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[NOT FOR CIRCULATION WITHOUT PERMISSION] A Systematic Review1 o t!e Evi"e#ce $ase o% E#e%&y Psyc!o'o&y Met!

[ %om Psyc!oa#a'ytic E#e%&y Psyc!ot!e%a)y( $y P!i' Mo''o#( To *e )+*'is!e" *y ,a%#ac- Lo#"o#( .//0(]

In this review, studies of all varieties of meridian-tapping and somatosensory stimulation that are used to disrupt dysfunctional cognitiveemotional patterns are outlined. However, there are a number of differing theories and hypotheses about the mechanisms underlying the observed therapeutic effects and, indeed, different methods may operate through slightly different, albeit related, processes. These competing hypotheses are a matter of ongoing debate and research. S+mma%y T!o+&!t Fie'" T!e%a)y 1TFT2 is *ase" o# 3%( Ro&e% Ca''a!a#4s o*se%vatio# t!at w!e# )a%tic+'a% se5+e#ces o ac+)%ess+%e )oi#ts a%e ta))e" a# associate" a#6iety o% ot!e% )syc!o'o&ica' "ist%ess is e'imi#ate"7 t!e %oots o t!is "iscove%y 'ay wit!i# t!e ie'" o A))'ie" ,i#esio'o&y( Emotio#a' F%ee"om Tec!#i5+es 1EFT2- a "e%ivative o TFT- is a wi"e'y +se" met!o" o %a)i" emotio#a' "ese#sitisatio#- wit! simi'a%ities to EM3R- w!ic! a'so co#tai#s a ta))i#& )%oce"+%e( Ma#y EM3R )%actitio#e%s i#co%)o%ate EFT a#" %e'ate" met!o"s i#to t!ei% wo%8( A'' t!e com)o#e#ts o EFT a%e o+#" i# ot!e% wi"e'y +se" )syc!o'o&ica' met!o"s( T!e mo"es o actio# o EFT a#" TFT- a't!o+&! %e'ate"- may *e somew!at "i e%e#t( I# a""itio# to TFT a#" EFT- t!e%e a%e ma#y ot!e% a))%oac!es wit!i# t!e *%oa" ie'" o e#e%&y )syc!o'o&y( Li8e ot!e% co&#itive- *e!avio+%a'- a#" )syc!o"y#amic met!o"sEFT i#vo'ves c'ose a#" "etai'e" atte#tio# to t!e t!o+&!ts w!ic! &ive %ise to "ys +#ctio#a' emotio#s a#" *e!avio+%( $y co#t%astTFT see8s mo%e )%ecise'y t!e e#co"i#& o t!e )syc!o'o&ica' )%o*'em i# t!e e#e%&y ie'" o t!e *o"y( T!ese may *e co#si"e%e" com)'eme#ta%y em)!ases(

TFT- EFT- a#" %e'ate" met!o"s- a%e easi'y 'ea%#e" *y c'ie#ts as sim)'e se' 9!e') too's o a ect %e&+'atio#( Fo% *est %es+'ts wit! com)'e6 me#ta' !ea't! )%o*'ems- TFT a#" EFT s!o+'" *e i#co%)o%ate" wit!i# a wi"e% t!e%a)e+tic %amewo%8 +si#& co&#itive a#" *e!avio+%a' )%i#ci)'es( TFT a#" its "e%ivatives !ave *ee# +se" o% .: yea%s ; wit! m+c! c'i#ica' 8#ow'e"&e acc+m+'ate" "+%i#& t!is time( Evi"e#ce o% t!e e icacy a#" c'i#ica' e ective#ess o TFTEFT- a#" %e'ate" met!o"s i#c'+"es t!e o''owi#&< T!o+sa#"s o *%ie case st+"ies Systematic c'i#ica' o*se%vatio# st+"ies Ra#"omise" co#t%o''e" st+"ies $%ai# sca# "ata St+"ies o e ects o# Hea%t Rate =a%ia*i'ity

Fie'" st+"ies o t%eatme#t o PTS3 i# "isaste% a%eas A+"io9vis+a' %eco%"i#&s s!owi#& *e!avio+%a' c!a#&e( A 'a%&e 1> yea% a+"it i# So+t! Ame%ica- i#co%)o%ati#& #+me%o+s %a#"omise"- co#t%o''e"- "o+*'e *'i#" t%ia's( U#co#t%o''e" )i'ot st+"ies

Ra#"omise" co#t%o''e" t%ia's !ave "emo#st%ate" t!e e TFT a#" EFT- mai#tai#e" at o''ow9+) mo#t!s 'ate%(

icacy o

=a%io+s +#co#t%o''e" c'i#ica' st+"ies %e)o%t &oo" %es+'ts o% TFT- EFT- a#" %e'ate" met!o"s wit! a va%iety o c'i#ica' )%o*'ems(

A 'a%&e sca'e 1> yea% a+"it- i#co%)o%ati#& "o+*'e *'i#" t%ia's- i# So+t! Ame%ica- )%ovi"es st%o#& s+))o%t o% t!e e ective#ess o TFT?EFT ty)e o met!o"s- s+&&esti#& t!ei% s+)e%io%ity ove% ot!e% co&#itive *e!avio+%a' a#" me"icatio# t%eatme#ts( It is co#c'+"e" t!at t!e%e is a m+c! &%eate% %esea%c! evi"e#ce9*ase o% e#e%&y )syc!o'o&y met!o"s t!a# o% most ot!e% i#te%ve#tio#s wit!i# me#ta' !ea't! se%vices(

W!at a%e TFT a#" EFT@ Thought ield Therapy is derived from !pplied "inesiology, and is based on observations of the encoding of emotional distress in the energy fields of the body. #motional reedom Techni$ues, a derivative of T T, is a constellation of procedures for rapid desensitisation%relief of emotional distress. These include e&posure, desensitisation through tapping on the body, and cognitive restructuring%reframing. There are clear similarities with the procedures of #ye 'ovement (esensitisation and )eprocessing *#'()+1, but without the ha,ards of the latter- tapping .which is also used at times in #'()/ is less eliciting of emotional material than eye movements .0maha, 2112/. 3oth #'() and # T appear to disrupt the repetitive 4looping5 of cognition, image, and emotion that are present in psychopathological states thereby allowing a rapid shift towards more positive states and new perspectives on life situations. 'any #'() therapists incorporate # T into their practice since they combine very well .Hartung 6 7alvin, 2118- 'ollon, 2119/. # T is the most widely used of a family of therapeutic approaches sometimes called 4energy psychology5 but theoretical positions that do not rely on assumptions about an energy system have also been proposed to account for the observed effects of somato-sensory stimulation. In clinical practice, # T and related methods are combined with, or embedded within, other psychological therapies. :i;e #'() - it is #ot a Asta#"a'o#e4 t!e%a)y, but is to be used by psychological clinicians within their overall field of competence. # T is a simplification of more comple& procedures from which it is derived. This simplification ma;es it easily learned by clients.

#'(), once considered a strange procedure, is now the most highly researched treatment for trauma, is well established as an immensely useful method, and features in the <I=# guidelines for treatment of >T?(.

T!e TFT )%oce"+%e( 1. The client is as;ed to thin; about the problem, whilst he or she taps a se$uence of meridian points. These se$uences may be either the regularly occurring 4algorithms5, or more individual meridian codings found through muscle testing. 2. =hec;s may be carried out, using muscle testing, to ascertain resistances within the energy system to releasing the perturbations generating the distress. If found these are corrected, using an energy tapping procedure. 8. The procedure is followed until the sub@ective distress drops to ,ero. This may also be confirmed by muscle testing. 2. If the distress does not rapidly drop, muscle testing may be used to identify energetic factors that may be interfering- these factors may include substances and foods that may function as 4individual energy to&ins5. EFT )%oce"+%e ?uccinctly put, the method involves the followingA 1. a target image or memory is identified, which evo;es an&iety or other distressing emotion2. this is dissected into its various components or aspects which might be cognitive, affective, sensory, imaginal, or temporal8. the client is as;ed to thin; of these whilst a desensitisation procedure is followed, involving tapping on the body .the client tapping on his or her own body/2. the tapping appears to disrupt the previous patterning of cognitiveemotional response, inducing a dissipation of distress9. the tapping is accompanied by a statement of self-acceptance in relation to the target problem .which reduces a common tendency to resist the desensitisation/B. sometimes additional levels of resistance to desensitisation are identified- these ta;e the form of meta-beliefs .Cells, 2111/ or meta-motives that lead the person to believe that recovery from the emotional problem is dangerous in some way. D. tapping may, at certain points in the process, be accompanied by eye movements, humming and counting .a constellation of multisensory activities which further disrupts the previous cognitive-emotional patterning/ a procedure ;nown as the 4E gamut5. F. the tapping is continued until sub@ective distress is eliminatedE. another aspect of the target problem may then be addressed.

11. the wor; is continued until all cognitive and emotional aspects of the target problem have been resolved. 11. ?ingle traumas and an&ieties may be targeted. In addition, by wor;ing systematically through a range of ;ey instances of a networ; of thematically related memories, the emotional charge can be ta;en out of a significant areas of personality impairment .for e&ample, a range of e&periences underpinning low selfesteem/. The practitioner closely monitors the client5s progress from moment to moment, by careful observation and by as;ing the client to provide ratings of the ?ub@ective Gnits of (isturbance *?G(s+. This feedbac; is used to guide the process. TFT a#" EFT "o #ot %et%a+matise These methods may be used by s;illed psychological therapists who are able to trac; the client5s progress through the layers of an&ieties, dysfunctional cognitions, and traumatic memories. They may also be readily employed by the client as a simple stress-relief and affectregulation tool. The methods do not re$uire the client to relive emotional trauma nor re$uire him or her to tal; in detail about the e&perience. This is a considerable advantage in wor;ing with traumatised patients who may become overwhelmed by simply tal;ing of the traumatic e&perience. !dverse reactions appear e&tremely rare. TFT a#" EFT may *e com*i#e" wit! ot!e% met!o"s T T and # T may readily be combined with other psychological methods, including other cognitive-behavioural strategies. In clinical practice the actual tapping procedure is li;ely to be embedded within much more activity of a conventional verbal cognitive or psychoanalytic .or other/ nature. Through the ordinary discourse of psychotherapy, the practitioner will identify the affective, cognitive, and psychodynamic areas to target with T T or # T. or e&ample, most of a psychotherapy session may consist of verbal en$uiry and e&ploration, with T T%# T ta;ing up the last few minutes after the crucial issues have been clarified and understood. 0n the other hand, it is possible to wor; more freeassociatively with 4tapping and tal;ing5 since the process appears to allow a more free emergence of psychological material.

