Alberto Rivera Revelation Series

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Riveras Revelation



The doct ine! "nd hi!to # o$ Ro%"n C"tholici!% "nd I!l"% "nd " hi!to # o$ the &'th centu #(


Is Alberto for Real?

co%)lied *# Sidne# Hunte

+& Ch" ge! Ag"in!t Al*e to An!,e ed-

M"# &'+' ,,,(!c i*d(co%.t"/eittothe!t eet!. ,,,(t"/eittothe!t eet!(in$o

Riveras Revelation
A SUMMARY OF CHICKS ALBERTO SERIES The $ollo,ing i! " co%)iled !u%%" # o$ the Al*e to co%ic! 0olu%e! I1 III1 2 3I )u*li!hed "nd %"de "0"il"*le $ ee online *# 4"c/ Chic/ Mini!t ie! 5htt):..,,,(chic/(co%.6( 7 ( Al*e to Ri0e " 5+89: ; 4une &'1 +88<6 !h" e! ,h"t he le" nt ,hile " %e%*e o$ the Ro%"n C"tholic Chu ch1 e!)eci"ll# o$ ,h"t he ,"! t"ught *# C" din"l Be"( Augu!tin C" din"l Be"1 5M"# &=1 +==+ ; >o0( +?1 +8?=6 " 4e!uit unde e@t e%e o"th "nd induction1 ,"! in ch" ge o$ the ecu%enic"l %o0e%ent "nd "l!o ,"! $"the con$e!!o to Ao)e Aiu! BII( Thi! " ticle *egin! ,ith "n o0e 0ie, o$ C"tholic doct ine "nd ) oceed! to det"il " !u e to *e cont o0e !i"l hi!to # o$ I!l"%( The n" "ti0e then Cu%)! to the hi!to # o$ the $i !t h"l$ o$ the &'th centu #1 ) i%" il# o$ Ru!!i"1 S)"in1 "nd De %"n#1 ,ith the ne0e ending )e !ecution o$ the !"int! *# the Echu chF "nd the )e $idit# o$ the 4e!uit! "! the co%%on the%e( Fo %o e on Al*e to Ri0e " "nd the "uthenticit# o$ ,h"t he h"! !"id1 !ee EI! Al*e to $o Re"lF *# Sidne# Hunte ( Content!: Roman Catholic Doctrine The I%%"cul"te Conce)tion Au g"to # M"!! S"l0"tion Ro%"n C"tholic A ie!t! "nd the Ao)e The Early Church E" l# Chu ch Hi!to # ; The F"ll o$ the E%)i e "nd Beginning o$ the Chu ch 4e u!"le%1 Ro%e1 "nd Mecc" Augu!tine Islam The E" l# Hi!to # o$ the EHou!e o$ DodF AlGMutt"li* "nd the Redi!co0e # o$ the K""*" The Bi th "nd Childhood o$ Muh"%%"d Kh"diC"h "nd H" "Iu"h Muh"%%"d! 3i!ion! "nd the Ko "n Muh"%%"d ConIue ! Mecc" I!l"% ConIue ! the A "* Region The Holy Roman Empire The C u!"de! The :th C u!"de The 3"tic"nGI!l"% Conco d"t! The InIui!tion The 4e!uit! Russia The O thodo@ Chu ch1 Ru!!i"1 "nd Co%%uni!% The Ru!!i"n Re0olution The O thodo@ Chu ch i! Att"c/ed World War I The F"ti%" 3i!ion! Ho ld H" I The Clo!e o$ Ho ld H" I Spain 7i!co0e # o$ To%*! Ignite! Mode n S)"in The S)"ni!h Re)u*lic! O))o!e Ro%e Ro%e Counte ! B"c/ Hith Dene "l F "nco It"l# Unde Mu!!olini The D e"t 7e) e!!ion Germany and World War II He"lth# Eu o)e"n 4e, # "nd the Beginning o$ AntiGSe%iti!% The Ri!e o$ Hitle The 7e"th SIu"d! The :th Colu%n! Ro%e Shi$t! the Bl"%e "nd Co0e ! he T "c/! The Blue A %# "nd Hitle ! Dold The A$te %"th A Ti%eline o$ the Ao)e! o$ the &'th Centu # A ote!t"nt A)o!t"!# o Aud"cit#J Boo/! Re$e enced

Roman Catholic Doctrine the Immaculate Conception 4e!u! i! u) in he"0en "! " Cudge1 ,ithout %e c#1 no one i! "llo,ed to )le"d thei c"!e ,ith hi%( So M" # i! !itting u) the e in $ ont o$ hi% "! " !u$$e ing %othing $ull o$ co%)"!!ion "nd unde !t"nding *egging he !on to $o gi0e "nd h"0e )it# on tho!e Ro%"n C"tholic! ,ho $"ith$ull# ) "# to he "nd *elie0e !he i! the coG!"0iou "nd coG edee%e 5cl"i%ing !he !hed he *lood "t the !"%e ti%e 4e!u! did ,hen he ,"! c uci$ied *ec"u!e o$ he )"in "nd !u$$e ing $o %"n/ind(6 4ohn &:K 2 +8:&?1&< 4e!u! e$e ! to hi! %othe "! L,o%"nL( The i%%"cul"te conce)tion i! the doct ine th"t M" #M! %othe concei0ed ,ithout !in "nd the e$o e M" # ,"! *o n ,ithout !in thu! %"/ing he coGeIu"l ,ith Dod "nd %"/ing he the %othe o$ Dod 54e!u!6( Roman Catholic Doctrine - Purgatory The RCC e)l"ced hell ,ith )u g"to # !o the# could h"0e thei ) ie!t! "nd !"c "%ent!( In :89 A7 Ao)e D ego # I initi"ted the te"ching o$ )u g"to # "! " te%)o " # )l"ce o$ )u i$ic"tion $o tho!e ,ho die "! Ro%"n C"tholic( The Council o$ Flo ence %"de thi! o$$ici"l in +K98( S)e"/ing o$ tho!e ,ho de$end thei $"ith *# co%%itting "t oci!h c i%e! 5!uch "! #oung gi l! !educing )"!to ! "nd !tudent! into "dulte # in o de to * e"/ thei !e%in" #6: LThe# did it $o t,o e"!on!( The# ,e e de$ending thei $"ith *# de!t o#ing thei ene%ie! "nd %"/ing )oint! to get out o$ )u g"to #(L Roman Catholic Doctrine - Mass M"!! ,"! " *e"uti$ul in0ention coo/ed u) *# the Bi!ho) o$ Ro%e in 9?= A7( 7u ing the !e!!ion! o$ the Council o$ T ent " ne, ,o d ,"! c e"ted to Le@)l"inL the %"!!1 it ,"! Lt "n!u*!t"nti"tionL( Thi! %e"n! the ) ie!t h"! the )o,e to ch"nge the * e"d "nd ,ine into Dod "l%ight# 5the "ctu"l *od#1 !oul1 "nd *lood o$ 4e!u! Ch i!t6( The ) ie!t cl"i%! he h"! the )o,e to )ull Ch i!t do,n $ o% he"0en to e)e"t the c uci$i@ion e0e #ti%e %"!! i! )e $o %ed( 4e!u! i! ou one !"c i$ice G e"d He*(+':+&( Roman Catholic Doctrine - alvation A C"tholic *elie0e! he i! !"0ed "! long "! he ,o !hi)! M" # "nd e%"in! $"ith$ul to the !#!te%( The# " e told the e i! no !"l0"tion out!ide the RCC( C"tholic! *elie0e " )e !on i! *o n "g"in once the# h"0e *een !) in/led $o *")ti!%1 e0en i$ " *"*#( Hhen " Ro%"n C"tholic !"#! he ecei0e! 4e!u! "! hi! Lo d "nd S"0iou 1 he doe!nMt %e"n he h"! the i!en Ch i!t li0ing in hi! he" t( He %e"n! he ecie0e! 4e!u! e0e # ti%e he e"t! the ho!t 5o * e"d6 ,hen the ) ie!t i! !"#ing the %"!!( He *elie0e! he i! e"ting the "ctu"l *od# o$ Ch i!t( Hhen " C"tholic !"#! he e)ent! doe!nMt %e"n he i! t ul# !o # "nd tu n! $ o% hi! !in!( R"the 1 " C"tholic h"! to *u# o$$ Dod *# doing )en"nce( The ) ie!t $o gi0e! hi% *ut %"/e! hi% do )en"nce $o hi! !in( Thi! %e"n! he %u!t !"# :' h"il M" #M! o the Lo dM! A "#e 1 o light c"ndle! to !"int! o the 0i gin M" #1 o go " ound the chu ch on hi! /nee!( Hh"te0e the ) ie!t de%"nd!( Roman Catholic Priests an! the Pope C"non l", "nd 7og%" *# e"!on o$ o din"tion the ) ie!t i! g "nted & )o,e !: to $o gi0e !in! "nd to )e $o % %"!!( The!e )l"ce hi% in the )o!ition o$ 4e!u! "cco ding to the Ro%"n C"tholic Te"ching(

The %o!t i%)o t"nt 0o, i! o$ celi*"c# ,ithout ,hich the e i! no !"c "%ent o$ o de ( Thi! )ut! the ) ie!t u) on " )ede!t"l( The# cl"i% Dod h"! $"0ou ed hi% ,ith g "ce "*o0e othe ! *ec"u!e he e%"ined un%" ied( I$ "ll the ) ie!t! got %" ied th"t ,ould de!t o# the !#!te% *ec"u!e the in!titution i! *"!ed on c"nnon l", ,hich !"# the )o)e c"n onl# co%e th ough the ) ie!thood( >o )o)e1 no in!titution( H%o!e@u"lit# "nd lo0e "$$"i ! ,"! not Iue!tioned *ut ,"! ) "cticed *# %"n# ) ie!t!1 nun!1 e0en u) to the highe!t "n/ed )e !on! 5*i!ho)! "nd c" din"l!6( The highe u) the %o e di!t u*ing it get!( Thi! i! ,h# "*out =?N o$ the ) ie!thood 5including 4e!uit!6 " e unde going )!#chologic"l "nd )!#chi"t ic t e"t%ent To ) o0e th"t the ")o!tle Aete ,"! the $i !t Ao)e1 Si%on Aete h"! to *e the oc/ on ,hich the RCC ,"! *uilt( But Si%on %e"n! L!"ndL "nd Aete 5o Aet o!6 %e"n! L" little !tone(L M"tt +?:&9 G 4e!u! i! the oc/ 5o Aet " %e"ning huge *oulde o *ed oc/61 Aete i! c"lled S"t"n( The Ao)e i! !u))o!ed to *e the ule o$ the ,o ld( Thi! )oint ,"! %"de cle" *# Augu!tine in the o igin"l L"tin 0e !ion o$ hi! LThe Cit# o$ Dod(L A)o!tolic !ucce!!ion "nd te%)o "l )o,e " e the t,o )ill" ! o$ the Chu ch o$ Ro%e( Hhene0e the )o)e! o "n idol hold u) t,o $inge ! it e) e!ent! the t,o )ill" !( Thi! )e"ce !#%*ol e"ll# e) e!ent! A"@ 7ei o A"@ Ch i!tu! 5o the )e"ce o$ Dod1 )e"ce o$ Ch i!t6 ,hich %e"n! th"t E)e"ceF c"n onl# co%e th ough ,o ld "cce)t"nce o$ the ")o!tolic !ucce!!ion "nd te%)o "l )o,e o$ the )o)e!( "arly Church #istory $he %all of the "mpire an! &eginning of the Church A$te the "!cen!ion o$ Ch i!t the t ue chu ch !u$$e ed te i*le )e !ecution "nd h"d *een $unctioning unde g ound !ince <' "(d( 7e!)ite the )e !ecution1 DodM! h"nd ,"! u)on the t ue *elie0e ! "nd thei nu%*e ! g e,( In 9+9 "(d( the e%)e o Con!t"ntine !et hi%!el$ u) "! the $i !t )o)e "nd i!!ued hi! dec ee o$ tole "nce "nd !o%e Ch i!ti"n! !u $"ced( A! the Ro%"n E%)i e ,"! $"lling1 the C"e!" ! *ec"%e *i!ho)! "nd the eligiou! !#!te% e%"ined unch"nged( The# g"0e thei old god! ne, n"%e!( 4u)ite *ec"%e the A)o!tle Aete "nd 3enu! *ec"%e the 3i gin M" #( Con!t"ntine t ied to )ull the Ro%"n! "nd Ch i!ti"n! togethe *# %i@ing B""l ,o !hi) ,ith the te"ching! o$ Ch i!t( The e!ult"nt %e!! ,"! the RCC( M"n# Ch i!ti"n! /ne, S"t"n h"d c e"ted " eligiou! %on!te "nd h"d c"lled it Ch i!ti"n( The# /ne, it ,"! )hon# "nd tot"ll# un!c i)tu "l( To !"0e thei $"%ilie! the# $led $o the hill! "nd ,ent e0en dee)e unde g ound $o ne" l# " thou!"nd #e" !( Hhen Con!t"ntine eti ed he g"0e the *i!ho) o$ Ro%e the title o$ Su%o M"@i%u! Aonti$i@1 %"/ing hi% " )o)e( Con!t"ntine %o0ed to B#O"ntiu%.Con!t"ntino)le.I!t"n*ul in 99' "(d( A! ti%e ,ent on " !)lit de0elo)ed in the RCC in the He!t "nd Con!t"ntino)le in the E"!t1 ,hich *ec"%e he"d o$ the o thodo@ chu ch( 'erusalem( Rome( an! Mecca The 3"tic"n h"! in!i!ted $o centu ie! th"t Aete ,"! c uci$ied u)!ide do,n out!ide o$ Ro%e "nd th"t hi! *one! " e in the 3"tic"n( Ho,e0e 1 A)o!tle Aete M! g "0e ,"! di!co0e ed in 4e u!"le% on the F "n!ci!c"n Mon"!te # !ite c"lled L7o%inu! Fle0it(L The 3"tic"n h"! "l,"#! ,"nted to %o0e to 4e u!"le% "nd con!ide ! the Hol# Cit# to *e " ) icele!! t e"!u e *ec"u!e o$ it! eligiou! hi!to # "nd it! !t "tegic loc"tion( The o thodo@ 4e,! h"0e !to))ed he "nd th"tM! ,h# the#M e on he hit li!t( The g e"t unt"))ed !ou ce o$ %"n)o,e th"t could %"/e 4e u!"le% " Ro%"n C"tholic cit# "nd !t"%) out the t ue Ch i!ti"n $"ith ,"! the child en o$ I!h%"el( The )oo A "*! $ell 0icti% to one o$ the %o!t cle0e )l"n! e0e de0i!ed *# the )o,e ! o$ d" /ne!!(

The th ee %"Co eligion! e"ch h"0e " hol# )l"ce ,he e the# loo/ $o guid"nce "nd *elie0e the# ecei0e ce t"in *le!!ing! $o 0i!iting( C"tholic! h"0e the 3"tic"n1 4e,! the ,"iling ,"ll in 4e u!"le%1 "nd Mu!li%! h"0e Mecc"( Augustine So%e o$ the 4e,! th"t e!c")ed the de!t uction !ettled in >o th A$ ic"( So "l!o did t ue Bi*leG *elie0ing1 go!)el ) e"ching Ch i!ti"n!( Mon"!te ie! !t" ted !) inging u) ,he e0e the e ,"! " Ch i!ti"n !ettle%ent( In the $ou th centu #1 %ultitude! in the u "l " e"! he" d "*out the hol# %"n in Ro%e( The )eo)le loo/ed "t the eligiou! $ollo,e ! o$ thi! %"n ,ith $e" "nd g e"t e!)ect( In Alge i" in 9:K "d " de0out Ro%"n C"tholic g"0e *i th to " !on1 n"%ed Augu!tine( Augu!tine ,"! " geniu! "nd e0entu"ll# *ec"%e " L!"intL He ,"! the *i!ho) o$ Ro%"n A$ ic"( Augu!tine , ote t,o $"%ou! ,o /!1 LThe Cit# o$ DodL "nd LCon$e!!ion!L ,hich1 un/no,n to the A "* ,o ld h"0e g e"tl# "$$ected thei li0e! $o centu ie!( Augu!tine ,"! *u!# ,inning A "*! to Ro%"n C"tholici!%1 including ,hole t i*e!( But %ultitude! h"ted C"tholici!% "nd ,ould not con0e t( In ti%e1 !)ie! ,e e !ent to tho!e e%ote no%"d! ,ho eCected C"tholici!%1 "nd !) e"d the !to # o$ "n A "* ) o)het ,ho ,ould "))e" 1 Cu!t "! the 4e,! ,e e loo/ing $o thei Me!!i"h( $he "arly #istory of the )#ouse of *o!+ I!l"% cl"i%! th"t A* "h"% "nd I!h%"el *uilt Lthe Hou!e o$ DodL *e!ide the ,ell 5P"%O"%6 ,hich !"0ed the li$e o$ I!h%"el "nd hi! %othe 1 H"g" ( The o igin"l LHou!e o$ DodL 5LK""*"L6 ,"! !%"ll co%)" ed to the ne,e :' $t( cu*eGli/e !tone !t uctu e ,hich e)l"ced it( F"ith$ul Mu!li%! ,o ldG,ide ) "# : ti%e! " d"# in the di ection o$ thi! hol# )l"ce1 ) "#ing di ectl# to thei god All"h1 ,ithout "n inte %edi" #( In Mecc"1 the $"ith$ul Mu!li%! ci cle the K""*" !hedding te" !1 !ee/ing *le!!ing! "nd %e c#1 "nd #e" ning $o All"hM! co%)"n# in A" "di!e( In the *eginning1 0i!ito ! ,ould * ing gi$t! to the LHou!e o$ DodL1 "nd the /ee)e ! o$ the K""*" ,e e g "ciou! to "ll ,ho c"%e( So%e * ought thei idol!1 "nd1 not ,"nting to o$$end the!e )eo)le1 thei idol! ,e e )l"ced in!ide the !"nctu" #( It i! !"id the 4e,! loo/ed u)on the K""*" "! "n outl#ing t"*e n"cle o$ the Lo d ,ith 0ene "tion1 until it *ec"%e )olluted ,ith idol!( E0entu"ll#1 the )eo)le no longe h"d "cce!! to the ,ell 5P"%O"%6 *ec"u!e the t i*e gu" ding the !"c ed )l"ce! ,"! unCu!t( The!e )eo)le ,e e $ o% Ye%en "nd ,e e c"lled 4u hu%ite!( The 4u hu%ite! "l!o h"d cont ol o$ Mecc"( Fin"ll#1 the )eo)le o!e u) "g"in!t the 4u hu%ite! to d i0e the% ","#( A! the# le$t the 4u hu%ite! got e0en( The# du%)ed )" t o$ the t e"!u e o$ the K""*"1 o$$e ing! o$ the )ilg i%! ,hich h"d "ccu%ul"ted $o #e" !1 into the ,ell( The# $illed it ,ith !"nd "nd the ,ell di!"))e" ed( A t i*e c"lled KhuO"ite! too/ o0e 1 *ut the# "llo,ed the Mo"*ite god1 LHu*"l1L to *e )l"ced in the K""*" "nd continued in idol"t #( Al-Muttalib an! the Re!iscovery of the ,aaba The KhuO"ite! ,e e e)l"ced *# the Qu "#!h1 " )o,e $ul t i*e de!cended $ o% I!h%"el( The e " o!e " %"n in Mecc" ,ho ,"! e!)ected *# the Qu "#!h1 e0en though he ,"! o$ the t i*e o$ H"!hi%( Hi! n"%e ,"! Ad* AlGMutt"li* "nd he ,"! the g "nd$"the o$ the ) o)het Muh"%%"d( A*d AlGMutt"li* ,"! gi0en 0i!ion! telling hi% ,he e to $ind the ,ell( A !)i it told hi% to loo/ $o *lood1 dung1 "nd "ntM! ne!t "nd )ec/ing *i d!( He $ound the clue! *et,een t,o idol! ,he e the Qu "#!h )e $o %ed thei !"c i$ice!( He dug "nd $ound the ,ell "nd it! t e"!u e!1 "nd *ec"%e the he o o$ Mecc"(

A*d AlGMutt"li* ) "#ed to hi! god( I$ thi! god ,ould *le!! hi% ,ith ten !on!1 he ,ould !"c i$ice one o$ the% to hi% "t the K""*"( O0e the #e" ! hi! ) "#e ! ,e e "n!,e ed( Hi! #ounge!t !on ,"! hi! $"0ou ite1 n"%ed A*d All"h( In the K""*"1 " o,! ,e e u!ed in " di0in"tion ce e%on# to dete %ine ,ho ,ould die( The lot $ell u)on A*d All"h( A*d AlGMutt"li* 0i!ited " ,i!e ,o%"n $o "d0ice1 ,ho con!ulted ,ith he $"%ili" !)i it( He ,"! told to c"!t lot! "g"in to !ee i$ god ,ould "cce)t the !"c i$ice o$ +'' c"%el! in hi! !onM! )l"ce( The c"%el! ,e e /illed "nd A*d All"h li0ed( $he &irth an! Chil!hoo! of Muhamma! A*d All"h %" ied A%in"h in "(d( :?8 He le$t ,ith " c" "0"n on *u!ine!!1 *ec"%e ill1 "nd died( A%in"h ,"! c" #ing hi! *"*#( T "dition te"che! th"t !he he" d " 0oice !"# to he 1 LThou c" ie!t in th# ,o%* the lo d o$ thi! )eo)leR "nd ,hen he i! *o n !"#: LI )l"ce hi% *ene"th the ) otection o$ the one1 $ o% the e0il o$ e0e # en0ie R then n"%e hi% Muh"%%"d(L Hhen the child ,"! *o n1 hi! g "nd$"the 1 A*d AlGMutt"li*1 c" ied the *"*# to the K""*" "nd ) "#ed " ) "#e o$ th"n/!gi0ing to All"h $o thi! gi$t( Son! *o n to g e"t A "* $"%ilie! in )l"ce! li/e Mecc" ,e e !ent into the de!e t to *e !uc/led "nd ,e"ned1 "nd !)end !o%e o$ thei childhood ,ith Bedouin t i*e! $o t "ining "nd to "0oid the )l"gue! in the citie!( I!l"% te"che! th"t ,hen Muh"%%"d ,"! " !%"ll *o#1 t,o %en in ,hite "))e" ed "nd l"id hi% do,n1 o)ened hi! * e"!t "nd * ought $o th hi! he" t1 too/ $ o% it " *l"c/ clot ,hich the# c"!t ","#( Then the# ,"!hed hi! he" t ,ith !no,( The e ,"! no %" / on hi! che!t1 *ut the e ,"! " !%"ll o0"l %" / on hi! *"c/ ,hich h"d *een the e $ o% *i th( Ye" ! l"te Muh"%%"d %"de thi! inc edi*le !t"te%ent eg" ding the e0ent1 LS"t"n touche! e0e # !on o$ Ad"% the d"# hi! %othe *e" eth hi%1 !"0e onl# M" # "nd he !on(L Muh"%%"dM! %othe died ,hen he ,"! !i@( He g "nd$"the c" ed $o hi%1 *ut he died & #e" ! l"te ( Hhen Muh"%%"d ,"! nine1 he ,"! ,ith hi! uncle on " c" "0"n( A Ro%"n C"tholic %on/ !", the *o# "nd Iue!tioned hi%( Then he "!/ed to !ee the %" / on hi! *"c/( He e@cl"i%ed1 Lit i! the !e"l o$ ) o)hethood(L He ," ned Muh"%%"dM! uncle Lt"/e th# * othe M! !on *"c/ to hi! count # "nd gu" d hi% "g"in!t the 4e,!1 $o *# god i$ the# !ee hi% "nd /no, o$ hi% th"t ,hich I /no,1 the# ,ill con!t ue e0il "g"in!t hi%( D e"t thing! " e in !to e $o thi! * othe M! !on o$ thine(L ,ha!i-ah an! .ara/uah Acco ding to Be"1 " ,e"lth# "nd ,ido,ed A "*i"n l"d#1 n"%ed Kh"diC"h1 ,ho ,"! $"ith$ul to the )o)e1 )l"#ed "n i%)o t"nt )" t in the de0elo)%ent o$ I!l"%( She h"d gi0en he ,e"lth to LMothe Chu chL "nd eti ed to " con0ent( Hhile the e1 !he ,"! gi0en " !t "nge "!!ign%ent1 "nd !ent *"c/ into the ,o ld( He Co* ,"! to $ind " * illi"nt #oung %"n ,ho could *e u!ed *# the 3"tic"n to c e"te " ne, eligion "nd *eco%e the %e!!i"h $o the child en o$ I!h%"el( She !oon $ound #oung Muh"%%"d "nd the# ,e e %" ied ,hen he ,"! &: "nd !he ,"! "*out K'( Muh"%%"d "nd Kh"dC"h h"d t,o !on!1 ,ho died #oung1 "nd $ou d"ughte !( The %o!t $"%ou! ,"! F"ti%"h ,ho %" ied Muh"%%"dM! !ucce!!o 1 hi! cou!in1 Ali 5"! ecgoniOed *# the Shi"h * "nch o$ I!l"%6( Kh"diC"h h"d " cou!in n"%ed H" "Iu"h1 ,ho1 li/e he !el$1 ,"! " 0e # $"ith$ul Ro%"n C"tholic( He h"d t e%endou! in$luence on Muh"%%"d( He ,"! )l"ced "! Muh"%%"dM! "d0i!o ( Te"che ! ,e e !ent to Muh"%%"d "nd he unde ,ent inten!i0e t "ining( Muh"%%"d de0ou ed the ,o /! o$ LS"intL Augu!tine unde H" "Iu"hM! te"ching "nd *ec"%e " de0otee o$ hi! ,o /!( Hhile Muh"%%"d ,"! *eing g oo%ed1 he ,"! told th"t hi! ene%ie! ,e e the 4e,!( He ,"! "l!o told th"t Ro%"n C"tholic! ,e e the onl# t ue Ch i!ti"n! "nd th"t the othe ! c"lling the%!el0e! Ch i!ti"n! ,e e "ctu"ll# ,ic/ed i%)o!te ! "nd the child en o$ the de0il ,ho !hould *e de!t o#ed(

