Draft Agenda 26 November 2013 - PDF

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Mainstreaming Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon2020

Phase 1: Active and Healthy Ageing

Date: 26 November 2013 Venue: Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to the EU, 227 Rue de la Loi, Brussels

Introduction Welsh Higher Education Brussels (WHEB) alongside the Allianza4Universidades (A4U) are planning for a series of events within the Universities sub-group of the ERRIN Innovation Funding working group which will focus on the integration and mainstreaming of social sciences in Horizon2020. A core part of this activity will be investigating how Social Scientists can work with their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) colleagues to build successful consortia. The first of these workshops will focus on Active and Healthy Ageing. It will provide an opportunity for STEM and SSH researchers to come together to discuss best practice and potential collaborations in this area. Objectives Understanding the Commissions take on mainstreaming in H2020 through discussion with the relevant unit A platform for brokerage/networking Learning from best practice Understanding researchers needs in terms of support for H2020 Registration Potential participants, including researchers keen to present project ideas, can register via the ERRIN website. Please click on the following link: http://errin.eu/content/mainstreaming-social-sciences-and-humanities-and-stem-horizon2020#overlay-context=content/mainstreaming-social-sciences-and-humanities-and-stemhorizon-2020 The deadline for registration is the 20 November. Contact For further information, please contact Gwen Edwards at Welsh Higher Education Brussels (WHEB): gwe12@aber.ac.uk

Draft Agenda 10:00 Welcome, Richard Tuffs Director, ERRIN Introduction Vice Chancellor for Research, Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona or Universitat Pompeu Fabra (TBC) Mainstreaming Social Sciences in H2020, Tom-Espen Moller Social Sciences and Humanities unit, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission Open debate Coffee break Best practice: Collaborating to conquer obesity, Peter Brker Nielsen Project Manager, University of Copenhagen UNIK Food, Fitness & Pharma Presentations by STEM and SSH Researchers Networking lunch @ Wales House, 11 Rond Point Schuman Presentations by STEM and SSH Researchers Networking Coffee Break out session: What lessons can you take from past experiences of multi-disciplinary collaboration? What would be useful in terms of support for cross-disciplinary projects going forward? Reporting back Active and Healthy Ageing in H2020 (TBC) Public Health unit, DG Research, European Commission Wrap up and Closure



10.50 11:20 11.45

12.15 13:20 14.30 15:30





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