed for multi+coreDmulti+$7U computers and ad6anced *!4D stora%e s"stems and capable of scannin% multiple file s"stems in parallel. 4n order to speed up t/e delete process< use multiple processin% streams w/en processin% input directories located on multiple p/"sical /ard disks or a *!4D disk arra". 4n order to minimi e potential performance impact on runnin% production s"stems< DiskBoss allows one to intentionall" slow down t/e delete process. !ccordin% to "our specific needs< set t/e process speed mode to N&U88B< NMADIUMB< N8O4B or NM$NU$8B. 2/e NM$NU$8B performance mode reAuired t/e N(ile+dela%B and N5loc +dela%B parameters to be specified Ems.F. 2/e N"ro-ressB element ma" be set to N@A!B or NNOB. 4f t/e N"ro-ressB element is set to N@A!B< DiskBoss will displa" a pro%ress bar on t/e operation process dialo%. 4n order to optimi e t/e file delete performance w/en processin% lar%e amounts of files< it ma" be si%nificantl" more efficient to disable t/e pro%ress bar. 2/e Nwi"eB element ma" be set to one of t/e followin% 6aluesJ QA*O+1 @ wipes data usin% a sin%le+pass< ero pattern al%orit/m $81+2 @ wipes data usin% a two+pass< alternatin%+pattern al%orit/m $81+3 @ wipes data usin% a t/ree+pass< alternatin%+pattern al%orit/m $81+4 @ wipes data usin% a four+pass< alternatin%+pattern al%orit/m $81+) @ wipes data usin% a fi6e+pass< alternatin% al%orit/m DOD+. @ wipes data usin% a se6en+pass< D,D .22-.22+M compliant al%orit/m ,!+. @ wipes data usin% a se6en+pass< Bruce Sc/neierCs al%orit/m 6M!+3) @ wipes data usin% a '.+pass< >utmannCs Maximum Securit" al%orit/m



DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

16.6.9 Dis


DiskBoss Ultimate includes a built+in disk monitor capable of detectin% file creations< modifications< attribute c/an%es and deletions in real+time. 2/e real+time disk monitor pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to monitor one or more disks< directories or network s/ares and detect all c/an%es made in t/e monitored file s"stems. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to specif" conditional real+time actions capable of executin% DiskBossC user+ defined commands< custom commands< scripts or batc/ files. 4n addition to t/e abilit" to define disk monitorin% commands usin% t/e DiskBoss >U4 application< DiskBoss allows one to specif" disk monitorin% commands usin% an ?ML+Based format. 2/e ?ML format pro6ides support for all t/e disk monitorin% features and capabilities a6ailable in t/e DiskBoss main >U4 application. Disk monitorin% commands defined in t/e ?ML format ma" be imported into t/e DiskBoss product confi%uration as user+defined commands or executed on+t/e+fl" usin% t/e DiskBoss command line tool. &or2atB P2onitor name\C$ommand 8ameCQ Pin"utsQ PdirQDirector" 8ame 1PDdirQ O PDin"utsQ PdetectQ$/an%e 2"pesPDdetectQ PrecursiveQ"esPDrecursiveQ Ps/ortcutQ9e"board S/ortcutPDs/ortcutQ PrulesQ Pr1Q*ule DataPDr1Q O PDrulesQ Pactions c/an%es\C$/an%e $ountCQ Pre"ort t"pe\B*eport 2"peBQ PtitleQ$ustom *eport 2itlePDtitleQ Psave+toQ*eport File 8amePDsave+toQ PDre"ortQ Puser+co22andQ$ommand PDuser+co22andQ Pcusto2+co22andQ$ommand PDcusto2+co22andQ Pe2ailQ;+Mail !ddressPDe2ailQ PDactionsQ PD2onitorQ Mandator% Para2etersB Para2eter detect Descri"tion Use t/e NdetectB element to specif" c/an%es t/at s/ould be detectedJ &N$MA @ detect file name c/an%es DN$MA @ detect director" name c/an%es $11* @ detect file and director" attribute c/an%es !IQA @ detect file si e c/an%es $1IMA @ detect file access time c/an%es '1IMA @ detect file creation time c/an%es M1IMA @ detect file modification time c/an%es !A'U*I1@ @ detect file securit" attributes c/an%es E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF

E,ptionalF E,ptionalF E,ptionalF


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

'o22and In"uts 2/e inputs list s/ould specif" all t/e directories t/at s/ould be monitored. ;ac/ director" in t/e input list s/ould include a full pat/ name. !"ecial In"ut Modes 4n addition to t/e abilit" to process explicitl" specified inputs< t/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides two special input modes allowin% one to process external parameters or t/e current director" instead of t/e inputs list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e inputs mode set to t/e external+parameters mode are acceptin% dra%+and+drop operations into t/e command item in t/e commands tool pane. 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e external+parameters mode< specif" Pin"utsQUS;*+7!*!MSPDin"utsQ instead of t/e re%ular input list. User+defined commands wit/ t/e input mode set to t/e current+director" mode are processin% t/e file na6i%atorBs current director". 4n order to set a user+defined command to t/e current+ director" inputs mode< specif" Pin"utsQ$U**;82+D4*PDin"utsQ instead of t/e input list. Miscellaneous Para2eters E,ptionalF Para2eter recursive Descri"tion 2/e NrecursiveB element ma" be set to N@A!B or NNOB. 4f t/e NrecursiveB element is set to N@A!B EdefaultF< DiskBoss will monitor directories recursi6el" includin% all subdirectories. 2/e DiskBoss >U4 application pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to execute user+defined commands usin% ke"board s/ortcuts. Use t/e Ns/ortcutB element to specif" a ke"board s/ortcut for t/e command.


&ile Matc/in- *ules E,ptionalF DiskBoss pro6ides t/e user wit/ t/e abilit" to limit t/e disk monitorin% process to files matc/in% user+defined criteria. !n optional list of file matc/in% rules ma" specif" one or more rules t/at s/ould be used durin% t/e disk monitorin% process. !ll t/e specified file matc/in% rules will be e6aluated in t/e same order as t/e" are specified in t/e user+defined command. DiskBoss supports a lar%e number of 6arious t"pes of rules capable of matc/in% files b" t/e file extension< name< pat/< si e< time< content< etc. For detailed information about all t/e supported t"pes of file matc/in% rules refer to an appropriate section in t/is document. $ctions E,ptionalF ,ne of t/e most powerful capabilities of t/e DiskBossC real+time disk monitor is t/e abilit" to perform user+defined actions eac/ time t/e disk monitor reac/es a user+specified number of c/an%es. Specif" one or more actions and set t/e Nc/an-esB attribute to t/e reAuired number of c/an%es. ;ac/ specified action ma" sa6e a c/an%e report< execute a user+defined command andDor execute a custom command. 2/e Nre"ortB element instructs DiskBoss to automaticall" sa6e c/an%es to a report file. 2/e Nt%"eB attribute ma" be set to N31M8B< N1A71B or N'!VB. !n optional NtitleB element ma" be used to set a custom report title. 4f t/e Nsave+toB element is not specified< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name and sa6e t/e report into t/e userBs /ome director". 4f t/e specified Nsave+toB 6alue represents an existin% director"< DiskBoss will automaticall" %enerate a file name and sa6e report into t/e specified director". 4n all ot/er cases< DiskBoss will sa6e t/e report usin% t/e Nsave+toB 6alue as an absolute file name. Use t/e Nuser+co22andB element to specif" t/e name of a user+defined command t/at s/ould be executed eac/ time t/e monitorin% command reac/es t/e specified number of c/an%es. Use t/e Ncusto2+co22andB element to specif" t/e name of an executable or a batc/ file t/at s/ould be executed. 2/e Ne2ailB element allows one to specif" an ;+Mail address to send notifications to w/en t/e monitorin% operation will reac/ t/e specified number of c/an%es.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

1. $""endi9
1..1 Installin- M%!:8 Data5ase

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Ser6er are capable of sa6in% disk space usa%e anal"sis< file classification< duplicate files< disk c/an%e monitorin% reports in an S5L database. *eports ma" be sa6ed manuall" or automaticall" usin% t/e DiskBoss periodic Gobs< DiskBoss Ser6er or t/e command line utilit" periodicall" executed b" t/e 3indows built+in task sc/eduler. 4n order to confi%ure DiskBoss to use t/e M"S5L database< t/e user needs to install t/e followin% two componentsJ t/e M"S5L Ser6er and t/e M"S5L ,DB$ connector. First of all< letBs install t/e M"S5L Ser6er. Download t/e latest 6ersion of t/e M"S5L Ser6er from t/e M"S5L web site and start t/e setup pro%ram. ,n t/e setup t"pe pa%e< select t/e N2"picalB setup t"pe and press t/e N8extB button. B" default< t/e setup will install t/e M"S5L ser6er and a command line utilit"< w/ic/ will be used to confi%ure t/e M"S5L ser6er.

