Journalf Negro History

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Volume Information Reviewed work(s): Source: The Journal of Negro History, Vol. 38, No. 4 (Oct.

, 1953) Published by: Association for the Study of African American Life and History, Inc. Stable URL: . Accessed: 31/10/2011 11:38
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A Abbe Gregoire, 438-439 Abolitionism, 16-26, 139-160, 238-239 Abramowitz, Jack, article by, 257289, 364 Adams, Cyrus Field, 87, 157 Adams, Henry, 225-226 Adams, James Truslow, 139 Adams, John Quincy, 311 Adams, Myron, 365 American uprising against Mexico, 326-329

Americas in History, The, review of,

352-353 Amis de Noirs (Friends of the Blacks), 17, 19, 26 Amos, M. G., 365 Anderson, R. Earle, book by, reviewed. 117-118 Andrade, Mario de, 305 Andrews, E. Benjamin, 145, 152 Andry, Alexis, 398 Anti-slavery songs, 315-317 Apartheid, 109, 111-113, 115 Aptheker, Herbert, 440

Africa, A Study in Tropical Develop-

ment, review of, 335-339 Africa, geography of, 335-339; Summer Institute on, 460; works on, 3540, 131-132, 246, 358-360, 457-459 African art, 28-30 African Education Society, 59 African history, 27-40 African Institute, 1953, 254

Areas de Negros, 425

Ashmun, Jehudi, 51-55 Army, policy toward Negro, 194-215 Association for the Mutual Relief of the Colored Veteran of 1814, of 1815, 400 Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, 361; Annual Report of, 367-376; financial statement of 368-370; proceedings of, 1-9 AtlantaConstitution, 259-260,271-272, 274, 275, 285 Atlanta Independent, 79, 83 Asbury, J. C., 76 Ayers, Eli, 50-51 Azara, F6lix de, 424 Azikiwe, Nnamdi, 364 B Bailey, Frederick Augustus Washington, 307 Bakunin, Michael, 429, 431-433, 435, 437 Baldwin, William H., 69 Ballin, H. Grunbaum, 439 Bancroft, Frederick, 445 Bancroft, H. H., 323 Bangs Avenue School, Trenton, N. J., 96 Banneker, Benjamin, 22 Barber, J. Max, 75 Barnett, Claude, 214 Barr, Stringfellow, book by, reviewed, 348-350 Bartlett, Washington A., 325-326 Bates, John L., 156 Beale, Howard K., 158, 347 Beard, Charles, 450-451 Belden, Josiah, 323 Belgrano, Manuel, 419

A. M. E. Christian Recorder, 83 African Sculpture Speaks, 27

African students' conference, Howard University, 364 Afro-American Council, 85 Afro-American Press Association, 83 Agassiz, Louis, 143 Alabama, populist movement in, 279281 Alced, 424 Aldridge, Ira, 308 Alexander, 340 Alexander, Sadie T., 205 Alexander II, 428, 437

Alexander's Magazine, 68, 74

Alfred William Anthony Collection, New York Public Library, 216-224 Allen, Frederick Lewis, book by, reviewed, 241-242 Almagro, 420 Almagro, Diego de, 415 Amat, viceroy of Peru, 422 American Anti-Slavery Society, 62, 64 American Bible Society, 45 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 45 American Colonization Society, 45-66

American Crisis, The, 10 American Dilemma, An, 447

American Education Society, 45

American Historical Beview, 146, 151 American History and American Historians, review of, 226-229 Ameriean revolution, 10-26 American Social Science Association, 219

Bell, Thomas, 98 Bellot, H. Hale, book by, reviewed, 226-229 Berger, Morroe, book by, reviewed, 118-120 Boston Colored Citizen, 68, 74 Bidwell, John, 323 Big Change: America Transforms Itself, 1900-1950, The, review of, 241242 Billington, Ray Allen, 255; book by, reviewed, 341-343 Birney, James G., 65, 239 Blakeslee, Myra, 97, 105 Blanket Boy, review of, 448-449 Blythe, James, 58 Boisdore, Francois, 399 Bolton, Herbert E., 352 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 385 Bonseigneur, Jean B. D., 400 Bontemps, Arno, 443 "Booker T. Washington and the Negro Press," 67-90 Boone, Daniel, 443 Bordentown, N. J., Training School, 95 de Bore, Etienne, 380-383 Borome, Joseph A., article by, 216224 Bosshart, John H., 96, 102 Boston Guardian, 69, 74 Boudin, Louis, 174 Boyd, William M., 137 Brandeis, Louis D., 121 Brazeal, Brailsford R., 7 Brazil, Negro in, 290-306 Brazilian Negro Front, 300-301, 303 Breithaupt, Christian, 165 Brewer, William M., 1-9,249-253, 367376; book reviews by, 120-123, 226229, 229-231, 232-234, 345-348, 348350, 444-447 Bridenbaugh, Carl, book by, reviewed, 229-231 Brierre, Jean, 240 Brion, Bazile, 400 Britain and the American Civil War, 428 British Anti-Slavery Society, 62 British Colonial system, 1813-1847; 344-345 British Colonization Society, 63 Brooks, Albert N. D., 254 Brooks, Preston, 157 Brooks, Robert William, sketch of, 361-363 Brooks, Walter, 363 Brown, James, 393

