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uave: 1oday's cool facL of Lhe day ls LhaL Lhe effecLs of gluLen exposure can lasL for up Lo 6 monLhs. lf
you Lhlnk LhaL you're dolng yourself a favor by gorglng on bread only once a week, lL's a ma[or mlsLake
for your healLh. Some people are more LoleranL Lhan oLhers, buL people wlLh a damaged guL need Lo
ellmlnaLe gluLen enLlrely. uLLlng gluLen on your cheaL day" [usL doesn'L work, you're cheaLlng your
healLh. ?ou can eaL loLs of carbs, you can handle some sugar, buL Lhere are some Loxlns and lrrlLanLs llke
gluLen LhaL you really [usL oughL noL Lo consume, because lL's golng Lo Lake you slx monLhs Lo recover
from lL, noL 6 days.
uave: ?ou're llsLenlng Lo eplsode 27 of upgraded Self 8adlo, wlLh uave and Arml from Lhe 8ulleLproof
LxecuLlve blog. We have a greaL lnLervlew Loday wlLh ur. 1erry Wahls. ur Wahls ls a llcensed Medlcal
uocLor who used nuLrlLlon and elecLrlc-sLlmulaLlon Lherapy Lo puL her mulLlple sclerosls lnLo remlsslon.
ur. Wahls comes lnLo upgraded Self 8adlo Lo Lalk abouL how you can use Lhe same Lechnlques Lo llve a
healLhler, longer llfe. l'm parLlcularly exclLed Lo have ur. Wahls on because l have used a loL of elecLrlcal
modallLles lncludlng LlecLro-SLlm, and we're golng Lo be lncludlng elecLro-sLlm work ln Lhe upcomlng
8ulleLproof Conference whlch ls golng Lo be ln Lhe 8ay Area, so l'm preLLy exclLed Lo have some of LhaL
on our show Loday. We follow LhaL wlLh really good llsLener C&A Loday, where we dlscuss: wheLher or
noL buckwheaL ls 8ulleLproof, wheLher or noL posL-workouL carbs are needed for muscle growLh, dry
mouLh afLer eaLlng Lhe 8ulleLproof uleL, and Lhe problems of hemp proLeln. As always, we close wlLh Lhe
8lohacker 8eporL, where you'll hear a brlef summary of 3 pleces of new research. 1hls week, we'll Lalk
abouL easlng Lhe paln of mlgralnes wlLh Lranscranlal dlrecL sLlmulaLlon, lmprovlng muscle growLh wlLh
proLeln Llmlng, and opLlmlzlng your healLh and even your chlldren's healLh wlLh adequaLe vlLamln u
uave: l'm really pleased Lo announce LhaL Lhe free 8ulleLproof uleL shopplng gulde ls now avallable. lf
you wanL an exacL llsL of Lhe foods LhaL you should be eaLlng Lo sLay on Lhe green" slde of Lhe
8ulleLproof uleL, producL recommendaLlons, and besL pracLlces for buylng bulleLproof foods, slgn up aL and you geL access Lo Lhe 8lohacker 1oolbox, whlch now lncludes Lhe free
shopplng gulde. 1he 8ulleLproof lorum ls growlng and people are sLarLlng Lo ask really really good
quesLlons on lL. We answer Lhe forum before we answer emalls, so please be sure Lo check lL ouL and
ask some quesLlons, or Lo even Lake Lhe Llme Lo answer somebody elses quesLlons lf you know Lhe
answer. ?ou can learn more abouL us aL, on LwlLLer [bulleLproofexec , or on Arml, whaL blohacks have you been worklng on Lhls week?
Arml: Cver Lhe pasL week or so, or probably a llLLle longer, l've been sleeplng anywhere from 11-13
hours per nlghL. And l dld acLually have Lyme ulsease recenLly, so l Lhlnk LhaL's parL of lL, plus l also Lraln
a loL so l need some more sleep Lhan mosL people, and l'm 17, so all of Lhese Lhlngs are golng Lo
lncrease my sleep needs. 8uL lL dld feel a blL excesslve Lo be spendlng over 30 of my Llme allve
sleeplng. So l've been Lrylng Lo measure wheLher or noL my sleep ls efflclenL, and so l've sLarLed uslng
my Zeo agaln Lo Lrack lL. And whaL l've found ls LhaL my sleep efflclency of my acLual quallLy sleep had

acLually dropped over LhaL perlod. So l've been uslng a Llp from 8en 8ubln, a frlend of ours and Lhe
founder of Zeo, whlch ls sleep resLrlcLlon Lherapy. ?ou purposely sLay up abouL a half-hour laLer buL geL
up aL Lhe same Llme ln Lhe mornlng, and lL has lncreased my sleep efflclency and my sleep score, so l am
acLually geLLlng more deep sleep and more 8LM sleep Lhan before by sllghLly resLrlcLlng my sleep [usL a
llLLle blL. WhaL abouL you, have you been worklng on anyLhlng cool?

uave: MosL deflnlLely. l was golng Lo menLlon- whaL you [usL sald abouL sleep resLrlcLlon Lherapy, aL Lhe
SxSW conference, l belleve lL was Mlchael Scanlon, Lhe chlef sclenLlsL from LumoslLy, Lhe braln Lralnlng
sofLware company, he and l were on a panel and he menLloned some really cool daLa abouL people who
sleep more Lhan 8 hours a nlghL and cognlLlve funcLlon. And lL Lurns ouL, lf you're geLLlng Loo much sleep
(dependlng on Lhe demands on your body of course- and you puL unusual demands on your own body
because of your Lralnlng level and your age) buL lf you sleep more Lhan you need Lo as an adulL, LhaL wlll
acLually, on average, have lower cognlLlve funcLlon. 1hls lsn'L causlve, ln facL Lhe people who need
excesslve amounLs of sleep Lo feel Ck ofLenLlmes may already have cognlLlve dysfuncLlon golng on. So
for you l Lhlnk Lyme dlsease could have been a parL of LhaL. 8uL lL's preLLy cool LhaL you've already
Lurned up your efflclency because 8ulleLproof Sleep ls, well, bulleLproof.
uave: l've been worklng on a couple of dlfferenL Lhlngs Lhls week, buL one of Lhe Lhlngs whlch has
caughL my aLLenLlon ls Lhe omega 6 Lo omega 3 raLlo ln my blood. 1he 8ulleLproof uleL resLrlcLs omega 6
olls essenLlally as much as you can. ?ou baslcally don'L wanL Lo have a bunch of omega 6 olls. 1here are
some argumenLs LhaL Lhey can be essenLlal, buL lL's becomlng more clear LhaL Lhey may noL ln facL be
essenLlal. And, mosL people who eaL a SLandard Amerlcan uleL have an omega 6 Lo omega 3 raLlo of
abouL 40:1. l goL my Wellnesslx resulLs back, and you can read more abouL Wellnesslx on our blog (and
we have a $100 off deal Loo lf you're lnLeresLed ln geLLlng your own blood numbers). 8uL one of Lhe
Lhlngs Lhey measure ls Lhls 6:3 raLlo. Well lL Lurns ouL LhaL mlne was 1.3:1, whlch ls abouL Lhe lowesL
raLlo LhaL l have heard of, so l'll be Lalklng wlLh ur. !ack kruse who ls acLually a blg fan of our 8ulleLproof
Coffee, he's a neurosurgeon who has been worklng on uslng cold Lherapy as one of Lhe ways Lo geL Lhls
raLlo very very low Lo lmprove help. So l'm golng Lo compare noLes wlLh hlm over Lhe nexL couple of
weeks Lo see whaL we can learn abouL geLLlng Lhese raLlos as low as posslble, whlch ls essenLlally down
Lo a 1:1 raLlo evenLually.
Arml: lnLeresLlng. We also Lalk some abouL dleLary recommendaLlons ln our lnLervlew wlLh 1erry Wahls,
and abouL how she used her dleL Lo puL lnLo remlsslon her mulLlple sclerosls. And now, we're golng Lo
have LhaL lnLervlew wlLh ur. 1erry Wahls.
---- 1PL ln1L8vlLW ----
uave: Per body ravaged by secondary progresslve mulLlple sclerosls, ur. 1erry Wahls spenL nearly 4
years ln a wheelchalr. now, Lhanks Lo Lhe lnLenslve dlrecLed nuLrlLlon and neuromuscular elecLrlcal
sLlmulaLlon proLocols she developed, ur. Wahls rldes her blcycle Lo work. She's broughL LogeLher a Leam
Lo conducL cllnlcal Lrlals uslng lnLenslve, dlrecLed nuLrlLlon and neuromuscular elecLrlcal sLlmulaLlon Lo
combaL advanced arklnson's dlsease, and secondary and prlmary progresslve mulLlple sclerosls. She's a