Muhamma!s 0isions an! the ,oran In "*out ?+' "(d( Muh"%%"d cl"i%ed he h"d " 0i!ion $ o% All"h o$ " %"Ce!tic *eing ,ho% he c"lled the "ngel D"* iel1 ,ho !"id1 LYou " e the %e!!enge o$ All"h(L Thi! *eg"n Muh"%%"dM! c" ee "! the ) o)het o$ All"h( F o% thi! ti%e on until hi! de"th1 Muh"%%"d continued to ecei0e %e!!"ge! hi! Ldi0ineL e0el"tion! in " c"0e in Mt( Hi "1 not $" $ o% the out!/i t! o$ Mecc"( Hith the hel) o$ H" "Iu"h1 Lthe A o)het Muh"%%"dF ,"! "*le to inte ) et the!e %e!!"ge!( In ?:' "(d( !o%e o$ hi! e0el"tion! "nd , iting! ,e e )l"ced in the Ko "n1 the Lhol#L *oo/ o$ I!l"%( Ho,e0e 1 the e !till e%"in un)u*li!hed ,o /! o$ Muh"%%"d( The# " e no, in the h"nd! o$ high "n/ing hol# %en 5A#"toll"h!6 in the I!l"%ic $"ith( Be" !"id the!e , iting! " e gu" ded *ec"u!e the# cont"in in$o %"tion th"t lin/! the 3"tic"n to the c e"tion o$ I!l"%( Both !ide! h"0e !o %uch in$o %"tion on e"ch othe th"t i$ e@)o!ed1 it ,ould c e"te !uch " !c"nd"l1 it ,ould c"u!e " %"Co di!"!te $o *oth eligion!( Muh"%%"d cl"i%! th"t one night ,hile !lee)ing ne@t to the K""*"1 he ,"! ","/ened *# "n "ngel c"lled D"* iel ,ho led hi% to " he"0enl# t#)e o$ "ni%"l ,ith ,ing! n"%ed LBu "I(L Hhen he %ounted the *e"!t the# $le, to the !ite o$ the 4e,i!h te%)le uin! "t 4e u!"le%( Muh"%%"d !"id "t the te%)le !ite he ,"! Coined *# the ) o)het!1 A* "h"%1 Mo!e!1 4e!u!1 "nd othe ! ,ho ) "#ed *ehind hi%( A$te ) "#e he %ounted LBu "IL "nd "!cended into he"0en ,he e he "g"in %et ,ith the ) o)het! "nd $in"ll# Dod1 Hi%!el$( Muh"%%"d cl"i%! to h"0e ecei0ed the c eed o$ I!l"% "nd in!t uction! $o the : d"il# ) "#e ! di ectl# $ o% Dod in he"0en( Muhamma! Con/uers Mecca In the :th #e" o$ Muh"%%"dM! %i!!ion1 )e !ecution c"%e "g"in!t hi! $ollo,e ! *ec"u!e the# e$u!ed to ,o !hi) the idol! in the K""*"( Muh"%%"d in!t ucted !o%e o$ the% to $lee to A*#!!ini"( >egu!1 the Ro%"n C"tholic /ing o$ A*#!!ini"1 "cce)ted the% *ec"u!e o$ Muh"%%"dM! 0ie,! on the 0i gin M" # ,hich ,e e !o clo!e to Ro%"n C"tholic doct ine( Bec"u!e o$ )e !ecution!1 Muh"%%"d e%ig "ted to Medin" in ?&& "(d( !o%e &'' %ile! no th o$ Mecc"( Muh"%%"d %" ied othe ,o%en1 $o )olitic"l e"!on!( 6( It ,"! "t Medin" th"t Muh"%%"d *eg"n to !ho, hi! ho!tilit# to," d! the 4e,! *# "iding 4e,i!h !ettle%ent!( He led L "OOi"!L 5"tt"c/! on c" "0"n!6 th"t c"%e $ o% Mecc"( Mecc" !ent "n " %# o$ +'1''' %en to t"/e Muh"%%"d( The# $"iled( The# couldnMt )enet "te hi! de$en!e "nd ,e e ,o e do,n *# ,ind "nd "in( A! " !t"te!%"n1 Muh"%%"d didnMt ,"nt to c u!h Mecc"1 *ut to ,in the% to I!l"%( In ?9' "(d( ,ith +'1''' %en Muh"%%"d conIue ed Mecc" "nd the K""*" ,"! cle" ed o$ idol!( Muh"%%"d ,"nted to c e"te hi! o,n eligion( He needed the *"c/ing o$ hi! )o,e $ul t i*e( He )ic/ed All"h1 the %oonGgod ,hich the# ,o !hi))ed1 to *e the one god "nd he decl" ed hi%!el$ to *e All"hM! ) o)het( Hi!to # ) o0e! th"t *e$o e I!l"% c"%e into e@i!tence1 the S"*e"n! in A "*i" ,o !hi))ed the %oonGgod ,ho ,"! %" ied to the !unGgodde!!( The# g"0e *i th to 9 godde!!e! ,ho ,e e c"lled AlGl"t1 AlGuOO"1 "nd M"n"t( The# *ec"%e idol! "nd ,e e ,o !hi))ed th oughout th"t )" t o$ the ,o ld "! L7"ughte ! o$ All"h(L The c e!ent %oon !#%*ol i! e0e #,he e in I!l"%( Islam Con/uers the Arab Region B# the ti%e Muh"%%"d died1 the eligion o$ I!l"% ,"! e@)loding( In le!! th"n &' #e" ! "$te hi! de"th1 hi! " %ie! de$e"ted the B#O"ntine "nd Ae !i"n e%)i e!( The no%"dic A "* t i*e! ,e e Coing $o ce! in the n"%e o$ All"h "nd hi! ) o)het1 Muh"%%"d(

In thei Lhol#L *oo/ 4e!u! i! eg" ded "! onl# " ) o)het( I$ the )o)e ,"! Hi! e) e!ent"ti0e on e" th1 then he "l!o %u!t *e " ) o)het o$ Dod ,hich c"u!ed the $ollo,e ! o$ Muh"%%"d to $e" "nd e!)ect the )o)e "! "nothe Lhol# %"nL( The )o)e %o0ed Iuic/l#1 "nd i!!ued *ull! g "nting the A "* gene "l! )e %i!!ion to in0"de "nd conIue the n"tion! o$ >o th A$ ic"( The 3"tic"n hel)ed to $in"nce the *uilding o$ the!e %"!!i0e I!l"%ic " %ie! in e@ch"nge $o th ee !)eci"l $"0ou !: +( Eli%in"ted 4e,! "nd Ch i!ti"n! 5,hich the# c"lled in$idel!6( &( A otect the Augu!tini"n %on/! "nd Ro%"n C"tholic!( 9( ConIue 4e u!"le% $o LHi! Holine!!L( The A "*! ,e e 0icto iou! ,he e0e the# ,ent "nd the )o)e !oon e@)ected to *e gi0en 4e u!"le%( Ho,e0e the e ,"! " ) o*le%( Unde H" "Iu"hM! di ection1 Muh"%%"d h"d , itten in the Ko "n1 the g e"t lie th"t A* "h"% o$$e ed I!h"%el "! " !"c i$ice( A! " e!ult o$ thi! "nd Muh"%%"dM! 0i!on1 the $"ith$ul Mu!li%! *uilt " %o!Iue 5the 7o%e o$ the Roc/6 in I!h%"elM! hono on the !ite o$ the 4e,i!h te%)le th"t ,"! de!t o#ed in <' "(d( Ho, could the# gi0e !uch " !"c ed !h ine to the )o)e ,ithout c"u!ing " e0oltJ The )o)e e"liOed th"t ,h"t the# h"d c e"ted ,"! out o$ cont ol ,hen he $ound out the Mu!li%! ,e e c"lling LHi! Holine!!L "nd in$idel( The Mu!li% gene "l! ,e e dete %ined to conIue the ,o ld $o All"h !o the# no, tu ned thei e#e! to," d Eu o)e( I!l"%ic "%*"!!"do ! ")) o"ched the )o)e "nd "!/ed $o *ull! $o )e %i!!ion to in0"de Eu o)e"n count ie!( The 3"tic"n ,"! out "ged "nd ," ,"! ine0it"*le( $he Crusa!es Te%)o "l )o,e "nd cont ol o$ the ,o ld ,"! con!ide ed the *"!ic ight o$ the )o)e( He ,ouldnMt thin/ o$ !h" ing it ,ith ,h"t he con!ide ed he"then!( The )o)e "i!ed u) hi! " %ie! "nd c"lled the% c u!"de! to hold *"c/ the child en o$ I!h%"el $ o% g "**ing C"tholic Eu o)e( Tu /e# $ell1 "nd S)"in1 "nd Ao tug"l ,e e in0"ded *# I!l"%ic $o ce!( In Ao tug"l the# c"lled " %ount"in 0ill"ge LF"ti%"L in hono o$ Muh"%%"dM! d"ughte ( The ," ! continued $o centu ie! "nd 4e u!"le% !li))ed out o$ the )o)eM! g "!)( Hi!to # tell! u! th"t MCh i!ti"n!M $ought $o Dod "nd the Ao)e to $ ee 4e u!"le% "nd the hol# l"nd $ o% I!l"%ic cont ol( But the# ,e enMt Ch i!ti"n!: the# didnMt /no, the Lo d1 o Hi! lo0e( The# ,e e tough1 goddle!! %en led *# ) ie!t! to $ul$ill S"t"nM! di"*olic"l )l"n( Beginning in +'8? the# $i !t "tt"c/ed the 4e,! in Eu o)e1 ,i)ing out enti e co%%unitie!( In +&'K "(d( the god$"the 1 Ao)e Innocent III1 "i!ed u) the $ou th c u!"de "nd "tt"c/ed Con!t"ntino)le( In!te"d o$ co%ing *"c/ unde the )o)eM! cont ol1 the o thodo@ !u 0i0o ! cu !ed the )o)e "nd )ulled $u the ","#( A! ti%e )"!!ed1 the E"!te n 5Ru!!i"n O thodo@6 chu che! $ell unde the ) otection o$ the CO" ! o$ Ru!!i"( The RCC $elt i$ the CO" "nd the O thodo@ chu ch ,ould not !u*%it then the# %u!t *e de!t o#ed Cu!t li/e the 4e,!( $he 1th Crusa!e E"ch ti%e the C u!"de! "tt"c/ed the Hol# L"nd1 " gene "tion o$ outc"!t 4e,i!h child en ,"! *o n1 thu! , ec/ing the 4e,i!h *loodline!( H"0ing no $"the ! "nd )oo %othe ! the!e child en ,e e $o ced to *e *")ti!ed Ro%"n C"tholic( The :th C u!"de1 c"lled MThe Child enM! C u!"deM o$ +&+& ,"! one o$ the c uele!t "ct! "g"in!t the 4e,!( The RCC ,"! /ee)ing "n e#e on the!e /id! in Eu o)e ,ho ,e e h"l$ 4e,i!h "nd h"l$ Ro%"n C"tholic( Hhen the ti%e ,"! i)e1 the!e child en ,e e conned1 "long ,ith othe !1 to ,in 4e u!"le% $o the Ao)e( A ie!t!1 holding " c o!! "nd Iuoting A!"l%! =:&1 in!)i ed the!e thou!"nd! o$ /id! to %" ch to Southe n It"l#( M"n# !u$$e ed %ole!t"tion1 l"c/ o$ $ood "nd ,"te "nd died on the t i)( Hhen the# ,e e !"$el# "*o" d the !hi) the# ,e e $in"ll# told the !hoc/ing t uth: the#

,e e !old "! !l"0e! to the Mo!l"%!( Hh#J The!e child en h"d *een *")tiOed( The Ao)e g"%*led th"t ,hen the# g e, u) the# ,ould e*el "g"in!t thei Mo!le% %"!te ! "nd Coin in $utu e c u!"de! to c")tu e 4e u!"le% $o the Ao)e( $he 0atican-Islam Concor!ats Ye" ! l"te 1 ,hen the Mu!li% " %ie! ,e e )oi!ed on the i!l"nd! o$ S" din" "nd Co !ic" to in0"de It"l# the# e"liOed th"t the# ,e e too $" e@tended( So it ,"! ti%e $o )e"ce t"l/!( One o$ the negoti"to ! ,"! F "nci! o$ A!!i!i( Conco d"t! ,e e !igned "nd the Mu!li%e! ,e e "llo,ed to occu)# Tu /e# in " LCh i!ti"nL ,o ld "nd the C"tholic! ,e e "llo,ed to occu)# Le*"non in the A "* ,o ld( It ,"! "l!o "g eed th"t the Mu!li%! could *uild %o!Iue! in C"tholic count ie! ,ithout inte $e ence "! long "! Ro%"n C"tholici!% could $lou i!h in A "* count ie!( Be" !"id th"t *oth the Mu!li%! "nd C"tholic! "g eed to *loc/ the e$$o t! o$ thei co%%on ene%#: Bi*le *elie0ing Ch i!ti"n %i!!ion" ie!( A$te the !igning o$ the conco d"t!1 " tight cont ol ,"! /e)t on Mu!li%! $ o% the A#"toll"h do,n th ough the I!l"%ic ) ie!t!1 nun!1 "nd %on/!( The 3"tic"n "l!o engineed " c"%)"ign o$ h"t ed *et,een the Mu!li% A "*! "nd the 4e,!( Be$o e thi! the# coG e@i!ted )e"ce$ull#( $he In/uistion The InIui!tion ,"! the %o!t ho i*le engine o$ c uelt# "nd )o,e the ,o ld h"! e0e !een( The Ro%"n C"tholic in!titution $ o% +&'' "(d( on h"d ) oduced " tot"l o$ ?= %illion 0icti%!( The chu ch i! e, itting the hi!to # o$ the inIui!tion "! " co0e Gu)( Boo/! on the !u*Cect di!"))e" ( It i! " g e"t !ec et o$ %ode n ti%e!( The t i*un"l "nd Cu # !it in the )o!ition o$ Dod((( to di!"g ee ,ith the% ,"! to ch"llenge Dod( M"# &+1 +::8 !o%e Ch i!ti"n!1 including 7on" I!"*ell"1 " ) egn"nt l"d#1 " counte!! "nd " cou!in o$ King Ahilli)1 ,e e ,o !hi))ing the Lo d in thei ho%e( It ,"! e)o ted to the Hol# O$$ice( Thi! ,"! con!ide ed " c i%e1 )uni!h"*le *# de"th( $he 'esuits In the 3"tic"n it i! co%%on /no,ledge th"t the %"n in ch" ge i! not the Ao)e *ut the 4e!uit Dene "l ,ho i! /no,n "! the *l"c/ Ao)e( >othing i! ,h"t it !ee%!( The RCC i! $ull o$ !u ) i!e!( >o othe eligiou! !#!te% c"ll! it!el$ LMOTHERL( And the Mothe o$ A*o%in"tion! 5Re0(+<6 h"! %"n# child en( B# +K8+1 the Ao)e! h"d *een uling o0e the /ing! "nd Iueen! o$ Eu o)e $o centu ie!( It ,"! " d" / ti%e in hi!to #( Thing! ,e e *eco%ing un!t"*le $o the )")"c#( Un e!t1 "nd u%*ling! o$ ) ote!t"nti!% ,e e in the "i ( At thi! ti%e Ign"tiu! de Lo#ol" ,"! *o n in the c"!tle o$ Lo#ol" in the ) o0ince o$ Dui)uOco"1 S)"in( He $ounded the Illu%in"ti 5Allu%* "do!6 "nd the 4e!uit! in +:K+ "nd *ec"%e thei $i !t Dene "l( Bec"u!e o$ the ,"# he !t engthened the RCC he ,"! %"de " !"int in +?&&( Thi! %"n ,"! " S"t"nic geniu!( He *uilt "n " %# o$ ) ie!t! co%)letel# dedic"ted to di!ci)line "nd o de ( The# !oon *ec"%e the %o!t d e"ded eligiou! !t i/e $o ce in hi!to #( The# ,e e the 3"tic"nM! !)eci"l $o ce!( Al*e to Ri0e ": L>o g ou) o$ %en e0e ,ent dee)e into the occult th"n the Ce!uit!((( Th ough !#!te%"tic %edit"tion1 ) "#e 1 conte%)l"tion1 0i!u"liO"tion1 "nd illu%in"tion1 Lo#ol" ,ould go into " t "nce "nd ec!t"c#( He ,"! !een to le0it"te o$$ the $loo 1 "! h"0e %"n# 4e!uit! co%)letel# unde !"t"nic )o,e 1 including %#!el$(L G Al*e to )" t $ou : The Fo ce1 )( &K 2 &:( The 4e!uit! h"0e c")tu ed "nd * o/en n"tion!( The# h"0e !t" ted ," ! "nd %u de ed /ing! "nd ) e!ident!1 including A* "h"% Lincoln( The 4e!uit! ,ill do "n#thing to de!t o# the li$e o e)ut"tion o$ "n#one ,ho d" e! to !t"nd in thei ,"#( The# h"0e *een th o,n out o$ e0e # n"tion e@ce)t the U(S( ,e e the# " e 0e # "cti0e( Thei %i!!ion i! to !to) the !) e"d o$ ) ote!t"nti!%

"nd %"/e e0e # %"n1 ,o%"n1 "nd child $"ll on thei /nee! "nd cl"i% the )o)e i! 4e!u! Ch i!t he e on e" th "nd !u*%it co%)letel# to hi! )o,e ( The e " e cu entl# "*out +'&1''' 4e!uit! including tho!e out!ide the ) ie!thood( Mo!t o$ the *oo/! th"t e@)o!e the *lood# hi!to # o$ the 4e!uit! " e eithe %i!!ing1 de!t o#ed1 o out o$ ) int( >ot onl# *oo/! *ut e@G4e!uit ) ie!t! " e eithe in hiding1 di!"))e" ed1 o de"d( $he 2rtho!o3 Church( Russia( an! Communism M" @ "nd Engel!1 ,ho , ote the Co%%uni!t M"ni$e!to in the +=='! ,e e "ctu"ll# co"ched "nd di ected *# 4e!uit ) ie!t!( Be" t"ught Ri0e " th"t the Co%%uni!t )" t# ,"! $o %ed *# 4e!uit! $o one t"!/: "t the ) o)e ti%e the# ,e e to de!t o# the ) otecto o$ the h"ted O thodo@ Chu ch1 the CO" o$ Ru!!i"- It ,"! $o e0enge- The Co%%uni!t A" t# ,"! !ec etl# *"n/ olled *# "gent! o$ Ro%e 5the Illu%in"ti6 in o de to c e"te "nothe %"Co )o,e lo#"l to the 3"tic"n( In Ru!!i"1 CO" >icol"! "nd hi! ,i$e e%) e!! Ale@"nd " h"d " !on Ale@i! ,ho ,"! hei to the th one( The little *o# !u$$e ed $ o% " di!e"!e c"lled he%o)hili"( R"!)utin1 c"lled the M"d Mon/1 ,"! " %"n ,ho h"d " !t "nge gi$t o$ he"ling( R"!)utin h"d 0i!ion! o$ Dod "nd the 3i gin( Hhen he c"%e ne" the *o# the *leeding !to))ed( R"!)utin ,"! in0ol0ed in S"t"nic !e@u"l ,o !hi)( He cont olled the CO" in"( He h"d %"n# ene%ie! in high )l"ce!( M"n# *elie0ed R"!)utin ,"! " de%onG)o!!e!!ed %on!te ,ho uled Ru!!i" $ o% *ehind the !cene!( In " ,e"/ %o%ent1 the e%) e!! h"d told R"!)utin ,he e the CO" h"d hidden hi! gold( R"!)utin )"!!ed thi! in$o %"tion o$$ to the A"t i"ch o$ the Ru!!i"n O thodo@ Chu ch1 Cu!t *e$o e R"!)utin ,"! "!!"!!in"ted( $he Russian Revolution In the long "nd c" e$ul ) e)" "tion $o the Ru!!i"n Re0olution1 the 4e!uit! ,o /ed clo!el# ,ith M" @1 Engel!1 T ot!/#1 Lenin1 "nd St"lin( The# %o0ed thei gold into Ru!!i" th ough De %"n#( Lenin ,"! in S,itOe l"nd ,hen he he" d the ne,! o$ the e0olution !t" ting in Ru!!i"( To hel) the e0olution de!t o# thei ene%#1 the De %"n High Co%%"nd "nd othe ! !ec etl# ) e)" ed " t "in to t "n!)o t Lenin "nd hi! e0olution" ie! th ough De %"n#( In A) il +8+< Lenin "nd !o%e o$ hi! /e# %en %"de thei t i) in the $"%ou! LSe"led T "in(L The %"n %o!t e!)on!i*le $o " "nging thi! Cou ne# ,"! 7iego Be gen1 " de0out De %"n Ro%"n C"tholic1 t "ined in 4e!uit !chool!1 l"te to *eco%e the De %"n A%*"!!"do to the 3"tic"n du ing the Hei%" Re)u*lic "nd Hitle M! egi%e( B# the ti%e Lenin " i0ed in Ru!!i" in A) il o$ +8+<1 LeninM! co%)etito ! ,e e cont olling the e0olution( The CO" h"d *een $o ced to "*dic"te the th one "nd he "nd hi! $"%il# ,e e )l"ced unde hou!e " e!t( Hi! go0e n%ent coll")!ed "nd %o!t o$ hi! " %# h"d de!e ted hi%( The t oo)! !till lo#"l to the CO" ,e e c"lled Hhite Ru!!i"n!( The e0olutioni!t! ,e e c"lled MRed!M( In 4ul# the o#"l $"%il# ,"! %o0ed $o !ecu it# e"!on! to Ye/"te in*u g in the U "l!( An " %# o$ COech! 5,hite!6 ,"! %o0ing to," d! the to,n ,he e the $"%il# ,"! !t"#ing( The e ,"! " ch"nce the# could *e e!cued( 4ul# +<1 +8+= " g ou) c"lled the U "l So0iet! 5othe ! c"lled the% "n un/no,n *"nd o$ %" "ude !6 held " Iuic/ t i"l "nd $ound the o#"l $"%il# guilt#( Ri0e " ,"! told !o%e ,e e 4e!uit! )o!!ing "! co%%uni!t!( The o#"l $"%il# ,"! !hot 2 /illed "nd the *odie! ,e e t"/en to " %ine c"lled Lthe Fou B othe !L ,he e the# ,e e cho))ed u)1 *u ned1 d enched ,ith "cid "nd th o,n do,n "n "*"ndoned %ine !h"$t( The Cent "l Co%%uni!t A" t# ,"! not e0en "," e o$ the t i"l o the /illing o$ the o#"l $"%il# until it ,"! o0e ( $he 2rtho!o3 Church is Attac4e! The So0iet! "tt"c/ed the %on"!te ie! "nd con0ent! "nd hunted the O thodo@ chu ch( 7 ( Ri0e " cl"i%! thi! ,"! " te!t c"!e( I$ the Ru!!i"n chu ch ,"! de!t o#ed the ne@t t" get ,ould h"0e *een the Chu ch o$ Engl"nd1 ,hich ,"! !till eeling $ o% the $"l!e con0e !ion o$ the g e"t

4e!uit C" din"l >e,%"n( But !ince thi! c"!e $"iled1 the Chu ch o$ Engl"nd ,"! )ulled into the h"nd! o$ the 3"tic"n "*out ?' #e" ! l"te th ough the ecu%enic"l %o0e%ent( The old A"t i"ch h"d !"0ed ,h"t ,"! le$t o$ the Ru!!i"n chu ch *# gi0ing o0e the CO" M! gold( >o, the Co%%uni!t! h"d the CO" M! gold *ut /e)t the Ao)eM! gold 5e@t( "t S??? %il(6 ,hich c"%e to Ru!!i" th ough De %"n#( The 3"tic"n ,"! dou*ledGc o!!ed1 "nge ed1 "nd ,ould h"0e e0enge( Onl# thi! ti%e1 "long ,ith the 4e,! "nd A ote!t"nt!1 the 0icti%! ,ould include the O thodo@ Chu ch "nd the Co%%uni!t! o$ Ru!!i"( $he %atima 0isions In +8+'1 Ao tug"l ,"! going !oci"li!tic "nd the chu ch ,"! $"cing " ) o*le%( The 3i gin M" # ,"! going to %"/e "n "))e" "nce( The 4e!uit! ,"nted Ru!!i" in0ol0ed1 "nd the loc"tion o$ thi! 0i!ion "t F"ti%" could )l"# " /e# )" t in )ulling I!l"% to LMothe Chu chL( In +8+< the 3i gin "))e" ed in F"ti%" "nd ,"! " %"Co !ucce!!( A! " e!ult1 the !oci"li!t! o$ Ao tug"l !u$$e ed " %"Co de$e"t( Ro%"n C"tholic! ,o ldG,ide *eg"n ) "#ing $o the con0e !ion o$ Ru!!i"( And the 4e!uit! in0ented >o0enn"! to F"ti%" ,hich the# could )e $o % th oughout >o th A$ ic"( O$ cou !e the A "*! thought the# ,e e hono ing the d"ughte o$ Muh"%%"d( A! " di ect e!ult o$ the 0i!ion o$ F"ti%" Ao)e Aiu! BII o de ed hi! >"Oi " %# to c u!h Ru!!i" "nd the O thodo@ eligion1 "nd %"/e Ru!!i" Ro%"n C"tholic( Bi!ho) Sheen1 di ecto o$ the Societ# $o the A o)"g"tion o$ the F"ith1 *elie0ed th"t F"ti%" e) e!ented " tu ning )oint $o I!l"%( Sheen *elie0ed th"t the 3i gin M" # cho!e to *e /no,n "! Ou L"d# o$ F"ti%" "! " !ign "nd " )ledge th"t the Mu!li%!1 ,ho *elie0e in Ch i!tM! *i th ,ill co%e to *elie0e in Ch i!tM! di0init#( He )ointed out th"t the )ilg i% 0i gin !t"tue! o$ Ou L"d# o$ F"ti%" ,e e enthu!i"tic"ll# ecei0ed *# Mu!li%! in A$ ic"1 Indi"1 "nd el!e,he e1 "nd th"t %"n# Mu!li%! " e no, co%ing into the Lchu ch(L A $e, #e" ! "$te HHII Ao)e Aiu! BII !t" tled the ,o ld ,ith hi! )hone# d"ncing !un 0i!ion to /ee) F"ti%" in the ne,!)")e !( It ,"! g e"t eligiou! !ho, *iO "nd the ,hole ,o ld !,"llo,ed it( >ot !u ) i!ingl#1 Ao)e Aiu! ,"! the onl# one to !ee thi! 0i!ion( Out o$ "ll thi!1 " g ou) o$ $ollo,e ! h"! g o,n into " Blue A %# ,o ldG,ide( .orl! .ar I In the e" l# +8''! F "nce %"de " )olitic"l de"l ,ith the CO" o$ Ru!!i"( The 3"tic"n ,"! $u iou!( F "nce h"d *een on thei hit li!t e0e !ince the# du%)ed he C"tholic /ing "nd *ec"%e " e)u*lic( In the %e"n ti%e1 the O thodo@ Chu ch ,"! !) e"ding into Bulg" i"1 Ru%"ni"1 D eece1 the Eu o)e"n )" t o$ Tu /e#1 "nd Se *i"n Yugo!l"0i"( To * ing F "nce to he /nee! "nd !t"%) out the eligiou! co%)etition1 the 4e!uit! ,ould !et u) HHI( The Ao)e ,"! *"c/ing De %"n# !o ,hen K"i!e Hilhel% 5" good Ro%"n C"tholic6 "!/ed to e@)"nd it! *o de ! the Ao)e Aiu! "nd the 4e!uit! g"0e thei *le!!ing!( 4u!t "$te the ," *eg"n1 Ao)e Aiu! B died on Augu!t &'1 +8+K "nd ,"! e)l"ced *# Ao)e Benedict B3( The Ao)e h"d De %"n Ro%"n C"tholic! /illing F ench Ro%"n C"tholic!( Hhile Eu o)e ,"! "t ," "nd in uin!1 the 4e!uit! ,e e *u!# )l"nning HHII( Un/no,n to the De %"n )eo)le1 the 4e!uit! h"d "l e"d# !"c i$iced C"tholic De %"n#1 the K"i!e "nd hi! go0e n%ent in o de to * ing "*out " ne, inIui!tition( A ote!t"nt Engl"nd1 A%e ic"1 "nd C"n"d" h"d *e"ten the% *ut ,e " e e%inded o$ ,h"t A* "h"% Lincoln !"id1 Lthe 4e!uit! ne0e $o gi0e no $o !"/e(L $he Close of .orl! .ar I