,n t/e next setup pa%e< select t/e N$onfi%ure t/e M"S5L Ser6er nowB option and press t/e NFinis/B button. 2/e setup pro%ram will open a M"S5L confi%uration wi ard allowin% one to confi%ure basic ser6er settin%s.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

,n t/e next setup pa%e< select t/e NDetailed $onfi%urationB option and press t/e N8extB button. 2/e detailed confi%uration mode is reAuired to confi%ure t/e M"S5L ser6er for maximum database performance.

,n t/e next pa%e< select t/e NSer6er Mac/ineB option< w/ic/ is t/e most balanced confi%uration for t"pical DiskBoss workloads. 4f t/e ser6er is intended to process lar%e 6olumes of reports and is dedicated for DiskBoss< select t/e NDedicated Ser6erB confi%uration option.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

,n t/e next pa%e< select t/e N8on+2ransactional DatabaseB option. DiskBoss does not perform concurrent insert or modif" operations on t/e database and a transactional database is not reAuired. Moreo6er< confi%urin% t/e M"S5L ser6er as a non+transactional database will si%nificantl" impro6e t/e performance of database import operations.

,n t/e next pa%e< select t/e NManual Settin%B option and set t/e number of concurrent database connections to .< w/ic/ is t/e optimal number for t"pical DiskBoss installations.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

,n t/e next pa%e< enable 2$7D47 networkin% and if t/e ser6er will be accessed from ot/er computers on t/e network< add a firewall exception for t/e M"S5L ser6er port. 4n %eneral< a sin%le M"S5L ser6er ma" be used to collect reports from multiple DiskBoss installations usin% remote ,DB$ connections.

,n t/e next pa%e select an appropriate c/aracter set. B" default< DiskBoss uses t/e U2F+& c/aracter set to store names of files and directories< but if t/ere is no need to process Unicode file names< t/is option ma" be set to t/e standard Latin1 c/aracter set.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

,n t/e next pa%e< select t/e N4nstall as 3indows Ser6iceB option and select t/e N4nclude Bin Director" in 3indows 7!21B option. 2/e 7!21 option will enable execution of t/e M"S5L command line utilit" from an" location.

,n t/e next pa%e< select t/e NModif" Securit" Settin%sB option and specif" a root password for t/e M"S5L ser6er< w/ic/ later will be used to confi%ure re%ular M"S5L users.

2/atBs all. 7ress t/e N8extB button to finis/ t/e installation procedure.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


'on(i-urin- M%!:8 Data5ase

2/e M"S5L database pro6ides t/e Nm"sAlB command line utilit"< w/ic/ ma" be used to confi%ure t/e database and t/e user account to be used b" DiskBoss.

4n order to confi%ure t/e M"S5L database< open t/e command prompt window and t"pe t/e followin% commandJ 2%sRl Cu root C"

2/is command will start t/e Nm"sAlB command line utilit" and lo%in to t/e M"S5L ser6er wit/ root permissions. 2/e user will be asked to pro6ide t/e root password< w/ic/ was specified durin% t/e M"S5L ser6er installation procedure. ,nce lo%%ed in< t/e user needs to create a database t/at will be used b" DiskBoss to store disk space anal"sis reports. 4n order to do t/at< t"pe t/e followin% commandJ create data5ase dis 5ossS

8ow< add a user account t/at will be used b" DiskBoss to submit reports to t/e database. Sin%le Auotes are reAuired and s/ould be specified exactl" as displa"ed. create user Fdis 5ossGOGlocal/ostG identi(ied 5% F"asswordGS

8ow< %rant permissions to t/e user account usin% t/e followin% commandJ -rant all "rivile-es on T.T to Fdis 5ossGOGlocal/ostGS

Finall"< flus/ user pri6ile%es usin% t/e followin% command. (lus/ "rivile-esS

2/atBs all. 8ow t/e M"S5L ser6er is full" confi%ured. 4n order to disconnect from t/e M"S5L database< Gust t"pe NRuitB in t/e command window.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


'on(i-urin- M%!:8 OD,' Data !ource

DiskBoss connects to t/e M"S5L database t/rou%/ t/e ,DB$ interface. Download an appropriate 6ersion of t/e M"S5L ,DB$ connector from t/e M"S5L web site and execute t/e setup pro%ram. 2/ere are no critical confi%uration options in t/e M"S5L ,DB$ connector installation procedure and t/e user can Gust press t/e N8extB button until t/e last pa%e keepin% t/e default confi%uration options.