cllnlcal professor of medlclne aL Lhe unlverslLy of lowa, where she Leaches resldenLs and medlcal
sLudenLs ln prlmary care and runs LraumaLlc care braln ln[ury cllnlcs. She's also commlLLed Lo helplng Lhe
publlc learn abouL Lhe connecLlon beLween Lhe foods we eaL and Lhe healLh we have (or do noL have),
and lecLures reglonally and naLlonally on Lhe use of lnLenslve dlrecLlve nuLrlLlon Lo resLore healLh. She ls
Lhe auLhor of !"#$"#% '( !")*+,*#$-". and ls worklng on a new book /0 1-*' ),2 3,."-. ur. Wahls
comes on upgraded Self 8adlo Loday Lo Lalk abouL how you can LreaL mulLlple sclerosls, help loved ones
recover, opLlmlze your healLh, and become as reslllenL as posslble wlLh nuLrlLlon and Lechnology. ur
Wahls, welcome Lo Lhe show.
ur. 1erry Wahls: 1hank you.
uave: l am so exclLed Lo have you Loday, because Lhere aren'L many physlclans who have boLh Lhe
burnlng personal deslre (as ln, l'm slck and l need Lo geL beLLer") and also Lhe knowledge of Lhe
elecLrlcal slde of Lhlngs as well as Lhe nuLrlLlon slde of Lhlngs. As a so-called blo-hacker", for years l've
been uslng elecLrlcal and nuLrlLlonal modallLles Lo lncrease my own performance, and also Lo recover
from some preLLy ugly Loxlc problems lncludlng braln dysfuncLlon and all sorLs of Lhlngs llke LhaL, as well
as havlng an exLra 100 pounds. So l'm really exclLed Lo hear a real docLor who can Lalk abouL Lhe
elecLrlcal slde of healLh lmprovemenL.
ur. 1erry Wahls: Ah yes, yes. AbsoluLely.
uave: Pow dld you geL lnLeresLed ln Lhe relaLlonshlp flrsL beLween nuLrlLlon and healLh and Lhen
elecLrlclLy and healLh?
ur. 1erry Wahls: nuLrlLlon evolved when l made Lhe consclous declslon Lo move from Lhe llsL of pllls and
supplemenLs l was Laklng Lo flndlng Lhe food source. l'm a member of Lhe revlew commlLLee LhaL
monlLors research, and ln Lhe summer of 2007 l revlewed a research proLocol LhaL used elecLrlcal
sLlmulaLlon of muscles ln people who had recenLly been paralyzed by a LraumaLlc ln[ury Lo Lhe splnal
cord. 1haL lnsplred me Lo research Lhe use of elecLrlcal Lherapy, and Lhen Lo convlnce my physlcal
LheraplsL Lo leL me have a LesL sesslon of elecLrlcal Lherapy.
uave: uld you noLlce a huge dlfference when you made Lhose changes?
ur. 1erry Wahls: When l sLarLed Lhe elecLrlcal Lherapy, my physlcal LheraplsL sald l could probably grow
more muscles, buL Lhey weren'L sure LhaL my braln could Lalk Lo Lhe new muscles LhaL were grown. 1hey
acknowledged LhaL Lhls was very much an experlmenL, and warned me LhaL lL could be exhausLlng and
qulLe palnful. So we dld Lhe LesL sesslon, and lL was palnful, buL on Lhe oLher hand when l was done l
had Lhls lncredlble feellng of conLenLedness and euphorla, l was noL exhausLed, and l found LhaL by
dolng elecLrlcal sLlmulaLlon whlle l was gradually lncreaslng my workouL load, lL was easler Lo do Lhe
workouL. l was able Lo grow my muscles back slowly, and Lhen l developed a very comprehenslve
program for re[uvenaLlng Lhe muscles ln my legs and ln my back and abdomen.
uave: Wow, LhaL ls a preLLy lmpresslve sLory.
ur. 1erry Wahls: ?eah, and l'd spend hours every day dolng my Lralnlng program.

uave: uo you sLlll do LhaL?
ur. 1erry Wahls: l [usL ln Lhe lasL year have dropped Lhe elecLrlcal porLlon of my Lralnlng program. now l
am slmply dolng welghL Lralnlng and some aeroblc Lralnlng. 8uL lL's safe Lo say LhaL l Lraln abouL an hour
a day.
uave: Wow. lL's so lmpresslve Lo hear when people Lurn around Lhese so-called lncurable dlseases",
and noL [usL llmlL Lhelr progress buL acLually reverse Lhem. l'm convlnced LhaL LhaL's a posslblllLy for so
many people rlghL now who don'L really have hope or don'L feel empowered Lo be able Lo sLep ln and
really do lL. So Lhe facL LhaL you are noL only dolng lL buL wrlLlng a book abouL lL so LhaL oLher people can
learn, and spendlng your Llme durlng your busy day Lo come on Lhe show.. l'm lmpressed by LhaL and l
[usL wanL Lo say Lhanks agaln. 1hls ls Lhe sorL of sLuff whlch changes llves.
ur. 1erry Wahls: ?es, yes.
uave: LeL's go back a llLLle blL ln Llme. When you were a younger adulL, were you healLhy? uld you
always have healLh problems?
ur. 1erry Wahls: Ch no, l was a farm kld, a sLrong, sLrapplng farm glrl. l played baskeLball ln college, and
l dld 1ae-kwon-uo lncludlng compeLlng naLlonally. ln 1978 l was a bronze medallsL aL Lhe Lrlals for Lhe
an-Amerlcan Cames ln full-conLacL welLer welghL flghLlng. l cllmbed mounLalns, kayaked, ran
maraLhons, dld skl maraLhons... so l was always an aLhleLe ln addlLlon Lo whaLever else l was dolng.
uave: Wow. So you were a sLrong, young, healLhy person- how or when dld you flrsL reallze LhaL
someLhlng was golng on? Pow could you Lell?
ur. 1erry Wahls: uurlng medlcal school l had eplsodes of elecLrlcal paln, [olLs of elecLrlcal paln ln my
face. 1haL was aLLrlbuLed Lo axllla neuralgla- LhaL's a nerve ln Lhe back of my scalp LhaL lnLermlLLenLly
sends bad lnformaLlon. Also an eplsode of LranslenL bllndness whlle l was ouL roller-skaLlng, l goL a blg
workup, no clear explanaLlon. 1hen l had my klds and was dolng somewhaL less, and l assumed LhaL Lhe
reason l couldn'L skl and run as far had someLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe facL LhaL l wasn'L pushlng myself hard
enough. 1hen l began sLumbllng, and falllng, and LhaL's when l wenL Lhrough anoLher blg evaluaLlon, and
Lhe dlagnosls of mulLlple sclerosls was made ln 2000. 8elng a docLor, l Look aggresslve LreaLmenL, and
wenL Lo Lhe besL lnLernaLlonal cenLer LhaL l could flnd, whlch was Lhe Cleveland Cllnlc. 8uL l conLlnued Lo
decllne. ln 2003 l was ln my wheelchalr and LhaL's when l declded LhaL l needed Lo be readlng Lhe baslc
sclence llLeraLure myself Lo see whaL else l mlghL do Lo slow down Lhe speed of my decllne.
uave: 1he facL LhaL you wenL back and read Lhe baslc llLeraLure ls really, really cool, lnfacL l had a slmllar
experlence wlLh myself, where l found LhaL lf l was golng Lo achleve whaL l wanLed, Lhen l had Lo really
go back and see how Lhlngs worked. Was your medlcal Lralnlng really useful ln dolng LhaL, or was Lhls
someLhlng LhaL you Lhlnk any moLlvaLed and lnLelllgenL person could do?
ur. 1erry Wahls: Well flrsL l'd llke Lo say yes Lo boLh: Lhe lnLerneL ls cerLalnly very powerful, especlally
for someone who already has a good undersLandlng of sclence and ls wllllng Lo puL ln Lhe Llme Lo read
and search, and maybe be able Lo see Lremendous connecLlons. ln my process, l ended up re-Leachlng

myself a loL of baslc sclence, and many of Lhese concepLs had noL yeL been dlscovered when l flrsL Look
baslc sclence. So Lhere was loLs of learnlng. l also dlscovered Lhe lnsLlLuLe for luncLlonal Medlclne and
Lhey have some greaL courses Lo lmprove Lhe baslc undersLandlng of blology. And wlLh LhaL, l had Lhls
very comprehenslve llsL of braln nuLrlenLs. l had been on a aleo dleL slnce 2003, buL l dldn'L know how
Lo sLrucLure LhaL. lL wasn'L unLll l had Lhls long llsL of braln nuLrlenLs LhaL l could say Ck, so lf l wanL Lo
geL all Lhls sLuff from my food, whaL do l have Lo be eaLlng? l used LhaL Lo creaLe a sLrucLure for how l
was golng Lo manage my food lnLake every day so l could maxlmlze Lhe lnLake of Lhlngs LhaL l LhoughL
would be crlLlcal for my braln. now, when people geL exclLed abouL Lhe aleo dleL, l Lhlnk we have Lo
keep ln mlnd LhaL we don'L really know for mosL of our reglons whaL was Lhe hunLer-gaLherer dleL for
LhaL reglon, because we have dlsplaced Lhe naLlve people and have desLroyed Lhe naLural hablLaL. We
do know LhaL naLlve people have very dlfferenL dleLs and Lhey flgure ouL whaL foods are polsonous,
whaL foods are healLh-promoLlng, and deslgn Lhelr dleLs around LhaL. So l don'L have access Lo Lhe
lowans LhaL were naLlve, who had access Lo all LhaL lnformaLlon. And furLhermore, even lf l dld, Lhe local
hablLaL had slnce been desLroyed. So we deconsLrucLed, uslng Lhe paleo prlnclples of rooLs, leaves,
berrles, meaL, flsh, eggs, LhaL would be fresh ln season and locally obLalned, buL Lhen whaL were Lhe
food caLegorles and how much should you eaL from each caLegory? l used my undersLandlng of baslc
sclence Lo help me deslgn an eaLlng plan LhaL would make lL easy Lo achleve LhaL. Cnce l dld LhaL, wlLhln
monLhs, maglcal Lhlngs sLarLed Lo happen. l was able Lo walk wlLh a cane, Lhen LhroughouL Lhe hosplLal
wlLhouL a cane, Lhen l could rlde my blke, and Lhe nexL year l was on my horse, and l'm ouL dolng cllnlcal
Lrlals. Lhe food ls where Lhe maglc ls. CeLLlng LhaL long llsL helped me beLLer undersLand how Lo deslgn
a food plan, and l really Lhlnk LhaL food ls Lhe maglc cure.
uave: l am so pleased Lo hear you say boLh LhaL food ls maglc slnce l'm of Lhe same oplnlon, buL also
LhaL you came back from a preLLy slck sLaLe. lL sounded llke ln a couple of monLhs Lhe changes were very
noLlceable, lL dldn'L Lake 2 years of dleLlng or someLhlng.
ur. 1erry Wahls: Ch absoluLely. And LhaL's whaL l see ln my cllnlcal pracLlce. When l use Lhese concepLs
and puL people on Lhe Wahl dleL, Lhelr menLal healLh sympLoms lmprove, people come back ln 3 monLhs
and Lell me LhaL Lhey observe LhaL Lhelr faLlgue and bad moods are sharply less. eople who are
overwelghL are loslng welghL now for Lhe flrsL Llme wlLhouL feellng llke Lhey're sLarvlng. So marvelous
Lhlngs are happenlng.
uave: Wonderful. And ln Lhe people who llsLen Lo Lhls show, we have people who deflnlLely care abouL
Lhelr healLh and Lhere are a loL of people who are already healLhy, buL Lhey're looklng for an addlLlonal
cognlLlve boosL for beLLer memory, or Lhey wanL Lo malnLaln Lhelr funcLlon as Lhey age. uo you Lhlnk
LhaL Lhe mlLochondrlal dleL llke Lhe one you have ln Lhe book wlll help someone who's already healLhy?
ur. 1erry Wahls: Ch absoluLely. Cur research asslsLanLs supporL Lhe sLudy, Lhey do Lhe dleL for 2 weeks
so Lhey geL a sense for whaL lL Lakes, how hard lL ls, and lL makes Lhem more effecLlve as coaches for our
sLudy parLlclpanLs. And whaL Lhey all observe ls Lhe menLal clarlLy goes up, energy goes up, vlLallLy goes
up. So mosL of Lhe klds are sLaylng preLLy close Lo Lhe dleL even afLer Lhey flnlsh Lhelr Lwo weeks. And
whaL l flnd fasclnaLlng ls LhaL here are klds ln Lhelr 20s who should be aL Lhe peak of Lhelr game, and
Lhey are experlenclng slgnlflcanL healLh beneflLs.