At the end o$ HHI ,hen the "llie! !igned the T e"t# o$ 3e !"ille! in 4ul# +8+81 the# ,e e !o %"d "t the 3"tic"n $o !t" ting the ," th"t the# e$u!ed to ecogniOe the% "! " )olitic"l )o,e "n# %o e "nd /e)t the% ","# $ o% the con$e ence t"*le( E0en though Eu o)e ,"! in !h"%*le!1 neithe F "nce no the O thodo@ chu ch in Se *i" 5Yugo!l"0i"6 ,"! * o/en( Young )eo)le in De %"n# "nd It"l# didnMt /no, ,hich ,"# to tu n "nd ,e e e*elliou!( Ao)e Benedict B3 died o$ )oi!oning in +8&& "nd Ao)e Aiu! BI too/ o0e ( The co%%uni!t! ,e e o g"niOing e0olution" # g ou)! "nd the 4e!uit! %o0ed on th ee $ ont!: S)"in1 It"l#1 "nd De %"n#( The 3"tic"n h"d i! th ee Lde$ende ! o$ the $"ithL: F "nco1 Mu!!olini1 "nd Hitle 1 "nd the inIui!tion ,"! unde ,"#( Discovery of $ombs Ignites Mo!ern pain In the l"!t h"l$ o$ the +=''!1 S)"in ,"! going th ough )olitic"l con0ul!ion!( He Ro%"n C"tholic %on" ch# ,"! totte ing "nd the Iueen ,"! deth oned in +=?=( S)"in *ec"%e " e)u*lic1 ,hich onl# l"!ted $o t,o #e" !( Then the %on" ch# ,"! e!to ed until +8&9( A! )olitic"l condition! g e, ,o !e1 S)"in "g"in *ec"%e ch"otic( The e ,e e *u i"l g ound! $ound o$ *"*# !/eleton! ,ho ,e e the illict o$$!) ing o$ ) ie!t! "nd nun!( Site! ,e e $ound in M"d id in +89&1 Se0ille in +89K1 "nd "nothe in the B"!Iue egion o$ no the n S)"in( The Do0e n%ent o$ A e!ident! AOn" "nd M"nuel AO"n" de%"nded " n"tion"l in0e!tig"tion o$ "ll RCC ) o)e t#( M"n# S)"ni!h C"tholic! ,e e out "ged "nd "tt"c/ed the *uilding! ,hich h"d tunnel! connecting the ) ie!tM! %on"te # "nd the nunM! con0ent( Hhen Al*e to ,"! +K #e" ! old1 hi! g ou) $ o% the 4e!uit college 0i!ited the S"le!i"n %on"!te # in L"! A"l%"!1 one o$ the C"n" # I!l"nd! o$ S)"in1 to !tud# ho, th"t o de ,"! un( The# !)eci"liOed in ,o /ing ,ith o )h"n!( Hi% "nd hi! $ iend! ,e e )l"#ing on the g ound! "nd one o$ the% $ell into " ditch "*out ? $eet ,ide1 ? $eet dee)1 "nd 9' $eet long( Al*e to Cu%)ed in to hel)( He g "**ed " )iece o$ ,ood to get the% out *ut it ,"! !tuc/ to " l" ge oll o$ cotton( A! he un olled the E*l"n/etF he $ oOe "t ,h"t he !",( The e ,e e the *odie! o$ < little *"*ie!( E"ch h"d c o!!e! cut into thei he"d!( A c o!! on e"ch )"l% "nd the *otto%! o$ *oth $eet1 "nd on thei che!t! ,e e t,o l" ge c o!!e!( Thei he" t! ,e e gone( One o$ the *o#! ,ho !", thi! told hi! +9 #e" !i!te ,ho ,"! "ttending the !chool( She told he ) ie!t thi! in the con$e!!ion"l( >ot long "$te he *od# ,"! $ound ,ith *oth e" ! %i!!ing1 he tongue cut out1 "n BA cut on he che!t1 "nd he he" t ,"! gone( >ot long "$te th"t the * othe 1 Al*e to! $ iend1 di!"))e" ed "nd ,"! ne0e !een "g"in( Al*e to thought he ,"! going to die( ; Al*e to )" t $ou : the Fo ce1 )( 9' 2 9+( I$ " nun i! *leeding to de"th gi0ing *i th to " ) ie!t! *"*#1 %edic"tion i! ,ithheld !o !he c"n !u$$e $o M" #1 "nd i$ need *e1 die $o he ( The *"*# i! "l,"#! *")tiOed *e$o e it i! !"c i$iced to M" #1 Cu!t "! !"c i$ice! ,e e %"de to Se%i "%i!( M"n# ti%e! the# " e to tu ed !o the# c"n !u$$e ( 4e!uit! te"ch th"t ,ithout !"c i$ice to M" # the e i! no )e"ce ,ith Ch i!t( M" # i! going to deli0e th"t !u$$e ing )e !on to he Son to "))e"!e 4e!u! "nd %"/e )e"ce ,ith Hi%( Th"t! ,h"t the %e"ning Ae"ce o$ Ch i!t 5A"@ Ch i!tu!6 !t"nd! $o ( $he panish Republics 2ppose Rome Bet,een +89+ "nd +89? "*out : ) e!ident! c"%e "nd ,ent( S)"ni!h C"tholic! ,e e !ho,ing thei conte%)t $o Ro%eM! )o,e ( The ) e!ident! o$ the S)"ni!h Re)u*lic1 >iceto Alc"l" P"%e "1 M"nuel AO"n"1 "nd 4u"n >eg in 5"ll 4e!uit t "ined6 h"d de%"nded $i0e l",! )"!!ed in S)"in to *loc/ the 3"tic"nM! inte $e ence in the S)"ni!h e)u*lic( +( All Ro%"n C"tholic ) o)e t# to *e n"tion"liOed(

&( All Ro%"n C"tholic Chu che! to *e t"@ed( 9( >o %o e !chool! in the h"nd! o$ the ) ie!t!( K( All !chool!1 con0ent!1 "nd %on"te ie! to *e unde the cont ol o$ S)"in( :( To ecogniOe the A ote!t"nt eligion( Rome Counters &ac4 .ith *eneral %ranco The di!co0e # o$ to%*! o$ *odie! unde the con0ent! t igge ed " *lood# C"tholic ," "g"in!t the 3"tic"n( The I!l"%ic le"de ! ,e e cont"cted( The# o,ed " de*t to the 3"tic"n $o dou*le c o!!ing Ro%e o0e 4e u!"le%( And ,hen the# !igned the conco d"t1 the# ) o%i!ed to hel) he in " ti%e o$ need( The A "*! in !ec et negoti"tion! told the )o)e th"t the# ,ould $ight $o the 3"tic"n in S)"in onl# i$ the )o)e "g eed not to ecogniOe "n# !t"te o$ I! "el th"t %ight co%e into e@i!tence( Th ough !ec et negoti"tion!1 " huge A "* " %# o$ !e0e "l di0i!ion! ,"! "i!ed u) unde the co%%"nd o$ Dene "l F "nco 5" good %"!on6 to /ill "ll C"tholic!1 4e,!1 "nd A ote!t"nt! ,ho o))o!ed the%( In +89? the ne, S)"ni!h InIui!tion e@)loded "! the Ao)e e@co%%unic"ted the he"d! o$ the S)"ni!h Re)u*lic "nd decl" ed !)i itu"l ," *et,een the Hol# See "nd M"d id(( It ,"! c"lled LThe S)"ni!h Ci0il H" L "nd ,"! %"de to loo/ li/e the 3"tic"n ,"! $ighting co%%uni!t! in " hol# ," ,hen in "ctu"lit# the e ,"! onl# " h"nd$ul o$ Co%%uni!t! in S)"in( The RCC o de ed " *lood *"th o$ he o,n $ollo,e !( Unde the *"nne o$ the 3"tic"n1 the Mu!li% $o ce! in0"ded the C"n" # I!l"nd! "nd then "tt"c/ed !outhe n S)"in( The S)"ni" d! ,"tched in !hoc/ "! C" din"l Aed o Segu " led the I!l"%ic " %# in !l"ughte ing un$"ith$ul Ro%"n C"tholic %en1 ,o%en1 "nd child en ,ithout %e c#( Dene "l F "nco *ec"%e the Ro%"n C"tholic dict"to o$ S)"in ,hen hi! go0e n%ent ,"! ecogniOed *# the 3"tic"n on Augu!t 91 +89<1 Cu!t &' %onth! *e$o e the ci0il ," ended( Hhen the inIui!tion "cco%)li!hed it! go"l!1 S)"in ,"! in uin!1 *leeding "nd *e"ten1 *ut !"$el# *"c/ in the h"nd! o$ Ro%e( A*out $ou %illion Mu!li% t oo)! occu)ied S)"in "! the ) otecto ! o$ the Ro%"n C"tholic $"ith( Italy 5n!er Mussolini The Bl"c/ Ao)e "!!igned " to) 4e!uit1 3entu i1 to ,o / ,ith Mu!!olini( The C"tholic 0ote1 di ected *# the 3"tic"n1 !,e)t Mu!!olini into )o,e ( To )"# o$$ the 3"tic"n1 Mu!!olini !igned " conco d"t %"/ing Ro%"n C"tholici!% the onl# eligion "llo,ed in It"l# "nd itM! te ito ie!( Mu!!olini eGe!t"*li!hed the te%)o "l )o,e o$ the Ao)e1 "nd g"0e the cle g# co%)lete )o,e o0e the li$e o$ the n"tion( It"l# *ec"%e " %"Co )o,e unde thei C"tholic $"!ci!t dict"to Mu!!olini( He *uilt " )o,e $ul %ode n " %# "nd "tt"c/ed Ethio)i"( The Ao)e h"d *le!!ed Mu!!oliniM! t oo)! "nd C" din"lGA ch*i!ho) o$ Mil"n1 Al$ edo Ilde$on!o Schu!te c"lled thi! %"!!"c e o$ the *l"c/! in Ethio)i"1 " C"tholic C u!"de( $he *reat Depression The 3"tic"n c"n !,"# the ,o ld econo%#1 e0en the U(S( The Illu%in"ti1 ,o /ing in conCunction ,ith the O)u! 7eiM "nd /e# %"!on! i! the $in"nci"l " % o$ the 3"tic"n( Th ough the% the 3"tic"n cont ol! the ,e"lth o$ the ,o ld( Ro%e h"! cle0e l# gotten tho!e ,ho " e !u!)iciou! o$ " ,o ldG,ide con!)i "c# going in "ll di$$e ent di ection!( ItM! " t e%endou! !%o/e !c een to /ee) the "ttention ","# $ o% the 3"tic"n( Thi! i! ,h# !o %"n# *oo/! h"0e *een )u*li!hed e@)o!ing co%%uni!%1 the T il"te "l Co%%i!!ion1 the C(F(R(1 the Roc/e$elle e%)i e1 Pioni!%1 the Illu%in"ti1 O)u! 7ei1 the Clu* o$ Ro%e1 etc( The t "gic )" t i! th"t %o!t o$ the , ite ! "nd thei $ollo,e ! " e *lind to the $"ct th"t Ro%e h"! c e"ted %o!t o$ the!e o g"niO"tion! "! ,ell "! the o g"niO"tion! $ighting the%( ItM! " *ig g"%e( Re0(+=:9

.ealthy "uropean 'e6ry an! the &eginning of Anti- emitism Be$o e Ho ld H" I " !t ong $o ce o$ ,e"lth# 4e,! ,"! %"neu0e ing to eg"in cont ol o$ 4e u!"le%( The 3"tic"n ,"! $u iou!( Once "g"in the 4e,! ,e e *loc/ing thei !ec et "tte%)t! to %o0e to the Hol# Cit#( So the 4e!uit! con!t ucted " %"!te )l"n th"t ,ould not onl# "nnihil"te the Eu o)e"n 4e,!1 *ut ,ould tu n the ,o ld "g"in!t the%( The 4e!uit! di ected ce t"in 4e,! ,ho ,e e lo#"l to the Ao)e to , ite " docu%ent c"lled the A otocol! o$ Pion( Hhen it ,"! )u*li!hed1 the Eu o)e"n! ,ent ,ild( 4u!t "$te the $i !t ,o ld ," 1 De %"n# ,"! in " te i*le de) e!!ion( Ce t"in ) oGC"tholic 4e,! ,e e o de ed *# the 3"tic"n to *u# u) the l"nd $ o% the * o/e "nd hung # De %"n!( The %one# ,"! !u))lied *# the 3"tic"n "nd the ) oGC"tholic 4e,! *ought the l"nd di t che")( The De %"n! ,e e de!)" "te( At the ight ti%e1 the 4e!uit! ,ould u!e thi! incident to !ti u) h"t ed "g"in!t the o thodo@ 4e,!( The *"ttle c # ,ould *e th"t the 4e,! !ho,ed no %e c# to the De %"n! ,hen the# !tole thei l"nd! du ing the de) e!!ion( $he Rise of #itler The De %"n! ,e e !ic/ o$ ," "nd the econo%# h"d high in$l"tion "nd !o the go0e n%ent ,"! th o,n out( A De %"n Re)u*lic ,"! $o %ing unde Hei%" ( T,o %en ,e e out to de!t o# it: F "nO 3on A")"n "nd A"celli ,ho l"te *ec"%e Ao)e Aiu! BII( A 4e!uit1 St"e%)$le , ote LMein K"%)$L ,hich ,"! the %"!te )l"n o$ the 4e!uit! $o Hitle M! t"/eGo0e o$ De %"n#( B"ttle! too/ )l"ce *et,een De %"n C"tholic! ,ho ,e e >"Oi! "nd De %"n C"tholic! ,ho ,e e Co%%uni!t!( Hitle "nd hi! %en1 including A"celli "ll h"d 4e,i!h *lood( Hhen it *ec"%e /no,n th"t Ao)e Aiu! BI !u))o ted Hitle 1 the Ro%"n C"tholic 0ote !,e)t Hitle into )o,e in +899( A"celli1 3on A")en1 Montini 5l"te Ao)e A"ul 3I61 othe !1 !igned " Conco d"t in +899( Aiu! BI died %#!te iou!l# on Fe* +'1 +898 "nd Aiu! BII c"%e into )o,e Cu!t "! Hitle !t" ted "tt"c/ing Eu o)e( LThe Thi d Reich i! the $i !t )o,e 1 ,hich not onl# ecogniOe!1 *ut )ut! into ) "ctice the high ) inci)le! o$ the A")"c#(L G 3on A")en1 7e 3oel/i!che Beo*"chte 1 4"n +K1 +89K( $he Death /ua!s The De %"n Sec et Se 0ice1 o De!t")o1 h"d *een con!tituted *# Hein ich Hi%%le 1 o$ ,ho% Hitle !"id1 LI c"n !ee Hi%%le "! ou Ign"tiu! o$ Lo#ol"(L M"n# C"tholic ) ie!t! ,o e the *l"c/ uni$o % o$ the !ec et !e 0ice( It ,"! %"inl# th ough thi! o g"niO"tion th"t ?(: %illion 4e,! !u$$e ed to tu e "nd de"th( In Yugo!l"0i"1 LThe Se)" "ted B ethe nL 5D ee/ O htodo@6 ,e e !l"ughte ed *# the d e"ded LU!t"chi!L ,ho!e to tu ou! c i%e! " e "l%o!t un) int"*le( The U!t"chi ,e e le"d *# the 4e!uit! "nd %"n# ) ie!t! ,e e %e%*e ! o$ thei /ille !Iu"d!( A$te the ," 1 And iC" A tu/o0ic $led to the U(S(A( "$te %u de ing "l%o!t one %illion )eo)le 5%o!tl# O thodo@ Chu ch %e%*e !6( Yugo!l"0i" "l%o!t got A tu/o0ic *"c/ to )"# $o hi! c i%e!1 *ut th"n/! to the RCC 5C" din"l S)ell%"n61 the C"tholic cont olled U(S( I%%ig "tion Se 0ice "nd the U(S( Intelligence "gencie! *loc/ed e@t "dition( $he 1th Columns Hhile the De %"n! ,e e *uilding thei ," %"chine1 the 4e!uit! ,e e *u!# in the count ie! !cheduled $o in0"!ion *uilding :th colu%n! unde the o g"niO"tion c"lled C"tholic Action( In Belgiu%1 the 4e!uit ) ie!t! Aic" d1 A endt1 "nd Fouc"lt ) e"ched " $"!ci!t Hitle ite go!)el1 c"lling it " L!)i itu "l ene,"l(L In the U(S( the 4e!uit $"the Coughlin 5A)o!tle o$ the S,"!ti/"6 e"ched o0e &' %illion $ollo,e ! *# "dio( He "l!o loo/ed "$te Mco%%"ndo cell!M in the %"Co u *"n cente !1 led "cco ding to the !on! o$ Lo#ol"M! %ethod! "nd t "ined *# >"Oi "gent!( In F "nce C"tholic Action

o)e "ted unde the n"%e o$ the >"tion"l C"tholic Fede "tion( The 4e!uit! told the C"tholic! th"t the Ao)e ,"! *ehind Hitle "nd !o the# ,e e e"d# to !e 0e the C"tholic >"Oi " %# ,hen the ti%e ,"! ight( Hhen F "nce ,"! in0"ded *# De %"n t"n/!1 !he $ell in "*out 9' d"#!1 th"n/! to C"tholic Action( 7 ( Ri0e " *elie0e! one o$ Hitle M! g e"te!t !ou ce! o$ %ilit" # intelligence c"%e th ough the 3"tic"n 0i" the Ro%"n C"tholic con$e!!ion"l! "ll o0e the ,o ld( Rome hifts the &lame an! Covers her $rac4s De %"n C"tholic! unde o de ! !t" ted Coining A ote!t"nt chu che! "nd g"ined "cce)t"nce $ o% the )"!to "nd cong eg"tion( Hhen the "ntiG4e,i!h "t ocitie! *eg"n the!e C"tholic "gent!1 ) etending to *e A ote!t"nt! )u*lic"ll# "ccu!ed the 4e,! "nd tu ned the% in to the De!t")o $o e@)o t to the de"th c"%)!( And !o1 e0en tod"#1 the 4e,! *elie0e the A ote!t"nt! tu ned the% in "nd the t ue Ch i!ti"n! " e thei ene%ie!( The 4e!uit! " e %"!te ! o$ deceit( The 3"tic"n too/ o0e +1''' Ro%"n C"tholic 4e,! "nd hid the% unde the hill! o$ the 3"tic"n $o the du "tion o$ the ," ( Hh#J In c"!e Hitle lo!t( The 3"tic"n "l,"#! co0e ed it!el$ in c"!e it! )l"n! !hould *"c/$i e( Thi! ,"# the# could ) ocl"i% to the ,o ld th"t the# ) otected the 4e,! $ o% Hitle ( The 4e!uit! h"d !et o$ the $ollo,ing ) ec"ution" # %e"!u e! in c"!e the# h"d lo!t: +6 M"/e e0e #*od# *elie0e the 3"tic"n h"d nothing to do ,ith the ," 1 "nd in ti%e con0ince the ,o ld the Holoc"u!t ne0e h"))enedR &6 M"/e !u e th"t e*elliou! ) ie!t!1 nun!1 "nd %on/! ,e e inte ned in concent "tion c"%)!1 !o the# could con0ince the ,o ld th"t the#1 too1 ,e e )e !ecutedR 96 The# o de ed C"tholic $"%ilie! "nd ) ie!t! to ) otect 4e,! in thei ho%e! !o in the $utu e it could %"/e good )u*lic el"tion! %"te i"l $o $il%!1 *oo/!1 etc( >ote: tho!e 4e,! h"d "l e"d# *een con0e ted to C"tholic!%( K6 Aut on " ne, $"ce *# !etting u) 3"tic"n II CouncilR :6 Set u) " Co%%uni!t Ao)e $ o% *ehind the I on Cu t"in to )le"!e the Co%%uni!t! "nd t # to con0e t the% to C"tholici!%((( to $ul$ill thei ) o)hec# o$ MF"ti%"M in ,hich Ao)e Aiu! BII ,"! !o dee)l# in0ol0ed( $he &lue Army an! #itlers *ol! In e!)on!e to " !ec et eIue!t *# Hitle "! he ,"! ne" ing de$e"t1 Dene "l F "nco !ent hi! $"%ou! Blue A %#1 %"de u) %o!tl# o$ *"!Iue !oldie !1 to De %"n#( An enti e di0i!ion ,"! %o0ed *# t "in th ough the "llied line!( It h"d 3"tic"n $l"g!( The "llie! ,e e told it! %i!!ion ,"! to !"0e nun!1 ) ie!t!1 "nd %on/! $ o% *eing /illed( The Blue A %# $ought ,ith the De %"n!1 de$ending Be lin( Hhen Hitle /ne, he h"d lo!t1 he co%%itted !uicide "nd Ad%i "l K" l 7oenitO 5" good C"tholic6 too/ co%%"nd o$ >"Oi De %"n#( In!te"d o$ etu ning the Blue A %# to S)"in "! the >"Oi! h"d ) o%i!ed1 Ad%i "l 7oenitO )ut De %"n#M! gold on th"t t "in "nd !ent it to S,itOe l"nd to *e )ut in the S,i!! *"n/! $o the 3"tic"n( A%e ic"n! ,e e told the gold t "in )"!!ing th ough thei line! ,"! " L%e c# t "inL $ o% the Ao)e1 c" #ing %edic"l !u))lie! $o the ,ounded( Hhen the# !", the Ao)eM! $l"g!1 it )"!!ed ,ithout in!)ection( The Blue A %# h"d *een *et "#ed( Mo!t o$ the !u 0i0o ! ended u) in Ru!!i"n ) i!on!( The 0e # $e, "gged Blue A %# !u 0i0o ! ,ho got *"c/ to S)"in ,e e eithe !hot o )l"ced in in!"ne "!#lu%! to %"/e !u e the t ue !to # "*out De %"n#M! gold ,"! /e)t !ec et $ o% the ,o ld( But the !)eci"l o$$ice ! in the Blue A %# ,ho ,e e )" t o$ thi! con!)i "c# etu ned in glo # "nd ,e e e," ded $o thei e$$o t( $he Aftermath

A! the ," ,"! co%ing to " clo!e1 the So0iet " %# 5!u))lied ,ith ,e")on! *# A%e ic"61 hit $ o% the E"!t ,hile the "llie! h"d )u!hed into De %"n#1 c u!hing Hitle M! " %#( De %"n# !u ende ed M"# =1 +8K:( Eu o)e ,"! in uin!( A$te HHII1 Ao)e Aiu! BII e$u!ed to e%* "ce the 3"tic"nM! othe MchildM Co%%uni!%1 "nd ,"! e%o0ed( Ao)e 4ohn BBIII c"%e into )o,e "nd e!t"*li!hed the 3"tic"n II Council1 ,hich "l%o!t de!t o#ed A ote!t"nti!% in the U(S( "nd Eu o)e1 *# ,inning e0e #one o0e th ough lo0e "nd /i!!e!( A $imeline of the Popes of the 78th Century It i! inte e!ting ho, the!e )o)e! !ee% to h"0e !t" ted o ended thei eign! $o %#!te iou! e"!on! " ound the !t" t o end o$ " ," : Ao)e Aiu! B died on Augu!t &'1 +8+K "nd ,"! e)l"ced *# Ao)e Benedict B3 Ao)e Benedict B3 died o$ )oi!oning in +8&& "nd Ao)e Aiu! BI too/ o0e ( Aiu! BI died %#!te iou!l# Fe* +'1 +898( Aiu! BII c"%e into )o,e ( A$te HHII1 Ao)e Aiu! BII ,"! e%o0ed "nd Ao)e 4ohn BBIII c"%e into )o,e ( (Note: this paragraph as not included in Chic!"s comics6( Ao)e 4ohn A"ul II ,"! !hot *# " Mu!li%1 "n e@)e t %" /!%"n1 Meh%et Ali Agc"( Thi! g"0e A e!ident Re"g"n "nd the Ao)e !o%ething in co%%on "nd the# *ec"%e $"!t $ iend!( The Ao)e got ,o ldG,ide co0e "ge "nd !#%)"th#( The Mu!li%! ,e e hu%ili"ted "nd the A#"toll"h! !ent condolence! "nd ")ologie! to the )o)e( M"n# Mu!li%! h"d "d%i "tion $o LHi! Holine!!L ,hen the ,o ld !", the )o)e $o gi0ing hi! "tte%)ted /ille ( Bl"%e i! "l!o )ut on the KDB $o %"/ing the ,o ld thin/ th"t the Co%%uni!t! " e the Ao)eM! ene%ie!( Protestant Apostasy or Au!acity? L>o, the!e g ou)! " e !ilent "*out Ro%e o cl"i% th"t the Ro%"n !#!te% i! " Ch i!ti"n chu ch( The# " e ,inning th ough co%) o%i!e-F Al%o!t "ll A ote!t"nt )"!to ! " e "$ "id to !)e"/ out "g"in!t the *elie$!1 ) "ctice!1 "nd hi!to # o$ the Chu ch o$ Ro%e( I$ the# did tho!e )l"nted in thei chu che! ,ould "tt"c/ the% on co%%"nd( To d i0e out in$ilt "to ! $ o% hi! chu ch the )"!to %u!t h"0e the cou "ge to !"# $ o% the )ul)it th"t "cco ding to the Bi*le Ro%"n C"tholic! " e not Ch i!ti"n!- Th"t the Ro%"n C"tholic In!titution i! not " Ch i!ti"n Chu ch- And the %o!t di$$icult o$ "ll i! to !"# th"t Ro%"n C"tholic! ,ho die in th"t $"ith do not go to )u g"to # o he"0en *ut to hell( &oo4s Reference!
Muh"%%"d1 *# M" tin Ling!1 )(9'( The Me"ning o$ the Dlo iou! Ko "n1 *# Aic/th"ll Mento Boo/!1 )g( &&'( The Ho%"n Sh"ll ConIue *# 7on Sh" /e#1 A o, Boo/!.F "n!ci!c"n M" #to,n A e!!1 )g( +?K( The Sec et Hi!to # o$ the 4e!uit! The Uni0e !"l 4e,i!h Enc#clo)edi" >e, Illu!t "ted Enc#clo)edi" o$ Ho ld Hi!to #1 *# L"nce )u*li!hed *# H" # >( A* "%!( The Li$e "nd de"th o$ Lenin *# R( A"#ne1 +8?K( Bl"c/ >ight1 Hhite Sno,1 )u*( *# 7ou*led"#1 +8<?( LOccult Theoc "c#L *# L"d# Queen!*o ough The A ie!t1 the Ho%"n1 "nd the Con$e!!ion"l( LThe Othe Side o$ Ro%eL *# 4(B( Hilde 1 Ponde 0"n the T,o B"*#lon! :' Ye" ! in the Chu ch o$ Ro%e( The 3"tic"n Mo!co, H"!hington Alli"nce *# A0 o M"nh"tt"n

I! Al*e to Fo Re"lJ
T+8== *# Sidne# Hunte

LI! Al*e to $o e"lJL Th"t i! " cont o0e !i"l Iue!tion I h"0e *een "!/ed %"n# ti%e! *# tho!e ,ho h"0e e"d o$ 7 ( Al*e to Ri0e " in 0" iou! Chic/ Au*lic"tion! %"te i"l!( Al*e to Ri0e " i! " $o %e Ro%"n C"tholic 4e!uit ) ie!t ,ho ,"! con0e ted to Ch i!t( Once !"0ed he *eg"n e@)o!ing *ehindGtheG!cene! "cti0itie! o$ the Ro%"n C"tholic chu ch( Chic/ Au*lic"tion!1 in the United St"te!1 h"! ) oduced " !e ie! o$ C u!"de ! co%ic!1 A9&"R$21 D25&9" CR2 1 $#" *2D%A$#"R 1 $#" %2RC" "nd $#" %25R #2R "M":1 ,hich include )o tion! o$ the li$e !to # o$ Al*e to Ri0e "1 "nd othe 0ol"tile in$o %"tion th"t he g"0e the%( The co%ic! h"0e h"d " 0" ied e$$ect on tho!e ,ho h"0e e"d the%( So%e h"0e *eco%e e@t e%el# ho!tile1 ,hile %"n# othe ! h"0e h"d thei e#e! o)ened "nd *een con0e ted to Ch i!t( Al*e toM! te!ti%on# h"! *een ch"llenged in %o!t c"!e! *# tho!e ,ho hold "n ecu%enic"l o ) oGRo%"n C"tholic )o!ition( Ro%"n C"tholic!1 o*0iou!l#1 " e the %o!t u)!et *# Al*e toM! !hoc/ing !t"te%ent!( So%e h"0e "tt"c/ed1 eithe the )e !on o$ Al*e to Ri0e "1 in "n e$$o t to di!c edit hi%R o the in$o %"tion he h"! gi0en1 "lleging it to *e e@t e%e o e0en $ "udulent( C"tholic! ,ho /no, the $"ct! o$ thei chu ch !eldo% "tte%)t to e$ute ,h"t Al*e to !"#! "*out the C"tholic chu ch( The e$o e1 thei "tt"c/! "g"in!t hi% co%e ) i%" il# in the $o % o$ elentle!! ch" "cte "!!"!!in"tion!( In ) e)" ing "n "n!,e to one o$ 7 ( Ri0e "M! c itic!1 Re0( F ed 4( Buic/ "nd Hel%ut Sil*"ch o$ the Ae th F ee A e!*#te i"n Chu ch h"0e done " 0"!t "%ount o$ e!e" ch ,hich en"*le! u! to gi0e ,ellGdocu%ented "n!,e ! to the Iue!tion! th"t ,ill *e "n!,e ed in thi! *oo/( M# ole h"! *een to co%)ile "ll thi! in$o %"tion in *oo/ $o % to "n!,e %"n# o$ the Iue!tion! "!/ed "*out 7 ( Ri0e "M! cl"i%!( It i! ou ) "#e th"t Dod ,ill u!e ou e$$o t! to "cco%)li!h t,o thing!: Con0ince #ou th"t Al*e to Ri0e " ,"! in $"ct ,h"t he !"#! he ,"!1 "nd: En"*le #ou to gi0e cle" "nd $"ctu"l "n!,e ! to tho!e ,ho Iue!tion the 0"lidit# o$ 7 ( Ri0e "M! te!ti%on#( Though %"n# h"0e t ied o0e the l"!t +' #e" !1 none h"! !ucce!!$ull# e$uted the cl"i%! th"t 7 ( Ri0e " h"! %"de "g"in!t the Ro%"n C"tholic chu ch( The )u )o!e o$ thi! *oo/ i! to e$ute the %o!t $ eIuentl# %"de ch" ge! "g"in!t the content o$ the "*o0e %entioned *oo/! "nd "g"in!t 7 ( Ri0e " )e !on"ll#( Sid Hunte St "th)ine1 QMld(1 Au!t "li"