TFT a#" EFT !e') to %e"+ce states o *ei#& emotio#a''y ove%w!e'me" Those clinicians who combine T T%# T with #'() tend to use eye movements if there is a need to elicit cognitive-emotional material and to use tapping methods if the client is li;ely to become emotionally overwhelmed .Hartung 6 7alvin, 2118- 'ollon, 2119- 0maha, 2112/. The $ualities of being soothing and non-eliciting of emotional intensity ma;e T T%# T ideal as a self-help tool for affect regulation, as outlined in popular boo;s such as :ynch and :ynch .2111/. $e#e its o TFT a#" EFT The benefits of T T and # T, as commonly reported by its practitioners, are thatA 1. It is often highly effective. 2. It is often e&tremely rapid in its effects. 8. >atients report immediate benefit in terms of relief from emotional distress 2. It does not re$uire the patient to relive trauma with depth and intensity. 9. In general, it does not cause distress to the client. B. =lients often li;e to use the method on their own and report benefit in doing so. D. It can be used both as a simple stress relief method and as part of comple& psychological therapy. F. It can be combined with other psychological therapies. T!e "i e%e#t 'eve's o evi"e#ce ! range of different ;inds of evidence may be relevant in evaluating a therapeutic approach. !t the most basic level, case studies and anecdotal reports are crucial. ?ystematic observation, involving gathering data from routine clinical practice is another form of evidence. This may sometimes be thought of as 4practice-based evidence5 often an important balance to the evidence provided by trials in more refined and restrictive research settings .3ar;ham 6 'ellor-=lar;, 2111/. Tests of efficacy, involving good research design, help to demonstrate that the therapy actually does something beyond a placebo effect. :arge scale randomised controlled trials may compare the effectiveness of different therapeutic modalities on clinical problems. 'ost treatments within mental health services are not based on the latter form of evidence. Case st+"ies a#" a#ec"ota' %e)o%ts

There is a great deal of evidence of this nature. Cor;shops, special interest groups, and conferences, within the G" and the G?!, are one source of clinical reports and discussion of cases. The hundreds of brief case e&amples, with discussion, on the website have already been mentioned. Criting within the auspices of the !ssociation for =omprehensive #nergy >sychology .!=#>/, (r. (avid einstein commentsA H#stimates based on informal interviews by the author with a sampling of the I *association5s+ I members are that more than 9111 4stri;ingly effective5 cases .more rapid and more favourable outcomes than the therapist would have predicted had standard treatments for the conditions been employed/ are documented in the membership5s clinical recordsJ. * einstein 2119+ In a later paper, he adds that in general energy psychology methods are Hbac;ed by more than thirty thousand documented casesJ. * einstein 211D+. !s well as the clinical accounts in the present boo;, there are also a number of other te&ts with case e&amples and discussion .e.g. =onnolly, 2112- (iepold, 3ritt 6 3ender, 2112- 7allo, 1EEE- 2112- Hartung 6 7alvin, 2118- 'ollon, 2119- Kuinn 2112/. ! detailed personal account is provided by ?chaefer .2112/.

E6am)'es o cases %om t!e www(emo %ee(com we*site

'any of the cases reported on 7ary =raig5s website are interesting and persuasive. or e&ample, 'air :lewellyn gives an account of a single session treatment of depression in a young man in his early twenties. Initially his voice was flat and his face e&pressionless. He was very unhappy because he had split up from his girlfriend and was also worried about his @ob. Chen as;ed about his family and childhood, his emotions began to emerge and he agreed to tap whilst they continued tal;ing. He tal;ed of his feeling of powerlessness as a child and about his parents continually arguing. He mentioned a time when his mother had left and how frightened he felt. It seemed he had felt he was to blame, that he was unlovable. !s he continued tapping, the sadness cleared and he began tal;ing with new insight and clarity. ?he $uotes him as followsA HIt wasn5t my fault about (ad and 'um arguing, as I was only a little ;id, too young to be responsible. <o wonder I felt insecure throughout my relationships, and devastated when they failed. !ll my life I have been frightened and sad about life. <ow for the very first time I feel as if the clouds have lifted and the sun is shining I That5s a strange feeling given

that the girl I love has left me and my @ob is coming to an end, but that is actually how I feel I I won5t need to feel those sad feelings ever againJ This remar;able shift in mood and cognition, with real mutative insight, came about simply through tal;ing and tapping in a single session. 7ary =raig commentsA HThis cognitive shift is one of the most fascinating features of the tapping procedures. :iteral belief changes happen behind the scenes and clients see the whole scenario through a different set of glasses .beliefs/. It often ta;es years .sometimes decades/ of tal; therapy or other conventional procedures to arrive at this enviable healing place. Cith # T it is often simultaneous. This feature is so important that I often use it as evidence that # T has been successful. In a way it is the ultimate evidence.J;.htm =arol ?olomon presents a case of a corporate e&ecutive who became afraid to fly in the months following E%11, saying that he had watched too much news coverage. He had a history of panic attac;s prior to this. His worst fear was of e&periencing another panic attac;. (r. ?olomon identified a large number of aspects of her client5s an&iety, each of which was addressed using a specific tapping statement. ?he incorporated 4choices5 phrasing into some of these. Thus, for the general anticipatory an&iety, she invited him to tap using a number of statements such asA H#ven though I get an&ious @ust thin;ing about the plane flight I #ven though I am afraid of having another panic attac; IJ - then interweaving these also with positive choices statements such asA H#ven though I am worried about the flight, I choose to ;now I can calm myselfJ and H#ven though I am not certain how things will go, I choose to let it be fun and easy.J or specific fears, she suggested phrasing such asA H#ven though I am afraid I won5t be able to breathe IJ and H#ven though I am terrified to get on the plane IJ, then with choices statements such asA H#ven though I am afraid of suffocating, I choose to ;now there is plenty of air and I can breathe freelyJ and H#ven though une&pected things can happen, I choose to stay rela&ed and confident.J. or physical symptoms, the phrases includedA H#ven though my chest and gut feel tight%my palms are sweaty%I feel li;e I can5t breatheJ. There was considerable general improvement through wor;ing on these aspects, but some element of the problem remained. Therefore (r. ?olomon as;ed if there might have been events in childhood during which he might have had similar feelings. He spo;e of times when his older brother would pin him down under the bed covers, and he would be in a state of complete panic, feeling that he could not breathe or move and that he was what he called 4enveloped5. # T

then continued with phrases includingA H#ven though I felt panic;ed and had to get out I #ven though I felt enveloped I #ven though I couldn5t breatheJ etc. but then shifting to the possibility of letting go of the anger at his brotherA H#ven though I was terrified and afraid I would never get out, I am open to the possibility of forgiving my brother.J Cor; on these issues covered several months, reducing his an&iety to ,ero. our and a half years later, the client reported that he regularly flies, with no an&iety at all.>anic-an&iety%E11-an&iety.htm These two cases were selected at random, with little searching, from the archives on the website. There is an inherent plausibility to the accounts because the underlying structure of the problem is unravelled in the course of the treatment. There are thousands of such e&amples, succinctly described. The sheer weight of numbers of clinical anecdotes is a powerful indication of the efficacy and value of the method.

Systematic c'i#ica' "emo#st%atio# met!o"o'o&y(

The 1EE2 4!ctive Ingredient >ro@ect5 lorida ?tate Gniversity. *reported in =arbonell and igley, 1EEE+.

T!is st+"y "emo#st%ate" t!e e icacy o T!o+&!t Fie'" T!e%a)y%om w!ic! EFT was "e%ive"(
Trauma researcher (r =harles igley and colleagues were concerned in the early 1EE1s at the apparent absence of effective and efficient psychological therapies for treating trauma treatments that were much in need for the many veterans of the Lietnam war. or e&ample, a 1EE2 meta-analysis of all published studies .?olomon et al./ found that no treatment approach reported even a partial success rate greater than 21M after 81 hours of treatment and ?eligman .1EE2/ noted that only 4marginal5 relief is possible for those diagnosed with >T?(A H*there are+ I almost no cures. 0f all the disorders we have reviewed, >T?( is the least alleviated by therapy of any sort. I believe that the development of new treatments to relieve >T?( is of the highest priority.J .?eligman 1EE2, p 122/. 'oreover, patients would find that spea;ing of their trauma was difficult and would cause as much suffering as the original trauma, often without E

any relief from doing so. !gainst this blea; bac;ground, igley and colleagues established a programme to e&amine and evaluate innovative methods of treating traumatic stress. They chose to use a 4systematic clinical demonstration methodology5 .=arbonell 6 igley 1EEB- :iberman 6 >hipps 1EFD/ essentially small scale measures of efficacy. In order to select 4innovative and promising methods of treating symptoms of post-traumatic stress5, a survey was sent to 11.111 members of an Internet consortium of therapists, as;ing them to nominate treatments that were e&tremely efficient and could be observed under laboratory conditions. In addition, the authors contacted hundreds of clinicians to solicit treatment nominations. !n advisory board of traumatologists then e&amined nominated treatments to select some for further investigation. our promising approaches were identified, each of which were in clinical use but at the time had a paucity of research e&amining their effectiveness. These wereA Traumatic Incident )eduction .a ;ind of focused )ogerian counselling/- Lisual "inesthetic (issociation .an <:> strategy/- #'()- and Thought ield Therapy .the precursor of # T/. =arbonell and igley .1EEE/ add H0ther approaches were noted, such as various e&posure-based, behavioural and cognitive treatments.J The innovators of each of these four approaches were invited to send a treatment team to the research laboratory for D-F days and to treat clients under conditions of the research design. Two symposia were held for each of the treatment approaches, with discussion by clinicians and researchers, both of the method .its history, theory, procedure, indicators of success, re$uirements for training etc/ and the outcomes of the therapy. #ach patient was identified as having a trauma history and symptoms of traumatic stress. They were all given the 3rief ?ymptom Inventory, before and B months after treatment a 98 item self-report inventory with ratings of distress on a 9 point scale, which is ;nown to be sensitive to change. The Impact of #vents ?cale and the ?ub@ective Gnits of (isturbance ratings were also used. >articipants were also as;ed to ;eep a diary of ratings on a daily basis for the ne&t B months. The length of each session was determined by the therapist, but the research design limited the therapy to one wee;. The length of each session varied from 2 hours for the Traumatic Incident )ecall, to 21 minutes for Thought ield Therapy. The average duration of treatment