Brown, Jesse L., 213 Brown, John, 237, 238, 239, 435 Brown, William O., review written by, 117-118, 254 Brown, William Wells, 308, 309, 440 Bryan, William Jennings, 287 Bryant, Edwin, 324 Bryant, William Cullen, 313 Buchanan, George, 23 Bumstead, Horace, 365 Bunche, Ralph, 135, 460 Burgess, Ebenezer, 44, 50 Burgess, John W., 143-144, 146, 347 Bustard, Joseph A., 96-97, 103, 105 Butler, Ben, 440 C Cabel, E. C., 262 Cabildo, Buenos Aires, 417 Cabildo, Santiago, 421 Cameron, Simon, 441 Campos, Flavio de, 301 Candlish, Robert Smith, 319 Cardozo, Francis L., 308 Carey, Lot, 51 de Carondelet, Baron, 388 Carrera, Bishop Salquero y, 422 Cash, Mrs. Joseph, 216 Cassdall, H. D., 262 Caste system, Spanish America, 403427 Cater, James, 365 Castro Alves, Antonio de, 294 Catterall, Helen H., 445-446 Caution, Margaret, 105 Chalmers, Thomas, 314-317 Charles V, 417 Charleston Mercury, 169 "Charles Sumner and American Historiography," 139-160 Charlton, Cornelius, 213 Chase, P. K., 269 Chase, W. Calvin, 75 Checagou, 443 Chernyshevski, Nicholas, 429, 433-435, 436, 437 Chesnut, James, 166 Chevalier, Michel, 58 Chicago Appeal, 87 Chicago, founder of, 442-444 Chiles, Joseph B., 323 Chiles, Nick, 86-87 Choice before South Africa, The, review of, 113-115 Christianity, 126-127 Christian-National Education, 110-111 Christophe, Henry, 239-241, 444 Church, Robert R., sketeh of, 249-251

Civil rights, 118-120, 236-238, 451; in New Jersey, 91-107 Civil Rights Act of 1875, 119, 176-180 Civil Rights Cases, 179-180; cases of 1883, 119 Civil War, 5, 428-437, 440-442; reception in Scotland of, 318-321 Citizens of the World, review of, 348350 Claiborne, William C. C., 377-402 Clark, Daniel, 393 Clark, George Rogers, 443 Clark, Pellig, 312 Clark, Walter, 283 Clark, William S., 325 Claudius, 341 Clay, Henry, 48, 57 Clement, Mrs. Emma Clarissa, 199 Clement, Rufus, 365 Clemente III, 416 Clothier, Robert C., 98, 101 Cochrane, John, 441 Calhoun, John Ewing, 163-164, 172 "Colonization of Free Negroes in Liberia, 1816-1835, The," 41-66 "Color in Colonial Spanish America," 403-427 Color Line, Ce'4tral Theme in Sauthern History, review of, 444-445 Colored Alliance, 257 Colored American Magazine, 67-90 Colored Co-Operative Publishing Company, 68-69 Colored Farmers National Alliance and Cooperative Union, 257 Combe, George, 310-312 Commager, Henry, 140 Commerce Clause, 174-193 Committee against Discrimination in Employinent, New York's War Council, 451 Committee against Jimerow in Military Service and Training, 199 Committee for Unity, Trenton, N. J., 95, 105 Committee on Civil Rights, 119 Common Sense, 12 Communism, 349, 428-437 III Concilio Mejicano, 415 Concoloreorvo, 418 Congressional civil rights act, 1875, 144 Conference of Industrial Organizations, 262 Conference on the Courts and Racial Integration in Education, Howard University, 1952, 103 Conservator, 75

Canstitutionnel, 439 Constitution of Man, Considered in Relation to External Objects, The, 310-311 Converse, J. K., 57 Cook, Mercer, 137; article by, 438439; reviews written by, 239-241, 442-444 Cornelius, Elias, 44-45 Cornish, Dudley Taylor, 4-5; review written by, 440-441 Cort6s, Martin Cotton Kingdom, The. A Traveler's Observations on Cotton and Slavery in the American Slave States, 345348 Court cases, transportation, 174-193 Cox, Oliver C., review written by, 447448 Craft, Ella, 308 Craft, William, 308 Crandall, Prudence, 137-138, 239 Crawford, Lectured, 259 Cresson, Elliott, 60, 62 Crofts, Julia, 216-217 Crossroads of Negro Thoutght, 364 Crummell, Alexander, 308 Cry the Beloved Country, 115 Cuba, emigres from, 377-402 Cuffe, Paul, 47 Cuney, Norris Wright, 269 Curtis, L. S., 461; review written by, 450-451 Custis, George Washington Parke, 47 D Daily Bee, Omaha, 277 Daily Telegraph, 168 Daniels, Josephus, 284 Daquin, Jean, 397 Da'valos, 423 Davis, Arthur, 137 Davis, Ben J., 79, 83, 201 Davis, Harold E., book by, reviewed, 352-353 Davis, Jerome, book written by, reviewed, 452-453 Davis, John A., 137 Davis, John W., 255 Davis, S., book by, reviewed, 339-341 Davis, William H., 331 Dean, William Henry, sketch of, 134136 Dearborn, Henry, 379, 390 Declaration of Independence, 11, 13, 20, 22, 26 Declaration of the Bights of Man and of Citizen, 14, 15