uave: Wonderful. So you've seen Lhe same exacL sorL of Lhlng whlch says LhaL you don'L have Lo be slck
Lo beneflL, and Lo beneflL qulckly, by addresslng mlLochondrlal funcLlon.
ur. 1erry Wahls: And for mosL of us, we have fully adapLed Lo a crappy dleL wlLh less energy, more
faLlgue, maklng due by Laklng energy drlnk afLer energy drlnk and loLs of caffelne because our bodles are
performlng so poorly. We have no ldea how greaL energy and vlLallLy could be lf we were chooslng Lo
eaL for healLh.
uave: Muslc Lo my ears. now Lhere are Lwo Lhlngs LhaL you menLloned ln how you recovered. ?ou
Lalked abouL removlng Lhlngs, and Lhen addlng some Lhlngs. Can you Lell us a llLLle abouL whaL you
removed, and Lhen whaL were Lhe mosL lmporLanL 3 Lhlngs LhaL you added or lncreased?
ur. 1erry Wahls: Ckay. So we removed gralns, dalry, and legumes. And Lhe reason for LhaL has Lo do
wlLh Lhe proLeln ln gralns and dalry (gluLen and caseln) for Lhe vulnerable lndlvldual wlll rev up my
lnflammaLlon molecules, my lnflammaLlon facLory, much Loo much. Worsenlng all sorLs of auLolmmune
problems, lncreaslng Lhe probablllLy of mood problems, and neurologlcal problems. 8y Laklng Lhe gluLen
and dalry ouL, l lower LhaL lnflammaLlon. now Lhere are also some problems wlLh gluLen and dalry ln
Lerms of promoLlng cancer (Lhe dalry's caseln) and Lhe gluLen ln Lerms of promoLlng sugar-lovlng
bacLerla and yeasL ln Lhe bowels LhaL add Lo more Lrouble as well. ln my cllnlc l'll Lell people aL Lhe very
leasL Lo go gluLen and dalry free, dependlng on how lll Lhe person ls, l may Lell Lhem Lhey'll do much
beLLer lf Lhey go fully paleo, and suggesL LhaL Lhey Lake ouL gluLen, dalry, and legumes as well.
Arml: So whaL dld you add now, ln Lerms of addlng Lo Lhe dleL?
ur. 1erry Wahls: ln Lerms of addlng Lo Lhe dleL, LhaL's where we're selecLlng dlfferenL greens, sulfur-rlch
vegeLables, brlghLly colored vegeLables and berrles, grass-fed meaL, organ meaL, and seaweed.
Arml: 1haL sounds greaL. uo you Lhlnk LhaL Lhe currenL healLh recommendaLlons mlghL be addlng Lo Lhe
lncrease ln MS and oLher forms of degeneraLlve dlseases?
ur. 1erry Wahls: AbsoluLely. 1here's a Lerrlflc arLlcle, Savlng Lhe uS uleLary Culdellnes from Speclal
lnLeresLs" from ),2 4**$ 5#$ 6-7% 8.9 [ournal LhaL Lracks Lhe flnanclal relaLlonshlps of Lhe lndlvlduals
who have been appolnLed Lo Lhe commlLLee LhaL makes Lhe uS uleLary recommendaLlons. And over Lhe
llfeLlme of LhaL commlLLee, Lhe flnanclal relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhe food lndusLry and Lhe agrlculLure lndusLry
have sLeadlly lncreased. So Lhe food pyramld ls far more abouL promoLlng producLs Lhan abouL
promoLlng healLh. ln counLrles where Lhe food guldellne recommendaLlons requlre LhaL Lhe sclenLlsLs
lnvolved ln Lhem can have no pasL or presenL relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhe food lndusLry or agrlculLure
lndusLry, Lhelr guldellnes look much more llke Lhe Wahl's dleL.
uave: lL's amazlng and shocklng Lo me whaL's happened, especlally wlLh Lhe laLesL food plaLe when we
had hoped LhaL Lhey mlghL flnally flx lL. l creaLed a spoof slLe called" lnsLead of
choosemyplaLe", and l'm [usL klnd of shocked LhaL glven Lhe knowledge LhaL you have here and some
of Lhe oLher guesLs on our show who conslsLenLly as medlcal professlonals and researchers say Lhe same
Lhlngs: don'L eaL wheaL and don'L eaL mllk proLeln", lL seems very conslsLenL now. l'm klnd of shocked

buL noL Loo shocked because Lhe buslness connecLlons are Lhere buL l'm Lhankful LhaL our llsLeners can
hear abouL Lhls from people llke you who have had boLh a personal lmpacL and medlcal Lralnlng.
ur. 1erry Wahls: l Lhlnk lL's unforLunaLe, buL Lhe reallLy ls LhaL Lhere's a sLrong flnanclal lncenLlve around
Lhe food pyramld LhaL's golng Lo be very dlfflculL for us Lo see any change. 1herefore, whaL we need Lo
do ls Lo go forLh dlrecLly Lo Lhe publlc and Lo make Lhls lnformaLlon avallable. CeL books ouL Lhere, geL
lecLures ouL Lhere, because lL's golng Lo be up Lo Lhe people Lo fend for Lhemselves. lL's noL up Lo Lhe
governmenL Lo Leach us how Lo eaL, we're golng Lo have Lo flgure LhaL ouL for ourselves.
uave: We deflnlLely are. And one of Lhe Lhlngs cerLalnly ln my experlence and ln your experlence whlch
ls mosL lmporLanL ls supporLlng mlLochondrlal funcLlon. lor llsLeners who are maybe new Lo Lhe show,
mlLochondrla are Lhe power planLs ln your cells, Lhe Lhlngs LhaL generaLe energy. now ur. Wahls, can
you Lell us why mlLochondrlal supporL ls so lmporLanL, and whaL people should be Lhlnklng abouL when
Lhey're Lhlnklng abouL Lhelr mlLochondrla?
ur. 1erry Wahls: Sure. 1he reason LhaL you and l are allve ls because of Lhe chemlsLry LhaL's happenlng
ln our cells. When Lhe chemlsLry sLops, we dle. When Lhey chemlsLry happens lmproperly, we wlll
develop chronlc progresslve lllness. lL's Lhe mlLochondrla ln our cells LhaL drlves Lhe energy Lo drlve
Lhose chemlcal reacLlons. So we know LhaL ln our favorlLe car, we wanL Lo puL ln greaL fuel, greaL oll, Lo
malnLaln LhaL vehlcle. We would never Lhlnk Lo puL ln sugar and whlLe flour lnLo Lhe gas Lank, because lL
would gum everyLhlng up. lf we wanL our mlLochondrla Lo operaLe and Lo power Lhe chemlsLry of llfe
properly, we need Lo see Lo lL LhaL we are eaLlng loLs of 8 vlLamlns and mlnerals Lo have LhaL chemlsLry,
LhaL energy generaLlon, happen properly. So 8 vlLamlns, green leafs, and organ meaL. Coenzyme C ls
also a very lmporLanL parL of Lhe mlLochondrla and Lhe generaLlon of energy- LhaL ls found ln organ
meaL. And so our ancesLors knew Lo eaL loLs of organ meaL, LhaL LhaL was a crlLlcal parL of keeplng Lhe
young and Lhe more senlor members of Lhelr clan healLhy.
uave: l have a quesLlon here, and l ask Lhls of mosL medlcal professlonals who come on Lhe show. Pave
you looked lnLo Lhe role of mycoLoxlns ln MS, and [usL ln general mlLochondrla dysfuncLlon?
ur. 1erry Wahls: MycoLoxlns absoluLely are parL of Lhe problem for many, as are Loxlns from sugar-
lovlng bacLerla. So golng on a paleo dleL whlch Lakes away Lhe legumes, Lhe carbs, Lhe poLaLoes, Lhe
emphasls on green color and sulfur shlfLs Lhe dleL away from a yeasL/fungal supporLlng envlronmenL Lo
an envlronmenL LhaL supporLs more of our old frlends LhaL are helpful. 8uL yeah, candlda can be a
source of sympLoms such as faLlgue and exhausLlon for many, wlLh and wlLhouL MS.
uave: 1haL's really cool, you're baslcally saylng Lhlngs growlng lnslde your body can generaLe Loxlns LhaL
conLrlbuLe Lo mlLochondrlal dysfuncLlon and dlsease or poor performance.
ur. 1erry Wahls: AbsoluLely. So we have a hundred Lrllllon yeasL bacLerla and paraslLes llvlng ln our
bowels. We have 1 Lrllllon body cells. So you and l are ouL-numbered 100:1. Pow abouL LhaL? 1haL's sorL
of shocklng.

