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//13-1 To,

Date:- 2013

Sub:- Quotation Fo Su!!"# $f Se%a&e T eat'ent ("ant .

Dear Sir, Thank you for the above subjected enquiry. We are pleased to enclose herewith our offer for STP Plant. along with technical Specification of the syste for your ready reference. While assuring you best of our services, looking forward for your valued purchase order. !n case of any queries pls. revert back to us. "ur offer consists of the following anne#ure. DES)GN (*R*METER (R$/ESS FL$0 D)*GR*M EQ1)(MENT S(E/)F)/*T)$N 2 S/$(E TERMS 2 /$ND)T)$NS )N/L1D)NG (R)/E +Refe *nne,u e - ). +Refe *nne,u e - )). +Refe *nne,u e - ))). +Refe *nne,u e - )3.

$Thanking you and assuring you our best services.

With %egards, &or, Mant a4 G een Re4ou 5e4 Lt6.

Dr. ' ( Shar a )*D

1 Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4.
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg

7a4i5 De4i&n (a a'ete 4: This Sewage water Treat ent Plant has been designed for following para eters ? shall perfor as under upon reaching steady state of its operation. >ased on enquiry details, we have designed the plant for hydraulic load of .4+ ;Bday. "peration of plant will be in two shifts i.e. for .0 Cr. -verage Daily &low 7 .4+ ;Bday -verage Courly flow 7 0 ;Bhr Peak flow 7 =, ;B0 hr &eed rate to the plant will be 7 = ;Bhr )n"et (a a'ete 4: (*R*METER &low 5 ;BDay6 pC5S'6 >"D5 gBl6 )"D5 gBl6 TSS 5 gBl6 $ut"et (a a'ete 4: The proposed Sewage Treat ent Plants will achieve following result upon reaching steady state of its operation. (*R*METER &low 5 ;BDay6 pC5S'6 >"D5 gB!6 )"D5 gB!6 TSS 5 gBF6 R*0 SE0*GE .4+ 0., D <., E .+ E ;+ E ;+ R*0 SE0*GE .4+ 0D= ;++ ,++ ;++

2 Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4.
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg



Fig. 1: A View of the Bio Reacto i! O"e atio! The )ore of the *oving bed biological reactor 5*>>%6 Process is the bio:carriers edia ade fro Cigh density Polyethylene aterial. The design of associated aerators, grids, sieves, spray no22les and other integral co ponents is also of great i portance in aking up the syste as a whole The waste water after undergoing, screening, de:gritting is led to the *>>% reactor where bio fil , growing within the internal structures of the bio:carriers, degrade the pollutants. These pollutants that need to be re oved in order to treat the wastewater are consu ed as food by icroorganis s that are present in bio:fil . The Design of bio:carriers is critical due to require ents for ass and o#ygen transfer to the icroorganis s. @#cess bio:fil sloughs off the bio:carriers in a natural way. The a ount of bio ass is self regulated and depends on inco ing load and hydraulic retention ti e. >ecause of this the process beco es easier to aintain and onitor as co pared to other syste . Since the bio carriers are constantly oving, the process is also insensitive to suspended solids Diffused aeration syste supplies o#ygen to the bio:fil along with the i#ing energy which requires keeping the bio carriers suspended and co pletely i#ed within the reactor. Since the icroorganis s are retained together with the bio edia, there is no need for sludge %ecirculation 5%-S6 >. P%")@SS D@S)%!PT!"3
3 Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4.
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg

General Process Sche e followed for do estic sewage treat ent is given below. This is provided as a guideline. The selection of unit processes is to be based on the specific site require ents and the desired treated water characteristics. Treat ent Sche e .... Pre:Treat ent 5Screening6 ..4. *>>% Syste ..;. Sedi entation ../. &iltration ..,. Disinfection

....Pre:Treat ent a6 Pu ping and >ar Screen unit7 The raw sewage fro various septic tanks will be pu ped to the bar screen for pre:treat ent. The pre:treat ent syste co prising of &ine screen. &ine screen of ., shall be used for screening. Screening is i portant to protect the echanical equip ents fro solid waste. -fter screening, wastewater flows to collection tank. b6 Sewage collection and Pu ping Syste 7 The collection tank shall be constructed as per capacity of receiving the raw sewage. The collection tank is installed with coarse bubble aeration grids to provide aeration for i#ing and to prevent anaerobic condition in the tank. %aw sewage transfer pu ps shall pu p the sewage at a unifor rate to the aerobic treat ent syste . Two Pu ps shall be provided to run one on duty, and the other on standby.