per client, in minutes was 292 for TI), 118 for L"%(, 1D2 for #'(), and B8 for T T. Res+'ts !ll four treatments produced a drop in scores. or reasons of variation amongst the levels of severity of symptoms of the patients in the four groups, as well as the relatively small numbers of sub@ects, the study could not be ta;en as a comparative measure of effectiveness. However, the authors note in relation to the ?G( scoresA H<onetheless, it appears that #'() and T T produced the largest drop in scores.J There are two further points suggestive of the value of T T. irst, the treatment time was shortest for T T .average B8 minutes, compared to 1D2 minutes for #'()/. although further randomised controlled studies are needed before this can be ta;en as reliable comparison. ?econd, the T T team treated all 12 patient assigned to them. 3y contrast, the #'() team agreed to treat only B of the 19 sub@ects assigned to them on the grounds that most were considered inappropriate for the treatment or would need more therapy before commencing #'(). =arbonell and igley .1EEE/ speculate about the common factors in all four of these successful therapies and focus on the simultaneous e&posure to the traumatic memory and the reduction in distress. H#ssentially, in all of the approaches, the trauma is recalled in the presence of rela&ation .or if not rela&ation, the absence of stress/ and thus is not 4re-lived5 as it is remembered because the negative affect associated with the trauma is not re-e&perienced with the memory of the eventJ. =ommenting further on this pro@ect, in a foreword to 7allo .1EEE/, =harles igley writesA or the last four years we have investigated a large number of treatment approaches that purport to cure these trauma-based problems. !mong the most e&citing and different treatment approaches we studied was Thought ield Therapy. #&citing because the treatment was simple, fast, harmless, and easy to teach both clients and clinicians. It was different because little tal;ing was involved. I The directions involved tapping I while performing other activities such as certain eye movements, humming and counting. I must say we found the procedure very peculiar.


0ur investigations showed that this method wor;ed dramatically and permanently to eliminate psychologically based distress in a substantial number of people. Ce have shared our findings with colleagues I and continue to be confident that such therapy does succeed in counterconditioning, similar to cognitive-behavioural methodsJ. *viii+.

Two %a#"omise" co#t%o''e" "emo#st%atio#s o e


T!e st+"y o EFT *y We''s a#" co''ea&+es 1.//B2( The first randomised and controlled study of # T, is that by Cells et al. .2118/. >articipants with phobias of small animals - such as spiders, rodents, or coc;roaches were randomly assigned to two groups. 0ne group received a 81 minute treatment with # T *n 1F+. The other received training in a procedure called diaphragmatic breathing *n 1D+, which has been shown to produce physiological changes consistent with deep-rela&ation .:ehrer et al. 1EEE/. Thus, the control group treatment did contain active ingredients li;ely to induce rela&ation and therefore li;ely to facilitate desensitisation. 'oreover, the deep-breathing condition was designed to parallel as closely as possible the # T condition. Chilst the # T group tapped on the meridian points, repeating the reminder phrase .e.g. Hthis fear of spidersJ/ at each point, the deepbreathing group was as;ed to repeat this phrase between each breath. #ach emotional aspect of the problem was addressed with 4rounds5 of deep-breathing, paralleling the rounds of meridian tapping with # T. :evels of fear were assessed by ta;ing ?G(s at different stages of a 3ehavioural !pproach Tas; .3!T/. The 3!T involved F points at progressively distances nearer to the feared animal. ! further measure was how far the participant could tolerate approaching the animal on the 3!T. ollow-up measures were ta;en B months or more later. The results were that the # T treatment produced significantly greater improvement than did the deep-breathing condition, as measured behaviourally and on self-report measures. The improvement was found to be largely sustained at follow-up. The significance of this study is that it contained a control condition for comparison, and it was randomised thus meeting the highest research standards. The choice of a control condition that mimic;ed the procedure of # T in all details e&cept for *a+ the use of a self-acceptance statement, and *b+ tapping on the meridian points, suggests that the effective factors did have something to do with the ingredients specific 12

to # T. ?ince deep-breathing does induce rela&ation, the superiority of the # T condition must be due to more than induction of an ordinary rela&ation response. 11 additional participants were also assigned to an # T group treatment. ?imilar improvements to the individual treatment condition were found. $a8e% C Sie&e' .//:( A )a%tia' %e)'icatio# a#" e6te#sio# o t!e We''s et a'( st+"y( ACa# a >: mi#+te sessio# o EFT 'ea" to a %e"+ctio# o i#te#se ea% o %ats- s)i"e%s a#" wate% *+&s@4( This study is contrasted with that of Cells et al 2118. In addition to the # T condition, 3a;er and ?iegel inserted a no-treatment control condition. or the other comparison condition they used a supportive interview similar to )ogerian nondirective counselling. Thus there were three groups. The results supported the Cells study. >articipants improved significantly in their pre-post test ability to wal; closer to a feared animal after # T, whilst the other two conditions showed no improvement. The # T group showed significant decreases on the ?G(s measure of fear, and on the ear Kuestionnaire, as well as on a new $uestionnaire designed for the study. >articipants in the other two conditions *no treatment, and the supportive interview+ showed no decrease in fear on these sub@ective measures. 'easures of heart rate showed a large but e$ual change for each condition thus indicating that rela&ation alone is not the active ingredient. ! chec; for the influence of suggestion was included. The participants were told which of the three conditions they would be assigned to and were as;ed to rate the degree to which they e&pected this described condition to help reduce their fear. The # T and ?upportive Interview participants did not differ significantly in their mean e&pectation scores but despite these e$ual e&pectations, they did differ mar;edly in outcome, with # T showing superior results. >articipants in the no treatment group .sitting and reading for 29 minutes/ did not thin; this condition would reduce their an&iety. (espite the e&pectation of improvement in the ?upportive Interview condition, these participants did no better than the no treatment group2.


! follow-up was conducted of participants 1.2 months after the original testing. 0n most measures the significant effects of one sessions of # T held up and remained superior to that of the two comparison conditions. (r. >atricia =arrington reports on a series of studies planned or in progress, building upon these studies, by one of the co-authors, (r. Harvey 3a;er, and colleagues T.html/A *1+ a controlled study in a clinical setting, comparing # T with two control groups- this will involve three groups, an # T treatment group, a psychoeducational intervention group, and a no treatment group receiving only medication- *2+ a comparison of # T and a sham variant .no true acupoints being tapped/ e&amining the effect on maths an&iety- *8+ a study of the effect of # T versus two control conditions on bas;et ball s;ill- *2+ a study of the effect of # T on alcohol addiction in a small village in India- *9+ a comparison of # T using the standard tapping points with a version using tapping on other body locations- a study of the effect of # T on fears of public spea;ing, using a virtual reality programme to test this.

Ot!e% co#t%o''e" st+"ies

EFT com)a%e" wit! P%o&%essive M+sc'e Re'a6atio# [SeD&i# C ODca# .//>]( 82 students in Tur;ey were treated for test an&iety in relation to the university entrance e&am. #ach half of the group was given a lecture on the modality to be used, either # T or muscle rela&ation, and were given instructions on how to apply these. The groups were as;ed to carry out the modalities three times a wee; for two months, particularly when feeling an&ious about the e&am. Chilst both groups showed a decrease in an&iety, measured on the Test !n&iety Inventory, the decrease with # T was significantly greater than that in the progressive muscle rela&ation group .p N .19/. E%o+) t%eatme#t wit! EFT( [Rowe- .//:] 112 individuals were treated with # T, modified for a group, and showed highly significant improvement .p .1119/ on a test of psychological stress. These improvements held up at B month follow-up. ! within-sub@ects design used the sub@ects as their own controls. The (erogatis ?ymptom =hec;list-E1 .?=:-E1-) ?! 29 short form/ was given one month prior to the wor;shop, immediately prior, immediately after, one month after, and 12

si& months after. ?cores showed a decrease in the chec;list5s global measure of distress, as well as on all nine subscales and held up at si& month follow-up .p N .1119/. =a%io+s o%ms o ta))i#& [Waite C Ho'"e%- .//B] This randomised controlled study used 11E university students to investigate the impact of brief # T tapping for fears. Three treatment conditions were usedA *1* tapping on the twelve standard # T points, accompanied by the usual # T statements and the E gamut se$uence of eye movements, humming, and counting- *2+ tapping on twelve points not used in standard # T- *8+ tapping with the fingers on twelve points on a doll rather than on the sub@ect5s own body. ! no-treatment control group were given the tas; of ma;ing a toy out of paper. The tapping treatments were very short, involving @ust two rounds of the procedure. #ach tapping condition produced statistically highly significant drops in ?G( ratings of fear of 1F M, but there was no drop in ?G(s for the control group. This substantial drop in fear after @ust a couple of minutes of a tapping procedure is stri;ing and supports those who argue that it is the sensory stimulation of tapping rather than any connection with purported acupressure points that disrupts the fear response. TAT o% wei&!t 'oss( ! randomised and controlled study, at the =enter for Health )esearch, "aiser >ermanente in >ortland, provided support for the use of Tapas !cupressure Techni$ue as a helpful approach for maintaining weight loss. The aim of the study was to compare T!T with two other interventions for helping people maintain weight loss after they had successfully lost e&cess weight .at least 8.9 ;g/ on a behavioral program. T!T was compared with Kigong and ?elf-directed support .a simple cognitivebehavioral approach with advice and encouragement/. !ll three approaches involved 11 hours of instruction over a 12 wee; period. The outcome measure was weight gain. E2 adults were involved in the study. !fter three months, the group using T!T had not gained any weight, but the ?elf-(irected ?upport group gained an average of 1.89 ;g. !t B months the ?elf-(irected ?upport group had gained 1.9 ;g., but the T!T group had gained only 1.29 ;g. Kigong was found too difficult for the participants to practice, and this group gained the most weight of all. There were no adverse effects of T!T. The authors concludeA


OT!T was a feasible intervention, warranting further study as a potential weight maintenance intervention.O The research is published as 'ist et al. 2119 and also available atA 18aB1.htm

