November 18 22

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Windham s Wild Things!

\-November 18-22, Week of August 17 - 2013


Mrs. Windham Paris Elementary

Mapping Our Week & Beyond

Explore: A Closer Look

Reading: Please remember to read nightly and initial your


childs Reading Log. This week is a review week, so there will not be a new story coming home. We will be taking the Unit 2 Wednesday, November 20: Field Trip to Benchmark Reading Test each day this week. We will spend time Walnut Grove every day reviewing good reading strategies and taking miniTuesday-Friday, November 27-29: practice tests. Friday we are doing Brown Bag Book Club again, and Thanksgiving Holidays will be reading a story and completing a Story Map. We are having WISH LIST: Teddy Grahams for our snack this week. Please let me know if you are able to send in a box. We will need about 2 boxes per class. PENCILS! We are all out of pencils!

Writing: Opinion Writing

This week we will be wrapping up our opinion writing piece. We will continue to focus on commas and how to correctly use them in our writing.

Card Stock Teacher Websites lwindham/

Sailing the Web

Math: Multiplication
This week we will multiply by 5 and 10. There will be a quiz on Friday. We will also start looking at how to multiply by 4. Please practice these facts at home nightly.

Science: Animal Adaptations

Did yo u kn o w ? A sin g le ch icken b r east f r o m KFC co n t ain s a ch ild 's d aily d o se o f so d iu m . We are finishing up our study on animal habitats and moving into Recen t st u d ies in d icat e kid s so d iu m levels ar e d an g er o u sly h ig h ! the study of producers, decomposers, and consumers. The test is scheduled for Tuesday, November 26th. The study guide is coming Eat at h o m e m o r e, yo u kn o w w h at is in t h e f o o d yo u p r ep ar e .eat m o r e veg g ies an d home today! lean p r o t ein . Heat lh y kid s st ar t at h o m e !

Notes from the Teacher Please remember that homework is due on FRIDAYS! The children have all week to prepare for returning the packet to school on Friday morning with a parent signature. Establishing this responsibility now is so important. I check the homework folders every morning for Reading Logs and look for your signature to show that your child has been reading!

sticky know

program house

Friday frown decomposers

Weekly Words scream straight spring watch thousand talk often also


Bonus Words: equivalent

Word Wall Words: their there theyre journal

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