Publishers %ore6or!
He e "t Chic/ Au*lic"tion!1 ,e $ eIuentl# ecei0e e)o t! o$ ,ell /no,n LCh i!ti"nL le"de ! ,ho "tt"c/ u! *ec"u!e o$ ou !t"nd on Ro%"n C"tholici!%( The# continu"ll# e)e"t the ,ellG,o n C"tholic )o!ition on Al*e to Ri0e "1 doing e0e #thing the# c"n to di!c edit hi%1 #et igno ing the $"ct! enti el#( Se0e "l #e" ! "go1 ,hen 7 ( Ri0e " $i !t told %e hi! "%"Oing !to #1 he !ho,ed %e " t e%endou! "%ount o$ docu%ent!1 lette !1 I(7( c" d! "nd )hotog ")h! o$ hi%!el$ "! " ) ie!t1 ,e" ing hi! 0e!t%ent!( All thi! in$o %"tion g"0e %e "*!olute ) oo$ th"t he h"d in $"ct *een " 4e!uit ) ie!t( 7 ( Ri0e " ," ned %e th"t the $o ce! o$ Ro%e ,ould "tt"c/ %e ,ithout %e c# i$ I d" ed to , ite hi! !to #( He !"id the# ,ould do thei *e!t to de!t o# ou e)ut"tion *# $looding the count # ,ith $"l!e in$o %"tion( I ) "#ed "*out it1 "nd the Lo d g"0e %e the goG"he"d to ) int hi! !to #( I $elt it ,"! 0it"l to get 7 ( Ri0e "M! %e!!"ge *oth to the *od# o$ *elie0e ! ,ho u!e ou %"te i"l!1 "nd to the %ulti)lied %illion! o$ un!"0ed Ro%"n C"tholic! ,ho " e *eing decei0ed *# thi! $"l!e eligiou! !#!te%( I ,"! tot"ll# co%%itted e0en unto de"th to o*e# the Lo d "nd e@)o!e thi! ,ho e o$ the *oo/ o$ Re0el"tion( I "% !hoc/ed *# tho!e ,ho cl"i% to *e e@)e t! on "ll the othe ene%ie! o$ the go!)el1 #et ne0e o)en thei %outh! "*out the !)i itu"l ,ho edo% o$ Ro%e( I c"n onl# e)e"t the ," ning o$ the A)o!tle A"ul1 the , ite o$ the *oo/ o$ Ro%"n!1 th"t g e"t e)i!tle on the doct ine o$ !"l0"tion *# $"ith1 5not ,o /!1 )en"nce1 o *eing eligiou!6: L>o, I *e!eech #ou1 * eth en1 %" / the% ,hich c"u!e di0i!ion "nd o$$ence! contrary to the !octrine 6hich ye have learne!R "nd "0oid the%( Fo the# th"t " e !uch !e 0e not ou Lo d 4e!u! Ch i!t1 *ut thei o,n *ell#R "nd *# good ,o d! "nd $"i !)eeche! decei0e the he" t! o$ the !i%)le(L Ro%"n! +?:+<G+= A$te )e !on"ll# /no,ing 7 ( Ri0e " "nd clo!el# ,"tching *oth hi! li$e "nd hi! 0i* "nt !oul ,inning %ini!t # $o the l"!t ten #e" !1 I "% tot"ll# con0inced th"t he i! " t ue !e 0"nt o$ Dod( IM0e !een the )h#!ic"l "tt"c/! on *oth hi% "nd hi! ,i$e( IM0e !een the *ullet hole! in thei ho%e( IM0e !een hi% uthle!!l# !l"nde ed *# C"tholic cont olled LCh i!ti"nL %"g"Oine!( The %o e heM! )e !ecuted1 the %o e con0inced I "% th"t hi! %e!!"ge i! t ue "nd 0it"ll# i%)o t"nt( I eCoice th"t *ec"u!e o$ hi! ,illingne!! to e@)o!e Ro%e1 %"n# ) eciou! Ro%"n C"tholic! h"0e *een !"0ed "nd no, /no, the Lo d 4e!u! Ch i!t "! thei )e !on"l S"0io ( The# h"0e le$t the L%othe o$ h" lot!1L "nd " e no, !e 0ing Dod in t uth1 "cco ding to Hi! *le!!ed Ho d( I /no, I ,ill !t"nd *e$o e the Lo d !o%e d"# "nd le" n o$ the %ultitude! ,ho e!c")ed the *u ning $l"%e! o$ hell( The# ,ill !)end ete nit# *"!/ing in the ," % glo, o$ he"0en *ec"u!e the# le" ned the *le!!ed t uth th ough 7 ( Ri0e "M! !to #( On th"t d"# I /no, IMll loo/ *"c/ "nd ec"ll the high co!t o$ e@)o!ing Ro%e *ut conclude th"t "ll the "tt"c/! "nd )e !ecution! ,e e ,o th it( I /no, %# onl# thought ,ill *e1 LA "i!e Dod $o the ) eciou! !oul! th"t ,e e ,on to Ch i!t(L Hithout Iue!tion1 7 ( Ri0e " i! $o e"l: The $"ct th"t no one h"! e0e di!) o0ed hi! ) ie!tl# c edenti"l! ) o0e! heM! e"l( The )e !ecution heM! endu ed !ince he *eg"n e@)o!ing Ro%e ) o0e! heM! e"l( The thou!"nd! o$ !oul! th"t h"0e *een !"0ed th ough hi! %ini!t # ) o0e heM! e"l( Hi!to #1 "nd the , iting! o$ %"n# othe ! ) o0e heM! e"l( All the $"ct! ) o0e one thing: Al*e to Ri0e " i! $o e"l( And the %e!!"ge he tell! i! Cu!t "! e"l( It i! not " %e!!"ge o$ h"te1 "! the C"tholic hie " ch# li/e! to in!i!t( R"the 1 it i! the ulti%"te %e!!"ge o$ lo0eUto ,illingl# !u$$e the "tt"c/! "nd )e !ecution to ","/en )eo)le to the $"l!e te"ching! o$ thi! co u)t eligiou! !#!te%( M"# the e#e! o$ %"n# ) eciou! Ro%"n C"tholic! *e o)ened "nd %"# thei !oul! *e ,on to Ch i!t th ough the in$o %"tion cont"ined in thi! !ho t *oo/( Th"t i! ou ) "#e "nd ou go"l( You * othe in Ch i!t1 4"c/ T( Chic/

Chapter #
;7 Most %re/uently #ear! Charges Against Alberto Ans6ere! In thi! ch")te 1 ,e ,ill $"ce he"dGon the +& %o!t $ eIuentl# he" d ch" ge! "g"in!t Al*e to Ri0e "( Ou ")) o"ch ,ill *e to , ite out e"ch ch" ge one "t " ti%e "nd then $ollo, it ,ith ou "n!,e ( Ale"!e note th"t ou "n!,e ! !h"ll *e tot"ll# inde)endent o$ "n# %"te i"l o !ou ce! ,hich o igin"ted $ o% Ri0e " o Chic/ Au*lic"tion!( Charge :o< ;= It is e3treme to claim that the 'esuits infiltrate Protestant an! other churches< Ans6er= Hh# !hould it *e con!ide ed e@t e%e to cl"i% th"t Ro%"n C"tholic 4e!uit! ,ould in$ilt "te A ote!t"nt "nd othe chu che!J 7oe! not the Bi*le ," n u! th"t ,e %u!t ,"tch out $o in$ilt "to ! ,ho ,ill c ee) into the t ue chu ch o$ 4e!u! Ch i!t Lnot !)" ing the $loc/JL LFo I /no, thi!1 th"t "$te %# de)" ting !h"ll g ie0ou! ,ol0e! ente in "%ong #ou1 not !)" ing the $loc/(L Act! &':&8( LFo the e " e ce t"in %en c e)t in un"," e!1 ,ho ,e e *e$o e o$ old o d"ined to thi! conde%n"tion ( ( (L 4ude K( >ino Lo Bello1 in hi! *oo/1 $he 0atican Papers G )u*li!hed *# >e, Engli!h Li* " # +8=&1 in the +8th ch")te entitled1 LThe 3"tic"nM! S)# >et,o /1L %"/e! it 0e # cle" th"t the 3"tic"n h"! the %o!t e$$icient "nd ,ide!) e"d !)# net,o / in the ,hole ,o ld( It outcl"!!e! e0en the Ru!!i"n KDB( He !t"te! th"t thi! g ou) o$ e!)ion"ge "gent! c"%e to *e /no,n *# the )o)e! "! Sod"litiu% Ai"nu%1 "nd it include! e0e # ) ie!t1 nun "nd %on/ "n#,he e on e" th( He c"lcul"te! the Ao)eM! !)# net,o / to *e in the egion o$ +(?': %illion )e !on! con!i!ting o$ dioce!"n ) ie!t!1 egul" ) ie!t!1 !e%in" i"n!1 eligiou! %"le! "nd nun!1 "nd th"t indeed1 the e " e %"n# $ull ti%e t "ined "gent!( >o, ,h"t do "gent! do *ut in$ilt "te othe o g"niO"tion!1 "nd ,h"t o g"niO"tion! ,ould C"tholic !)ie! in$ilt "te i$ not othe chu che!1 e!)eci"ll# t ue chu che! o$ 4e!u! Ch i!tJ Ae %it %e to Iuote " )"!!"ge $ o% the eli"*le old A ote!t"nt cl"!!ic1 $he #istory 2f Protestanism *# Re0( 4( A( H#lie1 )"ge K+&1 3ol( ++: LThe e ,"! no di!gui!e the# 5the 4e!uit!6 could not "!!u%e1 "nd the e$o e1 the e ,"! no )l"ce into ,hich the# could not )enet "te( The# could ente unhe" d the clo!et o$ the Mon" ch1 o the C"*inet o$ the St"te!%"n( The# could !it un!een in con0oc"tion o Dene "l A!!e%*l#1 "nd %ingle un!u!)ected in the deli*e "tion! "nd de*"te!( LThe e ,"! no tongue the# could not !)e"/1 "nd no c eed the# could not ) o$e!!1 "nd thu! the e ,"! no )eo)le "%ong ,ho% the# %ight not !oCou n1 "nd no chu ch ,ho!e %e%*e !hi) the# %ight not ente "nd ,ho!e $unction! the# %ight not di!ch" ge( The# could e@ec "te the Ao)e ,ith the Luthe "n1 "nd !,e" the Sole%n Le"gue ,ith the Co0en"nte (L Al*e to i! *# no %e"n! the onl# )e !on !ugge!ting th"t Ro%"n C"tholic !)ie! in$ilt "te othe chu che!( An#one ,ho h"! e"d "n# e)ut"*le hi!to # *oo/! %u!t co%e to the !"%e conclu!ion( So%e,he e "long the line ,eM0e !,"llo,ed the lie th"t Ch i!ti"n! c"n )e"ce$ull# coGe@i!t ,ith " S"t"nic eligiou! !#!te% th"t i! le"ding %ulti)lied %illion! o$ !oul! to hell( S"t"n ,ill not h"0e it !o- He con!t"ntl# !ee/! to in$ilt "te hi! ene%ie! th"t he %"# * ing "*out thei de!t uction(

Charge :o< 7= Rivera is 6rong in saying that t< Ignatius of 9oyola 6as the foun!er of the 'esuits< Ans6er= The "ncyclope!ia &ritannica 3ol( BIII1 )"ge +'++1 !"#! th"t the ociety 2f 'esus i! L" Ro%"n C"tholic o de o$ cle /! egul" 1 $ounded *# St( Ign"tiu! o$ Lo#ol" in +:K'(L The !"%e docu%ent e$e ! to the 4e!uit o de "! *eing L" ) inci)"l "gent o$ the Counte Re$o %"tionL 5+8<9 edition6( The B it"nnic" "l!o tell! u! in 3ol( BI1 )"ge +'8? th"t the Illu%in"ti ,"! Lo g"niOed "long 4e!uit line!(L So then1 thi! i! not the ,ild notion o$ one %"n( It i! undeni"*le hi!to #1 "0"il"*le to "n#one ,ho choo!e! to )ic/ u) "n Enc#clo)edi" B it"nnic"( I$ #ou " e going to "ccu!e Al*e to o$ l#ing1 #ou %u!t %"/e the !"%e ch" ge o$ the Enc#clo)edi" B it"nnic"( Hh# ,ould the Enc#clo)edi" B it"nnic" lie "*out thi!J The !i%)le $"ct i!1 the# ,ouldnMt( Both the# "nd Ri0e " " e telling the t uth( And " g e"t %"n# )eo)le /no, it( The di$$e ence *et,een Al*e to "nd %o!t othe ! i! thi!: +( He ,"! on the in!ide o$ Ro%eM! eligiou! !#!te% "nd /no,! the $"ct! )e !on"ll#( &( He i! ,illing to !u$$e the con!eIuence! $o !)e"/ing out *oldl# "*out the )o,e $ul ,ho e o$ Re0el"tion( The e!ult! o$ !uch "ction! " e not " %#!te # to tho!e ,ho genuinel# /no, Dod: LYe"1 "nd "ll th"t ,ill li0e godl# in Ch i!t 4e!u! shall suffer persecution<L II Ti%oth# 9:+& But the !u$$e ing i! ,ell ,o th it ,hen co%*ined ,ith thi! he"0enl# ) o%i!e: LBle!!ed " e #e1 ,hen %en !h"ll h"te #ou1 "nd ,hen the# !h"ll !e)" "te #ou $ o% thei co%)"n#1 "nd !h"ll e) o"ch #ou1 "nd c"!t out #ou n"%e "! e0il1 $o the Son o$ %"nM! !"/e(L Lu/e ?:&& Charge :o< >= Rivera?s @Conspiracy $heory@ is e3treme an! paranoi!< Ans6er= The e " e onl# t,o ,"#! in ,hich ,o ld hi!to # c"n *e e@)l"ined: +( The "ccident"l theo #( All e0ent!1 !uch "! tho!e ,o ld de) e!!ion!1 e0olution!1 ," ! "nd )olitic"l )lot! " e the e!ult! o$ )u e ch"nce( Such " 0ie, i! "! idiculou! "! *elie$ in e0olution&( The con!)i "to i"l theo #( Ho ld e0ent! !uch "! %entioned "*o0e1 t"/e )l"ce *ec"u!e !o%e in$luenti"l )eo)le ,"nt the% to h"))en "nd %"/e the% h"))en( Aeo)le ,ith )o,e %eet *ehind clo!ed doo ! "nd ,o / out )l"n! to "chie0e thei "i%!( The %o!t ) eci!e ,"# to de!c i*e !uch conduct i! G con!)i "c#( To u!1 the con!)i "to i"l theo # %"/e! $" %o e !en!e th"n the "ccident"l theo #( The con!)i "c# cl"i%! Ri0e " h"! %"de " e *# no %e"n! e@t e%e "nd )" "noid( Indeed1 %"n# e!)ected "nd tho ough e!e" che ! h"0e1 "$te %"n# #e" ! o$ )"in!t"/ing e!e" ch1 co%e to the conclu!ion th"t the e i! " con!)i "c# "t ,o / ,hich de!i e! to cont ol the ,o ld *# cont olling the *"n/!1 co%%e ce "nd the %edi"( And I need not %ention to !tudent! o$ the Bi*le1 the "ccident"l theo # cont "dict! the enti e the%e o$ the Bi*le1 not to %ention l" ge )o tion! o$ Bi*le ) o)hec#( I gi0e #ou he e the title! o$ ele0en *oo/! in ,hich the "utho !1 ,ho " e "l!o li!ted1 %"/e thei con!)i "c# *elie$! /no,n(

+( :one Dare Call It Conspiracy - D" # Allen &( $he Roc4efeller %ile - D" # Allen 9( Proofs 2f A Conspiracy - 4ohn Ro*in!on A(M(

K( Descent Into lavery - 7e! D i$$in :( %ourth Reich 2f $he Rich - 7e! D i$$in ?( $he Re! %og 2ver America - H( D( C" <( $he :e6 5nhappy 9or!s - A( K( Che!te ton =( :ational uici!e - Anthon# C( Sutton 8( &etrayal &y Rulers - Mich"el Stu dO" +'( $he :a4e! Capitalist - H( Cleon S/ou!en ++( eries of tapes by Dr< tuart Crane( %"de in Mont e"l in +8<?(
Hhile ,e do not "g ee ,ith "ll th"t the!e %en h"0e , itten1 ne0e thele!!1 the one co%%on $"ct on ,hich the# "ll !ee% to "g ee i! th"t the e i! " con!)i "c# "t ,o / in the ,o ld( The!e con!)i "to !1 the# conclude1 " e "tte%)ting to %"ni)ul"te "nd ule the ,o ld th ough thei cont ol o$ the *"n/!1 co%%e ce "nd %edi"( So1 in th"t e!)ect1 the# "g ee ,ith Ri0e "M! cl"i%!( The one " e" ,he e Ri0e " di$$e ! $ o% the% i! the )o,e ! *ehind the !cene!( The othe "utho ! *"!ic"ll# *l"%e the Illu%in"ti1 the Inte n"tion"l B"n/e ! o the Pioni!t!( The!e !%"lle g ou)! $o % onl# " )" t o$ thi! con!)i "c# *# e0il $o ce!( Ri0e "1 on the othe h"nd1 t"/e! " %o e Bi*lic"l !t"nce "nd *l"%e! M#!te # B"*#lon1 the cit# on !e0en hill! 5i(e(1 Ro%"ni!%6 "! unde !tood *# the g e"t A ote!t"nt Re$o %e !( 5See Re0( +<1 +=(6 Su el# then1 Ri0e " i! not "lone in hi! 0ie,1 *ut "the i! Cu!t one "%ong "n "l%o!t endle!! line o$ e!)ected "utho !1 including %ode n , ite !1 ,ho " e !"#ing %uch the !"%e thing( Re"d the $ollo,ing *oo/! *# A0 o M"nh"tt"n:

Catholic Po6er $o!ay Catholic $error $o!ay $he 0atican Mosco6 .ashington Alliance $he 0atican &illions 0ietnam( .hy Di! .e *o?

Othe good *oo/! include:

$he 0atican Against "urope( *# Ed%ond A" i! $he ecret #istory 2f $he 'esuits( *# Ed%ond A" i!( Peter?s $omb Recently Discovere!( *# F( A( Aete !on( $he &roa!casting Controversy - $he Pope An! Catholic Action( *# O( T( Be!,ic/ B( Sc( %ifty Aears In $he @Church@ 2f Rome( *# Ch" le! ChiniIu#( .hat About $he ilent Conspiracy? *# And e, Sincl"i (

Fo %o e in$o %"tion !ee "l!o the *oo/ :o Pope #ere( *# 7 ( I"n A"i!le#( O get " co)# o$ hi! c"!!ette t")e $he &lac4 Pope an! #is Mur!er Men< And thi! li!t i! *# no %e"n! co%)lete( He could eco%%end %"n# %o e *oo/!( The!e , ite ! " e !"#ing %o e o le!! the !"%e thing "! Ri0e "1 th"t the 3"tic"n i! the chie$ con!)i "to ( One %o e thing( The $"ct th"t the 4e!uit! united ,ith the Illu%in"ti h"!1 to !o%e e@tent1 *een ecogniOed *# the l"te H( D( C" in hi! *oo/ $he Re! %og 2ver America< B"!ed on $"ct!1 *"c/ed u) ,ith )e !on"l e@)e ience!1 he contend! on )"ge! &&:G&&< th"t the Illu%in"ti ,"! "ctu"ll# insi!e the 3"tic"n( >o,1 th"t i! not !o $" $ o% ,h"t Ri0e " i! !"#ing1 i! itJ Ri0e " i! ce t"inl# not "lone in ,h"t he i! !"#ing( To c"ll the %"n e@t e%e "nd )" "noid i!1 to )ut it $ "n/l#1 g o!!l# un$"i "nd $"l!e(

The identi$ic"tion c" d "*o0e ,"! i!!ued *# the S)"ni!h go0e n%ent in S)"in in +8?<1 unde the ule o$ the dict"to 1 F "nco( Hi! !ecu it# $o ce! ,e e eIu"ll# "! !t ict "! the De!t")o in De %"n#( Al*e to h"d to !u))l# hi! *i th ce ti$ic"te1 identi$ic"tion )")e ! "nd )o!iti0e ) oo$ $ o% hi! " chdioce!e th"t he ,"! " ) ie!t( He h"d to *e ")) o0ed *# !e0e "l !ecu it# o g"niO"tion! !i%il" to ou C(I(A( "nd F(B(I(1 to ecei0e thi! docu%ent( The e i! no ,"# it could *e " $o ge #( Thi! i! )o!iti0e ) oo$ th"t Al*e to ,"! " ) ie!t(

Charge :o< B= Dr< Rivera?s claim that Ignatius of 9oyola foun!e! the Illuminati is paranoi!< Ans6er= Hithout going dee)l# into thi! cl"i%1 ,e c"n ) o0e it i! not $" $etched "t "ll( Fi !t1 it i! "n un!h"/e"*le $"ct th"t the $ounde o$ the %ode n B"0" i"n Illu%in"ti ,"! " t "ined 4e!uit n"%ed Ad"% Hei!h"u)t $ o% Ingol!t"dt1 B"0" i"( Hei!h"u)t ,"! " ) o$e!!o "t Ingol!t"dt Uni0e !it#1 ,hich ,"! the cente o$ the 4e!uit Counte GRe$o %"tion( 5See Enc#clo)edi" B it"nnic" 3ol( BII1 )( &:+(6 Ingol!t"dt ,"! the cente ,he e the 4e!uit! ,e e $lou i!hing in +::?( 5See #istory 2f Protestantism *# H#lie1 3ol( ++1 )"ge K+9(6 C"n ,e e"ll# *elie0e th"t Hei!h"u)t ,ould h"0e *een "llo,ed to continue hi! ) o$e!!o !hi) in " 4e!uit cont olled Uni0e !it# i$ he h"d de!e ted the%J >o ,"#- All e0idence !ugge!t! th"t he continued to ,o / $o the 4e!uit!1 e!t"*li!hing the o de o$ the Illu%in"ti $o the%( Hh"te0e the c"!e1 Ri0e "M! cl"i% th"t Ign"tiu! o$ Lo#ol" $ounded the Illu%in"ti i! *# no %e"n! )" "noid( E!)eci"ll# not ,hen the $"ct i! t"/en into "ccount th"t Lo#ol" ,"! t ied *e$o e " cou t in +:&< $o !#%)"thiOing ,ith the Alu%* "do! 5i(e( the S)"ni!h Illu%in"ti6( He e i! ,h"t the Enc#clo)edi" B it"nnic" h"! to !"# on thi! i!!ue: LThe Alu%* "do! c"%e e!)eci"ll# $ o% "%ong the e$o %ed F "nci!c"n! "nd 4e!uit!1 "nd St( Ign"tiu! Lo#ol" ,"! ch" ged in +:&< ,ith !#%)"thiOing ,ith the%(L 3ol( +1 )"ge ?89

So1 the S)"ni!h Illu%in"ti d e, %o!t o$ it! ec uit! $ o% Ro%"n C"tholic !ou ce!1 the F "nci!c"n! "nd 4e!uit!1 "nd Lo#ol" ,"! ch" ged ,ith *eing in $"0o ,ith the%( The )e !ecution th"t Ri0e " h"! !u$$e ed $o %"/ing !uch cl"i%! i! nothing ne,( DodM! ) o)het! do,n th ough the "ge! h"0e endu ed !i%il" t e"t%ent $o e@)o!ing $"l!e eligiou! te"ching!( Ho,e0e 1 the Bi*le ) o%i!e! Ri0e " " !)eci"l *le!!ing in he"0en *ec"u!e none o$ the e0il "ccu!"tion! th"t h"0e *een !)o/en "g"in!t hi% h"0e e0e *een ) o0en t ue: LBle!!ed " e #e1 ,hen %en !h"ll e0ile #ou1 "nd )e !ecute #ou1 "nd !h"ll !"# "ll %"nne o$ e0il "g"in!t #ou $"l!el#1 $o %# !"/e( ReCoice1 "nd *e e@ceeding gl"d: $o g e"t i! #ou e," d in he"0en: $o !o )e !ecuted the# the ) o)het! ,hich ,e e *e$o e #ou(L M"tthe, :: ++G+& I$ Al*e toM! cl"i%! " e , ong1 then ) o0e hi% , ong ,ith cold1 h" d $"ct!1 not ,ith che") )e !on"l ch" "cte "tt"c/! "g"in!t hi%(