3octo%a' "isse%tatio#s "emo#st%ati#& e


*<3. (octoral dissertations, by their nature, are e&pected to be of a high academic standard and to be suitable for publication as peer reviewed literature+. Sc!o#i#&e% .//>( 2F individuals with public spea;ing an&iety were randomly assigned to a treatment group or a waiting list control group. They were then re$uired to give a speech in front of a small audience, followed by the administration of measures of an&iety *the =levenger and Halvorson ?pea;er !n&iety ?cale, and the ?peilberger Trait and ?tate !n&iety ?cale+ as well as self-report *?G( ratings+. <o significant differences between the groups were found prior to the treatment. The treatment group was given a single T T session focussed on public spea;ing. ollowing this, they gave another speech in front of an audience. ?cores on the three measures were significantly lower compared to pretreatment scores .at the .111 level/. 3y contrast, the an&iety scores for the control group after giving a second speech .following a two wee; delay/ increased slightly. This waiting list group was then given a T T session, producing improved scores similar to those of the original treatment group. >articipants in the study showed decreased shyness, confusion, physiological activity, and post-speech an&iety, as well as increased poise and interest in giving a future speech. These gains were retained at 2 month follow-up. 3a%*y .//1 9 #ee"'e )!o*ias( 21 patients who had been unable to receive necessary medical treatment because of intense needle phobia showed significant immediate improvement after one hour of T T and at one month follow-up. 'easures used were the Colpe and :ang ear ?urvey ?chedule and ?G( ratings. ?ignificance was at the .111 level Wa"e 1FF/ 9 )!o*ias a#" se' 9co#ce)t


This study investigated the effects of T T on an&iety and self-concept with 2F sub@ects with a phobia. The T T reduced the phobias substantially, as indicated by ?G( ratings, and significant improvement was found on standardised measures of self-acceptance, self-esteem, and self-congruency .the Tennessee ?elf =oncept ?cale and the ?elf =oncept #valuation of :ocation orm/. ! waiting list control group of 29 patients did not show any improvement. Sa'as .//1 ; s)eci ic )!o*ias 22 sub@ects were used as their own controls for a study of treatment of specific phobias, half receiving # T first, followed by (iaphragmatic 3reathing, the other half receiving (iaphragmatic 3reathing followed by # T. The 3ec; !n&iety Inventory, a modified 3ehavioural !voidance Test, and ?G( ratings were administered prior to treatment and after each treatment. # T produced a significant decrease of an&iety on all three measures regardless of whether it was the first or second treatment. 3y contrast, the (iaphragmatic 3reathing produced a significant drop in the ?G( ratings but not the other two measures, and only when it was the first treatment. Sc!+'D .//0( T!e%a)ists4 views o# i#te&%ati#& e#e%&y )syc!o'o&y i# wo%8 wit! s+%vivo%s o c!i'"!oo" se6+a' a*+se 12 psychologists in private practice were surveyed regarding their use of energy psychology with adult survivors of childhood se&ual abuse. 9 of these used energy psychology as their primary modality, whilst the other D combined it with tal; therapy, =3T, and%or #'(). !ll 12 therapists considered energy psychology methods to be the most effective treatment for the an&iety, panic, and phobias suffered by survivors of abuse, and also reported improved relationships, mood and self-esteem in these patients as a result of using energy psychology methods. 11 of the interviewees attributed decreases in the dissociative symptoms of their clients to energy psychology, with better self-care and less self-harming behaviours also being reported. 0ne therapist summarised the common e&perience as followsA H'y life and wor; have been enriched beyond measure I I have been able to help people in ways I never imagined possible. The speed and depth of change can be astonishing.J *?chul, 211Db+.

St+"ies i#c'+"i#& *%ai# sca# "ata

Swi#&'e- P+'os C Swi#&'e .//> 1D

Roa" T%a ic Acci"e#ts T%a+ma

This studied the effect of # T on E road traffic accident victims suffering from >T?(. # T was taught to the sub@ects in two sessions and they were given tapping home-wor;. Three months after this intervention the accident victims showed significant positive changes, both in brain scan measures and in self-reported symptoms of stress. 'easures used were the 3ec; (epression Inventory, the 3ec; !n&iety Inventory, ten anger items from the ?pielberger ?tate-Trait !n&iety Inventory, and a $uestionnaire to assess avoidance of driving or riding in vehicles. These were administered 11-22 days before treatment and again within D1 to 1B1 days following # T treatment. In addition an eyes-closed $##7 assessment of 1E brain locations was carried out. The ?G( ratings dropped significantly for all nine sub@ects .initial ?G( averaged F.8following treatment they averaged 2.9 .p N .111/ and a global reduction of symptoms was found at follow-ups, not all the gains held for 2 of the E sub@ects at follow-up. 3rain wave data showed differences between the five whose improvement held and the four whose did not. The latter showed increased arousal of the right frontal lobe, considered to be an indicator of depressed mood .p N .12/. 0n the other hand, the five who sustained improvements showed increased theta%beta ratio changes, following treatment, in the occipital region .an indicator of central nervous system $uiescence/ and increased theta%sensory motor rhythm amplitude over the sensory motor corte& .a measure of somatic $uiescence/. ! further interesting factor was that the four whose improvements were not sustained did not comply with the tapping homewor;. Swi#&'e ./// [co# e%e#ce )%ese#tatio#] Re"+ctio#s i# t!e %e5+e#cy o seiD+%es # T was used as a treatment for children with epilepsy. They were given # T by their parents whenever they thought a sei,ure might occur. ?wingle found significant reductions in fre$uency of sei,ures among these young children, as well as e&tensive improvement in their ##7 readings after two wee;s of daily in-home # T. Lam*%a+- P%att- C C!eva'ie% .//B( T%eatme#t o c'a+st%o)!o*ia 9 wit! *%ai# sca# "ata


our sub@ects suffering with claustrophobia were treated with T T in a thirty minute session and pre- and post-treatment ##7 readings were ta;en, along with physiological measures and ?G( ratings. These were compared with those of four non-phobic control sub@ects who were given a thirty minute rela&ation treatment. !ll sub@ects were as;ed to enter and remain in a small metal lined enclosure for as long as they could tolerate, up to 9 minutes. This was repeated after the T T or rela&ation treatment. The results were that although the claustrophobic sub@ects5 theta activity ##7 scores were higher than those of the control sub@ects .p N .111/, along with physiological and sub@ective measures, after the T T treatment these decreased to the same level as the non-phobic sub@ects. )educed an&iety remained at 2 wee; follow-up. 3ie)o'" C Eo'"stei# .///( TFT e at 1G mo#t!s ect o# 5EEE meas+%es mai#tai#e"

!n individual5s $##7 measures were ta;en before and after a T T session, and again at 1F month follow-up. Chen the sub@ect thought of the targeted personal trauma prior to the T T statistically abnormal brain-wave patterns were observed, but not when thin;ing of a neutral event. ollowing the T T, the brain waves were normal when thin;ing of the same trauma. This improvement held at 1F month follow-up. A#"%a"e a#" Fei#stei# ; "i&itise" EEE sca#s i# Ee#e%a'ise" A#6iety 3iso%"e% [www(i##e%so+%ce(#et] !n individual with 7eneralised !n&iety (isorder .7!(/ was studied with ##7 scans prior to T T treatment and again after 2, F, and 12 sessions. >atients with 7!( are ;nown to have distinctive brain wave ratio signatures .:ubar 2112/. Cith the T T treatment the symptoms of 7!( subsided and the ##7 patterns normalised. These images are posted on the website. Chen a group of scans of patients with 7!( who received T T were compared with a group who were treated only with medication, the T T group showed a normalisation whilst the medication group did not, even though both groups e&perienced a lessening of an&iety. These studies formed part of the large ?outh !merican audit.

Systematic c'i#ica' o*se%vatio#s wit! o+tcome "ata

Sa8ai et a'( .//1 1E

Ta))i#& met!o"s i# me"ica' a#" )syc!iat%ic se%vices

?even T T trained therapists applied T T to D12 patients at the "aiser 3ehavioral 'edicine ?ervices .with referrals from primary care/ and 3ehavioral Health ?ervices .a specialist psychiatry%mental health service/. The purpose was to establish, for this health maintenance organisation, the potential of T T in relation to a variety of clinical conditions. ! wide range of symptoms and disorders were treated including, for e&ample, acute stress, an&iety, 0=(, phobia, depression, anger, food cravings, chronic pain, panic disorder, and >T?(. ?tatistically significant within-session reductions in self-reported stress were obtained with 81 problems%symptoms in 19E2 applications with D12 patients. >re and post-test ?G( ratings were significant at .111 level of probability for these, e&cept for alcohol cravings, ma@or depressive disorder, and tremors, which were at the .11 level of probability. ?i& case studies were included in the report. Three of these case descriptions included data on changes in heart rate variability, often used as an ob@ective measure of physiological change with T T. The methodology of this study is criticised by :ohr .2111/, but some of his arguments seem a little odd, based apparently on his perception of T T and its rationale as implausible. :ohr5s complete dismissal of the study seems a little harsh, especially in view of the authors5 own comment in the abstractA HThese I are preliminary data that call for controlled studies to e&amine validity, reliability, and maintenance of effects over time.J *p 1219+. Com)a%iso# o TFT "ata wit! a st+"y o C$T ; e va%ia*i'ity i# seve%e'y "e)%esse" )atie#ts ects o# !ea%t %ate

(r. =allahan is enthusiastic about the use of Heart )ate Lariability .H)L/ as an ob@ective, reliable, and placebo-free measure of the effectiveness of T T. He became interested in this after being contacted by a cardiac specialist, who had been using T T for stress relief amongst his patients, noticed a remar;able improvement in H)T, which is usually rather difficult to influence. !bnormally low H)L is a strong predictor of mortality .<olan et al. 1EEF/. The most stable measure of the variability is the ?(<< .standard deviation of normal to normal intervals/. Improvements in ?(<< of about 21M can be brought about by interventions such as stopping smo;ing for a period of time, or e&ercising for si& months or more. 'ost drugs have a negative effect on ?(<<.


