Network Planning

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Network Planning

Markosz Maliosz 9/27 9/27/201 /2012 2

Circuit vs. Packet Switching

Telephone network: circuit switching
constant speed (bandwidth), continuous transmission connectionconnection-oriented first a circuit is built, then starts the transmission not ideal for bursty traffic simple terminals, smart network allows explicit QoS

Data network: packet switching

forwarding data units (packets) from source to destination no preliminary connection: connectionless no bandwidth reservation ideal for bursty traffic smart terminals, simple network hard to provide QoS

Circuit vs. Packet Switching

Can be mixed
circuit switching on one layer, packet switching on another example: IP over ATM

MPLS creates virtual circuits (LSPs) between endpoints

LSPs are not between end users though allows multiplexing of traffic sources inside a connection multiplexed traffic is less bursty

Traffic Aggregation
AccessAccess -backbone Aggregated traffic

Without Careful Planning

What is Network Planning?

Applying scientific methods Satisfying the requirements Ongoing, iterative process over time Optimization problem
minimizing cost maximizing income

Network Planning as an Optimization Problem

Real world complex network planning single optimization problem
no single objective
cost?, capacity?, reliability?, how to balance the criteria? multicriteria optimization difficult use some of the objectives, as constraints constraints
e.g. with a fixed cost limit, how to achieve maximum performance

size of the problem unexpected events (competition, new developments)

In practice: practice: the overall problem is divided into a number of smaller, more manageable subproblems

Traffic description (current, forecasted) Quantitative requirements Qualitative requirements
MissionMission-critical, realreal-time, best effort Protection, availability

Equipments, devices available on the market Technical aspects (e.g. standards, recommendations) Economical aspects (return on investment, costcosteffective operation, limited budget cost functions) Objective of the optimization

Temporal Scale of Planning

LongLong -term
Strategic considerations: resources, scheduling, pro and contra Structure of the network

MediumMedium -term
Developments (most typical!) /replacement, extensions/
e.g. if load is over 50%, then start the process for capacity extension

ShortShort -term
Unexpected demands Operator intervention: reconfiguration

Planning and Operating a Network

Planning a network
Months years Based on traffic demands

Configuring a network
Days weeks Traffic engineering and resource configuration

RealReal -time network control

Seconds minutes

Levels of Planning
Nodes Links Functional map

Realization of the logical plan Equipments and cabling
real maps

Hardware and software components


Types of Planning and Outputs

Green field

1. 2. 3.

Given: placement of nodes No links installed Placement of links, i.e. direct connections Planning paths between node pairs Determining the required capacity for nodes and links

Topology planning

Routing, planning of paths Dimensioning, capacity planning


Describing the Traffic

Traffic matrix:
A A B C 3 8 B 3 10 C 8 10 D 11 5 2

Symmetric or asymmetric Units, e.g.:

bps #of STMSTM-1 links (155,520 bps) bps)

Values: busy hour or averaged


Trends in Planning
Which one is more cost cost-effective?
Overprovisioning capacity at network deployment Capacity extensions later can be even 5050-80% more expensive

Rule of thumb: overprovisioning

Reason: quick increase of traffic demands (5(5-50%, or even 100% yearyear-by by-year) In most of the cases an overprovisioned network is filled within 3 years

Feedback effect: if a network operates well, then it attracts new users it gets overloaded

Course Overview
During the course we will look at specific planning problems Course objectives: students should be able to
define network planning problems (objectives, constraints, etc.) choose suitable algorithm for solving the problem understand the methods and algorithms and their applicability


Cost modeling, cost functions


Cost Types in Networking

Capital Expenditures (CAPEX)
network elements: cables, switches, routers, software, etc. premises land that cables run along (right of way)

Operational Expenditures (OPEX)

manpower cost (installation, administration, etc.) repairs and upgrades planning, design power transit traffic costs


Cost Components
Link inks s:
Fixed Fixed costs
Investment: Investment : price of cables, etc.