..4.*>>% Syste

4 Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4.
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg

The pre:treated sewage will flow by gravity into the *>>% tank. The proposed Treat ent Syste a6 >io carrier This is the critical ele ent in the design and perfor ance of the *>>% syste . Different wastewater characteristics and treat ent objectives place different de ands on the bio carrier construction. &or e#a ple, high conta inant loads de and efficient ass transfer, high a ounts of fibers require an opti i2ed bio carrier geo etry, and slow:growing bacteria, such as nitrifiers, need to be protected within the bio carrier. b6 *>>% %eactor %ehau Bcooldeck anufacture several types of bio carriers for different applications. -ll these are characteri2ed by high surface area. The %eactor is designed for co pletely i#ed conditions. This is to ensure a#i u "#ygen diffusion across the >io:fil >oundary layer. c6 %etention Sieves The sieves are custo i2ed for each application. Sieves are designed for handling the hydraulic flow with ini al head loss. @#ecution is in Stainless Steel construction. d6 -eration syste -ir is provided by a diffused aeration syste that allows the right o#ygenation while ensuring a co pletely i#ed reactor. The syste is designed to provide sufficient o#ygen at the bio fil diffusion interface for enhanced ass transfer efficiency. @#ecution is in Stainless Steel construction a#i u shall have the following ajor co ponents7

..;. Sedi entation : Tube settler clarifier

5 Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4.
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg

*>>% is followed by settling where large particles or flocs will settle at the botto of the settling tank. Tube settlers are placed in the settling tank to enhance the settling by providing ore settling area. )lear water fro the settling tank overflows into the filter feed tank. ../. Pressure Sand &ilter ? -ctivated )arbon &ilter The device consists of Sand and )arbon. !t is provided to filter the clarified Sewage to re ove the suspended solids i purity in the Sewage. )larified water fro the settling tank passed through the syste to re ove traces of suspended particles. -ctivated carbon shall be provided to re ove the traces of organic aterial present in the Sewage. !t adsorbs the traces of oils, detergents and solvents. The clarified water shall be disposed or can be used for gardening purpose ..,. Disinfection 5)hlorination6 The Disinfection Syste , which co prises of a dosing syste , ensures co plete re oval of any re aining har ful organis s in the water. The water flowing fro the Tube Settler into the Polishing &ilter &eed Tank is dosed with a disinfectant fro above and then allowed to re ain in the tank for a predeter ined ti e so that there is enough contact ti e for the disinfectant to totally disinfect the water.

(R$/ESS FL$0 D)*GR*M

6 Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4.
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg

EQ1)(MENT S(E/)F)/*T)$N 2 S/$(E

7 Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4.
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg

ELECTROMECHANICAL 1. Coa #e Sc ee! Quantity : Type : Opening : MOC : Rema !" : $. Fi!e Sc ee! Quantity : Type : Opening : MOC : Rema !" : %. Sewage t a!#fe "&'"# Quantity : Type : .lui+ : Soli+ 0an+ling Capa/ity : Capa/ity : MOC : Ma!e : (. Ai B)owe # Quantity : Type : Capa/ity : MOC : Ma!e :

One Manual 10mm MS Epoxy #nlet o$ E%uali&ation tan!

One Manual 4mm MS Epoxy #nlet o$ M''R tan!

T(o )One (o !ing * One "tan+,ySel$ p iming S/ eene+ Se(age 20 mm 6 m 310 2 3 10 m 0ea+ C# Ca"ing an+ C# impelle 4i lo"!a 1 E%ui5alent

T(o )One (o !ing * One "tan+ ,yT(in lo,e 70 m 310 2 3 025 4g21/m2 6luminum 6lloy 7"8a 1 E5e e"t

9 Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4.
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg

*. Do#i!g S+#te' a2 Po)+e)ect o)+te ,o#i!g ta!- : 0:;E 200 lit2 tan! (it8 5al5e at ,ottom $o g a5ity +o"ing ,2 So,i&' h+"o ch)o i,e ,o#i!g ta!- : 0:;E 200 lit2 tan! (it8 5al5e at ,ottom $o g a5ity +o"ing ..Sa!, Fi)te Fee,/Bac-wa#h "&'" Quantity : T(o )One (o !ing * One "tan+,yType : 0o i&ontal Cent i$ugal .lui+ : T eate+ "e(age Capa/ity : 6 m 318 2 3 30 m 8ea+ MOC : C# Ca"ing an+ SS impelle Ma!e : <o8n"on 1 E%ui5alent 0. Fi)te " e## fee,/S)&,ge ec+c)e "&'" Quantity: To( ) one (o !ing * one "tan+ Type: 0o i&ontal= Cent i$ugal .lui+: Slu+ge Capa/ity: 4m 318 2 340m 8ea+ MOC: C# Ca"ing an+ SS impelle Ma!e : <o8n"on 1 E%ui5alent 1. P e##& e Sa!, Fi)te Quantity : :imen"ion : Ma!e : MOC : Me+ia 6 angement .i "t laye )$ om top- : Se/on+ laye : T8i + laye : .o t8 laye :