However, (r. =allahan has repeatedly found that often T T can produce improvements in ?(<< of much greater than 21M in a matter of a few minutes. or e&ample, he describes the case of a physician who had suffered with depression for 21 years, not helped by any medications or previous psychotherapiesA prior to T T he rated his depression at a ?G( of 11 and his H)L ?(<< score was a very low 82.8 ms.- immediately following a few minutes treatment with T T his depression completely disappeared and his H)L increased to 122.2 ms. .=allahan 6 =allahan 2118, p 2F/. =arney et al. .2111/ studied the effects on H)L of cognitive behaviour therapy carried out with severely depressed patients who also had cardiac problems. !fter up to 1B =3T sessions, the patients reported some improvement in depression symptoms, but the ?(<< score did not improve, but in fact declined somewhat. The mean scores wereA >re-therapy ?(<<A 118.2 >ost-therapy ?(<<A EF.E. .a decrease%worsening of 2.9M/ =arney and colleagues concludedA HIt is possible that heart rate and H)L never return to normal once there has been an episode of ma@or depressionJ .p B29-B2B/. (r. =allahan .=allahan 2111c/ selected F cases from the T T organisation5s files, of people who had suffered severe depression and for whom they had pre- and post-therapy ?(<< scores. The pre-therapy average ?(<< was much lower%worse than those in the =arney study. !fter @ust one treatment with T T the ?(<< scores rose mar;edly and the depression was also eliminated. The scores wereA >re-therapy ?(<<A 9D.9 >ost-therapy ?(<<A 119.D .an improvement of F2M/.

Fie'" St+"ies wit! PTS3 i# wa% a#" "isaste% a%eas

Ho!#so# et a'( .//1 [%e)o%te" a'so i# Fei#stei# .//I] Ta))i#& met!o"s !e')e" wit! wa% t%a+ma In the year 2111, five separate trips to "osovo were made by clinicians from the 7lobal Institute of Thought ield Therapy to treat those traumatised by war. 119 trauma patients were treated, with ages from 2DF almost all referred by their physicians. 22E separate traumas were treated, including gang rape, witnessing massacres, sadistic torture, and being involved as perpetrators of military misconduct. (ue to !lbanian 21

taboos on displays of emotional suffering, the ?G(s scale could not be used, nor the word 4trauma5. The translation of the phrase 4bad moments5 was used and the complete absence of distressing emotion and somatic disturbance was ta;en as the measure- thus the patient might say, thorough translationA HPes, at this moment it is completely gone I if the way I feel at this moment becomes all moments I will be completely satisfiedJ. or 118 of the 119 patients, and for 22D of 22E traumatic memories, the treatment was successful. The authors commentA HIn addition to the self-report of complete relief, their spontaneous e&pressions provided confirming clues. >eople gave that loo; of astonishment, hugged, put their hands to their temples, and loo;ed up to the heavens in gratitudeI !lso it was typical for them to feel great energy, then disappear long enough to return with a bag full of peaches or nuts.J ollow-up data ranged from 1 month to E months. !ll treatment successes endured without relapse. This report was criticised by )osner .2111/, on the grounds that *a+ only superficial information about the sample was provided, *b+ diagnostic information was absent, *c+ the self-report measure of distress was rather crude, *d+ the description of T T was rather short. However, the reviewer does note that Hdoing research in a postwar society is more than difficultJ and that Hit is only to be e&pected that methodological standards should be of lesser importance than in a review of laboratory research performed in safety in a rich country.J *p 1221-1222+. 3y contrast, Hartung and 7alvin .2118/ commentA H?cientists can criticise this study5s lac; of randomisation of sub@ects, use of nonstandardised measures, failure to account for competing hypotheses, and the li;e. >racticing psychotherapists, on the other hand, I will more li;ely feel e&hilarated when reading about this wor;. ! report of EFM recovery from trauma, even if informal, is li;ely to encourage a clinician who is dedicated to alleviating the suffering of trauma victims.J *p B1+ 0ne of the main therapists in the "osovo wor; was =arl Qohnson, a clinical psychologist with a bac;ground as a >T?( specialist with the Leteran5s !dministration. He made four further visits to "osovo following the publication of the original account, mainly in order to train local health care practitioners in Thought ield Therapy. He was able to obtain followup information, from two physicians, on D9M of the people he had treated during his first five visits. In almost every case, the improvements following the initial T T treatments had been maintained- for each


treated traumatic memory, the sub@ective distress had been eliminated. The physicians did as; Qohnson to see two patients for further treatment of some additional memories that had not initially been addressed. In a letter of appreciation, the chief medical officer of "osovo, (r. ?;;el,en ?yla .a psychiatrist/, wrote about these resultsA J'any well-funded relief organisations have treated the post traumatic stress here in "osovo. ?ome of our people had limited improvement but "osovo had no ma@or change or real hope until I we referred our most difficult trauma patients to *(r. Qohnson and his team++. The success of T T was 111M for every patient, and they are still smiling until this day.J Qohnson5s records of his wor; in "osovo show that a total of 1FE patients were treated for a total 92D traumatic memories. 0f these, 1FD people and 929 traumatic memories were treated successfully with complete cessation of distress in relation to those particular memories. His reports of his use of T T in other disaster areas are as followsA ?outh !fricaA ED clients were all treated successfully for a total of 819 traumatic memories- )wandaA 22 clients were all treated successfully for a total of D8 traumatic memories- =ongoA of 2E clients, 2F were treated successfully for a total of DD out of DF traumatic memories. Qohnson himself ac;nowledges that treating traumatic memories is only one aspect of healing >T?( . einstein 211B/. In an article in The Thought ield .=allahan 2111/, (r. =allahan responds to a common reaction of disbelief e&perienced by those unfamiliar with T T on hearing of the impressive results reported by Qohnson. 0ne commentator had $uestioned whether the traumatised people could truly be smiling, as stated in the letter from (r. ?yla. (r. =allahan had as;ed (r. Qohnson to e&plain more and to clarify the reported findings. (r. Qohnson e&plained that (r. ?yla5s letter had been to do with an additional group of patients, following those referred to in the @ournal article. He had been as;ed bac; to "osovo following the earlier wor;, partly in order to train local doctors in the method. (uring two trips in 2111, he treated a total of 91 patients, with a total of 191 traumas. The results were recorded by (r. ?yla, and the success rate was 111M. (r. Qohnson further e&plained his approach as followsA H'any of these traumas involved the death of loved ones. I learned early, bac; in the "osovar refugee camp in 0slo, that it is not


possible to treat such a trauma in the same way as others. If you set a goal of reducing the suffering or the problem, etc. the person resists because they fear losing the last aspect of their relationship, even though that is suffering. ?o now I present it in a different way. Chen the person tries to recall the good times with the lost one, it hurts too much I so they must push all of the memory away. This is a bloc; which prevents the presence of the lost loved one the sweet memories, the wisdom, the closeness in the heart that would be possible even now. I as; if the patient would want me to remove this bloc; so that they might have the loved one bac;, to this e&tent. !lways the answer is yes. Chen all perturbations have been removed and the problem is soothed, I chec; for the various reversals I and then, prior to the final testing, I have the patient say something li;e H inally I have my father with me again.J !fter treating other types of war trauma I finish by treating the war as a whole, and at the end the patient says H inally I have freedom from that warRRJ Invariably, after ma;ing these statements .the trauma has been soothed/ the patient shows a wonderful smile and usually hugs me. They are smiling about the lost one without pushing the memory away. They are not responding to the trauma memory with a smile. 3ut if I see a patient on the street and as; if the treatments are still holding strong, they will say Hpo *yes+ I meir *it is good+ I faleminderit *than; you+J and give me a very nice smile.J *=allahan 2111 $uotation from online @ournal+.

Ra"io )!o#e9i# )%o&%ammes ; t%eatme#t o t!e &e#e%a' )+*'ic

Two studies .=allahan, 1EFD- 2111- :eonoff, 1EEB/ have reported the results of radio phone-in programmes, where callers were treated over the phone for various problems, such as phobias, an&ieties, addictions, guilt and marital problems. =allahan treated BF callers over the phone, reporting a success rate of EDM, with an average improvement of D9.EM .indicated by immediate ?G( ratings/, and an average treatment time of 2.82 minutes- :eonoff also treated BF people, reporting 111M success rate, with an average improvement of D9.2M, and an average treatment time of B.12 minutes. Chilst many $uestions can be raised regarding the reliability and accuracy of the data, these studies may still have some 22

merit. !s Hartung and 7alvin .2118/ comment, the clinicians deserve some credit for having the courage to e&pose their method so publiclyA H!fter all, it might have turned out the other wayA ninety per cent of the callers could have announced to thousands of listeners that they did not feel any better and that T T is a hoa&.J *p B1+. =allahan himself notesA HChy radio showsS In treating sceptical strangers one may minimise positive e&pectations associated with one coming for help and paying for it. !lso it avoids the secrecy element associated with psychotherapy claims in the past. raud has been ;nown to occur in science and a public demonstration helps avoid some of these problems. .. !udio tapes of all treatments were made and are available for review.J *1EE9 paper, revised 1EEF+

A+"io a#" vi"eo %eco%"i#&s o e#e%&y )syc!o'o&y t%eatme#ts

!s (r. =allahan notes in his discussion of radio show data, the recording and ma;ing public of treatments using T T and other methods is, in many respects, ultimately a more persuasive demonstration of effectiveness that the presentation of dry reports or abstract numbers. There are now many such recordings available. or e&ample, the # T website offers over 211 # T sessions on various (L(s produced as educational materials. These include wor; with B inpatients at the Leteran5s !dministration Hospital in :os !ngeles, suffering from severe >T?(. 0ne e&ert shows a patient with a severe height phobia, lin;ed to memories of 91 parachute @umps in a war ,one. In addition he suffers with flashbac;s of traumatic memories and insomnia, despite psychotherapy over a period of 1D years. !fter five minutes of tapping, he reports a complete absence of fear when thin;ing of heights, even though initially he e&perienced e&treme discomfort. The therapist invites him to wal; out onto the fire escape on the third floorhe e&periences no an&iety .but much astonishment/. Three of his most intense traumatic memories of the war were then addressed. He is taught how to tap on his own to deal with further memories. Two days later he is interviewed again and he reports having slept through the night for the first time for many years. He is able to recall without an&iety the traumatic memories that had been treated.


(avid einstein has posted a video on the internet showing rapid treatment of a severe height phobia. >rior to treatment a woman is seen sha;ing with fear when on a 2th floor balcony, but following half an hour of energy psychology wor; she is able to lean over the railing without discomfort. ! two and a half year follow-up, also videoed, indicates that her fear has not returned. This can be found at 5507061960927141022&q=height+phobia+video&hl=e !