DeKalb factory, S. C., 165, 166, 171 De Sable, Jean Baptiste Pointe, 442444 Des Champs, Margaret Burr, letters contributed by, 333-334 Dessaline, Jean Jacques, 240, 444 De Witt, David M., 155 Dial, 152, 156 Di4rio popular, 296, 301 Dickinson, John, 21 Diggs, Irene, article by, 403-427 "Dilemma of the Rights of Man, The," 10-26 Division against Discrimination, 91 107 Division Review, 100 Dix, Dorothea, 238 Donald, David, 140 Doriole, Jean Louis, 395 Douglass, Frederick, 216-224,237,238, 287, 307-321 Douglass, Joseph H., 137, 460 Douglass, Lewis H., 222-223 Douglas, Thomas, 325 Doyle, H. S., 274 Driscoll, Alfred L., 102, 104 DuBois, W. E. B., 87, 122, 155, 209, 287, 446 Dunbar, Paul Lawrence, 285, 287 Dunbar-Nelson, Alice, 378 Dunning, William A., 143, 144, 152155, 347 Dupree, William H., 68 Dutch Reformed Church, 112 Dvorin, Eugene P., book by, reviewed, 111-113 Dyson, Jeptha, 165-171 E Eaton, Clement, 347 Ecole Libre, 451 Editors, Negro, 1865-1900, 364 Edwards, Jonathan, 66, 238 Education of Negroes in New Jersey, The, 95 Egypt, race relations in ancient, 339341 Ellerbe, William T., 165 Elliott, Thomas, 163-164 Emancipation, 41-66 Emancipation Law, 1888, Brazilian, 295 Emancipation Society, Brazil, 295 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 140, 313 "Emigres and Militiamen: Free Persons of Color in New Orleans, 18031915," 377-402

Emigres to Africa, 333-334 Encyclopedia Africana, 370 Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 451 Enriquez, viceroy of Mexico, 421 Equality by Statute, review of, 118120 Espejo, Francisco Javier Eugenio de Santa Cruz y, 423 Espejo, Jean Pablo de Santa Cruz y, 423 Essay on the Origin, Habits, etc. of the African Race, etc., 59 Ethnic Relations in the United States, 447-448 Euro-mestizos, Spanish America, 403427 Evans, James C., 204 Evans, Robert, 364 Everett, Donald E., article by, 377402 Executive Order 9981, 206-208, 210 Extending Civil Rights in New Jersey through the Division against Discrimination, 91-107, 364 F Faith of Our Fathers: An Anthology Expressing the Aspirations of the American Common Man, 1790-1860, The, review of, 236-238 Fair employment practices, 7 Fair employment practices act, New Jersey, 96-100, 104-107 F. E. P. C., 119, 199 Federal courts, transportation cases in, 174-193 Felipe II, 415, 426 Felipe III, 416 Felipe IV, 416 Felton, Marjorie, review written by, 448-449 Fernandes, Florestan, 305-306 Fierro, Pancho, 423 Fifteenth Amendment, 81, 119 Finley, Robert, 44 Firestone plantations, Liberia, 118 Fisk Jubilee Singers, 252 Flournoy, John T., 59 Folsom, J. L., 331-332 Forbes, George Washingtonn, 69 Force Bill, 258 Forrestal, James V., 203, 210 Forten, Charlotte L., 341-343 Fortier, Michael, 391-392, 397 Fortune, T. Thomas, 70, 73-74, 76, 83, 88

Foster, Benjamin F., 264-Z66 Foster, Charles I., review by, 225 Foster, Luther H., 365 Foster, Stephen, 239 Fourteenth Amendment, 81, 119, 174193 France and American Civil War, 428 Franciscans, 414 Francis McFarland Collection, 333 Frankel, Emil, 94 Franklin, John Hope, 137, 370

Frederick Douglass and Scotland, 307321 Free Church of Scotland, 314-315, 317 Free colored persons, New Orleans, 1803-1815, 377-402 Freedmen's Bank, 218