uave: lL ls very shocklng, and lL goes even more Lowards Lhe evldence LhaL shows we need Lo supporL
Lhe mlcroblal ecosysLem lnslde our body buL also even ouLslde our body, because we soak lL up from Lhe
world around us.
ur. 1erry Wahls: LxacLly. We are sLewards of an ecosysLem. And so lf l'm a good sLeward, eaLlng Lhe
foods LhaL my ancesLors aLe for hundreds of Lhousands of generaLlons, Lhen l'll have my old frlends back
and have LhaL hundred Lrllllon bacLerlal yeasL paraslLes LhaL, as l meLabollze whaL l eaL, make helpful
Lhlngs. And my blology knows how Lo llve wlLh LhaL ecosysLem. As l eaL whlLe flour and whlLe sugar,
even gluLen-free whlLe flour and whlLe sugar, l'm golng Lo have Lrouble.
Arml: ls lL posslble LhaL many people are slck from noL eaLlng enough? ?ou Lalked abouL Lhe lmporLance
of mlcro nuLrlLlon and one of Lhe key recommendaLlons LhaL people make Lo eaL less, eaL less". uo you
Lhlnk LhaL malnuLrlLlon mlghL be a ma[or problem?
ur. 1erry Wahls: Ch sure. 1here are numerous sLudles LhaL look aL whaL people are eaLlng, and whaL we
flnd ls LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of Amerlcans are falllng Lo meeL Lhe recommended dally allowance for
mulLlple vlLamlns and mlnerals. So we are sLarvlng for Lhe bulldlng blocks LhaL we need for Lhe blology of
llfe. We are obese because of all Lhe hlgh flour, hlgh sugar, and hlgh frucLose corn syrup LhaL we're
eaLlng: Lo whlch we are all addlcLed, and ls maklng Lhls lnvadlng harmful communlLy of bacLerla and
yeasL LhaL are addlng Lo our mlsery. So sLarvaLlon absoluLely ls a huge problem, overfeedlng wlLh whlLe
flour/whlLe sugar and poLaLoes are anoLher absoluLely huge problem, because lL's leadlng Lo Lhe wrong
bacLerla ln our bowels.
uave: So one of Lhe Lhlngs LhaL l do when l'm worklng wlLh coachlng cllenLs, and cerLalnly someLhlng
l've done for myself, ls Lo focus on eaLlng larger Lhan whaL mosL people Lhlnk ls normal faLs, whlch
promoLe myelln sheaLh formaLlon, myelln sheaLh for our llsLeners ls Lhe lnsulaLlon around our nerves
whlch help our nerves perform beLLer. As an example, ln Lhe lasL 2 years l've eaLen beLween 4,000 and
4,300 calorles per day, of aL leasL 60 faL, and predomlnanLly saLuraLed faL. MosLly dalry faL from grass-
fed anlmals, and coconuL and MC1 oll, as well as grass-fed meaL, Lhlngs llke LhaL. Lveryone would say -
oh, by Lhe way, l really dldn'L exerclse very much durlng Lhls Llme slnce l'm a senlor execuLlve and was
flylng all over Lhe world whlle l dld LhaL. l acLually goL Lhlnner, l bullL a slx-pack, and my cognlLlve
funcLlon ls as good as ever slnce l healed lL. 8uL whaL do you Lhlnk of LhaL ldea of Ck, all of Lhese exLra
calorles buL wlLh no gluLen: are exLra calorles a good ldea or a bad ldea lf people are avoldlng Lhe crap
ur. 1erry Wahls: lf you're havlng food from Lhe caLegorles l've ouLllned: greens, grass fed meaL, organ
meaLs, seaweed, Lhen l don'L Lhlnk people have Lo worry abouL counLlng calorles. ln Lhe commenLs of
havlng Lhe hlgh-faL dleL, now you're Lalklng more along Lhe llnes of Lhe keLogenlc dleL, Lhere's some very
lnLeresLlng llLeraLure LhaL has puL LhaL ouL as beneflclal, reduclng Lhe rlsks of selzure dlsorder for klds
wlLh severe refracLory selzures, and lL also appears Lo be very helpful for early cognlLlve decllne and
memory loss. l heslLaLe Lo go beyond LhaL, buL Lhere ls cerLalnly ln Lhose Lwo venues some very
compelllng evldence LhaL Lhls hlgh faL dleL, sLresslng parLlcularly coconuL oll, ls very healLh-promoLlng.

uave: We had ur. Mary newporL on Lhe show who used MC1 oll and coconuL oll Lo reverse her
husband's early-onseL Alzhelmer's. She was on a couple of weeks ago, and wenL over preLLy good
evldence as Lo why lLs good, buL l don'L sLay ln keLosls all Lhe Llme, Lhough when l'm ouL of keLosls l sLlll
keep Lhe faL up. 1he real Lhlng LhaL a loL of people who Lry Lo eaL loLs of healLhy faLs feel Lransformed
from a cognlLlve perspecLlve, buL some of Lhem geL concerned over Llme, llke l'm eaLlng more calorles
Lhan ever before", Lhen Lhey Lake sLeps Lo reduce Lhelr calorles because Lhey Lhlnk l should only eaL
2000 calorles per day" and Lhen Lhey feel a decllne ln cognlLlve performance. 1here's sorL of Lhls bellef
sysLem around lf l eaL Loo many calorles Lhen l'll geL faL", buL Lhen you and l are seelng LhaL lf you eaL
Lhe rlghL calorles LhaL you don'L need Lo counL Lhem. uo you have any concerns abouL eaLlng a few exLra
calorles here or Lhere so long as Lhey're Lhe rlghL ones?
ur. 1erry Wahls: lf you're geLLlng calorles from nuLrlenL-dense foods Lhen l'm noL aL all worrled abouL lL.
When people sLarL loslng Loo much welghL, we sLarL pushlng for more coconuL oll. eople are noL
hungry ln our sLudy, by any means.
uave: l Lhlnk l remember whaL hunger felL llke. [LaughLer] LeL's swlLch Lo Lhe Loplc of elecLro-
sLlmulaLlon ln Lhe Llme LhaL we have lefL on Lhe show. So many people who llsLen Lo Lhe show and
follow Lhe blog are really lnLrlgued: l've used a CLS machlne, l've done some Clymplc-Lralnlng level
elecLro-sLlm, buL you used yours Lo do some amazlng Lhlngs. 1ell us: how dld lL help you heal? WhaL dld
lL do?
ur. 1erry Wahls: We used a neuro-muscular sLlmulaLlon proLocol, so Lhls ls currenL applled over Lhe
muscles Lo lnduce an elecLrlcally-drlven muscle conLracLlon, and aL Lhe same Llme l do a vollLlonal
conLracLlon LhaL l do, so Lhe muscles belng worked ouL from Lwo vanLage polnLs: one elecLrlcally and
one LhaL l conLrol. WhaL LhaL does ls lL leLs Lhe muscle cell lLself work more effecLlvely. We see LhaL Lhe
mlLochondrla ln Lhe muscle cells are lncreased, Lhere's a release of a couple of very helpful hormones ln
Lhe braln and ln Lhe muscle cell LhaL lmprove growLh of Lhe muscle cell and heallng ln Lhe braln. We
deslgn an exerclse and elecLrlcal sLlmulaLlon program LhaL ls very speclflc Lo each lndlvldual based on
Lhelr physlcal exam and Lhe examlnaLlon of Lhelr muscle, balance, and walklng lssues. And Lhen we work
wlLh LhaL lndlvldual Lo progress Lhelr exerclse program as Lhey move Lhrough. 1here ls no one unlversal
seL of proLocols LhaL one can use. LlecLrlcal sLlmulaLlon ls generally Lallored Lo Lhe persons muscle exam
and Lhen advanced accordlng Lo Lhelr Lolerance.
Arml: Could elecLrlcal sLlmulaLlon be effecLlve for people who wanL Lo lncrease muscle growLh who are
oLherwlse healLhy?
ur. 1erry Wahls: WelghL Lralners and body bullders have been uslng elecLrlcal sLlmulaLlon of muscles Lo
geL larger and bulkler muscles for Lhelr Mr. and Mrs. unlverse conLesLs. 1hey've been dolng LhaL for a
long Llme. Clymplc aLhleLes know LhaL you can use elecLrlcal sLlmulaLlon Lo speed Lhe recovery from
ln[ury and Lo geL more endurance or more sLrengLh. So cerLalnly aLhleLes have been dolng Lhls for a long
Llme. l Lhlnk Lhls could be very helpful for people who say are aglng and wanL Lo malnLaln muscle
sLrengLh and decrease age-relaLed loss as well as recreaLlonal aLhleLes and probably anyone who has
any klnd of chronlc healLh problems LhaL lnvolves generallzed faLlgue and weakness.

uave: lL's lnLeresLlng: ln a few monLhs, we are golng Lo be hosLlng Lhe flrsL 8ulleLproof LxecuLlve
Conference LhaL wlll have 2 full days wlLh an Clymplc-class, acLually world champlon, power llfLer who
uses L-SLlm Lo Lraln professlonal aLhleLes. Pe's golng Lo come ln and Lraln a group of non-professlonal
aLhleLes who are looklng more aL healLh lmprovemenL and performance lmprovemenL ln Lhelr dally llves
raLher Lhan, you know, caLchlng a hockey puck wlLh one eye closed sorL of people. l'm klnd of exclLed Lo
hear LhaL you've had Lhe same effecLs, and LhaL you've noLlced Lhls. now, here's Lhe nexL quesLlon: l
have a full offlce back ln my llLLle blohacker llbrary wlLh all sorLs of funny sLuff, and l have relaLlvely low-
end 1LnS devlces, buL are you uslng normal 1LnS or ls Lhls someLhlng a llLLle blL more speclal wlLh
dlfferenL currenLs?
ur. 1erry Wahls: Well lL has a sllghLly dlfferenL frequency so we can ad[usL Lhe frequency parameLers.
We Lraln Lhe lndlvlduals dependlng on whlch muscle groups we're sLlmulaLlng, gradually lncreaslng Lhe
rlgor and lnLenslLy of Lhe Lralnlng program.
uave: now lf l wanLed Lo plck up one of Lhese machlnes, l obvlously aren'L golng Lo buy Lhls aL my local
pharmacy here, ls Lhls a medlcal-use-only devlce or ls Lhls someLhlng anybody could geL?
ur. 1erry Wahls: 1hls ls a medlcal devlce, Lhe one we're uslng. ?ou need a prescrlpLlon. And l would flnd
a physlcal LheraplsL who does neuro-elecLrlcal sLlm and have Lhem help you ldenLlfy a devlce LhaL Lhey
are comforLable wlLh, and Lhen deslgn a program LhaL would be beneflclal.
uave: 8y Lhe way for all of our llsLeners, l fully agree. l'm ln a unlque slLuaLlon ln LhaL l run an anLl-aglng
non-proflL group where l have loLs of medlcal professlonals lncludlng my wlfe, who ls a physlclan, can
help me when l do some of my crazy blohacklng. lf you don'L know whaL you're dolng wlLh elecLrlcal
currenLs, you can acLually hurL your hearL.
ur. 1erry Wahls: ?eah, you can'L be dolng LhaL on your own.
uave: ?eah hlgher currenL levels, some of Lhe work l've done ls acLually really really palnful, and llLerally
ln a day l Lurned my duck feeL l had slnce l was born, Lhey fllpped Lhemselves forward and compleLely
changed my posLure ln 43 mlnuLes of really palnful elecLrlcal shocks.
ur. 1erry Wahls: Ch, lnLeresLlng. ?eah.
uave: So lL's klnd of amazlng whaL you can do. l know LhaL some of Lhe more CuanLlfled Self sorL of
people who are llsLenlng are golng Lo [ump on Lhls ldea, buL l [usL would llke Lo lnserL LhaL llLLle safeLy
warnlng Lhere: work wlLh a professlonal, lf you declde you're golng Lo geL a home unlL or someLhlng do
lL wlLh help. now, ls Lhere a correlaLlon ln your experlence beLween mlLochondrlal funcLlon and uslng
Lhese elecLrlcal proLocols?
ur. 1erry Wahls: We don'L really know Lhe answer Lo LhaL. My bellef would be LhaL mlcrocurrenLs and
neuromuscular sLlm probably do lmprove mlLochondrlal funcLlon. 8uL l don'L know LhaL l have any baslc
sclence LhaL l can quoLe Lo say, Lhls ls whaL we're seelng and whaL's happenlng.