Charge :o< 1= Rivera is 6rong to claim the Roman Catholic system trie! to annihilate the 'e6s< Ans6er= Thi! i! " )l"in $"ct o$ hi!to #( 7u ing the Council o$ L"te n held in A7 +&+:1 "ll Lhe etic!L G 4e,! "nd A ote!t"nt! G ,e e conde%ned to de"th( Thi! dec ee1 "! $" "! I "% "," e1 h"! ne0e *een e)e"led( In ch")te BIII o$ %ifty Aears In $he @Church@ 2f Rome *# ChiniIu#1 )u*li!hed *# Chic/ Au*lic"tion!1 #ou ,ill e"d the $ollo,ing t,o Iuote! on )"ge :?: LRo%"n C"tholic! h"0e not onl# the ight1 *ut it i! thei dut#1 to /ill he etic!(L LHe e@co%%unic"te "nd "n"the%"tiOe e0e # he e!# th"t e@"lt! it!el$ "g"in!t the hol# "nd o thodo@ C"tholic $"ith1 conde%ning "ll he etic!1 *# ,h"te0e n"%e the# %"# *e /no,n1 $o though thei $"ce! di$$e 1 the# " e tied togethe *# thei t"il!( Such "! " e conde%ned " e to *e deli0e ed o0e to the e@i!ting !ecul" )o,e ! to ecei0e due )uni!h%ent(L It i! "n undeni"*le $"ct o$ hi!to # th"t the 4e,! h"0e !u$$e ed )e !ecution "t the h"nd! o$ Ao)e # $o centu ie!( Ri0e " i! co%)letel# ight ,hen he %"/e! thi! cl"i%( The De %"n "utho 1 Otto M" /%"nn1 in hi! *oo/1 Irrtumer Der ,atholischen ,irche( !"#!: LC u!"de! G 7u ing the c uel c u!"de!1 ,hich the )o)e! in!tig"ted1 ,e e%e%*e "t ocitie! co%%itted *# the Me cen" ie!1 the c")tu e o$ Con!t"ntino)le "nd the !etting u) o$ the L"tin A"t i" ch"te in the E"!t( 7u ing the $i !t c u!"de1 ,hich ,"! c"lled *# Ao)e Ale@"nde II in the #e" +'?91 the no th S)"ni!h cit# o$ B" *e!t o ,"! conIue ed( Fi$t# thou!"nd Mo!le%! ,e e to tu ed "nd !l"ughte ed( LIn Con!t"ntino)le the %o!t ho i$ic 4e,i!h )og o%! ,e e conducted( 4e,! ,e e *u ned "li0e in the S#n"gogue!( The !econd c u!"de o$ ++K< !t" ted Cu!t "! the $i !t1 ,ith %u de ing 4e,! "nd the !l"ughte o$ Mo!le%! in Ao tug"l(L In +9<<1 4e,! ,e e !l"ughte ed in the B"0" i"n 0ill"ge o$ 7eggendo $( Fe "*d M" tineO1 ,ho ,"! A ch*i!ho) co"dCuto in Se0ille1 conducted the *")tiOing ," in Se0ille ,ith the c #1 LBe *")tiOed o die(L He de!t o#ed the 4e,i!h co%%unit# o$ 9'1''' %e%*e !( Fou thou!"nd ,e e %u de ed "nd the e!t ,e e !old "! !l"0e!( Ten thou!"nd o$ the )e !ecuted 4e,!1 in $e" o$ de"th1 !u*%itted to the $o ce$ul con0e !ion!( The# *ec"%e /no,n "! the LM" "nnen(L The *oo/ Irrtumer Der ,atholischen ,irche "l!o !u))o t! ,h"t Al*e to i! !"#ing: LThe ho o ! ,ent th ough "ll o$ A "gon1 K"!tilien1 B" celon"1 3"lenci"1 "nd M"llo c"( The hol# 3icente c"lled du ing thi! Mhol# ," M $o " hol# h"teGit e%"in! until thi! t,entieth centu #( Unde the guid"nce o$

the g e"t inIui!ito 1 Tho%"! o$ To Iue%"d"1 the# *u ned du ing the inIui!ition1 in th ee d"#! in Toledo1 &1K'' M" "nnen( L LIn the #e" +:'?1 the %on/! o$ Li!!"*on cele* "ted the M*lood ,eddingM "nd *u ned du ing E"!te on t,o d"#!1 o0e t,o thou!"nd 4e,!( Hh"t " g e"t !in o$ the Ro%"n C"tholic chu ch "g"in!t the cho!en n"tion(L Let u! no, ) oceed to the g e"t *oo/ *# A0 o M"nh"tt"n entitled $he 0atican Mosco6 .ashington Alliance< On )"ge! &+8G&&'1 he , ite!: LIt i! i%)o t"nt1 "lthough it %"# *e di$$icult $o !o%e to ecogniOe the eligiou! n"tu e o$ the Co%%uni!t.Pioni!t. C"tholic )olitic"l con$igu "tion( Although deli*e "tel# %uted in )u*lic ) onounce%ent!1 *ehind the Pioni!t *"nne the e ,"! to *e $ound the "ncient Me!!i"nic ho)e $o the co%ing o$ " glo*"l theoc "c#1 "! ) edicted *# "ll the !ee ! "nd ) o)het! o$ Pion( It ,"! to *e " theoc "c# in ,hich 4eho0"h1 not Ch i!t1 ,"! to *e King( LThe !)ect e o$ the c e"tion o$ !uch " theoc "c# h"! h"unted the inne ch"%*e ! o$ the C"tholic chu ch $ o% he e" lie!t ince)tion1 "nd !till i! " do%in"nt $e" ( LIn 3"tic"n e#e!1 the e$o e1 the %illen" i"n #e" ning $o " glo*"l He* e, theoc "c#1 e) e!ent! " de"dl# th e"t to the e!ch"tologic"l te"ching! o$ the C"tholic chu ch( Hhen t "n!l"ted into conc ete )olitic"l te %!1 !uch " 0ie, !)ell! not onl# i0"l #1 *ut i%)l"c"*le en%it#(L Fu the %o e1 ,e tu n to " ecent ne,!)")e " ticle ,hich "dd! g e"t c edi*ilit# to Ri0e "M! cl"i%!( On )"ge <: o$ the 7ec( K1 +8=: i!!ue o$ Ae thM! .est Australian ne,!)")e 1 " )")e %o!t de$initel# not "ccu!ed o$ "ntiGC"tholic *i"!1 "n " ticle "))e" ed entitled1 Prelate= $oo oon $o As4 %orgiveness< 7"teline: Ro%e1 Te0!: The " ticle !"id in )" t: LIt ,ould *e ) e%"tu e $o the C"tholic chu ch to "!/ the $o gi0ene!! o$ the 4e,! $o centu ie! o$ )e !ecution1 " 3"tic"n C" din"l !"id #e!te d"#( A g ou) o$ It"li"n! ecentl# !igned " )etition eIue!ting the S#nod o$ Bi!ho)! to i!!ue " !t"te%ent !ee/ing 4e,i!h $o gi0ene!!(L Although it h"! *een $o t# #e" ! !ince the l"!t o$ the 4e,! ,e e to tu ed "nd *utche ed in concent "tion c"%)! *# le"de ! o$ the !oGc"lled Lhol# %othe chu ch1L thi! )")e "d%it! it i! !till too !oon $o the C"tholic chu ch to e@)ect $o gi0ene!! $o thei heinou! c i%e!I no, e$e to And e, Sincl"i M! *oo/ $he *reat ilence Conspiracy< On )"ge =1 he Iuote! $ o% the "ncyclope!ia &ritannica( ++th Edition1 3ol( ++1 )"ge 9<: LThe Ro%"n C"tholic chu ch h"! "l,"#! *een1 o$ cou !e1 the $ont o$ "ntiGSe%iti!%( AntiGSe%iti!% ,"! "l%o!t un/no,n in TO" i!t D ee/ C"tholic Ru!!i" until "$te the )" tition! o$ Aol"nd in +<<& "nd +<8:( Ru!!i"n "ntiGSe%iti!% ,"! i%*i*ed $ o% Ro%"n C"tholic Aol"nd( The S)"ni!h MHol# InIui!itionM ,"! $ounded to de!t o# the 4e,! in S)"in(L >eed ,e Iuote $u the th"n thi! to !ho, the thin/e th"t ,h"t Ri0e " "nd Chic/ " e !"#ing tod"# i! 0"!tl# 0e i$ied *# , ite ! o$ )"!t "ge!J

Charge :o< C= Dr< Rivera is 6rong in associating the 'esuits 6ith the setting up of .orl! .ar ;< Ans6er= The $ollo,ing !t"te%ent i! %"de on )"ge ?9 o$ F( A"ul Aete !onM! *oo/ Peter?s $omb Recently Discovere!=

LThe Ao)e! h"0e *een in1 o in!tig"ted %o!t1 i$ not "ll o$ the Eu o)e"n ," ! do,n th ough the centu ie!(L In the *oo/1 $he 0atican Against "urope( *# Ed%ond A" i!1 ,e e"d: LAo)e Aiu! B in hi! h"t ed "g"in!t o thodo@ Ch i!ti"n!1 ,"! continu"ll# inciting E%)e o F "nci! 4o!e)h o$ Au!t i"GHung" # to Mch"!tiOe the Se *i"n!(M A$te S" "Ce0o1 on &?th 4ul#1 +8+K1 B" on Ritte 1 B"0" i"n e) e!ent"ti0e o$ the Hol# See1 , ote to hi! Do0e n%ent: MThe Ao)e ")) o0e! o$ Au!t i"M! h" !h t e"t%ent o$ Se *i"( He h"! no g e"t o)inion o$ the " %ie! o$ Ru!!i" "nd F "nce in the e0ent o$ " ," "g"in!t De %"n#( The C" din"l !ec et" # o$ St"te doe! not !ee ,hen Au!t i" could %"/e ," i$ !he doe! not decide to do !o no, ( ( ( M LThe e in the t ue colou ! i! the 3ic" o$ Ch i!t1 the gentle ")o!tle o$ )e"ce1 the hol# Aonti$$ ,ho% )iou! "utho ! e) e!ent "! h"0ing died o$ !o o, "t !eeing the out* e"/ o$ ," (L Ag"in $ o% the !"%e *oo/1 )"ge K<: LThu! it i! ) o0ed th"t Aiu! B "nd hi! Sec et" # o$ St"te1 ,hen the# encou "ged the %o!t C"tholic E%)e o to %"/e ," 1 ,e e coldl# conte%)l"ting the con!eIuence! o$ thei "ct: " gene "l con$lict ,hich ,ould !et the Cent "l Eu o)e"n E%)i e! "g"in!t F "nce "nd Ru!!i"( LThe# *elie0ed the# h"d "ccu "tel# e!ti%"ted the !t ength o$ the di$$e ent $o ce! in0ol0ed( But ,h"t hi! holine!! "nd hi! "cco%)lice h"d not $o !een ,"! the )" tici)"tion in the ," o$ Engl"nd1 "nd $in"ll# o$ the enti e AngloGS"@on ,o ld1 " )" tici)"tion ,hich ,"! to th," t thei )l"n!1 ti) the !c"le! in $"0o o$ F "nce "nd li*e "te the o thodo@ )o)ul"tion! $ o% the 3ienne!e #o/e( LHence the e!)on!i*ilit# $o the c i%e i! *e#ond dou*t "n eno %ou! c i%e ,hich1 o0e " )e iod o$ $ou #e" !1 ,"! to th o, into the ch" nelGhou!e %illion! o$ Ch i!ti"n co )!e!1 "ll the $lo,e o$ Eu o)e"n #outh1 "nd " c i%e "ll the %o e odiou! $o *eing co%)letel# ) e%edit"ted( LOne %"# !"# Iuite !)eci$ic"ll# th"t in +8+K the Ro%"n chu ch !t" ted the helli!h !e ie! o$ ," !( It ,"! then th"t the t i*ute o$ *lood1 ,hich !he h"! "l,"#! t"/en $ o% the )eo)le!1 *eg"n to !,ell to " 0e it"*le to ent(L The "*o0e *oo/1 "nd othe !1 " e $ull o$ e0idence th"t ) o0e! the 0e "cit# o$ !t"te%ent! %"de *# Al*e to Ri0e "( The %o e ecent )u*lic"tion1 $he ecret #istory 2f $he 'esuits( *# Ed%ond A" i!1 "l!o %ention! !i%il" $"ct!( In the *oo/1 %ifty Aears In $he @Church@ 2f Rome( *# Ch" le! ChiniIu#1 )u*li!hed *# Chic/ Au*lic"tion!1 Inc(1 ,e e"d !i%il" $"ct!( On )"ge &8?1 ,e $ind th"t A* "h"% Lincoln "g ee! ,ith Al*e to Ri0e "( M ( Lincoln !"id: LThi! ," 5the A%e ic"n Ci0il H" 6 ,ould ne0e h"0e *een )o!!i*le ,ithout the !ini!te in$luence o$ the 4e!uit!( He o,e it to Ao)e # th"t ,e no, !ee ou l"nd eddened ,ith the *lood o$ he no*le!t !on!( Though the e ,e e g e"t di$$e ence! o$ o)inion1 *et,een the South "nd the >o th1 on the Iue!tion o$ !l"0e #1 neithe 4e$$ 7"0i! no "n# one o$ the le"ding %en o$ the Con$ede "c# ,ould h"0e d" ed to "tt"c/ the >o th h"d the# not elied on the ) o%i!e! o$ the 4e!uit! th"t1 unde the %"!/ o$ de%oc "c#1 the %one# "nd the " %! o$ the Ro%"n C"tholic!1 e0en the " %! o$ F "nce1 ,e e "t thei di!)o!"l i$ the# ,ould "tt"c/ u!(L Hi!to # it!el$ *e" ! te!ti%on# to the $"ct th"t Ro%e h"! the *lood o$ innocent %ultitude! d i))ing $ o% he !ini!te h"nd!( Ri0e " i! ight( The 4e!uit! ,e e *ehind Ho ld H" +1 Cu!t "! he cl"i%!( Belo, " e !o%e o$ the l"!t )hotog ")h! o$ 7 ( Ri0e " ,hile he h"! the 7i ecto o$ the A" i!h School in S"n Lo enOo1 T" "!"1 S)"in(

Charge :o< D= Dr< Rivera is 6rong in his claim that 'esuits prepare! the Russian Revolution an! helpe! Mar3( "ngels( $rots4y( 9enin an! talin bring in Communism in or!er to !estroy the 2rtho!o3 Church< Ans6er= He c"nnot den# th"t the Ru!!i"n Re0olution ,"! !et u) *# out!ide inte e!t!( >o %o0e%ent o$ the )eo)le on it! o,n ,ill !ucceed "g"in!t " %ode n " %# ,ithout out!ide hel)( The old d"#! o$ Ro*in Hood1 ,hen " $e, e*el! could t ou*le " ) o)e l# t "ined " %#1 " e o0e ( Tod"#1 "n# e*el $o ce th"t ,"nt! to *e !ucce!!$ul %u!t h"0e %"n# %ode n ,e")on!( Ho, to get the% i! the ) o*le%( The# c"nnot %"nu$"ctu e ,e")on! the%!el0e!R no i! it )o!!i*le to c")tu e !u$$icient Iu"ntitie! o$ the% $ o% the ene%#( Mode n e@"%)le! o$ thi! " e 3ietn"% "nd A$gh"ni!t"n( The co%%uni!t! in 3ietn"% onl# !ucceeded *ec"u!e o$ %"!!i0e Ru!!i"n " %"%ent !hi)%ent! into >o th 3ietn"% h" *o !( The "ntiGco%%uni!t $o ce! in A$gh"ni!t"n c"nnot !ucceed ,ithout li%ited out!ide hel)( So it ,"! in +8+<( Hithout out!ide hel)1 the Co%%uni!t Re0olution ,ould h"0e $iOOled out Iuic/l#( .all treet An! $he &olshevi4 Revolution( the ,ellGdocu%ented *oo/ *# Anthon# Sutton1 !ho,! ho, %one# ,"! %o0ed $ o% De %"n "nd A%e ic"n *"n/! th ough S,edi!h *"n/! into Ru!!i" $o the Bol!he0i/!M u!e( >o,1 the Iue!tion " i!e!1 ,ho ,e e the )o,e ! ,ith enough inte e!t in the Co%%uni!t %o0e%ent ,ho could !end l" ge "%ount! o$ %one# "nd enough " %! to hel) the% to 0icto #J See :ational uici!e( *# A( Sutton1 )"ge <?( The gene "l e@)l"n"tion i! th"t the De %"n go0e n%ent ,"nted to hel) the Bol!he0i/! into )o,e !o the# ,ould end the ," ( Much c"n *e !"id on thi! )oint1 *ut ti%e doe! not )e %it( Ri0e "M! cl"i%! "! to the !ec et $o ce *ehind the Bol!he0i/ %o0e%ent1 ,hich %"/e! %o e !en!e th"n %o!t o$ the othe !1 " e con$i %ed *# A0 o M"nh"tt"n in hi! *oo/1 $he 0atican &illions< On )"ge! +&KG+&: he , ite! thi!: LThe o0e th o, o$ the CO" i!t !#!te% the e$o e1 * ought ,ith it the ine0it"*le o0e th o, o$ the e!t"*li!hed O thodo@ Chu ch( To the 3"tic"n1 ,hich h"d ,"ged ," "g"in!t the O thodo@ Chu ch !ince the ele0enth centu #1 the do,n$"ll o$ he %illen" i"n i0"l ,"! too good to *e t ue( The e0il o$ Bol!he0i!% could in thi! %"nne *e "cce)ted in 0ie, o$ it! h"0ing de!t o#ed the O thodo@ Chu ch G ,ith

one ) o0i!o1 ho,e0e 1 th"t it !hould gi0e the C"tholic chu ch " $ ee h"nd to $ini!h the t"!/ o$ eli%in"ting O thodo@# in Ru!!i" once "nd $o "ll( LThe de"l ,"! "cce)ted1 "nd !o it c"%e to )"!! th"t ,hile the 3"tic"n ,"! $ul%in"ting "g"in!t Bol!he0i!%1 the Bol!he0i/! in the K e%lin "nd the 3"tic"nM! di)lo%"t! in Ro%e *eg"n !ec et negoti"tion!( Lenin "g eed ,ith the Ao)e( M"chine ie! ,e e !et u)( A")"l Co%%i!!ion!1 !o%e he"ded *# A%e ic"n ) el"te!1 ,e e de!)"tched to Bol!he0i/ Ru!!i"1 di!gui!ed "! $"%ine elie$ %i!!ion! "nd the li/e( LIn Ro%e "nd el!e,he e1 C"tholic ) ie!t! ,e e gi0en "ccele "ted in!t uction in Ru!!i"n O thodo@ theolog# "nd itu"l( D "ndio!e !che%e! ,e e *lue) inted $o t"/ing o0e the O thodo@ Chu ch1 loc/1 !toc/ "nd *" el1 including the cl"i%! $o he $o %e ,e"lth "nd l"nd!R the!e to *e )ut $o ," d "t " l"te !t"ge1 once C"tholici!% h"d t"/en o0e (L The e"!on the de"l $ell th ough c"n *e "tt i*uted to the cle0e ne!! o$ Lenin1 ,ho e0entu"ll# !", th ough the e"l %oti0e! o$ the 3"tic"n( >o,1 i$ #ou c" e to e"d c" e$ull# the ,hole ch")te o$ the "*o0e %entioned *oo/! "nd .all treet An! $he &olshevi4 Revolution( #ou ,ill !ee " )ictu e e%e ging ,hich i! co%$o t"*l# clo!e to the cl"i%! %"de *# Ri0e "R th"t the 4e!uit! !i! !et u) the Ru!!i"n Re0olution(

Charge :o< E= It is 6rong to say that 'esuits 6rote #itler?s Mein ,ampf as part of their master plan for #itler to ta4e over *ermany< Ans6er= Ri0e " i! ce t"inl# not "lone in thi! *elie$( And e, Sincl"i !"#! on )"ge 8 o$ hi! *oo/1 $he *reat ilence Conspiracy= LHho , ote Mein ,ampf? Mein ,ampf( the >"Oi *i*le1 ,"! !u))o!ed to *e , itten *# Hitle 1 *ut Otto St "!!e !"#! in #itler An! I th"t Mein ,ampf ,"! , itten *# " Ro%"n C"tholic ) ie!t1 F"the Be nh" dt Ste%)$le1 $ o% note! !u))lied *# Hitle ( Otto St "!!e 1 " Ro%"n C"tholic1 ,"! one o$ the $ounde ! o$ the >"Oi A" t#R Ste%)$le1 " noto iou! "ntiGSe%ite1 ,"! " %e%*e o$ the Ro%"n C"tholic O de o$ S"int 4e o%e(L He $ind the !"%e te"ching in $he ecret #istory 2f $he 'esuits( *# Ed%ond A" i!( On )"ge +9=1 ,e e"d the $ollo,ing: LThe Fuh e h"d co%e to )o,e 1 th"n/! to the 0ote! o$ the C"tholic Pent u%1 onl# $i0e #e" ! *e$o e1 *ut %o!t o$ the o*Cecti0e! c#nic"ll# e0e"led in Mein ,ampf ,e e "l e"d# e"liOedR thi! *oo/1 "n in!olent ch"llenge to the ,e!te n de%oc "cie!1 ,"! , itten *# the 4e!uit F"the Ste%)$le "nd !igned *# Hitle ( Fo 1 "! !o %"n# igno e the $"ct1 it ,"! the Societ# o$ 4e!u! ,hich )e $ected the $"%ou! A"nGDe %"n ) og "%%e "! l"id out in thi! *oo/ "nd the Fuh e endo !ed it(L He e1 $ o% the )en o$ t,o eli"*le out!ide !ou ce! o$ in$o %"tion1 ,e h"0e the e@"ct !"%e cl"i% th"t Ri0e " i! %"/ing( Once "g"in1 thi! i! not the ,ild cl"i% o$ one %"n1 it i! co%%on hi!to #1 "0"il"*le to "n#one ,ho ,i!he! to !tud# "nd $ind out(

Charge :o< F= It is 6rong to infer that the 'esuits starte! a ne6 in/uisition an! continue! their efforts to annihilate the 'e6s by bringing Mussolini( #itler an! %ranco into po6er< Ans6er= On )"ge +: o$ $he 0atican Against "urope1 *# Ed%ond A" i!1 ,e e"d: LIn +8&& Ao)e Aiu! BI donned the ti" "( The A")"c# h"d lo!t the $i !t ," R it ,"! "*out to ) e)" e $o the !econd( Hh"t ,"! h"))ening in Eu o)e *et,een the t,o %"!!"c e!J In It"l#1 !ec et negoti"tion! too/ )l"ce *et,een A")"l "gent! "nd Mu!!olini1Mthe %"n o$ ) o0idence(M The ) ie!t1 7on Stu Oo1 chie$ o$ the C"tholic D ou)1 h"d $ull ight! 0oted to the 7uce on >o0e%*e 1 +8&&( Then c"%e the L"te "n T e"t#1 to

!e"l the union o$ F"!ci!% "nd the A")"c#1 the conIue!t o$ Ethio)i" G *le!!ed *# the cle g# G "nd1 on Dood F id"# +8981 the "gg e!!ion "g"in!t Al*"ni"( LIn De %"n#1 the A")"l >uncio in Be lin1 Mg ( A"celli "nd F "nO 0on A")en1 ) i0# Ch"%*e l"in to the Ao)e1 "d0oc"ted " Munion ,ith Ro%eM "nd concent "ted on the o0e th o, o$ the Hei%" Re)u*lic( The De %"n C"tholic! ,e e ho!tile to >"Oi!%1 *ut ,e e in$o %ed th"t the Ao)e hi%!el$ ,"! M$"0ou "*l# di!)o!ed to," d! Hitle (M Con!eIuentl# the C"tholic Pent u%1 "@i! o$ "ll A" li"%ent" # %"Co itie!1 0oted $ull ight! to Hitle on 4"nu" # 9'1 +899( LThi! o)e "tion ,"! ) o%)tl# $ollo,ed1 "! in It"l#1 *# the concluding o$ " Conco d"t ,hich ,"! %o!t "d0"nt"geou! to the Ro%"n chu ch( The De %"n E)i!co)"te !,o e "llegi"nce to the Fuh e "nd C"tholic Youth o g"niO"tion! co%*ined ,ith tho!e o$ the >"Oi! ((( In S)"in1 the 3i gin "))e" ed he e "nd the e1 "nd e$$igie! o$ Ch i!t !hed te" !( The!e ,e e un%i!t"/"*le !ign! the Re)u*lic "nd it! i%)iou! egi%e ,ould not l"!t long( LOn 9+!t M" ch1 +89K1 the A"ct o$ Ro%e ,"! !igned "nd )ledged !u))o t o$ Mu!!olini "nd Hitle $o the e*ellion( The Mhol# ," M * o/e out( In +89<1 in the %id!t o$ ," 1 the 3"tic"n g"0e deCu e ecognition to the go0e n%ent o$ F "nco1 it! !,o dG*e" e 1 ,ho ,"! l"te to *e deco "ted ,ith the Su) e%e O de o$ Ch i!t( MBle!!ed *e the gun! i$ the go!)el $lo,e ! in thei ,"/e-M Soon the C"tholic Action ,"! to !) e"d it! t# "nn# "c o!! the uined count #( A"@ Ch i!ti-L On )"ge 8? o$ the !"%e *oo/ ,e e"d " !t"te%ent *# F "nO 0on A")en1 the A)o!tolic >uncio G th"t i! to !"#1 the !ecul" " % o$ Ao)e Aiu! BI( Unde the he"ding1 LC"tholic! "nd Ch i!ti"n Soci"li!t! 3ote $o Hitle M! 7ict"to !hi)1L 0on A")en , ite!: LOn the e0ening o$ 4"nu" # 9'1+8991 the d"# ,hen the C"*inet ,"! con!tituted1 I ,"! !t"nding *ehind Hitle on the *"lcon# o$ the ne, Ch"ncelle #( He ,e e ,"tching "n endle!! ) oce!!ion1 hund ed! o$ thou!"nd! o$ %en ,ho1 to ch in h"nd1 ,e e %" ching )"!t Hinden*u g "nd the Fuh e ( Hitle M! $"ce ,"! ec!t"tic "nd ,hen he tu ned to !)e"/ to %e1 the e ,"! " !o* in hi! 0oice( MHh"t " t e%endou! t"!/ ,e h"0e !et ou !el0e!1 He 0on A")en-(M LI ,"! h"))# to *e "*le to concu ((( MYou " e " !oldie 1 He 0on A")enM he !"id to %e1 M!o #ou /no, th"t one h"! "l,"#! to %" ch ,ith the l" ge!t "nd !t onge!t *"tt"lion!( I$ #ou "nd I %" ch togethe 1 ,e " e "!!u ed o$ " %"Co it# "nd con!eIuentl# o$ !ucce!!-M L Ye!1 indeed1 Hitle %" ched ,ith the !t onge!t *"tt"lion!R he %" ched "! " Ro%"ni!t in " Ro%"n C"tholic " %#- Much %o e 0"lu"*le %"te i"l could *e gle"ned $ o% A" i!M *oo/!1 *ut let u! tu n to "nothe "utho ,ho ,ill 0e i$# Ri0e "( >o, ,e loo/ "t Peter?s $omb Recently Discovere! In 'erusalem( *# F( A"ul Aete !on( In hi! $ou th edition1 +8<+1 )"ge ?91 ,e " e told: LBut !o%e ,ill !"# th"t C"tholici!% *elie0e! in Dod( Ho, c"n the# e"ll# *elie0e in Dod "nd %u de ?8 %illion )eo)le "nd continue to %u de Ch i!ti"n! to thi! 0e # d"# in Me@ico1 Colo%*i" "nd S)"inJ LE0en Hitle ,"! " C"tholic "! ,e e "ll hi! gene "l! "nd "d0i!e !( 7id the Ao)e e0e e@co%%unic"te Hitle o "n# o$ hi! gene "l! $o the!e c i%e!J >e0e - In $"ct1 "! I h"0e , itten in %# *oo/1 $he Rise An! %all 2f $he Roman Catholic Church( the Ao)e ,"! Cu!t "! %uch in the Second Ho ld H" "! ,"! Hitle "nd C"tholic Mu!!olini "nd the e$o e Cu!t "! guilt# o$ the %u de o$ !i@ %illion 4e,!( In $"ct1 Ao)e! h"0e *een in o in!tig"ted %o!t1 i$ not "ll1 the Eu o)e"n ," ! do,n th ough the centu ie!(L Let u! loo/ "g"in "t $he 0atican Mosco6 .ashington Alliance *# A0 o M"nh"tt"n( F o% the ch")te 1 LThe S,"!ti/" "nd the T i)le Ti" "1L ,e le" n:

