Assignment Topic: Lesson Plan of English

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Institute of Education and Research The University Of Punjab Lahore


ICT(Information Communication Technology)



SUBMITTED TO: Sir Shafiq-ur-Rehman

Qudsiya Abdullah (2012-1451) Bushra Shabir (2012-1438)

(B.Ed (hons) Elementary, 3rd Semester)

Institute of Education and Research The University Of Punjab Lahore

Importance Of English
English is an international language. Importance of English is negligible because being an international language it is spoken and understood in all regions of world. Its easy way to communicate with foreigners. English is considered as the language of communication, these organizations include banks, educational institutes, information technology, science, trade, and almost all organizations. In Pakistan there is a strong need for development of English learning and training centers at every level so that we could compete in international markets. And for this purpose we need to have proper skills and expertise in English language.

General Objective
Develop an understanding of and competence in spoken English. Communicate fluently and accurately with other English speakers. Develop competence in understanding a variety of reading texts. Gain the skills necessary to write appropriate and effective English. Develop an ability to use simple reference materials. Read, appreciate and enjoy literary texts.

Specific Objectives
After completing this chapter, the students will be able to:
Know about the personality of the Holy Prophet S.A.W. Identify a topic sentence in a paragraph. Demonstrate use of common and proper nouns. Use regular and irregular verbs in a speech and writing.

ICT use in this chapter

Microsoft word: to make or type the assignment. Power point: to present data/assignment. Facebook: to share file. Yahoo Email: to send assignment.

Previous Knowledge test

The teacher will ask some questions to students to check their previous knowledge.
What characteristics of the personality of the Holy Prophet Hazarat Muhammad S.A.W is mention in the title? What do you mean by fair dealing?

Teacher will first tell a brief introduction about Holy Prophet to the students.

Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last prophet of Allah. On Monday the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal 571 A.D. a child was born to Bibi Aamena in Makkah. He was given the name Muhammad (The praised one). His father's name was Abdullah. Hazrat Abdullah passed

away before Muhammad was born. The grandfather Abdul Muttalib took Muhammad to the Ka'ba and thanked Allah for giving him a grandson. Abdul Muttalib Made an aqeeqah for Muhammad on the 7th day after his birth.

PROPHETHOOD was forty years old, an angel appeared in the cave of Hira and commanded

When Rasulullah

him three times to 'Read'. Rasulullah replied that he could not. The angel then recited the following verses as the first revelations of the Quran then disappeared: 'Read, in the name of Allah who created (everything). He created man from a clot of blood. Read, your Lord is Great who taught you but virtue of the pen that which you did not know'.

then teacher will ask any one of the student from the class to read the first paragraph then teacher will explain and translate it.

Impact of Fair dealing of Hazarat Muhammad (S.A.W)

Muhammad was always fair and honest in his dealings with other people even before his prophet hood. When he attained the age of maturity he became a trader. He traded with other people's money with great care and made large profits. The people of Makkah were very much impressed by his trading skill and fair dealing.

Gradually he became well-known and the people trusted him. It was his honesty and fair dealing in business that impressed Khadijah, who first entrusted her enterprise to him and later married him. All the people who had done business dealings with him before his prophet hood had always praised his honesty and fair dealing in trade. He was not only fair in business dealings with other people but also encouraged his companions to be so.

After explaining the first paragraph teacher will tell the students about topic sentence. (purple color line is a topic sentence/or the first line of the paragraph is the topic sentence)

Events about Fair Dealing

There was a famous trader, named Saib, in Arabia, who embraced Islam and came to see Muhammad. The Muslims introduced him with some commendatory words to the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet said, "I know him better than you." Saib said, "my parents be sacrificed, he was my partner and always kept business dealings fair and clean.' Once a small caravan was staying outside Madinah. They had a red camel. By chance, Muhammad passed that way and asked the price of the camel. The people told him the price, which he accepted without argument. Hazarat Muhammad caught the bridle of the camel and walked towards the city. Afterwards the people regretted that they had given the camel without any acquaintance. There was a woman in the caravan who said, "Be comforted. We have not seen a man with a brighter face than his." In other words, such a man would not deceive. When night fell, Hazarat Muhammad sent food for them and dates for the price of the camel. Once a Beduin was selling the meat of a camel. Hazarat Muhammad thought that there were some dry dates at home, so he bought some meat for one Wasq of dates. When he came home he found there were no dates. He came out of the house and told the Beduin that he had bought meat in exchange for dates but he had no dates. The Beduin began to shout that he had been tricked. The people advised him that the Messenger of God would not do unfair dealing with anyone. The Holy Prophet said, "Leave him, he has the right to protest." This continued for some time and each time the Holy Prophet said, "He has the right to protest." Then the Holy Prophet sent him to an Ansari woman and asked him to get his dates for the meat from her. When he returned with the dates, the Holy Prophet was sitting with his companions. He was very much impressed by the gentleness, forgiveness and fair dealings of the Holy Prophet. Seeing the Holy Prophet he said, "Muhammad! May God give you a better reward; you have paid the full price with goodness."