uave: l mlghL be able Lo help you Lhere. l know a guy who ls Lalklng abouL 300 lmprovemenL ln
mlLochondrlal funcLlon from e-sLlm and l know hls daLa came from somewhere... l'll ask hlm.
ur. 1erry Wahls: ?ep, LhaL would be good.
uave: now ls lL really Lrue LhaL on Lhe way Lo a checkup afLer you sLarLed your own LreaLmenL program,
you acLually pushed your wheelchalr up a hlll afLer lL dled?
ur. 1erry Wahls: Well, l'll Lell you Lhe sLory. l was golng Lo meeL Lhe chalr of medlclne, l meeL Lhe chalr
every 2 years, and l declded LhaL golng across a block & up a hlll LhaL lL would be Loo far, so l was golng
Lo Lake my scooLer. 8uL l hadn'L been ln my scooLer for a whlle, so l goL ln lL and sLarLed drlvlng over, and
lL dled on Lhe way up Lhe hlll, so l dlsengaged Lhe drlveshafL, pushed my scooLer Lhe resL of Lhe way up
Lhe hlll, lefL lL by Lhe enLryway wlLh a paLlenL advocaLe, and walked lnLo Lhe chalr of medlclne's offlce.
And l goL sorL of chewed ouL for belng laLe and l apologlzed, and l sald you know l'm sorry, my scooLer
dled on Lhe way over. And he LhoughL l had Lo walL for Lhe paLlenL shuLLle bus, and l sald no, l
dlsengaged lL and l pushed lL up Lhe hlll and walked over. Cf course he hadn'L seen me ln abouL 9
monLhs so he LhoughL oh my god, whaL happened?" and we had a long conversaLlon abouL whaL l had
been dolng, how l was off Lhe dlsease-modlfylng drugs, l was uslng dleL and elecLrlcal sLlm, and he
became very lnsLrumenLal ln flndlng for me Lhe senlor sclenLlsL colleagues Lo help me deslgn a rlgorous
cllnlcal Lrlal LhaL we are now uslng.
uave: !usL an amazlng sLory, l love lL. ln [usL 9 monLhs, you came LhaL far. lL's so lmpresslve.
Arml: ur. Wahls, we Lalked a llLLle blL abouL mlcronuLrlLlon and how LhaL affecLs MS, whaL ls your
oplnlon on supplemenLs? Are Lhey someLhlng LhaL people should be worrled abouL? Should people be
Laklng Lhem even lf Lhey are dolng someLhlng llke a paleo or a 8ulleLproof dleL? WhaL do you Lhlnk
abouL Lhose?
ur. 1erry Wahls: SupplemenLs lnLroduce a hazard of geLLlng Lhlngs ouL of proporLlon. 1ake vlLamln u for
example. As you lncrease your vlLamln u, you need Lo have more vlLamln A and vlLamln k on board Lo
keep everyLhlng ln balance. lf you have more copper, you need less lron. lf you have Loo much zlnc, lL
wlll lnfluence how much copper you have. lf you have Loo much lodlne, lL wlll lnfluence how much
selenlum you have. So as soon as we begln Lo Lake slngle-nuLrlenL supplemenLs, we run Lhe rlsk of
geLLlng Lhlngs ouL of proporLlon. l'm much more lmpressed LhaL food ls key. Some LargeLed supplemenLs
may be beneflclal ln addlLlon, cerLalnly for mosL of us we need vlLamln u slnce we are lnslde so much,
some kelp and algae are helpful because mosL of us are landlocked. When you sLarL geLLlng beyond LhaL,
Lhen l Lhlnk havlng some physlclan guldance can be helpful. And, you need Lo know LhaL you may be
causlng some nuLrlenL lmbalance lssues. ?ou also should be mlndful abouL who ls manufacLurlng Lhe
supplemenLs. Was Lhere a 3
parLy lnspecLor Lo verlfy LhaL Lhls ln facL conLalns whaL lL says lL conLalns?
So looklng for a place LhaL has good manufacLurlng processes wlll aL leasL guaranLee LhaL wlLhln Lhe
boLLle ls Lhe same Lhlng as whaL's on Lhe label.
uave: CuallLy conLrol ls a ma[or lssue, because supplemenLs are noL regulaLed Loday, Lhough l'm
acLually glad LhaL Lhey're noL because we've had progress LhaL mlghL noL have happened oLherwlse lf we
[usL lefL lL up Lo 8lg harma. 8uL aL Lhe same Llme, someLlmes when you buy Lhe lowesL prlce

supplemenL aL CosLco or aL Lhe pharmacy, ln my experlence someLlmes you are noL really savlng LhaL
much money because Lhey don'L work. lL's noL whaL lL says lL ls.
ur. 1erry Wahls: ?es.
uave: AnoLher caLegory of supplemenLs, we'll call Lhem braln nuLrlenLs", and for me Lhey were
LransformaLlve aL Lhe beglnnlng of my really blg performance lmprovemenL, and Lhese are Lhlngs llke
aceLyl-l-carLlnlne, chollne ln all of lLs varlous flavors, phospholyserlne, Lhlngs LhaL are avallable ln egg
yolks and oLher foods buL are also avallable ln supplemenLs. Are Lhese someLhlng you would supplemenL
wlLh, versus llke mlnerals? Cr are Lhose Lhe Lype of Lhlng where you would [usL say eaL more coconuL
ur. 1erry Wahls: lood ls always safe, and once we sLarL dolng supplemenLs lL becomes nuanced and lL
should be lndlvlduallzed Lo LhaL person's clrcumsLance.
uave: Ck, so you're noL opposed Lo Lhose Lhlngs, buL you wouldn'L Lake Lhem all wllly-nllly by someone
who dldn'L have a need.
ur. 1erry Wahls: l Lhlnk LhaL Lhe paleo dleL, a llLLle kelp, a llLLle algae, a llLLle flsh oll maybe, vlLamln u, ls
llkely sufflclenL. 1here are clrcumsLances where ln facL more aggresslve resusclLaLlon supplemenLs are
approprlaLe, usually LhaL's for someone who's goL some healLh lssues. l'm [usL very heslLanL Lo puL ouL a
very generlc sLaLemenL of whlch supplemenLs are helpful. 8ecause lL really depends on Lhe person and
Lhelr lndlvldual clrcumsLances.
uave: l Lhlnk LhaL LesLlng for supplemenLs, wheLher blood or urlne or sallva dependlng on whaL sorLs of
supplemenL levels you're looklng aL ls absoluLely noL done enough and l'm worklng wlLh several
dlfferenL sLarLups who are looklng Lo Lake LhaL whole LesLlng process and make lL boLh personallzed buL
also consumer accesslble. l'm hoplng LhaL wlll enable people Lo make beLLer supplemenL declslons. 8uL
l'm also worklng wlLh an anLlaglng physlclan who ls helplng me Lrack 100 varlables or so every 6 monLhs,
and LhaL really helps me Lo know LhaL l'm geLLlng Loo much vlLamln u or noL enough vlLamln u. WlLhouL
LhaL LesLlng l wouldn'L know l need 16,000 lu per day (because l'm a poor responder Lo vlLamln u) whlle
a loL of people need half LhaL. 1here's no way l would have known l was Laklng only a half dose lf l hadn'L
spenL Lhe $43 on Lhe blood LesL.
ur. 1erry Wahls: 1haL ls Lrue. As soon as we sLarL uslng supplemenLs, havlng some way of monlLorlng
LhaL usage ls very approprlaLe so you know lf you're Laklng enough or lf you're Laklng Loo much.
uave: l Lhlnk LhaL we are deflnlLely ln agreemenL on LhaL one. We're wlndlng down Lhe show now, and
we have a couple of quesLlons lefL. now Lhe flrsL quesLlon ls one LhaL all of our guesLs answer, and LhaL
ls, whaL are Lhe Lop 3 Lhlngs LhaL people ln general should do Lo lmprove Lhelr performance and Lhelr
healLh and [usL Lhelr overall quallLy of llfe? And Lhese can be medlcal Lhlngs, nuLrlLlonal Lhlngs, whaLever
you Lhlnk would be mosL lmpacLful for human belngs. WhaL are Lhey?
ur. 1erry Wahls: So l'll come down Lo 3. lL has Lo do flrsL wlLh your dleL. CeL lL more and more
paleollLhlc. Creen sulfur colors and grass-fed meaL. And sLopplng Lhe gluLen, Lhe dalry, Lhlnklng abouL