!fter finis/ed installin% M"S5L ,DB$ $onnector< open t/e 3indows control panel and select N!dministrati6e 2ools @ Data Sources E,DB$FB. ,n t/e ,DB$ !dministrator window< select t/e NS"stem DS8B tab and press t/e N!ddB button. ,n t/e next pa%e< select t/e NM"S5L ,DB$ Dri6erB and press t/e NFinis/B button.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.

,n t/e next pa%e< enter a new data source name< w/ic/ will be used b" DiskBoss to connect to t/e database. Specif" t/e name of t/e /ost w/ere t/e M"S5L ser6er is runnin% on and enter t/e M"S5L user name and password t/at s/ould be used b" DiskBoss to connect to t/e database. Finall"< select t/e name of t/e database t/at s/ould be used to store disk space anal"sis reports. !fter finis/ed specif"in% all t/e reAuired information< press t/e N2estB button to c/eck t/e database connection.


'on(i-urin- Dis ,oss Data5ase 'onnection

4n order to confi%ure DiskBoss to use t/e installed M"S5L database< open t/e options dialo% and select t/e NDatabaseB tab. ;nable t/e ,DB$ interface and enter t/e name of t/e ,DB$ data source< t/e database user name and password t/at were specified for t/e ,DB$ data source. Finall"< press t/e N:erif"B button to c/eck t/e DiskBoss database connection.


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


!u""orted O"eratin- !%ste2s

!u""orted 32+,it O"eratin- !%ste2s 3indows 3indows 3indows 3indows 3indows 3indows 3indows 3indows 2--?7 :ista # & Ser6er 2--' Ser6er 2--& Ser6er 2-12

!u""orted 64+,it O"eratin- !%ste2s 3indows 3indows 3indows 3indows 3indows 3indows 3indows ?7 0)+Bit :ista 0)+Bit # 0)+Bit & 0)+Bit Ser6er 2--' 0)+Bit Ser6er 2--& 0)+Bit Ser6er 2-12 0)+Bit


!%ste2 *eRuire2ents

Mini2al !%ste2 *eRuire2ents 1 >1 or better $7U .12 MB of s"stem memor" 2. MB of free disk space

*eco22ended !%ste2 *eRuire2ents 2 >1 dual+core or better $7U 1 >B of s"stem memor" 2. MB of free disk space

Ulti2ate !%ste2 *eRuire2ents 2 >1 Auad+core or better $7U 2 >B or more of s"stem memor" >i%abit ;t/ernet or Fibre $/annel link to t/e stora%e de6ice 2. MB of free disk space


DiskBoss User Manual

Flexense Ltd.


De(ault ?e%5oard !/ortcuts

!ll ke"board s/ortcuts are full" customi able and ma" be c/an%ed on t/e DiskBoss options dialo%. 4n addition< t/e user is pro6ided wit/ t/e abilit" to define custom ke"board s/ortcuts for file s"stem location bookmarks and Gump to an" director" in a sin%le ke" press. ?e%5oard !/ortcut
;S$ 1,M; ;8D U7< L;F2 D,38< *4>12 ;82;*< *;2U*8 F1 F2 F' F) F. F0 F# F& F( F1F12 $2*L I ! $2*L I U< Backspace $2*L I B $2*L I 2 $2*L I $ $2*L I ? $2*L I : $2*L I , $2*L I 7 $2*L I * $2*L I 8 D;L

$lears current selection Selects t/e first item in t/e main 6iew Selects t/e last item in t/e main 6iew Selects t/e pre6ious item in t/e main 6iew Selects t/e next item in t/e main 6iew ,pens director" or file ,pens online /elp 8a6i%ates to t/e $omputer 1ome Starts searc/ Starts file or%ani in% Starts file classification Starts stora%e utili ation anal"sis Starts duplicate files searc/ Starts disk clean+up operation Starts $op"+2o operation Starts Mo6e+2o operation ,pens !d6anced $ommands Mana%ement Dialo% EUltimate ,nl"F Selects all items in t/e main 6iew 8a6i%ates to t/e parent location E>o UpF Bookmarks t/e current location ,pens a terminal window $opies t/e current selection $uts t/e current selection Starts a cop" or mo6e operation E!fter $2*L W $ or $2*L W ?F ,pen Selected File 3it/ O ,pen t/e file properties dialo% *efres/ t/e current 6iew *ename t/e currentl" selected file or director" Starts delete operation


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