*or go to , then type 4height phobia5 into the search field.+

St+"ies e6)'o%i#& w!et!e% it matte%s w!e%e t!e c'ie#t ta)s(

A# a%ea o co#ti#+i#& "e*ate a#" st+"y
Ca%*o#e'' 1FF0 T%eatme#t o ac%o)!o*ia(( 0ne study by =arbonell and colleagues conducted a randomised doubleblind study, comparing T T with a placebo treatment in which the sub@ects who suffered from fear of heights tapped points not used in true T T, although including some components of T T such as the 4E gamut5 tapping se$uence with eye movements etc. The sub@ects in the true T T condition showed significantly greater improvement than the placebo group .using both ?G( ratings and scores on the =ohen !crophobia Kuestionnaire/. Waite C Ho'"e% .//B [a'so "isc+sse" a*ove- as a %a#"omise" co#t%o''e" st+"y] These researchers assigned participants to one of 2 treatment conditionsA 1. normal # T- 2. tapping on the arm, using the normal # T verbalisations- 8. tapping on a doll, using the usual # T verbalisations- 2. ma;ing a toy out of paper. Two minutes of each treatment were conducted. >re and post-test ?G(s were ta;en. The first three conditions showed a drop in fear of 1FM. The 2th, control, condition showed no drop in fear. Caite and Holder concluded that the benefits of # T do not depend on tapping the specific points used in # T. 3a;er and =arrington *2119+ have discussed this paper. They point out that in all three tapping conditions the decrease in fear occurred very $uic;lyA HCe ;now of no scientific studies of procedures characteristic of


more traditional therapies which show an 1FM decrease in fear in so short a timeJ. This finding by Caite and Holder is also consistent with the hypothesis that it is the tapping on mechanoreceptors, which are present all over the body, that is important rather than the stimulation of energy meridians *e.g. 'ollon 2119b- )uden 2119+.

La%&e sca'e o+tcome st+"y wit! %a#"omise" co#t%o's

T!e So+t! Ame%ica# St+"ies< A 'a%&e sca'e a+"it a#" )%e'imi#a%y t%ia' o EFT met!o"s ove% 1> yea%s 9 T!e st+"y *y Hoa5+i# A#"%a"e M3 a#" co''ea&+es %om U%a&+ay( H<o reasonable clinician, regardless of school of practice, can disregard the clinical responses that tapping elicits in an&iety disorders .over D1M improvement in a large sample in 11 centers involving 8B therapists over 12 years.J *'aarten !alberse 6 =hristine ?utherland. The ?outh !merican ?tudies. ?ummary and (iscussion of the =linical (ata. *The data from this study are discussed in !ndrade 6 einstein 2112, einstein 211D, and in a website article by !arlberse 6 ?utherland (r. Qoa$uin !ndrade introduced T T-related methods to 11 allied clinics in !rgentina and Gruguay after being trained in this approach in the G.?.!. >reviously he had studied traditional acupuncture in =hina, which he had used in medical practice for 81 years. Interestingly, !ndrade no longer accepts the 4energy5 theory, but instead hypothesises the effects of tapping in terms of neurobiological effects of sensory-;inaesthetic stimulation, acupressure points being dense concentrations of mechanoreceptors describing the approach as 3rief 'ulti-?ensory !ctivation Therapy The staff had no funding for research but decided to trac; the outcomes of the new treatments and compare them with the cognitive-behavioural and medication methods they were already using. 0ver a 12 year period, 8B therapists were involved in treating 2E,111 patients. The patients were assessed by 4blind5 interviewers, mainly by telephone, at close of treatment, and follow-ups at one month, three months, si& months, and 2D

twelve months. The most prominent diagnosis was 4an&iety disorders5 which included panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, specific phobias, social phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and generalised an&iety disorder. >re and post treatment scores on standardised measures such as the 3ec; !n&iety ?cale, The ?pielberger ?tate-Trait !n&iety Inde&, and the Pale-3rown 0bsessive =ompulsive ?cale, were also used to supplement the assessors5 ratings. In many cases pre and posttreatment functional brain scan images were also used as an ob@ective measure of change. The interviewers had a record of the diagnosis and inta;e evaluation, but not of the treatment method. 3oth patients and raters were instructed not to discuss the therapy procedures that had been used. The raters were as;ed to assess whether the patient was now asymptomatic, showed partial remission, or had no clinical response to treatment. >sychological testing and brain mapping were carried out by other staff who were neither the patient5s therapist nor rater. 0f the 8B clinicians, 28 were physicians .9 of whom were psychiatrists/, F were clinical psychologists, 8 were mental health counsellors, and 2 were nurses. !ll had e&tensive e&perience in treating an&iety disorders, with varying levels of training and e&perience in Thought ield Therapy and derivative methods. The ratings of the interviewers, supported by the psychometric data, indicated that the T T%# T type of methods were more effective than the e&isting treatments for a range of conditions. However, a number of more detailed sub studies were conducted employing a randomised design with the e&isting treatments, of 4=3T with medication5 as a control, and using double blind assessment. :/// )atie#ts wit! a#6iety "iso%"e%s The largest of the sub studies followed 9111 patients with an&iety disorders over a five and a half year period. Half of these received T T%# T type of treatment without medication, whilst the other half received =3T with medication. (iagnoses included panic disorder, social phobias, specific phobias, 0=(, generalised an&iety disorder, >T?(, acute stress disorder, somatoform disorders, eating disorders, !(H(, and addictive disorders. )esults of the sub-study of 9111 patientsA


>ositive clinical responses .ranging from complete relief to partial relief to short relief with relapses/ were found in B8M of those treated with =3T and medication and in E1M of those treated with T T%# T .p N .1112/. =omplete relief from symptoms was found in 91M of those treated with =3T and medication, and DBM of those treated with T T%# T .p N .1112/. !t one year follow-up, the patients in the tapping group were less prone to relapse than those in the =3T and medication group.

Com)a%iso# o #+m*e%s o sessio#s %e5+i%e" There was a difference in the number of sessions re$uired to achieve positive outcomes. EB patients with specific phobias were treated with =3T and medication, whilst E2 with the same diagnosis were treated using T T%# T combined with the <:> method of visual-;inaesthetic dissociation .watching an internal movie of the phobic situation/. Cith appro&imately E9M of the patients, functional brain imaging was used in addition to the clinical ratings and pr and post-treatment test scores. The results wereA >ositive results were obtained with BEM of patients treated with =3T and medication within E-21 sessions, with a mean of 19 sessions. >ositive results were obtained with DFM of the patients treated with T T%# T and visual-;inaesthetic dissociation within 1-D sessions, with a mean of 8 sessions. The brain mapping correlated with the raters5 conclusions and with the psychological test data. Those patients showing the greatest improvement showed the largest reduction in beta fre$uencies. These beta fre$uency reductions not only persisted at 12 month follow-up, but in fact became more pronounced. Com)a%iso# *etwee# me"icatio# a'o#e a#" TFT?EFT( 81 patients with generalised an&iety disorder were prescribed dia,epam, whilst 82 patients with the same diagnosis were given T T%# T. D1M of the medication group e&perienced positive results. DF.9M of the T T%# T group e&perienced positive results. !bout half the medication patients e&perienced side effects or a recurrence of an&iety on stopping the medication. This did not happen with the tapping group. Com)a%iso# o st%ict ve%s+s va%ie" se5+e#ce o ta))i#&


The importance of se$uence in tapping was investigated. B1 phobic patients were treated with a standard 9-point algorithm- another group of B1 patients were treated with the order of tapping varied. >ositive responses were e&perienced by DB.BM of the standard algorithm group and by D1.BM of the varied order tapping group. This was not statistically significant. The treatment team formed the impression that for many disorders a wide variation in the tapping protocol can be employed, whilst for certain conditions more precise protocols are re$uired for optimum clinical response. Ta))i#& com)a%e" wit! ac+)+#ct+%e #ee"'es 21 patients with panic disorder were given tapping treatments focused on pre-selected acupuncture points. 8F patients with the same diagnosis received acupuncture stimulation using needles on the same points. >ositive responses were e&perienced by DF.9M of the tapping group but only 91M of the needle group. E ective#ess o% "i e%e#t c'i#ica' &%o+)s )atings of effectiveness for different clinical groups were given in four categoriesA 1. 'uch better results than with other methods- 2. 3etter results than with other methods- 8. ?imilar to the results with other methods- 2. :esser results than e&pected with other methods- 9. <o clinical improvement or contraindicated. The findings were as follows.

M+c! *ette% %es+'ts t!a# ot!e% wit! met!o"s

>anic disorder, with and without agoraphobia. !goraphobia without panic disorder. ?pecific phobias. ?eparation an&iety disorders. >T?( and !cute ?tress (isorders. 'i&ed an&iety-depressive disorders. !d@ustment disorders. !(H(. #limination disorders. Impulse control disorders. >roblems relating to childhood abuse and neglect. 0ther emotional problemsA fear- grief- guilt- anger- shame@ealousy- re@ection- painful memories- loneliness- frustration- love pain- procrastination.


$ette% %es+'ts t!a# wit! ot!e% met!o"s(

0bsessive compulsive disorders. 7eneralised an&iety disorders. !n&iety disorders due to general medical conditions. ?ocial phobias. :earning disorders- communication disorders- feeding and eating disorders of childhood. ?omatoform disorders. actitious disorders. ?e&ual dysfunction. ?leep disorders. )elational problems.

Simi'a% to t!e %es+'ts e6)ecte" wit! ot!e% met!o"s(

'ild to moderate reactive depression. :earning s;ills disorders. 'otor s;ills disorders. Tourette5s syndrome. ?ubstance abuse-related problems, including an&iety. #ating disorders. *It was found that for these conditions, it is best to combine a number of approaches.+

Lesse% %es+'ts t!a# e6)ecte" wit! ot!e% met!o"s(

'a@or endogenous depression. >ersonality disorders and dissociative disorders. *tapping methods are considered a useful ad@unct to other methods+.