One > 600 mm x 1400 mm M?R@ MSE; 024 A 029 mm .ine San+ 125 A 225 mm Coa "e San+ 5 A 9 mm ? a5el 9 A 12 mm ? a5el

B Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4.
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg

2. Acti3ate, Ca 4o! Fi)te Quantity : :imen"ion : Ma!e : MOC : Me+ia : One > 600 mm x 1400 mm M?R@ MSE; ? anula 6/ti5ate+ Ca ,on

15. Fi)te P e## Quantity : ;late "i&e: Ma!e: MOC: Clot8: 112 Ele/t i/al ;anel2 Quantity: ;anel ,oa +: Sta te (it8 elay: MC': 922 T6D4S ) Ci5il Ci5il (o !" 'y Client S No. 1 $ % ( * . Na'e of Ta!Coa "e "/ een /8am,e E%uali&ation Tan! .ine "/ een /8am,e M''R tan! ) ,io ea/to .lo//ulation Tan! Settling Tan!

One 600mm C 600mm .ilte te/8 ;olyp opylene ;late an+ MS "t u/tu e ;olye"te

One S8eet "teel Epoxy painte+= 125mm t8i/! @*T1 Siemen" ) 9 Do2@*T1 Siemen" ) 9 Do2-

Vo)&'e6 '%) 023 5020 021 3020 220 1620


1 Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4. 0
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg

0 1 2 15

Slu+ge /olle/tion Tan! .ilte $ee+ tan! 1:i"in$e/tion tan! .inal Colle/tion Tan! ;ump 0ou"e

1220 1620 1020 920m C420m

1. Di'e!#io!# of Ta!-# 'a+ 4e 3a + acco ,i!g to the #ha"e a!, to"og a"h+ of ")ot " o3i,e, fo STP $. A!+ othe ci3i) wo -# a!, ci3i) #&""o t# etc. #ha)) 4e a# "e o& ,etai)e, , awi!g#. OTHER MATERIAL SPECIFICATION 1. Bio7Me,ia Quantity : Mate ial : Type : Ma!e : $. Ae atio! g i, Quantity : Se 5i/e : tan! Type : Ma!e : %. Ae atio! g i, Quantity : Se 5i/e : Type : ):i"/ Ma!e : (. Me#h i! MBBR eacto Quantity : Se 5i/e :

6 m3 ;olyp opylene 0exagonal ;; a%uate/8

1 @ot E%ual2 tan!= Slu+ge 0ol+ing Coa "e ,u,,le ae ation 7;EC 1 @ot M''R tan! Coa "e ,u,,le ae ation Mem, ane7;EC an+ Sili/on mem, ane 1 @ot M''R tan!"

1 Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4. 1
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg

MOC : *. T&4e Sett)e Quantity : Se 5i/e : Ma!e : 15. Pi"e# 8 Va)3e# a!, Fitti!g# ?ate 5al5e" : DRE : C# 'utte $ly 5al5e" : ;ipe" $o all p o/e"" line" :


One lot #n "ettling tan! ;; 6%uate/8 1E%ui5alent

Ma /! Ma /! Ma /! ;EC ;ipe" * $itting"

9IST OF E:C9;SIONS 1- Mate ial unloa+ing= 8an+ling an+ "to age at "ite2 2- Sa$ety o$ e%uipment at "ite2 3- ;o(e "upply to ;lant Cont ol ;anel in/lu+ing po(e input /a,le2
1 Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4. 2
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg

4- Fate = ;o(e an+ (a"te(ate $o e e/tion= te"ting an+ /ommi""ioning2 5- C8emi/al" * /on"uma,le" ot8e t8an (8i/8 a e e%ui e+ $o te"ting * /ommi""ioning2 6- Slu+ge an+ ot8e (a"te +i"po"al2 7- Statuto y app o5al" e%ui e+ i$ any2 9- 6ny ot8e item not "pe/i$i/ally +e"/ i,e+ in M?R@ "pe/i$i/ation2 B- 6ll t8e /i5il (o ! at t8e "ite2

(R)/E 2 /$MMER/)*L TERMS

1 Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4. 3
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg

Fo 8 Ma!t a# < ee! Re#o& ce# 9t,. A'o) De#h'&-h )Ma !eting Exe/uti5e-

1 Re&6 $ff.: +,, Shantikunj -part ent, ./0, D1Sou2a )olony. )ollege %oad, 3asik /44++, 5*.S6, !3D!-. Ph.789.:4,;:4;.<<9=, 4;.;+,4. 4
*6'n. $ff.: &lat no.>:, ? >:<, flushing *eadows, Plot 3o.0; *ahat a 3agar 3ashik /44++< Ph.+4,;4;,,00,, &a#7+4,;4;.0<=. @: ail 7 - oldesh ukh. antrasresourcesAg

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