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Morgan Ash (On Air: Morgan Thomas) Email: morgan.c.ash@gmail.

com Phone: 512-626-7166 Television Multimedia Journalism Experience

Sept. 2011 !resent" #e$s %eporter & 'TA( #)* +, Shreveport- (A

523 Gladstone Blvd. Shreve ort! "# 711$%

Morning Newscast Live Reporter: &reate and sched'le live content (or the morning ne)scast. Sched'le intervie)s and video o Post content on station.s )e/site and social media. ort'nities (or m'lti le live shots in the (ield. Provide content (or evening ne)scasts *vo+sots or ac,age-.

One-Man-Band News Reporter Enter rise stories )ith local (oc's and h'man angle. Shoot! edit! )rite ac,ages and vo+sots on m'lti le deadlines. &onstant and immediate osts to station.s )e/site and social media. 0evelo ed and maintained relationshi s )ith comm'nit1! government and /'siness leaders.

Weekly Franchise: .#)* + Spirit Stic/0 - 2rida1 mornings d'ring the 2$12 and 2$13 high school (oot/all season! 3 sho)cased local high schools /1 a)arding a )ee,l1 s irit stic,. 4e resented the s irit stic, d'ring live resentations (rom their school.s g1m. 3 created! and managed! the 5B& 6 S irit Stic, 2ace/oo, Page. E6ceeded e6 ectations /1 receiving more than 7$$ 8li,es9 in t)o months. Posted video! ict'res and enco'raged vie)er-generated content.


!nity "nvolve ent 3 am committed to re resenting m1 station! and getting

to ,no) the comm'nit1 3 in(orm. 0'ring m1 time at :;#"! 3 )on <1!$$$ (or a local non- ro(it /1 artici ating in a cele/rit1 o,er to'rnament. 3 )as also honored to ='dge the 2$13 >iss ?e((erson Bea't1 Pageant and the :re)e o( &enta'r >ale Bea't1 Pageant. 3 artici ated in the 2$12 &him @aven 2all 2estival! and emceed a >ardis Gras &oronation event and t)o local dance recitals.

1ct. 2002

Aug. 2011" #e$s %eporter & 'T%E T3, (u4/in- T5

One-Man-Band Field Reporter - Enter rise stor1 ideas on )ide-ranging s'/=ects im ortant to East ;e6as vie)ers. Brea,ing and s ot ne)s coverage. Gained e6 erience covering crime! government! local olitics! trial-coverage! and (eat'res.

We# Reporter$M!lti edia %o!rnalist A Gained val'a/le e6 erience learning the art! and res onsi/ilit1! o( osting o( ne)s content to the station.s )e/site and social media. Began maintaining ro(essional acco'nts (or 2ace/oo, and ;)itter )ith dail1 teases and ' dates on the stories 3 )as covering.


!nity "nvolve ent A En=o1ed re resenting the station (or area events )hile

learning more a/o't )hat matters to m1 vie)ers. Jul6 2007 8ec. 200+" 9ee/end Anchor:#e$s %eporter & '%)*&T3- A;ilene- T5

Weekend &nchor$'rod!cer Prod'ced! anchored and managed (o'r ne)scasts a )ee,. 3 s' ervised the ne)s room! incl'ding re orters and hotogra hers! to ens're a B'alit1 ne)s rod'ct.

(eneral assign ents Reporter Cn the =o/ e6 erience covering comm'nit1 events! crime! and /ecame assionate a/o't in(orming vie)ers on the latest (rom co'nt1 and cit1 government.

Weekly Franchise )tories - ;)o )ee,l1 (ranchise ieces: *o My %o# and ;eacher o( the 4ee,.

%elated Emplo6ment < !ositions =eld 8uring >raduate School

#'g'st 2$$D A #'g. 2$$7: C((ice o( the ;e6as Governor # ointments 0ivision Eesearched state /oard+commission candidates! coordinated and rovided media in(ormation (or state)ide g'/ernatorial a ointees. 0evelo ed and coordinated ('ndraising materials *gaFette! ress materials! corres ondence- (or Governor.s >ansion Eestoration 2'nd. 0esigned! coordinated and managed mansion ('nd /ooth at 4omen.s &onvention and ;e6as State @istorical #ssociation &onvention. # ril 2$$D A #'g'st 2$$D: ;he ?e)elr1 &hannelG #'stin! ;H

Cn-&amera @ost and >oderator o( live rogramming /loc,s (or nationall1 televised home-sho ing ca/le net)or,. Eesearched merchandise! develo ed onair mar,eting strateg1 (or items! ad-li//ed e6tensivel1 and res onded e6tem oraneo'sl1 to caller inB'iries.

>a1 2$$7 A >a1 2$$D: &I> >ar,eting and &omm'nicationsG @o'ston! ;H &reative >ar,eting &ons'ltant! co 1 )riter and conce t develo ment. #dvertising sales assistant! coordinated )ith local radio and television station sales re resentatives )ith disseminating tra((ic! ad co 1 and ad s ace. 4or,ed )ith clients to rod'ce television and radio commercials. Eadio and ;J commercial voice )or,.

Master o4 Arts in Mass *ommunication & Kniversit1 o( @o'ston - GP#: 3.7 Master?s Thesis" # &ontem orar1 # lication o( 0emagogic ;echniB'es: Selected S eeches (rom the 2$$D Presidential &am aign ).S. in *ommunication Studies - Kniversit1 o( ;e6as at #'stin - GP#: 3.$ Stud6 A;road #cademia 3talia Program 2all 2$$%: St'died )orld histor1! c'lt're and advance 3talian lang'ageG traveled e6tensivel1 in E'ro e

&hris @'ston A 5e)s 0irector! 5B& 6 :;#"-;JG 31D-627-7166 "eslie 0ra((in A >orning Sho) #nchorG 5B& 6 :;#"-;JG D6%-37D-3$62 #lese Knder)ood A 5e)s Ee orter! 5B& 6 :;#"-;JG 31D-27%-31$6 ?e(( #)tre1 A #ssignments and 4e/ >anagerG :;EE-;J: 736-635-62$6 ?oel Eodgers A >orning Sho) Ee orterG 5B& 6 :;#"-;J 31D-2D6-1773 E1an Ea)lings A Senior Promotions Prod'cerG 4&5&-;J: 2D1-66$-D777

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