Freedom to Serve, 212

Freeman Act, 1949, 106 French Revolution, 10-11, 14-19 Freund, John C., 69-70 Freyre, Gilberto, 290 Fuller, Margaret, 238 Fulton factory, S. C., 165 G Gaillard, Raimond, 399 Gallatin, Albert, 393 Garibaldi, Giusseppi, 430 Garrison, William Lloyd, 62, 237, 239, 310, 317, 319, 342 Garvey, Marcus, 122 Gaubau, Augustin, 398 Gebo, Dora Raynolds, reviews written by, 126-127, 353-355 George, Collins C., 214 Georges, Joseph, 438-439 Georgia, Populist movement in, 271277 Gibbs, Henry, book by, reviewed, 108111 Gibbes, Robert W., 167 Gibson, Truman K., 196, 201, 205 Gilbert, Leon, 214 Gilfillan, George, 313, 319 Gillem Board Report, 196-197, 198-206 Gir6n, Francisco Hernfrndez, 418 Glasgow Emancipation Society, 319 Glasgow New Association Anti-Slavery Society, 319 Glopsy, I., 267 Glover, William, 325 Good Shepherd Congregational Church, Chicago, Ill., 365 Gonzales, Father Juan, 423 Gonzalez, Rodrigo A. ChAvez, 425 Goodwill Commission, N. J., 94

Goldman, Eric E., book by, reviewed, 120-123 Gordon, A. H., review written by, 452453 Gould, Curtis, Jr., 156 Graham, Shirley, book by, reviewed, 442-444 Granger, Lester, 94, 203-204 Granger movement, 257 Grant, Madison, 143 Grant, W. A., 259 Gray, Arthur D., 365 Gray, Gordon, 211 Greeks, prejudice among Homeric, 340 Green, Talbot, 323 Greener, Richard T., 216, 219 Gregg, William, 169 Grimk6, Francis, 363 Groundnut (peanut) Scheme, East Africa, 335-336 Gurley, Ralph R., 48, 52 H Halifax Anti-Slavery Association, 216 Hamilton, William, 237 Hampton, Wade, 234-238 Hancock, Gordon B., 461 Hardy, Jean Baptiste, 399 Harlan, John M., 124 Harper, Robert G., 47 Harris, S. L., 218

HarvtardLaw Beview, 188

Henry Adams: Scientific Historian,

review of, 225-226 Henry, Patrick, 20-21 Herskovits, Melville, 254-255 Herzen, Alexander, 429-431, 432, 435, 437 Heyward, Daniel, 161 Hicks, Elias, 237 Hicks, James L., 214 Hinkley, William Sturgis, 328 Historians, American, 226-229 Historiography, American, 139-160, 225-229

Hayes, James H., 76 Haynes, George, 140-141, 156-157 Helper, Hinton Rowan, 347 Henderson, Dorland, 95, 105

History of the South, A, 444-447 History of the United States during the Jefferson and Madion Administrations, 225-226
Hoar, George F., 149-160 Hoftstadter, Richard, 140 Hosmer, James Kendall, 155 Hostos, 294

Howe, Samuel G., 143 Holmes, J. Welfred, review written by, 115-117, 137 Holmes, J. Welfred, 137 Hope, John, 364, 460 Hope, John, II, 460 Hopkins, Samuel, 42 Honrizc, 82 Howard, W. D. M., 325, 326 Hudner, Thomas J., 213 Hughes, Charles Evans, 183 Human relations, 348-350 Human rights, 10-26 Humphrey, Superintendent, in Populist movement, 263 Hunter, David, 440 Huntsville Gazette, 277 I Independent, 152-153 Indians, settling the Americas, 352353 Indians, Spanish America, 403-427 Indianapolis Freeman, 83, 86, 264-26;5 Indo-mestizos, Spanish America, 403427 "Influence of William Alexander Leidesdorf on the History of California, The," 322-332 Ingersol, Robert, 223 Integration of schools, Illinois, 105106; New Jersey, 95-103 International Harvester Co., 460 International relations, works on, 132133, 247, 360, 456 Interstate Commerce, 174-193 Interstate travel, segregation in, 174193 Ives-Quinn Law against Discrimination, 118, 119-120 J Jackson, Andrew, 395-396, 400, 401 Jacksonian democracy, 237 Ja.mes Stephen and the British Colonial System, 1813-1847, review of, 344-345 Jarrell, Hampton M., book by, reviewed, 234-238 Jean Baptiste Pointe de Sable, review of, 442-444 Jefferson, Thomas, 43, 378, 388 Jeffersonian democracy, 237 Jenkins, Henry, 268 Jennings, Henry, 267 J&r6mie, Joseph, 443 Jernagin, W. I., 199