No im)%oveme#t o% co#t%ai#"icate"(
>sychotic disorders. 3ipolar disorders. (elirium. (ementia. =hronic fatigue. *although it is recognised that there are many anecdotal reports of people with these diagnoses being helped by tapping methods with a number of life problems.+


*<3. !lthough these categorisations are interesting, clinical e&pertise has moved on since this wor; was underta;en. ?;illed clinicians have found ways of helpfully incorporating Thought ield Therapy, or other tapping methods, into wor; with a very wide range of clients.+ $%ai# sca# ima&es 3rain scan images from this study, showing results before and after energy tapping, can be found at Stat+s o t!e So+t! Ame%ica# st+"ies( This e&amination of data from the 11 clinics was essentially an audit for the purpose of internal validation of procedures and protocols rather than a formal research study. <evertheless, the large number of patients involved, the long period of time covered, the range of data obtained, the variety of clinical conditions treated, and the double blind, randomised, and controlled nature of the investigations, combined with the startling results, all combine to ma;e a powerful case for the role of 4energy psychology5 or somato-sensory tapping methods in routine mental health care. !ndrade and einstein commentA HThese were pilot studies, viewed as possible precursors for future research, but were not themselves designed with publication in mind. ?pecifically, not all the variables that need to be controlled in robust research were trac;ed, not all criteria were defined with rigorous precision, the record-;eeping was relatively informal, and source data were not always maintained. <evertheless, the studies all used randomised samples, control groups, and double blind assessment. The finding were so stri;ing that the research team decided to ma;e them more widely available.J *!ndrade 6 einstein 2112 p 2+

Pi'ot st+"ies- wit!o+t co#t%o' &%o+)s(

Re"+ctio# o "e#ta' a#6iety wit! EFT 7raham Temple conducted a study of # T with 81 patients suffering with high levels of dental an&iety, and who re$uired invasive dental procedures. The # T too; place in the dental surgery and lasted no more than B minutes. ?G( ratings were ta;en before and after # T, which was 82

immediately followed by the dental treatment. The mean ?G( rating prior to # T was F and after # T was 8. !ll patients e&perienced reduction in an&iety. The reduction in an&iety is impressive since the second ?G( rating was ta;en @ust before the dental treatment. S)o%ts )e% o%ma#ce im)%oveme#t wit! EFT ?am ?mith conducted a simple study of s;ills in ;ic;ing a ball, before and after # T, at a fundraising event on a sports field. 8D volunteers showed an overall improvement of F1.DM in rugby penalty ;ic;s following # T. !fter the first ;ic;, the volunteers were as;ed to state two factors that they believed may have impeded their success. These comments, which were then used as # T statements, included such ideas asA 4I5m not strong enough5- 4too many people were watching5- 4I5m no good at this ;ind of thing5. Chilst some of the improvement could be due to a simple practice effect, it seems unli;ely that the magnitude of the pre and post-# T difference could be due entirely to this.;ic;ing-contest.htm Eyesi&!t im)%oveme#t wit! EFT =arol :oo; conducted an F wee; pilot study of improvement in various eyesight problems, using # T instructions given by post. 211 participants initially signed up for the study, having been recruited through newsletters and conferences. 0nly 121 of these completed the full F wee; course. #ach wee;, the participants were sent instructions for # T tapping in relation to various emotional issues that could have a bearing on visual problems. D9M of participants reported improvement in various eyesight problems. ?>?? statistical software, with t tests and !<0L! was used. $e o%e a#" a te% )!oto&%a)!s o *'oo" Ro+'ea+6 ; i''+st%ati#& t!e )syc!osomatic e ect o EFT )ebecca 'arina reports on studies of her own blood cells, using a dar;field microscope, before and after using # T illustrating not only the effect of # T but also the relationship between emotions and physiology. The wor; was carried out in collaboration with her physician.

Resea%c! i# %e'atio# to t!e me%i"ia# system


!lthough there is debate in relation to the $uestions of the importance of tapping on traditionally recognised acupressure points .as opposed to random tapping on the body/, and whether a theory of energy is re$uired to account for the therapeutic effects of tapping, the evidence for the e&istence of meridians, and for the potency of acupuncture, is worth noting. #ven if theories of energy are put aside, acupoints are noted to be close to nerve bundles or nerve endings, and thus appear to be regions of increased sensitivity .?tu&, 3erman, 6 >omeran, 2118/ that deliver enhanced signals to the brain when stimulated. Evi"e#ce o% t!e e6iste#ce o t!e me%i"ia# system rench researcher, >ierre de Lerne@oul, in@ected radioactive isotopes into the acupuncture points and trac;ed their movement using a gamma ray camera. The in@ected isotopes followed e&actly the same pathway as the meridians as traditionally conceived. !s a control, in@ections were also made into nearby non-meridian locations, and also into blood and lymphatic vessels- these did not diffuse in the same manner as the in@ections at meridian sites. These studies were carried out on 291 healthy sub@ects and F1 patients with renal pathology. !nother interesting finding was that in@ections into the bilateral ;idney meridian diffused faster on the health side and slower on the diseased side. *(arras, Q-=., de Lerne@oul, >., 6 !lbarhde 1EE2+. !cupressure points show lowered electrical resistance than other areas .3ec;er, 1EE1- 3ergsmann 6 Coolley-Hart, 1ED8- =ho, 1EEF- =ho 6 =hung, 1EE2- :iboff, 1EED- ?yldona 6 )ein, 1EEE/. =hanges in brain function are associated with stimulation of specific acupressure points .=ho, 1EEF(arras, 1EE8- Hui, 2111- 0mura, 1EFE, 1EE1/. Evi"e#ce o% t!e e ect o ac+)+#ct+%e?ac+)%ess+%e The Corld Health 0rganisation lists over 91 conditions that may be helped by acupuncture. 'any of these are mental health problems, including an&iety, depression, addictions, insomnia, and hypertension. The 3ritish !cupuncture =ouncil reviewed seven controlled clinical trials of acupuncture for an&iety or depression, as well as four studies that did not include control groups and concludedA HThe findings from these studies suggest that acupuncture could play a significant role in the treatment of depression and an&ietyJ *3ritish !cupuncture =ouncil, 2112, p 11/.


'ost studies of the effects of acupuncture have addressed its analgesic properties. This effect is mar;ed and is also found in relation to animals, thus casting doubt on e&planations in terms of placebo effects. ?timulation of sham acupoints does not produce the same analgesic effect. There is evidence that acupuncture analgesia is related to endorphin release .?tu&, 3erman, 6 >omeran, 2118/. Evi"e#ce o% t!e e ective#ess o T!e%a)e+tic To+c! Therapeutic Touch is a simple form of energy-based physical touch, derived from !pplied "inesiology, that has been used e&tensively in nursing conte&ts, including psychiatric nursing. It has been found effective in reducing physical pain and an&iety .7agne, 1EE2- Heidt, 1EF1Hughes, 1EED- >ec;, 1EED/. Eva'+atio# o t!e %esea%c! *asis o% e#e%&y )syc!o'o&y met!o"s There has been a significant amount of research into both the efficacy .achieving an effect in a laboratory conte&t/ and the clinical effectiveness .being helpful with clinical populations/ of T T, # T, and related methods. =onsiderable clinical ;nowledge has been accumulated since the first e&ploration of T T in 1EDE .=allahan, 1EF1/. This clinical ;nowledge is shared amongst colleagues internationally in boo;s, conferences, and websites. The effectiveness with a wide variety of clinical problems has been reported in a huge number of case studies and systematic clinical observations, as well as field studies in disaster areas. Heart )ate Lariability is a most interesting new outcome measure that has been e&plored with T T- preliminary results suggesting that whilst other psychological therapies, such as conventional =3T, do not improve H)L, T T produces a mar;ed improvement. !lthough the very large and long term ?outh !merican study lac;s some of the rigour of formal research .being designed for internal audit rather than publication/, its findings from double blind studies are very strongly suggestive, not only of the value of T T type of methods, but their superiority to cognitive and behavioural methods that lac; some of the components of T T or # T. This research evidence-base is considerably more than is the case for most interventions in psychiatry and psychotherapy. !lthough drugs are obviously sub@ect to careful trials of efficacy and safety, many other activities within a mental health service, such as most group activities, art therapies, occupational therapies, supportive activities etc., have little or no research evidence-base. !s )oth, onagy and >arry .1EEB/


comment, HI there are over 211 different named therapies, which can be seen as variations on the basic themes within a smaller number of families of theories and techni$ues. The vast ma@ority of these 4brand name5 therapies are totally unevaluated.J *p 21+. The efficacy of # T has not only been demonstrated to e&ist, but to be considerable. ! mar;ed reduction in an&iety, under laboratory conditions, was found to result from a short session of # T and to be sustained at 12 month follow-up. This effect did not occur in the two control conditions and was not due to suggestion. 'ost psychological therapies have not had such efficacy demonstrated. or e&ample, there are no studies demonstrating the efficacy of a psychoanalytic interpretation, or a cognitive therapy 4?ocratic $uestion5, in terms of its immediate effect on the client5s level of an&iety. 3y contrast, the use of the ?G( scale enables the # T clinician to monitor the client5s level of distress from moment to moment, and to ;now more or less immediately whether the tapping intervention is wor;ing or not. ?ome directions that would be valuable for future research in relation to energy psychology therapies would beA further e&ploration of H)L as an outcome measure, with comparisons between different therapies- further dismantling studies to determine which components of the T T 6 # T procedure are crucial to efficacy .e.g. whether particular tapping points are important, whether the verbal statements of self-acceptance are important, whether the presence of the therapist ma;es a difference compared to the condition of the client performing T T%# T alone, etc./second, randomised controlled studies comparing T T and # T with other therapies for clinical populations. Re e%e#ces !ndrade, Q., 6 einstein, (. 2118. >reliminary report of the first large scale study of energy psychology. !lso published as 4#nergy psychologyA Theory, indications, evidence5. In (. einstein. 2112. #nergy >sychology Interactive. )apid Interventions for :asting =hange. Innersource. !shland. 0). 1EE-212 3a;er, !.H., 6 =arrington, >. 2119. ! comment on Caite and Holder5s research supposedly invalidating # T.$ue-eft.php


3a;er, !.H. 6 ?iegel, :.?. 2119. =an a 29 minute session of # T lead to a reduction of intense fear of rats, spiders and water bugsS ! replication and e&tension of the Cells et al. .2118/ laboratory study. 'anuscript in preparation. 3ar;er, '., 6 'ellor-=lar;, Q. 2111. )igour and relevanceA the role of practice-based evidence in the psychological therapies. In <. )owland and ?. 7oss *#ds.+ #vidence-3ased =ounselling and >sychological Therapies. )esearch and !pplications. :ondon. )outledge. 3ec;er, ).0., )eichmanis, '., 'arino, !.!., 6 ?padaro, Q.!. 1EDB. #lectrophysiological correlates of acupuncture points and meridians. >sychoenergetic systems. 1. 119-112. 3ergsmann, 0. 6 Cooley-Hart, !. 1ED8. (ifferences in electrical s;in conductivity between acupuncture points and ad@acent areas. !merican Qournal of !cupuncture. 1. 2D-82. 3eutler, 3.)., 6 Harwood, T.'. 2111. !ntiscientific attitudes. Chat happens when scientists are unscientificS Qournal of =linical >sychology. 9D. 28-91. 3ray, ). 211B. Thought ield TherapyA Cor;ing through traumatic stress without the overwhelming response. Qournal of !ggression, 'altreatment 6 Trauma. 12. *<o. 1%2+ 118-128. 3ritish !cupuncture =ouncil. 2112. (epression, an&iety and acupuncture. The evidence for effectiveness. :ondon. !uthor. =allahan, ). 1EF1. ! rapid treatment for phobias. =ollected >apers of the Institute of !pplied "inesiology. =allahan, ). 1EE9. ! thought field therapy .T T/ algorithm for traumaA ! reproducible e&periment in psychotherapy. >aper presented at the annual meeting of the !merican >sychological !ssociation, <ew Por;, !ugust 1EE9. =allahan, ). 2111. Tapping the Healer Cithin. =hicago. Il. =ontemporary 3oo;s.