According to 6th class English text book board/

After explaining full chapter teacher will tell and practice the student about grammar use in this chapter.
Common noun, proper noun, regular and irregular verb, past tenses

A noun is a type of word that represents a person, thing, or place, like mother, apple, or valley. Two types of noun

Common noun:
A noun is a type of word that represents a person, thing, or place (like mother, apple or valley) .

Proper noun:
A proper noun denotes a specific person, place, or thing that has a name and is capitalized (like Tom, Delaware, or the Titanic).

A verb is a word that describes an like wiggle, walk , run, jump, be, do, have, or think . Two types of verb action or a state of being,

Regular verbs are those whose past tense (for example, "I looked") and past participle
(for example, "I had looked") are formed by following the standard rule: adding a "d" or an "ed" to the end of the verb (sometimes a final consonant is doubled, and if there is a y at the end of the word after a consonant, it changes to an "ied"). Walk is an example of a regular verb: I walk. You walked. They had walked. Another example is plan: I plan. She planned. They have planned. Another example is carry: I carry it. He carried it. They have carried it . Irregular verbs are those whose past tense (for example, "I rode") and past participles (for example, I had ridden) have forms that do not follow the standard rules. There are many irregular verbs (over 250) in English, including be, break, bring, come, cut, eat, go, meet, run, swim, and many more. The chart to the right lists some irregular verbs.

Some Irregular Verbs Verb awake be beat become begin bend bring build buy choose come do draw drive drink eat fall fight find forgive freeze get give go grow hang have hear hide hit hold hurt keep know lead Past Tense awoke was/were beat became began bent brought built bought chose came did drew drove drank ate fell fought found forgave froze got gave went grew hung had heard hid hit held hurt kept knew led Past Participle awoken been beaten become begun bent brought built bought chosen come done drawn driven drunk eaten fallen fought found forgiven frozen gotten given gone grown hung had heard hidden hit held hurt kept known led Verb learn leave let lie lose make mean meet pay put read ring ride rise run say see sell sing sit sleep speak spend stand swim teach tear tell think throw understand wake wear win write Past Tense learn/learnt left let lay lost made meant met paid put read rang rode rose ran said saw sold sang sat slept spoke spent stood swam taught tore told thought threw understood woke wore won wrote Past Participle learn/learnt left let lain lost made meant met paid put read rung ridden risen run said seen sold sung sat slept spoken spent stood swum taught torn told thought thrown understood woken worn won written

After teaching the lesson teacher will give some activities to assess the lecture. And also ask some question.
What made the holy Prophet S.A.W famous even before his prophet hood? Why did Hazarat Khadijah S.A.W decide to marry the Holy Prophet Hazarat Muhammad S.A.W? According to 6th class English text book board

Write common or proper on the line next to each noun.
1. City_______________________ 2. Book ___________________________ 3. Hazarat Muhammad S.A.W_______________________ 4. Madina_____________________ 5. Trader ______________________ 6. Camel_____________ 7. Teacher________________________ 8. Arabia_______________________ 9. Home _________________________ 10. Hazarat Khadija_____________________

Write 3 common nouns: Write 3 proper nouns:

1.___________________________ 1.___________________________ 2.___________________________ 2.___________________________ 3.___________________________ 3.___________________________

Idea get from: bW1vbi1wcm9wZXItbm91bnMucGRmCkNvbW1vbiBhbmQgUHJvcGVyIE5vdW5zIFdvcmtzaGVldCAtIE sxMlJlYWRlcg==

Grammar Verbs: Regular or Irregular Put the words into the correct columns. Look at the examples first. work hope have bring Say hold begin read share write hop eat earn intend make enjoy take fax join think found

Regular work

Irregular bring

Regular earn enjoy fax hope intend hop join found* undress share Irregular write think say read take have be hold eat make

*Note that the verb "to found" is regular, not to be confused with the irregular "to find": found (= create, start): found, founded, founded ( was founded in 1997.) find (= discover): find, found, found

Home work
Make list of common noun and proper noun from the chapter. Solve the exercise.


o According to 6th class English text book board o

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