Jews, in ancient Egypt, 340-341 Jews and race relations, 351 Johnson, Alvin, autobiography, reviewed, 450-451 Johnson, Amy, 333-334 Johnson, Andrew, 151-152 Johnson, Arnold K., 141 Johnson, Louis A., 210-211 Johnson, Louis, 333-334 Johnson, Nathaniel, 307 Jones, E. P., 325 Jordy, William H., book by, reviewed, 225-226 Jourmal of Charlotte L. Forten, The, review of, 341-343 Journal of Negro History, 367, 374375 Journey in the Back Country, 346 Journey in the Seaboard Slave States, 346 Journey through Texas, 346 Judicial Cases Concerning American Slavery and the Negro, 445-446 Julia Ann-, 323-324 K Kansas, Populist movement in, 264267 Kennedy, Melvin D., review written by, 345 Kerr, Lewis, 391-392 Kershaw, John, 164 King, Rufus, 43 Kingdon, Frank, 91 Knaplund, Paul, 344-345 Knights of Labor, 261, 285-286 Kolb, Reuben, 279-280 Korean War, Negro in, 211-215 L Labor, 161-173 Laclopic, Victer, 398 Lacoste, Pierre, 397 Lander, E. M., Jr., article by, 161-173 Landis, Kenesaw H., 123 Lane, James H., 440-441 l.anghorne, J. L., review written by, 238-239 Langley, I. P., 266-267 Lanham, Peter, book by, reviewed, 448-449 Lanna, Vital, 399 Larkin, Thomas A., 326-328 Larned, L. D., 262 Latin America, works on, 130-131, 245, 357-358, 455-456 Laurent, L. D., 262, 263

Lavrov, Peter, 429, 435-437 League for Civil Disobedience, 203 "Leidesdorf, William Alexander," 3, 322-332 Lemmon, Sarah M., article by, 174-193 Lerner, Max, 201 "Let's Join the Human Race," 348350 Lett, Harold, 94, 97 Lewis, Elsie M., 364 Lewis, Hylan, 137 Lewis, W. H., 87 Liberia, America's African Friend, review of, 117-118 Liberia, 4; colonization in, 41-66 Liberalism since Civil War, 120-123 Lincoln, Abraham, 140, 152, 156, 435 Lincoln Congregational Church, Washington, D. C., 361-363 Lincoln Junior High School, Trenton, N. J., 95 Livingston, Leonidas, 261 Livingstone, David, 320 Lloyd, Henry Demarest, 287-288 Locke, Alain L., 31, 199, 461 Lodge Bill, 258 Lodge, Henry Cabot, 141-142 Lofton, Williston H., review written by, 441-442 Logan, Rayford W., 254 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 155 Louis, Joe, 199 Louis, Marcean, book by, reviewed, 239-241 Louisianta Gazette, 382, 392 Louisiana segregation law, 1890, 144 L'Ouverture, Toussaint, 444 Lovejoy, Elijah P., 237, 239 Low, W. A., review writen by, 238 Lowe, W. A., 461 Lundy, Benjamin, 238 Luna, P. Francisco Javier de, 423 Lucas, Stanley, 102 M MaeFarland, Francis, 333 MacKinder, Sir Halford, 338 MacNair, John, 161-162 Madison, James, 380, 382 Malan, Daniel, 110, 112, 114 Maning, James, 322 Manley, Abert E., 365 Maran, Ren6, 363 Marie-Lctise d'Hfaiti, 239-241 Mark, Irving, book edited by, reviewed, 236-238 Marlboro, factory, S. C., 165, 171

Marquard, Leo, book by, reviewed, 115-117 Marshall, Thurgood, 214 Martial Spirit in the Old South, The, 370 Martin, Fred, 95 Maryland Colonization Society, 57 Marx,. Karl, 431 Mather, James A., 386-388 May, Samuel, 239 Mays, Benjamin E., 254 McConnell, Roland C., 137, 364 McCullough, Daniel, 172 McDonagh, Edward C., book by, reviewed, 447-448 McDougall, William, 143 MeDuffie, George, 165, 171 McQueen, John, 165 Mecklin, John Moffatt, 144 Mehlinger, Louis, 367-368 Meier, August, 3; review written by, 241-242 Memoirs of Alexander Herzen, 430 Mercer, C. F., 42 Mestizos, Spanish America, 403-427 Miles, Theodore G., review written by, 339-341 Miller, Hugh, 309, 321 Mills, Samuel J., 44-45, 50 Milnor, James, 64 Ming, W. Robert, 105-106 Milton, George Fort, 140 Mirabeau, 18 Miranda, Pedro de, 420 Missionary societies, 45 Mississippi Valley Historical Association, 364 Molyneaux, Paul, 223 Monroe, James, 43 Monteagudo, Bernardo, 423 Monteagudo, Miguel de, 423 Moore, Clifford, 105 Moore, Fred R., 70, 79-86, 88 Moore, Frederick W., 146 Moore, J. L., 262 Mopeli-Paulus, A. S., book by, reviewed, 448-449 Morgan, Benjamin, 377-378 Morison, S. E., 139 Morse, Richard M., article by, 290-306 Morse, Wayne, 200 Moses, Earl R., review written by, 350-352 My Bondage and Freedom, 309 My Schools and Schoolmwsters, 309 Myths and Realities, Societies of the Colonial South, review of, 229-231