sLopplng gralns alLogeLher. 1wo, lower your sLress hormones. 1hlngs llke medlLaLlon, massage, Lpsom
salL baLhs, can be very helpful. And Lhree, move your body. SLarL wlLh wherever you're aL, and gradually
lncrease you're movemenL so you're geLLlng boLh sLrengLh Lralnlng and aeroblc Lralnlng.
uave: 1haL's an lmpresslve llsL, and one LhaL l cerLalnly belleve works on all Lhree levels Lhere. WhaL's
your number one, ln your experlence, sLress reducLlon Lechnlque or Lechnology? WhaL do you use for
ur. 1erry Wahls: 1eachlng my klds Lo Lake Lpsom salL baLhs when Lhey're sLressed. lL was one of Lhe
besL sLress reducers for Lhe whole famlly. Also dolng medlLaLlon Lo help lower your sLress hormones.
Lpsom salLs are whaL l use ln Lhe cllnlc very commonly Lo help people wlLh LhaL. MedlLaLlon,
vlsuallzaLlon, also naLure Llme. AnoLher Lechnlque LhaL can be very helpful ls [ournallng abouL Lhe
Lrouble ln your llfe, Lhree Llmes per week. We have hundreds of sLudles LhaL have shown LhaL Lhe slmple
acL of [ournallng abouL your Lroubles has huge favorable lmpacL on fuLure healLh cosLs, quallLy of llfe,
and famlly llfe saLlsfacLlon as well. 1haL's a very nlce Lechnlque for folks.
uave: 1hank you for sharlng Lhose. Cur flnal quesLlon, afLer Lhls really amazlng sLory you have and Lhls
really greaL lnLervlew, ls LhaL l know Lhere are golng Lo be people who wanL Lo know abouL your book
and your upcomlng memolr. Can you Lell us where Lhey can flnd more lnformaLlon abouL you and your
ur. 1erry Wahls: lease vlslL my webslLe, Also come vlslL my foundaLlon, Lhe Wahls
loundaLlon, we've goL books, we've goL lecLures, Lhe book !"#$"#% '( !")*+,*#$-". Lalks aL lengLh
abouL whaL l dld and why, plus lL has 100 reclpes. 1he memolr /0 1-*' ),2 3,."- we're worklng on and
we'll keep everyone posLed abouL fuLure developmenLs Lhere. l would also make Lhe noLe LhaL l've been
donaLlng sales from Lhe lecLures and Lhe books Lo supporL more cllnlcal Lrlals LesLlng Lhese lnLervenLlons
and oLhers. So Lhe funds LhaL are generaLed are puL back lnLo research.
uave: uocLor Wahls, Lhank you for sharlng your sLory and Lhank you for all of Lhe good LhaL you're
dolng. l am so lmpressed and Lhankful LhaL we have solld-credenLlal medlcal professlonals llke you who
are paylng aLLenLlon Lo Lhls and dolng Lhe cllnlcal Lrlals work LhaL probably won'L geL funded by drug
companles so LhaL people can have more falLh ln undersLandlng LhaL amazlng lmprovemenLs ln Lhelr
healLh are posslble ln relaLlvely shorL order wlLhouL drugs.
Arml: 1hank you so much ur. Wahls.
ur. 1erry Wahls: 1ake care.
--- LlS1LnL8 C&A ---

uave: now lL's Llme for upgraded Self 8adlo llsLener C&A.
Arml: 1he flrsL quesLlon ls from PeaLher. ls buckwheaL an accepLable food? l would also llke a llsL of
accepLable coffees.

uave: Well buckwheaL can be an accepLable food, alLhough lL's cerLalnly noL all Lhe way green" on Lhe
8ulleLproof uleL specLrum. 8uckwheaL ls acLually a frulL and noL Lechnlcally a graln. lf you have a really
healLhy guL you can probably LoleraLe some buckwheaL. lf your guL ls damaged Lhough, you oughL noL Lo
eaL buckwheaL. ln facL, l would say LhaL you're beLLer off eaLlng whlLe rlce ln order Lo mlnlmlze Lhe
amounL of Loxlns LhaL you're golng Lo be geLLlng. 8uckwheaL lsn'L parLlcularly hlgh ln nuLrlenLs, lL's
preLLy much on par wlLh rlce from a carb perspecLlve, so Lhere lsn'L a real beneflL Lo eaLlng lL. lf you do lL
maybe a couple of Llmes per week, you're probably flne. l do know LhaL allergles Lo buckwheaL are more
llkely Lhan allergles Lo whlLe rlce, ln facL l'm allerglc Lo buckwheaL and you can deLecL LhaL even on blood
LesLs, llke food allergy blood LesLs. So one Lhlng LhaL you may wanL Lo lnvesL ln, especlally lf you are
deallng wlLh chronlc problems ls [usL havlng some quanLlLaLlve daLa abouL whaL you're senslLlve Lo
lnsLead of [usL Lrylng Lo flgure lL ouL by ellmlnaLlon.
uave: ln Lerms of a llsL of accepLable coffees, Lhere's a blog posL and we wlll llnk Lo of Lhls where l
descrlbe how Lo flnd Lhe besL coffee ln your clLy. lL Lurns ouL LhaL unless Lhe company ls conLrolllng Lhe
creaLlon process of Lhe coffee, ln a relaLlvely LlghL way, Lhen Lhe llsL of accepLable coffees ls very hard Lo
come up wlLh because whaL may be an Ck baLch Lhls Llme ls noL an Ck baLch nexL Llme, because a loL of
companles source Lhelr baLches from dlfferenL locaLlons. So lL's noL llke l can say eeLs coffee ls good
and SLarbucks' coffee ls bad". l can Lell you LhaL eeLs coffee ls llkely Lo be beLLer Lhan SLarbucks coffee,
buL LhaL boLh of Lhem are sourclng from a huge varleLy of planLaLlons LhaL use dlfferenL processlng
meLhods for Lhelr coffee, and LhaL Lhe chances of Lhere belng blogenlc amlnes or mycoLoxlns ln coffee
LhaL comes from mulLlple places ls [usL hlgher Lhan lL ls from a slngle place. So follow Lhe advlce on Lhe
blog: Lhere ls no guaranLee LhaL your coffee ls golng Lo be very low ln mold or free of blogenlc amlnes.
1he only way LhaL l know of, ln order Lo geL Lhe rlsk of Lhose Lhlngs as low as posslble, ls Lo geL conLrol of
Lhe enLlre process. 1haL's whaL l dld when l creaLed my coffee, and l dld LhaL because l wanL Lo be able
Lo drlnk lL, and l wanL Lo feel awesome every Llme. lLs 2 or 3 bucks a pound more Lhan your average
coffee from a nlce coffee place, lL's noL Lerrlbly expenslve, buL lf you wanL Lo go flnd one ln your clLy, l
Lell you exacLly how Lo do lL ln Lhe blog.
Arml: 1here ls a cool way Lo Lell lf your coffee ls golng Lo LasLe horrlble Lhough. And LhaL's lf lL has a
SLarbucks label on lL.
uave: [LaughLer] l dldn'L say LhaL, buL l'd agree. 1here's also someLhlng Lo noLe: lf your coffee LasLes llke
lL needs sugar, Lhere's probably someLhlng ln lL LhaL shouldn'L be Lhere. Cood coffee oughL noL Lo need
sugar. l [usL lnLroduced a frlend Lo 8ulleLproof Coffee earller Loday, and Lhls ls a guy who always puLs
sugar ln hls coffee, and he Look a drlnk of lL and sald oh my god, lL doesn'L need sugar! l've never had
Lhls experlence before". 1haL's whaL l'm Lalklng abouL: your palaLe wlll noL lle Lo you. lf lL needs sugar,
lL's noL good coffee.
uave: Cur nexL quesLlon comes from kenL. Pe asks, whaL ls your Lake on posL-workouL carbs? MosL
muscle-bulldlng lnformaLlon l've seen lndlcaLes LhaL lnsulln ls a necessary componenL of geLLlng
nuLrlenLs Lo muscle cells. lf you're looklng Lo galn muscle, ls lL lmporLanL Lo eaL carbs afLer llfLlng?"
Arml: Well Lhere are several parLs Lo Lhls quesLlon. 1he flrsL ls, do you need more carbs for llfLlng?"
And yes, generally you do need Lo eaL a llLLle more carbs lf you're Lrylng Lo galn muscle mass. 8uL when

you eaL Lhem ls noL necessarlly as lmporLanL. Pow many carbs you eaL depends on your Lralnlng volume,
a llLLle blL on your personal preferences, and your currenL healLh sLaLus. lf you're really lnsulln reslsLanL,
you shouldn'L be eaLlng a loL of carbs. lf you're more lnsulln senslLlve, you'll be Ck. More acLlve people
need more carbs. When you eaL Lhe carbs ls noL as lmporLanL. lf you're eaLlng carbs Lo splke lnsulln afLer
a workouL, you are wasLlng your Llme. ln facL, you acLually need less lnsulln Lo geL Lhe same amounL of
carbohydraLe ln your muscles afLer a workouL. Also, lnsulln maxlmlzes proLeln synLhesls aL only 30ml/L,
whlch ls easlly obLalned from a sLandard meal. So lL's noL llke you have Lo eaL Lhls masslve bowl of carbs
Lo max ouL lnsulln, you can have a falrly moderaLe meal. A sLandard meal elevaLes lnsulln levels over
100 over basal levels for 3 hours. So lf you've eaLen a moderaLe Lo large slzed meal abouL 3 hours
before your workouL, you don'L need anyLhlng for rlghL afLerwards. Cne sLudy even showed LhaL
glycogen-depleLed Lralnlng enhanced Lhe acLlon of lnsulln afLer Lhe workouL, because CLu1-4
LransporLers, whlch are Lhese llLLle molecules LhaL acLually help nuLrlenLs lnLo your cells wlLhouL lnsulln
were lncreased by Lhe exerclse. And some sLudles have shown LhaL really glycogen-depleLlng workouLs
llke rldlng your blke as fasL as you can for an hour, Lhese aLhleLes consumed 300-400 grams of
carbohydraLe afLer Lhe workouL wlLh 0 faL sLorage. So Lhere are some beneflLs Lo havlng lL afLer really
glycogen-depleLlng workouLs, buL lL's noL necessarlly essenLlal. And mosL of Lhe longer-Lerm sLudles
have found LhaL Lhere acLually lsn'L a dlfference beLween havlng lL 3 hours afLer your workouL or rlghL
afLer. As long as you're geLLlng Lhe LoLal amounL of macronuLrlenLs ln by Lhe end of Lhe day, lL doesn'L
really maLLer. And also, Lhe ldea LhaL lnsulln causes faL galn ls noL necessarlly Lrue. ?ou can sLlll geL faL
wlLhouL hlgh lnsulln levels. We have references Lo all of Lhls sLuff ln Lhe show noLes Loo. ln your case, l
would eaL some exLra carbs, buL you don'L have Lo have Lhem afLer Lhe workouL.
uave: l wanL Lo add Lo LhaL, LhaL from a 8ulleLproof perspecLlve, dolng cycllcal keLosls maLLers. Lven lf
you're welghL Lralnlng, you wanL Lo spend some Llme every week ln keLosls for Lhe anLl-aglng and Lhe
healLh beneflLs you geL from lL. 1here's also some cool sLuff LhaL we'll Lalk abouL laLer abouL proLeln
cycllng. Cverall, Lhere ls deflnlLely a case Lo be made lf you're ln a muscle-growlng phase for addlng
carbs, buL lf you are sorL of golng for Lhe 8ulleLproof 'l already have slgnlflcanL muscle mass, l'm already
lean and l wanL Lo malnLaln', eaLlng loLs of carbs, especlally when you're noL dolng loLs and loLs of
Lralnlng, ls noL a good way Lo sLay younger for a long perlod of Llme. ?our carbs should be relaLlvely low,
and you should cycle ln and ouL of keLosls by havlng more carbs. 1hls ls a quesLlon whlch ls speclflc Lo
welghL Lralnlng for puLLlng on muscle, noL for general 'oh l'm worklng / a non-aLhleLe' sorL of Lhlng. So
don'L lnLerpreL Lhls as oh l can be on Lhe 8ulleLproof uleL and eaL a bunch of carbs every day"-LhaL's
noL golng Lo work as well, ln facL lL may noL work aL all compared Lo Lhe Lechnlques we're Lalklng abouL.
Arml: AbsoluLely, lL's LoLally conLexL-speclflc ln Lhls case. 1he nexL quesLlon ls from Andy, l've been
dolng my besL Lo do Lhe dleL, coffee, and lnLermlLLenL fasLlng reglmen for a llLLle over 6 weeks now, wlLh
some vL8? nlce resulLs. l've dropped some welghL, and ofLen feel qulLe good. 8uL, one Lhlng has been
happenlng Lo me whlch has been drlvlng me crazy. l very ofLen wake up ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe nlghL wlLh a
mouLh LhaL ls lncredlbly dry. ln Lhe pasL, l would sleep Lhrough Lhe nlghL wlLhouL an lssue. 8uL now, even
lf l pound waLer before headlng Lo bed, l wake up ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe nlghL Lo go Lo Lhe baLhroom and
urlnaLe. WhaL ls golng on?"
uave: very lnLeresLlng and very predlcLable sympLom here. lL could be a slde effecL of a new
supplemenL or medlcaLlon LhaL you're Laklng, buL Lhe mosL common Lhlng LhaL causes people Lo wake

up ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe nlghL [usL parched and havlng Lo pee ls LhaL your body ls flushlng Loxlns. lf you're
loslng a loL of welghL Lhen Lhls ls probably whaL's golng on, people who go lnLo keLosls for Lhe flrsL Llme
geL really bad breaLh and ofLenLlmes have Lo pee a loL and Lhelr pee smells bad- lL's because Lhey're
dumplng Loxlns. lf you do lL for a whlle, Lhen you sLop dumplng Loxlns. So whaL l would suggesL here ls Lo
up your vlLamln C, conslder uslng gluLaLhlone, and deflnlLely add some acLlvaLed charcoal Lo your
reglmen. 1haL may help you Lo excreLe Loxlns wlLhouL puLLlng Lhe same burden on your kldneys.
urlnklng loLs of waLer ls a good ldea: lf you drlnk a loL of waLer, have a llLLle blL of salL wlLh lL, parLlcularly
ln Lhe mornlng. 1haL can help. And [usL Lrack. WheLher whaL you aLe durlng Lhe day has done Lhls- for
some people, berrles can have Lhls effecL, and someLlmes lL's a speclflc food Lrlgger. 8uL for you, slnce
you're recenLly on Lhls new reglmen, your body ls dumplng Loxlns LhaL you've been sLorlng ln your faL
cells for a very long Llme, and your kldneys are llke, 'l don'L wanL Lo sLore Lhls sLuff all nlghL, geL lL ouL of
me and glve me some waLer Lo help reduce Lhe sLrengLh of Lhese Loxlns'. lf you are exposed Lo, say, a
moldy food- lf you were eaLlng someLhlng LhaL ls llkely Lo have been causlng problems llke soy sauce or
blue cheese, LhaL also could be a Lrlgger. lor me, l never wake up ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe nlghL Lo pee any
more, buL l used Lo all Lhe Llme when l was loslng all of my welghL and learnlng how Lo have a low Loxln
body. And Lo Lhls day, lf l eaL someLhlng LhaL l know ls full of Loxlns, Lhe odds of me waklng up ln Lhe
mlddle of Lhe nlghL, [usL parched, goes way up. lL's predlcLable based on your Loxln load and Lhe Loxlns
you puL ln LhaL day.
Arml: SomeLhlng else l [usL LhoughL of ls LhaL lf he ls noL used Lo keLosls, lL mlghL [usL be Lhe keLone
bodles LhaL are dehydraLlng hlm Loo. 8ecause you do lose a Lon of waLer welghL lf you haven'L been
dolng lL for a whlle. 1haL's posslble.
uave: lL's Lrue, lL could [usL be keLones and you could [usL be ad[usLlng. So l'd sLlck wlLh lL, and Lry Lhose
recommendaLlons wlLh Lhe charcoal and Lhe gluLaLhlone and see lf lL moves. l Lhlnk lL's unllkely lf you're
geLLlng good resulLs LhaL you have llke dlabeLes or anemla or arLhrlLls or someLhlng (Lhose can also
cause LhaL sympLom) buL l don'L Lhlnk LhaL's whaL's golng on here.
Arml: 1he nexL quesLlon ls from Alex. WhaL do you Lhlnk of hemp proLeln as a supplemenL?"
uave: ?ou know, hemp proLeln always geLs palred wlLh hemp faL. Pemp faL ls hlgh omega-6 oll. Cmega-
6 ls someLhlng we keep harplng on Lhe show and on Lhe blog, you don'L wanL Lo be consumlng much, lf
any, omega-6 oll. lL's easy Lo oxldlze and lL's hlghly lnflammaLory. Pemp seeds are 43 polyunsaLuraLed
faL. 1hese are Lhe Lhlngs LhaL we're flghLlng agalnsL on Lhe 8ulleLproof uleL because Lhey're bad for you.
Pemp proLeln lsn'L LhaL hlgh ln nuLrlenLs, or many of Lhe growLh facLors LhaL are lmporLanL. lL doesn'L
boosL gluLaLhlone llke Lhe undenaLured whey proLeln concenLraLe ln Lhe upgraded Whey LhaL we've
deslgned Lo boosL gluLaLhlone. Pemp proLeln ls klnd of hlppy" so lL's really expenslve, lL doesn'L LasLe
LhaL good, lL's normally reserved for anlmal feed, so l'm noL seelng a blg beneflL from consumlng lL. l
Lhlnk lL's klnd of a wasLe of money. l've seen some argumenLs abouL Lhe amounL of globulln LhaL's ln lL,
and LhaL belng helpful as a vegeLarlan source of proLeln, buL LhaL's also a blL of a mlsnomer, because
golng for vegeLarlan sources of proLeln ls noL necessarlly golng Lo be a greaL ldea. ?ou should go for
anlmal sources of proLeln, because Lhe vegeLarlan ones usually come wlLh defense sysLems whlch come
from Lhe vegeLables LhaL don'L wanL you eaLlng Lhelr proLelns. 8ely on anlmals deslgned for
concenLraLlng Lhose proLelns: LhaL would be cows, sheep, anlmals llke LhaL: leL Lhem do Lhe heavy llfLlng.

Arml: l Lhlnk LhaL anlmal proLeln also has abouL 3 Llmes Lhe branched chaln amlno aclds as hemp, and
branched-chaln amlno aclds are Lhe maln ones lnvolved ln muscle growLh. So lf you're Laklng hemp
proLeln as a supplemenL for lncreaslng muscle mass, you're noL golng Lo geL as good resulLs as lf you
Look an anlmal-based proLeln llke whey.
uave: Arml, would you go so far as Lo say LhaL you'd be beLLer off Lo [usL use Lhe medlclnal herb Lhere
lnsLead of uslng Lhe proLeln from lL?
Arml: l dldn'L even know LhaL Lhey used hemp as a medlclnal herb.
uave: [LaughLer] Pemp ls marl[uana.
Arml: Ch, well, lL's noL Lhe same Lhlng.
uave: lL's Lhe same planL, buL cerLalnly Lhere's no acLlve lngredlenL ln hemp.
Arml: l deflnlLely know a loL of people who are really [acked who smoke a loL of weed, so l'm sure Lhere
musL be a connecLlon. (sarcasm)
uave: l wouldn'L go LhaL far. 8uL lL ls really funny. Pemp proLeln ls llke Lhe laLesL Lrendy Lhlng, and l've
seen argumenLs from very commlLLed and passlonaLe vegans saylng lL's [usL as good!!" 8uL Lhe facL ls,
hemp proLeln [usL ls noL as good as whey, or a sLeak. lL doesn'L LasLe as good, and lL's noL as good for
your body. Sorry.
Arml: ueflnlLely Lrue. lf you have any quesLlons for Lhe podcasL, you can conLacL us on LwlLLer
[bulleLproofexec , aL , or by leavlng a commenL ln Lhe show noLes
for Lhls eplsode. 1he show noLes wlll be dlsplayed on along wlLh llnks Lo everyLhlng
we've Lalked abouL Loday Anu a full LranscrlpL of Lhe enLlre eplsode.
-- 8lCPACkL8 8LC81 --
uave: now lL's Llme for Lhe 8lohacker 8eporL, whlch ls Lhe parL of Lhe show where we Lalk abouL some
of Lhe coolesL research LhaL came across our screens ln Lhe lasL week or so. 1he flrsL sLudy here ls one
abouL vlLamln u deflclency. We Lalk a loL abouL vlLamln u on Lhe show, and abouL how lmporLanL lL ls ln
order Lo geL your levels up. 1hls ls a sLudy where Lhey looked aL vlLamln u deflclency among healLhy
lnfanLs and Loddlers. And lL's lnsLrucLlve, because whaL's happenlng Lo llLLle klds probably A) happened
Lo you when you were llLLle, and 8) lL also ls a good general lndlcaLor of healLh. 1he facL ls LhaL
someLlmes you can geL a llLLle blL more lnformaLlon when you're looklng aL very young people, because
Lhey see docLors much more frequenLly. 1hls came from Lhe Chlldren's PosplLal ln 8osLon, and was
publlshed ln Lhe Archlves of edlaLrlcs and AdolescenL Medlclne. 1he sLudy [usL wanLed Lo see how
prevalenL vlLamln u deflclency was ln Loddlers and bables ln 8osLon. 8osLon ls cold, lLs relaLlvely far
norLh, so lf you llve ln hoenlx Lhe answer may be dlfferenL, buL lf you llve ln LhaL same general area,
you're llkely Lo have Lhls same sorL of Lhlng golng on ln your nelghborhood. 1hey looked aL 380
supposedly healLhy Loddlers and lnfanLs ln 8osLon. now Lhese are klds LhaL don'L have sympLoms of
vlLamln u deflclency, Lhey are healLhy". 40 of Lhem were deflclenL ln vlLamln u, abouL 7.3 had