LIn +8&81 the F"!ci!t go0e n%ent o$ It"l# "nd the 3"tic"n !igned the L"te "n Ag ee%ent "nd Mu!!olini g "nted the chu ch the e@t "o din" # ) i0ilege! it h"d "!/ed( All It"li"n *i!ho)! ,e e eIui ed to t"/e "n o"th o$ "llegi"nce to Il 7uce 5" ticle &' o$ the Conco d"t6( The chu ch h"d tu ned it! *"c/ on !oci"li!%1 ,hethe o$ " M" @i!t o o!ten!i*l# C"tholic /ind1 !iding ,ith "ntiGco%%uni!t )olitic"l $o ce! o$ Eu o)e( LThe %o!t 0igo ou! "nd )o,e $ul o$ the!e ,"! >"Oi!%( The 3"tic"n hel)ed Hitle to g"in )o,e "nd then hel)ed hi% con!olid"te hi! g i) on De %"n#( Thi! ,"! done in )" t# *# M"d0i!ingM the C"tholic A" t# o$ De %"n# to 0ote $o >"Oi c"ndid"te!( LThe C"tholic 0ote g"0e Hitle the %"Co it# he needed to leg"ll# $o % " go0e n%ent in +899( Fu the to thi!1 the 3"tic"n o de ed C"tholic %e%*e ! o$ the Reich!t"g A" li"%ent to !u))o t legi!l"tion gi0ing Hitle the )o,e to ule *# dec ee( Thi! %e"!u e g"0e Hitle the dict"to i"l )o,e he needed to de!t o# the De %"n Co%%uni!t!( LA$te the l", h"d *een )"!!ed1 the 3"tic"n o de ed the De %"n C"tholic A" t# to di!*"nd1 "! it h"d ) e0iou!l# co%%"nded it! It"li"n counte )" t to do *"c/ in +8&<( In e!)on!e to the 3"tic"n di ecti0e1 the De %"n C"tholic A" t# de%o*iliOed in the !u%%e o$ +899( LThe ,hole 3"tic"nGHitle *" g"in h"d *een conducted in !ec et *e$o e Hitle *ec"%e Ch"ncello o$ De %"n# in 4"nu" # +899( In 4une o$ the !"%e #e" 1 Hitle "nd the 3"tic"n !igned " Conco d"t1 unde te %! o$ ,hich the chu ch !,o e "llegi"nce to the >"Oi egi%e( He e " e the te@tu"l ,o d!: MI !,e" "nd ) o%i!e to honou the leg"ll# con!tituted i(e(1 >"Oi Do0e n%ent( I ,ill ende"0ou to "0oid "ll det i%ent"l "ct! ,hich %ight end"nge itM 5A ticle +? o$ the Conco d"t6( L MSoon "$te ," d1 C"tholic F "nO 0on A")en1 the !econd in co%%"nd to Hitle 1 )ut the e!!ence o$ the Hitle G3"tic"n "lli"nce 0e # !uccinctl# in the!e ,o d!: MThe Thi d Reich1M he !"id1 Mi! the $i !t )o,e ,hich not onl# ecogniOe!1 *ut )ut! into ) "ctice1 the high ) inci)le! o$ the A")"c#M 5Der 0ol4ischer &eobachter( 4"n(1 +89K6(L Ae %it %e no, to ) o0e $ o% $he *reat ilence Conspiracy( *# And e, Sincl"i th"t *oth Ri0e " "nd Chic/ " e ight on cou !e in ,h"t the# " e !"#ing( A"ge < o$ th"t *oo/let "!/!: LH"! Hitle " Ro%"n C"tholicJL Hitle 1 "n Au!t i"n1 not " De %"n1 ,"! the ) oduct o$ " Ro%"n C"tholic Leduc"tionLR hi! )" ent! ,e e !o clo!el# el"ted th"t "n e)i!co)"l di!)en!"tion ,"! nece!!" # $o the %" i"ge( He ,"! *o n "t the Hotel Pu% Ao%%e in B "un"u1 Au!t i"1 on A) il &'1 +==8( He ,"! *o n1 *")tiOed "nd * ought u) " Ro%"n C"tholic( 7 ( Hen # Aic/e 1 "utho o$ $he #itler Phenomenon( Engli!h t "n!l"tion1 )u*li!hed in +8<K1 Coined the inne ci cle o$ Hitle M! inti%"te! in +8K&( A"ge = o$ Aic/e M! *oo/ !"#!: Hitle Lne0e le$t the chu ch1 "l,"#! )"id hi! chu chG "te )unctu"ll# ((( E0e !ince hi! ti%e "! " choi *o# "t the Con0ent o$ L"%*"ch1 he h"d "d%i ed the Ro%"n chu ch ,ith it! o g"niO"tion1 it! ce e%onie!1 it! !#%*ol! "nd it! *"nne ! "nd he co)ied the!e $o hi! te%)o "l %ini!t # do,n to the !%"lle!t det"il!(L Anothe inte e!ting Iue!tion i! "i!ed "nd "n!,e ed on )"ge = o$ $he #itler Phenomenon= LHhe e ,"! the >"Oi A" t# $oundedJ It ,"! $ounded in Roman Catholic B"0" i" 5e%)h"!i! thei !61 De %"n#M! Ei eR it! he"dIu" te ! ,e e in Munich1 the 7u*lin o$ De %"n#(L >o, go *"c/ to Sincl"i M! *oo/let1 )"ge +': LHhen Hitle *ec"%e Ch"ncello 1 ,ho ,"! hi! 7e)ut# Ch"ncello J B" on Kon!t"ntin 0on >eu "th1 " Ro%"n C"tholic1 ,"! Hitle M! $i !t Fo eign Mini!te (L Fli) o0e one )"ge to )"ge ++ "nd #ou ,ill e"d: LHho ,"! the >"Oi chie$ ) o)"g"ndi!tJ The >o( I li" o$ the >"Oi A" t#1 the >"Oi Mini!te o$ A o)"g"nd"1 he"d o0e ) e!!1 "dio1 the"t e1 etc(1 ,"! 7 ( A( 4( Doe**el!1 "l!o " Ro%"n C"tholic( Kon!t"ntin1 7u/e o$ B"0" i"1 " Ro%"n C"tholic1 !"id in hi! *oo/1 $he

Pope1 )"ge << th"t Doe**el! M ecei0ed " 4e!uit educ"tion1 "ttended "n "c"de%# in C"tholic Rhinel"nd1 "nd ecei0ed the !chol" !hi) $o hi! t "ining $ o% " C"tholic in!titution(L Sincl"i goe! on to !"#: LDoe**el! ,"! t "ined *# the ,o ldM! %o!t * "Oen li" !(L He Iuote "g"in $ o% )"ge +: o$ the !"%e !ou ce: LH"! Bo %"nn " Ro%"n C"tholicJ The )l"#1 THE 3ICAR1 *# Rol$ Huchhuth1 i! not $ictionR it i! "! "ccu "te hi!to ic"ll# "! "n# hi!to # *oo/( In the U(S( edition o$ the )l"#1 Huchhuth gi0e! ?? )"ge! o$ docu%ent"tion( It h"! long *een /no,n th"t Doe**el! !tudied $o the ) ie!thood( The Au!t i"n F"!ci!t1 7oll$u!!1 "l!o !tudied $o the ) ie!thood( But Rol$ Huchhuth !"#!1 LHitle 1 Doe**el!1 Bo %"nn1 K"lten* unne 1 Hoe!!(((!tudied $o the ) ie!thood(L So Ri0e " ,"! not , ong in hi! cl"i%!( He ,"! telling the )l"in t uth1 "! %"n# e)ut"*le !ou ce! 0e i$#( He %u!t "d%it1 though1 ,e c"n ce t"inl# unde !t"nd ,h# the Ro%"n C"tholic in!titution i! !o u)!et th"t he i! * inging to light the!e )" ticul" $"ct! o$ hi!to #(

Charge :o< ;8= It is 6rong to say that !eath camps 6ere run by Roman Catholic priests an! mon4s an! that they follo6e! the policy of the In/uisition to e3amine heretics<

Ans6er= LHitle hi%!el$ o$ten !t"ted th"t hi! %ento in "ntiGSe%iti!% ,"! the Ro%"n C"tholic chie$ l"# conducto o$ )olitic"l Ro%"n C"tholici!% in Au!t i"1 7 ( K" l Luege 1 *u ge %"!te o$ 3ienn" "nd le"de o$ the Ch i!ti"n Soci"l A" t#(L
Ag"in $ o% $he #itler Phenomenon( )"ge ++: LHho ,e e the ) inci)"l >"Oi %u de e !J Hi%%le 1 he"d o$ the De!t")oR He#d ich1 hi! ightGh"nd %"nR K"lten* unne 1 ,ho !ucceeded He#d ichR Muelle "nd F "n/1 "ll Ro%"n C"tholic! *# *i th "nd u)* inging( LHoe!!1 the Co%%"nd"nt o$ the in$"%ou! Au!ch,itO1 ,"! "l!o " Ro%"n C"tholic( The $i !t concent "tion c"%) ,"! !et u) *# Hi%%le "t 7"ch"u1 Munich( LHein ich Hi%%le h"d "n uncle ,ho ,"! " 4e!uit ) ie!t( Thi! 4e!uitGHi%%le di ecto J G ,"! " e!ted "t the end o$ the ," *ut he ,"! not t ied( He ,"! $ound de"d one %o ning in hi! cell( Hi%%le 1 li/e Doe ing1 che"ted the g"llo,! *# !uicide1 o !o it ,"! *elie0ed(L Ch" le! Highton1 "utho o$ He#d ichM! *iog ")h#1 #ey!rich( , ite! on )"ge &? th"t: LCont " # to the ,idel# held *elie$ th"t He#d ich ,"! " >o th De %"n A ote!t"nt1 he ,"!1 li/e %o!t o$ the othe >"Oi le"de !1 " Ro%"n C"tholic *# *i th( H"ng%"n He#d ich ,"! *o n1 *")tiOed "nd * ought u) " Ro%"n C"tholic in H"lle( Hi! $"the 1 " A ote!t"nt1 ch"nged hi! eligion ,hen he %" ied He#d ichM! ,ellG toGdo %othe ( >o, the!e $"ct! " e cle" enough "nd Iuite e"!il# *elie0ed1 e!)eci"ll# to A ote!t"nt! ,ho /no, Ro%"ni!% "! the c uel "nd *lood# %on!te th"t !he %o!t ce t"inl# i!( Much th"t i! !t"ted in Sincl"i M! *oo/ c"n *e 0e i$ied $ o% othe eli"*le !ou ce!1 !uch "! $he ecret #istory 2f $he 'esuits< Ho,e0e 1 !o th"t ,e c"nnot *e ch" ged ,ith u!ing one !ou ce "lone1 ,e ,ill ) o0e the 0"lidit# o$ Ri0e "M! cl"i%! $ o% "ddition"l !ou ce! "! ,ell( On )"ge! &K'G&K+ o$ $he 0atican Against "urope( ,e e"d:

LSo $" "! F "nce ,"! conce ned1 ,e h"0e no di$$icult# in *elie0ing th"t the !t"tu! o$ the 4e,! ,hich ,"! d ",n u) *# the go0e n%ent o*t"ined the 3"tic"nM! nihil o*!t"t( In thi! connection1 Leon Aoli"/o0 !u))lie! u! ,ith "n e@t "ct o$ " note $ o% Leon Be " d1 A%*"!!"do to the Hol# See1 to M" !h"l Aet"in: MI !t"ted th"t nothing h"d e0e *een !"id to %e "t the 3"tic"n th"t could h"0e *een inte ) eted "! " c itici!% o di!")) o0"l on the )" t o$ the Hol# See o$ the legi!l"ti0e "nd egul"ti0e "ct! conce ned(M And he "dd!: MThe ) o)o!"l $o Coint "ction1 $o %ul"ted *# the A ote!t"nt Chu ch o$ F "nce "t the ti%e o$ the "id! 54e, *"iting6 in the !u%%e o$ +8K&1 ,"! eCected *# the dignit" ie! o$ the C"tholic chu ch(M L The "utho then de!c i*e! ho, thou!"nd! o$ 4e,i!h child en ,e e " e!ted "nd !ent to the de"th c"%)!( He conclude! th"t )" ticul" !ection on )"ge &K+ ,ith the!e ,o d!: LThi! cle" l# !ho,! th"t the!e " e!t! ,e e !u*Cect to the deci!ion o$ the 3ich# go0e n%ent( >o,1 ,e h"0e "l e"d# !een th"t thi! go0e n%ent too/ no deci!ion in the %"tte ,ithout the con!ent o$ the Ro%"n Cu i"( Mu!t ,e !t e!! the o*0iou! conclu!ionJJL A"ge! &9=G&98 o$ the "*o0e %entioned *oo/ ,ill !ho, #ou th"t the >"Oi c"%)"ign into Ru!!i" ,"! " %ode n c u!"de1 !et u) to con0e t o )uni!h "ll he etic!1 Cu!t li/e the InIui!ition( The con0e !ion o$ Ru!!i"1 ,hich Ro%e h"d ho)ed to "chie0e th ough the Bol!he0i/ Re0olution1 ,"! no, "tte%)ted th ough the u!e o$ " $o eign " %#( LCount H"l/e 0on Ledocho,!/i1 4e!uit Dene "l1 ,"! di!)o!ed to o g"niOe1 on the co%%on *"!i! o$ "ntiG co%%uni!%1 " ce t"in deg ee o$ coll"*o "tion *et,een the De %"n Sec et Se 0ice "nd the 4e!uit O de U L3on Ledocho,!/i con!ide ed the $o thco%ing *ellico!e !ettling o$ "ccount! *et,een Ru!!i" "nd De %"n# "! ine0it"*le((( And the B"!ele >"ch ichten 5M" ch &<1 +8K&6 did not he!it"te to , ite: MOne o$ the Iue!tion! " i!ing $ o% De %"n "cti0it# in Ru!!i" ,hich i! o$ !u) e%e i%)o t"nce to the 3"tic"n1 i! the Iue!tion o$ the e0"ngeli!"tion o$ Ru!!i"(M LThi! i! con$i %ed *# F"the 7uclo! hi%!el$ in " *oo/ co0e ed *# the I%) i%"tu GM7u ing the !u%%e o$ +8K+1 Hitle "))e"led to "ll Ch i!ti"n $o ce!((( 5he6 "utho iOed C"tholic %i!!ion" ie! to go to the ne, e"!te n te ito ie! ((( L>o h"! it *een $o gotten th"t1 in F "nce1 C" din"l B"ud ill" t "nd Mg ( M"#ol de Lu))e ec uited the L(3(F( $o the c u!"de "g"in!t Ru!!i"(M L

Charge :o< ;;= It is 6rong to infer that the 'esuits forme! an! le! the !rea!e! 5stashi !eath s/ua!s in Augoslavia< Ans6er= Reg" ding the Ro%"ni!t )e !ecution o$ he etic! in Yugo!l"0i"1 ,e h"0e !o %uch %"te i"l it i! di$$icult deciding ,h"t to Iuote "nd ,h"t to le"0e out( I ,ill !t" t ,ith the *oo/let1 Ravening .olves1 *# the l"te Mi!! Monic" F" ell1 " con0e ted Ro%"n C"tholic( On the $ ont co0e ,e e"d: LThi! i! the eco d o$ to tu e "nd %u de co%%itted in Eu o)e in +8K+G+8K9 *# "n " %# o$ C"tholic Actioni!t! /no,n "! the U!t"!hi1 led *# %on/! "nd ) ie!t!1 "nd e0en )" tici)"ted in *# nun!( The 0icti%! !u$$e ed "nd died in the c"u!e o$ li*e t# "nd $ eedo% o$ con!cience( The le"!t ,e c"n do i! to e"d the eco d o$ thei !u$$e ing! "nd /ee) in %ind th"t it h"))ened1 not in the d" / "ge!1 *ut in ou o,n E>LIDHTE>E7 gene "tion( U!t"!hi i! "nothe n"%e $o C"tholic Action(L

R"the th"n Iuote the de!c i)tion! o$ the g ue!o%e %"!!"c e!1 o$ ,hich the *oo/ i! $ull1 I ,ill Iuote e0idence "g"in!t the Ro%"n In!titution( LStill $u the ) oo$ i! $ound in the e)o t o$ !e0en ) o%inent A ote!t"nt cle g#%en1 ,ho t "0elled $ o% the U(S(A( to Yugo!l"0i" to in0e!tig"te $o the%!el0e! "nd e)o t to thei $ello, count #%en thei $inding!( The!e !e0en in0e!tig"to ! ,e e: 7 ( D( E( Shi)le 1 edito o$ $he Churchman( "n E)i!co)"li"n( 7 ( E( S( Bu /e1 edito o$ Gion?s #eral!( o$ Bo!ton1 " Methodi!t( 7 ( D( H( Buc/ne 1 4 (1 edito o$ .orl! Call( o$ Indi"n")oli!1 7i!ci)le o$ Ch i!t( 7 ( A( A( Elliott o$ the Fi !t A e!*#te i"n Chu ch o$ B oo/l#n( 7 ( S( T e@le 1 $o %e A e!ident o$ the Luthe "n S#nod o$ >e, Yo /( Re0( C( Hilli"%!1 7i ecto o$ the In!titute o$ A))lied Religion1 Bi %ingh"%1 Al"*"%"( Re0( H( H( Meli!h o$ the Chu ch o$ the Hol# T init#1 "n E)i!co)"li"n(L LIn thei e)o t the# !"#: LA%ong the docu%ent! ,e e@"%ined ,e e g e"t nu%*e ! o$ o$$ici"l Ro%"n C"tholic ne,!)")e ! "nd )e iodic"l!1 $ "n/l# telling the !to # $ o% %onth to %onth1 o$ the A ch*i!ho)M! 5th"t i! Ste)in"c1 ,ho ,"! the A i%"te o$ the C"tholic chu ch in Yugo!l"0i"6 coll"*o "tion ,ith the >"Oi $o ce!( It !ee%ed o*0iou! th"t the e"!on $o thi! c"ndid eco ding o$ !uch coll"*o "tion ,"! due to the con0iction th"t De %"n# ,ould ,in the ," ( LThe docu%ent! !ho,ed th"t1 ,hen the It"li"n! "nd De %"n! !,e)t into Yugo!l"0i"1 unde g ound *"nd! o$ ) e0iou!l# o g"niOed Ro%"n C"tholic l"#%en1 c"lling the%!el0e! MC u!"de !1M "nd "ided *# indi0idu"l ) ie!t! "nd %ilit"nt %on/!1 o!e to ecei0e the in0"de !((( LA"0elich "nd Ku"te ni/1 ,ith the hel) o$ thei De %"n1 It"li"n "nd MC u!"de M !oldie !1 ) oceeded to c" # out the De %"nG!)on!o ed "ci"l ) og "%1 ,hich "d0oc"ted the !olidi$#ing o$ " C o"ti"n co%%unit# *# eli%in"ting !uch %ino itie! "! 4e,! "nd g#)!ie!1 educing the nu%*e o$ Se *! li0ing in C o"ti"1 "nd co%)elling tho!e e%"ining to tu n Ro%"n C"tholic( L>e" l# <'1''' o$ the ='1''' 4e,! in the enti e count # ,e e /illed o $o ced to $lee1 thei ) o)e t# *eing con$i!c"ted( &K'1''' Se *! *ec"%e B#O"ntine Ro%"n C"tholic! th ough $o ced con0e !ion!1 on )"in o$ de"th( Tho!e ,ho e!i!ted ,e e !hot o !t"**ed "nd thei *odie! th o,n into %"!! g "0e!1 ,hich ,e e !u*!eIuentl# $ound "nd o)ened( LHe !", hund ed! o$ !,o n de)o!ition! "tte!ting to the!e c i%e!1 %"de out *# el"ti0e! o e#eG,itne!!e!1 "nd "l!o1 in " $e, c"!e!1 *# !u 0i0o !( Se *i" Chu ch ) o)e tie! ,e e !eiOed "nd tu ned o0e to Ro%"n C"tholic )" i!he! "nd con0ent! ((( In the tot"l !t uggle in Yugo!l"0i" +1<''1''' %en1 ,o%en "nd child en )e i!hed(L I could e"!il# go on Iuoting )"!!"ge "$te )"!!"ge $ o% thi! e@cellent little *oo/1 , itten *# " t ue !"int o$ Dod1 "ll o$ ,hich ,ill con$i % e@"ctl# ,h"t Al*e to Ri0e " "nd 4"c/ Chic/ " e !"#ing( He ,ill conclude *# e$e ing to the ,ell docu%ented *oo/1 #olocaust In $he In!epen!ent tate 2f Croatia( *# 7 ( L"Oo M( Ko!tich1 )u*li!hed *# Li*e t# G Chic"go1 +8=+: LIn hi! e)o t d"ted Se)te%*e &K1 +8K+1 to Ri**ent o)M! Fo eign Mini!t # in Be lin1 7 ( De !ten%ei el"ted: MO thodo@ ci cle! in Se *i" " e dee)l# e%*itte ed *# C o"ti"n conduct( The U!t"!hi h"0e $o ced ten! o$ thou!"nd! o$ Se *! in C o"ti" to "cce)t the C"tholic $"ith( Tho!e O thodo@ ,ho e!i!ted eithe h"d thei th o"t! cut enG%"!!e 5thi! i! to *e t"/en lite "ll#6 o "ll thei ) o)e t# con$i!c"ted "nd the# ,e e e@)elled1 tot"ll# de!titute(M L Ag"in on )"ge += ,e e"d: LThe %"!! e@)ul!ion o $o ced con0e !ion o$ the O thodo@ to Ro%"n C"tholici!% ,"! on the "gend"( All %e"!u e!1 "i%ing "t the eli%in"tion o$ Se *do% in C o"ti" ,e e c" ied out unde the !log"n enunci"ted *# one o$ the C o"ti"n %ini!te !: MHe !h"ll %"!!"c e the $i !t thi d o$ the Se *!1 e@)el the !econd thi d $ o% the count # "nd $o ce the $in"l thi d to "cce)t the C"tholic $"ith1 ,he eu)on the# ,ill *e "*!o *ed *# the C"tholic ele%ent(M Thu!1 the %o!t o$$ici"l De %"n ci cle! )e !on"ll# ) e!ent in C o"ti" "t the ti%e "d%it th"t:

"( The %"!!"c e o$ !e0e "l hund ed thou!"nd Se *! occu ed: *( The o$$ici"l C o"ti"n )olic# ,"! to e$$ectu"te the di!"))e" "nce o$ Se *! $ o% C o"ti"( In " ,o d1 Lgenocide(L Much o$ the "*o0e in$o %"tion i! con$i %ed in t,o *oo/!: 5stashi 5n!er $he outhern Cross1 *# M( 4u Ce0ic1 )u*li!hed *# M( 4u Ce0ic( The !econd !ou ce i! the ,ell docu%ented *oo/1 $his Is Artu4ovic1 ) inted in Au!t "li" *# Co0en"nte A e!! $o A ote!t"nt Au*lic"tion!( I ,ill no, de!c i*e !o%e )hotog ")h! ,hich " e included in the *oo/ *# Ko!tich(

Page 7C7= Th ee co )!e!1 one o$ ,hich i! " ,o%"n %u de ed *# the C"tholic U!t"!hi( Page 7C>= The U!t"!hi c" #ing the !e0e ed he"d o$ " Se *i"n O thodo@ ) ie!t( Page 7CB= T,o )ictu e!: 5To)6 A )e"!"nt dig! hi! o,n g "0e( S"di!tic U!t"!hi !ho, hi% the /ni$e ,ith ,hich the# ,ill /ill hi%( 5Botto%6 A$te the Co* i! done( Page 7CD= A U!t"!hi ,ith " !"di!tic !%ile on hi! $"ce1 cho))ing o$$ " %"nM! he"d ,ith "n "@e( Page 7CD= The he"d o$ the C o"ti"n S(S(1 the %u de e A"0elic1 !t"nd! in the %iddle o$ C o"ti"n C"tholic cle g# in A) il1 +8K&( Page 7DD= The le"de o$ the U!t"!hi1 A"0elic1 "%ong C o"ti"n F "nci!c"n %on/!( Page 7DE= The F "nci!c"n1 Fili)o0ic1 "! " ) ie!t "nd in the othe )ictu e1 in U!t"!hi uni$o %1 "! Co%%"nd"nt o$ the concent "tion c"%) o$ 4"!eno0"e(

>o, ,e ,ill de!c i*e !o%e )ictu e! $ o% $he 0atican Against "urope< On )"ge! &&K "nd &&: the e " e !o%e )ictu e! !ho,ing: +( A $"%il# %eeting o$ the Aonti$ic"l Leg"te1 M" cone in the hou!e o$ A"0elic1 the %u de e ( &( A ch*i!ho) Ste)in"c "nd the Aonti$ic"l Leg"te1 M" cone1 "ttending " Milit" # )" "de in P"g e*1 !u ounded *# It"li"n1 De %"n "nd U!t"!hi o$$ice !( 9( Ro%"n C"tholic cle g# L*le!!ingL the !,"!ti/" $l"g(
Robert 0< 'ulien 5E@GM" #/noll %i!!ion" #6

$%s a &ormer priest' I consider Dr( Ri)era a precious *rother in Christ( His testimony is true and he genuinely lo)es the Catholic people( He tells them the truth' ris!ing their anger and his li&e that they might !no sal)ation($

Donna "uban4s 5E@GSi!te Su)e io 6

$I am no a true Christian' *y the grace o& God' a&ter +, years as a nun o& the Sisters o& St( -oseph( I can state' &rom personal !no ledge' that Dr( Ri)era is telling the truth a*out the Roman Catholic system($

Clar4 &utterfiel! 5E@G) ie!t6

$%&ter reading %./ERT0 I reali1ed I as not alone in my desire as a &ormer priest to *ring sal)ation to the millions o& capti)es o& the Roman Catholic system( I am honored to associate mysel& ith the ministry o& Dr( Ri)era($

Charge :o< ;7= It?s false to say that 'esuits= ;<H Prepare! %ifth Columns in Allie! Inon-A3isH nations( an!( 7<H Prepare! secret comman!o cells in the 5< <A< Ans6er= A0 o M"nh"tt"nM! $he 0atican Mosco6 .ashington Alliance( !"#! on )"ge &?:: LTo t"l/ "*out C"tholic $i$th colu%ni!t! !ound! di!c i%in"to #( Yet1 one gene "tion "go1 C"tholic %ino itie! hel)ed to de!t o# de%oc "tic Eu o)e( Thi! the# did *# coo)e "ting ,ith Hitle (L On )"ge &?? o$ the !"%e *oo/ ,e e"d: LAg"in1 ,ho ,e e g"the ed in!ide the T oC"n Ho !e! to hel) Hitle to))le the )olitic"l1 "nd1 #e!1 e0en the %ilit" # !t uctu e! o$ Belgiu% "nd F "nceJ Once %o e ,e $ind indi0idu"l C"tholic le"de ! o C"tholic g ou)! inti%"tel# connected ,ith the hie " chie! "nd the e$o e1 ,ith the 3"tic"n "nd Ao)e Aiu! BII((( In F "nce1 ,e %eet " A")"l /night1 Aie e L"0"lR " 4e!uit t "ined gene "l1 He#g"ndR "nd "nothe ) o%inent C"tholic1 M" !h"l Aet"in(((( I$ "cti0e C"tholic %ino itie! cont i*uted to the di!integ "tion o$ Eu o)e"n de%oc "c#1 "n "cti0e C"tholic %ino it# could do the !"%e in the United St"te!(L Fo con$i %"tion o$ the "*o0e1 !ee )"ge! +K'G+K+o$ $he 0atican Against "urope< Fo !ec et 4e!uit Lco%%"ndo cell!L in the U(S(A(1 !ee )"ge +98 o$ $he ecret #istory 2f $he 'esuits< Ag"in1 the cl"i%! o$ Ri0e " "nd Chic/ " e ) o0en to *e t ue( Th"n/ Dod $o tho!e ,ho h"0e the cou "ge to let the t uth *e /no,n "*out thi! g e"t ene%# o$ $ eedo% "nd Ch i!ti"n ighteou!ne!! G the Ro%"n C"tholic chu ch( 2fficial Certification Thi! i! " co)# o$ the l"!t o$$ici"l ce ti$ic"tion th"t ,"! gi0en to Al*e to Ri0e " Cu!t *e$o e he le$t S)"in in +8?<( He ecei0ed co)ie! in *oth S)"ni!h "nd Engli!h(

$he $actic Mo!t o$ the ch" ge! "g"in!t Al*e to Ri0e " h"0e *een di ect "tt"c/! "g"in!t the integ it# "nd 0"lidit# o$ hi! cl"i% th"t he ,"! " Ro%"n C"tholic 4e!uit "nd th"t hi! e@)e ience! ,e e genuine( Thi! ")) o"ch i! *ette de!c i*ed "! ch" "cte "!!"!!in"tion( It i! u!u"ll# u!ed in de!)e "tion *# )eo)le ,ho c"nnot hone!tl# e$ute the $"ct!( Tho!e ,ho u!e thi! ")) o"ch to c iticiOe 7 ( Ri0e " u!u"ll# *egin thei !t ing o$ lie! !t"te%ent! li/e1 L7et"iled e!e" ch h"! !ho,n th"t ( ( (L On occ"!ion!1 the# t # to "dd 0"lidit# to thei cl"i%! *# )ulling Iuote! $ o% co%) o%i!ing ecu%enic"l LCh i!ti"nL )u*lic"tion! th"t do not ,"nt to o$$end the Ro%"n C"tholic chu ch( The $"ct th"t Ro%e h"! e!o ted to 0iciou! "nd un elenting ch" "cte "!!"!!in"tion "tte%)t! "g"in!t Al*e to Ri0e " i! !o%e o$ the !u e!t ) oo$ th"t the cl"i%! he h"! %"de "*out Ro%e " e ight on the %one#( I$ hi! cl"i%! ,e e $"l!e1 the C"tholic hie " ch# ,ould h"0e ) o0en hi% , ong #e" ! "go "nd he ,ould !u el# h"0e $"ded li/e the !etting !un( So #ou !ee1 the Ro%"n chu ch it!el$1 *# it! 0e # "ction!1 ) o0e! th"t Ri0e " i! telling the t uth(