N Nation, 157-158 National Association for the Advaneement of Colored People, 461; New Jersey branches, 95, 105 National Farmers' Alliance, 257 National Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union, 257 Nationalist Party, South Africa, 112114 National Press Bureau, 67 Navarro, Remigio, 419

Negro Concepts of Americanism, 364 Negro History Bulletin, 367, 373-374

Negro History Week, 1953, 9, 372-373 460

Of God, the Devil and the Jew, review of, 126-127 Ogden, Robert C., 70 Oliviera, Josd Rubino de, 297 Oliver, Vemell M., 5, article by, 428437 Olmsted, Frederick Law, book by, reviewed, 345-348 O Menelik, 300 On Freedom's Altar, review of, 238239 Orleans Gazette, 393 Orsua, Pedro de, 420 Ortiz, Fernando, 411 Osborn, Charles, 238 Outlook, 153 p Paine, Thomas, 12, 15 Palfrey, Henry W., 401 Paraguay, colonial society in, 403 Parker, James, 102 Parker, Robert, 325 Parker, Theodore, 140, 238 Parkes, Henry Bamford, book by, re viewed, 441-442 Parsons Weekly Blade, 278 Patillo, W. A., 262 Paton, Alan, 115 Patterson, Frederick D., 365 Peace, War and You, review of, 452453 Pennington, James C., 308 Peoples and Policies of South Africa, The, 115-117 Phelps-Stokes Foundation, 365 Phi Beta Kappa, 254 Phillips, John Baptist, 308 Phillips, Ulrich B., 347, 444 Phillips, Wendell, 342 Picayune, The, 399 Picazzarri, 419 Piconnet, Joseph, 398 Pierce, Edward L., 149-150, 159 Pierson, Donald, 290,297,300,303 Pinkett, Harold T., review written by, 352-353 Pizarro, 420 Pioneer's Progress: An Autobiography, 450-451 Plumer, William S., 64 Plymouth Congregational Church, Washington, D. C., 365 Point Four program, 339, 349; in Liberia, 118 Polk, Leonidas, 265, 282 Pontiac, 443

Negro in Sao Paulo, Brazil, The, 290306

Negro in the Civil War, The (Aptheker), 440

Yegro in the Civil War, The (Quarles),

370, 461; review of, 440-441 "Negro in the Populist Movement," 257-289 Negro, World War II, 6

Negro Policy of the American Army Since World War II, The, 194-215
Negro editors, 364 Negroes and prejudice, 351 Negroes, settling the Americas, 352353 Negroes, Spanish America, 403-427 Nevins, Allan, 140 New Jersey, civil rights in, 7, 91-107

Yew Jersey Herald News, The, 95

New Jersey Law against Discrimination, 107 New Orleans, 1803-1815, 377-402 New Orleans, Battle of, 394-402 New School for Social Research, 451

Yew Republic, The, 450-451

New York Age, 68, 70, 74, 76, 79-86 New York City Colonization Society, 61 Niagara Movement, 75, 76, 82, 85 Niles, Nathaniel, 21 Nkrumah, Kwam6, 364 Noble, Jordan B., 400, 401 North Carolina, Populist movement in, 281-284 Northern Alliance, 257 Nossa Senhora do Rosario, (Our Lady of the Rosary), 291-292 0 Ocala convention, 1890, 259-262

Oddfellows Journal, 76

Poore, Benjamin Perley, 141 Porras, Fr. Martin de, 422 Porter, Dorothy, 254 Populist movement, 257-289 Populist Revolt, 121-122 Populus, Barthelemy, 399 Poultry Scheme, Gambia, 335 Pound, Roseoe, 121 Powell, A. Clayton, Jr., 201-202 Prattis, P. L., 203 Prejudice and discrimination, study of, 350-352 "Pre-Marxist Russian Radicals and the American Civil War," 57, 428437 President's Committeeon Civil Rights, 197 President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Forces, 212 Prime, Nathaniel S., 47 Progressive Farmer, 282 Q Quaife, Milo, 443 Quarles, Benjamin, 364, 370, 461; book by, reviewed, 440-441 Quarterly Christian Speotator, 61 Queen, Robert, 105 R Race relations, ancient Egypt, 339341 Racial and Cultural Minorities: An ination, review of, 350-352 Racial Separation in South Africa: An Analysis of Aparthed Theory, review of, Raimond, Julien, 19-20 Rainsford, W. S., 157 Ramos, Arthur, 290, 298 Ramos, Juan P., 421 Randolph, A. Philip, 199-207 Ransom, Reverdy 0., 85 Rauschenbusch,Walter, 121, 362 Rayner, John B., 269-271 Read, Florence, 364 Reconstruction,144, 152 Reconstructionera, 139-160, 347, 441442; in New Jersey, 93; in South Carolina, 232-238 Reddick, Lawrence D., 6, 137; artiele by, 194-215 Redding, J. Saunders, 123-124 Redemption, 295
Analysi8 of Prejudice and Discrim-