Proportional cost
Distance proportional
in access networks cabling cost is more than half of the total cost

Bandwidth proportional

Variable cost (depends on utilization, load) load)

Nodes: Nodes :
Fixed Fixed costs
Investment: cost of equipment (hard Investment: hardware ware+ +software software), ), installation, renting fee

Proportional costs
number and speed of line cards

Variable cost (depends on utilization, load) load)

power consumption, cooling


Link Cost Model

L = k + c + d linear model c: link capacity d: link distance k, , are constants some terms can be zero this is a simplification: it is easier to handle this in optimization problems

Link Cost Model

L = k + c + d k, , are constants
arises from the cost of building a link
right of way, digging, etc.

k and are non non-distance dependent

usually terminating equipment related costs k: nonnon-capacity dependent
e.g. installing a line card, configuring a router

: higher speed line costs more


Very Simple Example Problem

Problem: connect two location with fixed bandwidth link
option A: private line
L = kpriv + privd

option B: VPN
pay only for accessing the VPN: VPN = 0

decision: use private line if kpriv + privd < 2kVPN


Cost Functions Examples

Capacity proportional component: component : Linear inear Entry cost: cost:
digging, digging, cabling devices

Stepwise: jump at particular line speeds


Cost Function Examples

Linear: by Linear: wavelengths

StepStep -wise wise: : by fibers


Cost Function Examples

Piece-wise linear PieceDifferent levels of economy


Cost Function Examples

Distance proportional (WAN): StepStep -wise: at regenerators
optical fiber microwave link


Cost Model vs. Reality

The linear cost model is not really good In term of cost this is a discrete problem
links have discrete capacities:
e.g. Ethernet: 10Mbps, FastFast-Ethernet: 100Mbps, GigE: GigE: 1 Gbps, Gbps, 10GigE: 10 Gbps

too complicated to handle it is hard to get exact pricing information

depends on size of order, company policies, discounts from vendors for multiple orders, etc.

Despite: it is often treated as linear, continuous function, as an approximation


Basic algorithms


Algorithms Algorit hms

Algorithm: Algorithm : a sequence of stepstep-by by-step instructions for solving a problem Problem: Problem :
input data a query about input data

Algorithm: Algorithm:
Most important: important: depending on the size of the input data how many steps are required to solve a problem
fast: fast: polynomial number of steps ~ nk slow : e.g e.g. . exponen exponential tial number of steps ~ an or fac factorial torial ~ n!

Complexity: Complexity: characterizes the problem

problem classes: classes:
P: polynomial time algorithm exists for solving NP hard: no polynomial time algorithm is known to solve the problem

Exhaustive search

endless time

Algorith Algorit hms

How to solve NP hard problems in practice?
for a special case can exist a polynomial time algorithm if the input data is not huge, then the solving time can be acceptable if the solution is not timetime-critical, then maybe an exponential running time is acceptable we do not insist on the optimum: approximation methods, heuristics

Algorithms Algorit hms

Example: Example :
N nodes N*(NN*(N-1)/2 possible links N*(N-1)/2 possible 2 N*(N topologies
however some of them are not connected
Number Number of possible Number of connected of nodes topologies topologies 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 8 4 4 64 38 5 1 024 728 6 32 768 26 704 7 2 097 152 1 866 256 8 268 435 456 251 548 592 9 68 719 476 736 66 296 291 072 10 35 184 372 088 832 34 496 488 594 816

Goal: to reduce the Goal: number of possibilities to choose from Example: Example : greedy algorithm


Greedy Algorithms
At each step the best choice is chosen based on local information
it never steps back

Advantage: generally simple Disadvantage: does not reach the optimum in many cases



A E path?


Greedy algorithm
Path: A C D B E Cost: 2 + 2 + 1 + 5 = 10


Optimal min-cost path

Path: A D E Cost: 3 + 3 = 6

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