=allahan, ). 2111b. "osovo revisted. The Thought ield. D. *8+ (ec. *www.tftr&.com+ =allahan, ). 2111c. 0b@ective evidence of the superiority of T T in eliminating depression. The Thought ield. B. *2+ Qan. *www.tftr&.com+ =arbonell, Q. 1EED. !n e&perimental study of T T and acrophobia. The Thought ield. 2 *8+ 1-B =arbonell, Q.:. 6 igley, =. 1EEE. ! systematic clinical demonstration of promising >T?( approaches. Traumatology. 9A1. !rticle 2. =ho, ?., 6 chung, ?. 1EE2. The basal electrical s;in resistance of acupuncture points in normal sub@ects. Ponsei 'edical Qournal. 89. 2B22D2 =ho, V.H. 1EEF. <ew findings of the correlation between acupoints and corresponding brain cortices using functional ')I. >roceedings of the <ational !cademy of ?cience. E9. 2BD1-2BD8.

=onnolly, ?. '. 2112. Thought ield Therapy. =linical !pplications. Integrating T T in >sychotherapy. ?edona, !V. 7eorge Tyrell >ress. (arby, (. 2111. The efficacy of thought field therapy as a treatment modality for individuals diagnosed with blood-in@ection-in@ury phobia. Gnpublished doctoral dissertation. 'inneapolis. '<. Calden Gniversity. (arras, Q-=., de Lerne@oul, >., 6 !lbarhde, >. 1EE2. ! study on the migration of radioactive tracers after in@ection at acupoints. !merican Qournal of !cupuncture. 21 *8+ (evilly, 7.Q. 2119. >ower therapies and possible threats to the science of psychology and psychiatry. !ustralian and <ew Vealand Qournal of >sychiatry. 8E. *B+ 28D-299. (avies, H.T.0., 6 =rombie, I.". 2119. Chat is a systematic review. Chat isIS Lol. 1 *9+.;.


(iamond, Q. 1EDF. 3ehavioural "inesiology and the !utonomic <ervous ?ystem. Lalley =ottage. !rchaeus >ress. (iepold, Q.H., 3ritt, L., 6 3ender, ?.?. 2112. #volving Thought ield Therapy. The =linician5s Handboo; of (iagnosis, Treatment, and Theory. <ew Por;. <orton. (iepold, Q.H., Qr. 6 7oldstein, (. 2111. Thought field therapy and K##7 changes in the treatment of traumaA a case study. 'oorestown, <Q. !uthor. einstein, (. 2119. !n overview of research in energy psychology. !ssociation for =omprehensive #nergy >sychology. einstein, (. 211B. #nergy >sychology in (isaster )elief. igley, =.)., 6 =arbonell, Q.:. 1EE9. !ctive ingredients pro@ect. The systematic clinical demonstration of the most efficient treatments of >T?(. Tallahassee, :. lorida ?tate Gniversity >sychosocial )esearch >rogram and =linical :aboratory. =ited in .>. 7allo 1EEE. #nergy >sychology. 3oca )aton, :. =)= >ress 7allo, .>. 1EEE. #nergy >sychology. #&plorations at the interface of energy, cognition, behavior, and health. 3oca )aton, :. =)= >ress. Hartung, Q.7. 6 7alvin, '.(. 2118. #nergy >sychology and #'(). =ombining orces to 0ptimi,e Treatment. <ew Por;. <orton. Hrob@artsson, !., 6 7ot,sch, >.=. 2119. >lacebo interventions for all clinical conditions. =ochrane :ibrary. Issue 2. Hui, ""?., :iu, Q., 'a;ris, <., 7ollub, ).C., =hen, !.Q.C., 'oore, =.I., "ennedy, (.<., )osen, 3.)., 6 "wong, ".". 2111. !cupuncture modulates the limbic system and subcortical gray structures of the human brainA #vidence from f')I studies in normal sub@ects. Human 3rain 'apping. E *1+ 18-29.


Qohnson, =., ?hala, '., ?eddi@a@, W., 0dell, )., 6 (abishevci, ". 2111. Thought field therapy - soothing the bad moments of "osovo. Qournal of =linical >sychology. 9D. 128D-1221 :ambrou, >.T., >ratt, 7.Q., 6 =hevalier, 7. 2118. >hysiological and psychological effects of a mind%body therapy on claustrophobia. ?ubtle #nergies and #nergy 'edicine. 12 *8+ 28E-291 :eonoff, 7. 1EBB. ?uccessful treatment of phobias and an&iety by telephone and radioA ! preliminary report on a replication of =allahan5s 1EFD study. The Thought ield, 2 *1+ 8-2. :iberman, ).>., 6 >hipps, =.=. 1EFD. Innovative treatment and rehabilitation techni$ues for the chronically mentally ill. In C. 'enninger 6 7. Hannah .#ds./ The =hronic 'ental >atient. Cashington, (=. !merican >sychiatric >ress. :iboff, !.). 1EED. 3ioelectrical fields and acupuncture. Qournal of !lternative and =omplementary 'edicine. 8. 9DD-9FD :ilienfeld, ?.0., :ynn, ?.Q., 6 :ohr, Q.'. *#ds.+ 2118. ?cience and >seudoscience in =linical >sychology. <ew Por;. 7uilford >ress. :ohr, Q.'. 2111. ?a;ai et al. is not an ade$uate demonstration of T T effectiveness. Qournal of =linical >sychology. 9D .11/A 122E-128B :ynch, L., 6 :ynch, >. 2111. #motional Healing in 'inutes. :ondon. Thorsons. '!?- 'anagement !dvisory ?ervice to the <H?. 1EFE. )eview of =linical >sychology ?ervices. 'ist, ?., #lder, '., !ic;in, '., 6 )itenbaugh. 2119. ! randomised trial of Tapas !cupressure for weight-loss maintenance. Foc+s o# A'te%#ative a#" Com)'eme#ta%y T!e%a)ies(1/(BG9BF *a $uarterly review @ournal presenting evidence-based approaches to health care+. !bstracts of 12th !nnual ?ymposium on =omplementary Health =are. 1E-21st ?eptember. 2119. #&eter, G". 'ollon, >. 2119. #'() and the #nergy Therapies. >sychoanalytic >erspectives. :ondon. "arnac.


'ollon, >. 2119b. ! cognitive reformulation of # T. Gnpublished paper. <ader, "., ?chafe, 7.#., 6 :e(ou&, Q.#. 2111. The labile nature of consolidation theory. <ature <euroscience )eviews. 1 *8+ 21B-21E 0maha, Q. 2112. >sychotherapeutic Interventions for #motion )egulation. #'() and 3ilateral ?timulation for !ffect 'anagement. <ew Por;. <orton. 0schman, Q.:. #nergy 'edicine. The ?cientific 3asis. <ew Por;. =hurchill :ivingstone. >er;ins, 3.). 6 )ouan,oin, =.=. 2112. ! critical evaluation of current views regarding eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing .#'()/clarifying points of confusion. Qournal of =linical >sychology. 9F. .1/ DD-ED >ert, =. 1EEE. 'olecules of #motion. The ?cience behind 'ind-3ody 'edicine. <ew Por;. ?imon 6 ?chuster. )osner, ). 2111. 3etween search and researchA how to find your way aroundS )eview of the article 4Thought field therapy soothing the bad moments of "osovo5. Qournal of =linical >sychology. 9D. .11/ 1221-1222 )oth, !., onagy, >., 6 >arry, 7. 1EEB. >sychotherapy research, funding, and evidence-based practice. In !. )oth 6 >. onagy, Chat Cor;s for ChomS ! =ritical )eview of >sychotherapy 4)esearch. <ew Por;. 7uilford >ress. )owe, Q.#. 2119. The effects of # T on long-term psychological symptoms. =ounseling and =linical >sychology. 2 *8+ 112-111 )uden, ).!. 2119. <eurobiological basis for the observed peripheral sensory modulation of emotional responses. Traumatology. 11. 129-19F ?a;ai, =., >aperny, (., 'athews, '., Tamida, 7., 3oyd, 7., ?imons, !., Pamamoto, =., 'au, =., 6 <utter, :. 2111. Thought field therapy clinical applicationA Gtilisation in an H'0 in behavioural medicine and behavioural health services. Qournal of =linical >sychology. 9D. 1219-122D.


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! systematic review aims to Hfind all relevant studies, published and unpublished, assess each study, synthesise the findings from individual studies in an unbiased way, and present a balanced and impartial summary of the evidence.J *(avies, H.T. 0. 6 =rombie, I.". 2119+ 2 It is often proposed that the effect of seemingly unusual methods might be due to suggestion or a placebo effect. In addition to the control for this included in the 3a;er and ?iegel study, =allahan ma;es the following apt pointA HIt is generally believed that treatments re$uire confidence or optimism in order to wor; .?eligman, 1EE2 p298/. However, no belief or confidence is needed in the T T treatment- in fact, it typically wor;s in the face of e&treme militant scepticism. The procedure itself does not inspire confidence. #ven when it wor;s some people don5t believe itR .see !pe& problem/.J *1EE9+

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