Redpath, James, 217-218 Reed, Robert, review written by, 118


Regnir, Joassin, 398 Reid, Ira, 94 120-123 Reynolds, Grant, 199-207 Rhodes, James Ford, 143, 148 Richards, Eugene S., book by, reviewed, 447-448 Richardson, E. A., 261, 262, 263 Ricker, A. W., 288 Rights of man, 9 Rio de Janeiro Negroes in, 290, 293, 305 Rivadavia, Bernardino, 423 Rivers, David, 363 Rivers, Gertrude B., review written by, 234-238 Roachborough,C. A., 267 Robeson, Paul, 208-U10 Robinson, Jackie, 209 Robinson, James Harvey, 450451 Bobinson, Magnus L., 223 Robinson, Solon, 169 Rocafuerte, don Vicente, 424 Rogers, Maurice, 388 Romero, Fernando, 423 Roosevelt, Franklin, 122, 189, 199 Roosevelt, Theodore, 121-122 Ross, Edmund G., 141 Rowan, Carl T., book by, reviewed, 123-126 Rowland, John, 323 Royall, Kenneth C., 104, 203-206 R?uchames, Louis, article by. 139-160 Runes, Dagobert D., book by, reviewed, 126-127 Russell, Richard B., 202 Russia and American Civil War, 428437 Russian Revolution, 1917, 428-429
S Rendezvont urith Destiny, review of,

Sachs, E. S., book by, reviewed, 113115 Saint Dominigue, 444 St. Paul and Chicago Appeal, 83 Salas, Mariano Pic6n, 418 Sanborn, Frank B., 218, 219 Santo Domingo, 24, 380, 383, 393 San Francisco, history of, 322-332 Saturday Evening Post, 214 Savage, W. S., 3, article by, 322-332 Savage, William, 388 Savary, Charles, 398

Savary, Jean Baptiste, 397 Savary, Joseph, 398 Schemer, George, 2 Scientific Council for Africa, 336 Schlesinger, Arthur M., 139; book edited by, reviewed, 345-348 Schouler, James, 148 Schuyler, George, 124, 199 Schwaab, Eugene L., book edited by, reviewed, 236-238 Scotland, Frederick Douglass and, 307-321 The Scotsman, 320-321 Scott, Emmett, 71-72 Scottish Guardian, 318 Seeking, The, review of, 353-355 Segregation in public carriers, 174193 Segregation in Washington, D. C., 123 Segy, Ladislas, 8 Separate coach laws, 174-193 Sharp, Granville, 41, 42 Sherman, John, 141 Silva, Zamudio, 426 Simkins, Francis B., book by, reviewed, 444-447 Simmons, Roseoe Conkling, 70 Simon, Lewis, 398 Simpson, George Eaton, book by, reviewed, 350-352 "Slave Labor in South Carolina Cotton Mills," 161-173 Slave Trading in the Old South, 445 Smith, Gerrit, 54, 59, 61, 65 Smith, James M 'Cune, 58, 308, 309310, 321 Smith, Robert, 388 Smith, Stephen, 323 Societies of the Colonial South, 229231 Society for Promoting Agriculture, Trade, and Crafts, 293 Society of Friends, 92 Society of Friends of the City, 301 Society Hill factory, S. C., 167 "Some Additional Light on Frederick Douglass," 216-224 Some Social Concepts of Negro Editors, 1865-1900, 364 Sosa, Estenbane, 421 Sosa, D. Tomas Rodriques, 422 South Africa, 108-117, 448-449 South Carolina, cotton mills in, 161173 South Carolina Negroes 1877-1900, review of, 232-234 South, history of, 444-447 South of Freedom, review of, 123-126

South Old and New, 444 Southern Alliance, 257 Southern Negroes, 440 Southern Mercury, 268-269, 279 Southern Regional Council, 460 Spain and American Civil War, 428 Spanish America society, colonial, 403-427 Sparks, Maria Ann, 331 Spelman College, 364 Spaulding, Henry G., 156 Stamp, L. Dudley, book by, reviewed, 335-339 Stekov, I. M., 432 Stephen, a free Negro, New Orleans, 383-385 Stephen, James, 344-345 Stevens, Thaddeus, 152, 155 Stevenson, Adlai E., 4 Stewart, Ollie, 214 Stockton, Robert F., 50-51 Storey, Moorfield, 155 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 237 Sumner, Charles, 139-160 Supreme Court, 81, 118, 144, 160 Sweeney, Allison, 75 T Talley, Thomas Washington, sketch of, 251, 253 Rappan, Arthur, 62-65 Tate, Herbert, 98 Tate, Merze, 363-364; review written by, 335-339 Taylor, A. A., 137 T6lley, Archbishop Francisco Pio de Guadalupe, 422 Temple, Francis, 323 Templeton, Hugh, 161-162 Tennessee Valley Authority, 122, 350 Terrell, Mary Church, 249, 460 Texas, Populist movement in, 267-271 They Seelc a City, 443 Thirteenth Amendment, 119 Thompson, George, 310, 317, 319 Thompson, R. N., 67-68 Thompson, William, 213 Thomas, Charles Walker, reviews written by, 108-111, 341-343 Thomas, David Y., 151 Thomas, Lorenzo, 4 Thomas, Will, book by, reviewed, 353355 Thornton, William, 42 Thoughts on the Colonization of Pree Blacks, 44

