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Hansel and Gretel

(Group 2) Hansel : Azka Gretel : Amanda HGs mom : Lula Narrator : Pasya Witch : Nazhira Thief : Miftah

SCENE 1 Narrator : One Direction, eh I mean once upon a time live brothers and sisters named Hansel and Gretel. Mom : Hansel, Gretel! Lets go to the forest for searching some corn. HG : Lets go mum, I cant wait to eat corn soup! Mom : Okay, darl.. Narrator : Hansel and Gretels mom was a white witch who hunted by the dark witch. So, she must dump Hansel and Gretel to the forest. Mom : Kids, wait I forgot some tools. Heres a sward and wait here dont go anywhere. Hansel : Gretel, dont go anywhere! Gretel : I just want pick some corn. Narrator : Hansel and Gretels mom doesnt come back. She left the forest and let Hansel and Gretel alone. Gretel : Wheres mom? Im starving!! Hansel : Dont such a baby, Gretel! Gretel : But I want to go home! Hansel : Ok, lets find mom. Narrator : Their trying to find their mom but its already dark.

SCENE 2 Hansel : Its already dark.. Witch : Hey, are you lost? Gretel : Yes, who are you? Witch : Come to my house, you can sleep there. Hansel : Thankyou. Witch : Anytime.. here I bring some bread for you. Gretel : Thankyou so much! (HG eating) Witch : Gretel, help me cook some meat. Gretel : Ok. Witch : Is it already hot? Gretel : Hmm Witch : Wait here, i want to take some meat, hihihi.. Gretel : Hey, open the door!! Narrator : The witch locked Gretel in her kitchen. Hansel : Gretel are you ok? Gretel : Hey witch take this! Witch : Aaaargghhhh...!!! Hansel : Gretel, lets go!

SCENE 3 Narrator : The escape from the witchs house. Hansel and Gretel was separated. Gretel : Hansel! Where are you? Hansel : Gretel?!! Thief : Hey little girl, are you lost? Gretel : Who are you? Are you a thief?? Do you want to kidnapped me?! Thief : No, I just wat to KIDNAPPED YOU! Haha. Gretel : HELP, HELP ME!!!! Hansel : Gretel!! Thief : Hahaha, you will be mine! Hansel : Get your hand off my sister!! Thief : Kill me first! Hansel : Take this! Narrator : They fight, and at last Hansel WIN! Thief : Youre a brave kid. Gretel : Ok Hansel, lets go! SCENE 4 Pasya : Are you lost? HG : Yes, were lost. Pasya : Come with me, ill take you to my boss. Gretel : Youre not a thief right? Pasya : Of course Im not.

Mom : Hey, here I bring you some soup. Hansel : Thanks. Lula : Please call me mom, youre my kids now. Gretel : MOM!? Lula : Yes. HG : Ehm, ok mom.. Mom : Thankyou so much you call me mom! Hansel : Yes, mom. Mom : Ok, lets go eat this corn soup. HG : THANKYOU SO MUCH MOM!!! Mom : Your welcome, honey.. SCENE 5 Narrator : And they lived happily ever after.. Hansel : Wait! Narrator : What? Hansel : Never mind.. Narrator : ooohhhh..


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