The eligiou! c o,d in 4e!u!M d"# h"ted Hi% *ec"u!e He e@)o!ed thei !in( Tod"#M! eligiou! c o,d ,ill de!)i!e #ou "! ,ell i$ #ou *egin !hining light on thei !in$ul ,"#!( Al*e to Ri0e " i! li0ing ) oo$( Con!ide thi! )o tion o$ !c i)tu e: MFo e0e # one th"t doeth e0il h"teth the light1 neithe co%eth to the light1 le!t hi! deed! !hould *e e) o0ed 5e@"%ined6(L 4ohn 9:&' >o ,onde the e h"! *een !uch " 0iciou! ) o)"g"nd" c"%)"ign "g"in!t 7 ( Ri0e "( Hho h"! !hone %o e light on Ro%eM! ,ic/ed d" /ne!! th"n thi! one %"nJ .ho?s Doing $he 9ying? It i! 0e # inte e!ting th"t the C"tholic chu ch ,ould "ccu!e 7 ( Ri0e " o$ l#ing1 $o ,hen it co%e! to telling out ight $"l!ehood!1 Ro%e le"d! the $ield( Ho, %uch t u!t c"n ,e )ut in Ro%eM! deni"l! o$ Ri0e "J >ot one *it1 e!)eci"ll# in 0ie, o$ the $ollo,ing1 ,hich co%e! $ o% Le!!on +< G LThe Lo0e "nd Se 0ice o$ M"nL $ o% $he Catholic Religion )u*li!hed *# The C"tholic EnIui # Cent e1 M" ou* "1 >(S(H( +8<8( It !"#!: LIt i! l",$ul !o%eti%e! to conce"l the t uth o )" t o$ it( The e " e occ"!ion! ,hen it ,ould *e h" %$ul to one!el$ o othe ! to tell the ,hole t uth( It i! not !in$ul to %"/e "%*iguou! !t"te%ent! o %"/e %ent"l e!e 0"tion! on ce t"in i!!ue! "! ,hen " )e !on i! *ound *# !ec ec#1 o i! Iue!tioned *# one ,ho h"! no ight to ce t"in in$o %"tion(L So Ro%e !"#! itM! )e %i!!i*le $o the% to lie ,hen it *e!t !e 0e! thei )u )o!e!1 #et the# conde%n Ri0e " $o *eing " li" ( Be!ide! *eing h#)oc itic"l1 thei )o!ition %"/e! " %oc/e # o$ !c i)tu e: L ( ( ( all liars( !h"ll h"0e thei )" t in the l"/e ,hich *u neth ,ith $i e "nd * i%!tone: ,hich i! the !econd de"th(L Re0el"tion &+: = L9ying lips " e "n "*o%in"tion to the Lo d: *ut the# th"t de"l t ul# " e hi! delight(L A o0e *! +&: && LThe!e !i@ thing! doth the Lo d hateJ #e"1 !e0en " e "n "*o%in"tion unto hi%: " ) oud loo/1 " lying tongue( "nd h"nd! th"t !hed innocent *lood1L A o0e *! ?: +?1+< In light o$ Ro%eM!1 !t"te%ent "*out l#ing1 I "!/ "g"in G ho, %uch c"n ,e t u!t thei cl"i%! "*out Ri0e "J 3e # !i%)le( >ot one *it( A oo$ th"t the C"tholic chu ch doe! indeed *elie0e th"t it i! )e %i!!i*le to Lconce"l the t uthL c"n *e $ound in thei nu%e ou! $"l!e "nd un*i*lic"l doct ine!( He e " e Cu!t " $e,:

+( Th"t M" # i! " Medi"t i@ *et,een Dod "nd %en ((( " lie(
5I Ti%oth# &::6

&( Th"t M" #1 the %othe o$ 4e!u!1 ,"! i%%"cul"tel# concei0ed ((( " lie(
5Ro%"n! 9:&96

9( Th"t the ) ie!t c"n $o gi0e !in! ((( " lie(

5I 4ohn +:86

K( Th"t Aete ,"! the $i !t Ao)e ((( " lie(

5Act! +':&:1&?6

:( Th"t the Ao)e i! in$"lli*le ((( " lie(

5Ro%"n! 9:&96

?( Th"t %one# )"id into it! co$$e ! c"n hel) !oul! "$te de"th ((( " lie(
5He* e,! 8:&<6

<( Th"t !"l0"tion i! to *e $ound in he "lone ((( " lie(

54ohn +K:?6

=( Th"t ) ie!t! c"n tu n " *i!cuit into the li0ing Ch i!t ((( " lie(
5He* e,! +':+'1 +&6

8( Th"t idol ,o !hi) 5i( e( c uci$i@e!1 o!" # *e"d!1 !t"tue!1 !"int!1 etc(6 i! ight ((( " lie(
5E@odu! &':KG:6

+'( Th"t Lhol# ,"te L c"n )e $o % %i "cle! ((( " lie(

5e(g(1 STATE AFFAIR ite% G 4"n(1 +8=?6

++( Th"t the C"tholic chu ch i! )oo ((( " lie( 5Re"d $he 0atican &illions( *# A0 o M"nh"tt"n(6 +&( Th"t !he !"0ed thou!"nd! o$ 4e,! in Ro%e du ing >"Oi occu)"tion (((( " lie( 5Re"d the t uth on
)"ge &8 o$ the *oo/ $he 0atican Papers<6 >o,1 "$te con!ide ing the!e $e, Ro%e in!)i ed lie! 5%"n# %o e could *e gi0en61 c"n "n# )e !on ,ith " !ound %ind gi0e " !c ") o$ c edence to "n#thing thi! e0il !#!te% %ight !"# "*out %en li/e Al*e to Ri0e "J O$ cou !e notIn $"ct1 ,e ,ould go !o $" "! to !"# th"t i$ Ro%e "g eed ,ith Ri0e " in "ll th"t he !"#!1 then ,e ,ould *e highl# !/e)tic"l o$ the %"n ou !el0e!( Ro%eM! denunci"tion! o$ hi% onl# $u the e!t"*li!h the t uth o$ ,h"t he !"#!( .as he a 'esuit? A oo$ o$ the $"ct th"t Ri0e " ,"! in $"ct " 4e!uit c"n *e $ound th ough !e0e "l ite%!1 including:

Hi! S)"ni!h Identit# C" d( A lette o$ "utho iO"tion *# the A ch*i!ho) o$ M"d id G Alc"l"( Aictu e! !ho,ing hi% in ) ie!tl# g" * in " )" i!h !chool(

Hith ) oo$ li/e thi!1 the C"tholic chu ch c"nnot !i%)l# di!%i!! it "ll "nd !"# th"t he ne0e e"ll# *elonged to thei !#!te%( The ) oo$ i! "0"il"*le $o "ll to e@"%ine G ) oo$ "! good "! "n# %"n c"n )o!!i*l# ) oduce( It i! inte e!ting to note th"t e@GRo%"ni!t! li/e $o %e M" #/noll %i!!ion" # Ro*e t 3( 4ulien1 $o %e Si!te Su)e io 7onn" Eu*"n/! "nd $o %e ) ie!t Cl" / Butte $ield "ll "g ee th"t "cco ding to thei e@ten!i0e e@)e ience! in the C"tholic chu ch1 Ri0e "M! cl"i%! " e t ue( Anothe inte e!ting $"ct i! th"t %"n# e@GRo%"n C"tholic! ,ho " e t ul# !"0ed *# the g "ce o$ Dod h"0e no ) o*le% in "g eeing ,ith Ri0e "M! cl"i%!( The# /no, ,h"t the Ro%"n C"tholic !#!te% i! li/e $ o% )e !on"l e@)e ience( It !ee%! th"t tho!e Ch i!ti"n! ,ho *elie0e the lie! Ro%e i! ci cul"ting "*out Ri0e " h"0e *een %"de d un/ ,ith the ,ine o$ he $o nic"tion "nd c"nnot di!ce n *et,een t uth "nd $"l!ehood( O$ cou !e1 Ro%e ,ill den# Ri0e "M! e@)o!u e o$ he e0il !#!te%( 7id !he not t u%) u) $"l!e ch" ge! "g"in!t ChiniIu# ,hen he e@)o!ed he J Re"d %ifty Aears In $he @Church@ 2f Rome "nd let th"t t uth g i) #ou he" t(

Hh"t "*out the $"%ou! 7 e#$u! A$$"i 1 ,hich di0ided F "nce *e$o e the tu n o$ the l"!t centu #J F"l!e docu%ent! ,e e ) o0ided to conde%n "n innocent %ilit" # o$$ice to li$e in ) i!on( Acco ding to Ed%ond A" i! in ch")te = o$ hi! *oo/1 $he ecret #istory 2f $he 'esuits( it ,"! the Ro%"n in!titution ,hich ,"! *ehind the ,hole !ic/l# "$$"i ( The Bi*le tell! u! to e@)ect !uch " e"ction $ o% tho!e ,ho " e !e 0"nt! o$ d" /ne!!( Hhen 4e!u! e@)o!ed the $"l!e eligiou! !#!te% o$ Hi! d"#1 He ,"! c uci$ied( It %u!t not *e $o gotten th"t Lhol# %othe chu chL cl"i%! ne0e to ch"nge( A! $" "! he c"%)"ign o$ lie! "nd dece)tion i! conce ned1 ,e $ull# "g ee ,ith he ( She h"! ne0e ch"nged he l#ing ,"#!( F o% the e"ding o$ good !ound A ote!t"nt *oo/!1 ,e !oon le" n th"t Ro%eM! hi!to # i! ) egn"nt ,ith e@"%)le! o$ the u!e o$ ch" "cte "!!"!!in"tion to de!t o# he ene%ie! ,hen "ll el!e h"! $"iled to di!c edit the%( Coul! Protestants 'ustify ,illing? Could t ue *lood ,"!hed A ote!t"nt!1 eithe o$ tod"# o o$ the )"!t1 co%%it the !"%e heinou! c i%e! the C"tholic chu ch h"!1 "nd not *e e@)o!edJ E@"%ine the hi!to # o$ the A ote!t"nt!: +( Hhich o$ the g e"t A ote!t"nt Re$o %e ! ,"! guilt# o$ the to tu e "nd %u de o$ ten! o$ thou!"nd! o$ innocent )eo)le in the )"!tJ &( H"0e %en li/e Hu!!1 Luthe 1 C"l0in1 Kno@1 C "n%e 1 Ridle#1 L"ti%e 1 o %o e ecentl#1 He!le# o Hhite$ield1 " eco d o$ to tu e "nd %u de to thei c editJ Hhe e o ,hen did the!e %en *oldl# ) ocl"i% th"t the chu ch h"! the ight to /ill tho!e ,ho di!"g ee ,ith the%J 9( In ,hich A ote!t"nt chu chM! " ticle! o$ $"ith ,ill #ou $ind " ) o0i!ion %"de to e@te %in"te tho!e o$ di$$e ent )e !u"!ionJ He %u!t not con$u!e1 $o e@"%)le1 the e@ecution o$ Ro%"ni!t! ,ho too/ )" t in the Dun)o,de Alot1 "nd ,ho ,e e !u*!eIuentl# )uni!hed *# King 4"%e! $o thei c i%e!( He %u!t not con$u!e e@"%)le! li/e thi! ,ith the e@te %in"tion o$ !o c"lled he etic! *# the Ro%"n In!titution( Ro%"ni!t! ,e e e@ecuted $o c i%e! "g"in!t leg"l go0e n%entR A ote!t"nt! ,e e )ut to de"th $o thei $"ith in Dod "nd Hi! Ho d( Tho!e " e t,o 0e # di$$e ent !et! o$ ci cu%!t"nce!( Let u! ne0e $o get:

The Re$o %e ! c ied out "g"in!t thi! e0il !#!te%( Tho!e ,ho h"0e ecentl# le$t the Ro%"n $old "g ee ,ith ,h"t Al*e to !"#!(

Hhe e " e tod"#M! genuine *lood ,"!hed A ote!t"nt!J Thou!"nd! ,ho h"0e *een edee%ed *# the *lood o$ Ch i!t !hould *e !t"nding $"ith$ull# *e!ide Ri0e " "nd Chic/ in thei e$$o t! to e@)o!e thi! "ntiGch i!t eligiou! !#!te%( It %u!t ne0e *e $o gotten th"t "! " deno%in"tion1 Ro%e cl"i%! th"t !he i! the one "nd onl# t ue chu ch( She contend! th"t the C"tholic chu ch ,"! !et u) *# Ch i!t ,ho le$t "! Hi! !ucce!!o 1 Aete 1 the Ao)e "nd uni0e !"l he"d( She cl"i%! th"t out!ide o$ he 1 the e i! no !"l0"tion( Thi! i! culti!% in it! %o!t " og"nt "nd de0ili!h $o %( Hh"t " !"d !t"te o$ "$$"i ! ,e h"0e e"ched ,hen !u))o!ed Bi*le *elie0ing Ch i!ti"n )eo)le ,ill !ide ,ith " l#ing "ntiGch i!t !#!te% li/e thi! "g"in!t " %"n ,ho i! ende"0o ing to e@)o!e he $"l!e te"ching!( $" $IM2:I"

2y Catholic neigh*ors researched the truth in %./ERT0 and D03/.E4CR0SS &rom their o n church li*rary( They le&t their church' announcing to us' 5We are no longer Catholics($ Al*"n#1 DA I sent my *rother %./ERT0 and D03/.E4CR0SS( He as pulled one ay and *ac! another &or a couple o& ee!s and &inally' &ollo ing the steps in the *ac! o& the comics' ac!no ledged his sin and as!ed Christ to sa)e him( .i!e mysel&' he as a Roman Catholic' *ut no is a Child o& God( Ro**in!0ille1 >C I had t o &riends ho read %./ERT06 one o& them as outraged' *ut no *oth o& them are sa)ed and attending a /i*le *elie)ing church( /oth o& them ere Roman Catholics( Roc/ Hill1 SC 2y *rother *oldly too! my mother (a strict Catholic7 a copy o& %./ERT0' &or hich I got a&ter him( I &elt that it ould anger and alienate her( IT .ED HER T0 C%.8%R9: She is no in His ser)ice' has read her /i*le &rom co)er to co)er in less than &our ee!s' and is itnessing to all o& her &riends( L" edo1 TB

Chapter +
Private Investigation of Alberto Follo,ing " e the !i@ title! in " !e ie! o$ C u!"de ! co%ic *oo/! )u*li!hed *# Chic/ Au*lic"tion!1 ,hich " e *"!ed on in$o %"tion th"t ,"! !u*%itted *# e@G4e!uit ) ie!t1 Al*e to Ri0e ":

ALBERTO ((((((((((((((((((( Al*e to1 A" t One 7OUBLEGCROSS(((((((( Al*e to1 A" t T,o THE DO7FATHERS(((( Al*e to1 A" t Th ee THE FORCE(((((((((((((((( Al*e to1 A" t Fou FOUR HORSEME>(((( Al*e to1 A" t Fi0e THE AROAHET(((((((((((( Al*e to1 A" t Si@

A! " e!ult o$ the nu%e ou! "ccu!"tion! th"t ,e e %"de "g"in!t the C"tholic chu ch in the!e co%ic!1 the !u))o!ed Ch i!ti"n )e iodic"l1 Christianity $o!ay( unle"!hed " !c"thing ch" "cte "!!"!!in"tion o$ Al*e to Ri0e "( Since the# could not e$ute the $"ct! he ) e!ented1 the# did the onl# thing the# couldR di!c edit hi! te!ti%on# *# "tt"c/ing hi% )e !on"ll#( To dete %ine i$ the ch" ge! "g"in!t 7 ( Ri0e " th"t ,e e ) inted in Christianity $o!ay ,e e 0"lid o not1 the C"n"di"n A ote!t"nt Le"gue 5,hich i! not "$$ili"ted ,ith Al*e to Ri0e " o 4"c/ Chic/ in "n# ,"#6 conducted thei o,n in0e!tig"tion o$ the!e "ccu!"tion!( The# ) inted thei $inding! in the Se)te%*e 1 +8=9 i!!ue o$ it! o$$ici"l o g"n1 $he Protestant Challenge< He h"0e e) oduced " )o tion o$ th"t e)o t he e to $u the !u*!t"nti"te the $"ct th"t Al*e to Ri0e " i! in $"ct $o e"l: LBoo/let! ) oduced in co%ic $o % *# Chic/ Au*lic"tion! in coo)e "tion ,ith 7 ( Al*e to M( R( Ri0e " 50iO(: ALBERTO1 7OUBLEGCROSS1 THE DO7FATHERS1 SABOTADE1 THE BID BETRAYAL1 "nd %o e ecentl#1 THE FORCE6 h"0e e@cited "ng # e!)on!e! $ o% the Ro%"n C"tholic hie " ch# "c o!! thi! continent( The !"id )u*lic"tion! h"0e *een c"lled h"te ) o)"g"nd"1 "nd de%"nd! h"0e *een %"de th"t the# *e *"nned( The!e " e $"%ili" de%"nd!1 u!ed $o gene "tion! "g"in!t tho!e ,ho h"0e d" ed to e@)o!e "nd o))o!e the $"l!e cl"i%!1 doct ine! "nd ) "ctice! o$ Ro%"n C"tholici!%( LThe *oo/! h"0e *een de!c i*ed *# )")"l e) e!ent"ti0e! 5"! ,ell "! *# tho!e du)ed *# 4e!uit ) o)"g"nd"6 "! M"*!u d1 *igoted1 " co%ed# o$ e o !1 conde%ning out o$ h"t ed1 d"nge ou! to the c"u!e o$ Ch i!t1 di!gu!ting1 di!to tion o$ t uth1 e0il !)i it in!)i ed1 $"l!e1 $ilth#1 h"t ed1 hog,"!h1 le,d1 lie!1 %"liciou!1 )l"#ing $"!t "nd loo!e ,ith t uth1 S"t"n )o!!e!!ed1 !h"%e$ul1 !)i itu"l )o nog ")h#1 t "!h1 !tu)idit#1 ugl#1M "! ,ell "! M,o /ing $o the 7e0il "nd not 4e!u!1 i%%o "l "nd indecent-M LCh i!ti"n *oo/!to e! h"0e *een co"@ed1 ",ed "nd th e"tened into di!continuing !"le! o$ the C u!"de ! !e ie!1 "nd e0e # othe )iece o$ %"te i"l )u*li!hed *# Chic/ G e0en it! Do!)el t "ct!( LAt the he"d o$$ice o$ the C"n"di"n A ote!t"nt Le"gue1 ,e h"0e "tt "cted " little %o e th"n ou !h" e o$ "ttention1 innuendo "nd th e"t *# leg"l "nd othe %e"n!( 5He onl# !t" ted to h"ndle the %"te i"l ,hen ,e *ec"%e "," e o$ the "gg e!!i0e c"%)"ign to e%o0e it $ o% the !cene(6 T,o o$ the *oo/! ,e e *"nned $ o% ent # into C"n"d" on in!t uction! *# " 7i ecto o$ C"n"d" Cu!to%! "nd E@ci!e on the g ound! o$ Mi%%o "lit# "nd indecenc#(M He ch"llenged th"t out "geou! "ction in Cou t "nd the o de ,"! e!cinded( LE$$o t! h"0e *een %"de in othe " e"! to den# the u!e o$ the Ao!t O$$ice! to tho!e ,ho continued to !end the %"te i"l th ough the %"il!( He ,e e ," ned th"t " e)o t to the R(C(M(A( ,"! *eing %"de "g"in!t u!( LHe " e th e"tened *# the "))oint%ent o$ " stu!y committee( e!)on!i*le to the Atto ne#GDene "l o$ Ont" io1 "t the u ging o$ the o$$ice o$ the R(C( A ch*i!ho) o$ To onto1 to dete %ine ,hethe ALBERTO "nd 7OUBLEGCROSS !hould *e de!ign"ted "! MH"te Lite "tu e1M "nd ")) o) i"te ch" ge! l"id( He h"0e

*een 0i!ited *# t,o in!)ecto ! o$ Met o)olit"n To onto Aolice1 enIui ing "*out ou in0ol0e%ent1 "nd !)e"/ing o$ the )o!!i*ilit# o$ "ction "g"in!t u!( LHe %"de no e$$o t to hide "n# o$ ou "cti0it#1 *ut "d%itted $ eel# th"t ,e ,e e !elling the ite%! the# ,e e "!/ing "*out( He e)e"ted to the% ,h"t ,e h"d told othe !: ,e ,ould ,elco%e " ch" ge *eing l"id "g"in!t u! unde the H"te A o)"g"nd" Section o$ C"n"d"M! c i%in"l code( LHe *elie0e th"t ,hen "n# ) e!!u e g ou) c"n !ucce!!$ull# inti%id"te "ll Ch i!ti"n *oo/!elle ! "c o!! C"n"d" into e$ "ining to !ell ce t"in lite "tu e *ec"u!e it i! OFFE>SI3E to !o%e1 then !u el# !o%eone ought to *e e"d# to $ocu! "ttention on !uch " th e"t to $"ith "nd $ eedo% in thi! l"nd o$ ou !( LHe " e ) e)" ed to t"/e th"t "ction( LHe h"0e *een e%inded o$ the )o!!i*ilit# o$ " S?1'''('' $ine o " t,o #e" ) i!on !entence( He h"0e in!i!ted1 i$ "nd ,hen thi! !hould t"/e )l"ce1 th"t no one ,ill )"# the $ine- Ae h")! thi! ,ill " ou!e ")"thetic C"n"di"n! G "nd ")"thetic Ch i!ti"n!( LOne ,ould e@)ect Ro%"n C"tholic! 5$eeling thei o,n in!titution! ,e e "!!"iled6 to "ll# e0e # e$$o t to o$$!et the %o!t e$$ecti0e1 $ uit$ul h" 0e!t the !"id lite "tu e i! "*le to e)o t1 *ut the %o e t "gic $o % o$ "tt"c/ $ o% tho!e ,ho glo # in the l"*el o$ Me0"ngelic"l Ch i!ti"n!M %"/e! !"d e"ding indeed@Christian Rea!er( Cornerstone "nd 2ur un!ay 0isitor( )u*li!hed "n " ticle "utho ed *# D" # MetO entitled1 MThe Unco%ic"l Al*e to Ri0e "1M " ) o%inent " ticle in Christianity $o!ay< LMo e ecentl#1 "n e$$o t *# B i"n On/en in %or6ar!( the o$$ici"l o g"n o$ Ch i!ti"n Re!e" ch In!titute1 "))e" ed unde the title1 MAl*e to: The T uth A*out Hi! Sto #(M In thi! M!tud#1M 7 ( Ri0e "1 the con0e ted 4e!uit ) ie!t1 i! e) e!ented "! *eing " di!hone!t $ "ud( A e"! " e n"%ed in the United St"te! ,he ein Al*e to ,"! "llegedl# *eing !ought $o Iue!tioning( LThe " ticle! de%"nd " e!)on!e $ o% tho!e ,ho " e Ce"lou! in contending $o the $"ith "nd to con!e 0e ou $ eedo%( Conce ned Ch i!ti"n! ,i!h to he" "n!,e ! to !e0e "l Iue!tion!: LI! 4"c/ Chic/ " tot"ll# i e!)on!i*le )u*li!he J LI! Al*e to Ri0e " the l#ing !en!"tion"li!t he i! c" ic"tu ed "! *eingJ LI! Al*e to t ul# DodM! in!t u%ent $o ou d"# to * ing "*out the longedG$o e","/ening "%ong du)ed Ro%"n C"tholic!1 !o th"t the# c"n *e t ul# ,on to 4e!u! Ch i!t "! Lo d1 S"0iou 1 Medi"to "nd Ad0oc"teR to the Bi*le "! the Ho d o$ Dod1 "utho it"ti0e1 $ ee $ o% e o 1 in!)i ed1 "nd eli"*le to Cudge "ll othe "utho itie!R "nd di ecting )eo)le to co%e out o$ "n o g"niO"tion th"t i! "ntiGCh i!ti"nJ LHh# the te i*le "*u!e "nd "tt"c/ u)on the!e t,o * eth enJ LHh# h"! !o%eone not $ollo,ed u) on !o%e o$ the ch" ge! %"deJ C"n ,e not "n"l#Oe the ch" ge!J C"n ,e not $o en!ic"ll# "n"l#Oe the ch" ge! %"deJ LHill the %en "nd %"g"Oine!1 h"iled *# %"n# "! "utho it"ti0e in the $ield o$ e0"ngeli!%1 "llo, u! to e@"%ine thei ch" ge!J He ,"nt to /no, i$ the# h"0e " c"!e "t "llLI$ thei ch" ge! c"n *e logic"ll# "nd e0identi"ll# !u))o ted1 !o th"t ,e %u!t !ee 7 ( Ri0e " "! guilt# *e#ond " e"!on"*le dou*t1 then ,e %u!t eGe@"%ine ou o,n )o!ition "nd "lte ou !t"nce o$ !u))o ting Chic/ "nd Ri0e "(

L>o, G ,h"t i! cont"ined in the e@)o!e1 co%ing to u! in the!e " ticle!J Al"!1 the# " e *eing "cce)ted *# tho!e ,ho h"0e ne0e t"/en the t ou*le to thought$ull# "nd tho oughl# in0e!tig"te the ch" ge! "g"in!t the * eth en( LA e the!e c itici!%! de)endent u)on he" !"# e0idence1 u%ou 1 e)o ted in$o %"tion1 ch" ge! o$ $ "ud1 u!u"ll# eli"*le !ou ce!1 dece)tion1 cont o0e !#1 di!tu *"nce1 Iue!tioned eli"*ilit#1 unt uth!1 continu"l l#ing1 de$i"nce1 cont "dicto # te!ti%on# "nd ingenuit# in "tte%)t! to 0"lid"te hi! o,n !to #J Thi! i! the !o t o$ l"ngu"ge o$ tho!e ,ho !it in Cudg%ent u)on 7 ( Ri0e "( LC"n it *e th"t the ,i!h i! the )" ent o$ the thoughtJ 7o the!e "ccu!e ! ,"nt the !to ie! to *e t ueJ The!e " e the Iue!tion! c"lling $o de$initel# !t"ted "n!,e !R "nd th"t i! ,h"t ,e " e !ee/ing( "3amine $he ChargesK LThe!e %"g"Oine! G u)on ,hich !o %"n# )eo)le el# G %"/e !t"te%ent! conce ning 7 ( Ri0e " ,ith no ) e!ent"tion o$ !u))o ti0e e0idence( Thi! i! !o o*0iou!1 it i! di$$icult to "!!e!! the , iting! "ccu!ing the %"n( L>o,1 i%"gine ,e " e !itting in " Cou t o$ L", "nd !e iou! ch" ge! " e l"id "g"in!t Al*e to Ri0e "( The A o!ecution doe! it! ut%o!t ) e!enting it! ch" ge! "nd it! te!ti%on# !u))o ting tho!e ch" ge!( LThe 7e$ence Atto ne#1 i$ he con!ide ! th"t e0idence ,e"/1 ,ill %o0e th"t no c"!e h"! *een e!t"*li!hed1 "nd "!/ the M"gi!t "te to di!%i!! the ch" ge!( Should the 4udge "g ee1 the Accu!ed i! ele"!ed( He i! "!!u%ed to *e innocentLHe ,"nt to o*!e 0e the ch" ge!1 "nd con!ide ho, ,ell tho!e %"/ing the ch" ge! !u*!t"nti"te the%( Should the# not *e ) o)e l# !u))o ted in the ) e!ent"tion!1 then ,e "!/ th"t the# *e di!%i!!ed1 "nd th"t ")ologie! *e %"de to the * eth en ch" ged( The Bi*le tell! u! "! Ch i!ti"n!: M7o 0iolence to no %"n1 neithe "ccu!e "n# $"l!el#( A o0e "ll thing!1 hold $"!t th"t ,hich i! good( Ag"in!t "n elde ecei0e not "n "ccu!"tion1 *ut *e$o e t,o o th ee ,itne!!e!( In the %outh o$ t,o o th ee ,itne!!e! !h"ll e0e # ,o d *e e!t"*li!hed(M L7id the c itic! e"d Al*e toM! outline o$ the B"!ic Ste)! $ollo,ed *# the Ro%"n Hie " ch# to di!c edit "nd de!t o# "n# ,ho le$t thei "n/!J 7id the# ende"0ou to e@)o!e Ro%"ni!%M! e o ! "nd e0il ) "ctice!J 7id the# in!i!t th"t 4e!uiti!% i! not1 *# "n# %e"n! Ch i!ti"nJ LIn hi! de$ence "g"in!t ,h"t he de!c i*e! "! !l"nde ! le0elled *# $ iend "nd $oe "li/e1 Ri0e " c"ll! "ttention to(((unch i!ti"n "nd "ntiG*i*lic"l ch" ge! "nd "ccu!"tion! *# the he"d o$ the Ch i!ti"n Re!e" ch Cente 5,hich c" e$ull# "0oid! e!e" ch into the c i%e! "nd %"!!"c e! o$ the Ro%"n C"tholic in!titution6 th ough the in!t u%ent"lit# o$ " ticle! "))e" ing in(((Cornerstone "nd Christianity $o!ay <<< LAn hone!t1 decent )e !on1 e0en " nonGCh i!ti"n1 ,ill ecogniOe the 0"lidit# "nd c edi*ilit# o$ 7 ( Ri0e " "! " Ro%"n C"tholic ) ie!t- Hh# h"0e the!e c itic! con!i!tentl# "tt"c/ed Al*e to Ri0e " in!te"d o$ the doct ine! he e!)ou!e! "nd ) ocl"i%!J LM ( MetO !"#!: Al*e to !"#! he ,o /ed ,ith not"*le 4e!uit !)ie! !uch "! K"th #n Kuhl%"n "nd 4i% 4one!R #et no,he e "nd "t no ti%e h"! Ri0e " !"id he h"d ,o /ed ,ith eithe oneLThe c itic! tell u! th"t the !to # o$ Al*e to ,"! *"nned *# the Ch i!ti"n Re$o %ed Chu ch1 Ponde 0"n Au*li!he ! "nd The Southe n B")ti!t Sund"# School Bo" dR #et $"iled to "d%it th"t %"n# o$ the cong eg"tion! "!!oci"ted ,ith the!e th ee *odie! continue to !ell the C u!"de ! Co%ic! in Iue!tion(