Three Hundred Thirty-Second Fighter Group, 208 Tillman, Ben, 284 Tindall, George B., book by, reviewed, 232-234 Tobias, Channing, 199 Toequeville, Alexis de, 146 Tooms, Albert G., 323 Topeka Plaindealer, 86 Torrey, Charles T., 239 "Toward a New Historical Concept on Negro Africa," 27-40 Townsend, George Alfred, 219 Townsend, Willard, 204 Townshend, Norton S., 237 "Transportation Segregation in the Federal Courts Since 1865, 174-193 Trenton (N. J.) Committee on Human Relations, 105 Tribune, New Orleans, 401 Trudeau, Charles, 386 Truth, Sojourner, 237 Turner, Nat, 55, 57, 64 Tuskegee Institute, 67, 89 Twenty-fifth Army Corps, 441 Twilight in South Africa, review of, 108-111 Tyler, John, 327 U Ulloa, Antonide, 416 Union labor party, 261 U. S. Colored Troops, Civil War, 440441 United Foreign Missionary Society, 45 United Nations, 24-25, 122, 135-136 United States, ethnic relations in, 447448 United States history, works on, 128130, 133, 243-245, 247, 356-357, 454455, 457 United States of America, A History from the Age of Discovery to the Present, review of, 441-442 University in Exile, 451 V Vald6s, Jose Manuel, 423 Valiente, Alonso, 420 Valiente, Juan, 420-421 Van Buren, Martin, 311 Van Jackson, Wallace, 4 Vaucluse factory, South Carolina, 164, 171 Veblen, Thorstein Velasco, don Luis de, 426 Velasco, Lopez de, 423

Viajes por la America meridional, 424 Viera, Jose A., 419 Villard, Mrs. Henry, 155 Von Holst, H., 147-148 Voice of the Negro, 75 W Wade Hampton and the Negro: The Road Not Taken, review of, 234-238 Waller, John L., 264-265 Walden, A. T., 365 Walters, Alexander, 85 Walton, S. D., 288 War, abolition of, 452-453 Ware, Edmund A., 365 Ward, Samuel Ringgold, 308 Waring, Benjamin, 161 Waring, J. Waties, 124 Warwick, W. H., 262-263 Washington Bee, 68 Washington, Booker T., 3, 67-90, 122, 157, 280, 289 Washington Colored American, 68, 83 Washington Evening Star, 399 Watkins, John, 380, 383 Watkins, Mark Hanna, 115 Watson, Tom, 261, 272-274 Weber, Charles, 323 Webster, Daniel, 54, 140 Weld, Angelina Grimk6 Weld, Theodore, 239 Welles, Gideon Wesley, Charles H., 9; article by, 1026; 460 Wesley, John, 238 West Indies, emigres from, 377-402; works on, 130-131, 245, 357-358, 455-456 Whipple, Edwin Percy, 141 White, Andrew D., 148 White, George C., 283 White, Walter, 201 Whitehead, Matthew J., 460 Whittier, John Greenleaf, 342 Wiggins, Ulysses, 115 Wiley, Bell, 440 Wilberforce, William, 431 Wilkie, Wendell, 122 Wilkinson, James, 379, 381, 390 Wilmington Star, 22 Williams, George Washington, 440 Williams, David R., 162, 164, 165, 166-167, 170-171 Williams, John, 164, 165, 171 Williams, Thomas Harry, 140 Williard, Emma, 238 Wilson, Anthony, 274 Wilson, Benjamin, 323

Wilson, Henry, 141, 152 Wilson, Joseph T., 440 Wilson, Woodrow, 121, 122 Wirt, William, 238

Wisconsin Afro-American, 277

Wise, Stephen S., 155

Worthington, Edgar B., 336 Wright, Frances, 59 Wright, Marion Thompson, 7, 364; article by, 91-107 Wright, Seaborn, 272 y Yale Beview, 145, 150 Yinger, J. Milton, book by, reviewed, 350-352 Young Men's Colonization Society, Pennsylvania, 61 z Zarate, Juana de, 415

Witness, The, 310, 318

Wolf, Hazel, book written by, reviewed, 238-239 Woodburn, James Albert, 155 Woodson, Carter C., 137, 199, 249, 336, 368 Woodward, W. B., 139 Woolman, John, 238 Workman, William, 323 Workshop, African affairs, 255 World War II, Army policy toward Negro during, 194-215

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