rlckeLs, whlch ls a vlLamln u slckness LhaL we should have eradlcaLed cenLurles ago, buL lL's comlng back
because of fear of Lhe sun. l know some moLhers who won'L leL Lhelr klds go ouL aL all, because Lhey
Lhlnk lLs krypLonlLe or someLhlng. And abouL 32.3 showed demlnerallzaLlon of bone Llssue. 1hls ls [usL
a greaL example of why lL's lmporLanL Lo ensure adequaLe nuLrlLlon for yourself, buL also lf you have klds
or lf you're Lhlnklng of havlng klds someLlme ln Lhe fuLure, you need Lo pay aLLenLlon Lo Lhls sLuff
because you'll llve longer, you'll be happler, you'll be healLhler, and frankly you'll wasLe a loL less money
on medlcal care for yourself and your famlly lf you Lake care of someLhlng LhaL cosLs abouL $3/monLh Lo
do, llke vlLamln u supplemenLaLlon.
Arml: 1he nexL sLudy fllps Lhe coln a llLLle blL and looks aL elderly people. And Lhls ls called, roLeln
pulse feedlng lmproves proLeln reLenLlon ln elderly women". 1hls was publlshed ln Lhe Amerlcan !ournal
of Cllnlcal nuLrlLlon by lrench researchers. now as a llLLle background, one of Lhe reasons people lose
muscle mass as Lhey age ls LhaL Lhey have a decreased ablllLy Lo respond Lo dleLary amlno aclds. 1hls
means LhaL Lhey don'L geL Lhe same amounL of proLeln synLhesls and muscle growLh Lhey dld when Lhey
were younger when Lhey were uslng Lhe same amlno aclds. lL's called anabollc reslsLance". 1hls sLudy
looked aL how changlng Lhe Llmlng of proLeln LhroughouL Lhe day could lncrease Lhe ablllLy of amlno
aclds Lo sLlmulaLe muscle growLh ln Lhese elderly women. So Lhey Look 13 women, aged abouL 38 years
old, and randomlzed Lhem Lo a dleL LhaL aLe 80 of Lhelr LoLal proLeln ln 1 meal versus a dleL where Lhey
aLe Lhelr proLeln evenly across 4 meals LhroughouL Lhe day. nlLrogen balance, whlch ls a marker for
muscle sLaLus, was 30 hlgher on Lhe dleL where Lhey consumed mosL of Lhelr proLeln ln 1 meal. And
proLeln synLhesls was abouL 20 hlgher ln LhaL same group. 1hls sLudy was on elderly people, buL lL
deflnlLely flles ln Lhe face of Lhe old bodybulldlng recommendaLlon Lo eaL 30-30 grams of proLeln aL each
meal spread ouL across Lhe day Lo keep amlno acld levels hlgh. ln facL, lL acLually shows LhaL Lhe
opposlLe ls Lrue. So lf you experlmenL wlLh Lhls and you're an elderly person, Lry havlng mosL of your
proLeln ln one meal and see lf you geL beLLer resulLs.
uave: ?ou know Arml, l don'L know lf l quallfy as an elderly person" yeL, l'm noL even 40, buL l Lell you:
when l ellmlnaLed proLeln from my breakfasL and l [usL go for sLralghL bulleLproof coffee, whlch ls [usL
100 faL wlLh a focus on shorL and medlum chalns Lhrough grass-fed buLLer and MC1 oll, man l really
have a beLLer day and l noLlce a dlfference wlLh my muscle growLh, and l have my proLeln usually ln 2
meals noL 1, and Lhose meals are Llmed uslng Lhe 8ulleLproof lnLermlLLenL lasLlng. 1he besL resulLs are
really obvlous Lhere. lf l eaL proLeln all day long, lL's [usL noL Lhe same.
Arml: ?eah, l Lhlnk a loL of people could probably aLLesL Lo LhaL.
uave: ?ep, so lL's noL [usL for older people. Cur lasL sLudy ln Lhe 8lohacker 8eporL ls called LCuS-
lnduced analgesla ln elecLrlcal flelds and paln-relaLed neural neLworks ln chronlc mlgralne". 1haL ls a
mouLhful. And lL comes ouL of Lhe unlverslLy of Mlchlgan's School of uenLlsLry, Parvard unlverslLy, and
Lhe ClLy College of new ?ork. And lL was publlshed ln a [ournal called Peadache". now l know a loL of
llsLeners Lo Lhe show don'L necessarlly have mlgralnes, buL Lhls ls an exclLlng sLudy because Lhe
researchers here were worklng wlLh LCuS. LCuS ls a relaLlvely new braln sLlmulaLlon elecLrlcal
Lechnology LhaL uses essenLlally a 9v baLLery LhaL's been Lurned down so Lhere's a loL less elecLrlclLy
runnlng Lhrough Lhe head, and you puL one end of Lhe baLLery baslcally on an elecLrode so lLs
somewhere on Lhe head, and Lhen Lhe oLher end somewhere else on Lhe body, and you [usL allow

currenL Lo flow Lhrough. lL sounds really slmple, buL lL works so long as you geL Lhe level of currenL rlghL.
1hls sLudy looked aL 13 paLlenLs who had more Lhan 13 mlgralnes per monLh. AfLer 10 LuCS sesslons,
Lhey had a 37 drop ln paln. 1he researchers found LhaL LuCS LreaLmenL wenL really deep lnLo Lhe braln,
and affecLed nerves LhaL Lhey prevlously LhoughL were enLlrely unreachable. 1he auLhors of Lhe sLudy
really sLress LhaL Lhls ls a prellmlnary reporL, buL lL looks really promlslng. now Lhe facL LhaL we can use a
9v baLLery and a devlce LhaL cosLs as llLLle as $100 Lo affecL nerves LhaL we used Lo Lhlnk were
unreachable poLenLlally wlLhouL surgery, LhaL's huge. l have a LuCS unlL LhaL was deslgned for
Lransdermal drug dellvery and l leL a frlend borrow lL who had a really bad headache durlng Lhe SxSW
muslc fesLlval and Lech conference (she was really hung-over, lL was klnd of funny)- lL Look 10 mlnuLes of
runnlng Lhe anode on her prefronLal corLex before llLerally lL was llke someone fllpped a llghL swlLch and
she Lurned rlghL back on. And l've cerLalnly used LCuS myself for cognlLlve beneflL - Lhe sLuff works.
1here's a group ouL Lhere, and we reference Lhem elsewhere on Lhe slLe, who ls now maklng a uo-lL-
?ourself LuCS klL for $99. lL's a klcksLarLer pro[ecL l belleve. l've Lalked wlLh Lhose guys, l'm acLually
worklng Lo glve Lhem some good advlce on how Lo brlng Lhelr sLuff Lo markeL. now l Lhlnk LhaL lf you're
a layperson and you have no knowledge of Lhe braln, LuCS ls someLhlng you shouldn'L work wlLh, Lry a
LheraplsL or someone who already works on Lypes of elecLrlcal braln sLlmulaLlon. 8uL, lf you are a
blohacker and have some knowledge of Coogle, or how Lo work your own braln, Lhls ls a very accesslble
Lechnology LhaL could have good effecLs, lL also could have negaLlve effecLs, lLs aL Lhe cuLLlng edge, buL lL
doesn'L cosL $10,000 lL cosLs $100 maybe $200 bucks. So lL's klnd of a neaL Lhlng, lL's deflnlLely worLh
readlng abouL and maklng a declslon for yourself abouL wheLher you'd llke Lo lncorporaLe Lhls lnLo your
wellness rouLlne.
Arml: uo you know lf Lhere ls any research looklng aL how lL affecLs younger peoples bralns? Say, under
Lhe age of 20?
uave: l doubL Lhere's much research, unless lL's focused speclflcally on Auu or auLlsm Lypes of Lhlngs.
1hey'll be looklng aL addresslng paLhologles. 8esearchers are parLlcularly scared Lo do work on people
who are under 18 because of llablllLy. So lL's unllkely you'll see menLal performance Lypes of sLudles, buL
you may flnd people wlLh auLlsm or sleep dlsorders who beneflL greaLly from LuCS. lrankly Arml, as a
guy who ls under 18, Lhere ls good evldence LhaL unLll you are abouL 22 or 23 LhaL some of your neural
paLhways aren'L all Lhe way esLabllshed, so l Lhlnk you're playlng wlLh flre lf you're looklng aL dolng Lhls
as a really young guy. l Lhlnk LhaL you should focus on bulldlng ouL your braln klnd of Lhe way lL was
meanL Lo be, and Lralnlng lL really exLenslvely wlLh Lhlngs llke dual-n-back Lralnlng wlLh 8ulleLproof
Mlndware and by Leachlng yourself Lo medlLaLe, because you wlll crysLallze some of Lhose paLhways
LhaL aren'L yeL crysLallzed, and when your braln ls bullL up all Lhe way LhaL lL's supposed Lo be, and
you've Lralned lL so LhaL Lhose paLhways become permanenL, Lhen you should sLarL Lhe real hacklng.
Arml: l guess l should sLop playlng wlLh car baLLerles Lhen.
uave: ?eah, llcklng Lhose baLLerles mlghL noL be Lhe besL way Lo sLlmulaLe Lhlngs.
Arml: l'm [usL klddlng. ?eah, one less Lhlng Lo worry abouL Loo.

uave: lf you en[oyed Lhls, we always appreclaLe help by leavlng us a poslLlve ranklng on l1unes. Swlng
by our slsLer sLore and Lake a look aL some of our collagen proLeln, whlch ls good for
your skln, or by all means Lry upgraded Coffee. 1haL has been a labor of love for me, lL's Laken me many
many years Lo undersLand all of Lhe varlables LhaL go lnLo a cup of coffee LhaL makes you feel llke a greaL
Colden Cod and doesn'L glve you a headache or [lLLers, so by all means Lry lL. lf you wanL Lo flnd your
own sorLa/maybe 8ulleLproof coffee, you can cerLalnly do LhaL and we publlshed Lhe full lnsLrucLlons on
Lhe slLe. l'm on a mlsslon Lo help people always have Lhe mosL awesome coffee and Lhus Lhe mosL
awesome day LhaL Lhey posslbly can have, and coffee ls one way Lo do LhaL. 1here are many ways, buL
LhaL's whaL blohacklng and belng 8ulleLproof ls all abouL. Arml, caLch you nexL week!
Arml: See you laLer.

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