LThe c itic! $"iled to "!/ the Ro%"n C"tholic hie " ch# ,h# the# ,e e u)!et *ec"u!e the " ticle! ,e e t ue1 $o *ec"u!e o$ the% thou!"nd! o$ $o %e Ro%"n C"tholic! h"d $ound 4e!u! Ch i!t "! Lo d "nd S"0iou 1 "nd ,e e co%ing out o$ Ro%eM! eligion( LHh# el!e !hould " ) ie!t on "n Indi"n Re!e 0"tion in >e, B un!,ic/ o de " $"ith %i!!ion" # to !t"# o$$ the Re!e 0e1 i$ it ,e e not th"t %"n# #oung n"ti0e "dult! ,e e e"ding o$ Al*e to th ough the co%ic! "nd ,e e co%ing to Ch i!tJ Thi! h"! *een t ue in He!te n C"n"d" "nd in !o%e )l"ce! in Ont" io( LHh# did not the c itic! "!/ the e) e!ent"ti0e! o$ the Ro%"n Chu ch ,h# the!e de%"nd! the# cu entl# %"/e to *"n $ o% ent #1 etc(1 unle!! it i! $o $e" o$ "n "ccele "tion o$ %"n# o$ thei )eo)le in thi! e@odu! $ o% Ro%eJ LHh#1 !)eci$ic"ll#1 " e the %entioned )u*li!he ! t #ing to "*oli!h the ALBERTO !e ie! $ o% "ll o$ thei outlet!J H"0e the# *een "!/edJ H"0e the# *een "!/ed ,hethe the loc"l Ro%"n Chu ch e) e!ent"ti0e! h"0e not "))e"led $o thi! *ec"u!e the# " e o$$en!i0e to the%J 5Thi! ,"! the e"!on gi0en *# the o$$ice o$ the To onto R(C( A ch*i!ho)(6 He " e told *# the c itic!: Ou in0e!tig"tion e0e"l! 5Ri0e "M!6 )olice eco d1 hi! in0e!t%ent !che%e!1 hi! *"d cheIueG, iting1 hi! cont "dicto # te!ti%on#1 hi! $"* ic"ted educ"tion eco d1 "nd hi! e)o ted $"%il# "*u!e( Yet the "utho o$ the!e ,o d! %u!t h"0e $o gotten !o%ething- He neglected to Iuote $ o% "n# cou t eco d! 5indeed doe! not %ention "n# !ingle Cou t eco d loc"tion1 "n# d"te!1 "n# c"!e nu%*e !1 "nd ch" ge! $iled1 ,hethe o not "n " e!t ,"! %"de1 "nd the $in"l outco%e o$ the le0elled ch" ge! "llegedl# %"de6( LRe)o ted "*u!e1 ne,!)")e cli))ing!1 %"g"Oine " ticle!1 !e0e "l " ticle , ite ! 5e"ch Iuoting the othe !61 ne0e %u!t *e unde !tood to *e 0"lid1 $"ctu"l e0idence c edi*le o$ "n#thing "t "ll- C itic"l %ention i! %"de o$ " college in S)"in $o ,hich Ri0e " 5"! " 4e!uit ) ie!t6 ,"! "utho iOed to collect $und!1 ,hen he ,"! not ) o)e l# "utho iOed to do !o( LThe " ticle! cl"i% th"t Ri0e " ,"! ne0e " ) ie!t( >o %ention i! %"de o$ the n"%e o$ the college1 o the !ou ce o$ the in$o %"tion to !u))o t the conclu!ion!( It ,"! o$$ici"ll# "g eed $ o% Ro%"n C"tholic !ou ce! th"t 7 ( Ri0e " h"d indeed *een "))ointed to "ct in the collection o$ $und! $o one %onth1 "nd !u el# he ,ould h"0e not *een !o u!ed ,ithout hi! ) ie!tl# c edenti"l! *eing chec/edMHe " e told th"t " %ini!te o$ The Chu ch o$ Dod o$ A o)hec#1 h"d e@)e ienced e%*" "!!%ent ,hen Ri0e " "llegedl# h"d , itten " cheIue on "n "l e"d# clo!ed "ccount( LYet no %ention i! %"de o$ the loc"tion o$ the %ini!te 1 o$ the *"n/! conce ned1 o$ the loc"lit# o$ the "i line de!/ co%)l"ining1 ,hethe the , ite ! h"d e0e !een " co)# o$ the cheIue1 ,hethe the clo!ed "ccount h"d ) e0iou!l# e@i!ted1 o to ,hich o$$ice o$ ,hich 7e)" t%ent the !"id %ini!te h"d , itten " co%)l"int( 5T ue1 the "ccu!e ! gi0e u! the n"%e o$ the %ini!te 1 *ut nothing el!e(6 LCh" ge! " e %"de o$ " hi!to # o$ leg"l ent"ngle%ent!1 cou t "ction!1 "ccu!"tion! o$ $ "ud1 ," "nt! i!!ued $o " e!t1 , iting o$ *"d cheIue!R #et no !)eci$ie! eg" ding co%)l"int!1 0it"l det"il!1 )olice eco d!1 )l"ce!1 he" ing!( >o e!ult! " e e)o ted "t "ll( LIndeed1 enIui ie! h"0e *een %"de *# the C"n"di"n A ote!t"nt Le"gue o$ e0e # one o$ the )olice Cu i!diction! %entioned *# the "ccu!e !1 "nd con!i!tentl# the e!)on!e h"! *een1 ,e h"0e ne0e he" d o$ thi! %"nLHe he" o$ "lleged incon!i!tencie!1 cont "diction!1 i%)o!!i*l# con$licting d"te!R #et ,e h"0e ne0e *een gi0en the !ou ce! o$ !uch in$o %"tion G lette !1 t")e!1 )hotoGco)ie!1 indi0idu"l!1 inte 0ie,!1 etc( G not e0en " ne,!)")e cli))ingLHe " e told: Al*e toM! cl"i% to h"0e *een " 4e!uit ) ie!t "nd *i!ho) i! denied *# Ro%"n C"tholic !)o/e!%en( The# !t"te the docu%ent! he e@hi*it! "! ) oo$ o$ thi! ) ie!thood " e little %o e th"n $o % lette ! gi0ing )e %i!!ion to t "0el "* o"d(

LHh"t el!e ,ould one e@)ectJ Su el# ,e ,ould not e@)ect Ro%"n C"tholic o$$ici"ldo% to "d%it th"t Al*e to Ri0e " i! telling the t uth "*out the% o thei 4e!uitic"l ) "ctice!- Ho, n"i0e " e ,e e@)ected to *eJL Thi! tho ough "nd hone!t e)o t1 ,hich ,"! ) oduced *# " !ou ce co%)letel# !e)" "te $ o% *oth Al*e to "nd Chic/1 !t i)! ","# the $"c"de "nd e0e"l! the $"ct! *ehind the !%o/e!c een( Al*e to Ri0e " i! e@"ctl# ,h"t he !"#! he i!1 " $o %e 4e!uit ) ie!t ,ho ,"! con0e ted to Ch i!t( The 0iciou! ch" "cte "!!"!!in"tion "tte%)t! %"de "g"in!t hi% onl# go to ) o0e the 0e "cit# o$ hi! !t"te%ent! "*out Ro%e(

Chapter ,
Ans6er $o Article In Christianity $o!ay Christianity $o!ay i! the title o$ " 0e # ecu%enic"l %"g"Oine( Though it i! !u))o!edl# " Ch i!ti"n )e iodic"l1 t ue Bi*leG*elie0ing Ch i!ti"n! ,e e not !u ) i!ed ,hen Christianity $o!ay "tt"c/ed Al*e to Ri0e " "nd the in$o %"tion he h"! ) e!ented( Th ee )"ge! o$ thei M" ch +91 +8=+ i!!ue ,e e de0oted to L) o0ing Al*e to to *e " $ "ud(L 7id the %"g"Oine hone!tl# *elie0e Al*e to to *e " $ "ud o ,"! the e "nothe e"!on $o thei "ction!J M"n# inte e!ting Iue!tion! " e "i!ed:

7id the# "tt"c/ Al*e to $o $e" o$ "nge ing thei Ro%"n C"tholic e"de ! "nd lo!ing %one# th ough $"lling !u*!c i)tion!J I! it )o!!i*le th"t the C"tholic! " e e"ll# in cont ol o$ the %"g"Oine "nd th"t the# o g"niOed the ,hole !%e" c"%)"ign to di!c edit Al*e to in the e#e! o$ tho!e ,ho *elie0e Christianity $o!ay i! e"ll# " Ch i!ti"n %"g"OineJ I! Christianity $o!ay e0en Ch i!ti"n to *egin ,ithJ

A! " e!ult o$ the %"g"Oine " ticle1 " $o %e Ro%"n C"tholic n"%ed 4"%e! M( Hou!ton , ote " lette to Christianity $o!ay in "n!,e to thei "tt"c/ing " ticle "*out Ri0e "( He e) int )" t o$ hi! lette "! $u the ) oo$ o$ the 0"lidit# o$ ,h"t Al*e to Ri0e " h"! !"id( Ale"!e /ee) in %ind th"t 4"%e! Hou!ton i! in no ,"# connected to eithe Al*e to Ri0e " o 4"c/ Chic/( A" t o$ hi! lette e"d! "! $ollo,!: LI h"0e e"d #ou th ee )"ge " ticle e@)o!ing 4( T( Chic/M! MAl*e toM to *e " $ "ud 5!ee Ch i!ti"nit# Tod"#1 M" ch +91 +8=+6( I ,ould li/e to %"/e the $ollo,ing co%%ent! on the !"%e ho)ing th"t Dod in Hi! !o0e eignt# ,ould "llo, thi! lette to *e ) inted 5in $ull6 in " $utu e i!!ue o$ Ch i!ti"nit# Tod"#: +( Con!ide ing the e0idence !et $o th in #ou " ticle1 though I $ind %"n# thing! !t"ted o$ ,hich Al*e to Ri0e " %"# o %"# not *e guilt#1 I c"n $ind no e0idence in the " ticle th"t ) o0e! hi% to *e " $ "ud1 unle!! o$ cou !e1 IM% %i!unde !t"nding the ,o d: M$ "ud(M You do !t"te ,h"t Ro%e he !el$ h"! to !"# "*out Al*e to( Hho in " ight $ "%e o$ %ind 5unle!! the# " e tot"ll# igno "nt o$ hi!to #6 ,ould gi0e heed to he ,o d! in the light o$ the $ollo,ing e0idence: "( He te"ching th"t Mthe end Cu!ti$ie! the %e"n!M "llo,! he the $ eedo% to lie1 Cu!t "! long "! it ) o)"g"te! he c"u!e( *( H( D( Hell!1 noted hi!to i"n1 in hi! *oo/1 Cru3 Ansata( !t"te!: A"ge +': GMRo%"n C"tholici!% i! " * o/en "nd utte l# de!)e "te thing1 c")"*le onl# o$ %"lign"nt %i!chie$ in ou ","/ening ,o ld(M A"ge +:: GMI thin/ th"t it !t"nd! $o e0e #thing %o!t ho!tile to the %ent"l e%"nci)"tion "nd !ti%ul"tion o$ %"n/ind( It i! the co%)lete!t1 %o!t highl# o g"niOed !#!te% o$ ) eCudice! "nd "nt"goni!%! in e@i!tence( E0e #,he e in the ,o ld the e i! igno "nce "nd ) eCudice1 *ut the g e"te!t co%)le@ o$ the!e1 ,ith the %o!t e@ten!i0e ) e!tige "nd the %o!t inti%"te ent"ngle%ent ,ith t "dition"l in!titution!1 i! the Ro%"n C"tholic Chu ch( It ) e!ent! %"n# $"ce! to," d! the ,o ld1 *ut e0e #,he e it i! !#!te%"tic in it! $ight "g"in!t $ eedo%(M

c( Lo d M"c"ul"#1 !"#! on )"ge :K= o$ hi! +=:& "ssays 2n Ran4e?s #istory 2f $he Popes=

It i! i%)o!!i*le to den# th"t the )olit# o$ the Chu ch o$ Ro%e i! the 0e # %"!te )iece o$ hu%"n ,i!do%((((The e@)e ience o$ +1&'' e0ent$ul #e" !1 the ingenuit# "nd )"tient c" e o$ $o t# gene "tion! o$ !t"te!%en1 h"0e i%) o0ed th"t )olit# to !uch )e $ection1 th"t1 "%ong the cont i0"nce! ,hich h"0e *een de0i!ed for !eceiving an! controlling man4in!( it occupies the highest place<? LBut e0en ,ith !uch " g e"t cloud o$ ,itne!!e!1 one %ight *e te%)ted to "!/ the $ollo,ing Iue!tion1 MH"! not Ro%e ch"nged ecentl#JM To "n!,e thi! %o!t 0it"l Iue!tion1 I tu n once "g"in to the %e!!"ge o$ 7( M" t#n Llo#d 4one!: MAh1 *ut1M #ou !"#1 Mh"! not the Ro%"n C"tholic Chu ch ch"ngedJ You " e !i%)l# loo/ing *"c/1 #ou " e !)e"/ing "! i$ #ou li0ed in the +?th centu # G donMt #ou e"liOe #ou " e li0ing in the &'th centu #J M# "n!,e i! Iuite !i%)le( The ) oude!t *o"!t o$ the Ro%"n C"tholic Chu ch i! thi!1 th"t !he ne0e ch"nge!1 Se%)e e"de%( Ho, c"n !he ch"ngeJ I$ !he ch"nge! !he ,ill *e "d%itting th"t !he ,"! , ong in the )"!t G *ut !he ,"! !"#ing then th"t !he ,"! in$"lli*le1 "nd th"t the Ao)e i! the 3ic" o$ Ch i!t "nd th"t he c"nnot %"/e " %i!t"/e( I$ !he !"#! th"t !he i! c")"*le o$ ch"nge !he i! den#ing he cent "l cl"i%- She doe! not !"# th"t !he i! ch"nging1 "nd !he ne0e ,ill( The Chu ch o$ Ro%e e%"in! the !"%e( I$ "n#thing1 !he i! e0en ,o !e( She h"! M"ddedM thing! to ,h"t !he t"ught in the +?th centu #1 !uch "! A")"l in$"lli*ilit#1 etc( >o1 the e i! no ch"nge in the Chu ch o$ Ro%e( And i$ the e e0e i! one g e"t ,o ld Chu ch1 it ,ill *e *ec"u!e the Chu ch o$ Ro%e h"! "*!o *ed "ll the e!t "nd !,"llo,ed the% in igno "nce-M LIn the light o$ "ll thi! e0idence1 !hould ,e gi0e "n# logic"l c edence to ,h"t Ro%e h"! to !"# "*out the )e !on! o$ 4"c/ Chic/ "nd Al*e to Ri0e "J Dod $o *idLSecondl#1 getting *"c/ to Al*e to Ri0e " "nd #ou "ccu!"tion "g"in!t hi% "nd the Chic/ o g"niO"tion1 I do not *elie0e th"t 4"c/ Chic/ ,ould Ceo)" diOe hi! ,ell g ounded %ini!t # ,ithout !o%e de$inite le"ding o$ the Hol# S)i it( Su el# he ,ould ne0e )ut hi%!el$ in !uch Ceo)" d# unle!! he ,"! Iuite !u e Al*e to ,"! genuine( L4u!t " !%"ll con!ide "tion o$ ,h"t Ro%e h"! done to tho!e ,ho e@)o!ed he in the )"!t tell! %e th"t Chic/ h"! l"id hi! 0e # li$e on the line( And ,h"t o$ hi! de" $"%il#J H"! he not "l!o Ceo)" diOed the%J LThi dl#1 I %u!t con!ide Al*e to hi%!el$( Hh# ,ould he "l!o )ut hi%!el$ "nd hi! de" $"%il# in !uch Ceo)" d#J Hh"t could he )o!!i*l# g"in *# !uch " %o0eJ >o1 logic %o0e! %e to conclude th"t he i! *eing led *# the Hol# S)i it o$ ou de" Lo d( Dod *le!! hi! * "0e he" tLFou thl#1 I %u!t con!ide S"t"nM! )" t in "ll thi!1 in the light o$ ,h"t 4e!u! !"#! in M"tthe, +&:&:G&?: LE0e # /ingdo% di0ided "g"in!t it!el$ i! * ought to de!ol"tion ((( And i$ S"t"n c"!t out S"t"n1 he i! di0ided "g"in!t hi%!el$R ho, !h"ll hi! /ingdo% !t"ndJM LIn the light o$ the %uch ) o0en $"ct th"t Ro%e h"! "l,"#! *een " de0ili!h !#!te% "nd the cu !e o$ e0e #thing it touche!1 I dou*t 0e # !e iou!l# th"t the 7e0il hi%!el$ ,ould "utho " *oo/ th"t "t le"!t h"! !t" ted )eo)le once "g"in thin/ing "*out the g e"t e0il o$ Ro%e( The 7e0il %"# not *e ,i!e1 *ut he i! !h e,d "nd cunning( LFi$thl#1 I %u!t "l!o con!ide the t ue1 hol#1 li0ing Ch i!ti"n! th"t I )e !on"ll# /no,( And though the# *e $e,1 #et the# " e in "g ee%ent th"t thi! i! o$ Dod( LSi@thl#1 though Ro%e h"! ) o0en he !el$ to *e the g e"te!t $ "ud e0e )ut o$$ on %"n/ind1 I do not ec"ll #ou %"g"Oine going to "n# g e"t length to e@)o!e he "! !uch1 e0en though !uch " %o0e on #ou )" t ,ould *e " %o!t *le!!ed *ene$it to "ll o$ %"n/ind1 e!)eci"ll# the *od# o$ Ch i!t(

LAg"in1 I %u!t "!/ the Iue!tion1 ,h# i! #ou %"g"Oine !o "n@iou! to e@)o!e de" Al*e toJ A good Iue!tion1 $o e0en i$ I thought $o " %o%ent th"t thi! *oo/1 ALBERTO1 ,"! !et $o th in ) eten!e1 could not %# he" t eCoice 5"! the A)o!tle A"ul doe! in Ahili))i"n! +: +=6 th"t once "g"in thi! M%othe o$ "ll !)i itu"l ,ho edo%!M i! *eing * ought "g"in to the "ttention o$ the TRUE !hee) o$ DodJ I %u!t !"# th"t I "% 0e # !u!)iciou! o$ #ou %oti0e in ) inting thi! " ticle( LAl!o1 I noted on the !econd )"ge o$ #ou " ticle ,he e the Ro%"n C"tholic Edito o$ 2ur un!ay 0isitor !t"te!: M(((The !"d thing i! th"t Chic/M! tie! " e h" d to e$ute(M It %"# *e th"t the# " e Mh" d to e$uteM !i%)l# *ec"u!e the# " e t ue- A%enLAnd l"!t1 I %u!t con!ide the $"ct th"t to %# e%e%* "nce 5"nd I e"d e@ten!i0el#6 I have never rea! anything against '< $< Chic4 5:$I9 he attac4e! Rome< The 7e0ilM! %"d "nd IM% !o gl"d- H"lleluC"hLI could go on1 *ut IM% "$ "id I %"# h"0e l"*o ed #ou too %uch "l e"d#1 !o I ,ill !to)( I do ) "# th"t thi! lette ,ill *e ecei0ed in the !)i it in ,hich it i! , ittenR "nd Dod ,illing1 %"# the t uth !et $o th in it e"ch the he" t! o$ %"n# 7EAR !oul!1 le!t the# end u) ,ith the %" / o$ the Be"!t( M"# Dod "l!o encou "ge #ou he" t to !e" ch thi! %"tte out diligentl#1 le!t #ou *e $ound to *e $ighting "g"in!t the 0e # S)i it o$ T uth1 Hi%!el$1 e0en ou de" Lo d( LH itten *# one ,ho lo0e! 4e!u! "nd h"te! the 7E3OUT ene%ie! o$ 4e!u! ,ith th"t AERFECT h"t ed th"t 7"0id !)e"/! o$ in A!"l% +98:&+G&&1 I e%"in1 So%eone ,ho i! ) "#ing $o #ou1 5(!igned6 4"%e! M( Hou!tonL In thi! lette 1 M ( Hou!ton "!/! !o%e 0e # good Iue!tion!( Fo e@"%)le: +( Hh# i! Ch i!ti"nit# Tod"# !o "n@iou! to conde%n " %"n ,ho i! e@)o!ing " $"l!e eligiou! !#!te%J &( Hhe eM! the ) oo$ to !u*!t"nti"te the "lleg"tion! th"t " e le0eled "g"in!t Al*e toJ The " ticle i! long on "ccu!"tion!1 *ut !olid ) oo$ i! con!)icuou!l# "*!ent( 9( Christianity $o!ay !"#! the C"tholic chu ch denie! th"t Al*e to ,"! e0e " ) ie!t( Hould #ou e@)ect the% to co%e out "nd "d%it th"t he ,"!J >e0e Hhile the " ticle ,"! de!igned to di!c edit "nd !%e" Al*e to1 " c" e$ul e"ding o$ it onl# ein$o ce! the in$o %"tion thi! !e 0"nt o$ Dod h"! ) e!ented( Conclusion In light o$ "ll thi!1 ho, c"n "n# hone!t )e !on *elie0e the Ro%"nGin!)i ed lie! "*out A( Ri0e " "nd 4( Chic/J He h"0e ) e!ented inde)endent e0idence ,hich he"0il# !u))o t! Ri0e "M! ch" ge! "g"in!t the Ro%"n chu ch1 e0idence ,hich c"n *e o*t"ined *# "n#one ,ithout %uch di$$icult#( He o$$e thi! ch"llenge to "n# !o c"lled Le@)e t on the cult!1L o "n# othe !/e)tic( Be$o e #ou "ccu!e the!e t,o $ine Ch i!ti"n * eth en1 $i !t get #ou $"ct! ight( Att"c/ing the cult! i! good "nd u!e$ulR ho,e0e 1 donMt $ocu! on the %ino cult! ,ithout e@)o!ing the *igge!t1 %o!t e0il "nd d"nge ou! one $i !t( Othe ,i!e1 donMt *e !u ) i!ed i$ t ue *o n "g"in Bi*leG*elie0ing Ch i!ti"n! 0ie, #ou e$$o t! ,ith !u!)icion( Be$o e #ou "ccu!e eithe o$ the% o$ Lh"ting C"tholic!1L $ind out ,h"t #ouM e t"l/ing "*out( It i! not h"te1 *ut t ue lo0e1 th"t %oti0"te! the!e %en to c # out to decei0ed lo!t !oul! )e i!hing in " $"l!e eligion( Hho i! guilt# o$ h"teJ Men ,ho t # to ","/en "nd e!cue the )e i!hing1 o )iou! eligiou! le"de ! ,ho decei0e %ultitude! "nd hel) )u!h the% into the ete n"l $l"%e! o$ hellJ

>o1 it i! neithe Ri0e " o Chic/ ,ho " e guilt# o$ h"te( The# " e to *e co%%ended $o thei genuine lo0e "nd co%)"!!ion $o the lo!t( I$ #ou c" e to di!cu!! h"te1 !tud# the hi!to # o$ the C"tholic in!titution( Thei )"!t i! e)lete ,ith "ct! th"t )e $ectl# de$ine the ,o d h"te(

God .o)es 9ou

Fo Dod !o lo0ed the ,o ld1 th"t He g"0e Hi! onl# *egotten Son1 th"t ,hoe0e *elie0e! in Hi% !h"ll not )e i!h1 *ut h"0e ete n"l li$e 54ohn 9:+?6(

%ll %re Sinners

Fo "ll h"0e !inned "nd $"ll !ho t o$ the glo # o$ Dod 5Ro%"n! 9:&96( A! it i! , itten1 EThe e i! none ighteou!1 not e0en oneF 5Ro%"n! 9:+'6(

-esus Christ: God"s Remedy &or Sin

Fo the ,"ge! o$ !in i! de"th1 *ut the $ ee gi$t o$ Dod i! ete n"l li$e in Ch i!t 4e!u! ou Lo d
5Ro%"n! ?:&96(

But "! %"n# "! ecei0ed Hi%1 to the% He g"0e the ight to *eco%e child en o$ Dod1 e0en to tho!e ,ho *elie0e in Hi! n"%e 54ohn +:+&6( Fo I deli0e ed to #ou "! o$ $i !t i%)o t"nce ,h"t I "l!o ecei0ed1 th"t Ch i!t died $o ou !in! "cco ding to the Sc i)tu e!1 "nd th"t He ,"! *u ied1 "nd th"t He ,"! "i!ed on the thi d d"# "cco ding to the Sc i)tu e! 5+ Co inthi"n! +::9K6(

0ur Response
I$ ,e con$e!! ou !in!1 He i! $"ith$ul "nd ighteou! to $o gi0e u! ou !in! "nd to cle"n!e u! $ o% "ll un ighteou!ne!! 5+ 4ohn +:86( Hhoe0e ,ill c"ll on the n"%e o$ the Lo d ,ill *e !"0ed 5Ro%"n! +':+96(

%ssurance %s a /elie)er
Th"t i$ #ou con$e!! ,ith #ou %outh 4e!u! "! Lo d1 "nd *elie0e in #ou he" t th"t Dod "i!ed Hi% $ o% the de"d1 #ou ,ill *e !"0ed 5Ro%"n! +':86( T ul#1 t ul#1 I !"# to #ou1 he ,ho he" ! M# ,o d1 "nd *elie0e! Hi% ,ho !ent Me1 h"! ete n"l li$e1 "nd doe! not co%e into Cudg%ent1 *ut h"! )"!!ed out o$ de"th "nd into li$e 54ohn ::&K6( But the!e h"0e *een , itten !o th"t #ou %"# *elie0e th"t 4e!u! i! the Ch i!t1 the Son o$ DodR "nd th"t *elie0ing #ou %"# h"0e li$e in Hi! n"%e 54ohn &':9+6(

Ne;t Steps
But g o, in the g "ce "nd /no,ledge o$ ou Lo d "nd S"0iou 4e!u! Ch i!t 5& Aet( 9:+=6( St "ightening u)1 4e!u! !"id to he 1 EHo%"n1 ,he e " e the#J 7id no one conde%n #ouJF She !"id1 E>o one1 Lo d(F And 4e!u! !"id1 I do not conde%n #ou eithe ( Do1 "nd !in no %o e 54ohn

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